(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

sylk, my LC is Yen Ping at KKH. Not sure if u need to be a KKH patient before she can see u. She will usually attach the Medela PIS to both breasts and ask me to hold the funnel before she use her force to press to try to unblock the ducts. Very painful, must eat 2 panadols beforehand but still painful. Each session is only 15 min but I think that is enough pain for that day. :p I think previously some of the mommies posted a few phone numbers of other LCs in this thrend, including some private LC (just in case you really need to be KKH patient before Yen Ping can see u).

Pokemon, I will be letting a bbsitter to take care of my bb... daytime market rate should be about $500-$600.

doggiebb, thanks for the encouragement. I really hope that my bb gal will grow up to be a nice sensible adult.

QSG, if ur bb does not move while sleeping and sleep with face facing sideways, u can roll up some clothes and use it to block the pacifier so that it will not fall out of bb's mouth. See the nurses at KKH SCN doing that.

kimi, I guess basically the 'aim' to exercise the neck/shoulder/head so that it is stronger and can take the strain that we had been imposing on it loh...

alabone, hi pretty mommy :p At least ur gal can wear a dress, all the dresses my frens/relatives bought have to wait until at least 1 yr old!

hi all,
today went to do my tresses with my good friend. End up in the salon for 6 hrs doing rebond/color n spending a bomb. But the new hairdo makes me feel so good..

Hi alabone,
yur bb natalie looks so lovely. U also another young mum too.

I started to use the fridge today to store my EBM after 6 hrs in salon. By the time I reach home, the milk remains cool. So overall the function seems not bad but I find the bag a bit bulky and heavy.

Hi Pokemon,
so nice to hear fm u again..

Hi Pokemon/Kimi,
how abt meeting on one of the day around 11am?
Wat u gals think n if it will clash around yur bb feeding time. We can meet at the mos burger (seem more quiet there)@ sun plaza lor.
my email addy is [email protected] Just pm or email me to cfm
really like the dress my friend bought. really cute. from enphants i think. beef up your gal so can wear b4 1 yr old. or wear for her 1 yr old bday also can.

thanks for compliments on bb natalie. she was a goody girl today. hope she remains a goody girl later! i'm not a young mummy. am going to be 29 this oct leh... the young ones are shihui, vanessa and qianhui right? mid 20s only...

am so envious you gals can meet up with other mummies... i'm still home alone mostly with bb and tv...

seems like the fridge is a relatively good buy except for the bulkiness?
hi alabone,
haa.. i aso same age as you. U dun look like yur real age leh. Moreover u already mother of 2..

I so envy vanessa too (mother of 3 liao).. you gals r veri hao ming.
hi gan,
great. found someone my age. so you're 1978 too? i envy vanessa too. so young and mother of three.

do you miss doing things young ones like you do? coz sometimes i miss doing things when i was single and carefree and didn't have to be responsible for the little ones.
Thanks for the info Bloom!

Alabone, ur girl looks so pretty and sweet. You are a young mum lah... a few of us here already past 30 and still 1st-time mum. Oh, and I've been stealing ice cubes to eat during the past 3 weeks... no side effects, feels good and tastes wonderful only... ha ha hah.
alabone, doggiebb,
my plight is the same as urs. i din pump yesterday nite, woke up in the morning n i could only get 150ml. so pathetic right? qianhui gets that amt every 3 hours. i'm only aiming to provide for bb's daytime feeds, intend to give her fm at night, but my supply still not enuf.

linette, doggiebb,
the orthodontist is the only one there with sub-specialty in this area. later i complain n hospital tell me to go find another orthodontist, then i die liao lor. :p she treats all her baby patients so roughly, so all the mummies will waiting to see her will complain abt her to each other, but nobody dares to complain beyond that. haha.

bloom, kimi,
those bb r my inspiration, not basis for comparison. cannot compare also, cos to be ready for 1st cleft surgery, bb r usually 4-6 mths old. haha. it takes that long b4 the parents can see results after doing pre-surgery preps but the successful ones r v. inspiring! imagine, the parents managed to get the gums n lips to meet without surgery! madeleine is still long long way away but i hope she will reach that stage too, then the surgery results will be v. good. n yah, surgery date depends entirely on the progress of bb, which in turn depends entirely on how hen3 xin1 the parents r in doing pre-surgery preps. honestly, the preps r not comfortable for bb. madeleine gets a new retainer every 1.5wks, n she doesn't feed well for the next 72 hrs. usually, she is so traumatised by the retainer fitting n so hungry that she will be cranky for those 72 hrs. n she hates the taping n cleaning too. i tape she rips, i tape she rips. n her face blisters fr the frequent taping. sometimes, really need to see inspiring cases to motivate myself to fight her another day.

