(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Ya ya, I am staying near JJC....Had just sign up for pilate class at Jurong Spring CC...Class starting next thursday...Hope i can continue after gg back to work...Wish me luck

We sama sama lor....Really worry that if i invest in another pump than use for less than 1 mth really waste $$$$....Plus now not sure whether will go for no.2 or not...Dare not invest man...Sigh..

I am gg back to work on 1 Feb, really hope i wont be the 1st quitter on BF.....Keeping my finger cross..

R u right, lucky there is a plc for us to complaint abt the problem of BF...That why i can tong till now. N also must thank Vanessa for answering all our queries abt BF. She become our private LC liao

Wow, yr ss really good hor...Can have 4-5 letdown...N Mandy really good ger noe how to co-operate with u....

Continue to train yr boi boi .....After awhile will be like Kimi's ger liao..."Jia Yu"

Ya...i ask MIM to post the items to me. I bot the spagetti top (find this quite expose for bf in public though) and a singlet type. hope they are user friendly and of correct size too!

You mentioned that bb suppose to sleep for abt 20 hours? where did u read that from? my boy does sleep that much le!!! wonder why he so restless!

Teats for bottle feeding
For those of you using Avent bottle, may i know which teat size u gals using for ur bb? my bb usually take 10 mins for latch on coz my ss flow quite fast (sometime bb get choke). However, wiht size 2 avent teats, feeding by bottle take more than 30 mins. is the flow too slow for him? should i use size 3 teats which are recommended for 2mos bb when my bb is only 6 wks old?
eh... the funnel covers almost my whole breast liao leh, how to massage? massage the remaining parts of the breast or stop pumping n massage? must i keep massaging until i feel letdown?

qsg, karen p,
my gal also dun sleep that much. she broke all sleeping records today cos it's so cool, n even then, she only slept fr 3pm onwards. whole morning she was up n bothering her father. but ok lah, as long as she is not bothering me. hee hee.
yup, i'm a teacher too. i am very reluctant to go back, due to return the day after cny for a day to break leave then continue the rest so that i get to keep my march hols. have decided to extend for term 2 too so that i only return in sem 2 with a fresh start, dun want the relief teacher to leave me with tons to clear in term 2.

to all,
i seem to be pumping half of what i used to, but baby's poo and pee seems fine and she still feels contented after feed. i usually pump when baby does not wake up 'on time' and boobies start hardening. now even when i pump, i only get half. sob sob. how can i increase the amount? i really hope to bf for as long as possible. any remedies?
i cannot la. this afternoon i tried to use one hand and the other to massage, the funnel keep coming off the breast such that there's no more suction... then i use one hand to press hard in the same hand don't know how to press the lever already... i not very good with hand coordination at times...

poor you... poo fly everywhere. you never taste or smell anything funny probably never kena face or mouth la... i hate it when it kena everything... must wash and clean... sigh...

last night girl drank at 1.30, then only woke at 7am to drink again leh. wah... very long haven't sleep for so long liao. so happy. is it she don't want night feeds already? i will find out again tonight! told my mum the good news she said i starving my girl! hmph!
that's why this forum is our life-saver and the pple here. i tell you, i seriously would have given up when i had mastitis in week 2. but coming here was the right decision. and if others can persevere, i can too.

i learnt this from shihui. she said to pump and massage. so what i do is i pump, then take out the pump and put away for a while and start pressing everywhere around the areola and around whole breast, then pump again. sometimes got experience another letdown. i know coz milk spraying inside. damn shiok to see it squirting all over. you try too. should work. but sometimes don't have still cannot give up. i usually persevere for one hour to get 110ml...

too bad for me then if my milk capacity has reached limit so quickly...

good idea. perhaps i should do that. but if i do, my current school cannot keep pl for me already... must go to another pl. i don't want to go to other sch... how are you going to cont bfing when you go back to sch? you very zai. i don't think i can. break times so erratic and afternoon got meetings and afternoon classes and cca... sigh... told my mum just now i going to stop bfing b4 i go back to work and she ask me y don't want to continue. make me so defensive... and feel so bad for wanting to give up.

it's hard when going back to work... it doesn't matter who's the first to quit... bb already got more than a month of 'goodness' right?

