(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Hi mummies,

Got a few qns which I hope you can help:
1) I have not been pumping thus far. So don't know what's my ss like. Am worried that if we pump after feeding bb and he suddenly wants another feed. Then how since our breasts are only emptied?

2) My bb is 3 wks old and I'm tired of latching. Want to introduce bottle feed. How shld I start since my ss is unlikely to be established?

3) Any mummies' bb only poo once every 3-4 days. My bb hardly poo. Doc says its okay but still find this not normal. Won't he have wind in his stomach?



my ss already decrease by a lot liao but still, my bb's dd can't meet my ss! ha... e other way rd.... last time i used to haf v painful engorgement throut e day! e pain is like e 1st time engorgement like tt! then 1 breast pad wld get socked thru ina matter o mins! cos too much milk lor... so latching time like war cos once haf let down, i must quickly take tissue n cover my nipple or milk wld spray all over bb's face! ha ha!
if she happens to b suckling during 1st let dn, she'll choke n cough n turn away n gasp 4 breathe, then cry... when i haf hot shower hor, u can see 2 milk fountains fr my breasts one... v annoying, must quickly wear bra or else e whole bathrm wld kena my milk! tt's y i oso dun haf e luxury o nt wearing bra at home. how i miss tt tho!

i oso dunno how 2 entertain her. just did e things i said b4 lor but she still gets bored after tt. i refused to carry her to sleep. yest i carried her 4 a while n started singing lullaby then slowly put her bk to e cot. she's still crying.... then i pat pat her n cont singing... patting more n more slowly then sang softer n softer... after wat seemed like back-breaking eternity (cos must bend over to sing), she finally fell asleep. i tink she cries bcos she's pek cek tt she can't sleep... my hubby asked me to flash cards...


hubby older gd wat cos women age faster lor. mine is 9 yrs older n i tink it's just e rite age gap. wld hope my Mandy gets a hubby who's 7-9yrs older. my hubby oso agrees. ha... so fast tink bt our son in law liao!


got to know hubby while performing. he played, i sang n we just became permanent partners lor!
my bb seems to be fretful during feeding at the evening feeds...yesterday she did it again...i told her to "stop it" and even when she cry, i didn't remove the bottle. Hopefully no more repeat performance... i monitor next few days see how.

my bb oso more wakeful these days...no more sleeping most of the time so have to entertain her more. It's quite tiring actually! :p

glad you discovered truth of ur 1st hb early and your current hb is so good to you. Happy for you!
You are very lucky!

i hvn't read that broccoli and garlic causes allergies...only that peanuts will cause allergy. My gynae is very pro-BF, so I dun think he anyhow give advise lor. For DOM, coffee etc, like i said, if drink, do so immediately after BF or before sleep, this is to ensure that there is sufficent time of abt 2-3hrs. Shd b ok lor. I even ensure that chciken essence i do same thing cos i scared wait it goes to BM and bb won't sleep! :p

dun worry, my bb poo every other day like clockwork! And it is so much that it leaks out and i have to bathe her...:p I used to worry too, but am now assured that it is ok for bbs to poo every other day or every 3-4 days. As long as the poo is not hard, bb is not constipated. My doctor frens tell me some bbs poo once a week!

oooh, my amosco eclairs, swiss rolls, profiteroles hv arrived! lucky fit into fridge and cooler box. Tomoro is my bb first mth party...wish me luck! :p
Wah, u so siong ehh, pump after every feed n every 2 hrs. So u r like attached to the pump n bb permanently. Dun think this is the solution. Taking Domperidone doesn't mean it's not natural. My Doc also pro-natural. It helps to speed mother nature along otherwise many mothers get depressed then give up. I am so tired n feel like giving up BFing.

I got no CF mah. CF was supposed to be my aunt but she had to go UK all of a sudden to help my cousin who also just gave birth there n needed her help more than me. Now my mum cooks n clean for me so I dun want her to do more. She's already so tired. Next wk my aunt coming back so hopefully things will improve.

