(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

those mummies giving birth at tmc,
so far, our bb is given 1st hapB jab. when i went for his 1st mth checkup at tmc, the pd told mi to take the 6 in 1 jab. he also recommended other optional jab like rotavirus, etc.. ask mi to think abt it n after make the decision, they will draw a package for mi. my boi 2nd hapB jab coming soon. i am tinking of going to polyclinic instead of going bk to tmc. as i know it will b much cheaper.
i m quite confuse between 6 in 1 n 5 in 1. y the pd told mi to take the 6 in 1 jab? Hope someone can enlight mi.
if i wanna to take the child development screening n the jab in the polyclinic, do i need to call up to make appointment?

alabone... yeah.. now my cupboard is filled with dresses that she can only wear when she is 1 or 2 yrs old! :p very hard to beef her up cos she is premature..now almost 2 months old but the size of a new born..ahahha ..u r so funny... bribe a pri3 gal to bring in cold drinks for u!!!!!

och, *sayang*. Maybe those are the less serious cases lah... sometimes must be abit heng3 xin1 too loh... it hurts but have to loh... Currently looking after bb myself. Hubby takes leave now and then. Will pass her to bbsitter on 23rd Feb so as to prep her for life-without-mommy as I will be going back to work soon (cos I gave birth early mah). But currently the plan is to bring her home everynight. Feel abit funny if I leave her with the bbsitter at night. Its like no more bb liao.... hope I can cope!

Vanessa, hahah..u reminds me of the night after my c section. My sis and nieces come and visit me and I was on drip. And all of them are drinking coke.... I was drooling..on drip and confinement starts already so cannot drink coke and all of them are tempting me :p Can see that u r <30> 30 (though I was only in my 20s then :p)

Shihui, when did u bath ur bb? Usually we try to do it after bb wake up and hungry so hopefully all the poo poo expelled liao and will not have fresh poo while bathing. Try to imitate ur CL's action, eg wind ur left arm around bb's back and hold underneath her right armpit to support her while in water. That helps.

QSG, nowadays my bb also wont' sleep till past midnight. Hope it will improve when I start work else will sure koon in office everyday! 6 hrs in a stretch is good! There are a few mommies letting of glass bottles but living in sengkang..u want to get from them? Pls see http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449169/625044.html?1167564690 Since the spree close already u might want to consider opening a BP yourself ehhahaha....

Jen, bad time for confinement. Seems that the rainy cool days are gone for the time being...

Shihui, men all the same..my hubby nowadays so free he is asking around for DVD to watch... though there are things to do ....

afcai, means we have to decide whether to take 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 on the day that we turn up for hepb 2nd dosage? Me going tomorrow leh...

bohbiahah, might be hormonal changes after pregnancy. My colleague also kena the same thing. Now 1 yr later she still on and off have rashes.

Today's Lexin lunch tingkat never give me soup... only the chicken (its chix soup)...

I have to agree that men won't be able to tahan all the late nights and endless crying that we mothers put up with. My hubby is complaining everyday about not enough sleep and having headache though he is sleeping much more than I am.
gan, och,

i going for my reborning tis coming sat. keke.. my hair is veri frizzy n messy. i feel like siao zhai bo.. mi haven take photo together wif bb yet bcos of my hair : ( hav called up mrs wong from tmc to ensure reborn chemical will not affect my breastmilk.
Serene,Evee now at 7 weeks from 6 weeks onwards i also realise her appetite getting smaller. Quite concern why suddenly like that thought should be increasing each day mah.

Afcai, seems the schedule you mentioned is different from the 6 in 1 for Evee. She already had the first 6 in 1 jab at 6 weeks no 3 months.

Ruffy, what is the brand of the milk bags you have?Will be going back to work in about 1 month's time. Dunno why this round feeling afraid that very soon have to go back to work...also sian i have to switch to expressing fully in about 2 weeks time so that i can manage time better when i start work. Have to reduce to only 4 pumping sessions each day since i can only pump once at work during lunch. Concerned if milk supply will be insufficient when that happens so now storing up EBM to back up.
Question : How do you tone the tummy after giving birth to no.1 and 2?? My 3 layers of tummy fat is still there....

