(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

Thanks. He's rashes from the face is subsiding. Hope he'll get well in the next couple of days.

Read in some other forum that melrose is more worth it coz got ang ku kueh, glutinous rice and tarts as well.

Happy New Year! And may all our wishes come true and our little ones be strong and healthy!

Happy New Year! Here's wishing everyone a very wonderful and happy year ahead, filled with laughter and beautiful memories.
happy 2007 to all

very happy tat it is a looooog weekend. hb had been very helpful doing all the bbsitting. hee heee.

150 ml multiply by your bb's weight and divide by how many feed per day then you get the average ml of milk needed for your ger.

the clinic moved leh meh?

you looked so good awredy in the hospital. i wanna hide all my hospital pic
Hi ladies,
Have MIA for a few days....Went shopping, kekeke...But can only window shop with BB....

These 2 days BB reject my nei nei again....Will cry mother cry father whenever i latch him on. So end up didnt manage to drink anything. Alway have to pump out the milk...So hor my mood also kana affect...Really hope he will be guai guai and like my nei nei in the new year

HAPPY 2007 TO ALL MUMMIES.....May our "lot" be guai guai and let us have some peaceful night
hi mummies....

would like to wish all a HAPPY NEW YEAR... so excited to be starting the new year as a mummy...

here's wishing our babies will start sleeping thru the night soon!!!!
Happy New Year everyone! May all our babies stay healthy and kuai gao zhang da!

i ordered fr melrose.
Vanessa, thanks.. going to be tough cos bb dont drink much via latch on. Sometimes refuse to latch on too. So my bf-career really going to be over soon.

Gan, I thought that carrying will not work even for colic? My bb also abit strange these few nights. Can drink double her feed....

Shihui, ahah.those were the fun days right? Now I think everyone is too tired to box anyone else :p

mashmallow, cos my bb is super small size mah..so tummy not that big. And I drink alot of water so not much water retention.

9 more minutes to 2007!!!!
Morning ladies,
1st post for 2007

Cow is pumping early in the morning...BB guai guai latch on for the past 2 feed. A good way to start the new year
Gd morning,

hee, hee, 3rd post!!

Last nite very good, I didn't know I sleep thru till 6am this morning... quickly wake up to pump after latching 1 side. only managed 90ml on 1 breasts after so long....hmm... must do something to bring up my supply liao.... mayb I didn't drink enough in the day, cos I don't like the red dates drink
My confinement over liao...Can i drink warm drink like milo instead of red dates drink? And i also very "good luck" pump every 2hrs. Will this help to increase supply?
Congrats!! I'm waiting for Friday!! Y not drink milo? I've been drinking milo mah even in confinement, that's another drink to replace my fluid intake
Pumping every 2 hrs will help to increase supply, but pumping after latch will definitely helps too.

I ask u hor, u pump so frequently hor, how u manage to wash n sterilise ur pump? I'm so lazy to do that, hence I seldom pump, once I pump, I put in the pot to soak then wait till my hb comes back to wash n sterilise for me....
i bought the avent steriliser mah.. so very easy lor.. juz wash n put in can liao.. heee~
me not pumping very frequent now oso.. :p wah.. ur supply very high leh... juz 1 breast already 90ml ah... me 2 breasts aft latching less than yours leh.. onli 70ml... :p
Mine also the avent steriliser but not the IQ one lah, so a little troublesome, got to pour water and later when take out still got to wipe dry, so abit lek chei... Mine 90ml is after a whole nite sleep leh, so consider very little liao.
paiseh leh.. i dun wipe dry leh... i juz flip flip flip... den start using liao.. :p

wah.. den if u wait for ur hubby to come back den sterilise, how u pump during the day?
Morning mummies, happy new year.

vanessa, so nice to hear you are sleeping better. I am still fighting a battle every nite. Last nite was ultimate Evee only fell asleep at 3+am and i thought she would sleep for a longer stretch in the end woke up at 7+am..wanna faint already...past 2 days also got migraine due to insuff sleep and took panadol. Tonite we gonna introduce pacifier as we are losing our sanity. Now that you co-sleep with Reyna, when you remove your breast from her, does she wake up? For me, even after like 30min, i remove from Evee, she will wake up.
how do we noe when bb is sucking for milk or comfort?

bb sucking now... but need me to keep probing him... he seems to be sleeping leh.. but can see tt he's swallowing....
Pt taken...Will remind myself to drink more water
...Have been pumping rather frequent these 2 days, can see the ss increase alittle bit. But i still got a long way to go cause BB need 60ml of FM after BM. Will continue to "Jia you"

I only use hot water to clean the pump before using...How to steriliser everything b4 use???? No time leh...