All the best for ur bb's full mth celebration. Wah time seems to go by so fast when I c other people. For me still struggling everyday. Can't wait for 1 mth cos people say things will improve from then onwards. Fingers cross tat's true, otherwise think I will collapse fr exhaustion soon.

1 mth is worse I think..

Coz mine now doesn't wanna sleep at all

Make noise only!

eg: Drink milk liao.. kick a bit, eyes look around, then make some noise.. etc for bout 1++ hrs.. then make many loud noise again! Entertaining him is Mission Impossible..

Then, bo bian, drink milk again, and the cycle above again..
i kept dragging him to lee hwa to look at diamond rings.. hahaha... i was the one who selected the proposal ring somemore.. heee~ but hor, careless me.. i lost the ring aft few mths.. was so sad.. den hubby saw me so sad n got me another one during my bdae.. :p

we dated for 4 years b4 we rom-ed.. but tt's bcoz b4 tt, i'm still studying.. 1 year aft i grad, we rom.. the following year, customary.. we took things slow n easy lor.. coz me no money as still repaying loan tt time... hubby got to pay for almost everything.. so need to wait for him to save enough money b4 he can marry me.. heee~ :p

me latching for the day n bottlefeed once at night... mine oso.. suckle 5-10min.. den dun want liao.. den i will put him on the bed.. he will auto wake up n cry for more usually... if he dun wake up, i juz let him sleep lor.. den the next feed, he will be more hardworking.. :p

wah.. i thot my ss irritating liao.. yours more amazing leh... :p mine onli drip drip drip.. bb oso will choke if i feed with seriously engorged breasts... me every 1 1/2hour will start having the engorgement feeling liao..

so fast start thinking of marrying off ur daughter liao ah.. :p

tt time me juz 19 mah.. fresh fr JC.. still haven't had enough fun yet.. can't imagine being with someone who's fr the different era mah... :p i still studying while he already in workforce liao.. :p but tt's an advantage too.. coz i get treated everytime we go out.. he got no excuse not to treat me.. hahahahaha.. :p

i missed the eclairs....... *drooooooooool* :p
hi ladies,
wow so many postings.. I cant seem to read finish all.

Yesterday went to KK for checkup and my bb jaunice has gone down fm 245 to 65. So she is officially discharged and will be follow up in polyclinic. Tomor morn will need to bring her for 2nd dose of hep B injection @ polyclinic.
Btw, I'm confused bet 5-in-1 and 6-in-1? Any difference?

Now my bb is learning to be more awake in daytime.. which is gd news for us. At least nowsasday night time comes, she will be tired n dun fuss too much. Our previous nights, she fuss too much to the extreme of not sleeping at all.

Can I check with you is the FM tends to have more 'bubbles' compared to BM. Our BB is having Similac FM only for night feeding n we noticed it has many 'bubbles' formed when bb is feeding.

Oops.. I forgot who ask abt the diaper.
Currently we r using Pet Pet diapers for day use since it is much cheaper (lucky bb dun have any skin irritation to this brand) n we use Nepia or Mammy Poko for night use.

And we r using Pigeon standard bottles/teats for feeding.

Hi alabone,
Glad that u can get rid of yur previous husband and find true love in yur present one.
I met my hubby in Ubi driving center and he propose to me after 1 yr 3mth of pak tok.. haa

I realised I din lose much kg after massage leh.
I still got 6kg to shed.. my hips have expanded so much that I wonder if I still can fit into my old bottoms. So sad.. and yet to shop for my CNY clothings.

Hi Kimi,
Me too.. I also run out of songs/story to entertain my bb when she wants my attention or too bored.

Hi Kimi/Pokemon,
since we stay so near each other, want to meet up somewhere next week in late morning or early afternoon?

