(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

any mummies taking this? i use to but stop dun know how many decades away and recently my gp actually suggest i should actually start taking it and now i wonder whats the diff. between evening primose and fish oil / CLO? since both are fatty oil.

dun mention, we must all give one another a PUSH when our engines are weak certain time

today straits time has an article about the oil thingy, saying that FISH oil can never replace by PLANT base oil, like flax, primrose...... but i guess both are sort of diff. in certain ways. like wat u mentioned, E.P.O is more for mentrual cramps, better skin especially those with eczema like me, balance homornes in women.... but i am sure that fish oil is a HAPPY pill to me, i always feel more uplifted and relax after taking it.

actually me not against their products but cant blame me for having less confident *should be very little almost non* as they always PROVE us that their products always causing problem. especially when it comes to FOOD stuff, me rather void theirs. imagine they can even put some forbidden ingredients in baby formula milk and mix NEWSPAPER into those mince meat for making bao!!!!????
lil devil, from wat I know, EPO is omega 6, fish oil/CLO is omega 3. Some studies show that the optimum amount of omega 3 and 6 our bodies need is 1:1, some people believe that since our diet is usually made up of many more times omega 6 (cooking oils including olive/sunflower/canola oil), we shd be taking omega 3 instead of 6 to balance the ratio. But then again, these research results and trends keep changing (like now everyone worships coconut oil when it used to be the great evil years ago?), I feel that no one will know for 100% sure which of these are considered 'optimum' or 'best', more like individual needs? If you take it and can see visible good results, then it cant be too bad as long as in moderation?
lil devil / yuru
i do not know where Rhyan learnt it from, maybe from nanny / granduncle lor. it is good he knows how to do it but it is not funny when he keeps doing it on purpose. i am trying to ignore it now so that he knows its not funny to do it.
ur "even news is fake" really do sound so funny!!! wahahahaha!!!!! and its true that we cant avoid all but i really try to when it comes to foodstuff. the market in sengkang very good, they will have 2 sections of veg., they actually seperate the CHINA import and those thats malaysia or local.
so its a big plus for me.

hmmm.... agreed on the research results and trends keeps changing, first say something is good then later says it not!!?? i was just thinking CLO or EPO will benefits me more if i want something that balance my homornes, mood and also helps my skin problem...... just like i am still thinking what strain of probiotic is imp. for toddler? as diff probiotic seems to have diff. strain.

yesss.... the best way is to ignore then soon it will stop
yuru, I am using a tiger one, pretty good. Eh if only your pot is spoiled, then why not change the pot only?

lil devil, for the purposes you mentioned, I'd pick CLO if its me.
thanks kelly for yur call.

i very upset today. tis morning when i send nicole to sch, the teacher suggest to me to send nicole to see speech therpy. they feel she cannot articulate well and cant speak clearly. all along they told me is fine she can learn along suddenly this moring they tell me this. Are the teacher giving up hope on her?? i feeling so bad now. she can call or ask for thing better now just tat she cant speak full sentence. some of the thing she ask for is not clear. now she can ask for milk rather then point to me. she can understand all teh instruction given to her, in sch she can communicate well wif friend , play etc, I really dunno wat the problem wif, is it a syptom of autitic? i really so worried
wendy, its hard for us to advise you based on your post, plus sometimes its hard for the untrained to know exactly what is a cause for concern? She has a PD right? Maybe you can consult her PD for an opinion? I dont feel that her teacher must be 100% correct on this (sometimes can be a case of unrealistic expectations lor), but if they had mentioned something, its best to check it out for peace of mind I feel.
yuru, do you have a cold storage nearby? I buy Gracecup spinach from CS when there is stock. The quality of this brand's stuff is usually pretty good.
pot- try calling the distributor/head office for the brand and ask where to buy replacement pots, shd be available for sale, but prob at some ulu head office.
Dear Mummies,

Sorry I didnt post in this thread for some time, hopefully u all still remembers me? Im facing a little problem & would really appreciate if u can help me?

HELP !!!

My maid told me tat she wan to return home to take care of her sick parent. She plans to leave end of Sep07. With the short notice I dunno whether I can find a replacement? I called up the maid agency she told me theres a shortage of Philippines maid.

