(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

i contacted swim21 before- they despatch instructors to condo pools, rather pricey compared to Aranda's though. Thought since she's ok yest, to just go for it. Yeah, we've been spraying antimozzie AND putting those sticker patches at same time. Sometimes bring the bottle along and spritz the kids for "refresher" protection.

puff, which location convenient for u?
Aquaducks (Suntec), Marsden (Buona Vista & another location I forget where), Roland Swim Sch (Pasir Ris Downtown East), Swim21 (they come down to ur location but needs min. group for better pricing).
Aquaducks & Marsden is parent-accompanied, Roland's is not.

Only Swim21 haven't tried, the rest are similarly ok in terms of how instructors handle. BUT... some kids WILL cry, no matter what lor. Different environment etc.

Photobk Vol 2 (left), Vol 1 (right). They changed the cover a little, one has imbedded pic, the other doesn't. I added the strips of labels cos rather confusing even for me to identify timeframe. I wrapped the plastic covering cos I don't wanna worry abt spills.


Printed and stuck my own labels
. Can tell which time period covered and impt events (indicated births and birthday ages).


I wrapped the plastic quite ugly hor?
Don't know how to do it better. Printed and stuck my own "content page".


Easier for me to trace smaller events to which mths. Unfortunately, my printer is lousy, so the black of the Content Page doesn't look black, and the ink comes off real quick! Will look terribly worn in no time! Belatedly realised some people will find these particular pics abit too much to stomach, oops.






These are already some of the nicer pages... very maximise-cramped, non-aesthetic lor. I really can't *be* selective, every pic I want in.

Vol. 3 not rec'd yet!
I want to redo the cover pics and content pages, but my printer cannot make it lah. Oh well. *PROJECT CLOSED*... until next yr! :D
Berry, thanks for answering my post.. well, yesterday Ethan cried the all the way on the 25 minutes walk to the nursery, saying "I don't want nursery". I'm thinking that's a clear indication that he doesn't want nursery. The last 2 times he was there, 1st time he was crying when I went to pick him up, 2nd time he stopped already but still looked shaken. And both times it was only about 1.5 hours.

I've mostly decided to withdraw him from the nursery anyway and try again next year. There wasn't any pressure to send him to nursery I just thought he was ready and that he would enjoy that time away from me and baby.. shows how little I know about my son! The pressure if any is to keep him there, people tell me some kids do take time to get used to nursery, but I think having to pry him away from me just to make him go to nursery is quite unnecessary at this age and especially since I'm a SAHM.
karen, you know your son best. If you know that he needs you to trust him now and wait till he is ready and you are willing to do that for him, kudos to you. Actually, sometimes society and our culture puts alot of unnecesary pressure on mums to 'train' their kids to be independent, even at the expense of what they really need from us. Its really not easy, I know. For me, I have to constantly remind myself that it matters more how my child feels than what others think (even then I still fall short at times). BTW, you coping with them both alone? Must be difficult and tiring at times.
Berry, I truly thought Ethan would be happy at nursery. When we go to toddler groups, he runs off without so much as a backwards glance at me. Especially after Jacqui was born, I stopped following him around at those groups, and he was absolutely fine. So well, I've made a mistake this time, or maybe I've failed to realise that children are unpredictable!

I think I need him to know that his feelings matter to me. My friend actually said to me yesterday, "If you don't bring him back to the nursery, he would have won." But I thought, "If I bring him there kicking and screaming, he may have lost, but I wouldn't feel like I've won." Another friend told me I have to show who's in control, but then I want to let Ethan have some control of his own life. It's bad enough society and parents make so many decisions for us.

