(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

those who express out BM, can i ask, after you express, do you still do hand expression? I am using the Medela mini electric pump, everytime after pump "finish", i do hand expression, still hv quite a bit of milk come out (say 10ml each side). Is there any brand of pump that is more effective so that I dun have to finish with hand expression? After a while, hand quite pain..scared kena carpal tunnel syndrome. :p

doggiebb, alabone,
i'm not meeting bb's daytime needs yet. think i'm still 100ml off a day. :p

bloom, qianhui,
r those medicines effective har? if they r, really dun mind trying them out.

i also added fei zhai soui to water for bb after bb turned 1 mth. it was at recommendation fr kkh's cleft team, to encourage bb to drink more water. in the end, she became even more cranky for those two days that we tried gripewater, so we stopped giving her gripewater. :p maybe we'll try again in another few days time.

my bb also started to regurgitate after every feed. not a lot lah, but regurgitate abt 2 ml each time. afraid that we were overfeeding her, so we actually reduced each of her feed to 90ml. but she bawls n cries like she's being ill-treated like that. cannot take it.
Hi afcai
i use a soft rubber brush (can easily slot into one of our finger) to clean her tongue every morning after bath. U can get it from most pharmacy, cost around $9.40... comes in pink and blue. very easy to use and can clean off those "milk stain" easily.
alabone, next time when my bb is older i will ask vanessa to train her in tackling lizards cos hubby is overseas sometimes so cannot help much!

qianhui, what happen? care to share?

bohbiahah, me too! me too! and my hand expression can produce > 30ml leh! Quite a significant amount. So I am very afraid that if I don't hand express I will kena block cos quite alot! I really don't know if its the way my breasts are structured or that mini E is not good enough!!!!! Anyone can help? Cos I am in dilemma too. My hand expression can take up to 20min leh!

och, yesterday I tried hou zi san (also move my pumping to another room). Baby seem to sleep better. Later will move pumping back to bb's room to test out. But my mom swear by it and she had bbsitted > doz bbs so should have some logic loh..just don't overdose (eg, instructions said 3 times a day but she told me to feed her only once a day).

Vanessa, need to check with u some milk question again... pp keep saying how good is bm..but without proper nutrious meals, how much benefits should a mommy still expect from bm? Cos my workplace's food is like s*** no nutrients one... so will my bm will still contains alot of nutrients and antibodies or will it be pretty useless? Cos still comtemplating if I should continue (yeah I had been ding dong-ing this question for so long).

To all mommies, will u continue bf=ing after u go back to work? For me I got th following concern
- mgt approval (i have nasty mcp mgt who will frown on time i used to pump)
- timing (each pump takes 1 hr incl hand expression, i don't want to lose anymore bonding time with bb since i will be at work most of the time!)
- block ducts, etc (very mah fun)
- ebm might not be very healthy cos i cannot have nutrious meals in office
- work stress might introduce stress into ebm which will 'affect' bb (someone mention that before right?)
really in a dilemma. I wanted the best for bb but every time when I am pumping and bb cries and no one can take care of her I feel very heartache too

JKJT, can show a pic of ur rubber brush? Now I am using finger cos after I wrap my finger with cotton wool its too big to stuff into my bb's small mouth ..ahahahhaha

my turn 2 pump while typing..cos hubby fed mandy ebm this morning while i went out. wah! reaaly accomplished a lot. managed 2 visit gynae, cut my hair, repair my shoes, buy groceries n go MIM.

met vanessa at MIM.


ur gals r v adorable leh. n ur complexion so gd. they say after giving birth wld haf gd skin, but i dun haf leh!
ur maid like q nice oso, she's e one who helped my open e door. n thx 4 ur advise on nursing wear!


q happy w mandy's weight gain. tink it's bcos she's q greedy lah. this morning, she took 100ml o ebm. 4 a 3.4kg bb, i tink tt's nt too little bah..

she had her chk-up at kkh on e 5th this mth. just 1 mth after her discharge. tt's when i found out she's got low blood count lor!
Is tingkat food fr Le Xin good? Do they deliver to Clementi n do they also do dinner? Think I hv to order tingkat after my aunt leave liao otherwise how to cope wif bb n still hv to cook lunch n dinner.