first surgery for madeleine will most likely be for her hearing n it's set for jan 29. her cleft surgeries r not scheduled yet, depends on her progress. if madeleine's cleft narrows quickly, then we might delay her hearing surgery until her 1st cleft surgery.

u r looking after bb yourself at night? getting any help?

i din drink cold drinks but ate lotsa ice-cream. hubby tot i's ridiculous cos i refused to drink cold drinks n told him i shldn't bcos o confinement, then he'll go "but u ate ice-cream wat!" heh heh... well, i guess it's e same hor? no repurcussion lah... only felt v shiok!

natalie v pretty! btw, v envious o ur complexion! so nice. mine only nice 4 a while after giving birth, then all e late nites gave lotsa pimples again...


i'm sure madeleine's op will turn out gd n then sshe will b e inspirations 4 others!
btw, ur schedule v hectic, must steal time to rest. cannot train ur hubby 2 do e preps n get bb used to him? or else u bao ka liao v tiring leh!


no prob w venue but my bb's fedding times nt fixed, changes everyday. maybe can fix a day 1st then i can try 2 work her feed ard e timing, plus minus lor!

I dunno bout the future (maybe I'll 'get it' in the future..)

So far, I drank Coke, Sprite, Ice Ribena and 100 plus and cocktail during confinement. Makes me happy. Dunno why, always got craving to gulp drinks down..
Morning ladies,
Cow pumping n reporting for the day

MIA for a few days...Went 'par tok'with hubby on saturday without BB...Even though it good to take a break fm BB but will miss him lor..

BB Nataile is so sweet n u r so young
....Me fall into the same categ as Sylk...more than 30 n 1st kids...We have so much to catch up...

Understand yr feeling....I went to dye my hair last thurdsay and come out feel so Goooood

Seem like all specialist are very numb after seeing so many patients...No choice man...All for best for BB Madeleine surgery
...Am sure that everything will be fine...'JIA YOU'
U look young n Natalie is v pretty too... so sweet...
Dun rake up my sad memories... sometimes when I stressed with my kids, I do miss wat I had missed n blame myself on giving birth so early with all the unneccessary stress, but on the other hand, there r many ppl who envy me, young wif 3 kids. Sometimes jus to make me feel better, I told myself I'm proud of it, n like many of u here said, next time I hao ming liao lor... but then still, hav to pass this difficult stage 1st.

Kimi, sylk,
wow u all very daring hor, take cold drinks... I dun even dare to take it even until now. Waiting for 40 days up to take my Mcdonald milkshake wif fries....
me din drink cold drinks.. wanted to drink milkshake when i went out last time but my mom caught me in the act n stop me fr buying.. :p

today is ur anniversary hor..
got any plan? :p

so nice.. went paktor... i want oso.. :p counting down to the end of my confinement..
this thurs will be the last day... yeah!!

sometimes no choice got to be cruel in order to be kind.. maybe the orthodontist do things fast fast n seems really rough to the bb.. but at least the suffering time for the bb is shorter..

rem this one incident i had in pri sch.. i fell down n got a bad abrasion wound.. my fren being kind helped me to the sick bay n put medication for me.. she's afraid tt i will feel pain so she gently gently apply medication for me.. she took very long still having finish cleaning the wound but i already pain till want to cry liao.. in the end, i can't take it.. took over fr her n quickly apply.. abit rough lah.. but at least the pain ends sooner... :p
haha.. u same as me ah... thinking of McDonald milkshake... :p i'm not waiting for 40days... shall take it on day 30.. hehehe... :p
I try not to think abt it, but my hb tempted me. B4 my confinement ends, he went tyo buy milkshake n fries to eat with my gals while I stand there watching, n tempted me again on last fri....better wait till after 40 days, afterall, wat's another 10 more days since already waited 4 30 days...
wah.. u really gd leh.. i can't liao.. last night already drink 1 sip of cold cold ribena.. :p

