(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

I need to train her to take bottle so that I can hav a bit of free time to go out while leaving her wif my mum. Furthermore, I still need to go back to off for 1 day to tender my resignation.... If she really don't take bottle by then, I will hav to tender wth immediate effect liao.


u better tell ur mum tt u're using this mtd then. if she breaks e consistency then jia lat liao. later u've to start over again waste all ur effort. but ur mum wld follow one or nt?

i'd oso stand beside e cot n talk to bb. tell her she must learn to b by herself n gif mama some space... hehe.. luckily she doesn't cry much other than when she's hungry...

i'm oso q hesitant bt letting either my mum or mil bbsit bb, even tho it'll only b a few hrs. cos i dun want them to intro bad habits 2 my gai. sekali they keep carrying bb or rock her to sleep etc i die leh! tt day went my mum's place she said no need to keep carrying bb n dun need to care when she fusses. but then hor, she's so thrilled by her tt she herself kept carrying her... haiz... she oso can say " i say dun carry i myself went to carry hor?" n she grins... guess they just enjoy carrying their grandchdn..


ariel so cute! eyes big big n she looks so happy. does she look like ur no. 1? i remember she oso has big eyes rite?


i understand. heh heh... act. tt mtd won't work 4 me oso. even if i go into e next rm i'd prob stay awake 4 e whole nite wondering how's bb.

afcai, bloom,

my bb oso poo all over her privates leh. sometimes e poo will get into her labia... so hard to clean. but so dirty!!!


so how's natalie? did she sleep thru e nite again??
yeah lor, after training bb then hv to train mum too. but no choice lah. i also cannot isolate my bb fr her grandparents.
at least i can scream at my mum but MIL....
last nite, hb was on the phone with MIL, bb juz make abit of eear eear sound, MIL tod hb to hang up the phone and carry bb!

looking at bb Meg's progress, i am tempted to be a SAHM. too bad lah, financialy we cant afford for now

J&J or Kodomo bb wash is rinse free or not huh?
i wanna cut cost but also lazy

pls advice.

bb Meg nowadays will smile whenever we repeat her ga ga gooo gooo.
my heart melts!!!!!
ariel is so cute... she really looks like u...

my mil oso... keep saying cannot carry bb too much... but she can't resist the temptation.. :p

admire u leh... so determined to train bb... me wanted to do the same.. but see bb cry until voice hoarse liao.. den me heartpain n carry him... hai....
Hiaz... Reyna win liao lor... everyone plead 4 her.... I force her to take bottle but 4 the past few days she refuse n I got pissed n starve her.... then my hb asked me to give up bottle, when she's older or accepted bottle then if I wan I will look 4 job... Now at my mum's place, she also say the same thing... she told me y make both of us suffer if my decision is to b a SAHM, jus let her latch on n bring her everywhere u go till she weaned off herself....Win liao lor rite? My no. 2 went thru the same 'training' too, so unfair to her rite?
I dun hav the heart to let her cry it out, I scare at nite I will suffer, cos if she swallow too much air, nite time will hav prob. liao. but I can tahan letting her cry in my arm, then after tat sayang n kissed her lor....
i will use kodomo leh.
i also heartpain but i guess the selfish part of me win.

crying really can swallow alot of air har?
so far bb meg is still ok. got fart alot but dun cost her too much discomfort.

hmmmm, no support from family can be difficult for you. but how long do you intend to latch her?
wat if she dun wean off herself???
i realli admire ur hb as a good father when ur bb is being cared by nanny & if any pblm & u are flying ur hb have to take care of bb etc...
My hb is opposite. Oni knw how to bully & tickle bb then play with her awhile then go back his computer table & play game. no father love at all lidat. no helping me of suffering bb hardship of bringing up.

sori missed ur earlier post. what happen why got pple say u give up bf-ing??

ur bb is sooo lovely leh with her big big eyes.
Ladies, i nearly burnt the whole house down this morning. Do you all find your memory not as good during pregnancy and after childbirth? mine sure is. This morning i starting cooking yong tau soup thought after 15min switch off fire. End up , i forgot totally about it after 1 hour i smell something burnt but it din come to my mind its my soup...i kept looking out the window see where on fire then i realise how come my house got so much smoke after a long while i walked into kitchen then realise its the soup..on mine..the pot which is $200+ is badly burnt and the food is "gone"...i switch off the fire, open the windows and on the fans...it takes quite a long while before the smoke disperse and quite worried if the smoke that evee inhaled while crying may affect her in any way...haiz...felt so bad about it...called hubby but fortunately he din tell me off and even say leave the mess and wait till he come home to clear...