Anybody else can recommend any good tingkat caterers?
Hi bloom
Here is a picture of the rubber brush. a bit blur :p I bot it from Guardian Pharmacy.
very soft. i wet it with warm water before putting it into her mouth.

I am also using the Medela mini electric pump...Didnt realise it dont empty the breast totally....BTW, how much time spent on each breast whenever u pump.

Wow, u spent 1 hr for each pumping session ah?? I very lazy de, only 10-15min on each breast...Is it sufficient???

I have not talk to my boss abt the pumping session. Most properly will pump during lunch time lor...My only worry is that i need to go out for meeting. Than will have problem on where i can pump liao....Sigh....Let hope everything work out fine

The rubber brush look interesting.....Shall get it tml
From wat I know, if we do not take enough nutrients in our food, our body will automatically take from our body resources. My office also dun haf nutrious meal but I still bf till my gal abt 1 yrs old. Our body will still produce the nutrients n antibodies that the bb needs lor.

U real fast leh... my complexion where got gd, I feel very lousy leh...U r welcome, jus sharing my experience nia, cos really regret buying those pull up one. How much did u spend? I choose choose try try hor, spend almost $200 leh... hb say no more CNY shopping for me liao :p

Which gal? The gal starts with J*****? I do hav some stories abt her. Long story.
kimi, good tat u r happy with mandy's wgt gain!
my complexion also not good after giving birth leh...

JKJT, thanks..maybe i should keep a lookout for it... ehehe... look as if its small enuf to squeeze into my bb's mouth :p

Jackie, but I guess if u didn't get much from hand express subsequently means that its not the pump but rather the way bohbiahah and my breasts are structured loh. So try out and let us know ok? I spent one hour cos my flow is very slow and I spent alot of time hand expressing! Thats why very headache loh. I wish I only need 15 min then I will not give up pumping. But if pump only during lunch time means its 3 times per day. Now I am trying 4 times a day and its quite painful when the 5th /6th hour passed.

Vanessa, thanks!
More motivation for me to push on and try to continue bf-ing after I go back to office. Think I need to switch to a dual pump instead of continuing to use mini E? Cos if change I am thinking of getting ameda (pIS too exp for me) but heard from u that Mrs Wong said alot of pp kena blocked ducts from ameda right?)
Karen P,
Oh u ordered n ask them to deliver to MY? Ok, my personal experience with nursing top is try not to buy those lift top where u got to lift from the bottom up, cos sometimes the side slit is too short and very difficult to pull especially when bb is fussing. Another this is don't but those double layer one, very hot, most of them only have double layer in front n not the back, I've bought one all round double layer and the material quite thick. It's hot n very difficult to pull up. Try to buy those opening in front where not much of pulling is needed.

That's what Mrs Wong told me lah, but apparently some of BMSG counsellor are using Ameda and got no problem with it lor. Some even sing praises for it. Now got Avent brand mah, can try, cos Avent manual suction is quite good, but I'm not sure abt the electric one and if it's available in Dual pump w/o the bag (cos the whole set is much more ex than PIS)
Hi Bloom, Bobianah and Jackie,
I'm also using medela mini electric. During pumping, I will hold the pump with one hand while massaging/pressing very hard with the other hand to squeeze out all the milk. Each breast will take about 15min. On average, my breasts' production seems to be about 1 oz per hour... ie. if i pump every 6hrs, I can expect about 6 oz ( 180ml) of bm.

haha, yah lor. i's in a rush act, shldn't haf spent tt much time there act. cos hubby waiting 4 me at home 4 lunch. then i still hafta go J8 buy groceries n collect my shoes. wasted too much time walking. lost my way n walked fr bishan mrt all e way to e toa payoh/bradell side then realised hi-way liao... walked bk again... haiz... nvm, e walk 2 n fro MIM wld b my exercise 4 today.

i spent $181 on 3 bras n 3 tops. their clothes q nice hor? ha... now we can only go shopping at maternity shops cos can only wear nursing wear! heh heh.... maternity xchange's got v nice clothes leh but too exp... e clothes at e other sections at MIM shop worth looking at (e.g bellysinmind)? today no time, maybe next time..

