(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

i hv a brand new pigeon manual pump. its the new version tat is selling at $89 in the market (can give you a discount).
if you are interested, pls email me at [email protected]

my ger is taking 70ml now. she cant stomach too much at once. previously was every 3hrs per feed, now is shorter. wat abt your bb?
try not to use powder especially for girls. not too good for the private part.

your gynea sooooo good. my gynea very kiasu type. i also wanna extend my ml.....in fact i hv a little depression. hee heee

i am now flying for cx. fat still can resume flying but i cant allow myself to use tat as an excuse lor.
retribution lah. i used to be underweight until after i hit 30. last time always tease my fat frens......now i kena lor.
anyway, even if i get back to my pre peggy weight, my hips will still be huge

Hi Conniemummy,

I will be leaving Singapore on 22 Jan. Let me know when you would like to pick up the baby clothes ok? Thanks!
gotta agree that after childbearing, hips become bigger leh... hate that! how to get back smaller hips??

am using mamy poko newborn. very good. no leakage. regarding powder, a friend told me better not to use. better to use moisturizer instead coz bb can inhale powder with is not good. if u wanna use powder, put in on your hand first then slowly dab onto bb's body, instead of using the fluff.
juz finished expressing milk... jialet.. think i really got abit too much surplus now... wondering if i shd donate some of my old stock coz i think my freezer going to be full soon liao.....
Hi Qianhui!

Yup, time flies. Now a bit worried how to handle baby and housework on my own over there. Baby seems a bit temperamental and is impatient. And I don't like the cold winter....

Hubby says we can probably make a short trip back in July. Heh heh, just in time to catch the summer sales before we come back. Hopefully can get more baby clothes then.
morning morning,
first time i so hardworking... pumping away at this hour... but still not most encouraging. last pump was 12.15am and i thought after 6 hours i should have more... but only managed 90ml again... argh!!! when will i ever reach the amt that qianhui gets??? and i'm envious of you too shihui... got surplus... ask you hor... you pumping exclusively for bb like qianhui or you let bb latch on too? yesterday i think i only let bb latch on for once or twice only. the rest she drank ebm. damn scared of that girl. she like got some angst in her man... hold on to my nipple and tug here tug there and grunts away while drinking... better to express instead. at least i'm the one in control of the breasts...

sorry for taking so long... me still doing confinement now.. not convenient to leave..

i will be out of confinement on the 15th.. we arrange again then can?

do u do hot towel massage before and during your pump?

for me, i gt my hubby to massage for me before and during the pumping sessions, and we can see an increase in the supply after tat.. then for the pumping, dun do it one shot 15 mins.. try to go for 3 sessions of 5 mins each.. give your breasts some time to rest inbetween, can have more milk..

massages can also help to clear the hard lumps and will have more ss too..

in addition, having a hot drink before pumping helps too..

what do u use to store EBM in the freezer har? me running out of milk bottles liao lei..

for those glass bottles that we get from the hospitals, what do u use to cover them har? i got some glass bottles from them, but dun know how to store milk in them.

besides that any recommendations for milk bags? it will make storage easier right? save more space in the freezer..

then when is a good time to introduce bottles? after the 1st mth?

i m still confused as in how to measure the quantity of milk to give my ger if i were to introduce bottles... can anyone advice me?
Morning Ladies,

Yesterday afternoon I couldn't log in to internet, wondering what's wrong.
Today is my lunar calendar full mth, my mum just cut Reyna's hair for her and I'm going to shower soon

Tml will go around to distribute cake as well as collect her passport. Will go back to JB on Sat....

The guide says 6 weeks onwards lah, but I've already try giving bottle.

U can just give 1 feed per day on bottle so that she can get use to the bottle texture and still be able to latch on w/o developing nipple confusion.
mbb,my boy taking 100-120ml now..he's abt 7weeks old already...also giving every 3hrs...dunno isit too much?
i also heard not so good to put powder...if put moisturizer,which is good?
abalone,mamy poko good huh?btw,newborn can use until when?

my gal oso only used to sleep 4 hrs a stretch e longest. recently stretched a bit 2 4.5 hrs. but now hor, there r 2 periods (in b/w feedings) o wakefulness in e day. she doesn't fuss but eyes open big big look here look there like v bored leh! i too lazy 2 keep entertaining her. will on e mobile let it run 4 15mins... then pass her a rattle... read her a story... even place e cot beside a mirror so she can play w her reflection.. just now brought her on a tour o our place... tt's it liao. nothing else to do...

