(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

hi afcai,
same here, my girl was active at night while in the tummy, so my hb 'blames' me lor, when preggie, night time dun sleep early, 'play' with girl girl at night, now, girl girl wants to play at the same timing too. haha... my fault =(

anyway, today i faced another challenge, baby seems to feed continuously, doesn't seem contented until like the third continuous feed with interval of twenty min. could i be producing less milk? tot i read books that say as long as baby latches on, my boobies will continue to produce milk. each time she drinks, i will squeeze my boobies at intervals to check if there is still milk, and there is. but why doesn't baby feel contented and needs to be fed continuously?

my girl smiles too, in her sleep, but esp so when her father talks to her. i wonder why?

i get that too, baby wails and i offer, suck a few times, fall asleep, carry to put in bed, cries again, then the cycle continues.

by the way, when you gals say you pump and get 100ml per 3 hours, the 3 hours includes the latching on right? i dun even get 100ml leh. I used to, now it has dropped to half only. so sad. have been stuffing myself with two servings of fish. how to increase supply? really wish to satisfy baby's needs.


Try expressing milk more regularly. Even when the milk has stopped squirting, continue for a further 5 mins. That was how I increased my milk supply. Also take more fish (at least 3 times a week), drink lot'sa fluid and avoid coffee and soft drinks.
yes... i owe her one lor... i had c-section that's why delayed doing my work review. natalie just now after her feed, gek and gek... wah... so angry coz she kept puking out milk and then dirty her clothes... argh!!!!!! she gek hor, like motor engine revving like that one. super loud!

i did offer her the other breast. then she also suck suck then twisted her head away and don't want. maybe my milk flow too slow. then i looked at my nipple, like got some blister like that leh... not sure what it is. wonder if it's blocked ducts again. but shouldn't be lah... coz no lumps.

you are going back to work on 21st feb? i am going back on 24feb. very sian hor? sometimes i miss my colleagues but that's about it. don't miss work. just miss talking to other adults. sigh... in dilemma... don't know should take child care leave or to send my boy to child care instead...

yup. my girlie like that. sometimes can stare quite long. and very cute. then she makes her mouth into the 'o' shape. like what qianhui describes as the tweety bird expression. i read from a book that when bb makes this expression, it means that they are surprised.

poor bb girl. you must feel so sim tia to hear her cry like that when she pulled her own hair.

6hours less than 200ml already better than me... i 12 hours then get 160ml... so pathetic right? i also want the whistling kettle. but hb say waste $$$ to buy coz we got that one free from his mum... sigh... everytime he boil water i very scared coz he always forgets. that's why i use the timer lor...

happy for you that your girl is making improvement!!!
jia you jia you!!!

not sure whether she is really sleeping thru the night. i'm going to observe this whole week and see how. my mum say i shouldn't have fed her last night... she said to train bb, should give lesser and lesser feed. for instance nat drinks 90ml, i should cut down to just 60ml to train her to take lesser, until she don't need to take at night. try this ladies! and tell me if it works.

i wish i can offer you advice on milk ss but you know la... i zhi sheng nan bao...

tomorrow natalie is going for her one month checkup. i hope she weighs 4kg! will update tomorrow.
hi all,
my 'sleep thru' nights r officially over........
....... she woke @ 1plus n now feeding agan...

how old is your bb? when did bb start smiling? wanna see bb smile at me too... can't wait!
bb meg is 4 wks 6 days old today.
i placed her on tummy after we discharge fr hospital. the PD in the hospital taught me.
bb meg hated it in the beginning then she strted to lift her head and now she can turn left right, left right.

so everyday, we will place her on the tummy twice. quite fun to watch her little head move by herself

i will go to the link to see your ger's pic later.

very happy for you!! bb madeleine is doing so well.
is she still going for her hearing surgery on 29th? i will be praying for her.

last nite, it's my turn to be lucky.
bb meg din wake up for feed....but doubt tis is the start of weaning off nite feed lah.