These few days, been bringing my bb out to kai kai and she really enjoy the outing. She like to snug in my sarong sling when I used that for short trips.
i look forward to the day bb will be independent... which is a long long wait.... hai~~ when will he ever entertain himself, feed himself, bathe himself.... aiyo... really wait long long... :p
similac is one of the more bubbly infant milk..therfore this time around I'm using Friso 1 as supplement if BM is not enough.

5 in 1 means 5 different substance in 1 jab & jab 4 times.

6 in 1 means 6 different stuff in 1 jab & jab only 3 times

I have about 2kg to lose to get back to pre-preggy weight..and another 10kg to lose to get back to "ideal weight" ..put on too much after #1. ):

entertain/feed himself..dun need to wait too long ..2yrs old + can do that liao.. bathe himself maybe 3-4yrs old.. my #1 halfway there.. know how to remove/put on his own clothes and how to soap himself but need help to wash off the soap etc
Hi Ruffybear,
thank you for explaining.
Since similac is more bubbly FM, will it causes bb to have more wind or air into bb's stomach when she drinks that?

Oic.. now I understand better abt the jab. thanks

Lucky u.. so fast going to get back yur pre-preggy weight. At least that is good.. after tat.. u can try exercising to get back yur ideal weight.

I like to start jogging soon but ppls told me to wait till 4 mths later since mine is c-section.
I wonder how true to follow.
abalone, no la..she will get prettier one la...dun worry...

bobianah, hope she gets better...

shihui,so u only 24 this year? so young!

connie,u stay punggol which part? finally found some1 here that stay near to me...

gan, i the one asking diaper... seems like alot of u using pet pet...i shall go and buy and try...

want to ask u gals, how u all entertain ur babies when they are awake? sing songs to them? the only baby songs i knew are twinkle little star,london bridge...i run out of songs...
do u all know where got sell baby songs?
Connie, yes you are right.

Berry, i din really do anything, dun even have the energy to sing songs...sometimes i rock sarong till i doze off but Evee still awake...these days i let her cry for at least 15-20mins each time as i am really tired and frustrated.

me stay at the extreme end of puuggol.. hehe where birds dun lay eggs one... where do you stay?

i also wanna find out where can we find baby songs? my song list is super limited... my hubby worse...
gan,i am giving similac to my bb... he's on full FM now...coz i stop bfeed after 1 mth...
but quite ok leh... i got quite a handful of friends giving similac to their babies...thats why i choose similac.. but maybe diff babies react differently...
i also had csection... gynae say better to exercise/gym after 4 mths...now only can do brisk walking... i tot of climbing stairs after bb turns 2nd mth... mbb also gonna do tat too...

so its $157 for each jab.. total $471 for 6 in 1 jabs.. which is 3 visits la...

and for these 3 visits, it will include consultation as well as development assessment?

however based on the schedule given, we need to go back several times lei.. during 1st mth, 3rd mth, 4th mth, 5mth, 6mth, 14mths, 15mths, and the last one at 18th mth...

or is this 6 in 1 in addition to those that the bb has to take in the few mths listed above?
so total so many jabs..

any idea whether does dr ong has a package for all these jabs?
QSG,ur bb sleep in sarong?those mobile type or?

connie,i stay in sengkang...near jalan kayu there...extreme end? isit blk 100++ there?
i really run out of baby songs...sometimes i sing pop songs to him... can we read stories to them? but wonder they understand or not...
wah.. 2 years is still a long way to go for me... :p

no lah.. me 25 this year..
there's a few of us who share the same age.. vanessa 25 oso.. think kimi too if i din rem wrongly..

i sing baa baa black sheep, ABC, london bridge, do re mi, etc... n a few chinese er2 ge1 which my mom used to sing for me..

pop songs ah... in future ur bb can take part in project superstar or singapore idol.. :p
oh u stay at fernvale...

nope, mine is the 600+ side.. 100+ considered central of punggol..

