(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

connie,all the liquor version is good but the berrymisu is so so only.

shihui,my mom also loves to take over wen bb is cranky. i tink old ppl got tis same attitude. no need to switch on heater the whole day. juz add boiled water with tap water will do.
for me, i used bb wipes most of the time.
i use warm water to wipe bb's piku 2 to 4 times a day only.

bloom, tkz. i am tinking of posting notice ard my area. hee heee....my skin very thick kind.
my fren suggested tat i go and stand outside school n asked those aunty as well. tat is too much for me

och, ha ha...critic din like the movie. btw, did you get distracted by the big big boobs?
your ger very smart, one week old awredy play w mobile!

all of us tried our best to be good mothers,
so dun go compare. anyway, nobody can beat me for the lousy mother award.
i din go thru labour and din bf.

i ordered from chilli padi for my bb shower on the 7th. will feedback you all.


for qn 1 n 2, me not sure leh.. juz noe tt need to hav at least 3-5 poo per day.. dun think poo poo frequency will be affected by jaundice leh...

for 3, think u need to pump out milk fr the one bb din feed on..

for 4, u shd be able to lose weight even if u express out the milk.. u r burning calories producing n expressing milk leh...

aiyo.. no labour n din bf doesn't make u a lousy mom.. :p u went under the knife leh.. tt makes u really wei da too.. i can't imagine my own belly being cut open.. :p

hmmm... btw, long time din see qianhui here liao.. bz with full mth celebration? :p
after using the soap bar & scrub and sending it to washing machine (use the baby detergent), the stains shd go off completely.. but i didnt hands on la... i just see my mum do it (coz she ask me dont touch too much cold water) and the nappies no more yellow stain after that.

doggiebb, kimi,
my bb oso still yellowish! yesterday realized her eyes was kinda yellowish so brought her to pd to check. pd say need to do liver function test. dunno whether pd didnt do a good job or what but after poking the needle onto the back of bb's right hand, she say bb blood flow out very slow... bb very stingy w her blood etc etc.. all the nonsense comments. bcoz the blood flow was so slow, she took so damn long and bb was wailing like crazy. and then after that, say still not enough blood, need to withdraw more blood, so she poke the left hand also. and then bb went thru another round of wailing. wahlau.. i really cannot tahan n cried like crazy oso. but at least the blood flow was faster from the left hand. then when i brought the bb home, can see her rite hand blueblack. is that normal?? i really think that it was the pd who didnt insert the needle correctly, tat is why the blood couldnt flow out properly. somemore can see the poke hole on both bb's hand, coz the needle is so big. after tat the whole day bb seems to remember the pain... put her to sleep, after awhile she will 'bik chwee' (mouth upside down frown) and then cry in her sleep. she was never like that.

then the clinic supposed to call me this morning to tell me the results.. they didnt n i call them. first they say they will check the results, and then call me back. waited... no phone call, so i call them just before they close for lunch... now they say the result not out yet. they will call me when its out in the afternoon. they didnt. waited till 15mins before they close for the day, then i had to call them up again. finally they say, oh they results just came in. thank God bb's liver is fine. but jaundice is at 10.9 (they use another testing method) so its still high. ask me to go down on the 5th again.. if jaundice still high, will need to do urine test. i haf my doubt abt this pd liao.. coz must bb really do the liver function test before even testing if her jaundice level is up? even though bb seems yellow but never do the jaundice level test, immedieately do the lft. somemore i had to wait for 1 hour before seeing the pd. though the signboard say newborn gets priority but it didnt seems to be the case. i still had to wait for my queue number. very fed up!! seriously thinkin of changing pd.

i oso very vexed that no sun these few days.. wanna sun bb oso cannot.. then how to reduce bb jaundice wor! now i stop all confinement food liao... no ginger, sesame oil or alcohol (but i havent consume alcohol yet la). hopefully w that, bb jaundice can be lowered.

