(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

ur bb oso lidat? yah yah, she gek until face all red then cry. Really frighten me... i even check if she can breathe, etc etc...but no problem leh... and she still gek and cry. I check internet, check all my books, nothing is mentioned abt bb crying during feeding and wat to do. once she cry, i stop feeding cos i scared she choke...
stress man... really wish bb come with instruction manual.

oic....dat's great....i ve 4, 5 bottles of DOM but dun dare 2 drink....;p

bobianah, shihui, vanessa, alabone, mbb
mmmmmm....mayb u ladies wanna "borrow" my mil 2 do a wk of confinement for u....i m sure u will lose everythg u wanna lose or even more ;p......i m a gd example. i m oredi back 2 my pre peggy weight.....last sat full mth, every1 asked me y i so skinny.....not slim loh....is skinny....i asked them 2 ask my mil instead ;p
bobianah, alabone
philson oso like dat leh....my fren said mayb the milk flow 2 slow so they impatient.....mayb u wanna check the milkflow
mine is let out one yelp. so i not so gan jiong... i wish bb comes with instruction manuals too.

what's with your MIL? you are actually skinny liao? me wish i were skinny man...

i use bottle to feed ebm... flow shouldn't be too slow i think. my bb got attitude prob la!
need to ask very imp qn. since bfing, i haven't been wearing bra at home. also because i'm the only one at home so don't need to wear. only wear twice a day when mum comes over and brings food. will breasts sag if i don't wear bra huh?
I tried wearing my jeans, all can wear, but some are really tight.

But my tops mostly cannot wear liao..

Last time my bust is actually about 29".. now the ribs expanded, breast expand a little bit only though..

Thus most of my top either cannot wear, or if wear liao, looks like 'bak chang' (u know, the part where they tie the string to the dumpling tight tight and the 'flesh' is being flowed out...)

100 for seafood? What is that? I already eaten prawns leh..
i think several mummies here are observing the 100days no seafood rule.

i don't even dare to try to wear the tops. later make myself depress only... sigh...
wah, 4-5 bottles of DOM? I only hv one bottle. :p Heehee! Ur description of ur MIL so funnee....she quite good weight loss program ah! :p
oh, ok...maybe i change a different teat for faster milkflow see if work....

its not diaper full cos i change diaper b4 feeding her... i oso burp her between feeds... so very puzzled lor
Vanessa, if you opting for 6 in 1, bring bb to Dr Ong only at 6 weeks instead of 4 weeks for the first 6 in 1 jab which will include Hap B.

Alabone, dun wear bra will hasten the sagging bec boobs heavy when with milk but i also dun wear sometimes for convenience.
i reckon that will happen but not wearing really very convenient and comfortable... but don't want boobies to go south too... slap over shoulders la.
Hi bobianah,
I read book that bf mummy cannot eat brocoli, garlic cos bb will allegic to it. nurse also told me that cannot consume wine/dom directly. if consume, need to be 3hr then can bf.

also one must reduce those caffine type of drink for bf mum.

of cos, doc will tend u to tell one everythg also can eat. take for eg, hospital food, how can one consume orange (due to critic acid in orange) after the delivery during one of the meal? acc to the dietian, they only know it is healthy to take orange bec it contains vitamin.
oh no... my mum has been cooking me lots of broccoli lately... hope bb will be fine.

let's hope our breasts won't go south then...
icic.. den they take the 6-in-1 at 1st mth?

ya lor.. now when i go out, i bobian still got to wear my preg jeans n t-shirt.. can fit into pre-preg tshirt liao... but still can't fit into pre-preg jeans... no choice.. at most pple thot i still preg lor.. :p

ya lor.. when i look at myself in the mirror.. find myself very pathetic looking.. :p look so toot.. :p

mine lidat too.. 5min into feeding, he will gek gek gek.. den cry loud loud n look at my breast as if it is alien lidat..
den i got to figure out whether it's fast flow, no flow, full liao, or he simply needs a breather.. :p

erm.. dun need lah.. i return ur MIL back to u lah.. :p

i hav to wear bra.. no choice.. coz need to put the breast pad.. else later leaky breast worse....
but think better to wear bra to provide abit of support lah.. i wearing very cheapo nursing bra now.. bought fr MIM.. not bad.. but not gd for going out with it.. :p

i hav been eating broccoli n garlic leh... u mean bb will be allergic to broccoli n garlic leh......
I shld re-pharse my posting.....$50 for Hep B (2nd dose) jab and $60 for consulation....I also intent to bring BB to polyclinic for future jab but hubby prefer PD cause more professional and also will montior BB growth...Health care and education is really not cheap in SG..

alabone, CF,
Another bad mummy here....I also scold and beat BB backside a few times for not co-operating while BF....Sigh, really must learn to be patient..