Karen P,
hi. i'm using avent also but my girl is coming to 5wks old already and i'm still using No.1. so far she has no probs with it and still sucking quite fast. she can finish 90ml in under 10mins. prob take abt 7? i shall time her later.

you are our resident bfing advisor leh. i think that is a suitable title for you. heehee. okie. going to pump some more liao.

btw, this afternoon, after more than 12hours, i pumped out 160ml. not a lot but the most so far so also quite happy.
so easily satisfied hor?
alabone, alot of us are unwilling employees lah..ahahhha.... u will not be the earliest quitter loh.. cos I decide to quit every night when I feel miserable about staying up awake to take care of bb and pumping... while hb is sleeping... I have to agree with u that its the mommies here that keep me going till now... if u see someone at causeway pt on sunday (yest) with a happy pig T shirt..thats me... it was only till i reach home that i realise that that t shirt got a hole on it..ahahah

afcai, so cute..really got the expession of the bear! :p

Vanessa, have to agree that its easier when bb poo alot once a day than many times... but then u ask my hb (who kena poo on his shorts before) he will tell u otehrwise...

Shihui, they are the demo versions of software launches (IT pp will understand what I mean.) If can find a cheap ameda will buy loh..else will end bf soon..see story below.

Karen P, I am still using no 1 for my bb leh...

Qianhui, what does she want wih the free BM? Drink herself or sell it? Goodness...

Anyway, here is my story.... just now 3am bb wake up for feed..so feed her.... after that I put her to sleep then while washing the bottles she cries twice, had to check on her twice and pet her..then hb comes in and said he always carry her and walk around until she sleep? What? I just ask him to help out 2 days ago (this weekend) as I had shifted my pumping to another room (cos not sure if the noise of mini E is causing her to have disrupted sleep therefore having crying fits and flailing of arms etc while sleeping) and he manage to spoil her till like that? So guess who end up having to carry bb for another half an hour to make her sleep? Hb wanted me to continue bf (I suspect the fm costs have to do with it)Imagine if I go back to work and for each feed I have to spent 1 hr feeding and burping her, then another 1/2 hr carrying her to make her sleep, then another 10 min to wash the bottles, then another 1 hr to pump, which means I only have 20 min to sleep per 3 hrs and I have to work the next day! Why he never think when he do things lik that? He is like the MILs that some of u complain abt, always doing things that other pp told them not to. I had already told him so many times don't indulge her unnecessary by carrying her and walking around all the time, but he just had to do it the moment my hands are tied. Like that I don't think I can continue to bf after I go back to work unless mgt don't mind me sleeping in my cubicle everyday. The ebm will be filled with my anger anyway which is not good for bb. So angry with him now that I cannot sleep.
despite being angry with your hb till you can't sleep, you still have managed to retain your sense of humour and sound funny here (abt sleeping in cubicle). it's definitely going to be tiring to sleep only 20mins per 3hr session, what with feeding taking so long and having to pump, and the unnecessary carrying around now. tell your hb you will only give ebm at night and then he feeds? perhaps he will tell you to stop bfing after that. some men just think everything is so easy...

alternatively, do the 'kick hb in his sleep' thingy to xiao1 qi4. poor you...

wanted to go to causeway pt but ended up going all the way to parkway parade just now...

don't know if my good luck will last but bb last fed at 1.30am and slept right thru again till 5.45 b4 waking to feed. will observe for this whole week and see if she's slowly going off her night feed...
Good Morning Mummies,

Its been awhile that i've logged on.

These few days, bb Ariel has wind in her tummy
. I thot breastfeed no wind, but don't know why she has leh. At nite about 3+am that's the worse time, she will keep crying and don't know like try to force the wind come out like that. See already so heart pain.

These few days, Ariel also poo very little. At times only once a day. Is it normal for total breastfeed bb ?