Yup, coping with both of them alone. It's not so bad, getting used to it. Jacqui loves her older brother though he's quite heavy handed with her, but seems all my friends with 2 kids have the same situation. R u planning #2? For a while I really missed the days just Ethan & me, even though I love Jacqui to bits, but recently it always feels abit quiet when 1 of them is asleep.
Karen, wow, your friend said that huh. Going to 'battle' with them is usually a decision that is hard to reverse. If we were to make the decision to draw that battle line and put them on the other side of it, who will shed more tears years down the road (think: teenagers)? One-upsmanship is a slippery slope downhill and no one ever wins, personally its the last thing I'd ever want in my own family. I'm really happy for Ethan that he has such a wonderful mom.
pawprint, wow... first thing i saw are ur books!! great work!!

lil devil, aiyoh... this auntie, i buay tahan leh...

puff, pawprint, i'm also interested in swim classes but it seems like everytime she goes for a swim, she ends up with runny nose? is there something i have to do to prevent that? but she has sensitive nose so difficult...

karen, berry, i had her kicking and screaming for about a month before she truly settled down... throughout which, i kept reassuring her that i will be back for her... nowadays she will still act up, once in a while...

but i have another problem, i find she behaves better outside/in school than at home? at the slightless provocation at home, she will throw tantrum... purposely refuse to do everything we tell her to (even with reasoning)... and will cry and scream when she doesn't get her way... when she does that, i chose to walk away and wait till she calms down, which will be about 10mins, then she will do what she was being told to... sometimes i think if she had been born 1 or 2 generations ago, she would hv been wacked blue black every day oredi... is this the terrible twos/threes? how can i deal with that?

my WW behave much better outside than at home so people all say I very lucky becos behave so angelic outside. my WK behave terrible both outside and at home so everyone calls him the mischevious one. I just let WW stand at the bathroom door for a few mins if he is naughty than he gets scared enough that he no longer mommy's darling. but if only naughty than scold. only defiant than go stand bathroom door.

WK needs to be sayang whenever WW is asleep to behave well. he is more attention seeking and will be naughty just to get attention
rochelle, yeah lor, I think its just like wat I keep reading- your WK is just in need of your attention and assurance, and if that need is not met, his frustration/anger might manifest itself in other ways (like the 'naughty' behaviour you mentioned). "A child who does not feel right does not act right" is one of the truest parenting advice I've ever come across.
My case is often "A child who does not feel right, acts abit too well.". Sometimes Athena will try very hard to do things she knows will garner praise... from my viewpt, it's also a manifestation of insecurity/ need. She likes taking upon sisterly "duties" like, wearing shoes for Irvin, feeding him. Sometimes she insists on feeding him... such that I wonder if she think he's her pet or what. *KIDDING*

Can't resist sharing this pic-

HB & I going on a short trip tomorrow! :D 1st since we married, haha! W/o kids- mum & PILs will take turns, with helper lah. Already MIL chen4 huo3 da3 jie2, insisting it's more "convenient" for the kids and helper to stay overnight at her place. HB says she IS taking advantage of situation, but that I misuse chinese idiom... aiyah, guess am too happy abt a trip, close 2 eyes lor. Beggars (me) can't be choosers!
yes my kids do fall ill more often when we swim more often... kinda comes with the territory lor.

I'd agree withdrawing nursery and continuing with PGs a gd idea, esp since he's willing to wander away during PGs. Really admire u ladies who can handle both solo, I still haven't built up the courage nor guts to try!
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
need some suggestions here...

which of the chinese name & english is nicer?
Sharynn Kuek Syn Hui
Sharynn Kuek Syn Ru
Shalynn Kuek Syn Hui
Shalynn Kuek Syn Ru


have a gd holiday. Irvin looks so cute: )

any more meet up with the rest of the ladies?

How is Faye? Haven't seen her in awhile
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>

hahaha.. actually i've delivered. bb born on 18 July so she's almost 3 weeks old now. didn't announce cos din want too much attention

Thanks a lot for the feedback on the names. Do keep them coming in, please.

<font color="aa00aa">sharon,</font>
was trying to find a 2-syllabus name that starts with SHA-xxxx, sounds like SHA(re)-xxxx. but soooooo diff to find a nice one. think most will pronounce Sharynn as SHA-rynn?

hubby likes Shalynn but i override

me oso think Kuek Syn Ru goes better with Sharynn. but am worried her peers will start calling her "kangeroo" in future, wahahaa..
this yound lady doesn't have as much pix taken as her elder sis. this pix was taken last Sat.