MBB, use the crying method again since this morning, she cried for more than 1 hour this morning fell asleep and woke up after only 30 min
then after that dun want to sleep anymore...how long your bb take to be trained? so now how long she cry before she fell asleep or she dun cry anymore when want to sleep?

Vanessa, was told the sale will end just before CNY
alabone, post wrong place har.most of u woudl have bought our manual pumps liao..should post in the 2007 mommies thrends :p


Geri..ehehe...sound quite disguisting leh..mommy got to DYI :p Ur gal got ur eyes leh!

MBB, I am surprise u cannot find a nanny without smokers at home loh... where do u live? Cos so far all that I found only one family got smokers...maybe woodlands too near to casueway they dont need smoking to get high so less smokers..ahahaha ..meg so responsive har..good!

QSG, my memmory is also very bad nowadays...
i'm 3rd time lucky last night. last feed was 10.30pm. she slept right thru. but i was up doing work and by 3 still haven't sleep. remembered some1 said bb not 5kg cannot dun give night feed so i kaypoh go make milk. she slept thru her feed. then next feed was 8 plus. then after tt her fuss time liao.

does mandy's fuss time change? nat like keep changing fuss time. hope she keeps e 7plus to 11fuss time so tt she'll sleep thru again. heehee.
your bb has such big eyes. my girl had double eyelids initially but now gone... think i feed her until too fat already...

mbb, kimi,
the two of you are very zai. i cannot bear bb cry. also if they cry, wind will get in so i afraid later she will fuss. luckily nat doesn't really cry. nat is really really very much like mandy you know?? she also doesn't really cry except when she wants milk and during her fuss time. kimi, we must let the two bb girls meet!

pregnancy takes away alot of brain cells one... i also super bad memory. that's why nowadays i boil water, i set timer so that when it rings i go switch off. you can go get those kitchen timer also. i just use mobile timer. just don't forget what we set thet timer for! i've such bad memory i cannot even remember some colleagues' names liao. maybe it's a sign i shouldn't go back to work. hehehe.
share with you what my friend is going thru now. she has been breastfeeding her bb from start and now the bb is going to be 8 months old already she is stil bfing. she tried introducing the bottle, like you, and has totally failed. her son refused the bottle and there was one time, they tried bottle the whole day, he rather starve than take the bottle. she told me for that day, he starved for 12 hours. and they had no choice but to give in. he is total latch on and doesn't even want to try the sippy cup. she told me last weekend she only manage to get him to use sippy cup a few times with some success. she said very trying. don't know what to do... i think she intro bottle quite late. so maybe you should persevere and let reyna try the bottle. must train. otherwise you really cannot even get away for a while to have your own time. my friend told me that.
Hi alabone,
with rdgs to the transaction fr nipple to bottle feed issue, maybe is it yr frenz is the one who still feed the bb with bottle. it is advisable to let other ppl except mummy to bottle feed bb so that bb won't smell the mummy and then search for nipple.
my mom the opp.. kept asking me to give up latch on.. juz bottlefeed... today she ask me to consider stopping breastfeeding totally when i go back work.. but i dun want leh.. wish to continue as long as possible.. esp when i feel so encouraged by my milk ss...
but hor, i oso worried leh.. now i'm like constantly engorged lidat.. was told tt breastfeeding will be more established in 6th wk n won't suffer so much fr engorgement liao rite? and by den, if i decided to pump exclusively, i can slowly adjust timing to juz 4 pumps a day while maintaining ss rite?

take care.. my memory not as gd too... :p

my boy oso.. dunnoe y one of his eyes got single instead of double eyelid... hai~~~
Hi kimi,
yup, if poo get into their private part area need a lot of effort to clean. I just use water and flush thr it and then clean it carefully.

same, I'm left handed so prefer to carry her using left hand. the only time use right hand is during feeding of right breadt loh.

yup, I also do head rotation when neck stain.

