(2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

When we expressed milk, do we hv to make sure we expressed one side of the breast for at least 15mins to get both the fore and hind milk?

I don't swaddle my boy when he reached 3 weeks..he simply hates to hv his hand swaddled up and will made alot of noises everytime we do that...

Oh ya..my boy shed his first drop of tear this afternoon..so amused to see the drop of tear but it is a good sign that he does not hv blocked tear duct..

alabone, my bb slept in aircon most of the days during my confinement now weather cooler so don't. My bb's skin also peeling during her first week, you got to apply some moisturizer everyday, it will get better.

hate to see her struggle too... but i sleep in air con la... so cannot don't swaddle also. mittens can't cover coz keep dropping.


my mum applies moisturizer everyday for her aft bathe.
tkz, now i am more relieve. i read abt discharge for bb ger but din tink it's so much and for so long. yesterday forgot to ask PD. next time must write down my questions

my ger is 3.5 odd kg and she is 17 days old.

i use bb oil for my ger and she stop peeling liao.

first tear, so precious
alabone, my gal doesn't sleep in air-con room and her hands & legs also peeling. CL said it is common. Bought a J&J baby oil to apply after bath but have not been doing so for a while.

I still swaddle my gal (she is 2 weeks gg 3) without her hands though. She like to move her hands around and will get uncomfortable if she can't move them.

Dey, I saw my gal's tears this morning. Feel more heart pain seeing her cry with tears.

Mommies, does your babies cry each time you change their diaper? Mine always cry non-stop.

does using baby oil make baby oily?? must wipe away of leave it? will moisturizer work as well?


when was your girl born? mine also going to be 3 weeks old next tues. she was born on 12 dec. I would also want to just swaddle her body and not her arms. but her arms would get cold in the air con. no fan in the room. bad idea...

i've not seen tears from my girl too and she also has discharge from the corner of her eyes. not a lot but have. so does it mean she has blocked tear ducts too?

mine doesn't cry when i change her but she keeps kicking her legs.

read from this week's 8 days that you can buy jan's issue of mother and baby from cold storage end dec. there will be a goodie bag worth $15. it includes 400g mamil gold step 2, 45ml kodomo baby bath, kodomo baby wipes (10pcs) and 2 pc huggies dry diapers.

hubby forgot my instructions and bought from caltex...
is it true that bb will get hungry immediately after they poo? this is what my CL said. I also noticed that my boy want to be feed right after he poo, although he has just been fed before he poo. is it normal?

mine slept in air con too. my boy hand and leg peel when he was abt 2 week old. we apply baby oil and he is ok now.
Karen P,

i suppose every baby has different feeding habits. my baby sleeps through her poo and all once her little tum tum is satisfied.

looks like i have to apply baby oil for her skin to stop peeling...
alabone, my gal was born on 13 Dec, one day after yours. My gal cries quite a bit, maybe that activates the tears. She cries when we change diaper, cries when she wakes up, cries when she is sleeply and wanna to latch on, cries after poo.....
Peeling of skin is norm in NB...they r sheddin their old skin...the pd told me when my bb was born wif peelin skin...
Mommies, another question (still trying to find lazy ways..ahaha)... is it possible for me to have the following scenario, which i think might be quite similar for mommies going back to work?

* full scale pump twice at home (massage, pump, hand expression) (once in the morning, once in the evening)
* a simple pump (massage, pump, no hand expression) in office (cos my hand expression always very messy dripping milk all over body and clothes)
* 0 - 2 latch on at home during evening/night (not middle of the night cos will be taking turns bottle feeding with hubby)
* no decrease in milk ss
* no block ducts

if that is possible, how is it attainable? Or does working moms latch on the whole night (i don't think so). Cos I was thiking if I decrease my frequency of pumping I will kena either blocked ducts or decrease in ss..

