(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

icic... i shall monitor my bb's red spot.. see how it is...

haha.. okie.. seems like the height factor is very impt for ur hubby..
u oso hint hint to ur hubby ah? heee~ maybe he din receive the hint.. maybe the onli thot he had was "so ex.. dun want to spend money".. instead of u hinting u ready liao.. :p

ya lor.. he's all white.. very "PAP" hor.. :p coz when i bought his clothes, i was still hoping for gal.. so i bought all white colour one.. boy/gal oso can wear.. :p

bb's orthodontist muz hav seen too many cases n already ma2 mu4 liao.. hope bb will show more progress for her next visit..

aiyo... block ducts in both breasts ah? muz be really painful.. luckily now no more block ducts liao.. take care leh...

jared is so cute..
so fast want to help feed his mei mei liao..
maybe u can try digging for nat's "gold" while she's sleeping.. but u may risk waking her up lah.. :p my mom told me she used to wait till we were in deep sleep b4 she cut our fingernails when we were still babies.. :p else once awake, very difficult liao.. :p

you can try www.ylscatering.com.sg

i am using them for bb's full month tomorrow and heard good reviews abt their food. will try their food tomorrow and tell you if it's ok. hope standard won't differ too much from buffet.

next bb girl la! then you can close shop too. i don't dare to go near her when she sleeping. want time to do housework. tomorrow full month party and jared has turned the house upside down already... need nat to sleep and sleep in order to get things done. but i see the 'gold' hor, really very tempted to dig it out leh... finger very 'itchy' ah...
u using yls for full mth ah.. let me noe how it is hor.. i thinking of ordering fr them too.. btw, do they rent stools n tables?
will let you know after tomorrow about their food. their website does not state anything about stools and tables but i'll ask them about it tomorrow.

so pai seh. i ordered from them and they are not halal and i have a chinese friend who is married to malay so she is muslim... wonder what i should do now... so careless!
I am desperately trying to make my MS back to the original 180ml. Its so demoralising to see the great decrease in supply. Sob sob..

Yup, i expressed most of the time, seldom latch bb on. But after CL leaves, probably will latch him on & express any excess for storage lor

Serious ah? bb's patterm will change for a better after 6 wks? Keep my fingers cross, coz i somehow remember my ger wasnt tt demanding as her little brother.

My boi so fierce & impatient, he can scream for his milk. Gdness! Must be when i was expecting him, i have quite a bit of mood swings. haiz..

I've tried Neo Gardens, YLS catering for dinner tingkat. Prefer Neo Gardens. Coming mon, i am trying out Buffet paradize. But i think they dun have lunch, onli got dinner
my situation is the opposite of yours now. i had a boy first and now a girl. my boy was also very demanding. slept half an hour each time and then fuss for 1-2hrs. on the contrary, my girl now sleeps for longer period and has two wakeful moments that lasts for 2 hours where she fusses. otherwise she basically feeds and sleeps.

so my conclusion is that girls are perhaps, hopefully a little less demanding than boys are... perhaps are they just more gentle. after all, girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice and boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails!
pd oso gave hydrocortisone cream for my bb's rashes, but today i apply on her face n it became worse! haiz... not sure if i should continue applying or not...

your bb used to have rashes too rite? did u apply anything? how long will it take to go off if dont apply anything?

just order pizza hut for your muslim friend, think she will understand one..

we were advised not to use cotton bud to clear 'gold' from bb nose. this is to prevent any accident of the cotton bud being pushed too deep in if bb accidently jerk etc. was advise to just leave it alone.. or if cannot tahan, then use tissue paper and roll it to be pointed.

must be really heartbreaking to see how rough the orthodontist handling madeleine. like shihui mentioned, think they already numb to it, but we as parents definately feel the pain. sigh.. but bo pian sometimes we just have to bear w those 'profesional' treatment.
BTW, my boy was also the same - impatient for his milk. want means want it there and then. that's why i couldn't latch him on properly. and he never cried. he was always yelling or screaming.