My boi boi milking habit also gg crazy...Can drink every hr during the night...How is it possible that their little stomach hold so much milk??? Hubby n me also thinking of introducing pacifier....
Reyna will unlatch herself when she's done or fall asleep, but I dun know how long it takes lah. Usually I fall asleep after latching on

I also suffer from migraine and my flu can't recover if I don't get enough sleep, but these 2 days both me n hb had a good nite sleep and adequate sleep, so everyone of us is happy

Mayb u shld try co-sleeping, at least for a day also good.

If bb is sucking vigorously, he's drinking lor, but if he's sucking lightly, n sleeping, most likely are comfort sucking.

aiyo.. den my bb is sucking for comfort for 20min leh... but he doesn't seems hungry aft tt leh... he combine vigorous n light sucking one leh.. so sometimes i really wonder if 20min is enough for him anot... :p he dun unlatch himself one.. he will juz stay there motionless still latched on.. den milk will dribble fr his lips... den i will hav to unlatch him lor... :p
Sometimes if I carry her to latch on, she also like that, treat me as pacifier, but dun care lah, as long as she suckle n sleep and dun disturb....hahaha...
Hope things improve with Evee... regarding pacifier Roy simply refuses to take to it..will even clamp up his mouth so you can't push it into it..luckily I only bought 1 to try.. He is feeding about 2hourly these few days.. drinking quite a lot coz even though I express out 120ml each time doesn't seem enough to satify him and have to top up with either EBM or FM.
not latching on doesn't mean the end of bfing career. my bb has never latched on too.

i'm just as pai mia. bb only fell asleep at 5am, n she is up at 7am for another feed. yesterday slept for 1 hr, today slept for 2hr, barely holding on to sanity.
i am joining the sleepless in singapore club

my ger have been fighting sleep since christmas day and it's getting from bad to worst.....i hv to carry her the whole day or else she simply refuse to close her eyes.
with my hb and mum's help, i am drop dead tired leh. how to bbsit by myself??? "shiver"
haha... win liao lor.. but quite true.. juz let bb suckle n sleep n dun disturb us can liao.. :p

och, qsg, mbb,
aiyo.. sounds scary leh.. hope mine will guai guai sleep throughout the night aft CL returns.. really wonder how i can take care of bb alone aft CL returns..
going to order tinkat lunch.. dun think i will be able to cook.. :p
Happy New Year to all! My girl is also refusing to sleep whole day
Have to be carried around. Put her down in her mattress, she will wake up in 20-30 minutes time

Can anyone advise on this - my baby girl's face is now filled with tiny, red, pus-filled rashes...my mother says it's either milk or heat rash, I read some of your babies got this rash problem just a week before full month - same here. Any way to remedy it? The rashes sometimes get very red when she gek here and there, and there are quite a lot even on her scapl
Haha, that's the whole main purpose, but issit that wat we all wished for?

My way is either carry her till she sleeps deeply b4 putting her to her cot or I sleep with her while she suckle on my breast.

I carried her till I thought she is deep in sleep, then when I put her on her cot, she will wake up. But sometimes when she is too tired, she will then snooze off.

Sigh, see all her red angry rashes very "sim tia".
Mine was like that a few days back, but I found out that she seems to sleep in when someone is sleeping with her, so now unless she's deep in her sleep, else I will put her on my bed and I lay beside her, when she open her eyes and sees me, she will close back n sleep. Not sure if this work for u, but at this pt of time, I guess u got to try all sort of method to give everyone in the household a rest.

I understand ur plight, I drop dead once b4 I co-sleep with my gal. Now Reyna is co-sleeping with us. Mayb u can try to carry her to sleep, then slowly put her on ur bed while continue to pat her, keeping the same rythmn and see if she will fall into deep sleep.

