(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

alabone, ruffybear,

me use d2 b a tchr so i can oso understand how tought it is to wake up at 5+ every morning. last time, my hubby wld always use this excuse "ay, u noe who tiring it is to wake up at 5am?" now i'll retort "ay, u noe how tiring it is to wake up 3 times a nite 2 feed?" ha... then he bo way gong!

alabone, starluster,

ha! so qiao... me oso had this feeling. kept discussing going out plans w hubby... then had 2 keep reminding myself tt bb has 2 latch on n cannot go out yet... then i'll tell myself, nvm, wait a while more. but today i tot a bt it, act there'd b diff challenges at diff stgs o bb's growth... i can nv really just go out n do all e things i want like b4. like i wanna schedule exercise, but count here count there just dun haf time...
but nvm, this is our life now n i'm sure we'll soon enjoy e fruits o our labour.

talk bt smiles, my gal's been smiling q a bit these days... at least some response lah... nt just cry n cry... q happy..
dun envy me lah.. me always engorged n full of milk n dun feel comfy lor....

today bb very jialet... battling with me.. he wants bottle while i dun give.. he juz wail n wail but i dun give in lor.. den he gave up liao n suckle unwillingly... :p

alabone, ruffybear,
u both teacher ah...
me still considering if wants to switch to teaching anot.. :p but i can't imagine facing cranky sec sch students... :p

same here... was looking at bb n suddenly realised the responsibilities i'm carrying is no joking matters.. :p i realised tt the next break i will hav will be 20-30 years later.. :p now go out got alot of logistics planning... muz plan bb's meal time.. got place to feed bb anot... etc etc... aiyo.. no longer free n easy liao.. :p

i was on medical leave for a few mths b4 birth. so i spent all day with my boy and i enjoy taking care of him, nurturing him and reading to him esp. he loves it when i read to him and only wants me to read.
that's why now that i don't see him very much and can't carry him, i miss him terribly. i feel that taking care of my children has become a top priority no matter how tired it can be and how i can complain at times. when my boy kisses me and feeds me his fav raisins, everything's worth it! really am not sure how i can stay sane in the teaching service and raise two young children.

ya... engorgement no joke la. pain all the way to the armpit... do think thru very very carefully if you want to go into teaching service. been teaching for 5 years now and it's really not easy. of course there were moments where it was enjoyable and precious but there's a lot of c*** as well. plus the early mornings! can't stand getting up at such ungodly hours...

am afraid of going out with bb girl. can only go to baby friendly places with nursing rooms. otherwise need to feed how? so far, only been out nursing once and that was in the PD's nursing room.

do your babies make loud grunting noises? my bb does... very weird. and she likes to 'gek' for no reason. like force don't know what... then face turn all red like guan gong.

mine oso... always geking n stretching n grunting... sometimes pooing... other times i dunno y... now applying cucumber slices on my face... got pimple breakout. haiz... must b lack o sleep...


teaching ar? *shudder* i's lucky 2 quit early n haf nv looked bk since. now happily being a sahm..

gtg... hubby rented dvd. gonna watch now...
ya lor.. i almost step in 3 years ago.. signed contract teaching with MOE liao.. den last minute withdraw.. :p

afraid of going out with bb too.. first thing i think of will be where i can feed him.. :p so far, onli brought bb to NUH nursery, A&E and pd... these places got places for bf... so no prob.. if go shopping center, think got to check first if they hav nursing room lor.. else dun think can go liao.. :p

my boy makes grunting noise too.. quite loud leh... he oso gek gek gek for no reason until his face red red... dunnoe y leh.. :p
Hope your boy is better now...dun blame yourself..u r not definitely not a lousy mother...

My boy also smile quite abit nowadays..but i dunno if he is actually smiling at us or is that just a facial reflex..anyway, it really melt my heart to see him smile...

My boy also gek until his face red red all the time...the old folks say if BB will grow faster if they gek more..hehe..
I handed in my maternity leave/CCL form + CSC card all at one shot will apply for 1yr then extend another year.. no prob with it coz have done it before for my elder boy.
Actually u can take leave anytime when ur kids is less then 3yrs old. I already told them after birth won't be going back liao.... anway very happy not to go back to that place.

