(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

just had struggle with bb... started bfing her from 9-9.45pm. throughout the whole event, she kept tugging at my breasts, turning her head left and right and let out an occasional yelp. then when i shove my breast into her mouth, she made a face! honestly! she made a face like someone shoved garlic into her mouth!!! wah piang... felt so hurt. anyway, my nipples/areola are now sore and painful. hb told me to stop bfing. was surprised. told me to just express and feed her. he sim tia me leh... he made me feel good la. anyway, couldn't tahan her constant tugging. so after 45 mins, i gave up. she also stopped wanting my breasts. but she was still hungry. but wasn't sure how hungry so didn't give her my 90ml of precious ebm but gave fm instead. very naughty girl. why do they do that? keep tugging?

actually don't really want to have celebration one coz very ley chey. but even more ley chey to go around and distribute cakes... so easier to get everyone to come my pl than i go... hope you have a fun time next sat.

bfing is really not easy. if not for the support and encouragement of everyone here, i would have given up when i had mastitits last week...

glad that things are fine with your hb now. don't want to start the new year on the wrong foot too. so we should just go with the mantra 'da shi hua xiao, xiao shi hua wu'.

congrats on the birth of your bb. i also had c-sec and dr told me best to do it only 2 mths after...

congrats on having a xmas bb..
wah.. epi sounds scary too.. muz get enough rest n recover fast..

ya lor.. more ley chey to go ard distribute cakes.. :p i haven't start inviting my guests yet.. :p got to start inviting tml liao.. heee~ :p hopefully it's fun.. now wondering wat to do when bb wants milk.. got to hide in room to feed.. :p

at least by den confinement over liao.. at least i can bathe n wash hair.. won't be smelly n oily during the party.. heee~ :p
ya man... haven't wash my hair for o long. lots of dandruff and so oily and itchy... i also have not sent invitation... and mine is this weekend. which caterer u using? i can't decide... same here... when bb needs to feed must go hide. otherwise store ebm from day b4 or give fm then... can u believe? it's almost a month. b4 long, it'll be a year!
on having a xmas bb

That my motto as well 'da shi hua xiao, xiao shi hua wu'. Very tiring to be angry or upset de
i know... sometimes when i'm angry with hb, instead of feeling angry the whole time, i end up feeling so upset coz cannot cuddle him and hold him... then i stubborn refuse to be the first one to give in whether it's my fault or not... usually he gives in la. then i won't be angry liao.

just read previous posts and realise that you stay at admiralty? ME TOO!!! i stay at blk 793. are you my neighbour???
Hi ladies,

Me back from shopping again, today at Marina Square..

Me haven hv sex for very long liao.. since dunno how many mths pregnant. Now also dun crave for it at all leh. Think my down there really badly tore. Coz now still painful (both outer and inner part) even though the outside stitches supposed to be ok liao.

What is pet pet?

Also, just to share with u my boy's photos.. and entertain u all a bit.

Some of his different faces...


You all know what's on his face?
It's 100% pure pearl powder. We bought it last time when we went to Shanghai honey moon, it's from those pearl factory owned by the China government. Bought 1 big packet (dunno $60 or $120SGD, forgot liao, but it's much much much cheaper than what we get from the medical hall in Singapore lah). Supposed to be edible as stated on the packet.

Then hor, my mum, cousin and almost everyone tell me that China products cannot believe one, even though it's owed by the China govt... So many fake stuffs, etc.. Then dun allow us to take in via mouth.

End up.. when Ace got those rashes/pimples thingy.. We put 100% pure pearl as mask for him lor..

Surprisingly, it works very well leh! Put on his face and those pimples actually became much better in few hours/1 day..

But hor, I dun even have this luxury leh! My mum said put on my face waste only. Last time got pimples on my face she will complain said I eat too much chilli.. Now leh, dun care bout me ugly liao!
Biased biased!!!!!


