(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

wah... got big diamond. good lor. that time got GSS i hint hint to my then bf(current hb) about buying ring first then can think of how to propose to me... he only smile smile... never go buy... but he quite cute leh. secretly took note of my ring size and bought ring without me knowing. he proposed with 3 diamonds. one solitaire ring and a pair of diamond earrings (which i've since misplaced and don't dare to tell him)...

you've regained pre-preg weight already and can fit into clothes? super envy! i think i still have to either wear baggy stuff or pregnancy clothes. damn xian lor. wear preg clothes for so long already. really dying to go shop and do something about my limp hair...

appetite no good lately. keep asking hb to buy back junk for me and eat those then my mum's food got no appetite to eat. been eating lots of merci chocs and char sau bao.

hi Summerscent,
welcome! i wipe everyday with herbs aft discharge.. den started bathing n wash hair aft 12 days.. i wash hair abt twice a wk lor.. bathe with herbs everyday...
hi summerscent,
i bathed 3 day in hospital already. after discharged, i bathed 3 days later with herbal bath. i wash hair when i feel itchy and gross and oily. mum boils ginger water for me to bathe so as to qu feng and won't get headache.

can't view your bb's pics!
can see your bb already! sooooo cute! his head very strong yah. maybe i should let my bb wear long sleeve too so don't have to swaddle her. she like not very happy with it. how old is your bb? what's his name?

ha ha... ur boy so cute. i suggest u take off his mittens n booties when he does tummy time so he can exercise his fingers n toes too. i oso guf my gal tummy time everyday, to stregthen her limbs n neck. read tt like tt they're develop their gross motor skills faster. Mandy q fast. by end o her 3rd wk, she can lift head 45 deg facing front n can use her own effort turn head fr one side to e other. once she even nearly flipped herself over. v happy cos was worried she'll b slow cos premature. looks like her pace is q like full term bbs.
he is 3 weeks old now... his name is pin3 heng2..
very funny when i see him raise his head... :p quickly ask hubby to take photo.. :p
how premature was your bb? what is tummy time? sounds interesting.

our bb same age then. she can also lift up her head. lifted her head off the pillow briefly.
Hi Mummies,
Thks for the warm welcome.

Me also a moo moo cow liao, er, average is 180ml every 3 hrs. Seldom latch bb on though, but guess will latch him on once CL goes home. Else dunno how to find so much time to look after my ger, jagar my boi & express.

Wah, ur bb so cute. I haven't try letting my boi tummy time yet. Hehe..
wow. you also have so much milk ah? envious again!!!! after 3 hours i only manage 60ml leh.

shall let my girl girl have tummy time later then. sounds fun! and will get camera ready too.
Berry, i got the sarong from kiddy palace..you can choose to buy the motor so that the sarong will swing automatically or you can manually move the sarong yourself. Think nowadays difficult to find those attached to the ceiling.u thinking of getting one?
Hi Berry,
thanks for assuring me.
I aso choose similac as some of my friends also using it for their bbs.

Hi Ruffybear,
so far no problem with my bb taking the similac.. thanks for explaining as at first we dun understand how come FM so bubbly.

My gynae also tell me I can exercise 1 mth later but the massage lady n my relatives keep stressing me to start only 4 mths later.

Hi Shihui,
yur bb's expression so cute.

Hi Shihui/alabone,
My hubby is not the instructor lah.. he aso same as me learning driving there at that point of time. :p

Hi alabone,
I just bought one carrier fm www.fridge to go, which is supposed to be able to last till 12 hrs. Yet to try.. but dun know why mine doesn't have the shoulder strap.

Hi Qianhui,
the way u described yur childhood.. so interesting. I agreed by then our child is at the age of two.. we can expect more 'activities' fm them.

Hi kimi,
super envy u that u already can fit into yur pre-preggie clothings.

Yup.. hope our bb feeding will not clash. Now I am trying to keep my bb more awake in daytime, to tire her so at night we can have gd sleep. Will pm u my contact no. U let me know yur bb feeding time and we can arrange the day/timing
. Or u can pop by to my place.