Dora, u r right..life will be worse after bb comes out :p

Vanessa, don't watch Korean series lah! Maybe comedies to cheer urself up? If ur hubby got laptop can watch from laptop if the laptop has dvd player :p My bb usually sleeps during the day then wake up at night.... so its not poor bb but poor mommy :p

Karen P, yes my bb struggle like mad when I swaddle her and her hands always end up coming out. I swaddle her for more warmth cos it had been cold recently.

och, if u deliver in KKH, can try Yen Ping/Cynthia. Call 62934044 and ask the operator to page for either LC and try to book appointment with them.

Ruffybear, 2 week is nothing... lochia for c section should last > 1 month.

steph, poor bb!

bohbiahah, on air con for eclairs? this is so funny! I am still amazed by how Qian hui managed to stuff all the goodies into her fridge the last round.

Ruffybear, the popcorn sounds like a cute idea!

Anyone's bb got white spots/patch inside at the side of her mouth?

Diveera, u want to try swaddling? One of the bbsitters said it will make the bb feel warmth and therfore sleep as if there is someone carrying her. My bb scream as if she is being slaughter when we change her diapers.

QSG,my bb is taking abt 60-65ml but she does throw up some. But she is premmie so cannot compare with other full term bb of 6 weeks.

alabone, my bb also always manages to get rid of the mittens/booties after we put them on..so most of the time igave up :p just let her scratch her face :p

yup. that's what i've found out. shouldn't be asking such qns already since i'm not a first time mum... feels like a first all over again tho.


i also had c-sec and am still having lochia. strange thing is for quite a while, i have been having brownish stains now instead of fresh blood and two days ago, i had fresh blood. not heavy. then now it's gone back to brownish again. when i had c-sec last year it lasted for about a month too but it became light enough for me to use only a pantyliner.


i'm giving up on the mittens too. my girl doesn't wear booties. a friend got me a set of five colourful socks from mothercare. very cute and just the right size for my little girl too. the socks go all the way up to her knees so look like she wearing soccer socks, only in nicer cuter colours!

need to ask a question.

my girl is now 2.5 weeks and drinking about 90ml of milk, be it bm or fm. only that fm sometimes allows her to sleep longer. is she drinking too much? she was born really tiny. so wanna beef her up in a month's time. hee hee.
Ha ha ha...

Qianhui busy going out shopping since last week. Too bored at home. Everywhere I go, when ppl knows me is under confinement, they machiam so shocked..

Me went shopping alone many times for 4-5 hours each time at west mall, Imm, Vivo, etc..

What is the breast thing regarding the mastis? What is it?

I'm a bad mother leh.. After reading all you postings, I want to tell you all that you all are very good mothers. I so far only changed diapers for my boy once.

Everything is done by my mum and hubby. I just went shopping and eating...

He full month yesterday..
I went to office to give out cards and eclairs today.

Did the taimaobi for him, spent $179 on it. Not to ex I think.

Brought him to NUH for his 1 mth check up.
Doc says he is a BIG baby for 1 mth, 90th percentile..

Kimi, my BB also kanna the drawing of blood using the tube thing. Coz I think it's becoz it's TBF, so he is still jaundice, though the polyclinic ssys he no longer needs to be checked, but when I brought him to NUH, the doc says coz he already 1 mth, they need to chk if his jaundice is becoz of breastmilk or it's because of the liver.

My boy also cried like hell leh, the nurse called us to wait outside, my mum cannot bear, so go and stand by the door, the nurse still hide behine the curtain and draw his blood (it's not those pricking on the feet, but it's those drawing from the hand's vein)

We went Vivo yesterday and today..
Didn't bring pram coz my mum complained that it's not 'flat' enough to hold BB's backbone.

End up, we bought a little cushion mattress, put BB into the Giant hybermart trolley and push him around..
So silly.
may i know which pd do u bring your bb to? any good pd to recommend in pasir ris? i know a lot of ppl recommend the TMC one, but transportation is kinda difficult for now.

seems like your hubby is warming up to bb!
tats great!