And here's my boy before and after his full month hair cutting photos.. (30 day old)

Dunno why, my son don't have those 'baby baby face' leh.. I told hubby bout that when he was only 1 wk old. Then after he full month, everyone who saw him said he looks matured

So poor thing, just like me, looks older than our actual age.
juz finish feeding bb.. expressed out some milk fr the other breast coz abit engorged.. :p

wah.. Ace looks alot like his papa leh..
but i think he got ur eyes..

win liao lor.. got pearl mask ah.. we dun even hav such luxury leh... the onli mask i put on b4 is hydrating mask with abit of collagen... :p

btw, pet pet is anything u do b4 the actual "exercise" lor.. like sayang sayang lidat...

how's ur breastfeeding career? how's the ss since u pump exclusively? me most likely will be pumping exclusively n bottlefeed bb aft his full mth.. so wondering if ss will decrease if i juz pump n no latch on... :p
good morning all,
pumping my milk now...
First time, we bought our bb to our friend's gathering on new yr eve evening n lucky everything turned out fine. We aso start giving FM to our bb that same night n it seems that bb is sleeping better.

Yesterday, we bought bb to causeway point to shop for a while. It was such a fun day. Last night, we left our bb with my mum n moreover my hubby suggest bringing her back this fri. I'm already starting to miss bb terribly. Going to pop over my mum place after pumping milk.

Hi Qianhui,
yur bb boi so gd life... using pearl mask.
His eyes very big, not like mine.

Hi mbb,
I've already finished my last massage session.
Actually I only did total of 3 sessions only. Mdm Sadiah is the one that suggested 3 sessions is sufficient for me. I still have water retention in both feets n she teach me to do exercise on my own. My tighs still very 'fat' n she ask me to buy girdle to wear. Later going to shop for one.
Good morning!

Wow, last night, my baby was latching on every 2 hours! So tiring. So, my breasts are not engorged and do not feel full this morning. Felt very loose, so I dare not go pump, just in case SS very low, then I get discouraged. I am also thinking of pumping exclusively after full month, but wondering if SS will be enough if we just pump pump pump! I read the FM tin, and read that by 2nd month (which is soon for my baby), they will have to start drinking 150ml of FM per feed. Wow, I can usually pump 100ml EBM twice a day...where got enough!?

Alabone, you are also having your full month this Sunday? Me too...I think I will just use Melrose, cos they insert those flyers into my hospital goodie bag, heh heh.
Morning ladies
Me pumping n posting at the same time

Wow u really happening hor....Can go shopping ard...Did u bring yr boi boi along? Me will be gg out with hubby n leave BB with inlaws...Need a short break, other gg crazy n also cant shop with BB ard

Yr ah boy good life lor...1mth old only got geninue pearl face mask....It had been mths since my last facial n mask session...BTW bb still look cute even though bald bald de
Morning Ladies,
Hiaz, tml hb going back to work liao, sian.... I'm going to be on my own soon, now quite worried if I can handle 3 kids plus cooking at the same time..... Hope that things goes well as I've planned.

I won't be shaving my gal's hair on full mth, cos my hb's colleague did that and the hair still haven't grow back. Now his gal is 14th liao. My mum told me also, last time she shaved for my sis n her hair nvr grows back till 7-8mth.

My old breast pump also old model, hb didn't allow me to buy a new one, until I told him that the neck of the pump had cracked and leak when pumping, then he allow me to buy new one and Robinson just nice having sales, so I bought at $20 cheaper

Medela PIS is really ex, but think Avent Electric more ex..
my hubby going back to work tml too... sian... it will be so nice if he can stay with me throughout my 3mths maternity leaves.. :p he actually looks forward to going back to work leh.. sian..

my bb had those 'rashes' too. i believe they r baby acne which usu occurs during bb's 3rd 2 4th week. i read bt it in a couple o books n many websites. u can do a search on e internet. it occurs bcos when giving birth, some mum's hormones wld b passed 2 bb. now, they're merely purging out e hormones. so it's a gd thing. it's supposed to coincide w e peak o bb's gassiness n fussiness. very zhun 4 mine.

prob is other ppl keep thinking it's dirty or heat rash n ask me to wash n wash. how can b heat rash when it's on e forehead (e coolest place?) n nt on any parts o e boy esp e neck? btw, e sites n books advixed tt cleaning too much might aggravate e condition n dun need 2 use soap.


