(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

I think u misunderstood my post la...i mean, my bb does sleep abt 20 hours per day! the only time he wake up is around 8p.m. to midnite. the rest of the time, sleep and eat only.

wow...ur gal can drink so fast ah....hmmm...if it is not the teats problem, then must be because my boy don't like bottle? but he does suckle though... nevertheless, i will go buy size 3 teats for him to try. as long as he doesn't choke, faster flow is ok rite?

Yes, my baby is like yours. Put in cot only eyes big big and after a while, will gek and cry, and then as a result of her violent movements, will spit out milk! Sigh. Then carry her only, she will look as if she is sooooo sound asleep, but the moment I put her back on her cot, the geking, kicking and frustrated cries will start almost immediately!

Yes, I usu try to burp baby, but most of the time, she would fall asleep after feeding, so a bit hard to burp. However, these 2 days, after starting to feed her gripe water, it seems easier to burp her.
I think faster flow will result intake of air leh... I'm not too sure.

I did ask PD abt it when I had no.1, but she said not much help, so I nvr give lor. :p
alabone, vanessa,
thanks for the tips. i usually massage my breast while pumping, but not v. diligently lah, cos busy checking forum n emails at the same time. so far, no 2nd letdown yet.
nvm, will try harder next time.

my wrists also ache like crazy, n i'm not even latching on. :p agree with u, when bb is smiling or cooing at me, just melts my heart.

recently my gal also keeps regurgitating milk. it always occurs 1-2 hrs after her feed leh n occurs even after she burps. i change the diapers of my gal b4 each feed in the daytime. at night, she gets a new diaper at midnight n a new diaper when she wakes up in the morning, which can be anything between 7-9am. i'm such a lazy mummy.

roy is so adorable, holding a red packet some more. haha.

does ur bb hv oral thrush already? trying to remove oral thrush using handkerchief or a brush can cause bleeding. if u r just trying to prevent thrush, it's best to give bb some water to wash off any milk residue after each feed. foremilk won't help, cos u need to make sure bb's mouth is empty of milk after a feed. to prevent nipple confusion, just use a dropper to drip water into bb's mouth. if u prefer to clean bb's mouth personally, i think using disposable cotton gauze is more hygienic than using handkerchief. my bb's orthodontist also discourages the use of latex gloves when cleaning bb's mouth. concentrate on wiping the tongue n the inner walls of her cheeks, where bb trap a lot of milk. but fr experience, bb will hate to hv us insert our finger into her mouth, cos our finger is still so big compared to her mouth.
my method is the cruel method. let bb cry till she sleep. i actually let her cried for 45 mins! it was so loud tat i am worried my neighbour will call the police.
after tat she kinda got the msg liao coz since christmas she refused to sleep in the afternoon.
the past few days, i got her to sleep twice in the day.

i use avent teats no #2 since my ger's second week hm. as long as you see bb hv problem sucking, you can consider changing the teats. no need to follow the guideline.

quick quick get your hb to learn to bathe bb. i forced my hb to learn during the 1st week hm, he is a pro now!

my ger hv been spitting milk frequently. juz checked with PD, as long as bb is gaining weight, no problem.
PD taught me to try tis besides burping, we should not press on bb tummy after feed and we can also let bb sleep on the left side after feed if bb fell asleep right after feed.

my bb have never slept as much as 20 hrs in a day since she is born

so i dun believe tat bb sleep so much.
don't worry about the oral thrush, esp the tougue, when ur baby is four months u will see they start to suck their tongue and clean it
NO!! Microwaving the milk will cause all the nutrients / antibodies to be gone, jus need hot water to heat up can liao....

