(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

This is something which may answer ur quest on the medicine u taking.:

Can I take medicine and still continue to breastfeed?
Most medications can be used when breastfeeding.
Some moms notice a reduced milk supply when taking birth control medications
or over-the-counter cold medications.
Check with your doctor before taking medications.

By the way, any of u ladies here put your baby to sleep in the night by lying them flat on their tummies ? I noticed my boy sleeps better and longer on his tummy but I am worried that the position may result in suffocation if nobody is there to supervise in the night time..
anyone know how long can the grip water - "fei zhai shui" but last after opening? cos for eg, milk power have to discard after 4 wk once opening.
at least u get 100ml.
i oso pump 3 hrly...only get 100ml in the morning. after that is abt 50ml - 40ml only.
But, like you said, some BM better than none... so still pumping away!
my ger oso sleep better on tummy. But i only let her sleep on tummy ocassionaly in the day time - supervised. Night time sleep on back. My ger can oredi turn her head left to right and vice versa while on her tummy...
Hi ladies,
Such nice weather n me just wake up from beauty sleep

BTW, recently by boi alway vomit milk whenever we burp him after feeding session...Is it normal or did i overfeed him???
I have.. i wanted to give u.. but forgot all abt it. but it state end date is 10jan still can use anot??

U can try drinking ANMUM breastfeeding milk powder. my ss was low also. so sad.. then hor i so sad then tried drinking 1 glass b4 slp last nite. then MN time after feeding bb with FM, my breast abit engorge so pump out. wow the milk shoot out alot. but think rather dilute one leh. ahaha better than nothing. ahha

CF Chang,
ya 10 times in the initial 2nd wk. chg until i scare ok. Chg liao again pooooo again..
I din mix. i give str8 enfalac. she blur blur she drink.. ahaha but that was MN time lar.
u good leh.. i wish to drink cold drinks but tell myself to lun some more days after confinement then can drink until i sick of it.

my bb very weird.. afternoon altho hungry mouth keep signalling for milk then gave her FM instead of BM cos latching on doesnt seems to make her feel full. But these 2days my MIL feed her liao she all throw out leh.my MIL sooo scared lidat.. what there to scare. i told her is normal. maybe i know a few of frds also hv the same pblm. my BB clever bully her grandma. she either pee on her or throw out at her. ahahaha wonderful gal.. who asked my MIL always beat her backside when she cranky & always scold my dotter at her face say she "kow pek" & scold her noti. BB are very clever they understand one leh. I scare my gal noti she continue to cry. when i call my gal, pretty, good gal she calm down awhile & look at me & cry again lar. ahahah she exactly like my character cannot let pple say one. will let the pax die. ahahahahha
same pblm as me.. headache hor. give too little like not full enuf to let bb fall aslp. give abit more all throw out.

I also moni time most BM one. dunno isit after a hot hot bath & after a filling meal.
my gal also knw how to turn head from left to ctr liao. yeah yeah..same same.i also let bb slp on tummy at nite.. day time also if i remember. ahah

Yday nite let her slp on her back & then wrapped her liao ba zhang.. swadle her liao how hosp wrapped bb lidat. wow slp quite soundly.. hahah tonight will try again.

oh no... then it must be the flu tablet i took that caused the drop in supply...stupid me.. never consult doc that take the medicine
i tot since preggie can eat, breastfeeding should be ok too... now i have to suffer for my own mistakes

i tried to pump after every latched on, but so far the volume is pathetic.. only managed to pump like 50ml.. and worse, i am nt too sure whether is my ger taking in enuff or not.. she seems not contented after her feed lei.. in the past can see her contented face after feed, nowadays din get to see liao.. so sad now
thanks...will try ANMUM. I anything will oso try once la. :p
My ger dun like to be swaddled so much oredi...nowadays do it less. Sometimes at nite we just swaddle chest to legs and leave her hands free.

Yesterday, 1st time i cut my ger's fingernails! So proud of myself! hahaha!
Forget to ask, did u receive the bonus point i sent over??