dunno coz these few days very stress, and that i oso didnt pump out, and that bb usually just suck 5mins.. that my supply seems to have dip! this evening started to pump out and could even get 10ml from both breast!! so cham! and i just got my medela pis advanced. thought with it could get more milk but so disappointing.

i oso really luan abt when to pump... coz bb suck so little (abt 5mins) and her timing really off one.. sometimes can be within 30mins+ to 3hours+ interval, kinda worried when i pump out then she wanna feed. but i am thinking of feeding bb ebm the next few days so that i can consistently pump 2 hourly to improve ss.

ss starting to dip, is there still time/chance to boost it? or once dip means slowly gone liao?

why your mil like that? her own granddaughther oso she suan?? and what is there to suan anyway?!

so far i havent bathe bb oso.. my mum bathe her. bb look so fragile.. haiz.. dunno if i can handle or not after confinement.

let me vent on hubby now...
just now i cried again coz ss already so low n also so fedup w hubby lor. past 2 days he come back, kiss bb awhile then go and play games on the pc liao. now that my parents are here, he no need to do housework (all my parents do) so he is much free-er liao. then instead of helping to take care of bb or learning how to do things for bb, he use the free time to play game?! during Christmas break, he keep wanting to carry her.. then these few days dont want. no consistency and wanna bb to follow his schedule n mood?? really dunno wat he is thinking! last time already went for the antenatal class.. theoritically he knows, but ask him to do he say he dont know how. dunno then learn la.. tat is what i am doing oso wat. cannot just keep saying dunno then dont haf to do rite? arrghhhh.... just feel v v sian and depressed.
fully understand ur fustration.. yesterday i oso cried n had show down with hubby... he same lor.. dun help at all.. no need wash the dishes, wash clothes etc since all done by CL.. so he juz sit infront of his comp whole day long..

ya lah.. understand tt he can't help in feeding since i latch on.. but can help in some other ways mah..
he told me he care for me.. than i ask him to tell me wat he did to show tt he cares.. he can't rem.. *faint* win liao lor..

luckily he improved aft yesterday's episode.. hopefully he will keep up with the gd work.. :p
seems like both of us very 'active' tonite... i just cant sleep... just now after posting, i felt v sleeply, bb start heh heh heh sound for milk... so bo pian haf to force myself to be awake for her, then after that guaiguai go pump out excess... then cannot zzz again. so come in to look see again..

sigh, so your hubby oso like mine.. i oso hope mine will improve tomorrow... yah, i agree they can help in many other ways. the bf portion can leave it to us. i really envy those whose hubby play a v active role, like kimi's hubby (i forgot whose hubby as well).. kimi, u lucky gal lei!
Hey mummies,

Any one interested to buy over my 3 unopened pkts of Nepia diaper (S size). As my ah boi poo very often, he can't use Nepia. He backside red red liao. So I decided to stay on Pampers for him. Interested, please pm me.
even wen hubby play an active role also hv problem. pat pat....dun be sian and depressed hor.
my hb helps out quite alot. he bathe bb, feed bb and from time to time does hsework but hor i also still can find fault with him

we are all lack of sleep and stuck at home with bb 24/7. the mood sure not fantastic.
sometimes i get upset tat hb gets to go to work wherelse i am stuck at home with bb. crazy rite?

yeah, Qian Hui mia for a long time liao.

maybe you should get a second opinion fr another PD. i also tot will check bb first with scan be4 poking for blood.

agree w u bt e too-stress-nv interact-w-bb part. my hubby v into bb n he's v v loving towards her. b4 i feed, he'd carry bb n lie her on his chest tummy dn n he'll lie dn n stroke bb... or he'll put her beside him n sayang her...he's always all smiles when handling her then wld talk tirelessly to her... seeing him like tt made me realise tt besides nursing when most times r spent fighting her hand off n her struggling to latch, other times i'm too tired n bo chap to interact w her liao, cept 4 storytime when she looks at e bk oso, nt my face... so now i take things easy lor. try nt 2 get stressed up over nursing. but sometimes still a bit fed up.