Ur hb so steady n gd....mine... after 3 kids, still dunno how n dare to bathe Reyna
regarding wasit ache. i also having that. very miserable leh. especially yday after bb shower hb aldy very tired he give up after sweeping the flr ask me to mop flr cos he aldy sweat like hell. sweep flr oni hor he can sweat until the back all wet one leh. very exaggerating one hor.. then i mop lor. after that of cos backache lar. then faster drink "bu yao jing" then MN wakeup for bb nite feed i at least can straighten my back else i sit down lie down also very pain & ache.

i hor.. very waste BM one leh. dun write down the date when i express it out.. then day time keep let bb latch on. so bm in fridge never got to use. then this moni cant cfm isit that EBM more than 48hrs so i throw it away.i knw can put freezer but everytime i do that i nid need & take longer time to thaw & heat up/.. OMG...
can use the tradtional way to heat up EBM in btl?? 100C water put in cup then het up? i saw from Pigeon that warmer say for BM best is 40 cos too high heat will cause nutrient to be gone lor like what u say lor. cos 40 is toooo slow when bb is realli very extreme hungry liao.
i am aiming to get my bb's 1st lip surgery done at 3mths, n so i MUST prevent oral thrush. but i agree with u, if bb doesn't hv to go for any surgery, oral thrush is a not a big deal unless bb run a fever or it interferes with feeding.
ohh yday full mth bb shower i din bring bb go down salon cut botak cos scare she ugly mah wait until nite then bring her down. but the salon aunty say at nite cannot let bb cut hair must be day time. so this moni bring her go down cut.. dun want open eyes but must make sure she is awake one.. so she closed her eyes having her hair & eye brow all trimmed. sooo pitiful leh.. now like "ni ku"...haha then a customer in the salon say my gal very "ai mei" quiet quiet let the aunty cut hair. i told her is gal "ben xing" to be ai mei..haha cos i kip telling my gal cut hair ar.. after cut will grow new hair & b even more pretty.

my MIL realli very sua ku one leh. she duno full mth hv to distribute red eggs & ang ku kueh one leh. Dun even knw hv to let bb cut hair one leh.. wow sey..

U all believe anot har?? bb all very clever one leh. last wk she was cranky cos earlier i keep scolding her noti gal.. then she let me hv miserable days leh.. then now i call her pretty gal, gd gal, clever gal she "shut up" & nvm leh.. the more she will close her eyes & smile at u leh.. wow sey.. my bb same charater as me one cannot let pple say one. my MIL say she noti or whatever bad things she will cry even louder one. hahaha but i dun want to tell my MIL lar.. wait she tell me say cannot say good thing infront of bb i also pissed.
Jen, U can freeze it first, then when want to use, bring it down 1 day b4 hand to the lower compartment first lor, else put it straight to warm water n keep changing the water, sometimes I did this lor.

I also waste lots of bm, this morning jus throw away 80ml while trying to make my gal accept the bottle.
Karen P,
when she's hungry she can drink even faster. i didn't really go buy teats for different size. i bought the nipple puncher to punch bigger holes. it's cheaper that way. but after using for a few months i will change teat too coz cannot use too long.

was quite lucky again last night. bb didn't wake for night feed.

my girl sleeps for 20 hours a day. feed sleep. got two wakeful moments totalling 4hrs. during those moments abt one hour she can entertain herself. the other she will fuss.

my bb also very difficult to burp nowadays. previously easy to burp her. now i just try to burp and if she doesn't, sit her on my lap and let her milk digest for a while.

can i ask again, is it if i don't latch her on directly, uterus will not shrink? expressing doesn't help?
what about using the avent food warmer? went to my friend's pl on sat and she let me use her warmer. very good leh. don't have to keep changing water and quite fast. anyone knows how much it costs?
in the day, i change after every feed so that's abt 3 hours, at night sometimes two feeds then change so that's 6 la... shouldn't lor but sometimes i change in between feeds will wake her then she will grunt for long time b4 falling asleep again. like angry i disturb her. last night was i so tired then forgot what time i change her. then when i latch her on, she peed on me... like revenge like that...
Hi och,
thks for the tips.
not sure abt the oral thrush but my bb's tongue did have white stain. hmm that's a gd idea, giving bb water after feed. maybe will try that.
Hi Linette,
oic. hope the sleeping habit will change as bb grow old. in the meantime, we needed to be patient with the bb.
the avent warmer retails for abt $70, but u can buy fr cheong choon, cheaper that way. there r a lot of 2nd hand ones being sold too.

think ur bb's stains r not thrush, cos thrust is difficult to remove. if u wipe wipe n the stains go away, then it's not thrush lor.
I've got that... bought at $79 (I think).... still using it now.... but got 1 con abt it, sometimes it gets too hot!