also, you pump every 3 hours or what? wish i had 180ml myself. try to be hardworking and pump regularly already supply still sama sama...
prob solved for me... b4 i told her, she smsed to say that she won't be able to make it. hope everything goes smoothly for my little party tomorrow. will be up pumping to store ebm for tomorrow.
Hi all,

My baby is also entering her 4th week, and this week, I call her the little devil. She had turned from a nice quiet little angel to a monster this week - hardly sleeps 10 hours a day, want to be carried or latch on constantly, cries when we put her down on her cot. Made me and my mum so frazzled! But luckily, today, she had been sleeping a
lot more, perhaps too tired out by her wakeful activities past few days. Oh, and her whole face also full of baby acne. It gets better when I switch on aircon though.

My thoughts and prayers with you on your baby. That orthodontist is terrible - you should complain to the hospital!!

My baby's full month also tomorrow. Hope our babies will be nice little girlies tomorrow!

OK, better get some sleep before she wakes up!
Good morning ladies...been up since 4am feeding and pumping..tot of coming in to take a look before i go take a nap..

My boy also fuss alot nowadays..wants to be carried all the time especially in the night time..we got to carry him till he is sound asleep before he can be placed in the cot..but then he only manage to sleep for 1 hr or so then fuss again..hopefully the fussing is only a stage that they are going thru and wld be over very soon..

My boy also has bad red rashes when he is around 2-3 week..now coming 5th week, the rashes are more or less cleared...

I also seldom latch my boy on..he is very impatient..will wail and scream everytime i tried to latch him on..so difficult that i eventually gave up..now relying on pumping and feeding him thru a bottle...my supply dun seem to increase also and still not enough for my boy..need to supplement with FM..
Hi mummies

I am from Jan thread and gave birth in Dec.

Need some advice from you. My baby stretches a lot and his voice when stretching is really loud. Yesterday, his voice changed and he seems to lose his voice. Has anyone experienced something like this?

abalone & linette,seems like sarong good idea to me... i will consider getting that...

kimi,really pei fu u... taking care of bb already not easy..u still can cycle... i think i dun have that kind of energy... i wish i can have more sleep...

shihui,i also have wrist pain... now i know i not the only one...

LiL,initally my boy also like that...after feed eyes big big dun wanna sleep thats when he's 1week old.. after he's in 5th week,he will get tired after feed and sleep...maybe u can try to sing lullaby softly...and pat him to sleep...

och,u must feel very heartpain to see her suffering... but i believe she's a strong girl...u also... jia you...
my boy also scream/yell when he's hungry...whole face turn red...eyes tightly shut...tears roll down...just impatient...

ginsengmum,baby pattern will change one... when he's in week1-week5,i always need to carry him to sleep..put him on cot he will cry...after finish milk,his eyes big big stare at me...dun wanna sleep...i got to pacify him,pat him to sleep...sometimes it took 1hr for him to sleep...then 30 mins later he wake up for feed again...i nvr sleep well at all...but after week6,he will sleep after his feed...put him on the bed and he will slowly get to sleep...
hope it's gd.. so far,it's one of the cheapest i saw.. with free delivery.. :p

hav u tried increasing the frequency u pump? maybe pump every 2 hourly instead if u hav been pumping every 3hours.. den it will signal ur brain tt u need more milk..

jiayou!! sure u can make it with diligent pumping..
actually i oso abit stressed.. hope my supply won't dip when CL returns.. dun think i will hav so much time pumping away aft latching bb when she returns liao... :p

gd idea hor.. use tissue paper to dig gold.. me dun dare dig bb's gold previously coz afraid tt the cotton bud may go in too deep if bb moves...

ya lor.. sure will hav wrist pain bah.. imagine wrestling single handedly with a sack of struggling "5kg rice"... :p how can our wrist tahan tt... :p
bloom,ur bb love old songs?so cute...as long can calm bb,any songs will do...

ginger,my boy stretches alot too... but i not so sure abt the lose voice part... u may wanna monitor & see?
Hi Ladies,
I'm back... MIA for 2 days... Friday was out the whole day to distribute cake and yesterday went back to JB n only back at nite. So many postings to read, didn;t manage to read thru, only browse thru.
I went back to JB to visit my nephew's wife who had just given birth 3 weeks after me and her CL (whom I used when I had my 1st bb) commented that I grow so much
Sad man....
I'm also considering sarong earlier, but these few days after co-sleeping with bb, I had an easier time, so may put the sarong thoughts aside. I do have the same concern as some of u, but my no.1 used to sleep sarong in my mum's place n cot in our place, but my no.2 dun like sarong, the moment we put her in, she will scream, cos she's scared, like hanging in mid air like that.