btw, y u feel lousy leh? i'm nt kidding, ur complexion really gd wat!


sian lor! i c lotsa mothers' face glowing after giving birth n during pregy... mine leh? spots all over.... plus bruises on my breast. btw, those bruises over a mth old liao, tink won't disappear liao... so sad.... ladies who r massaging, b gentle w ur breasts hor, dun end up like me!

yeah, dual pump wld b time-saving. all e best w ur pumping. act u're v patient liao. must spend so much time pumping but still persist until now. agree tt bottle feed can haf eye contact but still i let hubby do it cos i tired... heh heh...
Juz to share loh. I'm using the Avent IQ dual pump. It's a very intelligent system that allows you to set the speed and intensity of the suction to best drain ur breast. i finf the pump very effective at draining my breast. Only problem is that I think the Avent pumps got lots of parts to wash. So what I do is after each pumping is to put the pump funnel into the fridge. I use the funnel 2-3 times b4 I wash n sterilise. Otherwise I'll juz spend the whole day washing n sterilising.
Yr ss not bad hor...I only manage 110ml after 5hrs....I just give BB whatever BM amt i have. Abit is better than nothing

Kimi, Vanessa,
So fast already go CNY shopping ah....I went Jurong Pt today but didnt get anything....Consolation is that i manage to eat Anderson Ice-Cream
sorry, missed your post yesterday. u r right. b4 this, i never understood the importance of hving support groups. seeing other cleft babies and learning how their parents cope is what stopped me fr despairing. docs can only give medical advice, but helping bb thru all these procedures require parenting tricks far beyond what docs know n provide.

so how did hou zi san work out?
jackie, which part of jurong west you stay?

Vanessa, went to see Dr Sim today..haiz she said my bladder abit sag that's why leak urine...so sad...hope it won't become a permanent condition. Btw, i am only aware that Janelle has been pregnant all along...strangely i din notice for the past few months and when i asked her today she said delivering in March.
vanessa, thanks for the info! now still considering. today talk to hubby he agreed to help to take care of bb if i pump in middle of the night and bb fuss when i go back to work..then guess what? around midnight when i am pumping, bb cries and he just carry her over and tell me he don't know what to do and i have to take over! so now still considering if i should stop/continue!

sylk, means that we have to do 'extra work' to get the milk out compared to other pumps?

kimi, i also try to let hubby do feeding most of the time but then daytime he is at work so i have to do it loh :p those mommies have glowing skin, u have ur pre-pregnancy figure loh... cannot have both lah! hahaha

Lil, but avent iq dual very expensive leh....
cos i really have no idea how long my ss will last after i go back to work cos I am in a very stressful industry...

och, the hou zi san ok i think... this afternoon bb managed to sleep with less fuss and less crying (don't know if its coincidental or not. We also start swaddling her again as suggested by the medicinal hall owner). But just now went to mom's place which is pretty noisy and just now she fusses again. See how it goes the rest of the night.
bb behaved nicely during his full mth party.. he was okie until 10pm den he started fussing liao..
was wailing like i bullied him lidat... can't tahan.. scolded him.. den he ended up crying more.. :p

bb was cranky fr 10pm till i dunnoe wat time liao.. :p tried carrying him, sayang him oso no use.. fed up.. shoved my nipple in n co sleep with him n it seems to work.. :p den sleep till dunnoe wat time n send him back to his cot.. den i knock out liao... :p

now pumping away..

me not zai lah.. actually i oso got lizard phobia... will scream n scream too.. :p

i dun do hand expression leh.. using ameda.. but like wat i always said, most efficient pump i even hav is avent manual.. :p

i ordered lunck tinkkat fr first choice... so so lor... :p

i bought the top lift nursing top fr MIM... so far still okie coz.. but really.. the front open one will be more convenient...