hiyoh. poor thing. if it's me, i'll oso b v pissed but cannot help it lah. men r just like tt, dunno how 2 b sensitive n put themselves on our shoes sometimes. tink they can't really help it oso so just 4get it. maybe ur hubby oso v tired n stressed? nt worth getting all worked up over tt. cheer up!


once i oso took v long to latch my gal. it happens once in a while. it's nt she doesn't want but she was v cranky n kept struggling! so pek cek. so after 45 mins o trying, i decided we both needed a break n put her bk to e cot. then i went downstairs 4 a walk n buy papers. left her alone at home! heh heh... came bk, she's less fussy n took another 15mins 2 latch her... hope these kinda things dun happen too often...

oh yah! regarding my bb's forehead n hair, lotsa ppl haf mentioned it, my fren said she's got MM Lee's forehead, will b v clever. hopefully it's true. dun waste my $ buying all e fish oil 4 her when i's preg. heh heh...


i'm trying to wean bb to 1-2 feeds per nite. then when she reaches 5kg, will try 2 wean off nite feeding. last nite she q gd, cooperate. fed at 9.30pm, 2am n 6am. so got q a gd rest.

read bt ur troubles w making bb sleep... how u all cope? in e day, try 2 get more rest hor..hope mine remains like tt, just eat n sleep. haf been exercising, doing chorese n managed to watch a dvd a day 4 e past 3 days...


u so cute! put mask on bb! hah hah... nowadays bbs so hao ming hor? ur boy really has ur nice big eyes leh! his face shape more like ur hubby tho! so cute!
Mummies, any of you encounter leaking urine when you sneeze?

Vanessa, do you encounter leaking urine when sneeze from any of your 3 deliveries? How long will it take to recover from it? not going to be permanent right?

I would like to try co-sleeping with Evee but i afraid hubby or i may accidentally hurt her when if we turn move here or there since bed very small. Last nite managed to nursed her to sleep at 12+ so didn't use the pacifier though i have sterilised it, she woke up a few times in between though B4 going to deep sleep. This morning woke up at 6+ dun wanna sleep liao.
I dun remember experiencing any leakage leh. But now I've got experience on muscle pull at the womb area, not sure if it's going to b a concern. I haven't make appt with Dr Sim yet, may do it soon lor. When's ur appt with her?
my gynea asked me to wait for a mth be4 i start my post natal massage.

Mdm. Sadiah is so honest
i hope to hv at least 5 session with her coz my water retention is still very bad. i wanna be as close to my pre preggy weight be4 i resume flying. otherwise will be a laughing stock.

today, my mum is making me a soup tat will reduce the tummy. i hope it works

i am also having bb shower tis sunday

kinda looking forward to show off bb but abit worried tat bb's routine will go haywire again.....

yeah lor...the long weekend is over leh. tmr i have to go to battle all by myself

my menses hv not finito. tats why only pet pet, cant go all the way

tonite will go pak tor with hb in ntuc. hee heee
i took bb out a few times leh. abit stressful for me but my ger loves it!

Oic, pet pet is foreplay ah?
Hmm.. not for me then, down there pain, and mummy around, so super no interest.


He uses the pearl mask coz my mum said China product cannot believe esp to be taken in via mouth. So use as mask lor. Else also will expire wan... might as well dun waste.


If I go shopping at nearby places like West Mall, IMM, I go alone. But go places like Vivo or Marina Square, Cosy bay, etc... Parents will go along with us. Coz we dun have car, so if my sis got lent us car, my parents will be around.

Also, yesterday he 1st time sits in his pram. But he likes to be carried and sometimes doesn't want to sit in the pram.

Last time, when I pregnant and go shopping with my parents they sure walk my pace.. Now, when go shopping, the 2 of them carry him and walk walk and threw hubby and me at the back, didn't even wait for us when we were slow. Now got pram, worse, they walk walk so fast and hubby and me no more impt liao..


U not shaving ah? My mum shaved him at 1 mth, going to shave hm at 4mth again leh!


No put also waste ma, so put lor.. Let him eat like no good, so put on his pimply face lor.. since it helps...