I not using MIM sarong, using the sarong which my Korean friend help me to buy fm this site, http://www.interpark.com/product/MallDisplay.do?_method=detail&sc.shopNo=00
Think the method should be the same. I already start using mine for 4 times, even use it to bring bb to take mrt and bus. Find it very comfy and bb often sleep throughout when in the sling unless need to be fed.

how abt Pokemon? din see her postings lately, did u?

c her mood lor. mostly just bt 10 mins. she doesn't really like being place on tummy. will struggle n struggle. then we'll place our hands behind her feet so she can try 2 push w her feet n move 4ward. read this fr a bk too.


tummy time is just place bb on tummy lor! but must b supervised cos they can raise their head n land on their nose.

Mandy was born at 33wks 6 days gestational age. v early hor? in fact, yest was her EDD. but she already 6 wks old yest liao! she's only born 1.86kg. so ur bb nt considered tiny lah!


din c pokemon too. in fact, nv c vanessa this whole day leh... hmmm...
have you used the fridge yet? useful? i looked at the website and it seems that it should come with a strap. perhaps you wanna check back with the store.

i reckon tummy time must be placed on their tummy... asking the obvious... never tried it before tho. will try it sometime.

so mandy had to stay in hospital to reach a certain weight b4 she could go back right? was it difficult caring for preemie? but the photo of her looks ok. looks like you've done a good job of letting her catch up with others.

mine was born at 37wks and only 2.6... that's why i say she tiny. plus she looked tiny too. can't wait for her to be able to hold up her own head. now like so fragile...

just pumped milk... 3hrs since 6.30pm. managed almost 90ml after squeezing and squeezing. i've got a dominate breast leh. the left one give more milk than the other. will it become big small later on? hope not man...
shihui,your pin heng v cute!!! i nvr put my bb on his tummy b4...maybe i shall try that... seems like pin heng head quite strong...

kimi,u start cycling already?so fast! ur hubby take care of mandy when u cycle huh?
wow u also 25!!! so many young mummies here... vanessa also 25!!! and she already got 3 princess!!!! u all v good hor... young give birth good life later...

gan,shld b ok giving similac...so far my boy fine with it...

QSG,i still considering whether to buy the sarong from kiddy palace...i heard bb sleep in sarong head will be v nice... only drawback is i scared nxt time my mil take care of him..i need to bring sarong here and there coz we not living together...scared bb no sarong cannot sleep...
i also had same concern for my boy when we introduced sarong. what we did was to let him sleep in sarong only for day time. at night, no matter what we will put him in the cot and pai his piku to sleep. when he refused, we put him to the sarong and then half an hour or an hour into his sleep, we transfer him to the cot. so we didn't face any prob. even then, he only slept in the sarong till he was seven months old. coz by then, he would wake up and put his head out of the sarong and hang there to look around and play! frighten the hell out of all of us. then my mum put mattress on the floor and he's been sleeping on floor mattress ever since. no probs with him wanting the sarong.
bb got my features... my eyes, nose n mouth.. but somehow he looks like hubby... :p my mom said bb looks like me when i was a bb... but bb better looking than me.. :p

wah.. ur ss very gd leh..
can try tummy time when bb is active n dun want to sleep.. :p tire bb out n make bb go sleep.. heheheheee~ :p

wah.. ur hubby n u love at first sight? :p or it happens tt both of u always start class at same time?

not bad leh.. 10min ah.. mine 1min onli.. :p he dun like being place on tummy too.. can see him push n push... den cannot flip over... n he starts wailing liao.. :p he very funny.. initially he push his butt upwards.. so cute.. den aft tt lift his head up... so interesting to observe him...

maybe u can try try oso? ya lor.. his neck quite strong.. sometimes during feeding, really hav problem "fighting" with him when he's being cranky during latch on... he can really push his head away... tt explains y i got wrist pain.. always need to wrestle with him during feed time.. :p
doggiebb, alabone,
i'm another one who pumps out v. little bm, regardless of how often i pump.

