(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

i dunno how true but i've heard fr old folks n a few other mummies tat it is best 2 avoid supplements which has orangey stuff in it. something abt it causing phlegm. when i bought e scotts' CLO for gabe (when he was much younger), i bought e original flavour too. me KS mummy, decided 2 play safe.

rochelle, I think some mummies order online because of the high markup in sg. Its more economical to buy online I think.

kelly, the orange flavour in NN's CLO is derived from orange oil, not orange juice. If I am not mistaken (someone correct me if I am), orange oil is derived from the peel, not the flesh/pulp.
thks 4 e info. cos e orange flavoured scotts' CLO dun use orange oil. i cant recall e exact content but i'm sure it's not orange oil. ya, orange oil is fr e peel.
yuru, I've emailed you my order, 5 items in all. Let me know when you need me to pay, thanks!
Thanks for all the answers!

Yuru, think I'd skip sambucol & CLO orders. Sambucol seems too many bots to "undertake", Ahgirl still haven't finished her current CLO bot.

No idea how long it takes, I'm giving it til this Sat for some improvement. According to my mum, it is effective for reducing phelgm but not cough itself, and it's not 1-day miracle.
Got desperate enough to try cos Irvin recovered fr his stomach virus... only to get a cough AGAIN. Athena still phelgmy cough. Hoping Hou Ning will break the cycle.
i have tried Hou Ning on Rhyan before, sometime last year when he had a bad cough. its quite effective IMO for phelgmy cough coz he took his cough med for quite a while that time and still had alot of phelgm. but its costly so after i gave 2 bottles that time, i continued by giving Hou Zao San from Hock Hua Medical Store. Its $12+ and contains Hou Ning + other herbal stuff. For mild phelgmy cough, I gave Hou Zao San only and it was equally good.

Cut costs, bo bian. A PD visit costs around $50-$70 and if I include Hou Ning, it can cost me up to $150 per illness.
my long post got swallowed up, aiyah.
thanks for the feedback and rec- tomolo switching to HZS.
Athena's phelgm does seem better but not within my comfort levels yet.
Irvin's phlegm worse.

And this evening Athena got attacked by black army ants while looking at fishes. HB din notice til too late. U know how sensitive she is to insect bites
yr long post abt feeding HN by your maid, is it? i read yr blog this afternoon.

eh, did you check abt insurance coverage against bites? the one i mentioned last time? if athena's bites warrant visit to doc, really shld consider.
no lah was calculating how much HN Athena consumed and STILL phelgmy leh. We din stop the western meds either!

i havent checked that insurance thing- *fingers crossed* she says not painful anymore. But sometimes the venom flares after a day or so.
pawpwint, athena's throat irritated as well and she is still having coughing fits? Or only phlegm leftover from cough and hence she is just coughing to get it out? If its the latter then it usually means recovery soon?
For Faye, I dont even give her prescribed meds anymore for cough cause they are too harsh(colouring, alcohol) and ineffective for her. So when she has a phelgmy cough (which she is very prone to these days
) I give her the Gaia Herbs Cough syrup fo wet coughs (1.5ml, 3x a day, herbal but pleasant tasting). The thing is that since its not a drug, you might have to give it a few days to work. Also, it helps very well with cough fits caused by irritated throats. This is the only cough syrup that can help Faye ease her coughing fits enuf to sleep through the night. But hor, the downside is the price, its sold at vitakids at $38.80 for a tiny bottle, darn exp I know but worth every cent imo. (Oh, I also do give flumacil at the same time to help with the phlegm problem) Afer (if you do) stop the chinese herbal remedy, maybe u wanna give this a try; Best not to mix both since both are herbal. One more thing that I read about and proven true with Faye- to cut *all* dairy including diluted milk feeds until phlegm is completely cleared cause dairy can increase worsen phlegm problems.
she coughs infrequently, but at night the coughing fit can be so serious she sits up to cough (then go back to sleep like a frog, very kelian). I don't know if it was which case u mentioned, cos my concern was for her quick recovery (before it ping-pongs over to Irv, he DID catch it again but I felt the longer either of them cough/ the more serious the phelgm, the more the likelihood of the other getting worse too). How to segregate siblings under 1 household?