I teach primary not secondary. Turned down the offer to teach in secondary coz can really kill me as the combination that they gave was english and music.
lucky you didn't get into the service then. it's no easy task, esp with children...

so lucky. you can quit. i wish i can too. but cannot survive on only husband's salary...

was your school bad? how was the workload? mine's terrible. very busy in school and always left work at 5plus, 6plus. cannot afford to do that with 2nd child now. so hubby suggest i take childcare leave. mine is killer combi... el and lit... sigh...
The schools I had so far are those neighbourhood ones really quite bad.. no staff welfare..bias principal etc.. anyway I super bo chup them coz they discriminate through hampering your efforts to get performance bonus/ discriminate you for taking childcare leave etc.. very unafair type of management..so I just do what I need to do..leave work at 2-3pm..if there is no eca/extra lessons.
.. my children are more impt and with no maid I have to see to their food/etc by myself as HB come home quite late every night.
ruffybear, alabone,
wah... both of u teach english one ah.. muz be really gd... my english really jialet.. always speaks in broken sentences.. n my grammers cannot make it one.. :p

i was assigned to teach biology n comp science... very stupid leh.. coz i dunnoe comp at all.. how to teach comp science... hai~~~ went for the music interview.. but the interviewer actually told me tt he want to "protect" me fr the harsh reality of music teaching so tt i can continue my interest in music.. wat a nice way of rejecting me...
i think it's bcoz i played erhu instead of piano.. :p

really lucky tt i got a job elsewhere b4 i started teaching.. heee~ quickly siam.. :p
vanessa, thanks for the info. Reason why I might not latch on is bcos my bb don't usually drink much when latched, and I suspect it will get worse once she is at bbsitter's cos I will not be latching her at all during daytime. Will also have to depend on her feeding timing then.

alabone, kick ur hubby once in a while he sleeps. U will feel better and he won't be much disturb :p

afcai, I started my massage around my 4th week after giving birth. My hubby just duno find what info and stubbornly believe in them..geezzzz. I think abit of dripping is ok so long as ur bb does not throw up alot of milk...

starluster, had confirmed a bbsitter. Will be bringing my bb over in 3 weeks time.. already starting to miss her..sighhh...

alabone, kimi, my bb also like to gek alot..then gek too much will throw up the milk again..sighhh...
i've taught in neighbourhood schs b4 and know how bad it is. but believe me, good schs come with it a set of different probs altogether. expectations are way higher and everything a teacher does is deemed meeting expectations only... i totally empathize with what you went thru. so enjoy these 1.5yrs of your CCL. i have to think long and hard what to do.

i'm not good la. i speak singlish too and can you believe? in an earlier post, i actually typed in 'babys' and had to correct myself. it's my occupational hazard.

you very funny. ask me to kick my hubby. it's ok la. he helps out in the day with my cranky son who demands to be carried the whole time. so he sleep at night to get energy for the day lor.

sometimes my bb also gek until throw up. but my mum also say they stretch alot then will grow faster and grow taller... not sure how true.

hate confinement. hubby just went out of room to get me lana cake. yum yum. don't care la. cold also eat. need something nice to perk me up. otherwise very poor thing.
Gek liao baby will grow faster meh?

Mine gek til his face red, then, puke and waste the breastmilk! Then will be hard to grow faster like that leh...

I'm up, coz I sleep late.. of coz got express sometimes.. but normally I express between 4-8hrs each time. So far supply enough to feed. But no extra to put in fridge..


If I'm u, I'd have finished the ice-cream long ago.. Yesterday and today shiok, drink coke and eat ice-cream. I never crave for coke so much in my life b4..

I dunno 5in 1 or 6in1 jab, yesterday went to NUH for the 1st mth chk up, thus also only take the 2nd Hep B jab only lor.. dun hv the 5 or 6 in 1 jab leh..

But if have, of coz take the 6 in 1 jab, though I dunno what they are for lah, but jab lor jab lor, the more ingredient they have in 1 jab the merrier, save time, same trips and save BB from fever after taking jab ma... best if jab all the required ones once and for all ma..

Else each time jab, each time fever, then I kanna hv to worry more only.

Yup yup, I'm always busy going out.. Thus seldom log on... Anything u all wanna update just PM me ok?