as mentioned abt giddiness, it might be what the gyne said that lack of slp or bec we held our head too low and blood & oxygen did not reach the brain so that's why there is giddiness.
hi mummies
like 2 share some interesting moments of bb philson

last sat b4 his nite feed, i was changing diaper 4 him....i took off his soiled diaper & b4 i put on his new diaper, he peepee & his pee kana his mattress, playpen, pillow, everywhere....was so angry dat i scolded him....screamed....handling him roughly....my hubby was so angry with me & we ended up quarreling while bb crying....anyway, dat day i was very sick so very impatient....in the end, feel so guilty abt the way i treated bb dat i broke down & cried.....hoping dat he will not rem the terrible words & actions of his mummy.....

as he woke up crying during the next nite feed, i told myself...must b patient....when i bent over, the moment he c me, he stopped crying & smiled at me....his kinda smile is those....mummy i love u kinda smile....i melted....
so change his diaper 4 him....& same thg happened again....b4 i put on the new diaper...he pee again....this time i dun feel angry or fustrated at all....guess his smile works wonder
ever since dat day....everytime during nite time....only nite time....he will stop crying & smile at me when i m changing his diaper....

another thg is my battle with him over drinking his water....he hates 2 drink water....must force him...& he will cry & cry as if i m feeding him poison ;p

suddenly 2day he seems very cooperative...when i give him water, he keeps very quiet...never cry...juz drink....i thot he finally give in....but after awhile when i pull out the teat, water flow out fr his mouth on2 his clothes, neck......then i realised he "keeps" all the water in the mouth....waiting 4 the "opportunity" 2 spit it out....terrible ;p

it is really a joy 2 c our bbies in their special moments.....so everythg we do 4 them is worth it lor

mmmmmmmmm.......cant bear 2 go back 2 work but oso cannot tahan 24hrs looking after bb....sigh....;p
Hi Bloom,
oic. thks. these few days dunno why, my gar is so hard to burp. this morning, she latched on till she slp and guess what, her mouth is full of milk and she dtipped out. so wasted as she did not swallow it, just suck and place in her mouth.

did u watch the 1030pm show y'day with regard to the bb show? the bb show will be broadcast every mon at 1030pm on channel 8. y'day, the show mentioned abt jaunice, breastfeeding (skills etc...) etc. quite educated.

I did not realise till y'day after watching the bb show that new born only see 3 color - red , white and black.no wonder flash card alway come in these 3 color.
Hi Tan SL,
agreed that most bb are active at night. maybe bec during our preggie time, we tended to work in the day and there was movement so this movement will rock bb to slp. but at night, when mummy was at rest, bb will be awake then. during my preggie, my gar is quite active at night and I can felt those movement - kicking etc in my tummy.

hmm how to see if bb is overfeed huh that's a wns I would like to know too.

did yr gar smile during her sleep? my gar always smile.
Just came back from a haircut.... so shiok..... but spend a lot leh.... sim tia man... but ok lah, for CNY as well lor, then NY no need to cut liao

I understand the consequences, I won't give up trying bottle but just tat I can take the process slowly rather than forcing her to drink everyday using the hard way.....

My memory also no good, I heard that our brain cell all 'donated' to bb liao, so we tend to be more forgetful.... I 'donated' mine to 3 kids liao, so I'm sure I'm more forgetful.

I did burnt a pot b4, u can use white vinegar to soak the pot and it will be shining again.
Hi alabone,
with regard to the qns abt pumping and latching on, will it help to shrink the uterus, I believe both shd be the same - meaning it will.reason being that it is still under breastfeeding mah, both method still express what milk. maybe to confirm, u can consult gyne when u go and see her.
Yesterday I was so tired tat I missed tat episode, but I heard from my mum tat the PD is actually my gal's PD, Dr Ong....Anyway, it's indeed very educational, cos my mum was so encoraged on my bfing after watching tat.
hi afcai,
not sure whether it was my friend who tried or not... think it was. will tell her to let her hb try instead. thanks for info. and yes, will ask gynae regarding uterus matter. suppose to see her today but still got lochia... brownish kind so cannot...

keep trying! i'm sure you'll succeed in time to come.
Hi ladies,

Just came back from shopping at Jurong pt..


Me too spent $250 for rebond and high light.. so Sim tia! I 1st time spent so much on hair...


Your girl's photo in the blog, the one which says 'funny expression'... very cute.. mouth also like to pout like the tweety bird...
I spent $99 on trim, wash and scalp treatment plus a bottom of shampoo... Ex or not huh? Done at my mum's place here leh... sound like quite ex for a neighbourhood salon leh....