My ss same same as yrs....Average of 50-60ml every 3hrs....N it already a great improvement after i pump regularly....
Hi Shihui,
my gar also like that during wk 3, feed non-stop. stop for a while then continue to feed fr 9pm - 12 midnite then slp. wan me to cuddle her all the way. sometimes even tough eye closed but pretend to slp. dunno why my gar will smile twice (at least) during her slp. hai, in betw, I can't go toilet etc...

ppls said during wk 3, wk6 and 3th and 6 mth are the growth spurt for bb. so their appetite will be huge then.

these 2 days, my gar slp very soundly, maybe bec of the weather. did not bath her only dry wash her (towel clean her) cos weather is cold. y'daym, she slp fr 6pm -8pm. then after that, she only slp at 1am then. wow, her poo like curry sauce like that y'day tioll the diaper leak. ai-yo...
Yes, it still can be use, cos the redemption is up to 24 Jan. 10 Jan is the last day 4 them to issue the points.... I actually wanted to go get myself on the 10th, but stupid hb came home late so didn't go, yesterday went NTUC, spend $80 over but too late liao, they not issuing anymore points.
Hi alabone,
I also HATE those insects (lizard, cockroach, beetles etc).
my hse also got diff size of lizard, ma chiam whole family of lizard visiting my hse like tat. my hubby will either use toilet paper (if lizard is in bathrm) to grab & throw it into toilet bowl. if lizard in found in other part of the hse, then he would use plastic bag or bottle (essence of chicken) to trap them. same goes to other insects in my hse.
thanks for your compliments.. will have to make 5 pots of popcorn tomorrow to fill the 25 tubs for guest
Think I will make 1/2 salty 1/2 sweet.
Hi starluster,
sometimes, it is difficult to grab the bb when they struggle. guess so bb is scared she will fall. hope she will get used to the bathing.
Hi Linette,
haa, that day when my gar hardly has her slp, saw her dark circle man, also saw her having red swollen eye due to crying. but resolved after the next day when she has her beauty slp.

for me, my gar just cry a per or so during the jab. cos she is sound slp during injection and then after the jab, she is bck to her beauty slp then. same here also temp to feed fm but for the sake of bf advantage, need to tolerate even tough very tired and sleepy.
Hi bobianah,
gd for u tat bb loves bathing but really werid for crying when putting cloth. haaa....maybe she enjoyed so much tat she dun wan to come out of the bath tub.

with regard to having no 2, the elder child will tend to get jealous when attetion are diverted to bb. for eg, my hubby' s cousin child whose is abt 3 yr old told his muumy to throw away the sister( just born on 20 dec 06) and he will slapped the bb. quite jialat.
Hi Jen,
I'm a KKH patient but did not choose to go nck to kkh for checkup review for pap smear. will be gg to polyclinic then but lochia is still on so need to wait till it is gone. Have called up polyclinic, one need not need to book an appt for the 6 wk post=natal checkup.

As for the swaddling part, my gar dun like to swaddle. she will sweat and tend to kick the blanket. only wrapped her tummy and legs last time. but now only wrapped her tummy cos she wore long pant at night.
hai...thinking of gg out is troublesome loh esp raining. so are u living in the weastern siden too?
my bck ache too these few days maybe due to bending so much when dealing with my gar in the playpen.
Hi Bloom,
my mum told me not to apply dthe ru yi oil directly on bb's tummy esp on his cord. the oil will be hot as bb's skin is soft and senitive.
i think my milk ss is worse than yours leh... i store power in my breasts for six hours only get 110ml max you know? you 3hours got 100ml not bad already ah... i should feel worse...

the cakes still sitting nicely in my fridge lor... not sure whether to go out or not. rain very nice to stay home. both children with my mum now!
am happy to steal some alone time with my hb. not that bb was really disturbing anyway... heehee

my girl is also on whatever bm i can give and otherwise on fm. like you, my mum offered her water and everytime she drinks, she bin kiu kiu one... wincing away. very funny. then she'll stick out her tongue and push out the teat. but still force her to drink some la. coz drink formula better drink some water.

same here! my girl doesn't burp these few days and also she burp the other day and ended up throwing up half the milk... very paranoid so keep trying to make sure she burps after feed. but still will spit out some milk esp after she gek. very afraid of her geking...

my bb also poo as often as your bb initially. even now, she poos like 3-4 times a day. i still change until scare... coz she always will have flying poo one. then the poo kena so many diff things i have to change this change that... end up one feed i finish everything only 1 half hour later... btw, my girl's poo is really smelly and still watery (which i know is normal)... is it normal that it is so smelly. really smelly leh. wonder if it's because of the fm...

your girl very sayang you. help you take revenge on your MIL.

until now, i still have not cut my girl's nails... frighten leh. so tiny. so just keep her hands in the mittens lor. but when i take out to see, can see some nails are broken...

ya ya ya! my girl's poo like curry sauce lor. like the roti prata curry sauce...