Regarding the milk supply.
I dunno leh. Coz I dun pump at fixed timing.. Eg: when there are people around, I can dun pump for like5-8 hours.. And when I sleep thru the nite, it'll be like 6-7 hours no pump.

So my supply is from 100-150 min when I pump at 2.5 - 3 hrs (very seldom coz me lazy to pump at such short interval), normal amt when I didn't pump for 3-5 hrs is bout 180-220ml, then if sleep over the nite will be bout 300ml, and only once, when the breast is super super full, managed to get 400ml. But once only leh..
alabone..ahha..totally ahve to agree. Seems that its so easy for local men to have children..cos they do almost nothing.... when they do things, we are supposed to be grateful..sky ah!

alabone, have to agree that I hate the dripping too! Very strange..I pump in bb's room (so that I can check on her if she gek) and whenever the milk drips the ants will come. But not in any other room! My bb feeds once every 3 hours. Recently just increase to 70ml but my bb very small hor. U live so near to the MRT station! Mine is 685B, about 10-15 min walk from the MRT.

MBB, try to get a saraong with motor so that u dont have to keep rocking her :p

Shihui, ur logbook is very detail. Mine only record the time I feed, pump, and latch. And the ml drank by bb. Pet pet not a brand of diaper meh?

siman, congrats! A xmas bb!

Qianhui, ur boy will grow up to be very handsome. Got those HK actor look leh... so ur parents walk faster than u! I will think that they walk slower cos they are busy goo-goo-gaa-gaa-ing the bb...ehehhee

Linette, read from one of the mommies that its 150ml per kg per day lah...cannot believe those FM tin instructions one

Vanessa, Shihui, my hubby going back end of this week I think (ahahha..not very sure). I am also getting worried if I can cope on my own ... sighhh... once I cannot cope first thign I neglect will be pumping...sigh

haha..kimi, I also spend alot of money on neurogain and my bb also has high forehead..ahahhhaha...

QSG, time u start on ur kegel exercises again.

Vanessa, I also feel muscle pull at the womb area, plus lochia still on and off..sighhh.... now sit on stool when scrubbing nappy cloth instead of squatting. Hopefully it will help....

i gave birth to a baby boy with weight 3670gm on 8th december, (induced)natural birth w.o epi.
Thank God.

happy new year mummies!

cant read thru the posting...really too tired..just did my malay massage 2nd day so far so good!

cried yest badly cos my mil just pissed me off!! came up to my hse everyday esp the xmas n new year long weekend!!
so pissed! then came up talked so loud n kept ask me go lie down repeat so many times!! if i want rest i will go rest somemore she ard i wont go rest one!! very xian of her leh!!! it is like why my parents can be so 'tie xing'only came up every sun then sit for a while like one hr or so then they leave liao cos want me to rest well yet my MIL?????!!! stayed here like 4,5hrs!! then kept probing here n there!!

did i tell u in hospital while i was trying to bf she wanted to see!!!! very sick of her! bu zhi tong!! where can pp like tat one??! ever since she started coming up every day i cried eveyday leh...i know cant cry but cant help it..told hubby if i got post natal depression n get admiited to woodbridge she is to be blame! even my close cousin didnt come visit me cos she afraid disturb me rest. (only when i asked her come up for xmas eve dinner then she came)

....... then 14jan she wanted to big time man yue...i gave in since she wanted to hao lian n she paying for buffet n cakes..then let her be..she said loudly...wow grandpa( my FIL) loves his grandchild so much cos bearing his surname!!wow piang! heard liao i really buay song leh!! like so if gal then they wont be so gan cheong lah??!!

endless story of her!!!! i really dun know wat to do when CL goes back then my mil will have more reason want to come up!! she will say i cant take care bb alone lah etc etc...she said once'if i am not working i sure come up everyday to see my grandson!!' &*%(()#__*$#* I am so glad she is still working now!!!

enf of her....now hesitating if want call my co ....ask HR if can let me use 3rd mth maternity leave as one mth notice if not i return one mth salary to release me ....my pay not very high bt not too low too...bt for sake of bb..cos if bo bian sure put infant care...but when i call them can i say i only put for one mth?? so xian.....