Will try your method. Luckily, at night, she seems ok, probably cos she tires herself out in the daytime. Wow, I really wonder how you cope with three! Who looks after the other 2 girls when you look after the baby? My big girl is quite demanding of my attention, so sometimes I really feel so tired...when baby sleeps, have to entertain big one, then baby will wake up, and sometimes I must breastfeed and play with the big one. So stressed that sometimes I wonder if I have enough BM, and if that's why baby is waking up so often to nurse!!
up pumping so early on already? i only just finished pumping... all you mummies are so hardworking. i only pump twice/thrice a day. at night feed bb fm... need to ask some qns. after she latches on, i can pump again? i tried doing that but don't have much milk. and pumping 2 hourly means from the time i stop or from the time i start?

i'm also the same as you... sterilise already never wipe dry. just flip flip only. hee.

when will you all end your confinement? mine will only end next fri... sigh. baby girl is going to be 3wks old tomorrow. maybe it's because i look at her everyday... but she like never grow fat leh. my neighbour's baby is two months old only and so chubby and weigh 6kg leh.

i think my baby is nocturnal. she grunts and grunts in the night and wakes almost every 1.5 - 2hrs for feed every though i feed her FM!!! thought it would take longer for her to digest then can sleep a bit longer... sigh...

i'm not sure how heavy my baby is... can put her on kitchen scale?

hubby kissed me on the neck last night to wish me happy new year and i got goosebumps all over... for the first time since giving birth, i thought about sex...
I understand, when I had my 2nd child, my 1st child is very demanding for attention always and tried to be funny to gain our attention, that make us very tired and wore out. But this time round, my 2 kids got company, they played with each other, dun really come n disturb me and I've got maid and now confinement, my mum is helping me with both confinement as well as looking after them. So, in fact this time round, it's easier.
Don't worry for your supply, as long as bb is poo-ing n pee-ing enough, just need to nurse more often. Try to rest while ur no.1 take afternoon nap lor, I know it's difficult lah, but try lor, at least at nite ur bb doesn't stay awake, else, surely affect ur bm. Just stay cheerful and relax, ur ss will not have any prob.

I'm not hardworking
I woke up cos bobian, she's already sleeping the whole nite, I'm afraid to affect my bm, hence I need to pump at tat hour. I pump only once a day in the morning where the ss is the most, other time in the day, unless I feel engorged, else I nvr pump, I lazy to wash n sterilise ;P

Haha, me too thinking of sex for many days liao...
Yes, luckily my mom is here, but my daughter still always demand for my attention. Guess it's still the adjustment period for with a new sibling lor.

I also pump 1-2 times a day, once in the morning, and sometimes, if my breasts are filling full, another time at night. I find I dun have much milk if I pump after latch on leh...very discouraging, and my baby's already in 3rd week! So, the most encouraging time to pump is only in the morning :>

A few EBM questions if you guys know:
1) Can I combine EBM in the fridge from a few sessions, and then warm up for baby's one single feed?
2) How long can I store in the fridge before I transfer to the freezer? I usually prefer to put in the fridge first in case of emergencies, cos I only express 1-2 times a day, and am wondering if I can still transfer to freezer on the second day of storage.
3) Anyone of you express out your milk in a toilet before? Reason being I will be starting a course next week, and apparently there's no lactation room, so I am thinking if it is hygienic to pump in a toilet
i also have an older boy who is also quite attention seeking. but i'm lucky in a way. he stays over at my mum's which is just the next blk. so i only take care of my little girlie. but once confinement over, i don't think i can have the luxury of looking only after one. will have to look after two. hang in on there and if you have any complains, come online here and share and we'll listen.

i also pump at same time everyday. after my super scalding hot shower at 2plus i will pump. most milk then. otherwise, i only get 20-40ml from both breasts. very xian when i see so little. and after she latches on and i try to pump, very little also leh. and when i latch her on, she seems to get very little milk. very xian. trying not to give her fm unless it's night time. i also very lazy to wash and sterilise. the avent pump so many parts some more...