$250 for rebonding quite ok lah, plus highlight somemore leh....
Hi Vanessa Lu (vaness81),
bb just slp only after feed. so quickly come into to chekc my email as well as see the posting.

my gar did not poo y'day till now, guess later if poo, will sure a lot. so horrible.

oic. I only started to watch the bb show last wk only. quite informative and educated. is it, the doc (dunno what is his name) in the show is fr TMC (I guess) and is wearing glasses.

didn't know that bb wear mitten in the nursary? cos at KKH, bb dun wear mitten and booties. cos my gar did not wear when the nurse pushed her to me.

haa..good to educate those traditional old folks abt bf. they dun support keep on saying bf not gd, not enough milk for bb to drink and bb won't drink full one etc....so & irriated to hear that. that's why conflict started betw my mum and me during confinement.

also did not realise that new born only recognize 3 tone of colors (red, black and white) loh.
Hi Qian Hui,
thks for the vote. haa.. she always do that so called 'tweety bird' expression when she is in the mood of pooing. so that's the syptom and then will place her aside till she finished her business and then she will wail after that.

my memory was real bad during pregy, will 4get to switch off iron n tings like tt. after giving birth hor, my gross motor skills n general awareness became q bad. during confinement mth, i broke 2 mugs, n accidentally splashed hot milo over myself. luckily hubby din change his mind bt me being a SAHM... but he's q worried, looking at how clumsy i was... heh heh...


wah! congrats huh! e one who said e 5kg thing is me lah but u might like 2 chk w ur doc or pd regarding this. y u work until so late?

mandy's fuss time wld change but is usu in e morn n evening. yah... tink they're q alike.. i'm carrying her as i type now. nt tt she's fussing a lot but sometimes i find her so adorable i buay tahan wanna carry leh.. haiz.... just like my mum.. ha ha

sometimes i try 2 put myself in her shoes. everyday lie in bed, most o e time scenery e same. nobody 2 talk 2 her n keep her company....remind me o e time i's on bedrest in TMC. v sian one leh! so occasionally i give in, n cuddle her a bit lor!

alabone, vanessa,

my fren's nephew wasn't trained on e bottle. dunno trained too late or wat but he just refused e bottle. now he's 1+ or 2yrs old liao, whenever he wants milk, he'll run ti his mummy n grap her breast 2 suck! so terrible...

but ya, vanessa, since u gonna b sahm, can take ur time lor but wish u success soon so u'll haf more freedom. so how come u can go cut hair?

tink i'm v heng leh. mandy breast or nipple oso can, n she doesn't need her milk 2 b warm... oso doesn't fuss much. i keep telling my hubby we're v lucky...


ur bb v cute. like already tinking n hatching plots liao. next time sure can make u v happy.


wah! so nice... meg will respond by smiling ar? mine smile q a lot but dunno 4 wat! sometimes she'll smile when i make weird sounds but other times i can't figure out why... hmmm...
Hi alabone (alabone),
u are welcome. I also needed time to wean of bf and switched to bottle when I go bck to work on mar. Have sms my boss last wk to extend my ML till end of mar but she never replied. will need to call her at end of the mth so that I have time to wean of the bf part.

for me, I am also due for my post natal checkup this thru but still got bit of lochia (on and off light brown). yup, it might be we still bf so that 's why lochia is still on and off.

Have cancelled my appt with KKH cos prefer to go polyclinic.
Hi doggiebb,
we mummy also need to be patient with our bb (no choice). mummy get kan cheong, bb will feel it and then maybe cry more jialat. just use these period of time before returning to workforce to bond with the bb, that's why I also do that. my mum dun understand (only need her durign confinement and not the next 2 mth mah) and now still in the cold war with me. hai...

do cherish the bonding with yr bb. cheers, u can do it.
I got the time cos the salon is jus opp my mum's place, so after feed quickly go 4 a haircut then run back to feed lor....but still thinking how to do massage.... sian man....

U really a lucky one..... tat's y I more angry with Reyna, y Mandy can accept it readily n she can't
Hi Jackie,
bb also get inpatient before feed. always told me gar that to wait cos mummy is preparing but she will stop crying and then cry again. one of the time, my right breast got block (first time after wearing bra) so need sometime to massage and place hot water to release the block. then my gar will gek till her face red and scream. that time, really frustrated and kan cheong liao and I 'scolded' her to wait. hubby also can't smoothe her.
so frustrating, Evee has been crying since 120pm till now...still not asleep...she really very persistent...wonder how come she not tired...dunno if i can carry on this training for the rest of this week

Vanessa, soak in vinegar for how long?