juz now tried bathing bb.. bb really give me face.. first time i bathe him, he poo on me!! win laio lor... CL bathed him so many days he never poo.. i shd go buy 4D liao... :p maybe poor bb got scared by me until he poo.. :p bad mommy... :p

really seven hand eight leg juz now... the wash hair n face part still okie.. the moment put bb in the tub, the battle begins.. :p he was struggling, i was stuggling too.. CL took 2-3min to finish i need 5-10min.. :p CL had great fun laughing away at my stupid actions.. :p

u considered gd liao lor! 1st time i bathe bb, i 4got 2 support her head while i turn her over after washing her bk. so caused her to knock her head at e bathtub. both me n bb ended up crying! but i cry longer lah cos i felt so useless. got phobia o bathing bb altho we've always done it ourselves but last time me n hubby do together mah. tt time she already dunno poo n pee how many times into e tub, on me, on e towel.... so come my time 2 do alone, i v scared... but now ok liao... can't really enjoy it yet cos must bathe v fast, scared she poo again... guess when she starts to poo less, we'll both enjoy bath time as bonding time liao!


ur hubby like my hubby lor. he went to buy magnum ice-cream. buy liao then tell me, how to nt eat? then ben m jerrys on sale he oso went 2 buy 2 tubs. i looooove ben n jerrys leh, cannot dun eat. then one morning he asked me wanna eat roti prata or nt? haiz... i just gave in lor. from then on, kept eating roti prata liao! heh heh... shiok!

Dunno leh, Hubby took leave today, but hai! Early in the morning he hooked to his laptop liao! Dunno take leave for wat!

Later maybe go Vivo with hubby only. Want to watch the Charlotte's Web (though I've watched the cartoon, book b4 already..) I love the piggy. So cute.

Then at nite then go to Tung Lok Teahouse for buffet dinner with hubby, my parents, baby, and sis..
Bloom, my bb will move and do stretching every now and then so dun need i can use your method. Last nite as usual struggle to make her sleep only at 1+am.

Berry, Evee can usually sleep for 6 hours a stretch after she goes into deep sleep at 1+am.

Vanessa, i am running out of bottles to store EBM, thinking of using milk bags. Any reccommendations and where to buy them?Never use milk bags before.
Bloom, oops typo, i meant dun think i can use your method. Btw, i also take soft drinks when i went to eat at Macdonald a few days before confinement ends
Use Lanisoh one, Phoebe is having a spree from drug store, it's cheaper, mothercare selling at $17/box/25pcs, but drugstore is selling abt S$10.38/box/25pcs.

my hb also tempted me with roti prata too, but not so gein.....
Vanessa, went to the spree to check, closed already, jiat lat..the price difference very big. No tears for this brand before is it? Besides mothercare, anywhere else got sell?
If you want I have milk bags to spare coz a friend gave them to me but I wont be using them as will be mostlt direct latching... just need to drop by my place. PM me if you are interested.
r you going back to work soon?
hi all...
i am sooo pek chey at home. feel sooo hot after eating every meal. Realli sweat.. buay tahan after 2wks confinment. have fan blowing at me. On aircon for awhile to cool the room... feel very thirsty also ... drink plain water even though my mom say best not to. Now feel that plain water is so much better than red date tea. So tempted to drink cold drinks but tell myself to LUN until 30days. sneak out to hair salon to wash hair last wed when MIL not at home. Today also wash my hair with the herbs i used to bath every moni. Come out of bathroom blow dry hair until very hot again. Wow confinement mth is realli unbearable leh.. torturing leh..
hey.. did u recv the final pymt from me last mth? i din recv ur email. I trf the remaining $20 that i owed u for the burberry dress. Paiseh to owe u for 1mth from taking the dress from u. thanks anyway.
Know that u leaving on 22nd this mth. aiyo so sad can oni meet up with u after 1.5yr later right. after going back ti itlay must still log on here to keep contact with us. When u come back we shall arrange to meet up again with our lovely babies. hehe
Hi Jen! You've MIA-ed for quite awhile, was just wondering about u.
Lucky my baby girl also hates hot weather, so I get to switch on the aircon almost everyday... hee.