70ml not bad liao... me sometimes only 20ml nia. haiz.

yah, my hubby oso need to be told before he w do something... but like that v sian. coz bb oso his.. why must wait till i ask? anyway today hubby better... hope he will continue to get more involve w bb.. else its another breakdown crying episode :p btw, our bb have same bday...

green pus? ouch.. must be really painful.

tat seems like a plan for me too when i get back to work.. but not sure if it will work?

wah.. shopping so many places ah! anyway u not bad mother la.. the fact that u are posting it at 2am+ means u are up pumping rite? that's a big sacrifice too. your boy oso kana the needle poking tube thingy.. very poor thing hor. the needle really big.. think i kana poke i oso will cry, what more bb. haha, so cute, lying on mattress on the trolley.

u still interviewing bbsitter? can share what type of questions u asking? my colleague oso ask me to paste notice around lift area. me still considering infantcare or bbsitter. infantcare just next block, but they dont look really professional either.

what is the consequence if pump/latch on at random hours (ie not consistent 2 hourly.. can sometimes 1 hourly, sometimes 3 hourly)? yesterday wanna feed bb ebm while i try to pump diligently 2 hourly.. but sometimes she wakes up and wanna feed liao, and to use the warmer to warm the chilled ebm takes some time oso.. so to prevent her from crying too much, just shove the nipple in. bcoz of that, the timing all bcome v haphazard. dunno if my breast get confused signals...
Hi Mummies

The last giraffe is finally showing symptoms!! I am having contractions at 30-40 min interval, and I just had bloody show... hopefully this is it!!! Wish me luck!!! Will update as soon as I can!!
wake up to pump now..
really nice to hav electric pump.. leaves my hands free to type.. heee~ :p

u called the LC liao? hope things fine...

my lochia weird weird oso.. initially thot it's getting brownish in colour n getting less liao... suddenly, two days ago, colour went back to red n the flow increase as well... den yesterday while pee-ing, suddenly got one big blob drop out... aiyo.. the feeling very weird... i juz screamed n gave hubby a bad scare.. :p

mine still appears yellow too.. but hor, NUH din mention abt checking his jaundice lvl aft it drops to 153 during his 1wk check.. so now i dunnoe if i shd bring him to polyclinic to check anot.. hopefully his jaundice goes down fast... else he will need to face the blood test during his 1mth check liao..

btw, did u give bb vaccination during his checkup? me now wondering if i shd go NUH pd or polyclinic for the jab.. u thot of giving the 6-in-1 or 5-in-1 jab?

it's so nice u hav ur own mom to look aft bb... anything u can easily comment..
aiyo.. i dunnoe how things will be when my in laws help me look aft bb... most likely it will mark the end of the peaceful relationship we hav... now already showing cracks liao.. think in future will be worse.... :p

heee~ u n ur mom very innovative leh... muz be really cute to see a bb lying in a trolley.. heeee~ :p
my ger is one day older then yours (born on 11th dec). she was drinking 60ml then i increase to 70/75ml coz she seems to wan more. later she started throwing out and when we brought her to polyclinic, the pd calculated and said we overfeed her.
according to him, 150ml per kg for the whole day.
she is 3.5 odd kg, so she should still be taking ard 60ml per feed.

i applied bb oil for my ger after bathe and when i wipe her at nite. since body is abit wet, the oil absorb very fast.
newborn skin should peel but i dun like lor. see like so dry, very poor thing. now smooth smooth so shiok to touch

my fren intro a gp in whitesand to me. according to her is not bad coz he is very caring. i am taking my ger to polyclinic for jabs. i will have a gp and a pd standby in case. pd will consider the one in tampines raffles clinic.

you stay in pasir ris too? next time we can meet up. Calynn also lives in pasir ris.

wat did the LC said?

yipppppeee! you are gonna be listed in the stock market very soon

if bb is sleeping but it's her feeding time, do i wake her up for feed?