i can't start having sex until after six weeks... must tahan. and tell hb to take care of his own needs for now. for natural birth, when can start having sex?
Thanks, I am feeling less stressed these 2 days cos hubby at home, so he can play with the big one. Else, I sometimes dun have time to come online even
For me, I had requested for my mom to stay with me for 2 more months even after my confinement (weekdays only) so I can have some help lor, like bathing the baby. I still dare not bath my baby now! Then when I go back to work, the big and small one will move to my mom's place to stay.
Hi ladies,
Need to complian abt hubby...I was warming up the EBM after direct latching...FIL was carrying BB n hubby kana wake up fm his nap by BB crying... He came to kitchen n ask me in a harsh tone "WHY SO LONG"!!!.......Pls hor, who is the one waking up for all the night feed??? I shld be the one napping n resting....His precious son cry abit only also cannot....Really
your bb is also in 3rd week? mine too. what's your bb's dob? mine's 12dec. girlie very tiny. i also have same prob. very little milk to pump after she latches on... only can get 90ml max from both breasts after many hours...

regarding your qns:
1) i combine for bb's feed too. sometimes each session i pump only get 40ml so will combine two 40ml together. what i do is i take out to thaw first, then put in hot water, then combine, then put in hot water after combine b4 feeding bb.

2) never have a lot of milk enough to put to freezer so can't answer this qn.

3) have heard of pple pumping in toilet but i do think toilet is a pl where there are most germs... so i wouldn't. but if there are no other places then it will be a last resort i suppose.
happy 2007!!! heeheh..have been skipping one pumping session in the morning everyday to catch up on sleep. Luckily hubby still on leave..when he goes back to work I cham liao...

och, thanks for the encouargement. Hope that I can continue to produce milk without blocked ducts though bb dont latch on!

MBB, someone suggested using sarong so that u dont have to carry her. Wnat to try?

alabone, the usual standard of pumping once every 3 hours means if u pump at 4pm and stop at 5pm, next pump should be at 7pm.

BTW, any idea how to get rid of the milk smell on clothes? The bb's handkerchief all still have the milk smell after washing with bb detergent.

I am now pumping once every 4 hrs with hardly any latching (cos not enuf glass bottles so always asking bb to drink EBM to clear my bottles for the next pump) but always drag to 5 hours cos it always clashes with bb feeding, bb pooing, etc! Sian!
hi jackie,
cool it for now. angry later milk ss drop. then you need to do the 'kick hubby in his sleep' thingy tonight! bao chou! some men damn 'toot' one lor. never help we already never complain. then own child cry and disturb them a little they make noise. but i must agree i hate warming up ebm also lah. take very long to warm...

glad you're feeling better and have help your way. am thinking of engaging part time maid to help my mum with doing housework. twice a week. sigh... extra money...
okie... i'll try to be hardworking and pump as often as i can.. really very ley chey. especially hate the washing part. got milk squirting all over never mind. but when it hardly drips, i feel discouraged all over again. hb told me to keep a log book on the time i pump and amount i get. then see whether got trend or not... does your bb feed every 4 hourly? how many mls bb drink?
i am also tempted to use my weighing scale to weigh my ger but not accurate leh coz the head cannot fit. hee hee
since your bb is 3 wks old tat means she will be getting her jab next week.
you will get to know her actual weight at the clinic. so ren for one more week hor.

dun forget tat bb on FM are bigger. my ger is on total FM.

i try not to co sleep coz am tinking of putting her in another room once my mother goes back to KL. i wanna try training her be4 i put her at the nanny lor.

yeah lor...looks like i hv to give in to the sarong leh if my ger's batt is still going strong

heheee...last nite, hb and i pet pet before the clock strike 0000. must wrap up 2006 with a half bang
how old is ur bb? mine got the red pus-like rashes too... the pd said tt it's erythema toxicum.. which is normal for newborn.. it will slowly clear by itself.. u can go to this website to take a look.. http://www.emedicine.com/PED/topic697.htm

for ur qn2, vanessa told me can put in fridge n transfer to freezer within 24 hours.. den use the frozen milk within 2mths..