Kimi, i put the EBM in a bottle then put in it the PIS cooler carrier. You can buy similar carrier like Avent or some other brands too which are insulated for cold/hot. I also bring out a small vacuum flask with hot water and a mug...then use put the bottle inside the mug with hot water...quite troublesome but what to do..think can also warm up in advance and put in those insulated bag but probably have to consume within maybe 1 hour or less.
hi kimi,
proved my pt abt me having bad memory then... can't remember who said wat. i also carrying nat to typr now. bfing her. nat same like mandy - breast n bottle also can. i also always tell hb we v lucky! esp he lucky. if she fuss @ nite, he won't hv gd slp then won't hv energy to work... plus he has to wake so early...

regarding y i was working so late... hai... my own fault la... haven't finish work review for my HOD... she hounding me 4 it... last dec just had surgery, then got probs here n there so delay delay until now lor...
Hi mummies,
do any one place the bb on the tummy (placing on bb's tummy so he can make the neck muscles even stronger.)? my gar cry when I did that.

also notice my gar 'hardly' blink her eyes (meaning she took very long to blink) cos I 'played' with her the staring eye to eye contact and she won.
hi mummies,
bf my girl for abt an hr. then i thought she must be full coz she stopped herself. then she started crying and was like searching around to suck... no choice had to give fm... sigh... i was just telling hb i think my ss increasing then today like that...

after feeding her fm i smelt the smell i'm afraid of - her poo! wah, open up her diapers to see, then saw that she had pooed all over her private part! not the first time already... goodness. girl very troublesome. last time my son never like that leh... nowadays her poo is of a thicker consistency and really like thick prata curry sauce... quite gross... am never going to look at prata curry sauce the same way again...

you very cute. play the staring eye game with her. i tried too last time and lost too. don't why what they staring at and can stare so long...
i put my girl on her tummy as suggested by some mummies here and she's quite ok. never really cry. she only tried lifting her head.

hiyoh, dun tink tt way lah! all bbs r diff mah. maybe mine was trained w bottle at e hosp b4 so can accept it lor. dun angry ok? one day sure can one. tt time ur no.2 oso wat rite?


wah. now on ML oso need to do wk ar? but u owe her one ar? wat surgery did u go thru?


wah... troublesome... luckily e place i go to has hot water, tink i just bring a mug can liao. thx 4 ur advise.
Hi hi everyone,
Logging in to 'destress'

Ohh, i only bottle feed Ariel a few times when she had jaundice, after that stop already. I was thinking to start 1-2 weeks before i go back to work.

MBB, Kimi, Shihui, Jen, Bloom, Alabone,
Ya, she has big eyes like my no. 1. And their baby photos look alike. Some said look like me, some said look like hubby.

Hee, ya abit disgusting. But no choice leh, i want to see if she is really constipated or not loh.

If your girl cried and was like sarching around to suck, you can offer the other breast, usually after a few sucks, there is another letdown. That's what i usually do. Sometimes my girl also drank till she feel asleep, but when i lift her up and want to burp or put her back in cot, she cry and seach for breast, i offer her the other and she suck. But sometimes i wonder if she is really hungry or she takes me as pacifier.

Actually think about it, today is already 16th Jan, and i'm going back to work on 21st Feb. Wow time flies man.
bb meg loves tummy time.
she will lift her head high high and turn fr left to right, right to left.
tat is why i often said i gave birth to a monster!

pour vineger into the burnt pot and boil then soak it. after tat wash and scrub as per normal.
it can be as good as new

hmmmmm, after 1 pm, bb meg goes back to her old pattern!!!!!
made me so angry

looks like tmr is another battle day.....haizzzzzz
Hi ladies,
do u ever encounter this before? anyway, now I realised that it is impt to put mitten on bb. initially, I tot mitten is to prevent bb fr scratching the face but......today, I encountered this. here my story of my poor little gar who cried so painfully.