your hb very brave leh!!!!!!!! i don't dare la. got phobia liao... last time at my mum's pl, the lizard walk and stroll around the house machiam the humans are the visitors and they are the owners leh. then while i was standing near the phone one walked over my foot ok! wah piang! i cried like crazy and scrubbed and scrubbed my foot leh... then in my own house, when i stepped outside of my room, i thought i stepped on something. then when i looked down, i stepped on a lizard!!!!! then the lizard limping away i can only scream and scream... very frightened. the lizards always too fast for my hb to catch or trap. please ask your hb to impart skills to mine. I CAN'T STAND LIZARDS!!!!!!!! got one time worse. i came home to find out that the lizard shit on my bed!!! kao! sorry... i very lor sor... but i really can't stand them.

you very tough woman like many others here. i simply gave up and fed fm.
good idea some like salty some like sweet. You know, I very funny. Long time never go watch movie. The other day, went to watch happy feet, I couldn't remember if I preferred sweet or salty popcorn! haha! Then i bot salty. Halfway thru the popcorn, i ask my hb, did i prefer sweet or salty popcorn. He said i used to prefer sweet! hahahaha!

ya lor...initially my ss was 20-30ml only...can cry... I even pump until nipple all "deformed" and bleed! Now i reduce the pump suction speed liao. Oh well, some better than none. So, supplement with FM. I think in the end, it works out quite well cos my hb enjoys the chance to feed bb too.
jackie, chang, alabone, bobianah,
i certainly hope all these pain will not cause her lasting damage. some days r easier than others for me to believe she will turn out fine.

ur boy is not bad, willing to drink water. my gal will get really angry if we feed her water when she's crying for milk. but she's ok with some water after a feed or in between feeds.

u n me both, pathetic supply. but i've accepted my low supply liao. :p only aiming to meet my bb's daytime needs. nighttime give her fm so she sleeps longer. :p
heehee, i decided to cut her nails so i can remove her mittens once in a while...i scared she forget she has hands to touch things! :p Ya, the nails very very soft...not easy to cut...
yup... but i calculated that in 24 hours, she has about 8-9 feeds. of which she is able to drink bm 3-4 times so it is still not so bad la... got half of it. so as long as bb is getting bm, i think we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves?? i also give fm at night so that she can sleep longer. day time i give bm until my own bedtime.

i agree. very imp for them to feel their hands. for my boy, i let him wear mittens until he was 3 months old and never really let him have chance to use his hands. so when we decided it was time for him to 'wean' off from his mittens, he couldn't sleep properly. kept jumping up from the sleep and was frightened. only when we let him wear mittens then he could sleep... so in the end, i only let him wear one mitten then the other hand don't wear... slowly let him adjust...
take heart. there will be difficult days, but what you are doing is ultimately for bb's own good. I dun think the pain will cause her lasting damage. You'll feel more encouraged when you see other kids who were born with cleft lip but are now doing well. I can sort of empathise cos (if you remember) a few mths ago, my 2 yr old godson was diagnosed with diabetes. He cried and cried when his mum had to prick his finger/foot to do tests...and his mum shed tears too. Now, he is a perfectly happy boy. My frens were also encouraged when they met with an older kid who shared how he coped with diabetes.
So, press on!
QSG, I was at causeway pt cos its the nearest JL to my home..sneak out mah..so cannot go too far :p

Jen, for my pap smear, I went back to my TMC private gynae for checkup.

och, just talk to my mom cos my bb is crying when asleep too. She suggested getting either hou2 zi3 san3 (monkey's duno what), zheng zhu (grinded pearl) or jing feng san for bb to take to calm the nerves so that bb will not cry when sleeping. You may want to check with ur trusted medicinal hall owner.

Ruffybear, we want to see the popcorn too lah! :p Why show us empty containers only :p

starluster, according to Vanessa (I think), you will feel pain when u press on that part of the breast that is blocked.

Vanessa, use rubber band on lizard??!!!!!

bohbiahah, haha..so next week onwards u and i can complain if the food is bad for that day..anyway, FM not that bad lah..I realise that when feeding from bottle can make eye contact with bb which I cannot do when latching on ..ehehehehe

Jen, drink milk to get human milk..thats why I always think that we are just converters, converting one kind of milk to another kind :p

afcai, you mean cannot apply directly on tummy but can apply on our hands then press on tummy lah right?

alabone, the lizards at my mom's place act as if they own the place too!

bb today cranky and did not sleep for many hours..sighh.... hope its isolated incident..

yeah! s26 is very heaty and will cause constipation very easily according to my CL. try to give more water to your boi.