Hee hee, u missed me huh? For the lying down position, what I did was if I;m feeding on the right breast, I will support myself with right hand, then turn bb's head to me, then use my left hand to hold my breast. After she latch on, I slowly release my right hand support and lie on the bed n continue to zzzzz.... I nvr burp her after she fed especially at nite... lazy mummy, sleep is more impt...hahaha....
For cradle position, I usually just carry bb as usual with bb's head on my arm, then I use the other hand to hold my breast and push it to bb's mouth, so I won't be holding bb's head. Sometimes I do it w/o holding my breast, just adjust bb's head to the nippl and when she open her mouth, I just push her in....haha... bad mummy again
last nite was another terrible nite for me
bb again fret every 45mins... sleep like less than 1/2hr then fret.. until 3am i really cannot take it anymore and woke hubby to take over. this is the first time i woke hubby in the nite.. usually i will try to handle bb myself.. but last nite was the breaking point liao.. i was really desperate... and since today sunday, no need to worry abt hubby not able to get up for work. anyway it was kinda scary coz i felt like wanna shake her.. "what u want what u want?" type of shaking. so better time out for myself. if not dunno wat will happen man. sigh. me really terrible mummy..

seems like many of us facing this problem at this stage... hope it will pass soon so that we all can have peaceful nites!! i remember last time some mummies say they are afraid of nite time... now its my turn liao!
vanessa,i tot all babies like sarong...but u say your no.2 dun like...
now i scared wait my boy reject sarong too...

starluster,newborns are like that... hang on and the difficult times will be over... i also afraid of the nite time... coz scared bb fuss whole nite...
oh no! you have exactly the same reaction that i had! i wanted to shake her too when she kept crying and i didn't know what she want. fed her, changed her, then she still cried... i totally understand what you are going thru. it was a good thing you were in control and told your hb to take over. you are not a terrible mummy. well then, even if you are, you will now know that you are not alone.

last night was damn pissed. bb fed at 12 and then refused to sleep. i was very patient and tried to calm her in all ways i could. sang, rock, keep feeding. then when i latched her on, she was getting calmer. so i decided to allow her to use my nipple as pacifier for the night. then you know what happened? hb was watching liverpool vs arsenal on tv in the room too and when his fav liverpool team was denied a penalty - according to him - he sat up and banged the bed and shouted so bloody loudly. bb cried like crazy after that. i cried too. was super tired, trying to get bb to sleep, then bb was falling asleep and he had to go and disturb her! really wanted to punch him man. was trying to control temper but eventually told him off. luckily he knew how to redeem himself. in the end, he carried and tried to soothe bb. then she finally fell asleep at 3plus 4...

it's really the prob stage now... hoping that it'll pass real soon...
Thanks alabone & ginsengmum for the feedback on the tingkat caterer.

starluster, my gal start fussing from 7 or 8pm+. Carry also cry, give pacifier also cry. Only stop crying when I let her latch on but since she is full(i think) she keep moving her head to nipple suck and it hurts a lot. Hubby, CL & myslef take turns to carry her until close to 11pm I can't tahan already. I lie on the bed and put her on my chest (tummy to tummy), pat pat her. Finally, she stop crying and manage to sleep (i think). Not deep sleep though, move every now and then, just continue to pat pat lor. Stop pat pat, she will move & make noise until close 12+ midnight.

I'm using FUCIDIN H CREAM for the rash. Neither did it get worst or better since applying yesterday. Dr did say let her be in air-con room to heal faster. It will get worst when they are warm/hot.