I'll be doing baby's 1st month party this Sunday, expecting 120+ guests. By then, my CL will have already gone home. Cross my fingers and hope we can manage on that day... scarly garang-garbok or baby gets cranky from over-stimulation.
ur hubby same as mine lah... hubby took 2 weeks leave when i delivered.. but din help much lor.. onli help to burp bb.. den the rest of the time hook to comp oso.. :p

so nice.. i oso want to watch charlotte's web leh.. love the book.. the piggy really very cute..

wow... 120 guests?? tt's alot leh.. u doing a whole day affair? or everyone come at the same time?? mine onli 40 over reaching 50 n i find it alot liao.. :p

think i will top the list for the largest number of guests...

our guest list works up to around 240 pax, before RSVP la...

almost fainted when we came up with the list.. machiam like planning for our wedding..

now headache what buffet to order.. anyone tried Yan Palace before?
my hubby is none better than u gals...

those days when he was with me at my mum's place, he was either hooked on to the TV or to the comp... then at night, slept through the night while i woke up to feed and change the bb...

the next morning he can still ask me how come i look so tired... me totally speechless man.. dun know wat to say...

do all babies go thru the 3rd week growth spurt?
my ger is already 4th day into her 3rd week liao lei.. but no signs of her taking in more milk lei... is this normal?
Hi conniemummy (conniemummy),
it seems to be true that my gar got huge appetite during wk 3. today is wk 4, the appetite is back to normal (3hr feed).
Hi Vanessa Lu,
hubby and I took my gar to polyclinic for Hep B this morning. have asked the nurse to explain the different jab. here is:

1) 6 in 1 jab cost $320
-> need to be taken only on 3th mth, 4th mth, 5mth, 18mth. (which mean come with 5 in 1 + 1 dose of 6 in 1 jab)

2) 5 in 1 jab cost $285
->need to be taken only on 3th mth, 4th mth, 5m th, 18mth. it include Hib jab to prevent brain disese.

3) FREE jab at polyclinic through out except Hep B which cost $15.
-> need to be taken only on 1th mth (for Hep B 2nd dose), 3th mth, 4th mth, 5mth, 18mth.

nurse mentioned that the 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 are NOT free bec it contains extra mixture of jab while the free one is the complusory national childhood immunisation in sg.
wah, so many postings... i oso can't catch up.
seems like a lot of mommies hv bbs who are freting. same here...hope it passes. Nowadays, bb day time stay awake more...oso dunno how to entertain her.
These past few days, dunno wat happen, i've been getting rashes! My MIL say it's fong mok (in catonese)...wah, itchy and hot and uncomfortable..
and i hvnt even been eating any seafood lately or anything "poisonous" or unusual.
Dunno wat to do.

shihui, abalone,
ur bbs are soooo cute!

i ordered eclairs, swiss rolls and profiteroles and made sure hv extra for myself! YUM!

The food not bad leh, errr...think i ordered yellow rice, dry mee siam, chicken, fish, vege, crabstick, egg, vege drumstick, almond longan and orange cordial. Quite standard la (my hb dun like fancy stuff cos he is fussy eater!), but taste is good, display oso good and service good. Sometimes catering food look good but taste quite yucks. :p Dunno if they hv chairs rental, cos I hv a lot of stools from Ikea so I didnt rent. :p

sylk, connie
wow, 120 / 240 guests! I kept mine to 60+ and relatives only...was so fearful of hving too many pple and baby getting cranky. :p I didn't invite friends at all...but they understand...or else i'll end up with over 100ppl too...*shudder*

hang in there...i'm sure bb condition will improve soon and she can do the surgery soon and that it will be successful.
hi hi,
been very lazy... yesterday didn't pump milk except in the morning... but did direct latch on and bb got milk to drink coz she regurgitated! bad mummy right? she regurgitate i actually happy!

thanks for compliments on me looking young... lucky then coz hb looks young. don't wanna end up looking like his sister.

bb nat was a goody girl last night... until this morning. finally succumbed to the pacifier liao... but she sucks on it and it keeps falling out of her mouth. think the teat is too short. so had to hold the pacifier for her and sit on the chair, put head on the side of her playpen and sleep... pai mia...

my ss also not enough and hb been telling me not to push myself if really cannot. fm also can. but wanna bf for two months lah. we just do whatever we can. fretting will not help.