btw those who are going back to work n expresing...how to sterilise the pump? cannot be bring the whole bulky steriliser ?? i using avent isis manual pump quite good..


morning i can express 80 -100ml bt day time ony 50ml leh...quite depressing..after latch on then quickly express worse only 20ml....

yr boy very cute!!! got your deep deep double eyelid!! next time u worry abt girls liao!!!

ask u ah...u pump 100 -150ml n not frequent bt once bb awake ask for milk how u give him? latch on? or u pump out a lot ?
envy u so much milk!!
Hi Qianhui,
FOr the 6 in 1 or 5 in 1 jab, one need to ask the nurse. didn't the nurse who discharge u mention if there is a package for the jab? cos for me, I delivered at KKH, KKH has offered a 6 in 1 jab package which cost $450 with post natal checkup.

for the hep b jab, it is optional, if bb has taken the first jab then he must take the sec and third one. so follow on, u need to ask the NUH staff on it.

how come u did not choose to take bb to polyclinic to jab? I will be taking my gar to polyclinic next mon for her 2nd Hep B.

wow, u start eating cold stuff. my mum told me not to touch cold stuff till 40 days cos not gd for body system (next time easily fall ill due to cold etc).
Hi Bloom (bloom75),
oic. sometimes, really diff to burp bb. so will let her slp side way. bb also tend to pretend to slp after feeding. once place her back on her playpen, she woke up. my gar also afriad of hotness. she sweat a lot.

any advice or idea when will one take bb to cut her/his hair?
Hi dey
same too. my gar also smile when she sleep. dunno what she dream of.

she will cry very hard when she is hungry. seem impatient to wait.
ya lor.. although still got CL to help me, i still afraid leh.. so used to having hubby within reaching distance.. :p now he go back work liao.. i got one less "maid"... :p

wah.. admire ur ss leh..
so far, the best record i got is 150ml for 4hours with super engorged breasts.. :p

heee~ pet pet is diaper brand oso... but when used in another context (refer to MBB's post).. it means something else... :p


try to take things easy.. at least ur MIL is working.. she won't be able to come look for u everyday.. lucky liao..

my bb same birthdate as your bb 19dec!!
how are coping??esp with mil doing your confinement?!


my massage lady is madam nani 94562817.she is very good...call her now!


hehe sorry ah..me kept bombard you with so many sms!! but really heartfelt thanks to you for tiding over this dark period...
thanks so much!!

i was telling u i latch on my boy for one hr..30mins each..so he never seem to get enough.....then still dun want suckle properly keep playing here n there....aiyo....


thanks! will post bb photo once i download!
choo, why is it that u can only put bb at infant care for one month only? ur mil sounds like buay zidong leh.. can ask ur hubby to talk to her? i think some of the mommies use sterilising tablets or use boiling water to sterilise the pump. for me if i pump in office i might just pump once during lunch time so will bring home to sterilise.

monica, congrats!

afcai, the nurse at kkh told u abt the package har? alamat the nurse that discharge me and the nurse that discharge my bb never mention anything. just tell us to go polyclinic for checkup.... have to agree with u that its very difficult to burp bb..but for my bb if din burp enuf she will throw up quite alot of milk... then get hungry very easily.... i think chinese usually cut the hair of bb during first/4th month

shihui, me acting blur lah..cos got someone said already duno what is pet pet mah..ahhahah... i also dont dare to try anything..scarly one squeeze all the milk dribble out onto the bed..ahahhaha...
Hi <font color="0000ff">Bloom</font>,

Boy handsome or not also hard to see leh.. coz baby still too young to see..
If boy is not guai, then handsome also no use. Wait got attitude problem!

<font color="0000ff">Choo</font>,

I can FULLY understand your plight!!!!! I cried many many times too! Other then being sad at times, mostly it's because of anger!
I never latch on lah.. Dun like to latch on. So uncomfortable and I'm impatient to wait for BB to slowly suck, BB also impatient to wait for my flow..