y dun u chk out four seasons catering at fourseasons.com.sg. it's $10 p pax lah n min 18 ppl 4 mini buffet. nv tried b4 but came across it while searching tt time. ended up we ordered $205 worth o pizza. still cheaper than catering n more convenient leh.

my gal oso hold on 2 my nipple n turn here turn there. dunno 4 wat! hungry then suckle lor but dun want. after tt cry cos still hungry. then she will pant n pant then sudden lunge 4ward n chomp down at e nipple... q funny actually!


ya lor. i oso read tt 6 wks onwards but mine oso 6 wks liao so tink can try lah. or else like ur no. 2 or QSG's fren's bb then die loh! thx 4 e advice!


e glass bottles u get fr hosp dun come w cover meh? so strange... mine is those NAN bottles fr KKH, w covers one leh!


me n hubby r part-time performers at those min2 ge1 can1 ting1. heard o mu4 chuan2 n ai4 qin2 hai3? last time we're at muchuan, now at aqh. me singer cum keyboardist, he guitarist. long time nv perf liao, kinda miss it but w bb, lotsa logistics problems. haiz..


u handwash ur diapers ar? we dun leh. we soak them in a pail w soap. then wash them every other day in e washing machine. we haf 60 diapers (kiasu hor?) so can wash every other day, nt so xin ku. just haf to keep stocking up on liners! heh...


read tt powder's nt v gd 4 bbs. esp when u put at nappy area, if it mixes w urine, will worsen nappy rash. if haf pimples, oso dun put powder, will aggravate it. if haf to put powder 4 bb's comfort, rub e powder on ur hands b4 applying on bb. dun poru on bb straightaway cos bb might sniff it in, nt gd 4 bb.
Berry,as long as ur bb is not throwing out the milk then you are not overfeeding leh.
at first i also blur then go and follow the instruction on the fm tin. my poor ger had to vomit milk. now i juz gradually increase her intake according to her needs.

i dun use moisturizer. i use bb oil instead.
at the same time can give her abit of massage

how many hour do your bb sleep in a day? my ger slept like less then 10 hrs daily. really a monster!!!

hips big liao cannot reduce leh.
we can only console ourself tat we are the type of "ho sang yeung" (cantonese).

going back so soon har?
hmmmm, it's gonna be tough for you to bbsit all by yourself. Jia You!!!
wah.. so fast u going back liao.. can engage part time helper to help u with housework there? den u can focus on bb can liao..

heee~ muz let us noe when u come back.. can help us shop too.. :p by den, our bbies will be at least 7mth old liao....
kimi,so u put moisturizer for mandy?

mbb,what brand of fm u giving?
my boy always slp 20 mins wake up...fuss abit den slp again..
he can slp longer in my arms...did u try to put her in different areas to see where she can slp longer?
how many kgs u need to lose?did u check w gynae when can we exercise since we csection..my gynae says at least 4mths...
Mbb, my bb sleeps very little during the day and at nite at most sleeps 6 hours in a stretch.

conniemummy, i am storing the excess EBM in glass bottles in freezer. The caps you can get from the parent craft centre at TMC at $1 per cap or the pharmacy at Mount Alveria Hosp at i think slight cheaper price but material different. Another way is to go kiddy palace buy the tolly joy ones at $1.30 per pc.

Kimi, the caps given by KKH is it the metal caps? we are told not to use the caps as it can rusts...especially after sterilisation. You can buy the caps (see my post to conniemummy). Ya, heard of the 2 places you perform at, only been to mu chuan. Do they pay well to perform there?