Anyone got Avent no.?
Alabone, i am using the avent warmer. Can't remember exactly how much probably about $50. Now robinsons got 20% off, go check it out.

MBB, i tried your method of crying to sleep also but seems doesn't work too. Really headache, sarong won't help 2 (at most she can only sleep 30min in it). When your bb fall asleep after crying, does she wake up after a while like 10min and start crying again? Mine does and she actually cried for more than 1 hour till i gave up. How long does your bb persist in crying before falling asleep?

Karen, your bb so kwai can sleep about 20 hours a day.
Ok got it
....All these while i put EBM in hot water to heat it up but BB will fuss and become cranky cause it take some time mah. So though microwave would be a faster option...

That the beauty of not living with inlaws...Can raise the kids the way u want....My FIL hor will spring into action the moment BB cry...FIL become very loss when BB fuss or cranky...So hor my boi alway bully him de.....Infact MIL n FIL spoil the market lor...Alway like to carry BB and rock him to bed...So hor we all become human sarong...N BB is getting heavier each day, wonder how to tahan his weight in future....Find it especially tough since i am incharge of the graveyard shift...Sigh...No chance to reprograme my boi man..

How u train yr gal to forgo her night feed??? I also want to learn. GG back to work soon and really wonder if i can tong or not..Really hope my boi boi can wean off the night feed asap....
hi hi

CL finally going back tomorrow. think i will cry when she goes leh.
Truly enjoyed her company these 6 weeks, her encouragement when my nipples were sore and bleeding and when supply is low. Her advice on taking care of bb, her delicious food, her sense of humour and chatting with her while bfing has kept my sanity.

tomorrow will finally be on my own. i am the impatient sort so really don't know how i will be able to cope. know that many of the mommies here have been taking care of bbs on their own from very early on and i am full of admiration. hope i would still have time to log on. like MBB, don't forget to sms me if i did not managed to log on and there are gatherings or what not hor. in fact, the husband just asked this morning if we would be having a meet up soon. would be so funny to put all the babies together and take a pic

vanessa and kimi

wow! you guys were at MIM. i live like 3 mins driving distance from it. next time when you all go again must tell me lah, then can come and visit me mah! hahaha!


*pat pat* don't be angry lah. don't think your hb was deliberately trying to make things harder for you also. my hb was also caught walking and rocking baby to sleep when my CL went off for 2 days before extending 2 weeks to help me. guess when bb cries, anyone may just resort to doing anything to stop them from crying.

och and catherine

i also notice white stains on my ger's tongue. is it a must to try to rub it off?


my bb will also wake up and cry like 30 mins later after feed in the beginning. we realised it's because she's hungry
guess my case is easier cos i know my ss is low. once we top up with more milk, she will sleep happily until 2.5 to 3 hrs later.
the rubber finger brush is not that expensive. The I bought only cost $3.20.. farlin/pigeon/lucky baby and some other brands also has it. ( transparent instead of coloured).

I have a chicco bb monitor (battery one) never used at all coz bb sleeps in the same room ..if you are interested can sell it off v.cheap to you.

yeah..my boy really enjoy holding onto his angpow..refused to let go even though he was sleepy.. already know that $$ is impt to him.

binding the tummy really help to bring is down in size. I can fit into most pre-preggy clothes that I have..now..must try to reduce waist and hip size a bit more besides taking off more weight since now can start exercising liao.
My boy very restless one...wake up for feed lio...immediately fall asleep again. only wake up once a day...in the evening he will tong for a few hours. ya...his sleeping pattern does make my life easy...but when he is awake, he needs to be entertain at all times. i can't let him cry for long coz he has the personality (i called it bad habit but my pd insist it is a personality) of holding on to his breath!!! as a result, his face would turn from red to black!!! see...though he sleep a lot, i constantly live in fear of him not breathing. can't even let him out of sight for 1 min. sign..
i didn't train her leh... happened that i put her @ my mum's pl e first time n my mum told me she didn't sleep from 7plus to 9plus. then after i brought her back, she slept all e way. skipped her night feed. girst time i thot lucky. last night happened again. not sure abt tonight...
will update tomorrow.