btw, 'wat 2 expect' says fr 2nd mth onwards shld haf a running commentary on wat u do. so bb can learn her language. like when u change diapers must go "ok bb, now mama wipe ur buttocks... wah! so much poo!... clean already, let's get u a fresh nappy.. mama wiping ur forehead w cotton balls..." etc etc... always refer 2 ur bb by wat u call her n urself as mama or mummy... cos they've no concept o 'I' n 'you' yet... btw, grammer is nt impt at this stg yet.. whew!


wah! ur bb must haf v gd eyesight, can focus. read tt most bbs dun get interested in mobiles until 3-4wks old. mine hor, 5wks liao still bo chap! her eyesight like develop a bit slower, maybe bcos she's premmie...? but she does pay more n more attn to e storybk. i tell e same one day in day out, it's a mickey mouse bk. everytime b4 telling, i'll sing e mickey mouse song. now she's starting 2 respond to it. then she'll stare at e cover!


my hubby on holidays mah. so diff, cannot compare lah! he's pretty sad sch's reopening. said he'll miss his little gal. yest he's out 4 some sch trip 4 e whole day. he missed her leh, came bk, bathed n went to carry her n put on his chest 2 sayang... heh heh... q sweet lah. i asked him to cherish these few days cos soon he'll nt haf so much time to spend w her... luckily my bb's nt spoilt by carryiing. she's still happy wherever she is, can sleep anywhere.

regarding e blood-drawing hor, yah, will get blue black one, it's like tt. they poke e hand ar? so painful. mine kena poked at e foot. e 1st time she kena e big needle, she came nk n was cranky 4 e whole day too. she nv cries except when hungry one. but tt day change diapers oso cry (tink bcos i haf to hold her feet), bathe oso cry... sometimes will whimper 4 nothing... q poor thing lah. this time rd, she's better but slept more yest. perhaps lost too much blood, tired...


yah... mood can b q erratic. me diff fr u. i c hubby spend so much time w bb n he seems so happy i get a bit jealous sometimes. heh heh. he doesn't need to do nite feeding so i guess he can still find e energy to interact w bb... sometimes i tink everytime bb c me, it's bcos she's hungry n she'd b whining n struggling by then... after feeding she sleeps... but when she's hubby, she's more wakeful, in a better mood etc. like unfair hor? then i'll tink tt bb wld like hubby more.. but i shrugged it off... i just try harder 2 interact w her lor!


ask u sthg. my gal has been having a hard time latching these few days. this morning took 1 hr 4 a proper latch. these few days average take 20mins just 2 latch. then latch liao will suck 4 5-10mins then reject e nipple but she's still hungry. nv happened previously. i tot bbs only reject when they're fulll?

in fact i tot her BFing is q established liao, always take only ard 5-10mins to latch n can feed continuously 4 20-35mins. now must take a few latches to make her full. sometimes she suckle 4 10mins n fell asleep...only woke up 3hrs later 4 another feed... like eat so little still can sleep so long???? normal or nt? previously q easy t nurse, now getting harder... does tt happen?
Yup, as long as there's a drop of supply or even no supply, think u still can bring the ss up. Imagine those mother with adoptive bb, they can bf too. What u need to do is to pump regularly every 2-3 hrs for 2-3 days and u will see ur supply increase and of cos, must rest well, eat well and drinks well too.

Frankly speaking, I've nvr encounter such thing leh. Mayb now she's older and more aware of the surrounding hence takes a longer time to latch. Or mayb she's not hungry yet?

Just to vent. Last nite my stock market very shiong. She slept the whole day in the afternoon, no matter how I disturb her she also won't wake up, then when I'm tired, her eyes start open wide wide. Latch her on, she sleep, the moment I put her back to the cot, her snorting sound comes n she wake up again... On, off, on, off till I buay tahan, so angry with myself that I scolded her, and I bang myself on her cot, cos I'm really very tired liao, carry her nearly doze off and drop her, yet she keep wanting to suck n carry... my hb saw it and took over, but still the same, end up, I put her beside me and latch her on lying down and managed to sleep. Only wake up at 3.48am to feed and fall back to sleep only at 4.30am. then she wakes up again at 7am.....