Same problem as u ...Can squeeze into pre-preggie jean but tight tight lor...Also get a bigger boob which i dont need....Went shopping the other day and see a fat fat imagine when i went into the fitting room....Sigh

Vanessa, Shihui, Qianhui, bobianah,
The last few kg is the most diff to shed off....Really hope can exerise to lose some weight and tone up the flabby tummy b4 CNY...

Went to dye my hair this afternoon....Suddenly feel good abt myself
how do you guys put up the smiley/happy/sad/angry faces huh?? i absolutely clueless.

sometimes lack of sleep makes us pek chek la... that's why we lose patience...

i totally agree that last few kgs are the most difficult to lose... disheartening...

I'm going to rebond my hair too..
hee hee..

Yup, agreed, the last few kgs, dunno can shed or not. Coz I'm still at 52+- since 1 week after birth til now.. I dun mind bout the weight part, but it's the flabby arms, WAIST, and thighs..
hi all,
uploading natalie's photo and my son's photo here. She was i think 2wks old then. and the pic of my son was before he got measles. anyway, he has since recovered and we are now enjoying peace again. Phew!
ur gal looks like her daddy alot leh..
but i think ur son looks more like u.. coz dun look like his daddy alot leh.. :p

ur hubby looks very young leh...
at first i was thinking who is this "da ge ge"... den i realised this "da ge ge" is actually daddy... heee~ paiseh.. :p
Wah! Your girl looks very pretty, and your boy very cute!! Yes, I agree with Shihui your laogong looks very young as well

My baby girl seems to have wind in her tummy - whole day never sleep since 10am till 9pm
and was wailing whenever I put her down on the cot. So my mom puts some oil on her tummy, and she seems comforted now.
Ask you all: Can we still colour/dye our hair when we are BFing?? Wanna look good again leh. Now, like shit like that. Hair black and greasy!

Alabone: better wear bra, else breasts will sag...

I also read on babycenter that brocolli and garlic will cause wind in the baby. So I had asked my mom not to cook brocolli for me anymore.
thanks for the kind words about my children. my hb does look very young... very worried i look like his older sis when we go out together. and the girls in his school got crushes on him one... will upload a pic of me then you can tell who my boy looks like. everyone who looks at my son says he looks every bit like daddy leh.

ru yi oil is a godsend man. if got wind, rub already bb will be comfortable.

i think can colour and dye hair. am thinking of going to do rebonding already. but the thing is hair will drop lor... so not sure whether to do it or not. for the last preg, my hair started falling 3 months after birth. damn jia lat. like got receding hairline like that... frighten me leh. then after that slowly grow out so ugly... coz very short and standing... damn xian coz b4 that, i rebonded my hair...

okie... going to pump milk now. hope will have lots.

will resume wearing bra then. it'll be fugly if it sags............ why do we face so many worries??? frustrating!
juz finish pumping.. bb tonight weird weird... 4hours liao still dun wake up to feed... now still sleeping away... initially wanted to let him latch on.. but gave up liao... i juz pump out n later CL will bottelfeed him..

i was abt to ask if his students got crush on him anot.. haha.. :p u both teaching in the same sch? if so, u can jagar him.. heee~ :p
just finished pumping too. after another six hours only got 80ml. how come ss so erratic? sometimes four hours got 100ml. never mind.

hb and i met in the same school, got married, then both transferred out of the sch. now teaching diff school. he told me to join him in the same school but i didn't want. his sch probably more stressful than mine. don't want to jagar him la. if he allows anything to happen to jeopardise our relationship and this family, he will take full responsibility of all consequences of my actions.
maybe u can try massaging while pumping instead of massage den pump.. i discovered increased in milk ss when i massage while pumping.. it's more effective..
can see milk spurting out when i massage while pumping.. which i dun see when i massage n pump lor.. but needs time to get used to it coz more coordination needed.. :p

so romantic to meet n fall in love in sch..
muz be really sweet..
who say teacher can't find gf/bf once they start teaching.. :p
yesterday my turn to have stock mkt dip. Bb is always very hungry before bedtime so we feed her as per request (ie, more than usual). Then she threw up abt half of her feed and develop a phobia for bottle feeding! Insisted to be latched on for the next few hrs. 3 hrs later, hubby tried to bottle fed again and is ok, just throw up abit. just now I tried again she threw up abt 10ml again. Sigh... I know most prob its due to wind in the stomach, but how to prevent wind in the stomach when we are already applying ru yi oil several times a day when she keep crying and thus getting air in the moment she is hungry and though we are already rushing to get the milk prepared?