I am reporting back to work on 1st feb..Only taking 2mths ML...What to do, my office is a small organisation. Infact is looking forward to working life but sure will miss BB ....Aiyo, me very 'ma fan' cannot face BB 24hrs for long term (SAHM) but at the same time will miss BB...Women is really troublesome...
me dun dare put oso.. CL put for me one.. she said muz let bb exercise..

philson is so cute.. pull his own hair n cry.. :p

wah... thanks alot for the list of tingkat deliveries leh..

i dun let bb sleep on tummy.. onli put bb on tummy when he's awake for him to exercise his neck.. :p

haha... gd idea..
den isabelle will be save fr strangers carrying her.. :p

i bathed bb when he juz woke up n hungry for food.. dunnoe y he still poo.... :p

my confinement lady was saying that bb will pull their own hair. she has seen bbs pull out one whole tuft of hair until bleeding, that is why she say must put mittens. maybe you want to take note.


you so fast go back to work already? i am going back mid march. then hor, the husband was saying maybe go for holiday beginning march before i go back to work. so can stop breastfeeding in march liao! wah! BAD DADDY! but mummy also very tempted! BAD MUMMY also!
they are Avent Pre-sterilized disposable liners.(abt 50 pcs) you can express your breastmilk directly into the linrers by attaching the Avent ISIS pump to the disposable nurser. it says for storage or freezing to double bag. You are using avent pump right?
BF also can tone yummy ah??? I intent to continue pumping till i cannot tahan...Hope i can 'tong'

Ya lor, like i mention earlier the company i am working for is small organisation so bobian...Yr hubby so good hor can arrange holiday b4 u start wk...Mine ah, wait long long lor...He dont intent to bring BB for holiday till Bb is 1 year olds....The only trip i can look forward is the 1 night stay at Rasa Sentosa (1st anniv free stay from hotel)...Hope BB co-operate than can have chance of gg oversea...Kekeke
Hi ladies
i've been reading all the posting all this while but seldom post :p
wow.. many of u are so young. Me old mummy... 30 tis year!

Time flies, my elder boy (4yr old this sept) starts his Nursery class this year, he is no longer a little baby at playgroup anymore. My feeling quite funny, feel abit sad when i see him in his uniform. Feel so lost... :p Think by the time he starts Primary 1, i will cry coz heartpain to see him go school for so many hrs :p

He suddenly becomes very naughty during my confinement. Any of the 2nd/3rd times mummies have similiar experiences with your elder children? I'm glad he is getting better now. Aiyo, he pulls his baby sis's ear... he pulls her tiny feet... worst was, he even pee on his pants and dare to ask me why his sister can pee on her diapers, he can't?! *faint*

Now we have to keep explaining to him. He can be sweet at time also lah as he is quite protective of his little sister!

i'm starting on a new job next monday. Hopfully my mum can cope with the 2 of them. Really envy most of u leh...can rest till cny!!

btw, i've stopped BF coz my supply totally stopped on 3rd week. i've 3~4 glass bottles (hospital that type). If any of u want, pls PM me.

** I wana thanks Vanessa for listening and encouraging me during my confinement time. Your enocuragement and advice helps alot. Once again, thank you!!
haha! philson so funny!

thanks for list of caterers...looks like only House of Catering cater for 1 pax lunch...
Did Dr Ng say anything abt optional jabs like pneumoccocal or rotavirus?

wah, ur colleague kena oso rashes and 1yr later still have?

u taking personal leave ah? so good mid march then go back to work. I hv to go back on 25 Feb cos my ML started on 4 Dec.

how come ss stopped on wk 3? my ss is very very low...each time pump only 30-50ml...
i really envy the ladies here with good ss. But watever i hv just give bb lor and supplement with FM. Hopefully bb benefits from watever antibodies she can get...
u r welcome. Keep the 3-4 bottles of bm n give it to ur gal, it's better than nothing.