i hv racoon eyes too. i dun recall sleeping more than 2 hours at one stretch since bb came home n she has been home for 4 wks liao. yesterday was the best, she din sleep for more than 15 min the whole night. i din even get to lie down until 9am, when my mum arrived.

just saw ur message that u r returning to italy on 22nd. keep in touch yah. now a lot of us keeping weird hours, so ur posts wun be met with long hours of silence.
ur bb sounds a lot like mine, impatient n drinks very varied amounts.
Wah, your boy is really damn cute! Looks very bright and alert!

Ginsengmum, welcome!

Your courtship story is so romantic leh!

My elder girl used to sleep in sarong after her full month, and it's a godsend. Am considering sarong very soon for my second daughter. She ah, giving me and mum headaches starting from this week. She used to be a quiet angel, kept sleeping. This week onwards, kept wanting us to carry, and dun wanna sleep! She can be awake from 6pm just now to 10 plus pm. 4 hours plus, shack.

By the way, for those of you burping your babies, do you try to burp till they really belch out? What happened when they fall asleep? Mine always fall asleep whenever I burp her!
my mum also said bb looks like me when i was little... but no evidence leh. e youngest photo of myself was abt a yr old liao. look like me then not so good la. i look like tomboy...

well... at least you know you're not alone then. let's not despair and cheer each other on ya? poor you... so little sleep. anymore pple around to support and give you more help?
hai... after bb's 1am feed, now she don't want to sleep... it's her 'wakeful' time now... don't know what to do with her... let's hope she goes back to sleep soon...
hee. it was a whirlwind courtship. maybe that's why it sounds romantic.

my bb also sleeps when i try to burp her. but i continue to slap and rub her back until she burps. just now after the feed, i lifted her up and she burp already. so cooperative. she usually takes very long to burp one. just have to be patient and try to burp. but i give up afte 10mins la.
hihi! up at weird hours again to do pumping.. engorged until auto wake up to pump myself.. :p but today's result so so onli...

take care leh..
how's bb's progress so far? hope she's getting better..

i usually burp bb for 2min.. if dun hav, i stop liao.. mine fall asleep whenever i burping him too.. :p my fren overburp bb b4... she pat bb till bb vomit.... :p she said tt time no one told her tt bb may not burp lor.. :p

i look n behave like a tomboy until secondary school... :p sec sch time i started growing long hair n finally feel more girlish.. :p
Och, Vanessa,
Ya lor, for the immediate couple of months, my "weird hours" postings will have responses since many of you are on maternity leave and do log on to this forum in the middle of the night.

Your boy is very adorable. Such big bright eyes!

Brought my girl out on Wednesday. At UE Square, two shopkeepers asked me if baby is a boy .... and my girl was swaddled in a pink wrap! When I told hubby later, he said I should have asked them whether they are colourblind, or they think I am colourblind. :p
Alabone, Shihui,
My supply not a lot. In fact, dunno whether its due to the cough medicine i'm taking this few days, supply seems to drop. Now got to squeeze so hard for the 180ml, sometimes cant even reach tt liao. Sob sob..

CL going back tomolo, & somehow i am very very stress. Wonder how to cope with a toddler & a bb. Haiz.. start to have blues alreadie.

Hmm.. any bbies here who sleep more in the morning & afternoon ah? my boi hor, haiz, always make a lot of noise at night. Then seems to sleep better in the am/afternoon.