so far me still no block ducts... depends on how u use bah.. i usually massage alot.. but now lazy liao.. i alternate between avent manual n ameda.. so when pumping using avent, i will massage... but if it's ameda, usually i juz let the pump do its' work while i dozing away.... :p

thanks alot for the link..
i used the one u gave me liao.. :p it's abit big for bb.. but still okie as bb dun move ard much.. :p
Hi Bloom,
Didn't know that using other pumps no need to massage during pumping. Coz the medela mini E is the only one I've tried, and through trial & error, find that need to do "extra work". Maybe also becoz I find there are little lumps which need to be massaged away.
Morning, I'm also pumping away while I type. Today use PIS to pump, cos hb haven't wash n sterilise my avent pump. Yesterday after MIM I went to J8, came home n go Westmall again for dinner. Almost out for the whole day n bb in sarong almost the whole day, then at nite, she fussed n keep crying. Slept abt 2am.
I told hb that I feel I'm a lousy mummy. The previous 2 at this age slept from 7.30-8.30pm to 730-8.30am the next morning, but this doesn't even sleeps for 10 hrs at nite. I've read somewhere that bb now should b have abt ard 20 hrs of sleep.

I have some encounter with her, but not that bad, I donated my bm to her when she was studying in Australia n her gal refuse fm. She also hav some trouble with another forum site.

Aiya, my hb also like tat, especially when there's a soccer match.
Btw, u can try the Avent Electric pump, Avent do rent out their pump for trial for 30 days. U can try to rent their pump to try, cos the single electric pump is cheaper. I think u will need those pump where suction can b adjusted. Can Mini e do that? PIS can wor....

Haha, if Kimi was rite abt my complexion, then ur logic is correct rite, I got gd complexion n lost my pre-pregnancy figure. I prefer the other way round then.

Wow u walk from MRT to MIM? I didn't know it was walking distance... The last time I went when we haven't bought the car, we took a cab to n fro MRT wor... u steady leh, do so much walking...
Act. I wanted to buy from Motherhood.com, a US website one, their clothing quite nice but plus the shipping cost, it's act very ex lor. The bra also very nice there. I was surprised to see the spagetti tank top at the shrms yesterday, cos that was exactly the same as in the US website.
There's other online nursing shop lah, but I still feels MIM one better lor. Now I left with bottom to buy liao, cos all my previous bottom cannot wear liao

Mayb ur brusises are not bruises leh? I used to think I got bruises but act they are veins/milk channel. This happen when one has got lots of milk especially during engorgement.

U didn't know meh? I thot u knew long ago. I dunno when to go to Dr Sim leh, my menses/lochia actually stopped at 4th week, but yesterday seems to have brown discharge again and I've got those pre-menstruation discomfort at my tummy. Wondering if my regular menses have return.... oh god, better not leh... let me enjoy more mths of menses free period.... For no. 2 I only had abt 5 mths free period, hope this one can be longer.
been bbsitting on my own the past few days.
thank god so far so good!
been training my ger to sooth herself to sleep. did see some improvement. verrry happy!
next step is to set a routine for her. wish me luck.

looks like i will not hv much time to kpo here for awhile liao. will miss you all!
hey, anything sms me hor.....gathering,good bargain etc.
I am staying at Jurong West St 42
...Wat abt u?? Maybe we can go exercise together

Vanessa, Kimi,
Can i have MIM address
...Wonder shld i get a few nursing top since gg back to work soon and need to pump....More conv mah

I was also wondering shld i get another dual pump that is not so noisy...But at the same time dont want to spent so much $ since dont know how long i can 'tong'....Sigh...
i also need one hour to pump milk. pump massage pump massage... then after that must wash the avent pump... very tiring. am going to wean off my girl by early/mid feb coz going back to school already... no place and prob no time for me to pump...

you are staying at admiralty too right? i go causeway pt very often since it's so convenient. perhaps we could meet up sometime??

last night i started pumping at 1.30am and it was an 11hour interval. we were out and were home quite late. and after such a long time, i only managed abt 115ml... so i think my ss is the worst amongst many of you here...