Should I bring her to see a PD re this? Cos weekend coming, if I don't bring her to see PD today then if anything happens during the weekend it will be KKH A and E and they will definitely put her on drip and hospitalised her. Any other way to get rid of wind in the stomach?

BTW, my FM tin said discard 4 weeks after opening. Why is that so? Do I have to follow suit though expiry date is very far away?

afcai, ur KKH nurse is good!
Did not cut bb's hair cos she is too premature and sis keep saying her skull will get cold, and hubby is worried her hair will not grow back (seems that daddies are more concern abt this problem ha ha)

bohbiahah, have to warn u the food so-so only, or maybe I had been spoilt by my mom's cooking after all these yrs :p

alabone, heard that there are 2 PDs near blk 888 but I have not brought bb there before. Can don't wear bra har, lucky u. Now I have to wear with breast pads everyday cos afraid of leaks. So mah fun. Natalie so cute..!!!!!! hehehe.. and of all the female teachers he have to choose u right? If it happens me to me will be a real boost to ego. Hubby choose me cos I was the single and younger and shorter gal in office..ahahah!!!!!

cf, i had constipation (not piles) after c section. Had to take laxative given by KKH and double my veg portion before it recovers.

Qianhui, rebond? I thot ur hair natrually straight one?

Going to pump now... bb still not asleep yet..hope the throwing up is isolated incident!
not sure what's the matter with me... tired yet can't sleep...

thanks for info regarding PD in woodlands. will check it out.

if unsure, better to bring to PD. that's what i always do... i usually call and speak to child's PD then he'll tell me whether i need to bring child down or not. otherwise, he'll tell me how to handle and what medication to give over phone.

home alone that's why can don't wear bra. however, it does not seem like it's the greatest idea coz boobies will sag next time. so will resume bra wearing. BTW, should it be wired or not?

talking about how hb and i met brings back many memories. both painful and happy. wanna know? read on. otherwise skip this entire thing ya?

yes, hb picked me. but he picked wrongly then. coz amongst all the single gals there, he had to pick me, who was married at that time. i ROMed but had not gone thru Chinese ceremony. the first hb, shortly after we ROMed, wanted to go thai to work. then he just left. e asshole then had a thai girl there who helped him set up biz and helped him all the way to bed!

and so i suspected things were not right and thus checked his smses and confirmed everything. all these happened b4 i knew my current hb. then, i was contemplating leaving that asshole but did not have the courage coz we were together for 5 yrs by then. wanted to give him chance.

current hb and i started out only as colleagues. perhaps it was because he was almost a stranger, it felt easy to confide in him. he was very sweet and nice and made me realise that a woman does not deserve to be treated so shabbily. therefore, brought up my courage to leave that idiot. went to lawyer to get things settled and within three months of whirlwind courtship with current hb, we got married. this year we will be celebrating our second anniversary in March.

am very glad i left that previous guy. am lucky that we didn't go thru with chinese ceremony. otherwise i won't be able to get out so easily. i annulled the previous marriage.

that's my story...
so far have tried pumping for 5mins then stop then massage and pump. will try your method of massaging and pumping. but sounds difficult for me coz i use the avent manual... use left hand to press down the funnel to breasts and the other hand to pump... no other hand to massage... ah... of coz... now is the time to rope in hb's help ya??? heehee. then can naughty naughty a bit bit!
haha.. win liao lor.. ur hubby told u tt he selected u bcoz of ur age n height?? :p

wah.. luckily u discover the previous guy's acts b4 customary.. else it will be so much more trouble aft customary...
wah.. u n ur hubby very hong1 hong1 lie4 lie4 leh... admire ur courage to decide to get married aft 3mths..
he muz be a really gd guy for u to be able to make the decision so fast..