Jiat lat, think i no nid to zz at nite liao
i too cannot stand if they ask boy or girl esp if you dress all in pink /blue.. sometimes will just reply "monkey".. this time will reply...doggy
hihi.. gd morning... up n pumping again.. :p

aiyo.. think they trying to hav a conversation with u... den they can't think of anything to ask except the gender.. :p

u so fast bring bb out for shopping liao ah... me still dun dare leh.. coz bb haven't full mth yet n haven't receive his vaccination.. afraid he still not strong enough.. :p

not bad liao lah.. mine hor, 5hours din pump liao.. one side onli 60..

my bb depends one.. sometimes sleep better in the day.. sometimes in the night.. me oso start feeling the stress liao.. CL leaving on thurs.. i still dunnoe how to bathe bb...
muz start learning liao... will ask CL to give me hands on session.. :p
Gd morning to all mommies. Congratulations to those who have just given birth and those who have completed or about to complete the confinement.

Mine will be completed by next Thu. Wonder how I'll be able to manage without the confinement aunty. BB got wind so tummy uncomfortable thus tends to be fussing & crying a lot. Hv given her the rid wind drops and apply Ru Yi Oil it does relieve her discomfort but only for a while lor.
Hi everybody, me from Feb thread.
Shihui, wah your bb so cute. His head so strong leh at 3week old...

For those bf mummies, how do you manage BF + wine or ginger meal.(if any).. Must wait for how long?
Wat others food do you gals take to boost milk supply?
I have one kids, but my last BF was unsuccessful, cos too engorge tt I cann't tahan and take pills to stop.
Can give me more advise?
Afternoon ladies,
Just bathe BB now pumping away

Dont worry abt the weird hours posting cause we still need to feed or pump during the night

Best to learn how to bathe BB b4 CL leaves...It very fun after u master...Got a sense of satisfaction
ginsengmum, Wah you can get 180ml very good liao leh...So snvy...
I agree w/o someone help really very siong leh.
I too have a toddle and with a one coming soon. I afraid, I have no time to BF or even express leh. Then I still gotta to train my maid.. .
So now, you partial latch on your bb only? and you can get 180ml..
cos I heard must total latch on, then got supple. but when newborn is out, I think I prefer partial or express and drink by bottle, so tt I can ask maid to help to feed,, so I have more time to rest ... if not, I scare I will have post natal blues leh...
hi shihui,
I lost my driving learning card tat day and my hubby happen to be the one to pick up. That is how we met.. started later on. hee

Hi alabone,
i yet to use the fridge.. actually my friend is the one who help me to buy the fridge. Maybe i will call the shop n ask.

In fact yur bb not tiny at birth. I gave birth to my bb when she is 37 wk but at 2.49kg. Lucky now she has put on weight to 4.1kg for a 6wk old bb.

HI ginsengmum,
I also facing the same problem as you. But for the past 1 week, my bb sleeping pattern has improved. She is more awake in daytime now.
Last time we so jialat, cant sleep at all as bb super active n fuss a lot in middle of night.
Now she sleeps at 10.30/11pm, woke at 2.30am and 6.00am for feeding.

Try to wake yur bb in daytime.. letting them know morning is playtime, night is sleep time. Hope this advice helps.

Hi DiVerra,
Congrats for ending yur confinment soon.
Help mummies!!

Can I ask those who does some bottle feeding hoh, how much does ur bb take at each feeding at 2wks old?

My bb eat oredi, eyes still big big n make lots of noise like still hungry like tat. I oredi feed him 90ml every 2-3 hrs leh n PD say tis is oredi on the high side. But bb always seem hungry n cannot sleep. Anyone got advice??

How r u n bb doing? Been so long since I logged in dunno wats going on liao. My bb last nite wake up feed liao oso dun wanna go back to sleep n keep crying. Dunno still hungry, tummyache or wat. Hv to stay up with him, carry him, rock him, n still hv to pump milk. No sleep n super tired n stressed...make me cry last nite

me oso like och... dont think i have a 2 hours sleep stretch since bb is home. bb likes having frequent small meals! so i am waking up every 1 to 1.5 hours to feed her. its very siong but at least she just feed n sleep.. once awhile she wanna be carried.

but last nite was the worse of all, dunno why she was super fretful... feed dont want, carry dont want, put in her cot dont want, put on our bed dont want.. whole nite just give the eh he eh heh sound. tot she got wind so put ru yi oil.. but still the same.