Can I chk wif all the mummies, do u hv any gd maid agency to recommend?
Thks in advance.
i remember the spinach from china was banned for a period of time??

i always have to eat the food that my darling fancies....i have the habit of asking her what she wants for her meals, if she says fried rice or pasta or pizza or noodles, that will be my food too! plus i cannot order food that is spicy....but my husband can!
eh, dun worry too much, speech therapy does not equate autism. autism kids usually keep to themselves and do not interact with others
i know it sure worries u. why not pay a visit to the pd and hear wats his / her opinion. everytime i have some doubts i will head to the pd office.

yes the sengkang market does that. and if u notice, veg. from china now usually pack very nicely and neatly and looks pretty clean too. while if its from local / malaysia, they usually looks "JUST PICKED" state, need better washing. if i go to supermarket, i will buy the GRACECUP veg. *berry mentioned* they have nice veg. and especially their tomatoes. i rem. that china spinach is the veg. that causing some problem leh.

ha!!!! we do the same too, i will eat what quinn ate and meaning spicy food is out but good for my sensitive tummy. if theres certain time either me or hubby wanted a spicy food, we usually take turns, sometimes he will eat like quinn *non-spicy* and sometimes i will be the one, fair mah.
but usually we will just order non spicy foos so quinn has more variety to chose from. quinn fancy soupy noodle and la mian is his top fav. can ate 2/3 of a huge bowl!!!! ever since he started solid, especially when hes willing to eat out, hubby and my eating habit changed, much more healthy since quinn dun fancy fastfood and such.
any mummies knows about detoxing? or does our bodies actually need to adapt to a new diet? i realized ever since i start on my BETTER diet, like cut processed food, drinking more water, start on probiotic, eating more colourful veg. eating solely brown rice / bread and such, my skin problem starts to emerge????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wonder is it that i am allergy to something or wat?????
little devil
heh, yes, a little restriction when we have to eat what they eat but i guess i am used to it already

fruits is good for detoxing - have a 3 day fruits and fruit juice diet and you will see your skin glow...
i cant go on just fruits as my tummy is very sensitive but i try to eat healthy like above mentioned. then problems starts to appear. last time junk diet i dun have problems, tats very weird!!
thks 4 e link. prefer 2 go 2 a shop n get e proper size. juz in case i buy wrong size online.

lil devil
could it b ur body detoxing now so all e 'dirty things' come out? as in "pai du". get wat i mean? or mayb ur body needs some adjustment?
i tot so too but its been awhile already... a month!!!! so much TOXIC!!! OMG!!!! dun know when it will be over? for swim wear, u can try takashimaya, i saw some last time, wonder they still carry or not but can try.
little devil / puff
thanks so much for the assurance. yes i had fix an appt to go back kkh to have her old record dig out. I alway comfort and tell myself she just have some delay speech problem cos she can interact wif her school mate well.

ya wat they eat equal to wat we eat. all our daring refuse fast food which is a gd news to us. nicole like to eat bread for snack but dunno why she dun like burger haha.. i used to hate fish but now when ever go out my meal seem to be alway fish soup wif rice sigh.... and nicole is so much into rice while i hate rice hahaha now everything give in and eat wif her.
Monday morning

HZS vs HN... hmm we started back on these, Ath on my last box of HN (I bought 8 boxes total!), Irv on HZS.
Think next time plonk money on HZS, easier on pocket and not so anxious when I dun c instant improvemt. :p
yuru, for maintanence, I give 1/4 or 1/5 teaspoon daily. I mix this amt with 5 ml of water (use syringe to measure) and then feed via syringe. It took me VERY long and hard to get faye used to this part of her supplement routine cause the taste is really horrid :p I bribed her with a dark chocolate button (teeny weeny one) initially heh. But I know some ppl disguise it in stuff like homemade smoothies, or ribena, etc. You can hide in anything you like, as long as its not warm or hot.
talking about mixing supplement with other stuff. im abit confuse when i saw quinns probiotic says can mix with water, juice and FORMULAR MILK???? i mean F.M is abit warm so wont it affect probiotic? ummm....... and it also took quinn and me very long before hes willing to take medication and such using syringe, i also bribed him, heee..... i use misture of organic gums and chocolate as he tends to get heaty easily so let say if hes on medication, i cant possibly give him chocolate 3 times aday so i got no choice but resort to the MOST healthiest gums i can find, no choice. but now hes okie but if the med. taste horrible, he will NOT eat it even he can get his fav. like chocolate and such, he will just tell me "its okie, i dun need it" :p
just now i try to coax him that its bedtime while hes playing his lego. but he refuse so i tell him that its late and his toys also tired after such a long day so we must let them rest too. he sort of ignore me and carry on building his lego then i pester him again and finally he reply "okie, 10 mins more. i need to build a car so all my toys can drive home to sleep" i was like....... kenna ZAP!!!
lil devil, not all kids drink FM warm, I think its more popular to do so in the asian culture? Faye drinks hers at rm temp since few mths old and I rarely make it warm unless she is having a cold.
Ath's pediasure is rm temp water, as directed on the can.