hi. got expressing qn to ask you. i need one hour to pump. and mid way thru pumping, milk ss will drop. then i will rest for like 2 mins, massage a bit, then pump, then milk ss will come back. i usually will pump and die die squeeze out at least 100ml of milk for my girl's one feed. how do i know that my breasts are empty of milk already? if i do not empty out, does it mean that my milk ss will slowly dwindle? when i try squeezing with hands, still got milk so i will pump. but then the milk only dripping and very slowly some more. then sometimes no milk comes out after pumping for like 30secs -1min. does that mean breasts are empty?
Hi afcai and linette,
thanks for your advice. was pretty stressed about the little one having discomfort in the tum tum. now she regurtitates less and within the first minute, she burps a loud one. hee.

are you teaching too? saw from your last message that you are going back to school in mid feb.
It's not neccessary to buy nursing top if u use it for pumping, waste money n no nice nice clothes to wear, limited to the design available. If u pumping at work, just wear those button front top will do, so u only need to open a few button on the top and use a big towel to cover urself. That's what I did lor, sometimes I also don't bother n just wear normal top since got towel to cover liao. Anyway, the MIM add is
40 Jln Pemimpin #04-10C, Tat Ann Building

U will know when ur breasts are soft... after 30 secs - 1 min pumping no milk means empty liao, u can continue to pump for another 5 mins or so to stimulate flow. U will b surprise if u experienced another time of let-down.
Wat I usually did was when the flow slows dwn or dripping, I will press my breasts while pumping, all round the breasts n u can actually sees the milk spraying. This will prevent blocked ducts cos u r actually going round ur breasts to clear all the ducts. Try n let me know it works on u

For me, she sold items with bad conditions and doesn't reply at all liao.

Then she never paid another mum's items.

Then another is that she asked for quite a number of free items and still act like other owed her.

Others is that they gave her free items for donation but end up saw their items being re-sold again.

I search for her and seen some of her postings.. many are asking for free items..

She is very demanding and selfish wan.

Since she doesn't want to refund me.. then fine lor, I believe in retribution wan.. She sure will get to lugi her money in some other ways.
Ya lor, she also did tat in another forum n almost ended up in legal case. I even got her MSN, cos that time when I knew her, all these haven't happen yet but didn't hav much contact wif her lor.
I can't remember, think it started off by reselling those FOC items to her, then another one was she violate dunno which rule of tat forum n when kena warned by the moderator, she said pp pry into her pirvacy by reading her PM msg to others n same thing, wanted to sue the moderator for this pirvacy thing n think defamation as well. alot of story of her in another forum lah.. then furthermore, she use her co email to write those nasty mail to the moderator.
Ha ha.. I know, she is from some kind of legal background. Thus made use of that coz she got some knowledge while others dun hv...

I saw her post saying she is somekind of single mum, etc.. but on another forum, she post pic of her hubby, herself and her daughter..
And hor, she own a car wan lor.. red one.. Then still goes around asking for free items..

She'll get what she deserves wan lor...
She wants to sue another forummer of deflamation in this forum too.. I saw that in the "Looking for Jol..."

Her reputation is really bad and she got several nicks also..
But again, no wind how to spread fire?? hai..
So ladies, you all must beware leh..
We belong to the low ss group of mummies...Alway tell myself to give whatever i have rather than stress out over the ss..This way can enjoy the process more and wont miss out on BB growth

Oh so i can save on nursing top liao...But still have to invest on nursing bra lor...More conv as compare to normal bra

Vanessa, Qianhui,
I did read abt this ladies in this forum....The last i read is that alot of the mummies are gathering info to build up a case and intent to report to the police....In the end dont know it went through or not case didnt follow that tread liao
Yes nursing bra is a must lor, so ever since I started bfing, i say bye bye to those beautiful bra liao
Nursing top u may wish to buy a few pcs if u intend to bf outside lor.
Shihui, ur bb sounds like mine. At noisy events (eg mom's pl) she will behave nicely and sleep quietly but once we reach home, she will wail and refuse to sleep. hehee... ameda so shiok har.. can massage u till u fall asleep....

sylk, sorry , did i say no need to massage while pumping? I mean no need to hand express..always type wrongly :p