<font color="0000ff">Shanice & bb</font>
You are too much!!!!!!!!!!!!! such a big piece of news never announce earlier, you win lor!

Anyway, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skate scooter- Long time ago I saw a penguin skate-scooter at ToysRus before, but now cant find liao, anyone knows where I can find a penguin skate-scooter?

Angelia- congrats! :D so you are on maternity leave now? Will you gg back to work soon?
puff, angelia is sahm??? Eh I thought that time she said shanice lives/is cared for by her mum or something like that? Paiseh, maybe I remember wrongly :p
CONGRATES!! hee...

cant help u with the penguin skate-scooter but already plan to get 1 skate scooter for quinn. he has been asking for it and he only get to play with my nephews so i told him if he really likes it, i will get him one for his bday present and hes so excited, keeps telling me his bday is coming, ha!!!! he seems excited for his coming bday, always talking about it, telling me how he want his cake to be, and want it chocolate with strawberry..... funny combo huh.... and share something with u, i feel so touched by his act. lately, when hes awake and he TOT im not, he will come very close to my face and look at me then he will pull my blankie over my body for me as i dun have the habbit of covering my upper body mah, so when he saw that, he will cover me with blankie

my mum has been telling me how much quinns behaviour has improve, but i agreed lah but of cos still has some tantrum *its very normal* but i do realized what my mum says. now he will actually opologized FORMALLY when he did something not so nice and he will keep saying it for days wan, so i have to keep assuring him that its okie its okie, ha!!!! and also when he knows i am upset, he will actually think of ways to cheer me up!! and of cos he always succeed, but when i am really mad, he knows and he will still try his very best but if fail, he looks disappointed BUT he will try again so to make sure i am okie, so sweet huh?? heee.... and something very cute, lately whenever he pee into the toilet bowl and realized few droplets drip to the floor, he will clean them up with toilet paper, he says else it will be YUCKY and SMELLY and so dangerous for me as when i step on it, i will slip and fall, then i laugh and thinking how afew droplets of urine can make me slip :p
lil devil
long x never chat wif u. i always read abt wat u write abt quinn but hardly post abt gabe's behavior too. our boys can really shake hands. on a few occasions, gabe has "protected" me when i climbed onto a chair or somewhere 2 get something. when he does something wrong, i would give him a stern look n he would apologise, walk 2 e time-out corner himself n stand there willingly.

congrats! i prefer sharynn kuek syn hui. didnt even realise tat kuek syn ru sounds like kangaroo. u r right abt making sure choosing proper names so tat next time when in school, pp wont make fun or laugh abt it.
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
thank you.

<font color="aa00aa">charsiew,</font>
kekeke.. i seldom post here, so tot dun wanna make a big hoo-ha mah

<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
Shanice is okie so far. problem is have to keep warding her off the bb cos she keeps wanting to touch bb's face, n imitate what we did (stroke cheeks, test to see if bb wants milk, pinch nose, etc..) and also carry bb. AND, she doesn't want my mum to carry bb. wahahaa..

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
been SAHM for quite some time. u didn't rem wrongly, cos sometimes we care off Shanice with my parents over the weekend or on some PH, after that i'll hv so much complaints.

my mum brot Shanice back home today, cos tmr is PH, fri no school, then it's weekend. hv to close 2 eyes to their letting Shanice watch cartoons (mickey mouse, tom & jerry, etc) for 3-5 hrs a day. just have to "tahan" till my confinement is over.

<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
my fren said i'm overly concerned abt the name, saying pple won't call surname tog wif the name so prob will not associate with Kangaroo...

btw, how'd u cope wif 2 young ones? esp when it's time to feed the bb & the elder one is fussing....