now i really wonder if we can actually set routine for bb at such young stage.
my unlucky nite then... she woke every 2half interval to feed... damn xian...

ladies, i've a qn to ask. why is that my breasts often get this very weird feeling... like it's getting all cramped inside... then after a while the feeling goes away. then it comes back again. anyone experience this as well? a bit pain but bearable kind. like cramping pain like that...
morning ladies,

wah! read ur postings i v envious leh! heh heh... Mandy only smiles randomly n her eyes can't follow objects n turn her head continuously yet. she'll follow a bit, then pause, then follow again. n usu she doesn't follow thru... tink her attn span is still v short. she does grab her hair but nt so hard until she cries leh! does tt mean she's nt so strong??? oso, during wk 3, she did lift her head n turn fr side to side during tummy time, now she doesn't liao, end up sleeping instead... haiz... she's one o e oldest bb here...

well, i guess i've 2 patient w her cos premmies do tend to be slower, altho i wished she won't b lah... at least she's easy to take care lor... must comfort myself like tt.

just hope she won't haf much devt problems n they won't affect her until adulthood.

oops, she crying 4 food liao... come bk later...
last night very guai guai.. noe mommy can't tahan liao... so he slept soon aft feed.. din cry cry cry like few nights ago.. phew.. hope he will continue this way... shall engage him in more daytime activities so tt he will be tired at night.. heheheheheee.. :p

gd news leh..
hmmm.. there's muz be problem with the orthodontist's taping method.. how come his method dun work while ur different method shows improvement.. :p bb very cute leh.. once step out of the clinic, noe torture time over n start grimacing..

Tan SL,
i dun pump every 3 hours.. i onli pump when i feel engorged.. i latch on in the day while 1-2 bottlefeed at night.. usually aft latch on, depending on how full my breasts are, the yield can range fr 80-120ml... when i pump at night, usual yield is 120-150ml...

could it be milk blister? read b4 tt it's possible to get milk blisters when milk seeps into the elastic tissue at the end of the duct..

quote fr wong boh boi's TMC breastfeeding book:
"white spots may develop on the tips of your nipples and cause discomfort as a precise pinpoint pain. This is due to a small pressure cyst developing as milk seeps into the elastic tissue at the end of the duct.

the treatment for this is to ensure that your current breastfeeding position is correct. otherwise, try new positions. you can try gentle hand expression during a warm shower by gently squeezing behind the spot to free up the duct. it can oso be opened up with a sterilized syringe or by letting your baby unblock it by his suckling."

i hav the "crampy" pain too.. sometimes halfway thru feeding bb, the "free" breast will hav this sudden build up pressure kind of pain.. like got milk at the exit waiting for me to pump out.. :p

mine oso lah.. lift up head during tummy time but dunnoe how to turn head.. so need my constant help.. else his head will juz fall flat on the bed... :p
aaaaaargh!!! my monster puke all over herself,me n the sofa then she wailed for milk again. i m losing it liao.
yyyyy she always cant digest her milk?
i burp, i let her sit upright but every other day either spit milk or water fountain.

anyone hv such bb?

my gal v weird one. if we bring her out, she'll sleep n sleep... dunno y leh... n she'll sleep past her feeding time one. dunno if it's bcos o e noise outside cos she seems to sleep better w noise. i want to let her c e world, but once outside she dozes off liao...

she's more guai at foreign places one leh... usu wld start to fuss once we put her bk to her cot. tink she v sian o her own cot already. maybe ur boi oso likes to go out? heh heh...

shihui, geri,

my gal oso. she has this bad habit these 2 days. like to suckle 4 5mins then fall into deep sleep or maybe she tot she's full liao. even when she wakes up while burping, she oso appears full... but after changing diaper, she's hungry again but v v hard to re-latch. she'll bite e nipple, turn here turn there n puke it out... 4 v v long lor! made me so tired... until she herself gets fed up. bbs v weird leh! hungry then suckle lor! y latch liao still wanna puke out leh? y ming ming want e nipple still use hand to push breast away leh? so contradicting! haiz...