It was very phelgmy... today seems better though! :D
It's after 7 doses of Hou Ning (3.5days), and western med at same time... so can't tell if it got better with time or with western med or wat.
GHC actually sounds ALOT more affordable than HN ($175 so far!), but I don't dare to stop western med to use only GHC leh.

I give diluted Pediasure mixed with Hay Dairies goat FM... that's abt the furthest compromise she'd accept for her beloved nan-nan. We do cut out dairy from all her food for duration.

my mum said HZS is OOS!!! ARGH!!! The Medical Hall recommended pearl powder but cautioned pearl powder must use in strict moderation... which I dun dare to use since they put it that way!
aiyo! don't know if its OOS again or OOS since the last time kelly tried to buy. i may be going Tampines after work today, will help to check for you at Hock Hua to see if they have the stock there. otherwise, i think i have a new bottle at nanny's place (bought the other time thinking i ran out already) which is still unopened, let me know if you really want it.

think better not try the pearl powder, i am also not sure what is it.
pawprint, I think you can combine both western meds and GHC, cause GHC is purely herbal, I've done that twice when REALLY desperate. What I meant was that its not wise to combine chinese herbs and GHC since both are herbal and we wont know what interactions there might be. If you are running out of your chinese herbs, then do give GHC a try, there is almost always an immediate soothing effect from the first dose onwards for faye.
oh can combine then I try! Ath STILL phelgmy today. Irv starting phelgmy AND got running nose this morn. Really exasperated by this cycle of illnesses.

my mum checked out Tamps and they told her OOS in ALL branches!
Hey if u pass me ur bottle then u dun have, how? How come they OOS, so strange!
My mum bought the pearl powder for her own phelgm lor. Apparently must drink LOTS of water with it.

thanks. C's so sweet!
u want to try the HZS from Jin tai tang..there is branch in Ubi also.. maybe more convienet for u. Roy is on that ..and phelgm seems to be going away for him.
1 bottle $15..Roy still on the 1 bottle I bought as only 1/2 the 2.5ml teasppon is given each time twice a day

Cindy is such a caring girl
yuru, no problem!
I can never figure out how they calculate shipping anyway :p

pawprint, the sodium ascorbic vit c u ordered shd help greatly. Some time ago Faye had a mysterious bout of oral thrush (I've alays thought only BF infants get them?!) that simply refused to go away even after I give her both oral + topical meds and relugiously clean her tounge 2x daily + sterilise all her bottles/straws for very long time. It actually lingered for more than *2 months* and I was getting v worried cause PD said that it indicates that her immune system is very weak, cannot get rid of it. It cleared up for good (thank goodness!) after several weeks of that Vit C I mentioned. But for children who are fighting illnesses/viruses, you need to give high doses, what some people call bowel tolerance levels- once the amount exceeds what the body needs, the child will have slightly loose stools. So thats the indication of how much you'll need to give in order for it to work effectively.
Yuru, np at all, and btw the THANKS for yesterday!

Berry gave me the link to the Vit C- it's the one in my order emailed to u.

eh just now was talking to the ahma-porpors at A's kindy. One of them mentioned that she stopped giving HZS cos she cldn't be sure of its contents (the news reports abt chinese meds). Apparently there are ALOT of brands of HZS??? Cos one mentioned $25/ bottle of "Zhen Zhu (pearl) HZS (available) from any medical hall". None of them heard of Hou Ning (or maybe I pronounce wrongly, haha).

the Vit C not going to reach me in time for this episode, u reckon I cld flush her with Delrosa instead? But I'm afraid will worsen her phelgm if I try anything too strong leh... now it IS recovering, just a matter of time (but I dun want Ahboy to get hit by it in meantime leh).

Actually the kids are somewhat ok in health, just that Irvin's neubalising 2 wks ago really freaked me out/ gave me a shock cos I thought it was under control wat with PD-tuina-GP follow-ups. And I guess I need to allay my guilt by getting them well quickly.
More Hou Ning talk-
my gf mentioned she found HN more effective for phelgm in lungs/ wheezing case, than phelgm in throat type. Athena's was throat type, maybe that's why- she hasn't gotten the wheezing type b4. Irvin's gotten wheezy a few times already- i think he may be more susceptible to asthma?
hey, whats the vit. c u mentioned here? and actually whenever quinn has cough, i really hope i have the courage to reach for those herbal thingy BUT i really dun dare to. as whenever he has a cough, got to be extra careful since he has the tendancy of having more problem from it. so i only dare to give him whats given by his pd as he tends to develop wheezing and such so it can be quite complicated...haiz....