Mine also, (4 yrs old this Oct), she's wif my mum now n when I see her in uniform, there's a funny feeling. She seems to have grow but yet, still young in my eyes. As I've told u b4, mine also the same, superly naughty n bring along her sis to b naughty. They also keep pulling their sis hand, feet and even trying to touch her head. Sad to hear, the small bb kena from them a few times on the head liao, me so heartache.
Hi bobianah
i oso not sure why lor. my milk supply so little then stopped suddenly. Before my confinement ended, i'm already wearing my normal bras...*sad*

Hi Vanessa
sigh... seems like most children behave the same when there is a little baby coming. I know they mean no harm, they only want to play with the baby but din know that their action can actually hurt the baby.
sometimes i can "vomit blood" but when they behave, they are so sweet!! :p
hihi, had my bb shower yesterday.
the food from chilli padi was good but portion like abit small except for the rice and noodles.

i did enjoy myself coz bb was in good behaviour.
bb Meg was sleeping most of the time and nobody carried her (oh except for my good frens's mum). i was very pissed with tis aunty lor...not becoz she carry my ger.

here's the story...
the min she saw me, she laughed and said "wah, you are so fat!" then she regard me as an exhibit. walked in cicle, looked at me and commented more then 10 times tat i am fat, my hips is soooooo huge, she cannot imagine tat i used to be slim be4 and now like an oil tank. the whole time laughing and comparing her daughter's figure with mine (her daughter gave birth 6 mths ago, still trying to lose weight).
when her daughter told her to stop her remarks, she ignores. i was so mad tat told her to shut up.
and guess what? she still have the nerve to ask me why i am so sensitive

Gan, i had my first session with mdm Sadiah today. actually, my tummy is gone leh and also not flabby. juz tat my hips and buttock is HUGE.
she also said not much can be done

she asked me to go on diet and wear girder (sp?)
will have another 4 session to rid the water retention.

Doggiebb, ditto. i am also very protecive of my mum beoz of my dad.

Ladies, i dun know if i am lucky or wat....
my hb helps out alot. even when he is drop dead tired, he will wan to do the nite feed and ask me to sleep. lately, i hv been sleeping alot

he will bathe bb and cleans the bottle be4 he leave for work.
he knows tat i am upset abt my weight, he offered to pay for slimming treatment.
the drawback is he wants another child

i cant bring myself to be an oil tank a second time leh.

Alabone, you are slim and young. envy envy
i supposed 2 go back 4 tuition next wk....but cant bear 2 leave bb....will miss bb even thoug taking care of him alone is tough...so thking of mayb start work d wk after next....hope it is ok wif my students' parents

hah?! so scary!!!....i still thk he's funny....:p must take note liao...thxs 4 telling me....

u re welcome. yup...dr ng did mention abt the jabs....he said can take 2gether with the 5 in 1 when we bring him 4 his 3rd mth assessment....geeeeeeee...like dat must take 3 jabs at 1 go?.....so poor thg....i thk will call &amp; check again :p

btw, my ss oso still very low.....same as u loh.....but i very lazy.....only latch him then supplement with fm until he enough....yah, hope our bbies can get watever antibodies we can give....

how come my breast still leaking even thou ss so low ah?

shihui, u re welcome. after i try 1st crusine will feedback again

hi.....glad dat u enjoy ur bb shower.....aiyo....dat aunty very insensitive.....dun bother abt wat she said....at least now u dun ve flabby tummy liao

geeeee.....u re really lucky lor......my hubby nwadays even "move out" of our rm 2 next rm liao cos he cannot tahan bb crying at wee hr during the nite 4 his feed &amp; his change...he said he got2 work so must slp.....heng he fri &amp; sat nite never move out :p

my hubby dun need 2 offer 2 pay 4 any slimming treatment 4 me lor cos he offered his mum's help during confinement....believe it ornt.....she's better than any slimming centre......i even offered her "services" 2 the mummies here who wanted 2 lose weight...heehee
then i think is normal. i tink as long as bb weight got increase, should b ok. self console.

so envy leh..
like philip, my hub also "move out". he sleep on e sofa. he need his precious sleep.
Good idea...I intent to start yoga to tone my flabby tummy...The class starting on 18 Jan, still thinking shld i sign up now cause worry body not ready for it yet...