update on Chang, today is Philson's bb shower. it's a big event also. 90 ppl on the guest list
Last nite my stock market was good, all thks to hb. He took care for me in the early nite and when it's my turn, he asked to change our sleeping orientation, so that I can feed her lying down and I get lots of rest.... Today wake up feelin fresh!!
Yesterday brought Reyna to PD again!
Her blocked nose doesn't seems to get better, so we brought her to her usual PD, but too crowded, ended up go to AMK branch. We got all the assurance, we were told that all the previous medication from another PD is useless, it only helps us to feel better of bb conditions, but then bb is too small for any medication. He also told us that her blocked nose are normal in newborn (which we already know) but even if there's flu virus in her, she can't take any medication as well, just got to let her recover by herself.... sad man, cos she's too small liao, can't be help.

As for the schedule of pumping, yes, u can follow tat except that u got to massage at least once a day to prevent blocked ducts. Is this a happy news to u?
But I would say the nite u got todo something till bb is abt 3mthd or wean off from nite feeds. either latch on or pump.

No consquences except u may get more milk due to the active stimulation... as long as u dun let ur breasts got the chance to be too engorge, the ss will not dip.

When we express, we make sure we empty our breasts, so if breasts are emptied, it shld contains both fore n hind milk. U will know if u get fore or hind milk when u settled the bm in fridge or outside, u will see a layer of fats floating on top. The fats are from the hindmilk.

Tat depends on individual, my bb feeding is not timed, so like starluster, sometimes 1 hr, sometimes 2 hr or sometimes 3 hr, so I dun really feel the engorgement, but if I really feel the breast is full, I will express it out for my no. 2 lor.
help!! my milk too much for me to handle liao.. i think i got 2L worth of milk kept in freezer liao.. running out of space very fast.. how how?? but very kexi to throw away leh....
sian.... now my breast engorge... but i dun wish to express leh.. express liao no place to keep oso... sob....
gd morning mommies to a bright and sunny day!

Bloom, i still swaddle my gal but without the hands. Hope our bb will get over the phrase of screaming/crying when changing diaper.

What's the proper way to thaw frozen ebm. Do we need to let thaw completely before placing onto a bowl of warm/hot water before feeding? Or can place in the bowl straight from the freezer.

What about feeding ebm when we are outside? Do warm up outside or warm up before leaving home? I still depend heavily on my nursing pillow when BF, no confident to do it outside without it.
morning ladies,

oh shihui, now u like me, too much milk no space to put! heh heh. i threw away lotsa them, bo bian. maybe u can take e oldest one 4 facial, or like pokemon (or one o e mums, can't remember), use e milk 4 milk bath 4 ur bb! heh!

i haven't tried both tho. now total latch on, so dd=ss liao! no more engorgement pain! shiok! oso no need to pump n sterilise n headache bt no space 2 put milk..


yap. my hubby's a tchr. sian hor? sch reopen liao? like losing a maid like tt!
haf been slowly taking over his chores these few days. now bathing bb n laundry r officially my job liao.
but so far so gd lah, can cope. u haf maid or ppl 2 help out?


congrats congrats! altho bb come out cannot sleep but i'm sure u're more than prepared after reading all our 'horror' stories! but o cos there r wonderful moments too! haf a smooth labour n enjoy ur motherhood!


green pus sounds scary! how's everything now?