perhaps tt's y... haven't been wearing binder since hb went back work coz no one to help me... started wearing again last night. will remember to tell him to help me put on. u exercising already??? i hardly find time now tt i come over to my mum's pl. my ex is now to run after my son... v tiring... luckily these 2 days my girl sleeps thru e night. keeping fingers crossed.

i also have monitor. if u need more than 1 set let me know.
from time to time, my ger will wake up and cry. wat i do is pat her but i refused to talk/carry her. the only exception is when i felt tat she is frighten then i carry her. give her a tight hug, pacify abit then place her back in the cot and continue patting for a short period (less then 5 mins).

actually hor, i also am not sure if it's due to my cold turkey method or tat she decided to change her sleeping habit. i am juz happy tat she finally takes nap in the afternoon

like today she slept for a good 4 hrs (in between fuss abit).
now sleeping again.....

for us really no choice mah.
my parents live in KL, MIL is useless. when i resume flying, we have to depend on nanny. we must always be prepared tat nanny may fall sick and i am not in sg. so hb have to be really good at handling bb too.

every situation have it's pro n con.
i dun hv help fr IL, can get things done my way but i hv to worried abt bb when i return to work coz we are putting her with nanny (stranger).
wherelse, you can be sure tat your boi boi are in good hands.

haiz....been interviewing nanny. all have smoker at home

yor bbsitter got smoker at home?
I am also looking for nanny now..how did u source for your nannies? Through recommendation or agency? My fren recommended a nanny agency to me..just called them this morning and they r sourcing for me now...I hv stringent criteria for nanny.. dunno if they can eventually find a suitable one for me :p

My boi also dun sleep much nowadays..awake most of the time...sometimes can entertain himself, sometimes cried for attention..but i prefer him to be asleep then at least got some times for myself..
It would be great if we can have another rd of gathering. But venue would be a BIG problem.

Lucky u than...Can have undisturb sleep

Guess every arrangement will have it pro n con like what u mention...I am slowly learning to let go on the daily care of my boi boi. So it will be easier for all parties

Take yr time, dont rush into it otherwise u also stress. Have to interview till u r satisfied otherwise u wont have peace of mind de...
shihui, afcai,

my left wrist oso v pain cos i always use left hand to hold bb's head while burping n oso need to hold her uprite 4 bt 15mins after feed cos scared she vomit. i lousy lah, dunno how to use rite hand.. heh heh..
but my neck is more painful. i've problem dropping eyedrops into my eyes cos i can't raise my head! wat to do? just keep doing head rotation. but do head rotation i'll get giddy... haiz... waiting 4 e day when bb needs to feed less n hoping e aches wld get better...
i asked gynae bt my giddiness. he said there's nothing i can do bt it. it's prob bcos o fatigue n if i can't get complete rest, it won't get better..


can't ans ur qns leh... i dunno if e shrinking o uterus wld b affected if u pump but nt latch... hmmm...

tink ur gal like my gal leh. sleep a lot then haf 2 wakeful periods. each one bt 2hrs. she oso can entertain herself 4 bt 1 hr b4 she starts fussing n crying... mine 4 2 nites, only woke up once at nite 4 feeding. i's tinking "shiok lah, hope it lasts" but din leh... now can drag a bit longer lah but still nt as long as tt 2 nites. urs so young self-wean o nite feeding liao ar? so shiok! how heavy is ur gal. read tt 5kg then can omit nite feeding or they might nt haf enof to eat...

starluster, shihui,

my case diff. my hubby's e one who started bathing bb 1st. then he taught me how to do it. now he's on bathing duty every sat n sun. heh... tt'll free up some time 4 me!