Vanessa, what? BB should have 20 hrs of sleep? Sure anot? My bb is definitely sleeping much less than that. Mini E can adjust suction too. Cool abt avent, maybe I will check it out
My bb started consolidating her poo poo around 7th week, but now at once she will poo so much it leak out of diapers sometimes ....

mbb, sounds like u r off at a good start

Jackie, me too! me too! Don't know if I should invest in another one (esp when there might not be no 2! hubby not keen leh!) That's why now at a dilemma

alabone, that was my original intention to wean bb off when i go back to work in feb (cos spending 1 hr pumping in office is definitely no no! But I was asking Vanessa if its possible to just pump and no hand express in office and still no block ducts and she said its possible)..but now abit bu she de.... i might go causeway pt again tonight (last time go very often, but not now cos mah fun to have bb around...) to get the avent milk bags cos running out of glass bottles liao.. die die....

Qianhui, if that is the case, didn't anyone ask the moderator to block her?
hi Tan SL,
yes... i am a teacher... an unwillingly teacher at this point coz wanna stay home with kids. you teacher as well?

i cannot pump and massage at the same time leh!!! how you and shihui do it one???? tell you, i'm using the avent manual. then when i pump right breasts, will use left hand to push the funnel into breast so got no air so very tight there. then i pump. where got another hand to massage? unless, i engage hb's help lor...

i also do like what you mentioned. even tho breasts are soft already, i will continue to press press and sometimes i experience another letdown and then wow... milk spray very happy. but not all the time la... i haven't pump for twelve hours now... wonder how much i will get. and it's not engorged. does it mean i got very little milk huh?

when i read abt your bb's poo, i laughed. coz i also in same predicament... can only laugh. i tell you, i change until scared ah. last night bb poo, luckily mum was here. told her i exchange with her kids to take care. i jaga my son, she clean my girl. hee hee. escape for me leh. keep pooing one lor. i wonder when she will only poo twice a day... i really change until... sigh... worse thing is everytime i change her, she will gek and then poo will fly. wah piang... so angry i want to scream...

i no longer very stress abt it liao... ren ming lor... bb going on quite well w formula and drinking abt 400ml of breastmilk a day i happy already. i going to stop in feb leh... think i'm going to be the earliest quitter.

i also. i wanted to stop after her first month but still persevering on lor. hb say i keep complaining ask me why don't stop. i say other mummies here same situation as me also continue, so how can i stop so soon without trying more?

i going to causeway point later also. bringing son to kai kai without girlie. going to buy non slip mats for bathroom...

sounds like someone conned you?
Hi Vanessa Lu,
my gar has not been pooing y'day till now (2 days liao). if she was to poo, she will poo a lot. as what I read fr the book that bf bb tend to absorb most nutrients as breast milk easily disgestable so lesser poo.
Vanessa, think i not observant enough probably busy chasing after my elder girl
At least you got 5 months of meneses free. For my first delivery, straight after the locia stops i got my menses though i fully bf...i was wondering like kenna con..how come so fast got menses unless fully express rather than direct feed makes a difference? no right?

vanessa, qianhui...so scary didn't know such people exist. Thanks for warning. Usually when you gals order something do you do some checking on the reputation of the person or just by faith order?Its really a risk as we have to pay $$ before getting the goods and we din even know the person.

Vanessa, Evee poos about 3 times a day now.Bb must sleep for 20 hours ah? jiat lat, Evee only sleeps about 8 hours a day...now reyna sleeps how many hours?

Jackie, your jurong west is the one near JJC? mine is st.65 near jurong point. I dun dare to think of exercise now...dun even have time to sleep..hope tings improve soon, the day to start work drawing nearer really afraid how to survive with work if i sleep only about 3-4 hours each day.
I dun mind she poo once n alot, but jus dun make me tired but keep pooing leh....

Y must hold yje funnel leh? Jus push the funnel in hard lah... I use the other hand to hold the funnel together wif breast.
This morining I also dun feel any hardness, but managed to fill 1 bottle of medela bottle with 1 side.
My gar poo also fly everywhere... this morning when I'm cleaning her after shower, I put my face quite low, then she sneezed n I thot nothin came out, but later I saw poo on the nappy n everywhere ard the cot, small droplets, everywhere inclu. my shirt also got... I'm wondering if my face or mouth got or not man....