i feel such pain for you after reading what your bb will have to go thru and what as parents, you and your hb have to go thru. it is terribly painful to see bb in pain or suffer. but then this is for the good of her future, so, i can only say again, hang in on there. i totally emphatize with your situation.

hahaha. don't drink cold drinks but eat ice cream? yesterday during my bb's party, i my friend's pri3 girl to sneak in a drink for me. so funny. then she brought in only half a cup, i finished it in one gulp. told her not to tell anyone and go bring me another cup into my room. she did. then her mum came in to see my bb and ask her, 'charmaine, you finished your drink already?' i gan jiong coz scared she don't know how to answer so i said, 'ya lor, finish her drink already ask me to hold her cup.' coz the cup was in my hand! funny situation to me.

why is doing something sooo secretive and supposedly 'illicit' so shiok? no wonder pple start having affairs...

how old were you when you were with the first child? i suppose these are some sacrifices in life we have decided to make. and really. next time when you send your kids to school, you will be the envy of a lot of mothers there!

i same as you... drink now then scared next time will get it... but really cannot tahan leh. last confinement i very guai... didn't drink till boy's full month party. this time, mum not here for confinement, no one to jagar me with eagle-like eyes, i cannot take the temptation leh... hb kept asking me got any craving or not. then i say want sparkling wine and he really go and buy. he quite nice la. buy already never put in fridge so that i can drink. then i see he never put in fridge, drink where got shiok, so i put in fridge myself. took a few sips only and felt like 'wah'... damn damn shiiiiiiiokest man!

you another good girl too. stick to rules. i really cannot tahan.

everyone here totally understands these confinement period can drive one crazy. everyday after my scalding bath, i come out all sweaty again. what's the point of bathing again? luckily, i get to wear shorts and also switch on aircon the whole day round. have to tahan la. mine ending this fri! cannot wait!!!!!

qianhui, conniemummy,
looks like our hbs are comp geezers ya? my hb also so loves his comp games. but he plays the CM. and everytime lose already becomes so pek chek he wanna smack his comp. if he doesn't work, he can just play and play for hours you know?

your hb lagi best, never help still want to say feng liang hua. my hb also, slept thru the night on fri for ten hours leh. wah piang. i so jealous. then i panda eyes... sigh. MAN. you3 ye fan, mei you ye fan.
Thanks for your information. Think I will still continue with my Pd, cos not much of different plus there's assessment by PD and I don't wish to wait till then to see her PD, cos I need him to assess her jaundice level, seems still yellow like that.

I was 21 when I had my first child. Ppl don't envy me lah, cos I may be young, but I dunno how to dress up n pan mei mei, so look very aunty, nobody will know I'm only 25
Kimi, Qianhui, alabone,
Wow u all very good leh can take cold drinks...My MIL doing confinement for me, so hor 1 whole mth never touch cold drinks and plain water. Told hubby that i never noe plain water can taste so nice de

40 days cannot drink cold water ah??? I start drinking after confinement leh....Anyway the 40 days also over liao

We noe wat u r going through...Only one word "Ren"....

The description of yr drinking the cold drinks is so funny..... kekeke...

sylk, connie
How to squeeze so many ppl in the house???? Will be a super busy day ...
I kiasi mah, so wait for 40 days lor, I'm still going to drink double boil liquor, just ask my maid to do for me....
mine got no obvious signs tt he's going thru growth spurt although he's onli few days away fr his 4th week... he has always been feeding every 2 hourly... onli during night time den feed every 3 hourly.. :p

240 guests!??!! wah.. i think none of us can beat u liao.. :p how r u going to arrange the logistics? think u muz issue queue number for pple to look at ur bb liao.. :p

time pass really fast while looking aft bb.. so dun worry.. ur confinement will end b4 u noe it..
u power leh.. sneak out to wash hair.. :p tt's wat i'm planning to do aft my confinement ends.. shall throw bb to hubby on weekend while i go wash my hair in the salon.. oohhh.. looking forward to the long awaited scalp massage.. hahaha... :p

so tt means if we going for the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 jab, bb dun need any jab for first mth? or need to jab hep B first? the free jab u mentioned is actually the immunisation program listed in bb's health booklet rite? those jabs r actually inlcuded in the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 rite? meaning tt if i take 5-in-1 or 6-in-1, i dun need to go for the individual jabs hor?

we ended up catering fr yls since alabone said tt it's not bad n it's really value for money.. :p yours seems very professional though.. juz tt it's rather ex.. :p
Hi Jen! Yes, received already, thanks!