Vanessa, u mentioned you give your no.2 your excess EBM, do you give replace her normal milk feeds with the EBM or just give like a drink to her? My freezer also running out of space so thought of giving my elder girl my EBM but i remembered reading somewhere the EBM i have may not have the necessary nutrients that my elder girl needs at her age.
i latch on most of the time.. onli let CL bottlefeed him once per night.. if bottlefeed him too many times a day, he will starts to get cranky when i try to latch him on.. :p

mine oso grunts when feeding... sometimes even hav "aiya aiya" sound while he's feeding.. den i got to tell him "dun talk with food in mouth"... hahaha... :p but he still "aiya aiya" away... think he complaining tt milk flow too fast... coz aft i express out abit, den feed him again, he okie liao.. no more "aiya aiya".. :p

btw, u want to check if ur bb got "gold" in the nose? mine din feed well yesterday coz got too much "gold" liao.. think his nostril abit blocked by the "gold".. aft CL cleared his nose this morning, he seems to be drinking better..

i use milk bags to store the EBM in freezer... got some glass bottles as well.. i got the caps fr hospital when i discharge... else i think i read somewhere tt mt alvernia hosp pharmcy do sell bottle caps for glass bottles...

btw, if u want to buy milk bags n it's not urgent, u can try to wait for drugstore BP in the BP thread.. it's so much cheaper.. the brand is Lansinoh.. the one vanessa recommended... here's the link fr drugstore.. juz keep a lookout for pple organising the BP..


wow... interesting leh..
actually i miss performing too.. my hubby already can't wait to go back to the orchestra.. :p told him tt we can't go together.. coz one of us will hav to look aft bb.. so he will go abck for practice session first while me look aft bb..
in future, when i'm ready to go back too, we will take turns to perform.. ie, he perform first half.. aft interval, my turn... heee~ luckily both of us play the same instrument n we hav similar standard.. so won't affect the orchestra.. heheheee.. :p

do u wash the liners? my CL washed the liners if it's not soiled by poo poo.. so far, 3wks liao.. we onli used up 1 n 1/2 box of liners... btw, keep a lookout for liners in the "WTS" column.. alot pple selling away brand new liners at cheaper price.. :p

so nice.. u all hav elder child to help clear away ur stock of EBM... mine hor, i want to donate but hubby dun allow.. ask me to wait first.. haiyo..
i shall wait until really going to be full liao den post to donate them...
Berry,my ger i on mamil gold.
my ger also sleep very well on my arms but so jialat leh. when i tot she is in deep sleep, put her in cot. she will fuss and then wide awake.
i nd to get rid of another 12kg!!
i will start to climb stairs mid of jan (1 and half mths after birth) and go to the gym if i still hv the energy.

Qsg,at least your bb still can sleep for 6 hrs at nite. my ger dun sleep in the day and at nite only for 3 hrs stretch.
i dun know where she find the energy coz she is very awake kind. haizzz

Kimi,what/where you perform? i miss tat post leh.
you wanna buy nappy liner fr me?
i hv one box of trollyjoy unopen. i doubt i will be using cloth nappy leh. sms me lah.
Sure, keep in touch. Give me a buzz after confinement.

MBB and Shihui,

It's going to be tough.... have to look after baby, do night shifts, pump milk, feed baby, clean baby and do laundry plus cook for myself, hope I can cope. And the silly washing machine there takes 2.5hrs to finish one round of 3-4kg load. The lifestyle is so backward the people don't have clothes dryer....aiyoh, maybe have to turn on heaters to dry clothes.

The last time we engaged a young local girl to clean the house, she was so bad at it that after she left, the word "stupido ragazza" (stupid girl) kept flashing across my mind :p She actually used bleach to mop the floor, unbelieveable. And she washed the bathtub and toilet wearing jeans and socks. The last straw was she spent 15min to iron one long sleeve work shirt and didn't know how to use the iron. After she left, I had to re-mop the floor. Told hubby the house was cleaner before she came to clean.
Mummies doing or have done with confinement,

I'm Feb Mum, like to know when we buy dates to boil to drink. should we buy those with pits or those without?

What to boil with the dates? Longan only?

Appreciate your advise.
Hi Berry,
My girl is 3 weeks old and weighs about 4.3kg. She's drinking about 650ml to 800ml of EBM a day. On average, every 30ml lasts her about 45min to 1hr before she starts screaming for milk again.

So funny.. Wear jeans and socks to wash bathtub???!!