my story not as interesting though i oso met my hubby at the wrong timing.. i was still attached den.. :p but started off as frens lah.. he was conveniently there when my ex broke up with me.. n conveniently there when i met some troubles in course registration in uni.. n conveniently there again when my comp got virus.. hahaha.. :p

he started showing interest in me when my ex broke up with me.. but tt time i couldn't accept a guy so much older than me.. he's seven years older.. so i rejected n we were onli frens lor.. den it was during the frequent interaction during our ECA in uni den i started to admire him.. haha.. he was the orchestra leader mah... n he made it obvious to all the others tt he's woo-ing me.. so i got no other choices in the orchestra liao... :p

tink my happy days r over. Mandy's been v wakeful nowadays. usu she'll entertain herself until she falls asleep but i tink she doesn't need to sleep so much now n she can't fall asleep by herself. so after 1hr or so, she'll get v bored n pek cek n will start crying. sometimes i managed to get her to sleep again... other times she'll cry until she gets hungry n cont crying... haiz... now i can understand wat u all gals r going thru... they're supposed to haf more n longer periods o wakefulness rite? die ar, like tt... must really find more things to entertain her...

BFing qns:

do u all get neckaches bcos o BFing? i've got q a bad one. cos must always lower ur head to see bb when latching. now i can't raise my head. just a bit, if raise all e way v painful. then my shoulder ache oso cos must always hold bb's head. n during every session, at least 1 leg wld get numb. anyone encounter tt?

if she suckles v long it's ok cos i can position myself once she latches on successfully. latching part is e killer n she can take v long to latch or latch many times to get full...

tried e side-lying position. so hard to manuever (sp?). how to hold my nipple? e position so awkward. n bcos i can't control her head tt well, she ends up having whole face touching my nipple... end up milk all over her face. n my milk will spurt out n drip v fast...e position makes it v hard 4 me to wipe her face w tissue too. another thing is, it's v troublesome to burp her in e middle o feed. cos lie dn liao mah, then must sit up, then lie dn again..... vanessa, any tips 4 side-lying position. i ended up having more aches leh! v sad...

all e moving ard oso made me giddy. haf been having giddy spells 4 e past 4 days. usu during feeding time when i've to keep looking dn. is there anything i can consume? any herbs? i tend to get giddy when i'm tired or when i've sudden movt. i've slightly lower BP...
the mssage n pump at the same time abit difficult but shd be okie aft u prac.. :p now i can pump single hand while another hand massage.. :p

natalie's sooooo pretty. beautiful features!
ur son v yan dao also. envious leh. got one boy one gal liao. gonna close shop already?
i oso hav aches here n there... the worst is my wrist.. both wrists hurt.. coz need to hold bb's head to position him.. aiyo.. den his neck quite strong.. so got to use abit of force to hold him while positioning.. aiyo..
Agree with Shihui, yr hubby do look like da ge ge n not surprising that his student will have clash on him
.....Yr boi n ger look so sweet n cute...1 boi 1 ger so good hor, factory can close shop liao

So far i got wrist n neck ache....All the veins on the hand start popping up....BF really not easy hor...
Mummies who use pacifiers for your bbs, which brand did you all buy? I tried the Avent on Evee last nite but seems that it is kept blocking her nostrils.Does the one you using block your bb nose?

Bloom, better to throw away. Last time i used the FM for my bb after 4 week of opening, in fact i stretched till 1 month further after the 4 weeks of opening as left really alot since i am bf her only use FM when go outside, she drank already vomitted twice. If a few days still not that bad. As for the vomitted situation, maybe you monitor this morning and make sure you burp her well mid feed and after the feed to see if the situation improves. Think should be better.
Hi mummies,

I am new to this thread. My son is born on 9th dec & i have an elder ger who just turn 18mths recently. Can i join in?

Bloom & alabone,
I am staying at woodlands too. There are 2 pds at woodlands area, one is Angelin's Clinic at Marsiling mrt there. Another one is Baby Bear at woodlands st 81 or 82.

Personally i prefer baby bear, my ger have been seeing the doc there. Hope that helps
bobianah,hows ur ger?still cryin while feedin?

QSG,i using avent pacifier..at first i also thought it's blockin the nostril..but if u look carefully..theres some space for breathing...dunno abt other brands...

abalone...natalie is v pretty...can i book her? hee... glad u found ur real happiness...ur ex ought to be dumped...

any1 here stayin sengkang/punggol?

Your story so interesting..