Shihui, Bobianah,

We're asking guests to come anytime between noon and 4pm, so hopefully, they spread themselves out instead of bunching together. And these 120+ are rsvp ones.

Hb and I will also make a trip to office later this week, and bring baby along. So instead of inviting colleagues to the party, we'll bring the cakes and baby to them.

My hb also the same, he hasn't done night shifts yet. Then last week I went to GP to get my blood test result (I've got extremely low iron) and he told my GP that I have been rather lethargic and tired looking, not as energetic as before.... duh!
i also ate ice cream during confinement, but i stayed away fr cold drinks until after 30 days. :p

ur bb still pooing many times a day? mine sometimes poo once every 2 days.

wah, so shiok. i also want to get out n rebond my hair.

i'm also fr the chang2 tong4 bu4 ru2 duan3 tong4 camp, but aiyo, i still think she uses excessive force. a lot of mummies also clean v. fast, but nobody will make their babies bleed. i think she is just bochap lah, cos she dun need to calm the babies down mah. then babies cry, she's even happier, cos they open their mouths. :p

hubby is actually quite proactive, he helps to do the surgery preps too, but think he's just more rough lah, so bb not used to him. i still make him do it though. heh heh. use the time to express milk instead. he is also in charge of playing with bb every weekend when my mum isn't around to play with bb. i'm usually too tired to play with her n she usually sleeps 1 hr or less between feeds in the day.

alabone, connie, sylk,
my hubby also sleeps for 10 hrs on weekends. then when i complain that he still wants to take afternoon naps, he told me "u might be surprised, but 10 hours of sleep is really not enuf". hear liao can faint.
hi mummies
wow.....so many posts....very difficult 2 catch up....& oso 4got who post what.... ;p

bb philson oso make very loud noise when he stretches.....at 1st thot is gek sai after dat then realise dat he will gek whenever he stretches....

u look young so dun ve 2 worry dat people mistaken u 4 ur hubby's jiejie
ur nat looks so sweet in her dress.....my boi's new clothes re all 2 big 4 him....those hand me down re either pink or purple cos all fr my sil who has a girl...hee...lucky there's white 2 o.w jia lat

yls catering not bad hor....no gst, no delivery charge & d food oso not 2 bad....value 4 $

wow...ur boi so cute & his neck very strong....i dun dare 2 put my boi on his tummy cos no experience....

i found some website on lunch tingkat

i ve tried neo garden, ok only but 4 lunch delivery no soup....this wk will try 1st cuisine which will start 2ml.....hope will b nice

regarding the 5 in 1 jab & the 6 in 1 jab, oredi check with my PD......he said 6 in 1 new in mkt so not much comment & experience in it...however, 6 in 1 will ve lesser jab & hep b jab is included in it....anyway, i choose the 5in 1 since longer in the mkt althou more jabs need 2 b taken

wow....so many young mummies ard....hee...i only get married when i m 26 then er ren shi jie 4 5 yrs b4 deciding 2 ve bb philson....now dun even dare 2 thk of no 2......scary man....but i do miss my pregnancy period.....

aiyo....during confinement didnt really follow the confinement rules....i bathe with hot heater water, drink plain water.... ;p

after confinement oso drink cold drinks, eat potatoes chips, chocolate, fast food, ice cream, seafood, etc......dun wanna b deprived since looking after bb alone is oredi very tough

share with u somethg funny abt bb philson.....nowadays didnt wear mittens 4 him cos wan him 2 learn gripping thgs.....juz now leave him alone in his playpen while i go 2 the toilet....suddenly heard his loud scream followed by his cries.....so scare....faster rushed out fr the toilet.....saw 1 of his hand gripping & pulling his hair & crying loudly at the same time....then i realised he pulled his hair 2 hard until pain pain but dun noe must let go...so i ve 2 help him release his grip then he stopped crying....c oredi oso wanna laugh.....
wow u also this Sun having bb full mth party. Me too. early celbration cos actual day 19th is on Fri so make it this sun for all relative & frds to come. Ur guest list 120+ is alot wor. heheeh. MIne 40+ i aldy got abit headache cos scare they all come at same timing my hse cant squeeze in so many pple lar. haha