Ath's suddenly OK abt meds- open and swallow with little fuss. *Cross fingers* hopefully will be similar for the supps.

so u dose 1/4 or 1/5 tsp Vit C daily... the CLO u give how much? I think just follow u can liao, hehe.
In case anyone dunno (I just heard today fr someone's blog lah)- deadline for change of photo on passport is 31 Aug!!!
later am cheonging down with kids! Ath's pic is her doot-doot newborn pic ah.
pawprint, I give Faye 1/4 teaspoon daily, mixed with 5ml of water. Actually if Athena is willing, can mix with more water, I mix only 5ml so that I can syringe it, easier for Faye to gulp it down one shot. Cause 5ml water + 1/4 teaspn tastes reallly yucky, even I also cannot take it :p CLO (oil form, not softgel) I give 1/2 or 1 teaspoon, depending on how good I think her diet is for that day/week.

For myself when having a cold/virus, I take 1 teaspoonful of the vit C powder, mixed into a cup of water, 1-2 times a day, it almost always helps greatly.
Dear Mummies,
Sorry I didnt post in this thread for some time, hopefully u all still remembers me? Im facing a little problem & would really appreciate if u can help me?

HELP !!!
My maid told me tat she wan to return home to take care of her sick parent. She plans to leave end of Sep07. With the short notice I dunno whether I can find a replacement? I called up the maid agency she told me theres a shortage of Philippines maid.

Can I chk wif all the mummies, do u hv any gd maid agency to recommend?
Thks in advance.
berry / pawprint
actually quinns milk is more of room temperature than warm but since his probiotic powder need to keep cool, i wonder if room temperature *maybe a littleeee.... warmer than room temperature* is good enough to kill it??
lil devil, I am not sure, but wouldnt risk it cause my probiotics beri expensive :p. Why not just give rm temp milk ah? He does drink rm temp water and so on right?
he does but when u say room temp. milk meaning u use cool boiled water ONLY when making milk? not abit of hot water? for me when making quinns milk *8oz* i will use 7 oz cool boiled water and 1 oz hot water, still okie? what probiotic u using and both u and faye use the similar probiotic?
Re: supplements
Hi mummies, so the latest discussion is about supplements?
May I check actually what does the Children's DHA do? Jean didn't quite like the softgel samples. If I want to build up the immunity system (against flu/cough) can take this? Or is it Vit C? Or is there something else that is more suitable? Currently, I'm still not comfortable with using TCM so not trying HN. Thanks!
so whats the actual diff. between rm temp. and warm water then?? and does cool water *boiled* consider rm temp. then? ha!!!!! ur probiotic is it the one that time u sms me? u taking tat too?

for DHA it does quite a no. of things but my main concern is immune. vit. c is important especially for toddler who dun take or not taking enough fruits and veg and especially imp. when they are not well. but choosing a good 1 that delivers what it need is impt. some vit. c is plain waste of $$$!!!!!