Hope i can log in more often. Oops, bb cry. Talk later.

haiz, wat to say leh? u v poor thing leh... if it's me hor, i'll oso b so angry... yet i won't wanna b angry w hubby cos it's so tiring to b angry. esp since our hubbies shld b our main pillar o strength during this period. so it's v sian when they screw things up instead... haiz...

u go another rm to sleep in or nt? if yes, just let bb cry lor n leave her w ur hubby to gao dim while u sleep (or try to sleep)... heh heh.. then he'll realise walking bb 2 sleep is nt such a gd idea. make him slowly wean bb o e bad habit. until weaned off liao then u go bk n take over. he shld b responsible 4 his own mistakes mah...


my gal is still choking now but somehow, it doesn't bother me leh. heh heh... bad mummy. as long as i noe my milk can fill her stomach. it's just more tiring lor cos must relatch lotsa times. dunno y she always choke on my left breast. rite breast ok leh! left breast v scary, sometimes after 5 min o v fast suckling, bb still can choke n my milk still spraying... last time milk will only spray in e beginning... so now, poor gal usu chokes 3-4 times on my left breast... n poor mummy latch n latch. as hse gets progressively fuller, it gets harder to latch...

no worries lah... i tink ur boi shld b able to get used to e fast flow sooner or later. then u won't haf 2 lean bk n b so tired...


no lah... 4-5 letdowns only occasionally... usu it's 2 letdowns. she cooperate ar? she no choice lor, hungry must eat mah. then her mother oso dun bother to lie dn to feed cos v tiring... make her get used 2 it n learn lor. better 4 both o us in e long run... heh heh...


i'm oso nt gd at massaging while pumping. i oso haf coordination problems... pump will lose suction then milk will leak out... v leh zheh... then will get sticky all over. hated it! last time when i's pumping 4 my gal in hosp, i used to spend up to 1hr 45min 4 each session n tt doesn't include washing n sterilising. most time spent on massaging. maybe bcos my ss is higher so more blocked ducts...then must lay out waterproof sheet, towel, small towel in warm water 2 act as warm compress... v sian one.. esp e 3 middle o e nite pumpings... get so hungry somemore... ah... those were e days...


wah! u v oo sim hor? still bother 2 package e popcorn nicely... did u make them or buy them?
ya lor... without this forum to complain, think many of us already ended up with PNS liao.. :p

u r so hardworking.. so fast sign up for pilate class.. i'm still hoping miracle will happen n wish tt bf will slim me down.. :p

oh.. i think i noe who she asked liao.. :p my stock not impressive enough.. tt's y she din ask me.. hehehe.. :p

u try leaning forward slightly, place the bottle on ur thigh for support n pump using one hand.. den when the suction is established, start massaging gently... slowly u will be able to massage n pump liao..

if ur milk capacity reach limit, den u can pump at more frequent interval.. empty breasts make most milk..

try go yahoo auction.. saw a few cheap ones..

can understand ur frustration..
hubby oso walk my bb to sleep... but i dun care liao... i refused to walk bb to sleep.. if bb wants to be walked to sleep, let him cry until his papa can't tahan n wake up to walk him to sleep.. :p i'm onli the milking cow.. already tired enough liao... think i'm a very cruel mom... :p

today early morning was terrible too.. i nearly lost my sanity... let bb cry until hubby wake up.. abit pity hubby lah.. coz he still needs to work.. but he's better at soothing bb than me.. :p anyway, bb woke up wanting to feed at 4.30am.. i was pumping away tt time so hubby went to warm up some EBM... bb was quite hungry n gobble up the whole bottle fast.. but dunnoe isit bcoz he too fast liao.. half of the milk leak out...
den no choice, i offered bb my breasts lor.. juz finished pumping tt time but i believed still got leftovers.. :p but bb juz kept spitting out the nipples n cry cry cry... okie nvm.. i offered him the freshly EMB.. he oso dun want n cry.... thot he tired.. tried pat him to sleep.. oso dun want n cry.. thot got wind.. tried burping.. but no use oso.. at my wit end liao.. juz sit on the bed holding wailing bb... kept scolding him n tell him mama dun love him anymore if he still continue crying.. he wail louder.. ahhhhhhh!! hair pulling liao... finally hubby woke up n carry him.. but still cry leh... dunnoe wat's wrong with him.. finally both of us were too tired to pacify him liao.. juz let him sleep in between us lor.. keep patting him while me sleeping.. was so cold last night but i can't put on blanket.. coz afraid it will suffocate bb... while bb happily tuck in his little blanket n snore away...
Morning Ladies,
Morale n mood very low today.... This morning my no. 2 cried n vomitted on my bed n at the same time bb also cry.... then my supply was like quite low today... Told hb I feel like giving up bfing, cos the bottle training really tough, hope she can quickly accept the bottle so that I can b on my own for awhile.