Initially, at those polyclinic is poke the feet only... but yesterday at NUH, coz 1 mth liao and still hv bit of jaundice (though on wednesday when we went polyclinic, the level is 94, not need to go polyclinic any more..)
NUH maybe kaisu, wants to test the blood to see if it's becoz of liver prob or just the breast milk, thus the drawing of blood is from Baby's vein, thus they draw those big tube of blood from BB's hand's vein lor.
wah, a lot of teachers here. chang is also a tuition teacher right?

thanks to everybody for offering numbers. the pus only appeared that one afternoon n disappeared. i tried calling the private lc, but they r either on holiday or busy. called tmc for mrs wong, but she's also busy. the lady answering the phone told me it's most likely an infection n asked me to go down for diagnosis. how to go down when i'm alone with bb at home? called nuh n was told to see a doc. called kkh lc but nobody answered the phone. so in the end, i went to a women's clinic in the evening n got some antibiotics. diagnosis is maybe mastitis with abcess, maybe just mastitis or maybe just an infection. best not to feed bb milk fr that breast until there's no more pus coming out. very sayang, i've already thrown away 300+ml of bm. not like i hv a lot of bm to spare in the first place.

hope it's not too late to wish u a smooth delivery.

hope ur boy is fine now. so is the diagnosis wind in the stomach? if u r a bad mummy, then i must be worse than a bad mummy. i hv to bring my bb to a&e in her 3rd wk for bleeding fr cleft.

my gal not smart. she pulls her own hair n cries cos it hurts, but she doesn't even know that she's the one causing herself pain.

my gal cannot hear well, but thank goodness she can still see, or else die liao, she will hv no interaction with the world.

yah, in theory, theory n practice r the same. in practice, they r not. i still swaddle my bb. she will find a way to free her hand in minutes n her legs poke out when she wakes up, but at least her tummy stays wrapped. i think the white stuff is oral thrush. it's a fungal infection, so it can keep coming back. u can reduce chances of fungal infection by flushing bb's mouth with water to wash away milk residue. if u r v. free, u can also clean her mouth.

i use pure olive oil on bb.
hai~~ angry with CL... told her tt i want to direct latch bb for his 1am feed... ask her to wake me up.. in the end, i woke up at 1.30am with seriously engorged breasts while bb already had his bottle feed n sleeping soundly... wondering how she listened to my instruction juz now.. rem clearly tt i count the time with her n told her to wake me up for the feed...

hubby n i concluded tt either she's sleeping when i'm telling her the feed thingy.. or she slept until she forgot abt my instruction... or bottlefeed is easier for her since bb falls back to sleep faster compared to direct latch... we both felt tt the 3rd possbility is higher.. she simply dun follow instruction... hai~~ now counting down to end of confinement.. onli 12 more days to go.... muz ren!!! :p

hee~ guess we all do make mistakes lah.. :p juz tt i make more mistakes than u... n i dun realise my mistakes... hahaha.. :p
kimi or any mommies, do u all still have the glass bottles that hospitals gave for storing EBM and do not need to use it anymore? Cos thinking of storing some before I stop bf-ing but do not feel like getting milk bags cos its so environmental unfriendly. Pls pm me or post here if u have some to spare and I will arrange to pick it up from u thanks!

mashmallow, already did my massage a few weeks ago. The lady is rohaya. Not bad..but then I am not sure how good she is compared to the rest of the massage ladies cos I had never engage the rest. I also did not have much 'problem' (small tummy, no water retention) so no chance to really test out her skills. But she is always fully booked.

alabone, learn that from one of the mommies here. I remember she said something abt pretending to sleep-hit hubby middle of the night..eheheheh

Qianhui, I think alabone said stretch will grow alot faster , not gek will grow faster. Since my bb both gek and stretch, I guess cancel off effects liao :p

och , if its mastisis with abcess, u might need doc to drain it or seomthing like that.... if ur bb is really pulling alot of her hair, maybe u wana consider shaving her hair for the pain being to cause her less pain? Thanks for the advice about washing her mouth with water. Actually KKH doc did give cream for oral thrush but only told me to use it for 7 days so I am not sure if I should continue using. Flush her mouth means let her swallow the water or make her spit out? How to do it>? Mmmm..just see a bottle of glycerine pure mouth clean and mouth ulcers that my sis bought for my bb,,, said effective against white patches of mouth..anyone tried it and is it effective?