<font color="aa00aa">lil devil,</font>
Quinn is so sweet.. frankly speaking, i miss the time when i can spend it with Shanice alone. it's diff to cope wif 2 young ones.
u BFg? i do lotsa of talking (explaining if u call it) 2 gabe, telling him tat lil di di (who is still a baby) needs milk 2 grow n mama's providing him e milk (i talked 2 him so much abt it until he points 2 my breasts at times n said, "didi's milk or mom's breastmilk"). after spending 10mins or so BFg edward, i'll put him down (in e 1st 6-7wks or so, edward slept after drinking milk so quite easy. if not, i put edward in e bouncer). then i spent 10-15mins wif gabe. hugging & kissing him, thanking him 4 being so understanding then play games/read/do stuff wif him lor.

if i need a lil more time wif edward, i would tell gabe tat once edward naps, i'll spend all tat time wif him. gabe understood n got excited whenever i put edward back in e cot cos he knows it's mummy's time wif him. bcos i was nursing more than bottle-feeding, i need not spend much time washing bottles/breastpump. if i had 2 cook lunch/dinner, i got gabe involved. HTH. i'm sure u can manage fine too.

i'm a libran so very fair mummy. i always tell myself tat i only hv 24hrs in a day so other than time 4 myself (pang sai, bathing, eating, etc), i'll try 2 divide my time equally among e 2boys. so far so gd. gabe has yet 2 come 2 me, saying tat mom loves didi more, mom dun 1 him, etc or feels neglected.
oh, if gabe was fussing when i was nursing edward, i let gabe lie on my lap 2 make him feel betta. he was obviously asking 4 attention for something lah. heng, edward was an angel bb, he nursed for abt 5-8mins (max 10mins) n was satiated. since birth, he drank milk every 3hrs, very unlike gabe. so i dun waste much time feeding him.
pai seh...kept 4getting 2 add. i dun put a hungry edward down 2 handle a fussing gabe cos i rather gabe kick n throw his tantrums than to hv 2 boys fussing at e same time. easier n faster 4 me 2 settle edward, then spend more time soothing gabe.
kelly, you sound like you are handling everything quite well. I guess when you have 2 kids, cant afford to please everyone all the time, only can do your best.

angelia, so you will be sahming or gg back to work afer few months?
Shanice- since I have no experience myself, cant comment on what I'll do. But I have read that its v impt for the older child to feel that they are involved with the family to welcome the new bb. So maybe u wanna teach shanice how to touch/handle (I dont mean carry lar lol) the younger bb instead of brushing off her affections. But I know alot of things, its easier to read than to carry out, but can try lor hehe. :p
<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
thanks for the tips. ya, shanice doesn know that when meimei is crying, i'll need to nurse. so far she's fine with that. hopefully when CL & my mum goes back, i can cope alone. wonder how i'm going to get Shanice ready to go to school every morning, after my confinement. b4 I deliver, it's already a diff task. now with a bb...... hope i can cope.

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
we did teach her, but think she's "rough" by nature. hahaha.. for me, i'm quite okie. even try to let her carry bb. but my mum def dun let her touch, seeing her using so much strength.

there's 1 occassion when she almost stepped on the bb.. phew...
Berry, thanks for saying what you said

Angelia, congrats! I see ur messages on MSN and I've been wondering, don't tell me she had a baby? How come never even tell anyone she's pregnant?? I wanted to ask but paiseh as I never MSN u b4..

Anyone else hiding a pregnancy??

Little_devil/Kelly, I wish Ethan could be a little like Quinn/Gabriel. His always climbing all over me, climbing behind me on the sofa so he can kick my back, stepping on my feet.
exactly so i tell myself every morn tat i do my best wif my boys n husband. there were a few days when i lost my cool (b4 i had a helper) wif e boys (including husband) n it wasnt pleasant but i made it a point 2 apologise n explain 2 gabe (esp him) y i behaved so.

i must say i was lucky 2 receive valuable advice fr friends, biz associates n even strangers. they all shared wif me tat it's very impt 2 spend more time (in terms of quantity n quality) wif #1. husband n i did our best when edward was <6mths old but as edward got older, he too needed more attention n we finally caved in 2 get a helper. i also wont say i m proud of gabe's behavioral patterns now cos he has become somewhat a spoiled brat who gets wat he wants. i couldnt help it when i had 2 give him wat he wanted so as 2 keep him quiet/occupied when i was busy wif a cranky edward (during edward's 3-6mths).

i now hope i can manage when #3 arrives.
Mummies, have you ever felt that no matter what you do, there's no avoiding a tantrum from your child?