100-150 is min per pump lor. When I pump in around 3hr+-, If pump in 4hrs, maybe can get 180..

Hi <font color="0000ff">Afcai</font>,

For the jab, we did the 2nd jab at NUH is only because that time we going for his 1st mth check up, so we 'soon bian' jab the 2nd HepB lor.. the rest will go polyclinic since the medicine are all same same wan ma..

I dunno bout the 5in1 or 6in1, but if they ask, I'll just opt the more wan lor, kaisu and kaisi parent hor.. For his own good, save time, transport, and 1 less fever to worry about ma..
Erh, dunno leh.. I want to eat then eat lor, eat cold cocktail, Sprite, Coke, 100 plus and ice-cream..

Anyway, I thot ppl said confinement no matter what u take wouldn't get heaty.. Then hor, I dun get to eat much 'pu' stuffs, the most 'pu' thing I got is chicken essence lor. Else, everyday only got vege, fish, meatball, meat, carrot soup..
Or roast pork, char siew rice etc.. Ate laksa once. But pizza ate bout 4 times liao.. Ate chocolate every day and also durian puff.

Anyway, ppl said confinement wouldn't get heaty or sore throat is rubbish wan! I got sore throat. They said eat chocolate, durian everyday also can, but after 40days, sure will get heaty, me haven even 30 days also kanna sorethroat liao! End up, I go and eat Gui Ling Gao lor..

Oh ya, another rubbish I found out is...
The Johnson &amp; Johnson 'No more tears' is also fake wan lor. It's actually makes my hair nice and soft, BUT it will sting the eyes wan! Luckily my son got no hair now, dun need to use that.

For weight part, I weight bout 54 the day I came back. Weight dropped quite fast but I ate many fat food and milo, horlick etc.. Thus is alway bout 51-52 now..

I never do massage or wrap hor, and can fit in my jeans liao. BUT everytime I pull up my top to pump hor, can see 3 layers of fold at my tummy

<font color="0000ff">Shihui</font>,

My 400 record is when I slept over nite for 9 hours ma... Yours will be much higher, coz you are quite hardworking, me is lazy to pump. Dun like to wake up, plus I normally pump around 4-6 hours.. so supply considered little.
I never have enough to put in freezer wan lor..

Hi <font color="0000ff">Connie</font>,

Mine is this.. I used this one instead of taimaobi..
Dun like Taimaobi ppl... Sounds dao to me over the phone at both the KK and UE square shops. China ladies..

I call the one from Baby Zone, actually, the brushes are the same leh..

I bought a wooden brush - Zi(3) Tan(2) Mu(4) brush (Model is A100 from the site, it's $129) and bought a rose wood box ($59) for him lor.

If buy the brush, the box will have 15% off I think.. So total is $179.

Bloom/Vanessa, jia lat seems like i am the only one here leaking urine....i didn't do the kegel exercises during pregnancy as my delivery was supposed to be a c-section so thought no need, now also hardly have time or too tired to have the discipline to do

Mummies who bottle feed your bbs, what brand of bottle and teats are you using?
Hello everyone,
Happy New Year !

Siman, Monica,
Congrats !!!

Your ah boy looks handsome

Been really tired, coz my gal took me as pacifier, and whenever i carry her, she refuses the pacifier but want the breast, and if not, she keep crying, esp in the middle of the nite. So tiring, at times i can wake up every hourly just to latch her, if not she can cry till my elder daughter wakes up. Anyone has same problem ? But thank God yesterday nite was ok, she woke up 3-4 hr for feed. Day time more demanding now..as she is more awake, and she wants suckle.
your baby has got such nice eyes! Like his double eyelids. Am envious of your boy already. can use pearl powder on his face! Am super envious of your milk ss. i wait so many hours also won't have so much... can't wait for the day when i can pump 200ml.. you can get 400ml! WAH!!!

