(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

No problem. I have been talking to her these while 'coz changing maid soon. She seems ok lah, but have not booked any maid with her yet.

Btw, do u noe tat she's fm philippines?
I hv oreadi rec'd the bio-data fm her via email. I hv shortlisted one.

U oso changing maid? Wat happened to her? Sigh... Choosing a maid is all depend on luck. Do u agree?
pawprint, really ah? HZS effective? Let me go thru the Sambucol period first... my parents are very against TCM lah... cos of past family events... thanks for sharing...
Jen, from What *I* know, dairy aggrevates phlegm problems, its not only a TCM belief (since I also believe :p). Its 100% true for Faye, so when she has a phlegm prob, I dont give her any mik or dairy products at all.
the vit. c i have not tried yet. u can ask berry regards to the taste and such. but dun tik its orange flavour since it never mentioned. HZS / HN is effective for phlegm but its different from sambucol. its given when problem arise while sambucol is on going basis. and as for food triggers phlegm, like what pawprint says, almost alot of things riggers phlegm, so i already learn to let go but theres certain things like cheeze and milky or sweet stuff that i will hold back when theres a phlehmy issue. even quinns pd will instruct me to reduce quinns FM concentration when he has phlegmy cough. as for items thats more of chinese belief may be egg and chicken, some even mentioned fish.

heee..... but i really think that in order to acheieve that is to trial and error and also for my case its mainly i dun wanna stress quinn and myself over issue like that, realized that when i am more relax and more happy, quinn will be too and sometimes it will make MAGIC!
mummies whos toddlers already off diaper. what u use for the bed lining so to avoid very messy event when they accidently pee while sleeping??

just now playing playdough with quinn and he likes making them into all sizes of ball. then after an hour or so later, i saw theres this BROWN colour playdough *like half os a marble size* laying on the walkway then i just ignore. quinn point out to me and says its his poo poo so i laugh and tells him that it does looks like his poo poo. i further ignore till hours later when i decided to pick it up to throw away *since we already kept his playdough and thats only a small pc* and then i realized that its really his poo poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think 1 tiny poo poo make his way out before he rush to the toilet as he did poo before that. *FAINT*
Yes, aware she's filipino.

Good ah, you selected one already. My current maid's contract expiring dec, am changing for sure.
little devil,
can go to those king kkoil shop the sell fitted single bed waterproof materess protector. I got the queensize one for zbt $100.. very comfy n washable
Or if u want cheaper can get cot waterproof wasable sheet from ikea $10 i think
Yuru, wah so nice the packaging! She looks so happy with her selection! ;)

lildevil, I use disposable blue colour liners- the ones they lay on hospital immediately post-delivery. It's absorbent and waterproof, cos err, sometimes a swimming pool may occur if not absorbent. My gal gets very distressed when there's accident in bed, even tho we dun scold her at all, so still on diapers. We just praise the dry diapers and dun say anything abt wet ones.
thanks mummies who give me the idea.

oh yes, i really need one that absorb as well as keeping the mattress safe. so where can i get those and how much is it? i was thinking if i buy those washable, i have to get 2 to switch so urs would be ideal since i can just throw away.
yuru, no lah ahgal will admit when diaper wet, but she will CRY if bed wet lor. Sometimes diaper really dry lor. eh thx for the vits, really great packaging, wow.

lildevil, same as yuru's!

HI 5, who going ah?
yuru, haha then she will be wondering why needs to take meds permanently. but yeah if mixed in 1/2 cup water than taste is quite mild wan.
i went with some mummies... the suggestion worked for some of us! :p Ur hb carry Isabel, once they're in, u carry Evans lah. I tot Irv wldn't sit for the entire duration but was wrong, he loved it.
or i buy 1 tix off u? Ath wldnt mind watching again.
din catch previous Hi-5 live so can't make comparisons... this current has abit of trapeze swinging so quite a nice bonus. Tho I'm not used to the change in cast... think Ath never noticed tho I pointed out to her, she still thinks the new guy is TIM (she likes Nathan and Tim, haha). Maybe all angmos look the same to her, :p .
CSR, extremely paiseh and sorry, my fault! Another seller I had contacted got back to me with 3 tix (then I can pass to my gf's tod as early BD pressie mah).