Looks like many of us faced with a fussing & fretful bb these days. Let's hang on & be strong and this phrase will pass over soon.

After 3+ weeks, my nipples are still sore & painful. Hv not bn able to get her to latch on properly. She always move her head to nipple suck. I stop her from moving her head, she is frustrated and angry. Haiz... how to continue nursing her like that...
alabone, u also hv a tough night. Hope yr gal, sleep more today & u can get some rest.

Don't yr nipple hurt when u allow your gal to use it as a pacifier?
Dun fret regarding ur bb. My hb n I also used to feel very tired n frustrated with the bb. My hb now still feel the same, but I psycho myself that this is a passing stage.... Lun awhile and time will pass.... just keep our finger crossed and soon we will see the light.
och, don't compare too much. bi shang bu zu, bi xia you yu. There might be many bbs with clefts that need much work than ur bb's... will the doc delayed the operation if the pre-operation progress is not good? Good that ur blocked ducts are gone after finishing the antibotics. At least u dont have to take time to go visit LC to unblock the ducts.

alabone, hahah..men just think that bb wipes and diapers grow on bedroom walls right? They just have no idea how much bb use up such stuff... maybe wait till natalie is asleep before u try to dig the 'gold'?

gingsengmum, my bb too scream for her milk. I think its the same for most of the bbs here..ahaha

starluster, I had tried using tissue before but the 'pointed' part is too soft to dig out any 'gold' so my sis advise me to use cotton bulb. Used good and sturdy ones from KKH so I guess the risk is minised else will have to use stamp tweezers to get it out! :p

berry, no lah..my bb don't like old songs. Just that these are few songs I can sing without going off key (love pop songs but cannot sing them decently!) so I keep singing them when I was pregnant so now continue hoping that she will remember the songs from when she was in my womb. Don;t know if it works though :p

Diveera, if really no choice then u have to pump out and feed her ebm loh....

btw, ask ur mommies abt some upbringing questions (might be abit early but was upset abt something last night). Hubby is a MCP with short fuse and lazy habits (leave rubbish, cups, dirty clothes lying around, etc). How should I bring up my bb so that she will not end up like papa and will not think that it is normal to have a relationship like that? Cos I am worried that she will either grow up either adopting his bad habits (I had enough of hubby venting his anger on me for things not my fault, I don't want my daughter to do the same to me, nor do I want to pick up after her too!) or subconsciously going for abusive relationship/friendship. I told hubby to stop but he refuse to listen, even saying that its his right as father to shout at bb.
Hi mummies, sorry again MIA for so long. Can't find the time in the day to sleep, let alone log on to forum... always fussing over baby or trying to pack up stuff (cos moving home to my MIL's house soon...now doing confinement at my mum's place). Really tired sometimes, esp at night cos never nap during the day.

Welcome Ginsengmum - my bb also sleeps alot in morning and likes to stay awide awake at 12-2am!!! shiong man... when me n my mum's eyes wanna close already. Then give him pacifier sometimes and he will slowly drift to sleep when my mum carry n pat him! if i carry, his mouth will open again!

DiVeera, my bb has alot of wind too... can hear him try to "gek" the wind out all the time. Feel like it's very painful for him. He's on wind drops too but he still has trouble with wind n his tummy very hard. He doesnt burp easily and doc said try to lie him on his tummy but he doesnt like it.

Hey mummies, do u all do direct latch on AND pmup also? cos i've been doing direct all this while (Lucas turned 3 wks yesterday) and very lazy leh... never really pump except in my 1st week i think... just to gauge the supply. My max was 90ml both sides at that stage only. Now no idea at all. These few days he started to feed abit longer... every 2.5-3 hrs feed on one side maybe 20 mins then dowan redy, even if i offer the other side. The next feed, i just start with the other breast la but never pump :p

Or do u think i shd pump every 2-3 hrs then bottle feed? confused leh... middle of the night also must pump ah? aiyoh... not looking forward to that leh... but i direct latch at night, usually both he and I will fall asleep and I dunno how much he has had! haha :p terrible! my mum is super scared i will drop the baby!