I toweled bath (use towel to wipe her) my gar ard 7pm. Have already toweled bath half way thru (wiped her half body and face) and then taken out her mitten and booties. I just turned my head ard to dip the towel into the water and clean. the moment, I turned back, my gar was crying very jialat. her crying was scary (in pain). I saw her hand on her head, guess what, her hand graping her own hair tightly. I tried to remove it by releasing her finger but no vain and she even grip harder. so I have to use force to release or else the more she cry, the harder she pull her hair (of cos she did not know that). after that, finally release and she cried really in pain for abt 5 mins. poor her.

so now I realise the impt of having mitten on bb and didn't realise that bb will tend to grip her own hair.
Hi alabone,
yup, my gar sometimes stare up and look towards the window and dunno stare at what.

now my gar 's eyes will follow the object goes. when I handed over bb to hubby, her eyes will 'glue' to me.

gd mah, yr gar tried lifing her head up, this is to train her neck muscles.
how's old is yr bb? think yr bb is much older cos her head already can support the neck(I assume) since she can turn left and right.

have u seen my gar 's photo which I post the url link previously? cos seem like one of the photo look like yr gar esp taken in hospital.
Hi Ladies,
Bring BB to visit his great grandmum....After reaching home BB become cranky liao...These happen for a few time already...Boi boi like need time to adapt to the constant change in environment. Does it happen to u ladies???
bb sleeping aft his feed... hope he's not going to be cranky again tonight... else i think i going to be cranky too liao.. :p hubby already can't tahan the late nights n had to take panadol to stop his headache.. bb better be guai guai tonight...

philson is so cute...
knows how to "pacify" mommy..

i wanted to watch last night's bb show.. but bb last night cranky all the way... so missed the show.. hope hubby subscribe to mobtv so tt i can watch.. heee~ :p

so nice.. went for a haircut liao.. me hope to go salon too.. but like always no time lidat... sian..

how come my mom watch liao still dun really encourage bf... hai~~~

wah.. ur fren's nephew treat his mommy as milk dispenser ah... i won't allow my son to run to me n grap my breast... heeee~ :p

i place bb on his tummy when he's alert n not sleeping.. he will go "eh eh eh" while lifting his head... den aft several min, will wail n i need to turn him over liao.. :p

mine too... think he treat my breast as pacifier.. esp at night time.. he will juz wail n wail until i offer him my breast.. den suck few seconds n "pui" out liao.. den cry again.. re-latch n pui again.. aiyo.. until i frustrated... :p

i think one of the mommy here encountered the same prob as u.. her bb oso grab hair liao dunnoe how to release....
shihui, speaking of maintaining ss after decreasing to 4 times a day, i realise that my ss drop after i did that.. last time can have 100ml per 3 hrs..now 6 hrs < 200ml... so disappointing..

alabone, go get those kettle that will whistle after the water is boiled lah

afcai , did not watch that show lah..my BIL did sms my hb to ask him to watch...i don't even have time to watch my favorite tv shows nowadays.

jackie, my bb too becomes cranky after going to my mom's place..think this is quite common..drive my hb crazy though cos bb will refuse to sleep that night...

visited the orthodontist again today. my bb's cleft improved again! so happy. but hor, got a scolding fr the orthodontist, cos i used a different taping method fr what she taught. but if i follow her method, there is always no improvement leh.

but sadly, when orthodontist ordered me to remove bb's tape, bb started struggling so the tape tore off parts of the skin on her cheeks.
blood immediately started dotting her cheeks. aiyah, made me feel so guilty.

philson so sweet, smiling at u at every diaper change. melts the heart hor? my gal now smiles at me every time she sees me in the morning. wide, wide smile every time. melts my heart every time. n if i walk away, her eyes will follow me n she will call arh!, if i turn around, she will smile again. trying to entice me to stay with her. tsk tsk. if i fall for it, dun need to go back to work liao.

if ur gal grab her hair again, u can just lift her head. she should release whatever is in her hand immediately. my gal used to grab her hair v. often at one point, but she grew out of it after a while. think chang's philson also does that.

n hor, think ur bb is at the stage where her brain will suppress any urge to turn her head or blink when she fixates on an object. no way for us adults to win the staring contest unless u cheat n distract her. :p can only wait for their brain to develop further n they can learn to break the eye lock.

wah, ur gal so guai, sleeping thru the night already. i'm still trying to set a routine for my gal. let's see whether the routine will withstand an orthodontist visit tonight.

my bb too. think our babies recognise the home, that's why they hv some anxiety every time they go out. she stepped into the orthodontist clinic today n she was grimacing immediately.