Shihui, I kena the same thing from my CL last time too! Then she act cute and said that oh, she wanted to let me rest!
buay tahan, bb has been fussing fr 3am until now. only had 1 hr of sleep the whole night. n she's still not truly asleep yet.

i dun think it's mastisis with abcess, cos i dun hv pus anymore. can let bb swallow the water or spit it out, the impt thing abt water is just to flush the mouth clean of milk residue (milk + saliva) which encourages fungus to grow.
These 2 days have been having good nite sleep, cos bb is co-sleeping with us. My no.2 have transferred to sleep with her sis next door. Now I can see that co-sleeping allows mummy to rest more than sleeping in the cot separately. So, advice is if those latching on and wants to sleep better at nite, learn the lying down position and co-sleep with bb, u will feel better in the morning

NOt sure if this reply comes too late. My mum treat it as like real measles, she said better not go out, especially now where the wind is very strong. My mum told me that if go out blow wind, next time their eyes will always be wet wet kind. As for the rashes, I can't remember how long it went off, think abt 5-7 days, but after my gals recover from it, my mum also control the type of food they eat. My mum also went to the medical hall n buy the dried fish gill and make porridge for them, suppose to do them good leh, but abit trouble to wash, cos got lots of sand one.

When we go back to work, we sure unable to latch on one, so dun worry, cos by then they are quite familiar with latching on, so they won't forget how to latch on especially if u r do it when u r back home.

Oh, that's very tiring... be sure that u get some sleep later when she sleeps

hiyah! i had lotsa extra bottles tt i brought bk fr KKH but nowhere to keep so threw all away liao!!!! if only i knew.... btw, r u consuming chicken essence or those bottled stuff? tt time when i ran outta bottles, i recycled those bottles. as long as they're glass n can b boiled n sterilised i tink can lah...

ruffybear, alabone,

i oso taught in a neighborhood sec sch. applied 4 pri sch tho. they oso made me teach subjects tt i've absolutely no idea bt. taught geog (+social studies) n music. taught sec 1 to sec 3, express, NA n normal tech, so q siong. principal oso e keng n useless kind. treat parents like clients, always siding w them. v bad politics. everybody just do things to get gd grades n promotion... etc...was a great NIGHTMARE!!! v annoying so quit b4 signed up w NIE. but nt all schs r tt bad.


gd 2 noe tt there's no more pus.

dey, alabone,

i oso heard tt when bb stretches n gek, they grow faster. but then my MIL said bbs grow faster when they sleep a lot (read tt they develop their brains when sleeping), then my mum said they cry faster if they cry a lot! so hor, no matter wat ur bb does, they r supposed to 'grow fast' lor! heh heh


when bbs 'smile' they mihgt just b passing gas. but when they really smile can tell e diff one. their whole face wld smile, nt just e mouth. but hor, mine like smile 4 no reason leh, can cry cry cry then smile, then cry... weird hor?
helo mummies!!

so long cant log in since 18decf..

here come my birth story

18dec at 1145am at mum hse start feeling contraction feeling come n go..check with sis ...she asked me deep breathing n monitor interval..asked me walked ard the hse...

started getting intense....

this goes on till 230pm..cant tahan recalled hubby back to fetch me..

3pm hubby reached fetched me to TMC..

330pm reached tmc..admited to observation..dilated 2 cm..inserted pill to poo po..

gynae reached..she asked hubby if i want break waterbag..hubby said i wanted try 'naturally'...so admiited to labour ward..

from tat time onward to 11pm...tahan contraction.it was tedious man...hubby was beside motivating me..very touched...n tat was a stormy raining night...

11pm gynae came checked only 3cm dilated...
1115pm..cant take it asked for gas...tried few times seems to relieve my pain....but then aiyo me got flu ah! cant breathe in properly in later part...tahan till 1255am....
shed tears and asked midwife to give me epidural....

1am (19th Dec) epi administrated.

so relieved!!! had a good sleep til 7am....

gynae came at 830am..checked still 3cm..she said if by noon time no more dilation wil have to do c section cos drag too long...i heard liao wow so heartpain...start feeling negative...
she broke my waterbag...felt lotsa water gushing...