His man yue party will be next weekend!! But i was thinking... pple come to see him but he will only wanna feed and sleep... poor thing... actually we adults are disturbing them right!? haha :p

Vanessa, i also tried the lying down before but scary leh... i always scared i will fall asleep then dunno wat happen to the baby!
Hi Bloom,
Can I ask you about getting LC to unblock the ducts? How does the LC do that? And which LC did you engage? I'm thinking of visiting a LC before I leave, just in case if anything happens, at least I know how to handle. Thanks!
hi mummies,
been quite sometime since i last log on.
need to seek some advices.

for working mums, what is the caring arrangement for your bb when u return to work?
intially my sis is able to look after for me but now cant. so i am considering the option of having a nanny... anyone has any contact of good nannies and roughly how much it cost to engage a nanny to look after bb in the day only?
hi gan & kimi,
me here.. wan meet up? i dun mind.. day in day out only me & bb... my mentality is like her now..

i direct latch only, no pump. no need to worry bt how much bb's having. e beauty bt direct latch is how much bb takes is according to their appetite so it's hardly possible to overfeed or underfeed them, as long as we do demand feeding. w bottle, we gan cheong mummies tend to wanna make sure bb has a certian amt, so will tend to overfeed lor. anyway, bbs' appetite fluctuate all e time.

if ur latching's ok, shldn't need to pump bah. or else later ss > dd v cham one leh! like me like tt... hah hah...


mine bb had e 'rashes' fr her 3rd wk... now 6th wk liao, slowing disappearing. i din apply anything until yest cos doc said might b too dry asked me to put some moisturiser or bb oil. it did help. i just used e Avent moisturising cream... free sample mah! heh heh.... doc said it's nt bcos o dirt, wash more will dry it up more n worsen it..

4 nose gold, y dun u buy a nasal aspirator (hope it's e correct name) to suck it out. can suck out a bit then pull e whole thing out. v shiok!


u're bk!
just remembered yest tt u mentioned u might go m'sia. ur reyna so guai ar can just latch on like tt? 4 me, q hard, cos once let dn, milk will spray everywhere. usu i hafta stand by tissue to immed hold my nipple, lying dn pretty hard to do tt...
ha ha, reading ur description o BFing, u really sounded like seasoned pro liao!


hang in there. like bloom said, dun compare. wanna compare got unless things to compare one lah! every bb is unique. all e best 4 e op. hope everything'll turn out fine. when is her 1st op?


i've nv slept less than 5hrs at nite, altho nt at one stretch o cos. cos my bb's q a deep sleeper. now on average i sleep 6.5hrs every nite. if i go to bed a bit earlier, can sleep up to 8hrs. so i'm pretty ok during e day lah.
Not pro lah,jus a lazy mum trying to find the easy way out

Sometimes my milk will also drip like nobody business, wat I did was place a hankie under the nipple, then at least if drip got hankie to absorb lor.. now I also need hankie everywhere

Agreed with Kimi for the 'gold'. I did that especially easier after shower where the nose will b wet.
*huddle together with och and alabone*

kept telling myself whatever bm i can manage just give bb lor. no point fretting. but cannot help but be a little disappointed that i cannot supply more since i don't think i would be able to continue bfing when i get back to work since i have to travel for work quite a bit.

och - fellow raccoon

*pat pat* i cannot imagine how you can survive on 2 hrs. am already falling apart with my 3.5 hours stretch already. yesterday night, totally couldn't hear my alarm clock at 3am at all. but managed to wake up at 4.30 cos breast was leaking. so angry, should be a lot of bm then leak right? but NO lor, after 4.5 hours, still only managed a miserable 70ml! Grrrr!

aiyo! how can the doctor ignore you when you ask how come got so much blood. the least he could do is to at least assure or acknowledge you or make some efforts to be more gentle or stop the bleeding. sometimes all these so called professionals hor!