For those who keep dozing off while feeding, my way to stay awake is to play my hp game... but now play until abit sian liao.
Vanessa, thanks! So now can be lazy mommy and don't play with her.

och, headache when bb always wants to be carried right? Thats why theory always say must pump every 3 hours..but how to when we are all busy calming down bbs... glad that ur bb like ur mobile..my bb boh chap the mobile.... i think she was not 'trained' to like mobiles cos the hospital does not have one while she was there..or maybe this mobile is not attractive enuf... hahaha

Karen P, hahaa..u r like 101 arabian nights, bb must keep looking forward to next night for the next sentence of the story.... most of the time i just talk to her..sometimes complain to her abt hubby..ahhaha

alabone, i still swaddle my bb though she is already 6 weeks old. usually will try to change bfore we feed her again but then sometimes i did not cos she cried very loud when i change her and that will wake hubby up in the middle of the night... abit difficult to change her everytime she poo cos she poo-ed all the time and in bits!

Shihui, yeah... just lower ur standards and close one eye for the time being...

MBB, abit difficult to stand outside the school lah... pp will htink u r trying to kidnap some kid... I actually got quite some response from my notices but then the 'quality' must be filtered lah..btw, heard from the contact that u gave me that the first contact that i gave u got some hidden clause that the mommy must hire the bbsitter for 3 months else there will be penalty. not sure if its true or not. Not going thru labour is a lucky mommy, not a bad mommy..ahhahaha

DecBB, shihui is right abt 3. Emptying ur breasts after bf will signal to the brain that all the milk had been emptied and will need more milk. My LC said even if we emppty our breasts and bb start suckling, the milk ss will start generating but then i doubt her theory so i will usually use EBM when that happens.

starluster, yes it works it works! ehehe..even sms this secret recipe to my sis cos she actually use washing powder to clear off the stains so thank you very much!

kimi, i am already doing commentary on what i am doing..heheheh...like sports reporting like that... thanks
my hubby also quite like the bb which is surprising cos last time he don't want children.. that day he went back to work for full day and come back and said something about very cham whole day cannot carry bb then quickly carry her.... even my frens are impressed cos he was scrubing cloth nappy when they arrive..ahahaha....

Vanessa, maybe u should get those small dvd player and watch series instead of playing hp games..:p :p :p
Hi Mummies

Giraffe reporting here

Last nite was terrible, had such bad pelvis pain.... can't sleep for the whole nite.... only managed to doze off this morning.... hiaz... hubby looked at me so poor thing, asked me want to induce early or not?? I told him dun wan lah.. I'm still hoping that she'll come out on her own....

Then I was telling him, looking at all you girls here, I think even she come out, I also will be lack of sleep one lah.. so no diff mah :p
Hahah, if I start watch series again, think will have more complain, cos too many nice man in the series liao.... ;P But that's a good idea except I don;t have portable DVD Player.
won't ur gal struggle when u swaddle her? my boy will struggle very hard to free his hand. when he can't, he cry! so i stop swaddling him at two weeks. sign....my mom thinks bb who don't swaddle will have itchy hand in the future..hope not.

well, wishing you smooth delivery in advance. I am sure your turn is soon!

Maybe you should get a gameboy!

You mentioned that BF baby may not poo for a few days as the nutrients are fully absorbed into their body rite? when would that happen? so far, it seems like all TBF bb still poo a few times a day.

my boy has high jaundice but he still poo 3-4 times a day.
Wow, ur idea good leh....should have known earlier, at least can tell hb to get me a gameboy for xmas... I just missed the chance.