That aunty really insensitive leh.....Yr hubby so good hor..offer to pay for your slimming treatment. Take the offer 1st, 2nd kid can wait...kekeke..Mine ah, ask me to exercise lor...Lucky my MIL bought me an OTO slimming belt, really hope it work

my review oso bk at kkh, n pap smear at gynae. shldn't b done at polyclinic ba!

vanessa, jen,

Mandy almost 7 wks liao still haf jaundice. last wk still at 148. but did e liver test n it's nt bcos o liver, doc said bcos TBF tt's y so long. stupid polyclinic made her draw blood every 5-6 days... last wk, she drew blood 3 times!!!!! then went KKH 4 review found out she low blood count liao, must give iron supplements. e doc at KKH oso said act. no need to do so many blood tests one. so i told e poly doc i wanna stop e blood tests liao... poor bb.... lost so much blood...


my bb oso 6 wks +. last few days she oso had a drop in appetite. usu can suckle 4 20-35mins, last few days only 5-10 mins. but since yest, her appetite came bk. today went polyclinic n took her weight, she act lost 100g fr last friday. so sad... 2nd/3rd time mummies, is e drop in appetite normal?

eh, 5-in-1 is DTP + polio + HIB in one jab but haf 2 be taken 4 times, just like wat afcai said. 6-in-1 is just add one more hep B (3rd dose)during e 3rd jab. i'm going 4 5-in-1 + e hep B 3rd dose seperate cos tt's cheaper at e polyclinic. u can call up to make appt. i di tt 4 my hep b 2nd dose jab.


u dun haf to decide when u go 4 2nd hep B jab. e next vaccine jab wld b when bb's 3 mth old. can always call to make appt.

jackie, vanessa,

i'm bk to pre-preg weight but still got lotsa wind in e tummy. can feel e wind circling ard inside. how to get rid har? i've been exercising every 2-3 days, hoping to tone it up but nt sure e wind wld come out or nt. dun dare consume ginger cos bb's still having jaundice...


u where got old mummy? dun 4get u're a mummy o 2 liao leh!
i wanna haf no. 2. guess next time will go thru e same thing as u n vanessa.


wah! wat kinda aunty is tt? so annoying! but at least bb guai guai! glad u enjoyed it despite some irritating pple!
n ur hubby v sweet!

mine oso help out a lot. most o e time, he's e one 2 go comfort bb when she cries cos i spend so much time w her i q bo chap one, just let her cry! heh heh... he'll b more gan cheong. he loves to play w bb. but hor, last nite, he carried bb while i folded diapers. next min, i went into e bedrm, bb's sleeping on my side o e bed. then hubby oso fell asleep liao! sigh... my position's been usurped!!!!
Lucky u n me super envy....So fast back to pre-preg weight...I still got 3kg more to go...BTW, how u noe tummy got alot of wind???Me also didnt comsume much ginger ....So cant advise lor...

Yr position been usurped by BB Mandy...While BB Jovey become the 3rd party leh....There was once he super cranky, so by the time he fall asleep we dare not move him...He ended up sleeping in the middle....Life will never be the same with BB ard...
hb and i refused to sleep in seperate room tat is why both of us have to suffer.
but see hb so lack of sleep also heart pain. nowadays, i worried tat while driving he will oink oink...

kept telling my ger to be good and sleep more so tat daddy and mummy can hv more energy to entertain her in the day

not a bad idea. maybe i will loan your MIL if by next mth, i still dun lose any of my 10kg. hee heeee

i tink your boi got your look. very handsome. eyes big big.

3kg is easy lah.
BFing is really a good way to lose weight. it's proven coz amongst you all, i am the only one stuck with so much fats!

i tink i m also getting more bo chap at times. i can let bb cry longer be4 i pick her up.
i forgot to reply you. after i massage bb, i dun wipe/bathe her. since i use bb oil, i leave it on her lor. at least she will not hv dry skin even if she din enjoy mummy's lousy massage service

my ger also started to develope rash on her face and neck. i hope it wil clear soon.
Jackie, me too! I think I will miss her once I pass her over to bbsitter!!! But ask me to be SAHM? No way! So u will start work earlier than me! But u can slowly take the remaining 4 weeks over the next 6 months right?

QSG, u can actually squeeze 3 rounds of pumping at home har..not bad..if I try to do it 4 times a day I will have to pump twice in office and mgt will definitely raise eyebrows.... not even sure if I will still have milk when I go back cos office is quite stress...