Here's what happened today. Everyone got woken up by fire alarm at 7:15am (no fire, just dodgy fire alarm). HB and Jacqui managed to go back to bed, but Ethan and I were awake. He seems quite happy, we played abit, had breakfast.. at about 9+ after Jacqui got up, we got ready to go out.
First potential tantrum: Ethan refused to wear the shirt I picked out for him. 2 other shirts were rejected - he wanted to wear his pyjama top. Since it's fairly decent looking, I decide to let him have his way.
After going to playground and playgroup, we went to supermarket.
Second potential tantrum: Wanted to buy the Thomas magazine. Mostly to avoid a tantrum (altho I reason that it's good cuz I read it to him :p) I bought it for him.
Third potential tantrum: Wanted to see the sprinkler at the grass next to the playground. So we stopped next to the fence and looked at it for a bit.
Fourth potential tantrum: Wanted to go to the slide. Since we'd been to the slide this morning, I said no, we're going home for lunch. This one abit more tricky as I'd have to let him out of the pushchair, put on his shoes (he took them off earlier), plus it was hot at 12 noon, so I said no, explained we'd been to the slides this morning, and it was time to go home. And he started wailing, slide slide slide all the way home, crying like slide had died and gone to heaven, trying to fling himself out of the pushchair.. eventually we got home and he won't come out of the pushchair so I let him cry abit then gave him his bolster then he stopped and went straight to sleep!

Wow it was like I was having some "practical exam" to see whether I could pass all the tests!! And that the exam was set for failure anyway! I wonder too, maybe I give in to him too much, so he's thinking "How DARE mummy say no to me!"
<font color="aa00aa">karen,</font>
wahaha.. i had a hard time trying not to post too :p trying to see how long i can keep a secret, hahaha..

<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
#3 on the way??
karen, I'll share some of my own thoughts with you about the typical 3yo behaviour. I find that if I can free myself from the thought that I am 'spoiling' Faye by being responsive to her feelings and showing her the same respect every chlid deserves, then I am able to parent according to my instincts without fear. And hence am able to concentrate on building and maintaining that connection between us without constantly worrying if I am doing the wrong thing.

My personal parenting 'rules' are simple- I do my best to listen to her for real- her needs, her wants, her feelings. I do what I can within my limits to work her requests into our daily life. I do these because I want to be treated with the same respect and consideration. I *try* (not that I can do this all the time, but I try darn hard) to give her as much autonomy as I can when it comes to things pertaining to her- I feel and faye has proved that a 3 yo is old enough to decide or have some say in things like what she wears, what food to eat, where to go.

I believe that its very important for a child (esp when they are older) to have good decision-making skills, and they get better as they practise more. So I do not see Faye's determination to run her own life and make her own decisions as a flaw to correct. I see it as a good learning opportunity for us both. With each good/bad decision she makes, she learns about herself/environment/social skills.

At times when I am unable to accomodate her needs/wants due to my personal limitations, its my responsibility to be nice about it. Her reaction is her responsiblity, not mine. My job is not to prevent tantrums/unhappiness and to ensure all things sun smoothly in her life. If a tantrum occurs, I *try* to be nice, I might let her be to vent it out or I might hold her and comfort her depending on what she needs.

I will not buy/give her material stuff/food to stuff her feelings or to stop a potential tantrum because the more prone to tantrums over material things she is, the more opportunities she needs to learn how to control her emotions better. Also, I will usually not buy her something esp when she is already upset because I dont want her to feel that her feelings can be 'bought'.