och and alabone

me also resigned to my low ss. like you i am only meeting bb's daytime needs and night time give FM.


my girl luuuurves bathing too! my CL told me the trick is not to scare them when bathing them initially. the first few times, if they were not handled properly, they will fret more when it's bathing time. my bb very cute one, after washing face and hair, my CL will lower her tummy-down into the tub, once her feet touches the water, she will lower herself into the tub herself and will have the estatic look on her face when water is splashed on her. after we turn her over tummy up, she will make happy bb noise when water is splashed on her tummy. and even when my inexperienced hands took over the bathing, she also didn't make a sound, guess she enjoys bathing too much to bother about my garang gabo-ness
Haha, u same as my hb, but he just got 1 incident. He told me that when he was young, he kpo go n see lizards fighting on the wall, then the lizard fight fight fight n 1 tail drop off and fall into his shirt and wriggle inside, from then on, he is head on with lizards.

Ya, use rubber band to shoot lizards. Shoot then run far far, then come back to see if kena or not....
Hi alabone,
haa...next time when see curry sauce or roti prata sauce, one will remind of.....

I also got phobia for these type of creepy insect. I ever encountered before when I got out my hse early in the morning for work, a lizard dropped on my shoulder and then onto the floor. wow piang, nearly scared to 'death' man....never mind, it is ok not lor sor lah, we shared our experience man and voice out our fear, unhappiness etc here... maybe hubby live in kampong last time so he is not afraid.

hai...during confinement period, my mum kept telling me to give FM and told me breast milk not enough one lah. hai...so stressful tough it is enough (even drip that time now supply lesser than confinement period, dunno why) but she is not supportive. I told myself that bf is gd mah so must tolerate it at least my ML is till mar so still can give breast milk at least 2 mth and later wean off then.
Hi Vanessa Lu,
I have extra bonus pt. previously, hubby has already exchange 1 chopper and a normal knife. gg to exchange since I still have 9 of it (will be using only 6). do u want the
heard that if bb 's tongue got thrush and is not cleared, it may spread to
the lips and cheeks. my gar's tongue got white stain but dunno if it is thrush cos so hard to clean the tongue.

a mummy mentioned that "According to the PD, if you cannot clean off the white stain by just
wiping, it means its thrush liao. Cos' milk stains usually will come
off once you wipe off"(quote whast she stated)

any one encounter this?
Hi bobianah,
for my gar, hubby helped to cut bb's nail with normal adult clipper twice liao(tough someone give me bb's scissor). wow, bb's nail is really soft.sometimes, nail juz fall off.

I let my gar slp sideway after every feed. sometimes, managed to burp her successfully. sometimes, she latched OUT half way during her feed then I burped her(burping quite loud till hubby tot who fart). then continue the feed till she slp. when she slp, burping will be difficult, sometimes burp successfully but sometimes not.

anyway, my gar will turn her head herself after sleeping sideway and slp on her bck.
Hi dey,
I think to be safe not to place bb sleeping on their tummy loh. I let my gar slp sideway after every feed. my gar will turn her head herself after sleeping sideway and slp on her bck.
Hi Qianhui,
saw u pm me. wow yr case so jialat man....maybe u can pretend to be another buyer or whatever next time then ask her out.
Hi all, my baby girl is 19days old. She does not sleep very soundly and stretches her body a lot while she sleeps, as a result, she often 'growls' as she sleeps. Burping her has been quite tiring as many a times, it can be unsuccessful. Very often, I have to pray and seek divine intervention, praying for the air to dispel even without burping. I know she has lots of air in her tummy, even the PD says it sounds like a drum. She is on bm and usually unlatches when in sleep. Quite poor thing, cos as I burp her, i tend to wake her up as a result. Any tips on burping infants successfully?
Hi Bloom,
yup, cannot apply ru yi oil directly on tummy cos it will be hot for bb's skin. but one can apply on our hand and rubbed then press on tummy.
Hi Tan SL,
same loh, my gar also like to stretch and make some growls noise. my gsr alos fart a lot , think also got wind in tummy. haa my gar opp, during burping (sit straight on my lap), she also can slp.

maybe try to burp yr gar when she is half way during her feed.
Jackie, Alabone,
Wonder why babies here seem to go through same stages. My bb also threw up quite a lot of milk these days. Very heartpain to see my precious BM being thrown out like that! It happens more when she directly latches on compared to bottle feeding her EBM.

My bb's poo is also very smelly...I guess it should be normal so long it's yellowy and quite watery?