Shihui.. heheh..maybe ur bb different timing.... but sometimes my bb also poo when its the next feed....

JKJT, my sis had the same problem with her firstborn when her secondborn was born.. the eldest kid become very naughty. Ur milk ss could have stopped due to some food. Heard from my MIL that ss will stop if take liver.

bohbiahah, lexin also pack for 1 person..but I find the food so so only..... my colleague actually even went National Skin Center but no one can figure out why. Now on and off she will have the rashes at certain spots but not as serious as the beginning.

Vanessa, I don't have another kid but my 7 yr niece just cannot stop touching, pinching my bb! And she will lie down so close to my bb that I have to double check if she crush her limbs!

MBB, wah ...such a insensitive person.... I hope her figure is worse! Quick, have the 2nd child then go for the slimming!
But ask hubby to pass u the money first just in case he goes back on his word when 2nd child is born .ahhahahaha

cf, at least philip move out. My bb is in the other room while hubby still sleeps in the master bedroom!

kimi, why don't u stop bf till her jaundice level drop? Just store them as ebm first loh.... Thanks for info re the next jab!

Serene..hhee..duno why think that ur bb looks like mine leh....
hi. bb still poo like that. just this morning, she had squirting poo again that kena my hand, her bedsheet, blanket and the towel... had to change everything! sigh...

it was a desperate situation for cold drink la. so don't care. just ask her to get for me. just now hb bought ice kachang... i ate one mouthful. so nice... wah...

that auntie was horrible man! i would have cried there and then if someone were to say all those nasty things to me! she was so mean and said you were insensitive??? she was the blunt and tactless one!

your boy boy is so chubby and cute! looks rather active too.

cf chang,
i have the same prob as you. milk ss is quite low but will leak too. but only one side leak. i think the other breast spoil already after having mastitis...

yesterday's bb full month party was a success. received more angpows than presents, which is a good thing. 4 figure sum! we're done with catering food and inviting pple. quite a hassle. had to clean house b4 pple come for it to be presentable, and after they come, must sweep and mop. hb was so helpful. thank goodness! he mopped.

hb and i both sleep in same room with bb. every night must tell bb not to make noise, otherwise will disturb daddy who has to wake at 6 every morning... i also scared he don't have enough sleep then drive want to fall asleep... so poor thing. teacher really not easy. he leaves house at 630, reach home 730. then went to mark and now has fallen asleep at the desk. don't even dare to go disturb him...
gd idea... yoga with bb..

my hubby oso promised to bring me for a holiday b4 i go back to work..
still not sure where to go leh.. most prob taiwan or korea bah..
but i hope i can still continue to bf bb when i return.. now muz start stocking up EBM liao..

aiyo, tt auntie very insensitive leh.. dun be bothered by her..

u very lucky leh.. ur hubby so helpful..
i dun mind being oil tank for 2nd time if my hubby promise to let me go slimming again aft 2nd child.. heee~ :p

waiting for ur feedback.. hope it's gd.. i still dunnoe which one to cater fr... :p

vanessa, jen, kimi,
my bb oso still having jaundice leh.. his last blood test was 157 3 weeks ago.. aft tt, i din bring him for blood test liao.. during his follow up visit to pd on his 1st week, pd told us tt he's doing fine.. dun even need sun tanning session.. oso din mention tt we need to go blood test again anot.. so we just leave it as it is lor... jialet.. seems like i very bochap lidat...

ur boy boy very cute..
so chubby..

i'm left with 2kg to pre preg weight.. but the 2kg has been with me fr wk 2 till now.. still there.. refuse to go off..
but if i want to reach idea weight, at least 6kg more......

usually bb poo while feeding... but dunnoe y this morning poo b4 feeding.. :p
Yr boi boi so cute....He got yr eye right?

I am stuck with the 3kg for 4 weeks liao.....Last few kg is the most diff to shed...Sigh...Really need to exercise liao..

Most properly will convert 1/2 of ML in "CASH"....Kekeke....Spend so much ever since preggie with BB, so it a good chance since my boss proposed this arrangement
jackie, shihui,
how come you guys can lose so fast huh? i stuck with 5kg leh... and don't know how to lose. c-sec can't do ex till 3 months later... xian... tummy still there and like a bit hard hard like that. is it wind?
Wow, a lot of posts! Very interesting topics too!