NUH draw fr e hand ar? mine fr e foot so i tink nt so painful lah. but sian leh... jaundice nv go dn. my hubby's at e polyclinic w bb now, 4 a review o e blood test. hopefully her jaundice wld go dn lor. must go lower than 100 rite? she still 150+ last wk!

bloom, alabone,

i's so desperate bt e mittens one time, cos she keeps scratching her face while feeding. once, she scratched until bleed lor! so i secured e mittens w a rubberband! ha ha... bad idea lah! cos rubberband so dirty... now she's less violent lah so let her fingers go free is ok... she v funny, last time will scratch herself n feel e pain n cry... chey...


u wanna chk w doc 2 c if it's oral thrush? a kinda fungal growth..

re: peeling skin

mine had it too. we tot it's bcos e bathing soap's too drying. but we din do anything bt it. after a while, they just stop peeling anymore, tink it's normal. she's already started peeling in special care.

re: mixing up o day n nite

mine too! sian... in e day, she can drag her feedings to 4hrly... at nite leh? 2.5-3hrly.... hiyoh! shld b e other way rd mah! realised my bb sleeps better w noise! maybe tt's y... at nite too quiet she can't sleep!

re: swaddling

mine oso dun like to b swaddled. hmmm, is there any bb here who act likes to b swaddled? she wld oso struggle n break free everytime. so i tot no pt... just wrap her body. but if it's v cold at nite, will let her wear long sleeves lor! but will still owrry sometimes tt her neck is too cold... she seems alrite tho...

me also! i's tinking of nursing outside then remembered they dun supply pillows! how 2 nurse? my bb still struggles a lot while latching. i dun haf e strength to carry her n position her head while she moves ard (can b v violent n she's q strong!) w one hand! so i tink.... gotta wait lah... told me hubby yest tt if we go out, will use EBM liao...

but it's recommended tt bottle feeding b introduced only after 6-8 wks when BFing is v established. so me waiting....
alrite...since hubby n bb at polyclinic, me wanna go shopping at..... NTUC.... haiz... tt's bt e most exciting thing i can do rite now...

will try cycling.. miss cycling.... had wanted to schedule in a jog at least once a wk but cannot find time! can only do stretching at home... wanna tone up my body leh...
Dun throw, can keep 4 2 mths in freezer.... jus latch on lor, by now u shld hav enuf supply to do latch on solely....

U can thaw it at rm temp or fridge 1st if u got the time, else can jus put directly in warm water, but got to change thw water frequently.
but hor, my freezer running out of space liao.. n on average, i'm adding 2 packets of EBM per day into the freezer... :p bb still can't fully empty both breasts leh.. can onli empty one side.. den the other side still engorge....
but if i pump out, no space to store... hai~~~~~~~~

ya lor... now me like u in the past.. hopefully soon it will be demand=ss...
but i got to build up some stock too.. coz hubby promised to bring me go tour in feb...
heee~ muz build up 5 days worth of stock leh.. :p now it's onli freezer tt's limiting... :p
my freezer compartment quite small mah... den onli 2 lvl... 1 lvl used to store raw food, another for milk/ice-cream etc.. the tupperware i used to contain the milk already full lor....
den still got two boxes of ice cream waiting for hubby to clear.. we bought it one day b4 i gave birth.. :p
Mine also the same, 2 lvl, but I nvr store milk now, only 3 pk to standby in case I'm too sick to nurse.... so far, heng, I'm still well
how much does a one-month old baby drink? I was experimenting with my boy last nite and he gulp down 130ml and still don't seem satisfied. I intend to bring him out tomorrow for full moon celebration but donno how much EBM to bring. Don't wan to bring too much EBM and waste my previous milk.
oh ya, a few more q:
1. When can we carry bb in the MIM sling? is it too early to use it when bb is just one month old?

2. Do you gals put ur bb on bouncer? my CL said we should not do it in the first month as bb's spine is not fully develop yet and should only sleep only hard surface like mattress.
congrats!! our baby of all babies is finally coming out

me stayin in tampines. may i know where is the tampines raffles clinic? issit the one at the dbs building? think that building close for reno liao.

wow... envious lei.. me still struggling w my milk supply.