i think you are off to a good start that you are already thinking about how to bring your little one up in your household where you think she may be influenced to act in some ways that you may not like. i think you don't have to worry that she will follow your hb's way. i grew up in a household with a mega MCP father and hearing my dad scolding my mum when it's not her fault all the time. i ended up very protective of my mum instead of treating her like my father. i think your little girl will be like that too. also i think if you teach her from young to be reasonable, to be obedient, to pick up after herself, she would turn out ok. Don't worry too much!


have a safe journey back to italy! remember to log in often. it's here that i feel i gain some of my sanity back as i can hear about other "raccoon's" tales.

by the way, my bb full month celebration actually went very well. we invited about 100 guests and surprising it didn't appear to be very packed. we ordered our food from neo garden and it turned out quite nice. met and caught up with many old friends so surprisingly i quite enjoyed myself. received tons of gifts too (still piled in the bedroom) and do not know when bb can play with all those toys. All the best to everyone who's going to have your celebrations soon!
want to ask u hor.. when i latch bb with super full breast, the flow is so fast tt bb almost choked.. :p any position i can try when i hav fast flow? or muz express out b4 feeding? sometimes dun hav time to express out leh....
Vanessa, does your 2nd girl reject your EBM? I tried giving my EBM to my elder girl but she dun like. Now wonder what to do with the excess EBM. Freezer running out of space and also short of bottles already.

Berry, you mentioned your bb using Avent pacifier right? Does it drop out of the mouth often. My bb's avent pacifier drop out of her mouth every now and then. Before she drifts off to sleep, it drop out and she will start crying,we put it back for her then drop out again..wonder if the fit is not suitable for her or what...nowadays the battle at nite is getting tougher since pacifier also dun work.
Yes, beside expressing out b4 feeding, you can try lying on your back while bb feed on top of u, then the gravity can help u to pull back some milk n bb can suck slowly, but u got to hold his head abit so that he can breathe. Think Kimi quite expert with this position

No leh, my 2ns gal accept it just like her fm, she drinks like no different leh, I also give her 1 big bottle in the afternoon and she finishes it off in no time.
You may wish to donate it out, cos I've seen in this forum that some ppl are asking for donation of EBM.
kimi,mandy deep sleeper..u r so fortunate...

QSG,ya i using avent pacifier...sometimes my boy will reject the pacifier and start crying too...need to push in and use your hand to let her suck...sometimes he will push out again..no choice...sometimes i spend 20-30mins putting in the pacifier b4 he goes into deep sleep...actually when he's in deep sleep,he will reject the pacifier and no matter how i push in,he wont open his mouth...dun think its the pacifier problem...
how long can your girl sleep thru at night?mine always changing...sometimes can 3hr stretch...sometimes 30mins wake up liao...need to pacify him then he sleep...pattern always change...
hihi everyone!
I haven't read all the postings yet, just wanna share with you feedback about the caterer and cakes i ordered for my bb first month celebration yesterday...

The party went very well...the caterer I hired, Fus'zin Palate was really good, all my guests enjoyed the food. I ordered online and got 5% discount. Caterer was really sweet too...when i spoke to them, i happen to mention it is for bb first mth and guess what, they came with a basket full of red eggs for us! So thoughtful right?
I was really touched my their thoughtfulness.
The Amosco eclairs went well too...i prepared some tags with my bb pic on it (with a note) to attach to all the trays of eclairs and everyone thot it was real cute. The good thing was, even though there were some last minute unexpected angpows given to us, i had extra eclairs to give out.

So, those who are still looking for cateres, can consider the one i used.. http://www.fuszinpalate.com.sg/

I hid my bb in the room and took her out only once in a while...fortunately, all my relatives were really thotful and they didn't poke bb, pinch her cheeks or carry her too much, so bb wasn't cranky at all at the end of the party.