congrats! v happy 2 hear tt. ya lor, y ur mtd works better than e orthondntist's huh? so strange...

so poor thing, always c ur bb bleed. no need to feel guilty lah. must tell urself u're v brave n strong. it's nt easy to b hen3 xin2 4 e gd o ur bb. really admire ur strength. jia you!


mandy hated tummy time in e beginning too so she'll struggle to lift herself n turn herself over. thing is, now tt she doesn't hate it so much she just give up struggling n falls asleep! grrr.... so we have to do it just b4 her feed. then we'll tell her she has 2 work 4 her food. she'll wail n wail! ha ha... we bully her...

she doesn't puke all over leh so i can't help u. there was this period she used to puke q often tho. we tot it might b reflux. besides holding her uprite 4 15min or more after each feed (read at another thread tt some bbs need to held uprite 4 up 2 45mins... sian...), u can try putting ur bed at an incline by putting a pillow under e mattress. or is it e brand o e milk?
Bloom, och,
So it normal for BB to be cranky after some outing.....Shall bring him out more often otherwise stuck at home will become mountain tortise

Glad that BB madeleine is showing improvement, well done n jia yu

alabone, shihui,
I have the same crampy feeling on the breast as well. I just presume it milk building up

Maybe u can try feeding 1/2 of the milk to meg than burp her before continue to feed the balance. Hope it help...
been tryin the handsfree kit again... sometimes work for me.. sometimes not. hubby say i look like i am strapping granades on my body. i oso bought the supershield.. but i still find that i need to lean forward else got backflow. do u experience that?

alabone, kimi,
u gals really lucky your bb can take both. mine is rejecting the bottle violently nowadays. she will cry until no sound kind, and then choke etc. usually i sim tia then give the breast. have already tried 3 types of teat liao... all no use. really at wits end.

think maybe u shd start to intro bottles from now.. coz never know if bb will fuss over it or not.

my bb smile very expensive one! very seldom smile. my dad say never seen her smile before. but hubby n i saw her smile a few times before. she doesnt pull her hair but thats coz her hair is so sparse n short! hehe..
Hi ladies,
BB very fussy after MIL left yesterday.. dunno why must cry and cry before he can fall off to sleep.. Carry him and pat him still doesn't really work..and he isn't hungry..but when he is outside..can kwai kwai fall asleep by himself.. haiz!!.. Managed to do some housework and cook lunch for myself.. later must fold the clothes and prepare dinner for #1 and HB.
taking a breather since now he fell asleep..put him on his tummy..hopefully he sleeps more soundly and longer.
och, then tell her her method no good lah, or secretly use ur mtd at home then before u visit her use her mtd..eheheheh

mommies, my bb's nighttime is now getting scarier.. last time used to sleep at 1am.now only sleep at 2am+! And I am going back to work in 3 weeks time! She will always want to be fed many times before she go to bed..very tiring too...

alabone, dont think giving my bb less will work..cos if she is not full, she will not sleep and still fussing..
any other methods ladies/

mbb, my bb too is like that... thats why my hb always lost his temper cos bb will puke milk all over his shorts.... today i kena too....

jackie, u bring ur bb out more often then u kena the crankiness after that loh..sighhh...

this morning wanted to pump after feeding bb..then she started fussing so i ignore her and start pumping..guess what? she then started crying and cry almost non stop for the 1.5 hrs that i pump and clean up! So heart pain! So if I really cannot shorten my pumping time will have to stop bf-ing cos i think a sad bb with bm antibodies is worse than a happy bb with fm right?
wah i bawled so much yesterday when my CL finally left.two of us were in tears hugging while the husband was standing there laughing? aiyo! would i be the first mummy to have CL separation anxiety?
how not to feel sad when you spend 24hrs a day for 6 weeks with someone who takes such good care of u esp when both mil and mum didnt come very often actually...*bawls*

but first night with bb alone wasn't so bad. she fussed from 11.30pm to 1.30pm. but after taking milk slept all the way to 7.15am.