Envy u leh, can go out on ur own n latch bb on fully.....

It's normal, u can expect a tbf bb not to poo for many days too.

I also kena from my no.2 many times liao. Once we brought her out to somewhere (can't remember where) she poo so much that leak from the back n we forget to bring extra clothing for her, so pai sei, she's full of shit.

U try squeezing ur breast with the funnel, dunno how to describe leh....

Massage the remaining part.... I usually didn't massage, just press n hold on it while the pump is still on....

I read it in some magazine, not sure if it's from babyplus or Motherhood old issues.
hmmm.. juz to add on to my previous complaints.. :p although bb really push my limits at times, it really melt my heart when i see him smiling, sleeping peacefully n learning new facial expression each day...

btw, i think my wrist really jialet liao.. the constant battle with bb during latching combined with his increasing weight n neck strength is too much for my wrist... now pain even when bending my wrist without using strength.. told hubby need to see doc liao.. but dunnoe go see chinese or angmoh doc.. :p

another thing hor.. when do we need to switch to size 2 teat for bb? me using avent.. still using size one now... :p

my boy lazy lah.. :p if onli lean back, he still choke.. i hav to lie flat... wah... really straining my neck this way.. :p so now i always express first when breast too full lor.. better this way too.. he gets more hind milk.. :p hope he learns to cooperate with my breasts soon.. :p
I als experience this b4, nothing seems to satisfied her. At least ur hb will wake up, mine keep telling me to shove my breast to her... then got angry when bb still crying....

Ya last nite was really cold, the temp is jus like when we on air con. I wrap bb in nappy n cover with my blanket together with me, I jus make sure I don't pull the blanket too high for myself.
spend 1hr in the morning making the popcorn..will be too expensive to buy..cheaper to make...anway the kids really like eating them esp my boy so it was worth it.. he was super happy ...as 1st time he was having popcorn for breakfast with ribena..hahahaa
Ruffy, thanks for sharing. How long does it take to make the corn? can keep for how long before it turns bad?
My mum makes popcorn from her wok... hahaha, I specfically asked my mum to make 4 me on the day b4 my delivery n ate alot, so ended up hav to get lozenges from Dr Sim...hahaha....
wow, those days very siong right? thank goodness it's over 4 u...

shihui, vanessa
will ry your method. but sounds diffiult 4 me...

bfng suppose to help shrink uterus right? i still look like 4 5 months preggie leh! stomach still big!!! is it because i express out n nvr latch on?

i v bad mummy... didn't change bb's diaper sice six to now... she just urinated on me...
hi all,
had a bz but happy weekend... on fri nite, bb 1 month + end of confinement so went out makan at samba, actually wanted to try out the tunglok teahouse since heard many of u recommended it, but on the way there, hubby decided to go samba.. which was fine w me since my parents never had that experience before. so that's my bb first outing (aside from the pd).

then sat had the bb full month party, which went very smoothly. only 1 of my colleague (uncle somemore!) asked to carry my bb. he's a father to 2 daughters so maybe remind him of those years.. hehe.. bb no cranky at nite. then sunday went to my bro's place.. so anyway happy happy go out but i totally forgo my pumping.. not even at nite coz too tired out liao.. just latch on only. luckily no engorgement.. or maybe unluckily coz it only means my ss is damn low!!! maybe like shihui say... my breast got low storage capacity.

then yesterday hubby bathe bb for the first time... quite kalam kabut, but at least he is willing to try. today was my first time to bathe and also cut her nails... not too bad & yes, really satisfying. feel like an achievement like that. heehee..
anyway, must learn all the skill since mum is gg back msia this week.

i am the one who ordered the handsfree pumping kit - pumpin pal. honestly i didnt use many times coz as mentioned my ss rather low, then i rather use single pumping so that can pump two times before sending both funnel to sterilize. me lazy lazy, that's why. :p but those few times i use... i find that need some time (and practise) to adjust it to get it to fit nicely to be totally hands free. the website is www.mumsfairy.com. the price is about $34 like that(forgot the actual price liao). actually hor i mo yong one.. got all the gadgets but low supply! hehe..

the breast compression seems to be working for me too!!! so happy!! last nite, baby woke up 3 times from 12midnite to 6am. very good liao! coz last time she wakes up like 5 to 6 times between the same timing..