we run out of bb songs, so we read bible stories as well as those flash cards to her lor.. my parents say we super kaisu..
jalan kayu got yummy roti prata... me long time din eat liao coz during preg, afraid of spices which includes curry.. :p muz find one day to eat roti prata.. hai~~ dunnoe when... :p
BB wake up for milk every 3 hrs...So officailly i spent 1 hr feeding than pumping. The next 2 hrs can rest lor...It siong but am glad that the milk supply is building up

conniemummy, berry, Shihui,
My knowlegde of BB song also pte ltd...So end up anyhow sing with some tune...So long BB dont cry than i am fine
shihui...25 also v young... so ur hb 32 huh? the prata at jalan kayu yummy meh?which stall u go? u stay east side right? come jalan kayu not far meh?

connie,punggol drive huh? yalor fernvale..also niao bu shen dan...i see alot of BP for flash cards...whats that for? u so fast read bible stories?but somehow i think bb can absorb one...

jackie..sometimes i also dunno what i humming...some advertisement songs...as long got some rhythm and can calm him... sometimes he awake,i also dunno what to talk to him...
wow. voracious eater. than bb will grow big very quickly. it'll be very tough for the beginning but bb will get into own routine. i don't have great advice to give but can only say tahan... coz that's what i did coz i don't have anyone to help me look after bb at all. No CL, no mum or MIL to help look after bb. mum brings me food and help bathe la. feeding and changing i do everything myself. what you can do is to sleep when bb sleeps. i try to do that. hope this helps...

i'm also lazy to pump 2 hourly so i do so 4 hourly. i'm just wondering does our amt of food intake affect ss? coz recently i think i gam zek leh. eating too much chocolate and lana cake man... now can't eat alot of my mum's food. she cook for one meal i eat for two - means she cook for lunch portion i cannot finish and keep for dinner as well... bfing need to increase calories right... think i affecting my own milk ss...

i think it should be ok to intro bottle. otherwise bb won't want bottle next time. my bb poo everyday and many times a day leh... i change until shou luan...

my ss also dwindling... i think it's because i haven't been eating enough again... i experienced once where my milk dripped after i bathe. drip only. milk never spray around before leh. and when i express, the milk come out in small streams. and only one hole like that. not many sprays...

i never really entertain her. just tell her to guai guai lor. most times i switch on mobile for her. sometimes she ok. most times she fuss. cham lah... they are going to get more and more wakeful leh... why don't you try flashing her dot cards. infants should look at dot cards.

let's hope i'll stay happy always with hb and children.

i think we have to tolerate thru this period. coz after that, we can play with them and they will start to be more responsive. let's tahan together...

not bad ya you. drag him to see diamonds. i didn't drag mine. he propose to be out of the blue on New year's day - at my pl's multi storey carpark! of all places... not romantic at all leh. my gf worse. hb propose near longkang she said... some man ah...

i hope she get's prettier too!

you very young mother leh! so good. got lotsa energy to chase after them later on.

interesting meeting pl. was your hb the instructor??

i also letting bb drink similac and there's lots of bubbles. but i using avent bottle and it says it will suck up all bubbles to prevent colic. are you using avent bottle? think will stop bfing after 2nd month. that is if i can tong until second month...

can understand your frustration. my boy was like that too. sleep half an hour only and then kept fussing. so pek chek. in the end i let him sleep in sarong. then he could sleep longer.

berry, gan,
i also had c-sec. but after 6wks i have to go for water therapy coz i had slipped disc for both pregnancies. then dr told me can ex after 3 months coz by then the wound has healed better and stronger so can exercise.
wah. you very young leh... feel so old now... and vanessa is so young she has 3 children already???? next time very hao3 ming4.

i also sing songs. sing twinkle twinkle little star in four versions - ABC, then chinese version, then baa baa black sheep. then other songs lor. most time i come up with my own tune and keep repeating 'natalie good girl. natalie goodie girl, natalie loves mummy, natalie let mummy sleep'

By then he can eat on his own...
we need to worry bout them putting 'everything' into his mouth..
or having the food all over themselves..

while when they bathe on their own..
we need to worry bout them letting the water gushing from the tap as they trap themselves in the bathroom playing bubbles...