i change bb's diapers either after or before every feed, day n nite. nite time must change after feed or she'll b wailing away while i change her... then will wake hubby up!

my bb oso always fall asleep after feeding but i still burp her. she's such a sound sleeper i burp her she oso won't wake up. she can burp while sleeping oso leh! heh heh...


hah hah...indeed it'll b funny 2 haf a foto o us n our bbs... q cool eh! but pity e restaurant or wherever it is tt we'll b having e gathering... will b super noisy..


so i'm nt e one who lets bb cry... heh heh... i oso refuse 2 carry or rock bb 2 sleep. at most, 1st time i carry... 2nd time i pat... 3rd time i just put my hand on her tummy... 4th time i bo hiew liao... but if i'm eating i just bo chap her, dun like my meals 2 b interrupted. heh heh.. but haf oso read tt if parents dun comfort young bbs when they cry, they'll grow up 2 b insecure... haiz... dilema dilema...
think our bb really the same. i don't know her weight now. definitely not 5kg! she very small still. not sure if it's self wean or she just super tired. she also can burp while sleeping. and i try burping her she also can sleep thru. lucky us then. hope i won't jinx myself by saying all these...

we happen to have same methods of taking care of bb. i also don't really carry her. sometimes i soft-hearted will give in. otherwise, i will pat her, then also put hand on her tummy.

i hope i will be lucky again tonight. she just fell asleep after her first wakeful timing today.
Abalone, your gal slept from what time at nite to what time in the morning?

MBB, patting does work on Evee. The moment you put your gal in her cot, how long does she cry before falling asleep? Now dunno if i should continue this cry to sleep training or wait till she is 2.5 months.
i am also getting nanny thru agency.
i dun hv high expectation but so far i cant find one tat meets my low low expection

most nanny's hubby is smoker. they kept assuring me tat their hubby will not smoke at home.
i dun know lor....

tat is why i kept telling my ger tat i love her and when she is crying like mad, i will stand by the cot and explain why mummy is not carrying her.
hee heee....sounds stupid hor? but juz in case mah.

if patting works for Evee then you should continue to train her. i read from books tat we need at least a week for any training to work. otherwise you will end up having to let her cry for an hour all over again when she is 2.5 mths.

my ger sometimes cry for 20 mins or more be4 she go to sleep by herself.

i started my exercise yesterday. felt quite good.
hopefully i can keep doing it.
how's your pilates?
no matter what, i still hv to take slimming pills. doubt i can shed 9kg in another 2.5 mths time
MBB, actually typo error. I meant patting doesn't work that's why i am at my wits end (tried other things like sarong also) hence resorted to crying to sleep method. How you manage to switch off to her cries? I find it very difficult to tahan..very heartpain esp after crying 30 min she still din stop..today is the longest i have ever let her cry more than an hour before i gave up and go and carry her. A week is long wonder how to harden my hear to the cries...You are taking slimming pills? if still bf, cannot take right?
Hi afcai n linette,
we are in the same boat i guess. my girl is also a night owl, was joking to relatives, if wanna visit her, must come at night, else in the day only get to see her sleep. haha.

it gets better by the days, but depending on the weather too. some afternoons when really cool, she can sleep for three- five hours without any feed. then at night, eyes big big, feed and feed. when she sleeps in the afternoon, i know i got to work overtime liao. but its these times that i realise, she will tend to overfeed and regurgitation of milk is almost inevitable.