oh yah, i really find vitakidz pp really nice too. remember i posted about where can i find NATURES WAY probiotic? as i cant find it anywhere in singapore, i.herb has it BUT i cant order from them as it need to be refrigerated. so i call up vitakidz and ask if they have that but no..... so i think the boss keep that in mind and that was like 3 weeks ago? then today she called me and says that she ordered that particular probiotic!!!! i was so happy to hear that and its S$40 ++ and i.herb is selling ONLY US$11.69. but then if add in shipping and such, maybe i only pay S$5 more so still reasonable. but if i can order from i.herb plus other supplements then its pretty expensive to get from vitakidz....but well, no choice heh.

your gf is right, HNis more for the respiration. like in lungs and such. and i dun know, its what i heard from old folks, boy usually tends to get the wheezing more than gals?? and as for the pearlpowder hor, i really DUN dare to try on quinn though i use to take it last time myself. one of my gf gave pearl powder to her boy then her boy develop some allergy reaction, face turns red and lips swell so badly that they brot him to the hospital in the middle of the night. as for u asking about the delrosa, i am just giving some opinion of mine, if its becos of the vit.c in it that make u wanna give athena, by not just buy a vit. c first instead of using delrosa? IMO lah, i really think delrosa is full of sugar in it, not that i anti-sugar by maybe its not very good to give it to athena when shes coughing since sweet stuff also aggitate the throat and may cause more phlegm? just imo okie.

u order from i.herb already???!!!! or not yet????

ur gal so sweet and adorable
*notti corner* wahahahahaha!!!!! but i can understand ur frus when it comes to getting her to eat as i am facing this problem too, even till now. but i think sometimes we must let go abit, meaning dun act up when they dun wanna eat as lately, i think i am too tired of getting quinn to eat his meal so i just LET GO lor, want to eat eat, dun want to eat i just let him be. after awhile, without me realizing it, his eating improved!!!!!! he can even sit and eat with me though not thru-out the entire meal time but good enough. he can ate like 2 slices of pizza and finish off with some snacks or a small bowl of ramen on his own. so i guess sometimes they feel the pressure from us so we must keep cool and remain calm though sometimes i really envy kids who eat well but then again, how many kids at this age actually eat that well right, so just relax lor. :p
oh yah forgot delrosa very sweet, may aggravate cough. thanks for reminder.

Ruffy, lilprince,
hey i tried the HZS Ruffy recommended cos can buy nearby. It's produced in Singapore.
Yest evening, my mum took it first (she guinea pig herself), said it's very effective, asked me how I know abt this product cos she didn't! Said her phelgm coagulated, so she cld expel it. I asked her how wld kids expel it- she said her nose started running and everything went out that way too. Apparently she finds it more effective than HN.
Then gave the kids last nite too- hmm, I dun c any effect on Athena other than her still coughing in her sleep. Irvin already has running nose, it started to worsen his running nose... but if as my mum claims that's gd?
btw did the guy at medical hall recommend some kind of powder concoction for when the kids are recovered. Supposedly it's a mix of several herbs incl. dong cong cao... very ex ah! $150 1 jar. My mum quite tempted to buy for the kids.
Must pre-order cos they need to grind it... I saw they had packs of it on the counter awaiting customer collection.

dong cong cao is good for asthma, respiratory problems. took it and recover from bad case of asthma after a year. u can steam it with chicken for children to drink
It takes 1-2 days to see the effect in kids coz of the lower dosage they take. Roy's phlegm is almost gone.His cold has already stopped.
YEah that $150 very expensive medicine they recommended. Tried it b4 and it did improve Ryan's health but stopped it as MIL managed to get similar stuff from HK as they gave the recepie to it also with the package. That item is very sellable there also.
paiseh, no time to read SM yesterday. i have an opened bottle at home, the one at nanny's place is not opened yet. anyway, hope the one you bought at the other medical store is good too. abt the news report, i am only wary of those chinese powder for children who got frightened, this HZS still acceptable for me.

dong cong cao is cordyceps, can google abt it. its good for lungs but expensive.