I also didn't know, but I heard her telling others abt her pregnancy...
I also dunno how long Reyna sleeps, she can say she dun sleep in the day unless I'm carrying her, wat so good abt carry to sleep, I rather sleep on the bed man, so shiok. really wonder if I shld give in to sarong, hb keep tellin me to do so....
The mense will depends on individual one lah, some earlier some later, some dun even bother to have 'free' period even though tbf.

Share how u make ur ger fall asleep herself leh...
juz now brought bb to Lot 1 to walk walk.. wanted to go waterloo street too initially.. but as it's my first shopping trip with bb, dun dare travel far.. :p met Chang at Kiddy palace.. Chang power leh.. can recognise my hubby...
too bad bb started fussing not long aft we met.. so i got to rush off.. :p fed bb on the car while going home... :p

i oso got ugly veins on my breast leh.. they radiate fr the aerola... so ugly looking.. my breast disfigured liao... :p hubby very bad.. kept encouraging me to express milk out n bottlefeed bb.. my mom oso.. they kept encouraging me to bottlefeed bb leh... but i really worried tt if i switch to total bottlefeed, my supply will drop..

read somewhere tt some pple hav lower storage capacity for bm than others.. some maybe it's not ur ss low.. but low storage capacity lor.. reach max liao.. so the milk production slows down...

vanessa, qianhui,
the "j" person u all toking abt isit "j_ _ _ m"? i received an email fr someone to warn me against giving anything to her...

haha.. our bb belong to those which pple will praise tt they r so guai when in actual fact, r little devil in disguise.. heee~ :p

ameda not so shiok lah.. but i always use ameda in the middle of the night mah.. so haven't wake up yet.. tt's y dozing away while pumping.. :p

vanessa, alabone,
mine too.. still poo almost aft every change.. but most interesting is tt during every feed, he will eat n poo at the same time... :p

agree leh.. sometimes i wish i can stop latch on leh.. den juz total bottlefeed lor... but hor, when i see so many mommies here persevering when they r in any difficulties really spur me on..
we sort of encourages each other thru our constant complaints... :p

act. ur ss is enof 2 meet bb's dd rite? so y wanna go total bottlefeed? in fact u can go total latch on rite? it's really soooo much more convenient. no need to wash n sterilise bottle n teats n pump etc... no need 2 worry bt over/underfeeding... no need 2 bring barang barang when u go out... unless u find latching v hard cos flow too fast 4 bb... but it'll pass lor... mine now used to my fast flow liao... can c her working v hard 2 manage, sometimes after she'll pant n pant, so funny...


mine oso poo alot... n seldom in big amt at a single go. every feed oso haf poo one. nowadays rainy n cold hor, her pee oso alot! always get soaked thru! haiz...
i tink my gal does sleep more or less 20hrs p day bah... rainy days sleep more. so shiok mah... machiam like cannot wake up like tt...

i noe MIM a bit far 4 walking lah. but i noe i won't haf time 2 exercise tt day mah so i walked lor... so tired when i went home leh... totally knocked out in e afternoon...


hah hah... yah, guess one can't b too greedy.. anyway e bad complexion is mainly my fault cos i eat lotsa heaty stuff n haf itchy fingers, keep scratching my face...

Re: letdown

while latching on my gal, i can experience up 2 4-5 letdowns sometimes leh! then i'll b v happy cos i noe she's eating a lot... sometimes she like suckle until v sian, i'll tell her to suck harder so tt more milk wld come... when letdown comes, she'll suck fast fast... ha..

my ss is enough.. but the flow is too fast for bb...
so bb always reject my nipple lor... den he very poor thing lidat.. drink till choke.. sooner or later, he will develop breast phobia if he continues to choke on my breasts... :p tt's y hubby kept suggesting bottlefeed lor.. at least bb won't choke.. else i think he sim tia when bb's hungry yet choke on milk....

ur gal so gd... suck fast fast when u experience let down.. mine hor, choke on my let down.. lazy boy... dun want to suck fast fast...