the popcorn party favour is a really nice gesture. u still got energy to specially prepare for your guest har
me kinda feel bad no party favour for my guest... just makan n go. but really too tired out past weeks to do anything. hopefully w bb longer nite sleeping period.. i can be more energetic! really lookin fwd to that..
Hi shihui,
same too, neck strain, wrist pain, back pain, eyes pain due to lack of sleep. hai....thing will get better and I will ta han for another 2 mths where my materity leave end.
Hi Bloom,
my gar got lot of expression man. will post her photo once I completed uploaded them. I only half way thru the uploading part.

y'day, my gar cried till tear come out and scream, gek till face red ard midnite. she really inpatient y'day cos my right breast blocked man and I needed time to clear the block with hot water. the block only came when I: went bra y'day cos gg to mil 's plc y'day.

My boy also seldom poo, sometimes once a day, sometimes twice a day. The worst is that when there was twice whereby he poo once in TWO days..

Then hor,

Since his 3-4 wks, my boy already NEVER sleep 20 hrs per day. He is awake most of the time. Think he sleeps only bout 12-15hrs only.. Sometimes, he entertain himself by staring out of the window, some times he kicks around, sometimes cries.. In short doesn't sleep long
Hi alabone,
normally, I will let my gar poo finish first before changing her diaper. she got some kind of funny expression (mouth with 0 shape) when she wanted to poo or is waiting to poo.
once she poo finsih, she will struggle with legs and hand and then if left unattend, she will make noise. so with this, most of the time, the pooing part is completed.

y'day, she poo twice (2 days did not poo) and then poo like thick roti prata sauce and is smelly. she poo all over her private part and bottom man....so scary and 'er xin'.
Hi Peck
My CL is good, she is doing for me now. She have another one to do in Jun 07 so I guess she will be avaliable only in Mid Jul 07, when do you need her?
Hi Starluster
Hey, Im using the handsfree too!! Ordered from Mumsfairy. It's good for me as it allows me to read while pumping. I am using their Super Shield too, accordingly it allows us to lean backwards while pumping. No more backaches or such. I am still experiencing though.
Hi Tan SL,
u are welcome. hai...I think most bb are like that. so we mummy need to be patient. like my gar, y'day cry - scream, gek till face red and tear drops cos milk flow either slow or block. I really felt kan cheong, frustrated and painful seeing her. 'scolded' her y'day to ask her to be patient when I massaging my breast.

yup, soemtimes, burping is quite loud'
ur boy's hair very black n glossy.. nice hair leh..
ya lor.. he's doing a gd job holding on tight to his angbao.. hehehe...

so nice.. eat gd food liao.. yesterday go out with hubby... ended up with McDonald for lunch.. sian... he bu4 she3 de2 give me gd food liao... next trip will force him bring me eat sakae.. i long time never eat sashimi liao.. :p

ur hubby so nice.. noe how to bathe bb.. mine onli noe how to change nappy.. :p so far he observed me bathing bb once... hopefully by next wk, he able to bathe bb too..

ya lor... now i already tempted to bottlefeed bb so tt i can rest my wrist.. yesterday, i used washing machine to wash nappy instead of handwash coz my wrist really too painful liao.. need to rest it well.. :p

mine dun sleep long too... n i think he's like his papa lor... more awake at night... afternoon still quite okie.. now i juz place him in cot n let him self entertain.. :p
oic. thks for the infor. wow, the rubber brush cost ex. usually, I use handchief to clean bb's mouth but dun dare to poke deeper cos my gar will cry then.
Hi Qian Hui,
maybe u can report her to the moderator in this forum mah.

did any idea how long can the fei zhai shui kep once opening?
Hi Bloom,
me have not feed grip water to my gar since 1 wk before my confinement (new yr wk) end. hmm wondering must the grip water be taken daily or?? how long can it keep once opening?
Hi Shihui,
wow, so disgusting of squashing the lizard. kind of cold touch with the lizard ( I mean lizard's body is cold).

one of the time, I was sweeping the floor with feather duster few yr bck. then saw something that cannot be swept across so I went to hand pick it and then when I came to realise that it was one part of the lizard, wow piang, nearly'fainted' washed my hand several times for a few days man...
that's one of the close encounter with the lizard.
Hi Linette,
yup, will try again to wipe deeper into my gar'mouth so that can reach her tongue. but chance she will be irrated and then cry. till now, my gar did not drink water. only drink breast milk esp foremilk which is watery and shd be gd enough.