I also believe that these are all a phase that will pass. And as much as I wish I do, I do NOT do all the above perfectly all the time and doubt I ever will (there are days I yell and blow up too) :p I just try darrrnnnn hard all the time and apologise when I do slip. Thats just me.
angelia, wow thanks for that link!!
But hor, canont leh cause faye's set is the Lego Duplo, the blocks are slightly bigger, so that series wont fit her set. But thanks alot anyway! :D
SAHM frustrations

any if u SAHM gets very frsutrated with no spending money, no domestic help (part-time included) and 24/7 with 2 energetic kids. I get so frsutrated and tired out with them and we dont have any spare cash that I rather go to work. at least got money to buy things for them, bring them to tours and all that. also get some rest from keeping them safe 24/7
they are so sweet sometimes right, it just make me smile and feeling hes the BEST :p i guess all mummy is the same. and yes its been sometimes back since our last chat. i have been very busy with quinn especially hes not in school yet and hes always wanting me to be involve with almost everything hes at. and also i have been trying to change my life style and habits *due to my candida infection* and also the DIE OFF effect i get from the treatment *mainly changes in what i eat and also some candida clearing pills* makes me really uncomfortable so its like learning to start living again....:p

ehhh...... besides all those GOOD & SWEET stuff from quinn, i do get what u got from ethan too, maybe i already get use to it or maybe i dun see them as something BAD, i just take it as HES A BOY!!!!
so meaning i still get to experience his tantrums, just that i feel more relax about it ever since i told myself its the route of growing up and he will learn from it. whenever tantrums happen, i will keep calm and quiet for awhile and very soon he will realized that i am waiting for him to stop. i always tells him that he must speak clearly to me instead of screaming and crying away so that i can understand what he says. but theres times like he INSIST he wants it his way BUT due to certain reasons i have to say no, he will show his unhappiness too but i will let him express and will talk to him about it after he cools down. but have to keep doing the REMINDING thingy as they tends to forget all about it. i rem. theres once he wanted to wear a pair of flip flop that my sil bot for him *i dun let him wear as theres NO grip at all* i explained to him WHY i cant let him wear it BUT he insist. so he just put them on and running happily at the corridoor, i did warn him not to run but he refuse to listen. after only like 15mins, he fell and its a BAD BAD one, i guess his front teeth hit against his inner lip and the outer lip againts the floor so inner part bleed so badly and outer lip got some abrasion. his upper lip swell so badly for days and with a BIG cut inside his lip. afetr everything under control, i talk to him about the incident and explaining to him so i guess sometimes its the cause and consequences matter the most.
<font color="aa00aa">little devil,</font>
Quinn only got a cut inside the lip? Shanice had a fall couple of wks back, her 2 front teeth turned greyish already. supposed to bring her back to dentist to check if it doesn't change back to white, but hvn't bring her yet.

the dentist was saying the impact might affect her teeth growth next time. e.g. might not come out straight..
angelia, oh dear, sounds like a bad accident!
How come teeth turn grey? If dun turn white then what can you do?

The biggest 'accident' concerning teeth Faye had was quite a long time back. She was standing in front of an empty swing when she pushed it slightly. Somehow, when the swing came back (wast even v hard), it hit her front teeth and chipped a small corner off the right side of her front teeth! I've never heard anything abt chipped teeth back then, and had no idea how common it supposedly is, so it was a bad fright for me. I shd be thankful cause it could've been much worse. I think if there was blood I would have freaked out. :p

Berry, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I like the line "Her reaction is her responsibilty, not mine!" It's good to think that, but it's difficult when people are staring.. one man actually yelled at me once "Can you shut that kid up!" But even before that I've always tried to pre-empt any tantrums. I avoid the shops where he likes to scream for stuff (a no from me results in him crying all the way until he gets distracted by the next "want"). At the moment it sounds like Ethan is the only 2.5 yo who asks for stuff! I'm thinking of teaching him the concept of money.