9am onwards start feeling want poo poo...i asked midwife if want poo poo on bed how....?? pai sey leh..she said if really got poo poo do so...

1045am..midwife checked dilation 9cm liao!! no wonder i kept having poo poo feeling!!! quickly alerted gynae...midwife taught me breathing method..like diff from wat mrs wong taught us hehe

i got tried push...saw bb hair...midwife ask hubby see!!

gynae came..wow like in ER scenario....everyting ready...one push n bb ivan is out at 1120am!!!

when gynae placed bb in front of me..i can't believe he is out!! i cried a bit but just very vert tired.....

gynae stitiched me.got a bit tear..but her stitching was fat n good! stil asked me want see placenta! i said no thanks!

hubby went take photo of bb..bb is 53cm and 3.62kg.. slight jaunice but now ok...

discharged on 21 dec bt cl not here untl 22 dec.. hubby n i were realy helpless leh....somemore my milk only came in on 4th day..everyting was tedious.....

so far CL very very good! glad i got her...she support bf very much..bb woke up three time at night..bt day time he awake every 1 1/2 hr...so me like cow too...bf n express out....

thanks vanessa,qianhui and serene who gave me encouragement during these 13days to keep me sane..if not i sure go into depression...

wil start massage on 2 jan as wound not recover as i no good girl dun dare soak salt bath..so didnt recover well....bt xian ah..malay massage cant latch on..got to express out earlier...but hope naini can make my numb numb stomach smaller :p haha

ok got to go...will post photo once more time...

cant wait bb to be full mth soon! really not easy to be a parent! tink for now..one is enough for me!!

if got bf qn can sms u? pai sey to trouble u! cos tink log in slow for me..by the time i log in bb awake ! me use dial up!
Sure, haven't u been doing that? But just pardon me if my reply abit slow, cos sometimes I cannot hear my msg rings..
but will try asap to reply.
Hi all,
I am sooo attached to bb until no time to log in here since 18th Dec. wow 2wks & so many postings. Doubt hv chance to see all liao.

Share with u gals my birth story...
17-Dec @ 730am After pee, went back bed to lie down but got feeling something drip out from vag. thot water bag burst rush to toilet to check. Saw Blood clot. Faster tell hb & called KK delivery suite but the nurse says its ok could be tearing thats why got "show" ask me either go down or monitor. Since no cont pain so i dun want to go down lor. the show is ON everyday until my labour.
My gal is noti oni give me contr pain at nite sleeping hrs. all whole day i am ok until Sun nite 8+pm started to hv menses cramp feeling but i am still bearable with the pain cos it was not intense type one.

MN hrs having contr @ 10mins interval so wake hb up so he say go hosp ask me go bath & get ready so i bathe & get everything ready. By his turn to bath finish i am tired again. ( i am pig mommy) i told him i still want to slp leh. lets go back slp tomolo moni then see how lar. So went back to slp sweetly.

18-Dec : moni @ 10+am went KKH delivery suite Obs ward & met a very damn rough duty doc to check my dilation. Sooo damn painful & told me sacractic words say "pain is part & parcel of pregnancy" then when she insert in to check pain mah so i scream she say "gal, there is more to check if i am realli in labour ward".. i LL lor. then she say i oni 1cm dilate. Ask me want to stay hosp or go home.I discuss with my hb & decided to go home to my own bed. Else i cant imagine she check on me every few hrs i die 1st be4 bb comes out.
COntraction Pain comes again at nite after 1130pm. wow very intense & can half bear & half cant bear. pain until backache also cant slp also cant lie also end up SIT at bed to slp. 1 in every 5mins pain......
Idiot hb oni help me rub & say nxt moni then bring me go hosp cos he say wait go down still havent open also LL ask me hold until moni leh. i reali sit & bed to half slp from 2am - 6am u know. So chiam & i tell my hb let me suffer i dun want bear him 2nd child liao.