u are right, agreed that once bb sleep, very difficult to burp them. hmm did u give yr gar grip water daily?
Hi Vanessa Lu,
yup. bb always like to cuddle to slp rather than sleeping on their own. now my gar is sleeping soundly from 12 noon till now. place her on the bed slp soundly than her own playpen.

did any idea how long can the fei zhai shui kep once opening?
Had my 1st tingkat from Le Xin today...wah, the serving is so much smaller than the confinement catering i ordered...but then, it is also heck of a lot cheaper la. haha!

Oh, you oso same as me...thot i only one have to hand express...I usually pump for about 25mins, then use hand express until either hand pain cannot tahan, or until very little milk coming out liao then I'll stop. That takes me another 15mins. So, in total spend abt 45mins pumping lor. Ya lor, hand express can yield abt 20ml more sometimes...

But I agree with u tho...one thing good abt bottle feeding, can have eye contact with bb which cannot have when i latch her. So, when bottle feeding, she'll look at me and i'll talk to her, sing song, etc etc.

Jackie, bloom,
ya lor...sama sama la...wondering if i shd invest in another pump since my ss so low and dunno how long my BF career will last becos of low ss. Haiz. really dilemma

how do you train bb to soothe herself to sleep? teach me!

le xin is ok...they hv dinner too. http://www.lexin.com.sg/deluxe.htm
think they deliver to clementi, u can call to ask. the other tingkat i read is not bad is yls. http://www.ylscatering.com.sg/

haha, Roy so cute...practising for CNY angpow collection!
Alabone, Vanessa:
Ha I also sometimes lazy to change diapers for baby....until it leaks! So bad hor? By the way, how often do u guys change diapers for bb? Mine usu abt 3-4 hours....longer at nite!! :<

My baby also sleeps very little. I counted once...only 10 hours a day! On Saturday, she refused to sleep in the day or night. Kept awake from 1am to 6am! Nearly died. But these 2 days seem ok...maybe tired out, man. But she will never sleep more than 1.5 to 2 hours at a stretch nowadays

Cool down...
Hubbies are like that, think it's very easy to look after baby and feed at night. They think it's v easy for us to just shove our breasts to bb.

I think there is no date limit on the gripe water bah. For my elder girl, I just open it till she finished the whole bottle...

Vanessa, Afcai,
Yes those sleeping tips need a lot of endurance and patience. Already now I am equipped with ammos like pacifier and sarong, else dunno how to keep my sanity, boy.

Any mommies whose babies always spit out milk? Mine had been spitting out milk quite often. Not a lot but sometimes just keep flowing out from mouth, quite worrying....
Hi Shihui,
oic. u also let yr boy using cloth nappy? my gar will use cloth nappy in the day and at night diaper.

will place the used nappy cloth into the pail of water and leave overnight for soaking and then next late morning, huubby will help to wash it with washing machine.

my wrist pain bec of bb's weight. my left side of back started to pain last wk when I bended for long time when dealign with bb in her playpen.
Hi Linette (linette),
oic. shd not be any problem that the grip water spoilt easily. as for changing diaper, sometimes, really forgot to change diaper at night. when i remember then it will be abt 8hrs liao. usually, will change the diaper 4-5hrs. will not go and disturb her when she is slp or else once she wake up, she will either cry or difficult to fall alsp.

haa same. like previous 2 night, my gar dun want to slp - eye big big fr 9pm till 2am man. when placed her on the playpen, she opened eye big and then leave it there for a while then she will wail and wanted to cuddle. when carried her, she will pretend to slp. hai... dunno why today, she hardly have any feed, only drink less than 5 mins then slp liao. that's why now I have time to log in.

hmm did u burp yr bb successfully? if after feed, bb did not burp, try to sit the bb upright on yr la(keep burping tough burping is not success) a while before puting her back to slp. cos in this way will tend to let the milk flow down instead of stucking on either on her throat or other part. I have tried and it seems to work.

Hi Vanessa Lu (vaness81),
oic. it is ok. hmm tot fei zai shui quite popular which is used to prevent wind and for colic.