actually how u mummies "tong" huh? i am feeling so tired from sleeping only 3 hrs stretches. so tempted to give up bfing also
starluster, i am also getting more worried as Evee is still not taking bottle well and i am going back to work in 3 weeks time. What brand of teats have you tried? I have tried Avent, Pigeon and NUK and i think NUK latex is the one she reject least.
your CL must be v good then... can make u cry when she leave. my mum just left for home today.. i oso feel sortof strange, though got many times i got so frust w her method of taking care of bb, that i wish she is back in msia! but she will be back next week so not too bad.

i tried NUK latex, Pigeon latex & Pigeon silicone. ya same, initially she was ok with NUK latex coz she used that in the hospital. but then later on she didnt want it at all. Now got one more Chicco brand type havent tried yet. All (except NUK) got from the 1month gift hamper. Dunno whether wanna go buy other brand... or just force her till she accept what i have. like Vanessa mentioned for her #2 she tried all sorts and still the same.

Vanessa, Kimi,
MIM issit baby friendly? Me need to go get some nursing bra/top but have to bring bb along...
starluster, actually Evee also initially accepted Avent and NUK silicone then after a while reject...i find there is alot of wastage of EBM if they dun like the teat and really a struggle to feed them. If you are going back to work soon, better try your best to find a teat that your bb accepts, easier for the caregiver also subsequently. Was telling vanessa got one friend both bbs simple refused the bottle despite all sorts of teats so she have to take no pay leave to bf them as the bbs rather starve. You can take no pay leave?
tat agent fr bliss is very good at lying.
i hope you din get ur nanny fr her.
i caught her lying to me a few times leh and awhile ago, i was reading the email you forward me....she told you tat her bb is premature, rite?
well, she gave me a diffrent version of her bb's birth story!

ur ger also har? yeah lor, i also lost it tis morning coz i was soaking wet and she kept crying. cant even change my clothes

i like to bring bb meg out for one reason. she will be sleeping like a log
sometimes when she refused to sleep, i am very tempted to take her to the clubhse and park her there. heeee heee

i cant feed her halfway then burp coz she will refuse her milk leh.

dun worry lah. all bb are diffrent.
i din learn to talk till i was 3 yrs old tho i was not a premmie.

we have no choice mah. so mah have to tong lor. cant return bb to bbland liao. hee heeee

I am also another one who cry my heart out when my CL left!!! I even ask her to come back one evening night to coax my bb as she keeps on crying non stop. Too bad she got another stint before returning to msia ... or else i would like to extend her for another month!!

I am also trying to cope handling my bb.

Hi Mummies
Reading all ur post on latching on makes me feel so envious. My boi doesn't latch on very well so I gave up on latching on and just bottle feed him EBM. I wish I can latch him on since I'm going to be a SAHM. Dunno still got hope or not???

Thx for ur review on First Choice catering. Coincidentally, I did internet search n their name came up so was wondering whether their food was good or not.

Thx for for ur tingkat recommendations. Will check them out.
hi gals,

my boi turning 2mths old in 4 days time. time really flies. my boi also begin to smile at us when we speak to him. my mil notice tat my boi always look at mi when she carry him. she is afraid when i went bk to work, my boi might cry if he cant see mi. she sound like is my fault like tat. wanna mi to stop breastfeeding him. of course bb will tend to b close to mummy. i feel tat my mil is jealous lor.
my boi now still cry when time for bed at nite. i got to carry him, latch on him, or supplement wif fm. tis activity always goes on from 11pm to 1am or even till 3am.. i m worried if tis still goes on, i will not hav enough sleep when i go bk to work. nowasday we let him sleep lesser in the daytime. but during bed time, he will get cranky again.
Could that funny feeling in the breast be letdown? Is it tingling? I read somewhere that we can experience letdown when we think of the baby or when we think of BF-ing, which was what happened to me whenever I am not BF-ing, I can still feel the letdown!