19-Dec : Hb bring me KK @ 6am & reach there 650am. Dun want go obs ward tell nurse i want to hv pain relief of LAUGHING Gas... So i hv to be admitted. i go into the room faster ask for pain relief & breathe & breathe the gas until very HIGH like machiam on drugs lidat. Doc came & checked & was 3.5cm dilate ask me if i want epi cos is the best time to administer so i gave in to epi & faster sign form cos the doc knew it was my 1st pregnancy & i asked her laughing gas can enuf to endure she say epi is not 100% relief oni 70-80%, end up i might nid laughing gas as support when pushing BB out. Of cos i scare liao lor. Signed for epi & wait for anaethsia to come.

I was put on drip from 8am & checked every 4hrly & they found that the dilation is slow so chg another pack of dunno what drip & make my dilation go faster. when checked @ 3+pm the doc say i could be ready for birth @ 6pm lidat. but by 430pm i got feeling to poo(earlier not given pills or anything to let me poo ok --- lousy KK). then nurse say let her check 1st then i am aldy 9.5cm dilate @ that time. So 445pm i started my pushing liao until 6.05pm my gal come out. My labour was total PAINLESS leh. no pain when contr comes also dun feel they hv to monitor the chart to ask me push one. the final feeling of pushing my gal out was like constipated shit lidat POOOOO & come out no pain. Had 20 stitches internal & external.
i was soooo stress when my milk supply dun come in. total nothing leh when in hosp. faster SMS shihui & MBB & vanessa to ask lor. They all gave me alot of support & my supply came in 5th day lidat after drinking papaya soup lor.

my Gal got jaundice @ day 3(jaun lvl:200) so hv to go for phototherapy 1 day. nxt day can go home. but within 24hrs of discharge hv to go polyclinic for review mah. so went polyclinic on Sat bb jaundice was high still but not to the extend of light lor. ask me 25dec (mon) go KKH A&E to do jaundice test again(jau lvl:258) ... still high but no nid light also. Tues go again..(jau lvl:216). Nxt wed have to go polyclinic again.
I walked & walked until i felt my vag sore & I asked for malay massage mah.. 1st time she massaged for me warned me that my womb hv go lower have to be careful. If comes out alot hv to remove whole womb one leh... cos this malay massage aunty was a KK midwife 19yrs back. so she help me push up my "zi gong" lor. ask me also since my womb is lower i cant stand to drink water also.
Sorry ar... one shot post so many things cos now very free bb sleeping. she sleep alot which i also happy lar. oni wake up for feed. wow if BM very fast hungry leh. I am glad i can pump out 150ml yday but is after hrs of slp which i lazy to wakeup to pump although engorge.

Now complaint on my MIL:-
She hor dunno listen from who say bb cant slp well @ nite cos 1st nite bb make a big fuss.. maybe chg of environment... BB cry & cry . i thot chg of milk powder bb not used to it or what lor. realli cry & cry... then she listen to her sister inMsia say must use "FLOUR" to bath bb.. alamak.. i no eyes to see manz. my bb end up come out alot of "qi mao" thing on her skin leh. Later i post the pic let u all see.
I complain to my hb & he thot is jaundice leh. I almost fainted.. then he tell his mom off then she nxt few days dun dare bath her with that liao. somemore dun admit is her flour say is the yellow powder bb used to wash & lighten off jaundice one.

Then also she hor always like to say "kow pek" alamak is a vulgar language ok. Keep saying my dotter "kow pek"leh/. cos bb bath also cry , she will say bb KP, then somemore she like dunno the meaning lidat say this KP like machiam singing song to my dotter leh. KP is cursing of father die i suppose.. Dunno she knew the meaning anot...
Then MN time i also wakeup my self to feed BB cos feed her FM at MN can more fulfil her stomach longer mah. she slowly din help maybe she see i can cope she din help muchleh. i sit until backache leh. then bb after drink & b4 drink also poo leh. i chg diapers until i scare ar. 1day poo 9-10times ar.
Wow i wish i can do w/o her manz. i also carry bb myself walked to kitchen & heat up my BM in fridge or make FM leh. Then my confinement food like not confinement food duno how to say lar. anyway nvm, my mom yday bring me a pot of black vinegar liao added egg aldy tonight start to eat liao...
cant seems to install my Nokia software to trf the print to PC to let u all see mygal sufferings. After donw so will upload here let u all see.

aiyo cant upload leh image exceed the size. can someone teach me how to shrink the image ??
poor och. Sometimes I wonder with so much human evolution why aren't our babies more independent and fuss-free like bb animals :p

Vanessa thanks... cos I remember I read from somewhere that without latching our milk ss will dry up.

kimi, its ok then... yeah got some chicken essence but the bottle is so small and cannot be attached to the medela pump..hehehe... now no choice got to start saving on those liao.... hahah... so even teaching anyhow assign teachers to subjects they don't know. So we should not be surprised when our children did not really manage to learn anything right? So is mandy passing gas or smiling? :p so sweet.... ur mandy got alot of rashes on her forehead like my kathleen..ahahaha

choo, welcome back!