I am thinking of using Neo Garden for bb's full month. suppose to have 15% discount or something. my ss is also not enough. each time i express only got 40-50ml. which is actually an increase liao...

hb also going back to work tomorrow. will miss him around, esp his help. once he goes back to work, he won't be so free to help around and won't have much energy too... just told him i wish he didn't have to go back to work...

my manual pump is working fine so i guess i won't be buying a new one. went to kiddly palace just now and saw the medela mini electric. cost a whopping $299 leh! think i will just strain my wrist a bit more la.

my bb can't always latch properly too. then sometimes she will get impatient and turn her head here and there... very pek chek also... make nipples so sore... bought nipple shield but haven't tried using yet. am thinking of pumping exclusively but not sure if ss can handle bb's feeding needs... so glad for you your bb can sleep such long hours. mine will sleep long in the afternoon. 4 hours max. then at night she will wake every 2-3 hours for feed. but at least she feed sleep feed sleep. so i guess i can't quite complain.

is the massage lady mdm sadiah very good? have heard of her so often. how much does she charge? My bb's full month cele is brought forward. actual day is 12 jan. but 12jan is fri so bring forward 5 days la. don't care if it's too early. get it over and done with... why are you stressed when you bring bb out? so far i haven't brought bb out yet. PD says better not to malls for the time being. I went pak tor with hb and son at NTUC just now too. Now wanna go pak tor with hb must at least bring one of them along. either the boy or the girl... wonder when i can go catch a movie with him... relegated to watching DVDs at home now...

can't stand dripping when i pump. very waste. but mine doesn't attract ants leh. your milk must be very sweet. mine must taste of ginger la. mum also put so much ginger in my food... my bb drinks 90ml of bm leh but still super tiny. hb and mum says she heavier already. guess i look at her everyday i can't really tell...

Congrats! You gave birth without use of epi? so brave.

MIL can be such pain at times. Don't let them get to you. my ebm amt also same la. today store power from 1-6.30 coz went pak tor with hb and son. come back and pump at 6.30 only got 110ml from both breasts leh... damn xian. but it is slowly increasing. thought i would be engorged then can pump more but don't have leh...

I use Avent. suppose to prevent colic. have used it for my son and he took to it quite well and doesn't always have wind.
Geri, how old is your gal? My gal is 3 weeks today and she also take me as a pacifier too. She'll cry non stop until I latch her on. Afer 5 minutes or so, she will adjust herself to nipple sucking. We heart pain see her cry non stop &amp; nipple also pain pain so give in to pacifier 3 nights ago. It works well initially &amp; she only needs it for the night.

But today, we give her during the day time also because cry non stop. However from evening she rejected the pacifier lah. Die die must latch on, so give in to her lor.

It makes me feel very much want to give up TBF. Don't know how long my nipple can tahan.

Further to that, she doesn't like to be burped. She'll doze off while feeding, if you burp her she'll wakes up, start crying &amp; want to be latched on again. If didn't burp, she doesn't sleep for long &amp; will wake up crying. Me worried that no burp will lead to wind and colic.

Don't know what to do.... sometimes really at a lost.
Yr boi with the mask is so cute..hehe..i laughed out when i saw the pic..Really envy your milk ss..i can only pumped out 80 to 100 ml per 3 hrs..

You good leh..still hv the energy to pet pet with hubby...me really no mood lor ..so tired after taking care of BB whole day...

I use Avent too but i notice that the flow for newborn teats is still too fast..my boi will choke on the milk sometimes..
on the safe arrival of yr BB

I also cry a few time during comfinement....Can understand that MIL can be very 'fan' n get onto our nerve... Just 'ren' lor...Wat to do...

I try bring BB along for shopping end up cant get anything and quickly go home liao....Bring a BB out is no joking matter....Big bag small bag all BB stuff....***Faint***

Went pak tor with hubby without BB this afternoon...Feel so shiok but miss BB at the same time...Aiyo, think all mummies are like that hor...
I hvn't tried going shopping with bb yet but going to my mum's place for a 3 hr visit is already a headache..bring one full bag of bb stuff...cannot imagine how much stuff i wld hv to bring if bring bb out for one whole day lor...