for qn3, personally, if i pump in toilet, it will onli be to relieve my engorgement.. won't keep the milk for bb.. coz i worried tt it will be dirty.. i even thot of buying a 2nd hand pump to express out the milk at my workplace when i return to work.. will pump n throw the milk.. no choice.. coz mine is lab environment.. dunnoe wat's in the air.. better dun play play.. :p

haha.. ya lor... too bad i can't give him comfort sucking till he fall asleep now.. coz CL ard... if he suck till sleep liao, i still hav to put him down, get dressed, den carry him up again to his cot in another room.. aiyo.. so many movements.. he wake up liao.. :p

mine will end next thurs..
looking forward to it...
on thurs, will be bb's full mth.. will be bringing him out..
den sat will invite frens over for his full mth celebration..

do u hav weighing scale at home? wat i do is i will first weigh myself.. den aft tt will carry bb n weigh again.. den the difference will be bb's weight lor.. :p

ohhh.. juz realised tt u do confinement according to english calender ah.. me according to chinese calender leh... tt's y end earlier...

i hav a log book to record one leh... i record when i feed bb.. which side i feed first.. how many poo n pee.. and how much bm expressed per pump at wat time... :p super kiasu hor? no choice lah.. i poor memory... if i dun record down, either i overfeed or starve bb liao.. :p

vanessa, alabone,
u both hor... win liao lor.. :p so first thinking of "exercising" again.. :p me still dun care... wat if too rough n tear the episiotomy wound.. wah.. jialet leh.. :p

dun need to tell hubby to settle on his own one lah.. they auto will settle on their own.. :p

hubby juz asked me wat is pet pet... *faintz* see how deprived i am....

cool down..
hubby sometimes sort of forget tt we need to wake up to feed bb.. mine oso.. this morning slept till 9 something den woke up.. i already woke up n feed bb twice liao he still sleeping.. he still dare dare tell me tt it's bcoz i disturbed him while feeding bb at night.. tt's y he so tired.. :p
Wow, so shiok, still got pet pet.... if I pet pet sure on fire one, cos both of us rhinking v long liao

Use normal weighing scale lah... u weigh urself 1st, then carry bb n weigh another time can liao lor...

Ignore ur hb, dun get angry k. Tell urself he's more useless than u, cannot take the suffering.

Ur Avent pump is the old pump? I just bought a new one, lesser parts, at least the neck n the rim are sticked together now.

Ans to ur qn:
1) U can store milk of different session together provided it's from the same day.
2) EBM can be store in frdge for 48 hrs, however, if u decide to freeze later, must do it within 24 hrs but last time I did it as long as it's within 48 hrs.

3) There r mothers who pump in the toilet. Yes, indeed, it's the most unhygenic place to pump, but given no choice u just hav to do it n it can b done safely by ensuring those part in contact with ur milk does not come in contact with any surface in the toilet and wash ur hand b4 n after pumping. In another word, got to b very hygenic in handling the BM lor. It shldn't pose too much trouble.
Hiaz, I'm home alone with bb n maid now... my hb went out dinner with my 2 gals with HIS SIS N FAMILY!!!... What a new year day... dunno whether tml will be the same or not... my mum also go back earlier today, cos she needs to buy new clothes for my gal's full month.... hiaz.... so boring
i weigh myself 1st then weigh w bb. like got put on weight la. but hb told me like tt not most accurate... pd told me to go in second month leh. e 5-in-1 jab. you champion! can pet pet. i die die also must tahan lei... don't dare to let hb touch me too much... scared i rape him ah... by the way, i think bb got grow la. her mittens not dropping so much... hee hee

your confinement date according to chinese calendar? mine will end on 12 next wk. but must have full month vele this sun coz mum said can be brought forward but cannot be later than actual date. can't wait for confinement to be over. last year, on last day of confinement, i drank cold water already. hack care. shihui, must re-educate hb. how can don't know what's petting...

ya la... mine's e old one lor... want to buy new one but so ex... seems ike many mummies use medela pis... ex hor?
i also alone at home w bb. hb went to play soccer. just got back. bathe already went to see his precious son. are you ladies going to shave bb's hair for full month? me didn't last year 4 e boy. merely trim a little. for my girl now, don't een want to trim.
Alabone and Vanessa,
I am also alone at home w baby n maid! Hubby out with elder daughter for a friend's baby's full month celebration. And feeling shack now, cos baby has been doing comfort latching, waking up intermittently, and spitting out milk since 6 plus pm! Sigh.