I also had my baby's full month yesterday, and she was a goodie little girl as well! Catered from Melrose, and the food's not bad. Had about 100 guests, and like Alabone, most of the guests gave angpows, kekeke. Can more than make up for the buffet lor!

Wah, Natalie very pretty, and you too! All of you here very young. Me already reaching mid 30s soon

My elder daughter is going to be 5 this year, and she was soooo jealous of her baby sister when she was just born! Once, she even told me to "stop making babies, Mummy!" Guess she didn't know a baby can be taking so much of Mummy's time away from her. So I am always very tired, cos have to breastfeed the little one and play/read to the big one. And the husband can sometimes just stone in front of the TV, oblivious to everything. Women are really very "wei da"!!!

My baby girl is VERY notti today after her good performance yesterday! She woke up at 9am, and DID NOT sleep a single wink till 8 plus pm just now! Is it normal for a baby to sleep that much? Heard they won't grow like that!

I read that you can feel your breasts' letdown. How is the feeling like? Mine also, sometimes when my breasts are engorged, my baby will sometimes choke and move away from my breast, and I can see a little fountain of milk spraying right into her face! So funny! Thereafter, the milk will start dripping all over, I really hate it - so messy!

By the way, I had started my baby girl on the sarong this evening, after she refused to sleep the whole night. Seems very successful ;P

My hubby also kept asking me to go on a "er ren" holiday before I go back to work in early March. He wanted to go to Italy! I am very tempted, but like cannot bear to leave baby leh...what if she falls sick, or miss my breasts!? How? Really in a big dilemma....
i din gain much during preg.. maintained within 13kg... quite lucky.. had a "good" start as i had bad MS... vomit till i lost 4kg.. :p so i got 4kg allowance to increase.. :p eh... not sure if hard tummy means windy tummy anot.. coz mine is flabby n soft.. :p

wah!!! italy.. not bad leh..
actually hubby going to finland for work in march.. initially wanted to tag along.. but realised tt it's very ex leh.. if i go finland.. i muz visit santa in lapland.. but all those flight transfer etc will be really ex.. n it's oso very ex to join in the day tour.. somemore, as i dun wish to leave bb for too long, not really worth it to fly all the way there n onli spend 1 week in finland.. if i really go there, will definitely tour other european countries as well.. muz make my ticket worth every cents.. :p

now telling hubby to transfer to finland to work.. den i will quit my job here n go there with him n bb.. :p will hav plenty of opportunity to tour then.. :p heheheee.. :p
alabone..haha.its like that one lah..we can never resist cold stuff.. just hope that next time illnesses will not set in and leave us crying in pain!

Jackie, not bad..convert to cash then can go holidays or pamper urself! Go spa! :p I had promised myself a good old javanese massage to reward my back after I stop bf-ing for hunching over all this time while pumping! :p

Linette, that's why I was thinking..if I ever have a 2nd kid, I will use FM from start..cos really need every single minute to take care of the newborn and time to keep eldest child company so that she won't feel jealous.

BTW, anyone knows where to get those small clip on fan but with AC (connect to socket instead of battery). Cos wanted to get one for Kathleen for her cot before the warm weather comes, and want it to be connected to electrical socket so that we don't have to keep getting batteries.
ace has such nice eyes! natalie sometimes got double eyelids, sometimes don't have... like playing hide and seek like that... and such funny remarks for each photo!

i gained 12kg. lost 7kg after birth and now stuck with 5... wonder when i can lose that. friends tell me not to be so zhao ji...

so lucky... you guys can go tour... hb and my job doesn't allow us to tour during off peak season. damn xian. and can only take limited time for tour.

so you mean hb can opt to be posted to work in finland? so lucky! can get out of singapore for a while...

happy with angpow money ya? me too. so nice of hb to suggest bringing you to italy. i don't even know when i can get away with hb to just watch movie together...

anyone dare to trim bb's eyelashes. pple who came to party said trim already next time bb will have long and curly eyelashes. 1% tempted just now. 99%rational mind said no coz my ah ka ah chiu will make bb go blind!!!

bb's got more rashes on face. hope it's not due to fm. what to do with the bumps? i counted. got about 7 of them.... so sim tia...
I ask hubby to control my diet so gain ard 15kg....Lost most of the weight during 1st week of confinement cause sweat like mad....Tummy hard might be the uterus....Maybe u want to check with gyane
...Trimming of eyelashes???? I will pass....Scary man..