When when they play on their own..
need to worry bout them climbing windows/beds/whatever.. and jumping like Superman..
Or, taking 1 alarm clock to play then leave many pieces of the 'jigsaw puzzles' of that clock for u to fix..
ha ha..

yaya, me at punggol drive... wow u know punggol well... not many people know punggol drive cos its too ulu liao...

we gt the kids bible for her ma.. simple short short stories la...

gt the flashcards cos heard tat bb can only see the 3 colors.. so gt the cards for her to see lor.. honestly i also dun knoe wat are the cards for?

alabone, wat are dot cards? wats their purpose?

I went thru the part whereby I like to play with bubbles in the bathroom..

And also playing with bubble when I'm washing dishes in primary sch.. ;p

Also, went thru the part of taking powder from my mum's erh.. last time those god which ppl pray, and the altar is place on the floor wan.. there got the pot which ppl put joss stick rite?

My sis and I took the 'powder' and washing machine water and helped my mum to 'wash' the sitting room...

and last time the alarm clock is those which u need to wind so that it'll works rite?
I often over wind the clock coz when young, u know, like got kick like that.. end up spoilt many alarm clocks also..

And feather duster.. I plucked out the feather from the feather duster.. end up kanna canned also..
the whole abbott range is more bubbly that is why I didn't reall follow up with Gain IQ- expensive and more gasy for my #1..that is one of the reason I switch over to the friso range. It also depends on bb if he/she will get more wind.

I also went for C-section 3 weeks ago.. my gyane said can exercise after 1mth not 4mths leh.. but I will start with brisk walking + bb yoga with mummy stuff.

the normal music stores do sell children's CDs or you can get some of them from places like kiddy palace etc. For me I don't only play childrens karoke CD/VCD.. I let him listen to the radio/Tv when he is awake. After 1mth will introduce him to reading books and do what I did with my elder boy. However maybe start #2 on swimming earlier then when #1 was 5mths old. Coz will be taking both boys to the pool from Feb/march onwards as want to coach the elder one in using the kickboard and diving.

shihui..whao..so young.. 25 only.. I much older then u.. I had #1 at 25 also.. my aim is to have #3 before 32 if possible.
i sing twinkle twinkle, then ABC, the twinkle in chinese version, then baa baa black sheep. sometimes play with piano and sing.

dot cards are cards of pictures but it is only in black and white. infants can only see these two colours at this age so it's best to show them dot cards. i upload picture for you all to see.
if you are bringing your ebm out and need something to keep it cool... here's fridge to go. the website is www.fridge-to-go.com

all you have to do is keep it in the fridge for 12 hours prior to going out then store your ebm in it and it can be kept cool. got this from mother and baby mag. fridge costs $45.
Berry, i am referring to "yao lan" those that many of us slept in many many years ago.

Connie, the schedule for 6 in 1 is different from i n 1. For 6 in 1, you take the first jab which included hap b at 6 months instead of 1 month. Dr Ong dun have any package. $157 is for jab and assessment. If got medication, then separate charges. Just to let you know, his clinic quite long queue one even if got appointment, have to wait quite a while.