my milk supply when pumped out is low too... only this morning managed to get my record high of 100ml but thats coz bb last nite didnt feed much since she keep on fretting. but overall bb seems to be having enough. bb sometimes choke when she initially suck. when i pump, the initial flow is fast but then very soon it slow down then just drip drip oni.

the 3rd week is the growth week + fretting week + rashes week issit? coz that's what my bb seems to be experiencing... her face + whole ear like got tiny bumps/rashes. so gek sim to see her like that. oh.. her double eye lid seems to be disappearing, and like getting more n more not cute as the day goes by. overall just make me more n more pek chek...
Quite a few of us seem to be hving similar problems. My boi boi oso just entered his 3rd wk n has been very this yesterdat n last night. This morning I c his face oso got lots of rashes like prickly heat rashes or something. I m so tired, sometimes when I cannot calm him down n i look at him, I feel so frustrated n angry

taking care o premmie ar? i guess it's e same lor! she doesn't haf any major problems so ok. 1st 2 wks when she's in special care haf to to going to n fro hosp, q tiring lor. n must pump 3-hrly. tt's y my ss more than her dd. by e time she's drinking 45ml in e hosp, i's pumping 180-220ml... heh heh...

i oso canit 4 her to b able to support her own neck. always haf to hold her neck v tiring leh!


only cycled once, then got lazy... tt time hubby brought her to polyclinic mah so i cycled to buy groceries lor! cos fr my place to NTUC must walk like 10mins, cycling more convenient. luckily i din reopen e wound at my perinuem! heh heh...


we torture Mandy... hah hah... she wld oso struggle to flip over n cry n cry. but we cont to let her struggle lor! gd mah! then she'll work harder to flip her self over. until she really wail then we stop!


my bb sometimes feed n burp w her eyes closed thruout! she sleep i'll still cont to burp. usu 5 mins o burping n 10-15mins o keeping her uprite in case she's reflux. sometimes nothing comes out one, it's alrite lah..


like wat gan said, tink e phase o mixing up day n nite wld pass. mine at 6 wks now oso sleeping more at nite.


i tink so leh. read at a website rashes wld appear ard 3rd-4th week which is bt e time bb is e most fussy cos it's e peak o their gassiness. it's roughly e time o their growth spurt too. v accurate 4 mine. so 3rd wk v cham one lor! but will pass lah... after tt i's act worried tt suddenly my bb not eating so much liao... heh heh...

jackie, shihui,

yah. act bathing q fun lah. i oso haf e sense o achievement now tt i can bathe bb w/o my hubby being ard. she's oso more cooperative now, doesn't poo in e bath so often. their eyes open big big when u bathe them v cute hor?
My boi is gg to be 6 weeks old n drink 80-100ml per feed every 3hrly...But he something abit crazy de....Can drink every hr....When that happen we normallg give him water or dilute the FM

My boi boi depend on mood de....Good mood (after feeding) will co-operate, Bad mood (want to sleep) will cry like kana torture lor....Than he only like face facing water (frog style) with our hand supporting him
my CL will be back next thurs too... wondering how i can cope.... :p


i onli take cooked martel.. n i drink it immediately aft feeding bb.. so by the next feed, the alcohol shd be gone liao.. den i dun eat alot of ginger lor...

my CL cooked papaya fish shop for me.. but i onli drink once.. coz milk ss enough.. so dun need drink lor..

really ah... shall start learning soon..
scary leh.. bb like soft soft lidat.. afraid i will hurt him.. :p

u n ur hubby really you3 yuan2 ren2 leh...