The poo-ing will reduce once the bb body get mature where they can absorb more of the nutrients from the bm. Now they are still adapting to our bm, hence the nurtrients are not fully absorbed yet, once their system matured, they are able to absorb more nutrients which in turn reduce the waste.

I also nvr swaddle my gals, they nvr like to be swaddle. Reyna once swaddled, she will struggle to free her hands, dun say swaddle, even cover with blanket she will also cry.
Hi Alabone

I never really massage my breast now. Just pump. And press my breast to ensure no lumps. And breast should feel soft when finish pumping.
Can anyone tell me if ur bb stays awake in the day? Reyna keep sleeping... but then hor if she wakes up also got nothing to play, she will only have to lie in her cot, so poor thing leh.
help help! i hv these green pus coming out of one of the ducts in my left breast. is it normal? can bb still drink milk fr my left breast?
there was a lot of pain yesterday. the pus comes out thru the nipple, out of one of the ducts, so it's on the breast pad too. it's not flowing, need to stimulate the breast b4 one drop comes out, but will it contaminate my ger's milk? wanna start pumping for my ger, but got pus leh.
My boy is also a night bird.. trying to get him to stay awake longer in the day..keeps on wanting to be carried at night..but day time can kwai kwai sleep in his cot. haiz! He is a very impatient drinker will bawl if he accidently unlatches himself etc.. almost every other night will puke at once coz "complain" too much and take in air until choke up his feed.

regarding Lochia,
actually how long will it last.. have quite a few contridicting reports on the net. Mine has been on and off for the past 2wk+ since C-section..then today again see red( but not really like heavy period).. thought should be brown or tappering off by now???

apart from the numbers that vanessa posted earlier, you can try this number too.. i think its Mrs Wong Boi Boi personal handphone number.. think its better to talk to her.. she more expert..

9159 3264

ask u something.. when i used the PIS, i noticed that i have more milk coming out during the stimulation phrase rather than the letdown phrase lei.. is it normal?

then how long do we need to monitor the poo?
my ger seems to have more wee than poo nowadays.. she only like poo 2 or 3 times yesterday, and the poo are not those alot type..

in this case, how do we assess that the baby has enuff to eat? concerned becos she has significantly reduced her intake (used to take 15mins at each breast, now max 20min at only one breast)

but she wee alot la.. the wet diapers are those super heavy types..
I think it's not a concern, it's jus how ur breasts react to the different phase, as long as it helps to clear ur breasts, it shld not b a concern bah...
notice sonething cute today... hubby played chinese orchestra CD today.. bb was crying initially... den he stop crying aft listening to the music..
classical dun hav the same calming effect on him leh... guess he listen to me play erhu too much liao... heee..

mine too... sometimes 20min on one breast den dun want liao... sometimes 15min each... my CL was telling me tt it's bcoz bb now more powerful liao... can take in more within shorter time... dunnoe how true leh......
while i'm typing away, both father n son r snoring away to the music... now, i'm wondering if it's in the genes or due to me playing erhu too much while hw's still in me.... :p
is it better to offer one side for bb to suckle till he dun want? lidat he will hav both the foremilk n hindmilk rite? else if i let him suckle 15min each, he may ended up with more foremilk hor?
Hey mummies,

Thanks for all the encouragement! Past few days, i havent been crying redy but still abit stressed.

Turns out baby DID actually catch the flu virus from my mum and sis and so now, he's on antibiotics and nasal drops...and he's only 13 days old! poor baby.
Blocked nose and sometimes, cry n sneeze then some mucus will come out of his nose. and when I pull, a whole long line will come out. PD said he shd recover in 5-7 days so hope he's well by this long weekend! meanwhile, he only feeds like 5 mins on one breast every hour or so then sleep or sometimes dont even sleep. I was scared he's not getting enuff so called mrs Wong and she told me to express and feed him from bottle ard 80ml cos he blocked nose, prob no stamina to suck. Then do this until he's well. But sigh...my pumping not very good leh... each time only ard 70ml or so. One time last week i managed 90ml but this week... boo

Shall go try again now... pray for me mummies!