Alabone, how long you need to rock your bb before she falls asleep? What is the longest time she can sleep? Usually i rock already Evee also dun wanna sleep esp at nite..daytime rock 30min slept 5-15min..that's why very tiring. No choice, left her crying if not i got no time to even go toilet.
qianhui,u very farnie..but what u say also true...dun wanna think too far...

connie..i got a few friends stayin punggol so i know...how much u buy the flash cards?

ruffy,ur gynae say 1mth can exercise???how come diff gynae say differently..

abalone,i got the dot cards u show...given by MAH..so just show to bb huh? when den bb can see colors?
ya lor.. hubby 32 liao..
heard pple say jalan kayu prata yummy.. but been there once onli.. forgot which stall liao... onli rem tt there's alot of prata shop there.. but the one we visit dun sell yummy prata leh.. :p me stay in the west.. :p

haha.. win liao lor.. propose near longkang.. :p muz be really memorable..
it's a nice surprise to be proposed out of the blue.. mine was like planned by me lidat.. i hint hint to him tt my bdae soon.. got any surprise for me anot.. :p since i noe he already brought the ring.. it's juz how he propose onli.. okie lah.. give him a pass lor.. he proposed on the bumboat... :p

i hope i got energy to chase aft my boy in future ah... most prob planning 2nd one when 1st one is 2-3 years old.. if really strike, dun think i will be in the mood to run with him... :p

i like ur natalie song..

interesting leh.. meet at ubi driving center..
is he the instructor there? or u both happen to meet each other during ur driving lesson?

ya lor endless worries.. :p hmmm... the things u descibed sounds familiar... :p sounds like me leh.. :p i ate a 20 cents coin b4 n got sent to take xray.. :p saw the coin in my tummy.. n got to poo it out.. :p

den wait for mama to go out den bathe.. ended up bathing for 1 hr n dunnoe used up how much soap... :p

n jump on my parent's bed bouncing here n there.. fr the dressing table to the bed.. :p haha... hope there's no retribution... :p

u r another young mommy too..
wow.. target no. 3 liao ah... i told hubby i'm going to stop at 2... but he wants 3... now he's hoping no. 2 will be a boy too so tt i will be tempted to hav no. 3... :p but i told him wait long long.. unless he can let me be housewife n look aft my kids full time... at the same time, give my parents monthly allowance, take care of my insurances n go for family tour once a year.. else die die i oso dun want no. 3... :p
Jln Kayu prata is nice.. another gd one is the one at botanic gardens ( prata cafe)

we aiming for 2 boys 1 girl.
.. mst wait till No 2 is at leas 3-4 yrs old then can have #3 coz will need to have x3 the $$ if were to take 1.5yrs off work ( CCL) again.

wedding proposal.. HB very sly.. designed a website proposal.. can only click on YES.. no other answer acceptable.. no romantic dinner etc.. we went to buy matching wedding bands as new year present 5 yrs ago.

Yeah I asked him when can I start exercise when I went to remove the stiches 1 wk after discharge.. he said after confinement.. however have already started doing housework at home as my boy climbs here and there and plays with his trains on the floor etc. BB can see color now.. but red and black are the most distinctive.. later then can se more colours and further
interesting proposal..
cute leh.. it's like u r being "bi1 hun1" lidat... :p

mine noe he muz treat me to yummy dinner coz i'm a glutton.. :p if no nice dinner, i sure face black black.. n he can forget abt me nodding head liao.. :p
actually being a civil servant is gd hor.. can apply for CCL.. if i'm a civil servant too, i sure will go for no. 3 too.. coz can be there for bb... at the same time, i keep my job... juz tt no salary lah.. but tt's fine with me since i gain more watching the kids grow big.. now i got to leave bb with in laws to take care.. it's okie too.. but i can't mould bb the way i want.. it will depends on how his grandparents discipline him liao.. me no say liao.. sian...
my girl not in sarong..yet... but last time bounce my boy boy for about 5-10mins then he can sleep for an hour or hour and a half.

mine was given by Mt E. baby can see clearly by about 6 months onwards. must show them contrasting colours. bright colours.

i never plan for both bbs leh. both are accident bbs... but i definitely don't want no.3 already. very tough leh. now look after natalie, jared at the age where like qianhui said, climb here climb there... but he very cute leh... he'll take a piece of tissue and copy what my mother does... take and wipe everything in the house. take one piece of tissue to clean sofa, clean table, clean floor, walk here walk there every where clean a bit bit. so funny. but it keeps him occupied for a while. hahaha.