Dun worry. I think our babies are at this stage now where they are more gassy, so will spit up more. My girl has been spitting up very often as well, esp when she hiccups after a feed! Wah liow, the milk flowing out after every hiccup can make me cry. Like just now, I was changing her cos she poo poo, then when I put the new Pampers on, she poos again on the Pampers! And as I was changing halfway, she started hiccuping with all my earlier feed gushing out like a fountain! Really garang gabok!

So i try to carry her after her feed for about 10-15 min in an inclined position. Then start burping her. Cos I noticed when I burp her immediately, all her milk sometimes come up with her burp!

Worse is when she geks...cos uncontrollable, then all the milk will come out! Sigh....

There's also another reason for spitting up, you can refer to this url:
Afcai, Geri,

Wah!! Your bbs all very cute leh! Sometimes when we look at them, it can be such a pleasure hor? But whenever night time descends, I will tremble, thinking of what adventure she is going to put me through that night! Sigh....
I noe BB wil become cranky again shld i bring him out. But i believe he will grow out of this phase de

Yr MIL jeaous of your bonding with BB ah??? So funny de, of course must be close to mummy especially with BF mah..

doggiebb, SimplyHelloKitty,
From yr posting can see that u ladies are super close to the CL...Lucky u

Like what Linette suggest, put yr gal in an inclined position after feeding. Hope it work

i also scared of nite especially when my boi bedtime.. sigh.. everyday pray for a smooth nite ahead. will b going bk to work after cny. i veri worried.
sometimes when my boi get cranky, he refuse to drink from bottle. oni when latch on then he will calm down n suckle. my mil say if i keep on latching him, he will keep crying n refuse the bottle when i went bk to work. i ignore her comment cos most of the time, my boi is bottle-fed. dun understand where she get her logic.

i find tat bb's mood tend to change like singapore weather.. one min my boi can be smiling happily at mi, the next min he can get frustrated n start wailing angrily. haha.. so funny leh.
My bb also geks alot when feeding her, ends up along with her geking all the milk flow from her mouth. And i need to pacificy and carry and bring her out to walk before she can calm down. Beri tough and i thought i am the only one who bb so difficult to handle.

When my CL left, I cried non stop and my hubby feel so helpless and thought i am into depression.

I hope everything would be gg fine. I just have to catch her pattern!

my boi also prefer NUK latex. tink the shape is more like our nipple. therefore for breastfeeding bbs, they like NUK latex.
check wif u huh. the latex teat used for around 1 mth tend to get sticky sticky. no matter how i wash, is still sticky leh. so i got to throw away. the lifespan is short compare to other teats. dunno whether u hav tis problem also?
Serene, so far i only bottlefeed my gal once a day and hence sterilise once a day so haven't reach the stage when it gets sticky. But is normal for latex to be like that. Given a choice i prefer silicone can last longer and dun have this problem. For latex, it is advisable to change every 1 month.
cannot believe it, i'm back at work this afternoon. Summoned back by my bosses to discuss thesis. Sian ah. Make me stress only.

thanks for much for your prayers. i've been asking all my friends to pray for her too. i also dunno if madeleine is going for surgery on jan 29, cos the plastic surgeon n ent surgeon cannot agree on whether to let her hv separate surgeries or lump as one. guess i will only know next week when i meet the plastic surgeon again.

for ur gal's puking problem, can u spread nappies out on the sofa and sling one nappy on your shoulder before you feed her? that way, there is ample cloth to soak up her mess. also hor, i find it easier to feed at a few designated places, cos all the cloth can be laid out beforehand.