Ace is so cute....Love all his action
...I can never capture my boi boi facial expression de...Will continue trying

Yr hubby so nice.....Grab the chance n go

After converting to cash hor....Will go shopping and pamper myself....kekeke

The best chance to travel is while hubby goes on business....Only need to pay 1 pax air-ticket than can get free accommodation
...Shiok hor
ya... tt's the disadvantage of being teacher... u can onli go for holiday during peak period... very lugi leh...

he can try to apply if there' a vacancy there lor... i was telling him tt if he wants to go there try try, do it b4 the kids go to sch... else we won't be able to go with him liao.. hoping so much tt he able to go there when bb reaches 2 years old.. den can bring bb go see santa...

eh.. i won't try trimming the lashes lah.. afraid tt accident may happen.. :p oso afraid tt wat if i trim liao never grow back den how.. my bb will hate me forever... :p

ya lor.. so far, i able to travel to HK n Beijing thanks to his working trips.. hehehe..
too bad too ex to travel finland.. juz the airticket alone will cost few thousands.. if we dun hav bb, i may still go.. but now, juz wish to save as much money as possible for bb...

Ace got alot of cute actions leh.. do u hav camera on standby always? how come u can capture so many actions one? everytime i see bb has some cute action, want to take cam to take.. but by the time i ready, the action gone liao.. :p
Hi Ladies,
Seems like most of us had settled down wif bb n done wif our confinement hence the posting is superly long..... Hiaz, tml won't b able to come in liao unless I go over to my mum's place, cos starhub is doing maintenance, so no internat n scv... wat a boring day tml... thinking of going 4 a haircut, but bring bb to mum's place v troublesome... I also didn't hav bm to feed her... morning pump already give no. 2 finish liao....

Chang, Shihui,
I brought my bb to PD for injection last nite n check wif him her jaundice lvl and jus nice she poo in her pampers. PD told me her jaundice is ok, as her poo is yellow in colour. He said if poo is grey/white n pee is teh-O colour, then got to take note liao, cos liver may hav prob, so dun worry if u bb poo n pee are normal.

U will still leak cos that's the let down, u still need that effect fir bb to drink from ur breasts.

Ace is so cute, especially after his shave, his head so round.

How does it feel to co-sleep wif bb? Stressed but quite enjoyable?

Wow, ur hb so gd, sponsor slimming treatment.... mine told me he doesn't mind my oil tank

My hb was ok lah, he does help out with my other 2 kids except for Reyna, cos he got no time for her. Sometimes he offer his help at nite, but I wouldn't let him, cos he needs to work the next day.Unless, I'm v v tired, then bo bian. Now bb co-sleep wif us, so no more sleepless nite liao.
Dunno leh. Maybe this time KKH system chg aldy. scare the gynae in hosp tooooo busy &amp; hectic seeing so many pregnant mommies liao. so ask we all go polyclinic review leh. Polyclinic leh. Wait for ages then my turn leh. sian.

for the fan i got it opp my hse where the shop sells alot of "zha ba-rang" hardware shop maybe u can try those electrical shop bah..

ur that frd mother reali rude leh... ask her shut up liao still say u senstive... maybe shld have turn ur head &amp; walk away that time.
I hope i hv resume my pre-pregnancy figure... aldy done malay lady massage 3-4times &amp; at least that belging tummy gone alot.. just that tummy still is flabby one. i very hiao one.. she use the cloth to tie to support &amp; hold my womb &amp; tummy hor... i tied until nxt moni then remove leh. she say tie the cloth will make my appetite smaller. So far i am quite satisifed with her massage cos i aldy see result on my 2nd massage lidat. I most worry my hip will grow wider but lucky dunno is with massage help or what din expand alot lar. else imagine i go buy skirt, waist is M size then buttock is L sz to fit...
MBB, u dun worri.. u will slowly slim down one. maybe u cant BF so u take longer time. BUT trust me, will slim back one.
My bb this moni is very very cranky again.. guess what my MIL do again.. again bathe her with flour &amp; "gui gui sui sui" take flour into toilet but i somehow saw it &amp; i stupid din stop her. wow sey later my bb skin again will hv alot alot of disgusting thing growing out liao. she then tell bb say why bath with "that" liao still crying.. she think that one is miracle meh?? bb cranky sure got some pblm one mah..