Jaundice baby
yay! these few days got some sun... so its time to sun the babies. hopefully it'll help lower the jaudice level
The 1st C-section I had was 2+ yrs ago.. that time had quite heavy bleeding this time symptoms diff n less pain etc. Also stomach seem to go down fast this time maybe coz now have 2 boys to chase after etc. Next mth will be test mth for me coz MIL will go back to HK and will be handling both boys on my own.

have been using the sling since bb was 1 week old. It depends on which position you put the bb in..there are a few for usage with the sling. you will still need to use your hand to support the bb.
I tried to put my boy on the bouncer but not safe coz he nearly flipped out of it or kicked till he was almost falling off.. maybe later when he is more stable then I can buckle him in properly.
alabone, so the soccer socks are wasted since ur gal does not wear booties too?

Qianhui, alamat! And I thot u r too busy to login, so u r too busy shopping to login!

starluster, he warm up, i cool down..scared when he goes back to office bb will always demand to be carried then i can forget abt lunch, dinner and pumping.

Below are the questions that I usually ask/check :
- view home to see if its clean
- look at family members
- ask abt age of kids. if young kids, how they go to school (u don't want ur bbsitter to carry ur bb in rain to fetch her kids right?) how indept are the kids
- age/religion of bbsitter
- any smoker/pets at home?
- can pickup at mrt? (if bbsitter's home is abit way off and its inconvenient for u to rush there during morning)
- where will bb sleep (saraong/cot?) and which room (bedroom/living room)
- EBM ok? (if u r providing EBM)
- ok to wash bb clothes separately from adults clothes using bb detergent (i know of one who won't wash bb clothes at all)
- ok to wash bb bottles separately using bb bottle detergent?
- ok to wear cloth nappy (if not using diapers) cos some bbsitters dunwan to use cloth
- price (incl price once bb start on solid food). who will buy the food (eg fish, meat)
- things u need to provide bbsitter (eg, detergent, food, mattress?)
- will bbsitter use pacifier?
- any nearby playschool that ur bb can enrol in the future that is convenient for bbsitter to bring to and from?

hope the list helps!

problem with infantcare is that they expect to pick up the bb at x time. with bbsitter, hopefully timing is more flexible.

Dora, have fun! :p

Vanessa,thanks! I think this is good news for both me and starluster. So I guess I should start now by increasing the interval between pumping but still empty the breasts fully. And then add one more round of the usual massage everyday? I started increasing the interval yesterday and today the ss seem to drop already so abit worried
What do u mean by I have to do something abt the night? If she still wants to drink every 3 hourly I will have to follow but then it will just be feeding her every 3 hourly rather than feed her then pump loh. It was only yesterday that my goondu hubby realise that for everynight, I had only been sleeping 1 hr per 3 hrs cos I spent abt 1 hr feeding her and 1 hr pumping...really take him a long time to realise that.... BTW, last time how many times did u pump in office? Does that mean that if last time i pump 100ml per 3 hrs, I should be expecting abt 250ml per 8 hrs if I am to pump thrice a day? heheheh....

Diveera, nurse at KKH told me to bring down from freezer to lower compartment to thaw first before using warm water. Usually I use hot water cos warm water is too slow for a screaming hungry bb! :p I gave up bringing ebm outside..either latch on (if at pp's place) but always bring FM just in case bb refuse to latch on..ahahaha...

shihui, kimi, I also have to throw away some cos not enuf glass bottles... only got abt 20 bottles or so. So abit sad cos I might be weaning her off soon and I actually wanted to stock as much as possible but small freezer!

kimi, envy tat ur bb is strong enuf to suck so that u dont have to pump. rubber band very tight leh... actually that time doc did give medication for oral thrush..but it seems to come back after we finish the 7 days dosage...
hmmm.. if tt's the case, i keep it first.. MIL going to help us clear the two tubs of ice cream.. so currently, i still hav half a lvl's space..

i place bb in the bouncer liao.. but we try to make it as horizontal as possible lor.. :p so far, bb quite okie with it..
hi gals,
haven come in for awhile.. my boi was admitted to hospital on wed. he had been vomitting most of the bm n fm. so brought him to see pd at tmc wed nite. pd advise to admit him as recently there r some stomach virus spreading among children. They did some blood test n urine test. The result is fine. we were discharged thurs evening. pd recommended us to mix my current fm wif fisco comfort(for colicky, vomitting n constipation bb). My boi also got many wind inside his stomach. His stomach veri bloated. pd advise not to keep letting my boi cry alot. I feel like a lousy mummy. my boi oni 5 week plus old n he had to admit to the hosptial. But the 1 day stay in the hosptial was quite friutful. i learnt the tactic of calming bb down if he cry from another mummy staying same room as mi. she also share wif mi her experience.