Help: how do i ensure that baby does not overfeed to avoid regurgitation?

i am also trying out putting her upright on my chest to burp her when she has fallen asleep, but the moment i put her down to sleep, she opens her eyes. Else she will make a lot of funny noise like trying to gek the air out. i dunno what to do to make her sleep more peacefully and comfortably.

anyone has solutions to it?
alabone, if i gave him the kick-in-the-sleep i still have to wake up at night to kick him! :p wahh..still can go all the way to pkway....

ruffybear..ehehe.thanks for the pic! :p Roy got alot of hair!

kimi..haha.if only my hubby is so nice..he will complain until i buay tahan then i take over again one... local guys had it good!

shihui, hahaha..good that u can be cruel..we must be cos no choice we r going to juggle work and bb next time.. unforunately for me i cannot stand my hubby's complaints one... saw one 2001 ameda pump selling at $60..hehehee.. most of the others are selling minimum $200. ahah..u r begining to sound like me.. keep scolding ur bb that u dont love him/her anymore.. i had been doing this several times a day recently too! My wrist also hurting alot, thats why though my friend suggest tat I revert back to Avent manual I am afraid the wrist will suffer more...

Vanessa, u r our idol how can u give up bf? So u quickly go shopping and get new clothes for her?

afcai, my gal too poo all over her private parts..like that i am so afraid tat she will get UTI soon
Have no idea when do we need to dispose of the fei zai shui after opening..maybe next time when I see my mom will ask her if i rem :p

bohbiahah, totally agreed! I was so disappted when I see the portion too!

Linette, I think all our bbs spit out milk ..... fai zhai shui so miraclous har..I cannot wait to try it out

afcai, linette, my bb is also like that.. sometimes burp alreayd still can spit out milk after she gek...

och, usually my bb will fall asleep before i manage to get the boiled water for her to rinse her mouth .. so she will clamp her mouth shut so i cannot shove the bottle inside...hahahah

Jen, u dare to drink bu yao jing alreayd har..I don't dare to drink afraid that the ginseng etc will go to bm...

mbb, r u looking at nanny here or in hk? The nanny i am hiring does not have smoker at home (I am very particular abt that too)
sent cakes to my friend who stays in paya lebar that's why after that went parkway parade. ate sakae for dinner also. damn shiok. been eating good food three days in a row liao... hb say it's celebration for after confinement.
hi... i am going to stop bfing 'career' soon... anyone interested in my avent manual pump can let me know. used it only from dec 17 onwards till now. will prob continue till mid feb. so almost three months. comes with extra valve (never used b4). still in very good condition.

will post this again once bfing career totally stops... not going to have 3rd kid. even if have, will buy electric one.
Morning ladies,
Cow pumping n reporting for the day

My pilates starting this thursday. Its a once weekly class. Want to start slow cause worry body cannot take it. Better dont take slimming pills ah, exercise is still the best method to slim down.

During the mid-night feed my boi regurgitation alot of the BM. See liao i also scare but he like everything ok....Than i remember i didnt hold him upright 1st before carrying him...Bad mummy
Morning Ladies,
This morning Ariel was much better. She managed to poo a bit, and when i pressed her anus, she farted and poo somemore. Aiyo the poo fly man, thank God didn't kena my face.

Thanks for your advice. Was a bit concern when she didn't poo.

Why you don't want to latch your ah ger totally ? Thot this will be good for bonding. Now i enjoy seeing Ariel drinking milk from my breast, has a sense of satisfaction and seeing her contented look, very happy.

Actually you are doing the right sleep training. Wish i can do that. Tried doing that for my elder gal, but with in laws at home, its really tough. Cry less than 5 mins they insist we carry her liao.
Nowadays in day time, she prefers to sleep in the rocker, but thankfully i managed to set a routine for her to sleep. At about 6.30pm or so, will feed her and leave her alone in the cot to sleep, and she can doze off by herself sucking the pacifier.

took this pic yest.

i also dun noe how i can tong her crying for so long. i stand next to the cot and kept talking to my ger. telling her tat mummy loves her but mummy find tat tis is the best for her.
dun noe why, the louder she cry, the more i resist to carry her.
hb was a little upset with me but he din stop me.
maybe its bcoz he is worried tat i will make him suffer otherwise! hee hee

i m not bfing, so can take slimming pills.

no choicelah. i cant bring myself to go back to hk with this current body

nanny in sg. headache.
u r very lucky!

ger ger got your eyes. beautiful!
i hope wen my mum visit again next week, she dun keep carrying my ger again.
must pray hard!