shihui, kimi,
my method is taught by the speech therapist, whose focus is to make the gums have zero gap. the orthodontist method is focused on having her lips come together prettily, but the gums show no improvement at all. i dun want my gal to have her lips sewn together perfectly but to have a gap in her gums leh, how can she learn to talk like that?

ur gal will be smiling v. soon n then she will really melt ur heart. my gal was also smiling unconsciously for a long time. usually she just smiles when she's semi-asleep. only started smiling consciously last wk n boy, r all the adults falling at her feet.

that's what i intend to do, tape my method at home, then do a special taping just for her. haha.

can u try feeding ur bb more b4 she sleeps? the pd advised me, 20 ml more. but must make sure bb is burped well. my bb doesn't always drink all 20 ml, but if she does, she sleeps for at least an hour more, if not for 6 hrs. my mum says u can feed bb water when she wakes up. then bb will learn soon that there's no incentive to wake up. this is provided ur bb has already learn to take water.

latex teats all hv v. short life span. i think ur mil is jealous too. :p bb bond with pple who feed them, she's probably jealous that she doesn't hv any chance to bond with bb at all.
Hi Linette,
just woke up fr my beauty slp.
all bbs are cute mah. but the crying will make mummy stressed out too. but on the other hand, the smile of the bb will melt the heart of mummy.

do yr gal smile when she sleep? how old is yr bb now?

my gar has not poo since mon but she poo a lot on sun. as stated in the link that bb over 6 wks old will poo lesser so it is normal.
Hi Serene,
yup, time flies fast. bb grows up fast too. my gar also started to smile when I carry her. her eyes will look towards the direction where one goes. so are u living with yr in law? if so u can see yr gar daily. for me, I will miss my gar if I go bck to work as my mum will be looking after her and will only bring her bck on fri.
Is it really ok to feed bb 20ml more just b4 bedtime then continue with the usual lesser amt at other times of the day? Tot once bb take 20ml more stomach would be stretched n the usual amt would not be sufficient anymore. I oso wan to try feed bb more b4 bedtime so tat he can sleep longer but scared his stomach would be stretched.

Does anyone know how often we must change the silicone teats?
Hi LiL,
is it that bec yr boi prefer bottle feed than to nipple as in the begining, u already intro bottle feed to him liao so tat's why he find it easier to suck fr bottle.
that's what the pd advised. my gal doesn't feed her max amt everyday. the max she has taken is 2 wks ago when she took 145ml one evening. but since then, she still sticks to 120ml for all her feeds. think it depends on ur bb's ability to judge her own fullness.
doggiebb...u and ur CL so nan feng nan she... I cannot wait for mine to leave tat time :p Sounds like u got a good start with bb sleeping at nite

mbb, oh no! what did the person from bliss say? anyway i got my bbsitter from the notices that i pasted at void deck....

serene, my bb is crankly like urs too!

jackie, when will the bb grow up of this phase of being cranky after going out? my sis said her son (4 yr old) still get cranky at night when he played too much during the day....

och, sorry need example to undrstand ur mom's mtd... this is my bb's schedule last time...
10pm - 80ml (so by right next round is 1am)
11pm - cranky. gave her 45ml
12.30pm - cranky again. tong till 1am fed her 80ml

Sometimes in between the 3 hr feed i have to feed her twice, not once. Does that mean that for my case I should give her 100ml at 10pm? Or 125ml? Like what u say...afraid that she will puke out cos its too much at one go..maybe tonight should try.... my bb does not take water well...so means if she wake up in the middle of the night i still have to feed her milk right? Currently, my bb sometimes can sleep for an hour more when i use this current method...
oic. my gar now 6 wk 2 days liao. wow, yr gar gd man, younger than mine already can lift head when on tummy and even turn left and right. this morning, I tried to place my gar on tummy again after her feed 1 hr later. she just lied there on her head but struggled on her legs and bottom. her hand are also veri stiff too. she cried later on.
Is ur bb's dob on 8 Dec? Cos i also gave birth on the same day!!
Yes, my girl had been smiling in her sleep since second week...nowadays seem grouchier than when she was a newborn!!
Hi alabone,
the crampy feeling u mentioned shd be the tingling sensation let down of milk(reflex) in yr breast. when my gar latch on 1 side of my breast, the other side will leak and then will sense a funny feeling( guess the milk relex occur).