Imagine she will wear evening gown & heels to cook a meal then... hee heee...

no leh. i nv put anything on bb. need 2 put one ar? her skin doesn't seem dry leh...


me n hubby r w ai qin hai at marina sq. dunno if we'll ever get to perform again tho. haiz... plus my reflux is affecting my voice. can't really sing now..

liners ar? so far still haf a lot cos hubby kept going 2 those john little/robinsons sales to top up during e xmas season. thx
u giving up on cloth diapers liao ar?

u do bb massage liao ar? i wanna do but lazy. so do u bath bb after e massage. my fren gave me this ylang ylang bb massage oil leh. will try one day.. heh...


ur orchestra has perf every week ar? so ur hubby oso performs w u. nice nice. ya lor, v hard 4 2 o us 2 perf 2gether. but we only want each other as partners leh cos weve got e best chemistry. unlike orchestra, each perf is only 2-3 ppl so partners v impt... hopefully can work it out!

oic.. e caps rust ar? erm... put in freezer wld rust or nt? cos mine r all n e freezer...

as 4 pay 4 my perf ar... after deducting trspt n food, got a few $ left lor. it's more 4 interest than anything lah..


over there like v cham leh. aren't there any qualified house helpers or sthg?
mbb,how much weight u put on during preg?i bot oto slim belt to bind myself..coz v flabby?how ur massage?manage to lose more?
my boy also like ur ger...fuss alot...really nid full attention to take care...i discovered i put him slp in mattress...he fuss lesser..u wanna try?if not,buy sarong...i also tempted to buy sarong..but later if no sarong he cant slp..also a problem...whos taking care ur ger when u back 2 work?
sylk,why not u give her more so maybe every 3hr interval...

my mum boil the water with red dates, longan and lots of ginger...

as for the red dates, she removed the pits from them. heard from her that there are ready removed red dates in the market, but she say its not as good.
I'm also tempted to buy sarong, but hav the same tots as u....I also find that she can sleep better in our bed, my mum told me mayb our bed more airy cos the cot is surrounded by the bumper.

I replace her afternoon nap feed with EBM, The rest of the day still on fm, so I guess it's ok n more imptly, she's gaining all the nutrients from her solid food n milk is jus supplement, so it's ok. Ppl doing tanderm nursing also depends solely on bm, no fm also the same.

So fast u going back liao... so will only see ur posting in weird hrs... will missed u..... hiaz... mayb when u back again in July, we organise another gathering?

U can either buy the red dates with pit n remove it urself or simply buy the pitless one...
Just add longan meat will do...

I nvr add ginger cos personally I don't like n I find that with ginger, it can't quench my thirst from my previous experience.
Pai sei, Ur ger on Mamil gold?? Can I hav the receipt when u purchase the fm again or do u still keep it? MAY need it to send in for some contest...
wah... win liao lor.. how to wash toilet with jeans n socks.. :p she wanted to wash them as well huh.. :p

tt's a funny one.. evening gown n heels to cook a meal.. hahaha... :p

no lah.. they dun perform every wk.. but hav practice every wk lor.. performance onli 2-3 times a year onli.. :p ya lor.. for yours, chemistry really impt..
oh no...

think i m coming down with flu and cough... think too heaty liao..

but i tot during confinement, no matter how heaty stuff we take we wun be too heaty one right? how come now me sick?

btw, can i still breastfeed my ger? will i pass the virus to her?
Hi Berry,
My girl is a problematic drinker. Sometimes she can drink only 1 oz, sometimes 3 oz... usually we try for 3 oz, but most of the time, she cannot finish the feed and must split into 2 rounds to finish. Very notti girl.

Hi Vanessa,
Cool! Would be great if we can meet up again in July
. While over there, will have to depend on all of you in the forum to keep me company and for advises.
Hi Connie,

I think you can still breastfeed. I had a bad cough before and after delivery and the nurses and PD all said ok to do so. The PD said anitbodies from the mummy will be passed to the baby in the milk, and protect baby against the virus.
No worries, I also bf when I'm down with flu n cough. I've only recover recently and surprisingly, my gal nvr kena the virus from me, in fact she kena the flu from her sisters.
Hi ladies,
just want to check out if any one go to private clinic (any clinic) for the Hep B jab and also take the 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 jab? how much is the cost?