Can't take on ur tix now... u sure u dun wanna sell to some other mummy in this thread? The Hi-5 merchandise are real money-suckers! Actually dunno who's more into it, me or the girl, haha. I keep thinking abt jup jup. :p
I wanna kill you! I was so excited because thought could see you and your gal. I even told my hubby a pretty mummy is going!

they sell jup jup there? how much ah?
hehe, wahlao, pretty mummy my foot! Yes can still see, my girl will help persuade ur girl not to buy any merchandise (while I help persuade YOU to buy, ahahaha).

$45! Nowhere else sell leh! Ebay dun have! Yahoo dun have! All those people who bot jup jup don't have buyer's remorse and resell it at cheaper one ah?
Little Devil
Regarding PD, sorry for not sms-ing you. i think it's easier that i leave the message here:

The Children's Medical Centre
Blk 508, Bishan St 11,
Singapore 570508
Tel: 63538050
Mon, tue, thur, fri: 8.30am - 12.30pm, 2.00 - 4.30pm, 7.00 - 9.00pm

Wed: 8.30 - 12.30pm

Sat: 8.30 - 12.30pm

Sun: 9.00 - 12.00pm

closed on PH.
photobook has new promo- this time u buy vouchers (in form of online code), and submit the book anytime before next yr's deadline. The 6R books seem to be the best deal, according to my gf's math.

Last time I made A3 book for myself, A4 for my PILs... my mum said A4 book nicer, more compact leh.
I going same show but not buying ur tix cos buying 3 tix off another mummy-who-cldn't-get-leave-approved (!!!). We meet up while there, they have intermission 20min (to eat ur $, haha!).

Last yr Berry wrote that the hi-5 balloons were very popular... this yr hav again! Machiam given out free, but not, hehe.
Was telling Ahgal yesterday that I'm bringing her to watch Hi-5 again, and HB commented that it's quite wasteful to see again (he of cos qualify that it's not the expense, he dun mind me spending the same amt of $ to watch "something else". Got anything else to watch in this week holiday meh???). Ahgal was influenced by his Sensibility and said she didn't want to watch again (!), then my mum said she hadn't seen it herself, why not Ahgal bring her. Only then did Ahgal allow herself to be happy abt seeing it again.

Anyway this Fri will bring my mum (she carry Ahboy in), myself (I carry Ahgal in a sling or something lah), my gf & her kid (petite too). Let's hope the kids look gong-gong and dun suddenly talk like 5yr olds.
yuru, eh i was squealing to Ath, "ooo- JUP JUP!", when it was actually Chez (chatterbox puppet girl with braids). HB corrected me, hahaha.
yuru, I thought cindy dun like TV wan? Faye also lost interest in hi-five quite long ago liao.

pawprint, tena wont want to have her own seat ah? These days wherever we go, Faye will want to have her own seat wan, dun wanna sit on me anymore lol. *sob* my little girl grow up liao.
its okie so dont worry. after reading your first sms about sharing with me another pd contact, i was so blur and tot u gave it to me in tat sms too :p

yes!!!!!!!! tats why i always says i NEVER hurry for quinn to grow up like some other parents. i heard alot like "i cant wait for him / her to be # YO" or "how i wish he / she is much older". this never happens to me as i really enjoy every single stage. quinn also dont sit on me anymore, dont know ever since when......... hes ver independent since very young, always wanted to do things himself and such *but not for clearing up toys* :p so i sort of use to it already. but really miss those time when hes so tiny in my arms and look into my eyes without a single words except those goo-goo ga-ga.....
Berry, she ok leh, first half of show she had own seat on booster... 2nd half sneaked the HB in so she sat on his lap, also ok.