Ruffybear, my gynae Eunice Chua told me the lochia shd clear in abt 3-4 wks after birth. She said the flow may differ from time to time but i just shd NOT see alot of freah blood gushing continuously otherwise, maybe sthg wrong. So maybe this is a guide for u?

p/s: cant rem who mentioned in previous posts but i found out from PD that baby's dont know how to breathe thru their mouth leh... too young. So if his nose is really blocked, means can't breathe! so wahh...i was so worried
Oh, u r the same case as me.... Mine also kena blocked nose, but not as serious as urs, just that I need to give her more frequent latch on, cos half way thru latching, she will pull away, fuss abit then come back to my breast again when I offer her. Hers have been 1 week liao, today will bring her to PD again, cos still cannot clear and she cannot sleep well... so poor thing... poor her n poor us, when she can't sleep we can't sleep either.... Mine feed less than 5 mins on the breasts.

Ya better offer 1 side till he unlatch to ensure he gets the hindmilk, else he will be only getting foremilk. Now is more or less ur bb is a good suckle, hence by 15-20 mins, he should have gotten his hindmilk liao and satisfied.
wah, i got visitors today...now then hv time to log in.

my home fridge is relatively empty cos hb and i dun cook. :p So, we keeping the amosco eclairs there. and also getting some cooler boxes to keep them in. Worse case, we will turn on aircon in the spare room and put some it in there (we oso ordered swiss rolls and profiteroles). We giving out the very next day, so shd be ok (fingers crossed!). Erm, if ppl dun go home directly, er...then too bad.
haha! I'll let them know it will melt... We r oso bringing to church, so such bulk amt works for us.
I'm dressing up the package by printing a nice personalised card and maybe tying a ribbon on it.
thanks for info
... will monitor 1st before deciding whether to call up the gyane.

what you think about popcorn with personalised thank you massage as 1st mth "take away" gifts for bb's 1st mth party?
my 1st son simply adores eating popcorn.
Hi QSG n Shihui (did I rem correctly)...

I tink both of u posed some concerns on blocked tear ducts tat day...sorri for the late reply as I din log in yest...I brot bb to ESH to complete the bb bonus forms...n to Tangs nusery dept to shop for a lil while...saw my gynae at ESH...n kena fm her for bringin bb out b4 my confinemt...

U can massage the area btw the corner of the affected eye n nose wile u r bf-in...the pd din mention the duration of the massage...but advised me to massage him for a while durin bf-in...norm I massage abt 50 strokes...cos I dun wanna mould the nose flat...as my bb oredi sports my button nose...


If itz heatiness...both eyes shld b affected rite...n the duartion wldnt b so long...


My bb has the yellowish discharge everyday...in fact...he took some time to open 1 eye shortly after birth due to the crusty stuff...

Hi Ladies...

It seems like my hb is oso doin much more interaction wif my bb...even tho he oso changes the diapers n bathes my bb...I feel like a milk cow sometimes...after 1 feedin session...b4 I noe it...my hb wil carry bb to me n tell tat itz time for his feed...n I wil b like..."wat...again???!!!"...my bb oso seems happier wif my hb...

My bb oso seems to hv more peaceful sleep in the day time...n more fitful sleep at nite...resultin in more cryin...yest when I brot him out...he slept fm 2pm to 7pm...n yes...sometimes he oni suckles for 20mins on 1 side...n refuse my other breast liao...but...I realise tat if I gif him some time to rest n catch his breathe...he wil then suckle the other breast...so I guess tat we nid to gif NB some time to rest btw each side as their stamina is not strong yet..

Dunno y...when my colleague told me tat shez preg today...I was like so envious...mabbe I jus miss the feelin...
i noticed tat my bb private part got alot of white discharge leh. i clean and clean but it's still there. is tis normal?
i wonder if it's the barrier cream i used tat got mixed with her urine.

you can also give famous amos cookies. they have bb first mth voucher too.

i want eclairs n swissrolls too!!!

last nite me also din get to sleep.
the pd said i overfeed my ger, so i lower her intake. then ah ger like alarm clock. wake up every 2 hrs.
she had put on 500gm in 2 weeks. me now less stress abt straving her

cheers. i shall take note abt the agent.