HOW to adjust the sz of the pic from JPG file? else too big to attach her to let u all see leh.
serene, qianhui,

so cute leh, ur bbs! ya lor. now more n more expression liao hor! buay tahan, later i post some o mandy's too!
i tink we're all obsessed w our bbs! heh heh...


i noe got lotsa wind cos can feel it moving inside. n altho bk to pre-preg weight but my tummy still soft soft n a bit flabby n e skin like lao lao like tt... haiz...


i tried e massage bb e other day n she cried n cried! haiz... supposed 2 b v shiok rite? she v bu shi huo... try again next time...


all e doctors i saw told me e jaundice takes so long to clear bcos she's on TBF but then they
l quickly add "but tt doesn't mean u shld stop bfing" e KKH doc said no matter wat, BFing's still best. in fact, BFed bbs r more susceptible to low blood count, like Mandy. but still, e doc said tt's no reason to stop BFing. guess e benefits really outweigh e consequences eh? i's glad they said tt lah cos i dun wanna stop oso. i'm v scared bt getting her too used to bottles n she might xian qi my nipple later on... then will hijack my long term BFing plans... heh heh... but will start her on one bottle feed per day soon... so can at least free myself 4 a longer period once everyday...


so funny, e way u said one o ur breast 'spoil' already. 4 me, one o my breast disfigured liao. cos e 2 wks when i's pumping, i guess i's over-enthu bt massaging... now i've bruises on one o my breast... so ugly...

i act din lose a lot o weight cos i din gain much to begin w! i gained bt 7kg 4 my pregy... so after giving birth i only had 4 more kgs to lose... in fact hor, recently i gained bk some wt liao cos i've been eating n eating. tink BFing made me perpetually hungry.... so hor, even tho BFing can help lose weight, it can up ur appetite too n make u gain weight! ha..


if doc said no need 2 test liao dun test lah! later draw too much blood kena low blood count, like Mandy...


dunno how 2 describe letdown leh. sometimes it's a sharp pain. usu i cld feel a rush o sthg going towards my nipple... like sthg welling up in my breast like tt...


ur mil so weird. bathe w flour? nv heard tt one b4.. so ur hubby grew up bathing in flour meh?

u can adjust ur pix using adobe photoshop. tink 4 this size, e biggest they allow is 600 x 600..
I've abt the flour thing for jaundice. My sis told me her colleague's MIL bath her bb in ang ku kueh flour then the jaundice gone liao n asked me to try. I scolded her...hahaha... I said of cos gone lah, cos it's too red to see the yellow...hahaha.... I don't believe in the flour thing lah, but my mum said can go medical hall buy a kind of seeds, pound it n put in the water for bb to bath. That one mayb I still can try but not flour lor....
Took Hep B 2nd dose lor.... Dun think I wan to opt for 6-in-1 lah, mayb 3rd mth go for 5-in-1 lor. I'm seeing Dr Ong in AMK branch, at least hb no need to take leave.
huh?? starhub doing maintenance? affectin all? mine oso starhub leh.. sian liao lor.....

oh.. poo yellow means okie?? my bb's poo all the way yellow leh..

ya lah.. but can't help worrying without testing...

mandy very cute..
she got a cheery face... unlike mine.. always sulky sulky one.. :p

ur MIL flour bathing reminds me of chincilla... :p
i can still post long long coz CL ard.. can ignore bb crying.. :p this thurs onwards, CL will be gone liao... dunnoe how i can cope.. hopefully bb guai guai.. i got to start reprogramming bb when CL's gone.. CL carry him too much liao..
wish me luck.. :p

Really wish u luck man, hope ur boy will b guai guai, cos mine is not really easy to reprogramme. O'm carrying her now while typing...