I pumped 2x in the office, 1x ard 10.30am, another time ard 3pm, then go home I latch on. The nite feeding is if u dun latch on, u got to pump lor, else the supply may not hav enuf. For my case, I usually latch on, cos like that I can rest longer n better.

Hope ur boi is better now. I was so surprised u called me that day. Dun feel lousy, u r actually very gd mummy. My gal also in n out of PD's office many times... I also feel lousy, cos like my gal keep going to PD like that... so poor thing.

my turn to have lousy night now... baby was up not crying but making really really loud grunting noises and keep wanting to feed. then i afraid she regurgitate so keep getting up whenever i hear her make loud noises. latched her on and she was so violent! turn her head left and right and biting on to the nipple and not letting go. i yelped out in pain.

my son who is having is 'fake measles' is making everyone in my mum's household miserable, esp my mum, who happens to have to wash and cook food for me. son refuses to lie on the bed and sleep despite being tired and insists on my mum carrying him so he sleeps while she carries him. when she puts him down, he will cry father cry mother... so mum tired. so she tired then temper becomes bad. then come over to my pl throw tantrum at me. and i hardly have enough sleep myself so temper also not good. however, i control and just let her complain all she wants. then i come online here to vent any frustrations i have...

the whole of last night hubby was sleeping so soundly. wish i could do that. didn't really wanna wake him coz he is returning to work soon and will miss sleep since must wake so early to go to school... sometimes i want to stuff the baby back inside me...


i'm also a teacher too so i understand both our husbands' plight... waking so early and returning home so late and still have to do lesson plans and also marking and having meetings ever so often. wah........ he plugging in the vacuum cleaner to help me vacuum leh. and i didn't even ask.


so i'm overfeeding her is it? but she doesn't seem to feel full after i give her just 60ml. she really wants more and gets quite cranky. so for ebm, she drinks about 80ml and for fm, she drinks about 70ml. i don't quite understand about he 150ml per kg thing. per kg of what huh? baby weight ah? so envious of your bb's weight. mine was born one day later and at birth weighed 2.6kg and really tiny in size. upon discharge, she was 2.4kg. then at first week checkup with PD she weighed 2.7kg. don't know her weight now but when i latch her on, she feels heavier.


i guess men are just procrastinators la... anyway, he's vacuuming the house now without me asking him to. surprising but good sign. hope our hubbies will keep it up! oh yes, must remember to praise. later will go and tell him 'thanks' and 'good job'!


wow. on top of handling a new bb you still have two older boys to chase around? must kowtow to you. i have one older boy. 16mths only. today my mum going for wedding dinner so only left hubby and i with the measles boy and my girl... oh no... hope we don't get too miserable...


i let her wear those nice soccer socks coz they fit nicely. but once she starts kicking around, it tends to drop too. but better than booties.


very envious of your milk ss. my like irregular. but i'm not so hardworking like you all. at night i never specially wake up to pump. sometimes i just latch her on, sometimes i just give fm...

very sleepy and tired. how do the rest of you keep up? i'm almost turning a blind eye to housework liao. and i see some of you post in the morning at 10plus. already awake? i try to sleep when bb sleeps till my mum comes over with food at 1plus. then i'm really up. maybe that's why she angry with me. i get to sleep more than she does...
Only have 1 older boy not 2
He is 2yr 9mths old. superactive type..will only sleep if battery run out. I will be on CCL for 1.5yrs..haven't decided if want to go back and teach..very sian with the working environment esp since former pri sch practiced discrimination against women with kids.
Hi Bloom,
when did u start yr massage? my lochia is on and off. sometimes got sometimes dun have.