I have called up polyclinic and the following charges for the jab is:
1) hep B (sen dose) - $60
2) 5 in 1 - $285
3) 6 in 1 jab - $320

any advice to take 6 in 1 or 5 in 1? for me, my gar will be gg for her Hep B jab next wk at polyclinic

also anyone taking bb to braber shop/salon to cut bb hair? as advise by my friend that she only took her boy to cut his during 4th mth as bb scalp is still thin for the first 3 mth.
ladies, is it really necessary to bring our child to see PD for the jabs?

i was thinking of bringing her to polyclinic for the jabs and then to PD for those development assessments... any idea whether does the jab packages tat the PD offers includes the consultation as well as the development assessment or is it solely for the jabs? asking this cos the PD near my place is offering $700 plus for the 6 in 1 jabs..
So fast u gg back leave SG liao....It would be tough on u to handle so many things alone...But i believe u can do it since our mother can do it right
...We shall have a gathering when u r back to SG in July...Wonder where we can meet with all the crying BB

I went to PD for 2nd dose of hep B jab...Cost me $50 n exclude consultation cost lar....Polyclinic is still the cheapest lor
hi ladies,
today finally hv time to check this thread and there are sooo many postings! :p

Wanted to ask a stupid question
...for bb's 1 mth checkup...when do u bring bb for checkup? immediately after the 1st mth or anytime after?? I not sure when to take bb t PD for her 1st mth jabs...

i bringing bb to PD for jabs, cos take opportunity to ask PD abt other questions related to bb. I think I will go to polyclinic or GP for bb jabs after this 1st mth one...

congrats! bb so cute!

leaving so soon? hope you an get decent help over there cos things are different.... i cant believe there are no dryers! and oso cannot believe the "stupido ragazza"! hahaha!

i check online...caterers like dun cater tingkat lunch...cos i oso looking.
anybody have any ideas?

This Sat my bb's 1st mth "party".... tomoro, Amosco delivering cakes. Fridge sure no space. I must vent...so angry with my mum. She went to an old fren's gathering and 2 of them gave her angpow and pressie for my bb..so hor, she invited them to the party! I distinctly remember we agreed "family only no frens" cos too many ppl and she invited them without telling me first!!! Just becos they gave angpow!!! wah lau, then i might as well invite the whole world lor! so many ppl gave!! I am really pissed cos she didn't consult me first. I mean, i ordered catering oredi and I'm paying for it, she shd at least ask me first!
Really lor...dun understand own mum can be lidat.
This is like my wedding part 2.
She really want "face" lor.
THen hor, can ask me give cakes to her frens who give ang pow...I mean...wah lau! I only distributing to relatives...now she wants frens too??? too much man. Think I print money or wat? I refuse to give. If she want, then I'll buy the Delifrance vouchers and give them. So fedup!
yeah, i used to use the hot towel. then became too lazy coz must carry a lot of things with me into the room. so gave up. but i use the method suggested. pump 5mins then massage then pump again. actually milk ss increasing la. just that i too gan jeong and want it to increase even more. i calculated. within 24hrs, i can pump 300+ml of milky milk... but i want to be like qianhui! one go pump 300ml. then i a bit more sin nang...

yes i trust mamy poko. my son also using mamy poko for night and no prob with leakages too. there are actually numbers where you velcro up the diapers. like no 1, 2 and 3. an indicator as to when you need to go to next size. right now, my girlie is at 0 ah... so i think can use for very long. my son is already 16 months and still using size M. never realised there was an indicator till i went shopping with hb at NTUC the other day and when i asked him if our son needs to use L, he said he still at No.1... then i blur... cancerians are more xi xin i suppose.

by the way, my girl is now drinking about 100ml of ebm leh. she is only just 3wks 2 days old. too much liao is it? but if i give any lesser, she will cry after we remove the bottle... hb weighed her last night and she put on alot ah. she's now 3.7kg. 1.1kg increase from her birth weight!

i know cannot reduce la... damn xian... i put on about 12kg during pregnancy. after giving birth lost 7kg. got 6 more to go to get to pre preg weight. but 8kg if i want to get to me ideal weight of 48kg... i think it's wishful thinking on my part...

i don't dare let her latch on... painful ah. and also, my girlie also makes those noises leh! wah piang. you very cute. tell your bb to not talk when mouth full! hahaha. next time i'll tell my girlie also.

thanks for your suggestion on caterer, i read some other threads and came across some other suggestions so using YLS catering coz $10 10 dishes and no delivery charge!