She does ask to sit in our regular dining chairs instead of baby highchair, sometimes. Aiyah she very strange one lah, go airport with Sharwyn & Gabriel, instead of running ard with them, hold my hand and walk. LOL! U shld c HB trying to egg her on to RUN.
Berry, recap the supplements:

Vit C 1/4 tsp, CLO 1/2 to 1 tsp, for Faye daily?

What kinda dosage do u up it to (u mentioned increase temporarily for extra boost), for Faye when ill?

Vit C 1 tsp, 1-2 times, for urself when ill? Meaning u dun take it on daily non-ill basis?

then ur probiotics u get fr where, what kinda dosage for Q?

I think if Ath on daily cranberry, aloe vera, Vit C, CLO, Chinese daily powder (mixed by medical hall- the one Ruffy tried too, apparently Ath finds it palatable!) and if considering Probiotics... quite alot of supplements hor? Yesterday sent both kids for first flu jab (optional), today ahboy low fever n ahgirl runny nose leh.
Anyone know of any gd Bintan family deals in mid-Sept?

Kelly, I tried searching for direct coach to Avillion, dun hav! With all the transfers, will be too long a journey for the kids. HB said hop on ferry to Bintan easier.
i know what u mean, its like so much to take right? i also ever face tis situation so i just think about what concerns me and quinn the most and i narrow down. like for quinn, hes taking CLO, probiotic and vitamin c. and if his goat milk sweeties consider as supplement then maybe its a multi-vit.? for probiotic, quinn is taking nature's way Primadophilus Reuteri, 1 teaspoon aday. but sometimes i dun give daily *tends to forget and especially most of the days we are not at home so all his supplement are on IF-I-REMEMBER basis :p but for CLO he takes it almost daily as he will REMIND me about it

i cant order this from iherb as it need refrigeration and during then i check everywhere and no where is selling. then vitakidz is very nice that the boss call their supplier and get this in and inform me so now i get it from them.

and lately a friend of mine pass this to me says that it works wonders on her gal who cough almost every week. now shes not coughing anymore:

GNC is selling it and cost around $20.
pawprint, yar thats wat I am giving faye daily. She also take Gaia's Children brand Echinecea once in a while (one small bottle, 1.5 dropper each time 2x daily, 3-4 weeks interval in between each bottle). I've tried several similar brands, find this to be most effective, its also one of the purest. When she is sick, I up vit C dosage to bowel tolerance level, for faye that means 1/4 teaspoon 2-3 times daily depending on how sick she is. Diff children have diff tolerance levels, so u need to find out for yourself what tena needs.

probiotics- When I do remember Faye does take probiotics too, lifeFlora from vitakids, comes in powdered form, 1/4-1/2 teaspn each time. Its one of the most effective ones I've found so its also a staple in my fridge.

I dont take the vit C daily myself cause this vit C only spree then can get, need to ration properly leh. If I take daily then v fast finish liao. Hubby had a bad cough over the weekend, 1 teaspoon 3x a day and 2 days later his cough was gone, thank goodness! In the past his coughs usually cant be stopped wan, always cough v badly for at least 1-2 weeks.
<font color="ff0000">Sambucol</font>
Anyone has a spare bottle? Can sell to me? Finishing my 2 bottles oredi but haven't reach the 6-8 week period... PM me cos no time to check forum, ok? Thanks!

<font color="0000ff">berry</font>, thanks for sharing about the milk... TCM does advise to dilute the milk when on medicine for phlegm... got another question, if see PD/GP give medicine, should we still continue to give CLO/Sambucol?

<font color="0000ff">lildevil</font>, ur poo poo post is so funny! I'm keen to try the gummy bears... it's like Vit C right? Dun really wanna try the powder...

<font color="0000ff">yuru</font>, nice pic! C can post very well! did the honey pots come like that or did u further enhance the decoration? it looks very nice!