And yup, I kept forgoting to tell u.. I can go to your BB full month leh..
And maybe bring my son too.. (and since u got so many BM, if he hungry I just tombang him to u ya !!! ha ha ha!!!)
haha.. okie.. i still ask my hubby to go ask ur hubby today.. :p u sure u want Ace drink fr me?? aiyo... den i really become cow liao... :p maybe i shd charge per minute... hahahaha... :p

interesting meh? :p but he was like a computer serviceman for me b4 we started... got to come help me solve comp problems.. even need to help me choose printer when my printer died... :p poor guy... hahaha... :p but he oso lucky lah.. i very straightforward gal.. gave him big big obvious hint tt i like him so tt he can make the next move.. den oso gave him big big hint tt i ready to marry him if he propose.. so easy for him... hahaha... :p
i'm glad i left the previous guy too. and hb is really caring so still keeping fingers crossed that it is the right decision.

i've also wanted to marry someone older than me coz more mature and have stable career and income. isn't it good your hb is older than you? and so cute, he made such a smart move to let everyone else in the orchestra know that he's courting you so no one else will dare challenge you! clever man!

i face the same prob at times since i don't latch on that much these days. legs get numb and wrist very sng coz carry her head which seems to be getting heavier... your milk flow sounds good leh. when she pull herself away from sucking, my milk never drip leh. but i can see that around her mouth it is pretty moist. so means got milk also right?

definitely close shop already. hb said 'what if we have a third one?' told him that there is NO 'IF' possibility! don't want to go thru a 3rd op. so from now onwards, he'll have to use protection.

having same prob that you have. my girl now has two wakeful moments. she'll tong for about 2 hours and start fussing. never sleep then keep wanting to feed. i'm not that creative. can share share how you entertain her? if hb at home i tell hb to carry her. then he carry her also never interact with her. carry in one hand, the other play CM...

the girls in his school some not pai seh one leh... he has to liaise often with the class chairperson and other girls become so jealous they don't want to talk to the chairperson. silly schoolgirls...

thanks for info regarding PD. next time will know where to go instead of chugging all the way to town and getting stuck in bloody jam!

regarding the milk powder i think it best to throw away too. my mum says will 'lou4 feng1' so if haven't finish also must throw.

wanna book my baby natalie for your bb? can. but nu da shi ba bian... so if next time not pretty also must zhao dan quan shou leh.

am glad i found my hubby too. the previous one was an ass!

shihui, qianhui,
the two of you very funny. but it's true la. shihui you got so much milk, feed qianhui's bb also can. but qianhui no lack also. maybe i should ask you ladies to donate to me.

how did you hint to your hb that you were ready for the next step? how long did you guys pak tor b4 getting married?
HI mummies. Sorry I MIA so long. Got no time to catch up on any posts at all. Been so stressed since bb came back with us.

First bb had jaundice n needed phototherapy so we stayed on in hospital with bb for 2 extra days. Then now back home oredi having so much trouble with latching bb on. He will latch n suckle 5-10 mins then will struggle n scream n come off. Latch latch oredi like never full one. Drink oredi eyes still open big big. My milk supply is enuff cos when I pump both breast can get between 80-140ml. When bb bottle feed only drink 80ml mah.

Can I ask hoh...r most mummies latching on or pumping then bottle feed. My bb is such a voracious eater. Wake up every 2 hrs even at nite for feeding one leh. I'm so tired n i look like a racoon with dark circles ard my eyes. I really dunno how u other mummies seem to be coping so well. Any advice???
Hi mummies,
whao..topic is now how u get to know ur hb eh??

I also got to know mine while studying at uni.

doing combination of latching - pumppu + bottle feed when bb miss feeding or have sore nipples,

Wow these school girls really steady hor, kekekeke.....

If Ace drink from Shihui hor...Than she will officially become mother cow liao...kekeke...

BM BB get hungry easily n need to be feed every 2hrs....Yr supply very good hor, for me every feed will be latch on, follow by FM than pump out the balance. Overall will take 1hr...still working hard to built up my supply....
Did ur gynae prescribe u some domperidone (aka motilium) to help increase ur milk ss??

While its true tat BM BB hungry always, my boi reacts the same when I give him FM leh. I am so tired so I give him one FM feed at nite in the hopes tat he can sleep longer but doesn't work.

Me try to latch in morning n in evening just feed him expressed milk only cos latch on he wun hv enuff n cannot sleep.

BTW...to increase milk ss u gotta pump regularly every 3-4 hrs for 15 mins. I quite tired so I only pump every 4 hrs.

My gynae didnt prescribe any domperidone for me cause she pro natural plus i didnt ask for it....I am now pumping after every feed n also every 2 hrs regularly...slowly the supply is increasing but still insufficient for BB ....

Hmmm, than maybe yr BB dont like to zzzzz??? Just pump out n get CL to feed at night so u can rest...We are all learning an just hope that BB can be guai guai..
