(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Rochelle, my hubby wants me to be SAHM, as much as I want to be one. So he has to be responsible for bringing home the bacon.. though I make him responsible for the kids too when he's at home. Actually I find as SAHM I spend less money. No need to buy expensive clothes to go to work. In UK, we cook our own meals almost all the time and it's much cheaper than eating out. As for looking after 2 kids on my own.. I think I'm used to it now. It's really keeping them entertained that is most taxing for me.

karen, I know how difficult it is, trust me, I have more experience than I wish with a screaming child at a public mall. It IS incredibly difficult and very hard to focus on the child instead of others who are staring blatantly. But I force myself to remember that the more I can focus on her and her needs, the faster we can resolve the matter and move on. If I were to focus on being embarassed, then my reaction towards her will only stem from anger and embarassement, and I'll be ignoring her actual needs more, which means the problem does not get solved. So, out of neccesity and with practise it gets easier :p
Money- If him asking for stuff is a constant problem for you, then maybe u can start giving him 'pocket money' for his stuff? Eg, give him a fixed amount daily to keep in a purse. If he cant count, u can do it for him. If he has enough money, he can buy what he wants, if he doesnt, you can help him calculate how much longer he needs to save for that item he wants. I think its great cause this puts the responsibility in his hands instead of yours. I'm all for helping the child learning to manage the aspects of his life whenever possible. I did that once with faye when she was around 18month when she was going thru a phase when she kept asking for money for *every single* capsule machine she came across. I stopped later cause she lost interest lol.

hubby does not mind me being SAHM (cant work due to visa issues) but would prefer if I could WAHM so that we have some savings. we are now living hand to mouth until our home loan is pay up. we havent eated out since 2001 except when my parents sponsor the meal. my hubby was full time student for 3yrs so onlt had my income.


I had a bad fall when I was 14 and my tooth turn grayish after root canal treatment. so u might want to check with dentist if the tooth's nerves was affected. as long as the nerves are okay should not affect her permananent teeth. can get a mild x-ray of the affected tooth done to see if the permanent teeth is underneath it already
rochelle, is your current fonancial situation temporary? I think your situation shd improves as time goes by (promotions, increment, etc)? I can imagine that it must be very difficult now, doesnt help that eating out is prob alot more exp over there. Maybe u can do some little thing that enables you to work from home? Like bulk-purchase stuff cheaply and sell them for some profit (children stuff etc)?

until I get PR here, I cannnot work legally and cannot run a home business. only can be babysitter or tution. but already my 2 boys are tough babysitting :p becos PR application in progress also dont want to get trouble by anyone saying we are doing home business.

in 3 yrs times, when both boys in school then even if no PR yet also can apply for work permit to work part time.
gabe asks 4 stuff too when we r out, usually kiddy rides, sweets, books. i would entertain him in tis following manner...
1) kiddy rides
he has 2 share e ride wif edward so i usually spend $2 on e rides. $1 for each ride so gabe n edward gets a ride each. if e kiddy ride is big enuff 2 accomodate both boys, lucky 4 them
2) sweets
i would remind him tat he still has other sweets/snacks at home BUT if it's a sweet husband and/or i fancy, we always indulge him.

3) books
i never say no 2 him when he 1 2 buy books but i make sure e book he chose is alright, if not i'll pick something else 4 him which he dun resist either.

same tots abt being a SAHM. i save more $$ by not having 2 spend on transport, not buying clothes, shoes n doing my mthly maintenance (facial, waxing, massage/spa, mani/pedicure, cosmetics, etc). was juz sharing wif a few friens tat if i earn $3K, out of my take home pay of $2400, $700 goes 2 maid (levy + pay + expenses), $500 (my food outside), $200 (transport - bus & taxi), $300 (mthly maintenance), $300 (shoes and/or clothes), $400 (HP bill, ins, misc). so no $$ left n i m out of e hse 12hrs in a day, dun c my boys, get 2 splurge on myself, get scolded for lousy work, of course not 4getting social lunches/gatherings wif friens/colleagues, etc BUT these r not wat i want. i m happier being at home wif my boys.

i do hv grouses for being a SAHM, lots in fact but being wif my boys everyday makes me 4get abt my grouses.

i envy my friens who bring their kids 2 travel, splurge on material gds for their kids n themselves & able 2 do some travelling on their own as a couple. these r my main grouses.

then again i often asked myself n husband, "do we really 1 2 travel wif 2 or 3kids in tow?" 2 GFs i know (whose parents brought them travelling since birth cos they work in e airport/airlines), told me themselves no point bringing kids 2 travel b4 6-7yrs old cos they dun remember all e trips. so husband n i console ourselves tis way.
i do splurge on selective material gds on my boys but rarely on myself. husband n i constantly remind ourselves tat we had our fun for 7yrs b4 we had kids. we got enuff branded gds & clothes, travelled as often as we could, ate at posh restaurants n had overnite stays in hotels as n when we like. now we r juz leading e simple life.
e last abt travelling as couple, husband n i cant bear 2 leave my kids even for 24hrs so how 2 travel alone?

husband wants me 2 a SAHM too cos he cant imagine wat kinda kids he'll get if he leave his boys wif his mum n he knows it's in my blood 2 a SAHM. i knew tat since i graduated fr uni. my GFs all had big ambitions...they wanna all e Cs but i juz want 2 stay at home n take care of my kids. told my then BF (now husband) abt my ambition (so he knows not 2 expect big car, condo, lotsa cash cos there's no double income unless he earns lotsa himself).