<font color="0000ff">pawprint</font>, A doesn't flip around on bed? I know the blue liners you are talking about... but I thought it's quite thin? easy to kick away leh... u put above or below the bedsheet?

<font color="0000ff">rochelle</font>, thanks for the link!
Jen, CLO/sambucol is a supplement, not a drug. CLO is a whole food, an oil, not even a herb, so I doubt it will cause interactions. as for sambucol, I also dont think it will, but if you wan to be 100% safe, then maybe have a 30min interval in between meds and this?
Yuru, haha, sorry I find that very amusing and GOOD leh. At least she use reasoning powers to describe the UNIQUE features of each new bottle. And peeing every 10 mins! I try to get my girl to go every 3 hrs also difficult, she just wun take enough water! One day must get ur girl to influence my girl, heehee.
Talk abt eating well... that day my mum just complained Irv very greedy and said, "last time inside mummy stomach must be eat too much!".

yah rationing the Good Vit C too. Adults take the not-so-good Vit C variety (but still gd too lah). Hmm, HB complained of diarrhoea after introduction to Vit C.

under bedlinen, above mattress, so u wash only bedlinen when soiled.
talking about the water bottle craze, for quinn its not about HE wanted to buy, its me! i use to buy him new W.B so to get him to drink lots of water *but usually dun work wan* and that day when cleaning up the kitchen cabinet, i almost shock myself to death when i found out that 1 section of my cabinet is FULL with W.B *maybe about 12 or 15* and thinking back about the reason of buying them, its pretty much a waste of $$ as it didnt work on quinn. since young, while frens or neighbour showing off CARTOON character items like watch, bags, tees....... quinn not interested at all. bring him shopping he will chose those very plain and adult looking items. i rem. once i show him a backpack *with a cute looking bear* and asking if he like it, he answered "nooo...... its so funny and i dun like it" an ended up buying a plain backpack..... ha!!!!!

for the gums yes, its is vit.c WITH Echinecea. i taste it myself but yet to give it to quinn as a regular basis *so far he took 1 only* its not too sweet and taste very very yummy

the vit. c vitakids not selling????? still tot of going there and take a look......
mummies who give supplement to ur toddlers, care to share about what improvement u see after giving? be it CLO, Vit.c, Echinecea, multi. vit............ take comparison of before and after introducing each. and also which brands being tried that works and useless.
pawprint, if he has diarrhoea tat means he doesnt need that much, so cut down accordingly. I personally cant take more than 2 teaspn a day if feeling v sick, but I know some adults who needs up to 2 TABLEspns a day durng illnesses. Thats how you find out the specific dosage everyone needs.

lil devil, yar lor, spree then have.
Berry, is there a link btw Vit C & asthma?
Now wheezing... I usually dun wheeze bad enough to need ventolin, then just checked, my ventolin expired (by 1 yr, so kinda gd news in a sense)! Luckily my sis has ventolin or else I need to go doc now. Dunno whether it's cos I was at home when they cleaned the aircon that day... started feeling abit short of breath since.
Berry, great, thanks! Will take more then. Dunno why suddenly wheezing, must be the aircon dust when they cleaned it.

Kelly, hey is Ed eating greenmax finegrain? We're consuming 50-50 (greenmax-whiterice) proportion, and Irv's getting soft stools, 3-5 times a day! Mum said indigestion, and that the mix contains too much barley, so now pulled him off it.
ed has been eating it for a few mths n he's fine. he does reject e harder grains. i do give him barley in e rice. but i m now giving 30-70 (greenmax-white rice). i mixed until 50-50 n e boys rejected it (as in they wont consume much) so reverted back 2 30-70.

it was trial n error in e beginning. helper added in too much water, e rice turned out soggy. added in too lil, rice was hard. bcos my combi is only 30-70, she adds e same amt of water. when it was 50-50, she added in a lil more water.