Rhyan learnt how to expel his own phelgm lately, bad thing is, he keeps doing it for fun. sounds like old ah pek leh, i buay tahan.
pawprint, lil prince
wow...hock hua's HZS still OOS til now. i recalled asking them back in may. the guy in e tamp outlet mentioned something abt no production anymore.

ya, there r many brands of HZS. some made locally, some brought in fr china. i usually buy e most ex HZS fr my regular chinese sinseh.

my sinseh also recommended some concoction for gabe/edward 2 strengthen their lungs. i was so panicky abt their regular runny nose/phlegmy cough episode n not comfortable wif them taking so much western med so i consulted my chinese sinseh. he said tat my boys' (esp edward) lungs very weak, tat's y suspectible 2 phlegmy cough n takes a long time 2 recover. so must beef up their lungs n blah blah blah, shld take some concoction 2 strengthen their lungs. i spent $100+ on it 4 them. i added into their milk but e boys dun fancy them cos there was a change in e milk taste n they detected it. force fed them but was not pleasant. i ended up finishing e concoction cos i was also falling sick wif them 4 a while. seems 2 work on *me*.

mayb u like 2 try it on irvin since he's more prone 2 wheezing?
hi mummies
any suggestions where i can find reasonably priced n decent 2piece swimming costumes? i dun need branded ones. my budget is $40. how abt far east plaza?
thks...will check it out tis wk. er...i was juz tiking if i buy a tankini, wont it ride up my whale-like belly when i get bigger? in e end i look like i wearing a bikini?
hv u tried e huai shan powder? i intro 2 my GF for her 7yrs old girl. my GF calls her girl a sam-poh (skinny girl) n ever since she started on huai shan powder, her girl has been able 2 finish 1 bowl of rice at lunch n dinner whereas previously her girl can barely consume 1/2bowl for lunch n dinner. everything e maid cooks dun seem appetising. now it's a different story.
kelly, I've seen some at places like those huge 'tom and stephanie' shops before, but in the west/central area, do you have this shop around you? Since you are preggie, why not get a one-piece so that it wont ride up (unless you dont mind it ridng up, some ppl dun mind). Or if you cant find good priced decent quality swimwear here, how about ebay? I think you'll have much better luck there, more variety?

yuru, heh, stressing yourself out like this will not make a difference in terms of how/what cindy eats. It will only add tension to the situation. Just do your best and dont stress so much lar hehe.
(PS: this is coming from a mom whose darling daughter is also not exactly a very easy-going eater :p)

lil devil, the vit C is the one yuru linked for you.

lil prince, LOL Faye is still clueless on expelling phlegm, so maybe he can give her several useful pointers when they next meet. This morning she walked around whispering like an old woman for 30 min cause got phelgm in her throat lol. :p
can understand yur stress on cindy diet. as long she is healthy and happy should be ok. i rem my mum letting nicole eat the huai shan powder tat kelly mention. not sure is it tat effective cos nicole is a "junk" eater. she cannot survive wifout rice, she hate burger or any western food. ikea is our weekend fav place haha cos the food there suit nicole.
i feel peer pressure help in feeding. soemtime when nicole ref to eat, we feef jeralyn so she will wan again.

i use to buy HZS from ZTP abt $18 a tube, had been feedign both kid when ever they cold so far ok it a mixture of DCC and another thing. we try Bao Yin Dan from Eu ren sen also quite gd for phelgm.
can understand yur stress on cindy diet. as long she is healthy and happy should be ok. i rem my mum letting nicole eat the huai shan powder tat kelly mention. not sure is it tat effective cos nicole is a "junk" eater. she cannot survive wifout rice, she hate burger or any western food. ikea is our weekend fav place haha cos the food there suit nicole.
i feel peer pressure help in feeding. soemtime when nicole ref to eat, we feef jeralyn so she will wan again.

i use to buy HZS from ZTP abt $18 a tube, had been feedign both kid when ever they cold so far ok it a mixture of DCC and another thing. we try Bao Yin Dan from Eu ren sen also quite gd for phelgm.
can understand yur stress on cindy diet. as long she is healthy and happy should be ok. i rem my mum letting nicole eat the huai shan powder tat kelly mention. not sure is it tat effective cos nicole is a "junk" eater. she cannot survive wifout rice, she hate burger or any western food. ikea is our weekend fav place haha cos the food there suit nicole.
i feel peer pressure help in feeding. soemtime when nicole ref to eat, we feef jeralyn so she will wan again.