your hb so creative and cute! design website some more! i like the 'can only click YES' thing. clever man.
i planned for this one.. was actually aimming for piggy... den afraid tt not easy to get preg so tried few mths earlier.. who noes strike on first try.. sian.. ended up with doggy.. :p now my piggy bubble burst liao.. impossible to go for no. 2 so soon mah... :p
can la. i got preg again when my first one was only six months. if you really want piggy then go for it. but must warn you first leh. very tough when age gap so close.

can't remember who said this - "look like a racoon with dark circles around the eyes" aiyo! i burst out laughing and nearly woke up bb who i had sprawled over my shoulders. muahahah! i can so identify!

so far the longest stretch of sleep i have had is 3.5 hrs and what is worst is that i crawl out of bed even at 3am to pump milk and still my ss is at a miserable 60 to 70 ml! *SIGH* so envy qianhui who can sleep 9 to 10 hrs and still get 400ml.

still not very clear about the jabs and development assessment by PD yet. Can i go to GP for jabs and then go to PD for development assesment?
Qian Hui
Ur bb n mine same leh...today whole day my boi eat oredi, change diaper oredi still eyes big big, rock him to sleep n as soon as i put him down he will kick kick n make noise then sleep 5-10mins then eyes open big big again...

Ya tat's wat I try to do loh but my bb hoh feed every 2 hrs counting fr the start of the previous feed i.e. say if feed at 8pm, after feed milk, change diaper oredi abt 9pm, then sleep 1 hr oredi need to feed again. Sometimes b4 i even manage to fall asleep oredi hv to get up. Tat's why got racoon eyes loh.

Ya lar...me lah the one with the racoon eyes. Can u imagine I haven't mosturised my face ever since I gave birth 2 wks ago. Can't imagine wat I will look like at bb's full mth celebration.
aiyoh... no wonder you say got dark eye rings. my bb still can sleep about 3 hours. but like you lor... feed, burp and change diapers about 20-30mins liao. then sometimes need to pump. takes about 45-1hr sometimes. then go back sleep a short while she wake up and want to feed again... that's why i gave her fm... otherwise worse than panda eyes... become zombified already. motherhood so tough leh.


meet up ar? I'm fine w tt but depends on our bbs' feeding schedule! heh heh... u using MIM sarong sling ar? i oso haf one but still learning how to use. v hard to pull n adjust leh. Maybe i can bring e sling then u teach me! heh heh


ya ya... my flow super annoying. now much better lor! can u imagine last time breast pad oso gets soaked thru so i'm perpetually wet n sticky... my t-shirts always haf 2 wet patches... damn sian one...

u brought hubby to buy ring? mine lagi better... one day he asked me wanna go Lee Hwa or not cos their diamond rings on half price! ha ha! but i's v happy oso lah so can buy bigger diamond lor!


i've been reading story to my gal since er 3rd wk. so far still reading e same story n i tink she recognises bb Mickey (e story i'm reading) liao!
i anyhow sing any tune tt comes 2 my mind.... just make up any rubbish lor. anyway, no need to b putch perfect one lah!

yap... me oso 25 this yr... vanessa young hor? 25 n 3 kids... next time can retire n enjoy earlier! gd leh!


y u nv eat enof? i'm like binging everyday. act 2 wks after delivery i regained my pre-preg wt n can wear all my pre-preg clothes liao. but after tt kept eating n eating non-stop, dunno y appetite so gd. now become fat again!
how ironic!

eh... ss increase ok liao... u wldn't wanna experience e sprays n e leaks! v annoying!

berry, gan,

i oso wanna jog... feel so flabby n unhealthy. haf been stretching almost everyday since 3rd wk after delivery. last wk cycled to NTUC, felt so gd. but tink i no enerdy to jog yet... plus, where got time? haiz.....