Same here lor..went out with hubby without bb and i missed him so much..not much mood to stay out for too long...
Qianhui, handsome better than not handsome lah..sometimes I see some guys got no chance with gals cos they are not good looking I also feel cham for them :p I am also very impatient waiting for bb to suck ..ahahhah ... but I think one problem for those that never latch on is that once the CL/MIL/mom left, we will be left to pump at weird timings! Like now sometimes I pump halfway have to stop to feed bb cos she started crying of hunger. Very distruptive. At least u got pat pat on ur head... all I get is pat on the shoulders for doing the dishes.

QSG, I got a mixture of nuk and avent bottles now. Still got some brandless ones that my sis pass to me which I will use soon. My nuk latex teat gets flatten very easily, not sure if its just isolated case or what.

alabone, maybe its bcos recently I had been indulging in chocolates thats why the milk is sweet..eheheheh.... so ur son must love ginger..good! can chu feng (get rid of wind) for him. My bb got so much wind in stomach. :p

Me use Nuk bottles and the transparent teats lor.


Ya hor, if BB cries in the night, very loud wan hor? Now I dun have this concern, now that u say, I think next time if I hv another one, will face same thing. So far, my mum took care of BB at night, I only took care of him once, but hubby was the one who feed and change his diaper, while i just tell him and continued sleeping, but very tiring really.


I only pump 400 once only leh...else, if can pump 300, I happy liao..
I also use the Avent manual, so far so good, but hor, when I was shopping at Vivo the 2 times, when BB cry, we need to fast fast go to the nursing room, then I dun latch wan ma.. So that time I was busy pumping very very hard coz BB already crying and making noise liao.. After that, the hand and lower arms very 'suan' leh, very tired and the veins inside almost cramped liao.


Same, when we 1st put the mask, my mum and me can't stop laughing..
then my father also..

Dey, Jackie

Yup yup agreed! Go shopping quite troublesome..

When I go shopping, I'll pack 1 cold (not frozen) milk in a icecream box, put cold pack/ice inside, then feed him some 1st, then pump some out in his bottle to bring out, then sterlise my pump and put inside a zip lock bag.. So if BB cries halfway can feed the ones in the bottle.

Then halfway when shopping, if BB wants some more, I go and pump and give him. IF really need, then either take the hot water from hot flask to warm the cold milk or simply buy hot water from food court..

Actually very troublesome. So it's good to latch on.. jus that everywhere BB goes, the cow must follow lor.. but no need to carry the milk and pump part.

The few days we went out, aiyo.. machiam like going for short trip to Malaysia like that..

Anyway, we bought a cheap cheap trolley backpack to put all the things inside lor. At least no need to carry, juz one pull the bag and one push the pram can liao.. I'll not go out on my own with BB til BB knows how to walk..

You mentioned that your NUK gets flatten, is it when feeding or when u are not feeding?

If it's flatten when feeding (due to BB sucking) then not more milk come out, and BB gets impatient, etc.. All my mum did is to rotate the bottle (meaning rotate/turn the teat) then the teat will be 'unflatten' and flow will resume.

I also face the ants problem... Also ate many chocolates, infact, eat every day, coz I like to open the fridge when I'm bored, then will steal softdrinks, chocolates, cakes to eat... pamper myself a bit then will be happier..

very strange... i also had cravings for chocolate for the past few days. been eating all of hb's chocolates from teacher's day but milk still not sweet leh. my girl must dislike my milk la. i shove my breasts into her face and she make a disgusted face. like i shoved dead fish or garlic inside like that. showed hb and he laughed! today when i went pak tor with hb, i was so thirsty and wanted to buy my fav drink from sweet talk - honey red tea... but damn bloody crowded. so told hb to buy whatever frrom 7 E and i would drink. he brought ice tea... and i tell you... so damn shiok man! have not taken ice cold drink for so so so long... past few nights have been eating lana cake... we finished the whole cake liao... think i'm going to have withdrawal symptoms tonight...

300ml still a lot leh... the day i reach that amt i will treat all of you to lana cake... isn't it troublesome then when bb wants to feed then you pump? can understand why you wouldn't want to bring bb out by yourself then... so much barang barang to bring... i thought bf should be easier to go out. coz don't have to bring hot water, cool water, feeding bottles blah blah blah... i won't dare to go out with both son and daughter man...