Now finally can eat my dinner.

Alabone and Shihui,
My baby's born on 8 Dec. Supposed to be a C-section scheduled on 12 Dec, but my water bag burst on 8 Dec, so have to do an emergency C-section instead of a planned one :p

Thanks for the info on the rashes. Hope it will go off by itself. For now, I am just wiping her face regularly with cotton wool and water.

Vanessa, Shihui and Alabone,
Thanks for the info on EBM! Will try not to pump the milk in the toilet if possible, but that will be the last resort, man, otherwise, engorgement, worse!
my last day of confinement is 11th Jan.. my mom oso told me can onli celebrate b4 actual day.. but i find tt 5 days b4 full mth like abit too early for bb liao.. worried tt he not strong enough den got so many strangers visiting him.. like not very gd leh.. so wat we planned is bring bb to our parents' house on his full mth to pray respect to ancesters.. tt will be the actual full mth celebration.. den on 13th Jan, it's more for inviting frens over for fun lor..

hubby act ignorant lah.. how can he dunnoe wat pet pet is.. :p

at first i was so worried when i saw those rashes.. looks painful to me.. but pd assured me tt it doesn't cause any discomfort to bb...
Alabone, Shihui, Vanessa,
Everything is fine after a talk with hubby....Dont want such matters to affect our mood

Wow.....U so fast start 'exercising' liao ah....'Pei Fu Pei Fu'....Yr mens clear already?? Mine more than 4 weeks but still got some flow...


I have finally delivered too, wish to share my story here:

11.30pm- abit pain but feels like tummyache so I ignore and then tell my hubby I want to go and sleep to forget the pain.

12 am- Pain again. Feel like mensual pain but more intense kind. Cant sleep.

12.30am- Pain come and go for half hr already. Somehow my mind tell me this is labout pain. Went toilet to check for show. Yes, got show. Told hubby i want to wait somemore since the pain is tolerable. Start to pack last min things in my bag and hubby also pack his bag.

1am- Decide to go hospital.

1.15am- reach labour ward. Nurse asked if i am gg for epi, i said yes, she asked me to sign the form and the admission form. Then insert "something" to my anus to clear bowels. She said have to tahan at least 5 mins before i go toilet. aiyo.. i feel like pooing immediately she insert in! still tahan anyway till i think 5 mins.

1.45am- had drip and epi. tremble very much due to epi. nurse said abt 2cm dilated.

2am- lie and wait.

4am- nurse check cervix, 3 to 4 cm.

5am- Gynae came and check. also 3-4 cm. She said it will be a long day. Baby poo inside already and my contraction is about 4 mins away which is not very regular. She put in a tablet in the drip to make contraction more frequent and ask nurse to monitor bb's heartbeat regularly.

8am- Nurse check, about 5 cm. Why so long? I am figeting though its not pain but its not comfortable lying for so long at 1 position. I wiggle my toes but my bum is aching. Nurse said bb dont like th tablet, her heartbeat drop sometimes.

10am- Nurse checked, again 5-6 cm.

12pm- Gynae checked. about 6 cm. she said it is too long. She will try to use her fingers to open the cervix and she felt my cervix is swollen. Then she suggest Csec!! She said it would be safer for both mother and baby instead of keep waiting. I cried. Cannot believe it. I cannot decide. I told gynae if I can choose to knock out during the csec, she said better not as I have epi already. She will do csec under epi. I have to make decision fast.

12.15pm (i think)- I decide to go for csec. So they start to prepare me. wheel to theatre and they decide to increase dosage of epi. It was soooooo painful...my 2 legs felt electric current.. doc said sld not be painful but I felt pain. They gave me a dosage of jab to make me hallucinate to reduce the pain. felt good after that.

12.45pm - heard bb cry. was so happy, so fast. then knock out.

1plus- woke up and bb was beside me already, took a photo and then knock out again.

1.45pm- wake up and was wheeled to ward.

2pm- settle in ward. was very tired but cannot sleep.

late afternoon- pain comes in when epi gone. must take pain-killer.

1) Anyone know when can we go for massage for a csec?