sorri din see ur earlier post. I saw from CF Chang that u put bb slp on tummy ar. ME too leh. my mom ask me to let bb slp lidat so the head will be stedy & stable more faster cos bb use neck strenght to lift up head mah. Of cos monitor every now & then cos scare bb turn face to the mattress. At nite time i also let bb slp on tummy lidat bb not prone to be frightne. cos she always hv the action of hands suddenly lift up machiam got frightened in slp lidat.

Ya i went salon just downstairs my block to wash cos my hb also cant stand my smelly hair. So happi. ask the lady to scrub longer & hard ... wash liao also abit smelly cos earlier spray too much DRY SHAMPOO bot from medical hall. now dun spray liao. even spray also dun use so much. This moni wash hair i myself also scrub long long use HEAD & SHOULDER somemore. soooo shiok cos mentol one mah.

ya lor. i oni can LUN. for my own good i suppose. anyway i aldy passed 2wks+... another 2wks to go to reach 40days. i think passed 30days i abit hack care liao. 40days over sure ask hb bring me go eat feast ar. i still got ice cream & mochi yogurt in my fridge. waiting for my "prison" release day.

ur bb still got jaundice??? 1mth liao wor.. havent subside ar> my bb also go polyclinic dunno how many times to check jaundice lvl.. then even went KKH A&E to checkup also. then my mom go medical hall buy the dunno what yellow flower to put in bb bath water to wash away the yellow so last visit on last wed bb lvl was 65 @ day 13. Lucky ar. else bb hv to draw blood to send to hosp lab for further test. BB aldy screaming when squuezing the blood into the small tube liao leh. imagine hv to prick again.

Any mommies went to polyclinic for review after 6wks of labour aldy?? isit very long Q for sure & nid to book appt anot one? i think sure nid to do pap smear one rite? thinking if Q soooo long i might as well go GP. but i dunno what others polyclinic doc nid to review us on wor.
her jaundice shld b cleared, but seems like still abit yellow, so play safe lor...

How come ur 6wks review at Polyclinic one? Last time at kkh, mine was go back to the same gynae at kkh one leh...

Hang in on there.. Will keep you and ur baby in prayers.. i am sure all will turn out well..

ya lor, thats a good idea.. issue queue number to see baby.. better still have 2 queues, one to see only and the other can carry.. will only issue to those who dun dare to carry... heehee in this case, no one will get to carry isabelle...

240 is way too much for my tiny house too.. tats y got my company bungalow.. cannot imagine that i have to go clean up my house before and after the party, and sure cannot accommodate so many people one..

will arrange them to come in 2 batches, lunch and dinner lor.. so i hope its more manageable..

Jen, why isnt your pap smear test done at your gynae?

Btw is it true that even if the polyclinic has said that the bb is clear of jaundice, when the bb goes to PD for check they will still draw blood to test? heard earlier that even when the bb dun need to go back to polyclinic, but when they go to NUH for checkup, the hospital still drew blood for tests..
U not kasi just that u really guai lor...

sylk, och,
Although my hubby dont sleep so much but he also nap during weekend and cant understand why i can 'tong' the grave-yard shift for so long. N he also wonder why i need to pump after latching on BB. Sigh, man are really mean lor.... Well that part and parcel of motherhood

BB philson is so funny...Think 1 of the ladies BB also did the same thing

Ya lor....The 1st thing i eat after 40 days is duck noodles....Super yummmmmmy
hi mummies,

my boi 6+ weeks now. i find tat his appetite getting smaller. when he is 4+ weeks, he take 120ml every 3hrly. now daytime, he oni take 100ml every 3+hrly. nite time, he wake up oni once. suckle for 20mins n fall asleep till 8plus in the morning. suckle for 15mins n sleep till 11am. i m worried whether he is taking enough.

Now we know why men are not 'designed' to b pregnant n doing the job we doing now, cos they can't tahan!! Tat's another reason y more ppl celebrate Mother's day rather than Father's Day

Not really guai this time round, kiasi cos I scare of pain....