acc to the book, bb will tend to smile on her own fr wk 4 onwards.

oic. haaa my gar making o shape will haas a syptom of ger sai expression. :p. yup, really heart pain and sweat dripping when trying to break away her hand to her hair man.

y'day night better, can slp thru 3 hr interval man....the feeding time is really irregular man. sometimes gd , sometimes terrible.

for me, my ml will end only on 1/3. have requested boss to extend my 06 leave plus taking child care leave (to take her for jab during her 3rd mth) till end of mar. but boss did not response and will need to call her againcos I also needed time to train my gar bottle feed.
Guess yr boi need some comfort suckling when cranky. Think yr MIL worry when he is cranky and u r not ard she cant handle lor...Just ignore her comment and do what u deem best for BB

So u will officially be the 1st mummy to return back to work. Though i will be the 1st
...Really cant wait to engage myself in some adult conversation/brain storming discussion but at the same time will miss BB....

Believe crankness is part and parcel of the growing stage. But i am determine not to be tied down at home when BB is bigger. Cannot imagine that happening...
Same here. My bb girl can be looking contented and smiling at me one minute, and the next second, she will start to gek and be unhappy, and then wails loudly! Haiz...

Wow, you started work already, or are just at work for today only? Take care, and I really admire your efforts with your baby...*hats off to you*

Same, my 2 girls will be at my mom's place till Friday when I start work on 5/3. Sure will miss them. But I intend to go there nightly to look after them and then leave for home when they are asleep.

Sigh, I am also waiting for the day that bb will grow up like her elder sister. But trust me, everything will just get better day by day...
Hi Tan SL,
haa I shd 'blame' my hubby instead for being disturbing my gar during preggie at night. he always told her bedtime story and talk to her ard 11pm at night.

acc to the website which l came across, it stated that bb will has huge appetite during their 3th, 6th wk and 3rd/6th mth. that's their growth spurt period.during the wk 3, my gar also feed continuously 1 hr interval or half an hr.did yr gar fall slp during the feed? if so, then she will wake up again later for her feed then.or is she latch on nipple instead of aerola?

yup, true, as long as one latch on, the let down relux will produce milk on the other breast. did u increase yr fluid supply? sometimes, half way thru the feeding, my gar will latch out and then I burped her. after burping, I will then continue to feed her if she did not sleep.

out of no reason, my gar will smile (with 'ni wo" beside her mouth). one of the photo shows her smiling expression. that' the moment when we stand by the camera and snap the expression. this expression is only a quick smile.
Hi och,
I did lift her up when she is on the bed. at that moment, her hand is so stiff and her grip is so hard that she won't release.
Hi Bloom,
yup, most of the time are spent on bb. can't do our own things, even makan and bathing time also need to be quicken and shorten too.
Hi shihui,
oic. yup, most of our precious time are devoted to bb liai, hardly had any time to do our own thing. even now, I 'm typing with one hand and on the other hand with bb latch on. hai...

oic, my gar hai.. will just lie flat there only struggle with her bottom and legs like swimming like that.

Hi Linette,
when my frenz brought his boy (abt 9 mth now) to see my gal last wk, wow, her boy really grew tat fast cos few mths b4 only saw her bb is only a baby but now grow up. her bb now in in the stage of teething( 4 teetch so far) and walking.

how old is yr first kid? is she jealous with the younger one? cos one of my hubby's relative who given birth last mth to sec kid. her first kid (abt 3 yr old) is so jealous and told his mum to throw away the sister. also he tried to beat the bb.