Oh dear, my bb's tongue also has white milk stain leh. I will try wiping it off tomorrow to see if it can be reduced. She has not really drank much water cos on TBF, so I think better go wipe wipe!

Tan SL,
I read somewhere that once babies sleep, no point burping them cos they are usually comfortable enough, especially at night. My bb usually will not burp at night too, and I will just let her sleep after she latches off. Dun worry, not a lot of wind if you BF directly

By the way, I fed my baby gripe water the first time today. After that, she looked quite contented, and kept burping (and spitting out milk) and farting!! Hope all the wind is expelled from her tummy! She slept more as well...hope this is a lasting phase!
yeeeeee.. talking abt lizards, i hate lizards too.. realised tt the more i hate them, the more they like to parade in front of me.. :p

had a few bad encounters with them too.. once, when i was bathing my terappins in the toilet, a small lizard climbed up my thigh.. den during spring cleaning, i was jumping ard all the boxes.. suddenly felt a "squash" under my foot... realised tt i juz squashed a lizard.. den once when i open the overhead cabinet, a lizard dropped onto my head den on my leg n finally the floor.. tt was the worst encounter.. :p
Vanessa, I don't think my aiming is that good... anyway,scarly shoot at lizard, then somehow projectile-wise lizard got shot out of its original location towards myself then DIE! Or maybe the impact is so strong lizard explode then have to clean up after that :p

afcai, yeah it does make a difference whether we live in kampong/HDB... I got a friend who live in landed property. One day we visited her and when we go out, she got to open the gate. There was a big lizard on the gate next to the lock but she like nobody's biz just put her hand on the lock and open it while the rest of us HDB gals just cowered behind her afraid that the lizard will jump on anyone of us! :p My bb gal has thrush too. Still trying to get it totally out

Linette, wah..gripewater so effective har? I am looking forward to the day where my bb is 1 month + EDD (2 more weeks!) so that I can feed her gripwater too!

BTW, anyone pumping using electric pump in the same room as baby? How to prevent the noise from scaring the bb? Cos I am using the mini E now and don't know if all the loud noises are scaring my bb... but then kind of hard to shift to another room cos I will not be able to monitor her as she is sleeping less and less....
hi shihui,
wah piang! you damn zai man. if i encounter what you encountered, i wouldn't just hate lizards... i'd develop a PHOBIA!!! actually i already have a phobia. i cannot stand lizards within a 5m radius. i'd scream and scream... then cry.

i tried the rubber band method also but scared to death ah... scared i shoot them already then like you said, they fall on me or something... wah... sure faint. think the next best thing is to send my hb for training under vanessa's hb.

your landed property gf so brave ah? i see lizards at my mum's pl quite often leh but i still not brave leh.

didn't manage to get the trap like i said i would. read in the singaporebrides forum that someone used wax. you know? the wax we ladies wax our legs with? hiak hiak hiak. that one very sticky ah. surely can trap lizard. but imagine i go kitchen to make formula then see lizard stuck there then how???? wah piang.

went out with hb last night to IMM for nice dinner at cafe cartel!
SANS children!!!
handed over both to my mum! training her early to help take care of two when i go back to work... heehee. wah... so nice to eat food WITHOUT ginger and wine leh! But throughout dinner i realised i very gan jiong. kept thinking if my mum could cope or not. then ate quite fast and kept asking the waiter whether my food coming or not...

when i reached home, realised she mobilised my dad (who doesn't work on fri) to trap my son in his bedroom while she was ironing and nat was sleeping. so it was quite peaceful la. that means, hiak hiak hiak... i can go out alone with hb on fris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okie. enough of me story... going to pump milk now. have stored power for six hours again and should be able to get another 100ml (hopefully).

Other then what Bloom recommeded.

You can try Eu Yan Sang's 'Bao3 Yin1 Dan1' when BB is young, when BB is bigger then try the 'Ba1 Bao2 San3'

We rub 'Bao Yin Dan' on BB's gum after bathing. Supposed to help prevent fright, flame, cryings, etc..


Forget it lah, I dun like to meet such a cheat anymore. The best I can do is prevent more from being cheated by her.
For me, BB wasted much of my milk for the last 2-3 weeks..

He just take and talk, dunno what is full. Then if we move him around, carry, or rather, many ppl carried him and shake him a bit. He'll vomit all his milk out. Not just via mouth, via the nose also.

Now, we also dun dare give him much, just drink little bit little bit, but shorter frequency..

My BB taken the 'Fei Zhai Soui' when he's around 1 mth.

I dunno what it does actually, but my mum ask me to buy so I bought lor..