hmm...maybe u shd ask yr hb to read up books on bb or go internet to look for infor. maybe yr hb juz follow what his mum did last time.

dunno why sometimes bb burp successfully, sometimes dun. bb dun throw up lot, just a few drip fr her mouth only.
Hi Geri Zoe Lim Poh Hoon,
I encountered the same situation as u,bb seem to have gd appetite these days. wake up hrly and drink and then slp. when plc onto her bed, she wake up. guess this pharse is a growth spurt for bb.

come across that during wk 3, wk 6 and 3 mth and 6 mth, bb will behave like that.
I understand ur plight, both my gals had 'fake measles" when I'm pregnant, always very heng. When I'm pregnant with my 2nd, my 1st kena, when I'm pregnant with my 3rd, my 2nd kena, so I understand that they can get very cranky at times and it's so tiring for the whole household. But bear with him, once he's well, everyone will be in a better mood.

We keep our sane by venting our frustration here and gain our support here....
Hi Jackie,
I'm not sure how the feeling of engorement, maybe pain pain in breast. after 3 hr, I knew that my breast will be as hard as stone and milk will start dripping down. so is that engorgement?

nowsdays, my gar will only able to finish milk fr 1 breast in 3 separate feed. hai... so by then, the other breast will be full then. will allow bb to suck a bit to prevent further dripping.

you're a teacher too! i'm a sec sch teacher and am thinking of going on CCL too. but school wants me back and also expecting me to and a lot of other 'political' stuff la... just got new bb and they deploying me to teach NA classes for next year... super xian... if want to apply for leave, when should i apply for it?


my boy has got rashes all over his body and face leh... super x 10 cranky man! don't want to drink and eat very little. keep crying and keep wanting the daddy or grandma to carry. no one else can. very heart pain but can't carry him... how long before the rashes go away?
thanks for the list.
so have u found a suitable one yet? think i w start looking in end Jan, since i start work in march.

its good to see bb becoming slightly chubbier hor? my bb was 2.455kg at birth and after discharge was 2.3kg. so tiny n so fragile looking. at 15days she is 2.9kg. feel so happy that my bf efforts are paying off.

i face the same problem as u... pump liao then after awhile bb wants to feed.. but usually for my case is enough coz my bb seems to drink v little.

my bb today very fretful.. dunno why. so i swaddled her (usually i only swaddle at nite) and though she dislike it initially, after awhile she settled down n is able to calm herself to zzz. phew~ so guess swaddling does help keeping bb calm.

today i have this funny feeling.. its like a shocking realization that this is the life that i have to face liao. the feeling is like i am attending some event, it was exciting and fun.. but am getting tired of it and wish to just go home to normality.. but then this is normality. and i just got to face it. haiz.. dunno how to explain la.. but guess motherhood plus the fact that have to stay cooped up at home is getting to me liao.


yes. when i brought bb for checkup, was very glad to see that she has gained back weight and was heavier than at birth, albeit only 100gms. don't know why both my babys so tiny. mine is really really tiny. her hands are so so small. anyway, glad your baby allowed you to swaddle her and was able to fall asleep herself.

i totally understand your funny feeling. coz today, i also have the same funny feeling. i think it's really because we are cooped up at home and eating same food over and over again. i think the initial stages are always the hardest. the son was terrible. scream and scream the whole day when he was an infant and slept only half hour each time. at least my girl can sleep longer and can fall asleep on her own. just hang on there i suppose. before we know it, we'll be here talking about our bb's first smile!!! then we'll post pics here and share!
can't wait already!


my boy got the fake measles thingy can go out or not? his daddy keeps wanting to bring him out. my son also a bit happier when he is out and less cranky.