Write more later!
when i'm lying on my back, how do i position bb? isit the same way as in bb will face the breast? do i lay flat? or slightly inclined?

were the extra eclair meant for ur own consumption? heee~ :p

wat did u order for ur buffet? i went to look n it seems like the dishes looks quite plain leh... :p do they provide stool rental too? i will be expecting 50pple for my bb's party.. so need to rent some stools n tables lor...
Yes, bb will face the breasts. If ur flow is very very fast, then u lay flt, else slightly incline will do lor... but this position abit tiring lah
wah.. lidat bb's face will fall on the breast... breathing n swallowing like abit difficult hor?

so far, me lay slightly incline.. but bb's position quite awkward.. he's tiltled at an angle lor.. not really facing the breast.. he is like lying sideway lidat...
shihui, vanessa,

i'm nt expert at tt position hor! heh heh! i noe must lean backwards but like vanessa said, v tiring lor... last time i'll hand express a bit b4hand, now i dun bother, nt much use anyway. usu when i feel let down coming, i'll quickly take tissue n catch e spray or else will kena bb all over her face. then i 'll wait 4 e initial fast flow 2 b over b4 letting bb latch lor. sometimes she gets v impatient n starts crying. bobian! i'll also lean bkwards a bit. if i really lean bk, i get giddy act n v hard to manuevre bb....

but now hor, bb can take faster milk flow liao. she still chokes once in a while but usu will take in e initial fast flow oso. tt's y she oso gets full faster.


u can tahan seeing ur bb's face full o milk ar? hiyoh, i cannot tahan! see already must wipe. tt's y tt time i tried e side-lying position, ended up kept trying to wipe bb's face n stop my milk fr spraying at her... tink like tt hor, sooner or later will sprain my arms n neck! heh heh..


i miss ur post on e neck exercise leh. i try to do head rotations, wld tt do?


i oso enjoyed my bb's full mth v much. it's so nice to see old frens n feel 'alive' again. or else it's just facing bb n piles o laundry everyday! really feel like huang lian po liao! :p
had my baby's full month celebration this noon and just had time to rest.

yls catering isn't too bad. the nice dish was the duck with sea cucumber. portion is ok. i had lots of food leftover. they do rent stools and tables. you will have to tell them abt it. now sure abt pricing tho. forgot to ask. they came punctually to set up but came an hour later from the pick up time i stated. which was ok with me. gave me time to pack food. by the way, they provided me with plastic containers to keep food.

also very frustrated with my ss of milk. my last pump yesterday was 9pm and then tho i wanted to pump, didn't have the chance. then didn't pump again until this morning 11am when i felt my breasts get a bit engorged. then i was quite excited and thought i should have a lot right? No!!! i only came up with 140ml!!! but i was rushing to pump out to feed bb so perhaps if i continued some more, i could have gotten a little bit more la. pissed man...

i used the nasal aspirator to try to get it out... don't know if i pushed it in, or bb sneezed it out. i can't see her gold liao. anyway, there was once it got stuck near the entrance of her nostril so i just got it out..

bb could wear a dress my friend bought for her. so cute. will upload her photo here.

will try to pump 2hourly to increase ss. but think my will is dropppping... most prob will give up by mid feb and turn to fm b4 going back work.
wah.. luckily mine drip onli.. not spray like yours.. :p drip drip onli already i can't cope liao... :p bb oso always drink until face full of milk.. got to use tissue to wipe during feed.. den aft feed, i quickly use wipe cotton to wipe his face.. afraid he will get milk rashes.. :p

seems like yls not bad hor.. think i will cater fr yls too..
did u request for the plastic containers or they gave u automatically one?
natalie looks so cute in her dress..
n u looks sooooo slim liao... so nice...

yls not bad leh... really quite value for money leh.. quite a few i looking at charge delivery one leh...
oppps.. sorry... serious grammar mistake... think even pri 1 kids can correct me... :p shd be "u look" instead of "u looks"... hahahaa... sorry teacher... :p
ahahaha... you very cute you! i only noticed the mistake when i saw the second posting... oops! having taught for couple of months and i've lost touch already... oh no!!!

i where got look slim... still got 5kg to reach pre-preg weight. and these last 5kgs are really difficult to lose...

ask you ladies, my confinement officially ends next fri... but am really dying for a cold drink again... who are those of you who have been drinking cold drinks during confinement? any repercussions so far? i already drank some ice tea and plain water last week and today... a bit worried got repercussions...