Jen, totally painless.lucky u! 150ml wow! I don't even have that much after > 1 month... hahaha..another MIL that wana do confinement but end up never doing anything. So is she still there with u now?
Any suggestion on how to pacify babies who are fighting their sleep?

My gal has been fighting her sleep during the day time for the past few days. Me very exhausted already. She needs to be carried to put to sleep and once place in the cot she will wakes up. Furthermore, she wants to latch on to doze off to dream land if not she will cry and cry. She can cry for an hour just to latch on. Problem is, if she is full, she will throw out the milk.

Yesterday, she fuss from 3pm all the way to 11pm and we have no choice but to give her the pacifier and that helps to put her to sleep. However, I don't want her to be used to the pacifier as will have problem in future weaning her off.
Jus give her the pacifier lor, when it's time to wean off, they will wean off themselves one lah. I managed to wean off my no.1 from pacifier easily at the age of abt 2.5 yrs old, so, shld not be that difficult. Unless u want to b ur gal's human pacifier? Then u can try to nurse her lying down on the bed with her. I did so for both my 2nd and now 3rd child. It's seems much easier and I can rest better especially at nite.
hi all,
sorry for MIA for 2 day.. as been busy attending to my bb. Unable to finish reading all yur previous posts.

Our bb Hayley still dun want to sleep at night. We even left her at my mum's place for 2 night n still the same. My mum also cannot tahan liao.. every morn when i see her, she look so tired as she din get any sleep fm 1am onwards. Yesterday we bought bb home n we are like fighting battle with her. haa

Fm our observation, we dun think bb Hayley is having colic. She stop crying the moment we carry her. Moreover her appetite is esp good in middle of night. If she still hungry, normally we give her plain water. After her feeding at 3am (100ml EBM), she still can drink abt 80ml plain water, 60ml glucose water.. in the end we give her 80ml EBM. By then she finish all that, time for her next feeding. She still want her 100ml EBM. Wow.. like tat we dun even stop to sleep. Sje also used up lots of my EBM which can last her at least next 2 feeding.

Now my BM supply is very low today too... dun know why. How to give her more n moreover tonight we going out. BB will be with my mom again n i dun have enough EBM to last her throughtout tonight. I've no choice but to let her have 1st FM tonight. Hope the FM will last her longer n make her sleep well. I feel a bit guilty for not giving her enough BM. Feel a bit stressed out
So very envy those that have high supply of BM n enable them to store in freezer.

Hi choo,
congrats.. so good to hear fm u again.
looks forward to c yur bb pic.
hi mbb,
the massage oil that mdm sadiah is using is a mixture of olive oil n lemongrass oil.

hi all,
wishing you n family have a wonderful start in yr 2007. HAPPY NEW YEAR
yup i meant if they stretch, they'll grow faster and grow taller.

boy very cranky at home so hubby resort to taking him out for drive and he sleeps in his car seat, hubby will read or do some exercise just outside the car. at home he wants pple to carry him to sleep... so hb no choice. brought him out to buy dinner from shopping mall. hope it'll be fine. hope he recovers soon.

luckily yours was contract teaching ya? imagine if you sign contract and get stuck in the service... read in a mag that when babies sleep, that's when their brain develops too. something like that. in any case, sleep more good! we can rest and do other things too! your baby got lotsa hair and very chubby! also she got high forehead leh. going to be a very clever girl!

no la. only when i went back to read what i posted then i realised. my mistake there was too jarring to be missed man.

you mean as in the pure olive oil for cooking or what? i hope you are better already? i had mastitis just some days ago and am only better now. so i kinda understand.

choo, jen,
congrats on becoming mummies! a little envious. i don't have any birthing stories to share as both births were c-sec. i go inside OT, haven't count to 3 then sleep already. wake up then see baby and suffer pain...

very envious. so early on and you can pump out 150ml! good job man. my bb going to be 3wks old liao and the most i got was 80ml from both breasts... lousy breasts la. zhong kan bu zhong yong.

if baby don't latch on, ss will dwindle is it? but i try pumping 2 hourly. but like got not much milk leh. say for example i start pumping at 2pm. the stop at about 3pm. i have to start again at 4pm again is it? or from the time i stop? still not sure.