mine is single midnight feed onli leh.. so i gave him 70mL when he's 2wks.. now is 80mL.. but since it's onli a single feed, as long as he can finish n not hungry, i dun care lor... :p

mine oso 3wks plus now.. today saw red little dots on one side of his face... CL said could be mosquitoes bite... but i din get any bites leh....usually i'm the mosquitoes detector as i attracts mosquitoes.. :p

poor mandy.. :p okie... i shall torture my ah boy.. hahahaha.... :p
starluster, Lil,
am having same probs too with my girl... very stressed up last night. she tortured me from 1am onwards all the way to 4.30am b4 i could get some sleep. then 6am wake and make noise. change diapers liao then slept until 7.30 wanna feed again. hb helped for 10.30 feed then from then on don't want to sleep. wah piang. her face also got tiny small bumps. but not a lot. but face peeling leh... so ugly. i so tired and pek chek such that i became angry with bb and shoved her about when i carried her and wanted to throw her on the bed... told hb and frightened him... really very frustrated. told mum i didn't have enough sleep then she say how come. bb always sleep. then told her bb didn't sleep for many hours then she say, 'never sleep also never disturb you wat. she never cry.' wah piang. she not here leh. how she know bb never cry... haiz. didn't want to start argument so shut up and swallow tears.

didn't pump milk last night. too tired liao. bb's double eyelids also seems to be disappearing too... strange. she had quite thick ones leh.

last night she pooed so much that the whole diaper, from front to back was covered with her poo. any mums here experience this before? i clean until i scared. while cleaning, some more poo came out! wah piang.

then she also got lots of 'gold' in her nose also... how to get it out? think i'll let her sneeze it out herself la.
Shihui, there are tiny red spots on my gal's face too. Brought her to the PD yesterday for jaundice check and ask about the red spots and she said it is milk rash. She prescribe me lotion to apply. Only started today.

Lil, Starluster & alabone
My gal has been quite unsettled the past 1 week + or so. She's now 3 gg 4 weeks. If she doesn't fall asleep after feeding, she will be fussing and want to latch on to put to sleep. She'll throw out milk if she is too full & be nipple sucking. She keeps crying and can't be pacify so we gave in to pacifier lor. It did helps to stop her cry but didn't really help to put her to sleep though. But then hor, sometimes she also don't want the pacifier and cry non stop. I was worried that she has colic, cos for 2 nights in a row she fuss & cry from 8pm to 11pm. Was really stress man. I myself cried a few times also. PD said unlikely to be colic if started from 2 weeks onwards. Fm our description, she got wind and is uncomfortable thus cry non stop lor. So now she is taking rid win baby drops & we apply Ru Yi oil.

Hope their fussing phrase will be over soon and we will all have a happy contented baby!
alabone, don't fret over it ok. Its a bittersweet story with a good ending (so far). At lesat u found out his true self before customary. Its worse for those that marry then found out the true colors of their hubbies. heheh... jared very cute..can help ur mom with household chores liao... My hubby use those bb cotton bubs (for cleaning ears) to clean the gold in her nose....

Shihui, not those exact words, but there was another gal in the same company kind of interested in him, younger and sweet. But he said she is taller. Kind of hard for him to find someone shorter cos he is very short! :p Heehhe..ur hubby very 'convenient'. I also treat my then-bf (now hubby) like PC technician. :p Wah, at least ur hubby catch the hint when u go diamond shopping. My hubby pretend he does not catch the hint :p Or maybe he really didn't.... ur son very cute leh.. all white... mm..seems that i should give my bb tummy time too....

kimi, when u r latching, try to do some stretching exercises on ur neck. I think I posted some very big pictures from some book previously. Seem to help cos I did them when I am pumping. U better start to bu3 again for ur giddiness. No kidding leh.

Jackie, my veins also popping out! Like men's hands like that... jia lak!!!

QSG, I got pigeon cos that was the one that I can find at KKH pharmacy. Thanks for ur concern. Baby vomiting less yesterday. Thanks goodness. Give me a scare.

welcome ginsengmum! Yes, heard good reviews abt bb bear clinic but then heard that have to wait pretty long cos very popular.

QSG, alabone, thanks for comment re milk powder..sigh..such waste especially when I bought it for spare just in case I really not enough EBM...