i use to buy HZS from ZTP abt $18 a tube, had been feedign both kid when ever they cold so far ok it a mixture of DCC and another thing. we try Bao Yin Dan from Eu ren sen also quite gd for phelgm.
hi berry,
sorry i mean she eat all kind of junk, but rice is still a must must food at every meal.

so wif her around we cant eat fast food haha... cos she refuse to eat. we try b4 and end up like forcing her to eat and ppl stare at us as if we are bad parent forcing our kid eat fastfood
thks 4 e info. there's a tom & stefanie outlet in my neighbourhood. if i getting 1-piece, i need 2 get a maternity swimsuit cos i doubt i can fit into a normal swimsuit when i m 8-9mths preggie. i dun mind a tankini cos after i give birth, i can still wear it, esp when i hv a permanent belly which look as i'm always 3-4mths preggie. my only concern is if e tankini will ride up. i'll figure something out when e time comes.
wendy, ooh okie hehe. But hor, er... fastfood is not exactly good for them, so its a gd thing that she doesnt want right?

kelly, eh I find that one-piece hides flaws better than tankinis? Anyway hor, I've seen preggies wearing normal 2-pieces before, with pregnancy belly showing and all, no one seemed to be staring, it also didnt look v strange to me.

yuru, eh, dont let such a common issue have more power over your life than it should. It really doesnt deserve this much of your energy. I think you are oredi doing your very very best, and thats really good enough. Think of it this way- 10 years down the road, you prob wont even remember this anymore hehe, right?
thanks for the vit.c infor

hey, wanna share with u that wat u mentioned about cindys eating habit is sama sama with quinn *for past few months* as in he dun eat outside food and dun even fancy what kids usually fancy, like fires and such. quinn will tell me tat he wants fries but when he has it, he will eat 2 the most!!!!! hes more interested in the KETCHUP!!!!! and he dun like burger and such and also any food tats not home food. but even homecook food also eating very little or not at all. but hes willing to snack sometimes and his all time fav. is his milk! but after afew months of we trying and trying, letting him get use to eating when we are out and also chose food that will suit him like rice dishes, noodle or ramen. it takes time trust me, and the funny thing is he starts eating and all tat when i am at my most relax period of time. i guess for afew weeks or months i have been rather relax about him not eating. then just 1 day, BINGO hes willing to try those food and eating a decent portion though not alot. and now when we aare out we will ask him wat he feels like eating and tat day he mentioned pizza so i say OKIE and he can even reply "yea!!! yea!!!! we are eating pizza" last time nothing seems to interest him but i guess it takes time and also when hes more expose to eating outside * of cos we must go thru a NOT EATING phase* and he saw all people eating *including children* when u are outside, slowly hes more willing to try and more acceptable for him. so dun think and stress too much over it, it will be over!!!
hi berry,
yes it a gd new for me tat she reject just tat sometime weekend go out quite hard wif buyign food for her. and in order to share wif her i need to eat rice.

hi yuru
yes nicole had the same probmem. but to me as long she eat i fine, so far we were given a list of their menu so far all the food look ok to us so we are fine wif it.
dun worry problem not wif u, it the kids growing process in experimentating food

sharing with mummies *think some mummies might already know* that coming monday is the day when we can actually see 2 moon!!?? dun know what is the actual term call. hope to see it and i believe quinn will be trill as from his knowledge, theres only 1 moon, heee.....

Rhyan can expel phlegm? that very good and i think its benefits out weigh the expelling for fun, ha!!!!

i really think our toddlers are big gals and boys liao.... happy but sort of miss the baby in quinn. last night talking to hubby that we all actually foolow this thread for around 3 years plus and during then we were all talking about cravings and such, follow on by our toddlers development, sharing joys and worries and now they are talking to us like adults
i cant helping laughing and also thinking how time flies when i listen to how quinn talks. hes been into alot of funny expression, like

1) ummm.... lets see what can we do?
2) hey, whats wrong wrong you?
3) mummie, its too dangerious and you will hurt urself.
4) oh no oh no, that not very good. *i like this alot, ha!!!!*
5) we can actually do this you know?
6) stop there, i can do it by myself, u can just wait there! *when hes doing his toileting, feel abit sad though and dun understand why i felt that way*

alot more and that really makes me feel hes such a big boy now ad i realy miss when hes still a baby...... so sentimental..... in the emotional mood i think