I gave my boy pacifier too. think they can wean themselves off. not much worries. in fact, i worry more if it will affect how their teeth grow. coz my boy's teeth doesn't look so nice.
aiyo.. last midnight wanted to log in.. but my monitor died on me.. :p today hubby fast fast went sim lim buy a new monitor for me.. hahaha... :p he understand tt i need the forum.. else will get withdrawal... :p

there were quite a few of us who were guilty of boxing hubby in the middle of the night leh.. i'm one of them.. :p think doremi as well..
long time din hear fr her liao..

this morning, my CL explained to me tt she misunderstood me... hai~ nvm lah.. bcoz of her mistake, me woke up with super engorged breast at 1am n managed to pump out 150ml.. so sort of happy lah.. heee~ :p

gd tt u r okie liao..

ur gal very cute.. how u manage to capture her with smile one?? u always hav camera standby ah? :p

wah.. juz one push n bb out liao ah... so nice..
mine hor, i pushed for 20min leh.. den i already can't tahan n wonder if can dun push n let bb slide out on hsi own anot.. :p

aiyo.. 20 stitches?? sounds scary leh....

aiya.. MIL problems sure surfaced when bb arrives... even my peaceful relationship with my MIL oso threatened liao...

i'm oso wondering y human bb r born so helpless... :p if onli they r borned toilet trained, speech developed etc... wah... it will be sooooo much easier for us.. hahaha... :p

my boy oso.. always want to be carried.. den put on cot, awhile onli will wake up.. CL was telling me tt 1st mth bb lidat one.. they need to feel secure thus requesting for us to carry them always.. aft 1st mth, when they noe how to play liao, den easier liao.. coz can play with them till they tired n fall asleep... :p
thanks for sharing...i guess u are very lucky to have the same tummy and not much water retention..
for me, my tummy is big..i am big size too..and i oreadi having water retention on my legs at 28weeks...

Mandy so cute!!

can u share the contacts of ya massage lady? is she good?

thanks for sharing ya birth story..hmm..epidural so u didnt feel any pain har? i thinking of not using epidural ah..but not sure if i can tahan the contraction pain..keke.sounds scary to have 20stitches..do u have any difficulties moving around after delivery? by the way, i am oso delivering at kk...can i know which gynae u seeing? mine is Dr Loh
can share ya massage lady's contact and rates too? hmm..since she's a KK midwife, she should be quite good rite? keke
oh, u mentioned that ya breastmilk supply didnt come till 5th day, does that mean u giving formula milk to ya bb?
hi all,
anyone here tried gobi's cupcakes as full month gift? any feedback from melrose catering? and what about this full month cake pl call sweet surprise?
In another 5.5 hr, we will be ushering in 2007, I hereby wish everyone of us a very Happy New Year, may all our wishes comes true and of cos, sleepful nites ahead of us soon!!! May all our babies kuai gao zhang da!!!

Thanks Vanessa, alabone & Shihui

I'll be gg back to work early March so will have to resort to pacifier. Hope it doesn't affect her teeth formation.

Hope like what Shihui's CL said that they will be better after 1 month.

alabone, hope your boy recover soon.

Wishing all a Blessed & Joyous 2007. May all your wishes and dreams be fulfilled!!!!!!
Hi mommies,
been a tiring weekend, so didnt really log in to check forum... will post more next few days...

wow! finally got action!
wait to hear your good news.

Wishing everyone a New Year filled with love, joy and happiness!

we r thinking of ordering melrose's full mth cake package... the price is much cheaper than bengawan solo.. :p but not sure abt the buffet leh...

Happy New Year!!! May everyone's wishes come true n may we hav a gd sleep tonight...