so good. your bb can sleep so long. mine sleep longest in the noon time. which is now. her feeding time pass already and she still zzzing away. let her la. then i can bathe and come online here. she also has got 2 wakeful timings now. this morning after her 9.30 feed, she refused to sleep until 12. look here look there and then never sleep want to feed...

you'll a good mummy ya? i haven't read to her yet. but i put the mirror for her to look at herself also. will introduce dot cards to her soon too.

anyone here letting bb drink similac? last time my son drank Nan also. got probs. he didn't like it and always didn't finish milk... now he is on gain IQ. e milk powder smells nicer. the first time after he drank and my dad kissed him, he asked my mum if he ate chocolate! so funny. okie okie. going to bathe and express milk again. hope i get a lot more this time!
Tot usually go PD will inclu consultation?

Thks 4 posting the charges for the jab, was trying to ask ard. Wow the 5-in-1 n 6-in-1 so ex?
Anyway, I will bring my ger to PD first on the 8th for Hep B 1st cos I think she's still having jaundice, so better go n check, then can find out from PD office the charges of the jab.
same here.. me thinking of bringing bb to polyclinics for jab n pd for assessment... muz we bring bb for jab exactly on his 1st mth? or can drag abit? me blur blur leh.. n which is better? 5-in-1 or 6-in-1? my pd recomended 6-in-1 coz it will be one less jab for bb...

i oso heard pple saying b4 tt 1st dun cut first.. coz bb's scalp still very soft.. can wait for 100 days den cut..

the 6-in-1 jab is inclusive of hep B rite? rem tt's wat my bb's pd told me... dunnoe if i got rem wrongly anot....

aiyo.. jialet leh.. if no tinkat lunch, i think i may not even hav time for instant mee.. :p hmmm.. or maybe i can bring bb out to dabao.. if onli there's coffeeshop under my block.. got to walk 5min to the nearest coffeeshop... dunnoe bb okie anot....

nvm lah.. parents usually very mafan.. :p my MIL oso lah.. we inviting hubby's sisters to full mth party liao.. she still want us to give cake to them.. reason being buffet not very ex... they gave us angbao, so we shd give cake in return lor... but she din realised buffet coz more than cake per family.. each family at least 2 pple attend.. tt will be at least $20 for buffet.. but cake less than $10.. so give cake actually cheaper leh... :p

den now u onli latch on occassionally n feed EBM most of the time? me oso pain when latch him on.. but i "ren" lor.. maybe my pain tolerance quite high.. haha.. :p juz now he "aiya aiya" again.. den i went pump out some so tt flow not tt fast.. n he fell asleep liao... :p den i continue pumping away to empty my breast lor.. juz when i abt to finish, he woke up n wants his milk... win liao lor.. so latch him on n he manage to suckle quietly for 10min.. :p no more "aiya aiya".. but it's really funny (when i'm in gd mood) to listen to his "aiya"... :p
Hi Karen P,
my bb only cry till face turn red and almost tear come out. turning black so scary..... maybe can ask doc why when u take her to her jab.
kimi, not sure if will rust in freezer but maybe you dun recycle them anymore.

Sylk, your bb got very good weight at 3 weeks. Mine at 6 weeks is 4.5kg.

Afcai, the PD i goes to for 6 in 1 is about $157 including GST and it includes assessment.
Shihui, afcai,
The jab can delay for a few days, but not too long. Just in case bb kena the virus b4 the jab, so it's better to do it asap. I'm doing it on the 8th where 1st mth is on the 6th.

My mum told me that someone told her b4 not to shave bb at 1 mth cos their scalp are very thin and wind may enter their brain, next time keep having headache. So either u shave at 4th mth or dun shave at all.

I also read 6-in-1 incl. Hpe B leh, then if I take Hep B now then cannot take 6-in-1? Me also very ruan, but the jab really ex lor...
Hi Qianhui,
oic, for me, I consume lot of heaty stuff during confinement. 1 wk can consume a bottle of seame oil. till now have consume 2 bottle of DOM liao and is opening the third bottle today.
I drank essence of chicken every morning during my breakfast. wow, u mean u even ate laka during yr confinement period? wow...dun u scare tummy pain and got wind later on?

haa...maybe u didn't consume lot of fluid during confinement after eating heaty stuff. that's why u got sore throat. wow, gui ling gao very cooling not so gd loh.