For bb gers...itz norm to hv the white discharge...u wil not b able to clean it off completely...jus use clean water to wipe it...n leave it...tis was communicated durin the 1hr infant care class when I was at the hospital...
Hi All, have been really busy the past few days. Only manage to squeeze in some time to read but didnt manage to post. Running some errands plus bb fuss quite a bit now. Usually, shell sleep after each feed but these few days she will stay awake after 1 or 2 feeds each day and need to be carried most times. If she is tired/sleepy, she wants and need to latch on for a few minutes before dozing off. Me like a pacifier to her. Been trying not to give in to her but sometimes heart pain pain see her cry so long. One of the night, she is already full (threw out some milk) but still want to latch on and refuse to sleep, cry & cry. I'm so lost and broke down in tears....

CL commented that I carry her too much thus result in her wanted to be carried when awake. But if I dont carry her to put her to sleep (must be deep sleep if not she will wakes up when place her in the cot) she doesnt sleep on her own. Envy those mommies whose bb can settle in to sleep on their own.

Stephanie & Vanessa, hope that you babies recover soon and do take good care of yourself.
Fizz, thanks for the info. I mentioned to Evee's PD today and he also mention about the massage but he said about 10-20 stroke each time for 3 times a day. I find it difficult to do it as bb will struggle and cry. Your bb okay with the massage.

Vanessa, if bb only take 1 breast at a time, will your other breast feel engorged if wait till next feed? i afraid engorged so i always make bb drink from both sides each side about 15 min.

Bloom, how man feeds is your bb taking now at 6 weeks?

MBB, i asked PD before the white discharge like what Fizz said can be gently clean away if can't just leave it. How heavy and how many weeks is your bb gal now?

just came back from bringing my son to his pd. actually we didn't really see the pd coz too ex so i called him. phone consultation. my son has got 'fake measles'! so poor thing. no wonder fever since monday. last night developed red spots all over his body and parts of his face. hands and legs spared tho. since fever subside already i'm not so worried... stole some time away from home to go town so quite happy. but breasts feel damn full now... must pump again.


think i'll still get my mum to bathe my girl. i'll only dare to bathe her when she's like 3 months old. she's too soft! and poor baby! all those jabs. i can imagine your pain when they poke her. i see my son in rashes i also cried... change PD.

my hubby also like to play games on his comp. his championship manager. seems like a lot of men love their comp games. he helps to wash dishes and sterilise baby stuff and if i tell him to feed baby, he will. but the house so so dirty, he never offer to sweep and clean even when i drop obvious hints. so i sweep lor. then i get so angry that he never tell me not to sweep and never tell me to rest. so when he told me to rest yesterday when i swept, i was less angry... the thing abt men is that most need to be told what to do... at least mine is like that. oh, he does boil the herbal water for me to bathe too and goes to and fro our pl and my mum's to bring me my lunch and dinner and help take care of our son. so maybe i shouldn't complain so much.


your husband is also a teacher? mine too. been going to school past three days for staff meetings and whatnots. took time off to take my son to see dr today tho. gonna be losing lots of help when he starts work next week.


i swaddle her but her hands keep trying to struggle free from it. and she's damn pissed when my mum swaddles her coz it seems like she's been put into a strait jacket! and she's so tiny mittens keep coming off... sigh...

read the dec issue of mother and baby and inside it was wong li lin's column on breastfeeding challenged mums! damn funny. anyone read that. she highly recommended wong boh boi for lactation consultation.

girlie awake. must go do me motherly duty now.


do your babes sleep in air con? mine has slept in air con since we came back from hospital. 24 degrees. and do newborns' skin peel? my babe's legs are peeling still...