Lil, welcome back... u mean u bf even at night? When I latch on at night, my bb will suck for 5 min sleep then wake up an hour later, so in the end nighttime I use EBM. Lazy mommy.

bohbiahah, let us know if u cannot fini the amosco goodies!!!
~ ehehheehhe I dont even dare to order cos need the freezer space to store EBM

Gan, Ubi driving center!!!????? Like the Qiqi olay advert like that... My bb also loves the sling though I wonder if its too hot inside.

berry, i sing old songs to her.. i had a few songs that i keep singing to her when i was pregnant so now continue loh..songs like dream a little dream, fever, purple colored sky, close to u..etc.... i also talk to her..eg, if we are going out that night... who is coming to visit..etc...
my bb also poos a lot at one go. usually it's like what u describe, whole diaper filled with poo, sometimes will even leak out of diaper. hv to clean like crazy. then she will continue pooing while we clean her. she only poos once a day though.

i hv a maid, but bb only wants to be carried by me n my mum when she's fussing. but the most jialat part is the need to pump n do all the surgery preparations. bb is only calm when i do the preps, she will cry the house down when hubby does the preps. my mum cannot see well, so cannot take over the preps. that's why even though i take the night shift, i still have to be awake most of the time during the day to pump n cleanse her mouth/tape her.

shihui, lil,
sigh, bb din show much progress on thurs visit to orthodontist. hv to double our efforts to make sure her gums close soon. saw a lot of babies who r going for their op this mth. some of their clefts can barely be seen even b4 op. hope my bb can achieve that, else the op results wun be good.

bb's orthodontist is scary, i'm v. terrified of her. she has to take out bb's retainer n clean bb's mouth every visit b4 she refits a new retainer. when she cleaned madeleine's mouth, all her gums started bleeding cos the orthodontist was so rough. made me panic, cos the bleeding just kept going on n the orthodontist was still cleaning away. asked orthodontist why there is so much blood n she totally ignored me.

i came down with fever earlier this wk cos of infection in breast. cannot find time to pump when bb fusses throughout the night n i cannot latch her on, so i had blocked ducts in not just left breast, but right breast too. finishing up the antibiotics today n the blocked ducts r gone.

ur bb drinking a lot. mine only drank 70-80ml at 2 wks old. actually now she's drinking only 110ml at 5 wks, still v. little compared to a lot of babies. my bb is often awake even at 1 wk old, n not just bcos she's hungry. there r certain periods between feeds when she doesn't sleep at all n she will ooh n aah when we talk to her. maybe ur bb also like mine, wants to "talk"?
yup. we have exactly the same situation regarding bb's poo, except mine doesn't poo once a day! even after pooing so much, she manages to poo several times a day. can't wait for her intestine/digestive system to be more mature, then she won't poo so much. i really clean until scared leh. hb ask me why i use up the diapers and baby wipes so fast. maybe i should collect all her diapers and shove it to hb's face.

i emphatize with your situation och. it must be really tough to handle things in your predicament. and i know how much heartache you must be going through to see how the orthodontist is treating your babe.

i really can't offer much advice except to tell you to hang in on there and i will keep you in my prayers.

i know how it's like to get infection coz that happened to me too. as and when you can massage the lumps really really hard and apply cold compress. it worked for me.
keeping fingers crossed that it'll be a correct decision i made to marry after such a short time.

just now jared very cute again. my mum fed natalie ebm and left the bottle beside her. then jared took the bottle and drank the little bit left! my mum ask him nice or not then he shook his head! that little imp. then he took up the bottle again and shoved the teat inside his sister's mouth. got all of us laughing away. trying to feed his mei mei already. alot of times he is cute. but when he throws a tantrum and becomes stubborn, i wish i could stuff him back inside me again...

tried to get nat's 'gold' out but unsuccessful. she will turn her head from side to side and furrow her brows to indicate annoyance. got to wait for her sneeze it out then...