hmm..how come huh, my gar also using J & J " products mah. so far so gd liao. hair a lot, dunno shd I bring her to barber shop(those indian type) to shave her hair liao. she really sweat a lot during bf.

did u bring yr son to cut/shave his hair?

hmm..till now, I have not weight myself yet , will be gg to do that before I have my breakfast tomolo. wow, yr weight (54) is not so much mah.

oic, so did u have any stretch mark on yr tummy? mine is so clear man...tummy still flabby. so envy, u can sleep 9hrs. for me, I only sleep 1-3 hrs then wake up to feed again.
Huh, Dr Ong charge so cheap meh? But I think the polyclinic one is package, like total for 3 jabs, but of cos no assessment lah.... hmm... ok, mayb persuade hb to go to dr ong again. I'm making appt to see him in AMK branch, at least hb no need to take leave to go with me.
Berry, i put on 21kg
lost abt 9 to 10kg so far. i am starting my massage on monday. hopefully can help to shed a couple of kg (finger crossed).

tis past 2 days i put my ger on matress too. she does sleep better. i am not sure if she is sleeping better due to change of location or she is simply drop dead tired.

i will employ a nanny to help me bbsit lor.

Kimi, i will try using cloth diaper again when my folks goes home but dun tink i will finish the other box of liner.
now, i hv problem with the lundry lah. so many things to wash and often raining.....

Sylk,hee heee....really funnie to read your post.
tats the disadvantage of living in kwai lo country. helpers are so difficult to get unless super rich.
hopefully i am ard in July to join in the gathering.

from time to time, i will also be posting at weird hours liao

Bobianah, polyclinic dun have 1st mth checkup meh?
it's not a stupid question tat you are asking. i am also very blur.
i truly wish tat my bb comes with instruction!
even after reading books and going thru the internet, i am still clueless most of the time.
i tink i am another stupido ragazza.

Vanessa, pai seh hor. all reciept into dustbin liao. we juz stock up 2 tin, maybe the next round. i shall check with you again.

Abalone, 6kg is easy lah. if i wanna go to my ideal weight then i hv to shed 15kg
i dun dare to be so positive......
i dun eat much tis whole mth but still not losing anything

i really hate looking at myself in the mirror.
i am also upset coz i cant wear my wedding ring yet. dun know why my water retention is so extreme
Qianhui, my transparent Nuk teat is also ok... so maybe if i need to get more will get the transparent one (cos need to pass some bottles to bbsitter). So will ur mom be taking care of ur bb after u go back to work? Ur bb yin xiong leh, liu xue bu liu lie (drop blood but not tears)..ehehhe. Is lactacid too strong for ur boy?

Karen P, black or blue? If blue means cry too much until bb forget to breathe..happens to mine before when she was still in hospital. In the end doc gave her caffaine meds...

Shihui, wahh..so good can extend ML har..I also want..ehehhe ..lets hope that the danruff (its white) will stop after a few days. Cos if really j and j is too strong then I might have to change to something even milder liao... peng.... at home its my hubby that spoil bb by carrying her too much. I can go bath and then find him carrying her after I come back with some excuse like 'she is hiccuping'.

QSG, I always thought bb are born with cradles cap, not develop it later :p

QSG, alabone, ok then I leave it as that, cos hubby is afraid that I might cause her spine to have problem. She is already not really blessed genetically so hou4 tian1 must make up..ahahaha

Ruffybear, thanks ...I will continue to monitor to see if its cradle's cap first.

Shihui, I am ordering from Lexin..ok lah... they have tingkat lunch delivery.

sylk, leaving so fast? when will u be back?

conniemummy, ur hubby so good massage for u... I am using glass bottles..also running out soon..sighhh/.... some pp can use plastic sheet with rubber bands. I am still using the metal caps. Initially had wanted to use milk bag but so expensive and environmental unfriendly.

kimi,..wah... still wana perform har? next time when u perform u tell us, we bring all the bbs there to sppt
Still have to scrub abit mah. I am also lazy using washing machine... but hubby want to hand wash so as to save water... sighh

Vanessa,afcai, the $157 i mentioned is per jab need a total of 3 jabs for 6 in 1. So definitely more ex then polyclinic but i think good we pay for his consultation too since we can take the chance to ask him if we have any concerns.