Fish oil and cod liver oil can support your health in these ways:

Help promote heart health and normal cholesterol balance*
Support immune system health, mood, memory, joint health, blood sugar health, and helps relieve stress*
Help increase energy level and promote cognitive function*
Provide immune system support*
Help provide nutritional support to pregnant women*
Aid in regulating cell growth and division*
Support a strong skeletal system*
Support a healthy inflammatory response*
lildevil, thanks for ur detailed input to this supplement idiot! tried to read up but got all confused with different websites... at least now I know the DHA helps with the immunity... the lady at the store says that can put it into food like porridge which might help to mask the oil? have anyone tried it before? take DHA still can take sambucol?

as for the vit c, which brand is recommended? it's in liquid form? DHA+sambucol+vitc, erm... is it a bit too much supplements? probiotics (which brand?) is for?
vit. c i cant say much since what i tried last *childlife* is completely USELESS!!!!!!!! maybe going to try the source nature vit. c. and as for CLO, if u wanna mix with food or so, get the oil base type without any flavouring like orange or strawberry .... NORDIC and CARLSON have good range. for probiotic, i use natures way and i got it from vitakids, the boss is very nice to import that in when i ask her since i cant order from iherb as it need to be regrigerated. and my fren is passing a bottle of Nutrition Now, Rhino Chewy C Plus Echinace to me. she says it really helps her dd. whenever her dd seems not too well, giving her this will sort of prevent it and her frens also says the same. sambucol i stop giving quinn as he dun take it well.

yap, its the culture diff. but even in hospital and when i cant BF quinn, hospital also give im cool and near to cold milk. but soup must be warm and i sure will not drink soup thats not HOT!!!!
Yuru, I dunno, i read from cheekiemonkies that deadline for change of photo in passport is 31 Aug. After that no change allowed. It's FOC, btw, it's recommended to change pic once features change significantly. Esp for bbs/ tods lah... Ath's was done at 2mths old! And mine, well, weightgain and all.
Jen, sorry to miss your IM :p Didnt manage to catch you online. For immune system maintanance, I give Faye daily CLO and Vit C. Once in a while I give her ecchinecea or some ecchinecea blend too (ecchinecea not supposed to take permanently).

I know that CLO is heat sensitive and turns rancid easily. Moreover, most kiddy CLO (like NN or even other brands) are fruit flavoured, if mix into savoury food like porrige then it will taste v strange right? I have heard of people mixing into juices or smoothies tho. I personally wont mix it into food that is hot/warm.

yuru, wahaha I am not so extreme lar, I dont give Faye cold FM when she is young. I am referring to using rm temp water, so even tho its not warm, its not cold either. When she is older, I do sometimes give her cold fresh milk from fridge tho (not often). Like I also will sometimes let her eat her muesli/cereal with cold fresh milk like the way we adults do.
PARCEL- hey btw I've received my supplements today, thank a ton for the trouble and packing it so well.
Re: supplements
lildevil, the source nature vit c is in powder form is it? orange flavoured? Jean doesn't like orange leh... anyway, she eats fruits & vege so can skip it for the moment? but i know vit C is really good for flu/cough... hiaz... thanks for the link!

You got unopened sambucol? wanna sell me? dun think I got enuff for the 6-8 week period...

another new thing? Ecchinecea? What's that for now? Gotta google for it...
So far, I tried the DHA softgel but she really hates it! Took the first 2 times ok but after that spit out... but last 2 days I tried the oil form, told her it's apple juice and she took! *cross fingers*
Can start even though she has slight cough with phlegm?

Now I got unopened bottle of softgels, anyone wants? Maybe can exchange with the oil form?

Re: cold milk
My MIL used to tell us that cold milk produce phlegm... but now we also give warm FM, but still get phlegm? cold drinks are seldom, except room temp plain water & milk/milo from CC... So I also dunno got logic or not leh...

Re: passport/IC
Pawprint, so it's a voluntary thing right, not compulsory? I read that only non-biometric passport need to change...
Jen, voluntary, and mine and Ath's still non-biometric mah. I dun wan any hassle fr customs, particularly lesser developed countries where they MIGHT be fishing for a bribe (but I also dare not offer bribe wait kanna more trouble lagi worse?).

Jen, *everything* under the sun produces phelgm according TCM, hahaha! Cold milk, FM itself (according to tuina cos it's dairy pdt, switch to soy or goat i think for interim of cough if serious), fried food, fruits (my gf's son was told to avoid ALLLLLLLLL fruits due to his somewhat serious asthma-cough, can u imagine that? At first they limited the usual suspect fruits only!), green tea, honey, sugary foods and goodness knows what.

THat day Ath stopped coughing, then ate ABIT of cake... next day PHELGMY again! Wah! But the HZS seems to be quite effective leh, tho i know u not comfy with TCM.