pai seh, so lor soh.
rochelle, ohh okie I see. Then it means your situation is not permanent.
I think that once you get your PR and your sons are older (more independent, more time for yourself), things will definitely look up. And by then, I'm sure you will be glad that you spent all these time being a sahm with them. Meanwhile, how about doing some little online thing yourself like maybe you can buy some children's clothing and selling thm informally online/auction? Not like a real business, if you know what I know. I know some sahms who actually managed to make a little fortune doing that; But provided you have the energy/time left lar :p

while working my expenses were

2,500 (pay)
- 0 (cosmetics, never use)
- 0 (clothing, all work clothes are bought once after graduation and stillwearing)
- 0 (food outside becos bring lunch from home and dinner is claimable or go home eat)
- 0 (transport and HP claimable)
- 1700 (bank home loan cash portion)
- 100 (bus fare)
- 30 (PUB bills)
= 670 which I used to prepay the bank loan now and then.

thats how I shorten the tenure of the bank loan by 2 yrs. took out the loan in 2002 and completing in 2010.

so as a SAHM, the only expenses I save is the $100 bus fare because all my taxi fares are on company's expense.

so u can understand why its frustrating financially. as we are transfering 2,700 every month home for the bank loan. also we started paying for preschool for my older boy in June and my younger boy is next june.

my two boys are 1 yr apart becos I have potential infertility problem. so we dont want to risk not having a 2nd one.


my SG friends here said that they tried Ebay trading for pocket money and pass time. our car loan here is 2yrs more and SG home loan is 3yrs more so we would be in better financial shape in 3yrs time. public transport here is not well linked, car is cheap but petrol is as expensive as singapore.


one SG friend brings her son back to SG for holiday every year and he can descirbe the trips. he is 3 now.

another SG friend brings her 2 daughters back to SG every 2 yrs. her daughters are now 2 and 5. the 5 yr old can remember the trips. the 2 yr first trip was a few mths old.

whenever my parents come to visit, of course have to take them on trips to nearby attractions. my parents paid for all the expenses for those trips because they want us to go with them as a family outing.

I remembered my first plane trip to KL when I was 5 to go to genting highlands. the jacket my mum brought for me was not warm enough so my cousin let me wear his. my brother's first plane trip was to Bangkok when he was 3. he remembered the trip v well. he could tell us things from the trips that are not in photos.

we travel frequently to all parts of Malaysia for holidays when I was small as its cheap and convenient (the blue singapore passport that is now obsolete). we took bus, train and plane,
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
ya, it's a BAD accident. she was jumping in 1 of those trolley u used for marketing, and fell forward. there was so much blood & crying till everyone in the foodcourt was looking at us.

not sure what happens if the teeth turn grey. forgot to ask the dentist, wahaha.. guess will bring her to dentist for review this weekend or next weekend, after my confinement.

aiyo, Shanice already has both her front teeth chipped by the time she's 2.. hahaha.

<font color="aa00aa">rochelle,</font>
thanks for the advice! will try to get hubby to bring her to dentist this week then.

actually dentist told us it'll affect the permanent teeth alr. something like "though the teeth are not there yet, the roots are alr there" or stuff like that.

this young lady always got accidents that cause PERMANENT DAMAGE!! and it seems like it's always due to my mum.. hiaiz..
after reading, i can understand ur frustration. just like me, i was working before preggy with quinn and i dun do saving which i now think i should. i spent all my $$$ pampering myself and hubby also give me extra to do that. then by the time i am preggy and not working, we live on 1 income *hubby* and during then its still okie as hubby business is still good but after years down the road, his business really go down hill *due to too many freelancer slashing prices in the market* so we really face some difficulties since then. i ever think about MAYBE i can go out and work again?? but again after all those calculation, we will left with almost 0 from my income and hubby says we will be even more stress as we need to bring quinn to his mum every morning and fetch him back at night and sometimes when kids are not feeling well, we sure cant rest at night and the next morning i got to work again...... and also we both truely believe in bringing up quinn ourselves, so no matter how difficult, we will still try our very best. so after almost 1 year of down time *hubby main business* someone actually want him to join in property business so he go for it sometimes back and hes doing pretty well in that, so much better than his main business i should say. actually i really appreciate his act, willing to take 1 more job so we all can be better and now his main business is picking up again so its good news too. so now when we think back, its lucky that during that BAD time, we stick hard to what we are doing *its really not easy, really* and now quinn is 3 and we can see the difference, like we can see that what we put in *like struggling with bad time and with a difficult to handle kid* is worth while. so hang on, this bad time will pass, it will not be easy but it sure worth while!!
little devil,

thanks just venting else will "peng san". hubby started his own business for a yr before being a full time student. so for 4yrs its my pay only. then for a few months I was out of job and he was not working yet so no income. so actually the worse financial times are over.

dont worry. as long as dentist do a good job should have no long term effect. my hubby's nieces also had bad dental accidents before their milk teeth drop. they have okay teeth now.
angelia, actually I think that its quite hard to pin the fault of such accidents on care-giver. Unless the caregiver is gonna stop the child from *all* unnecesary movements, there is no way to prevent accidents of such? Like for Faye, she does stunts of all sorts daily, climbing from the most unimaginable places to the most impossible places. But yet almost 99% of her falls/knocks are during times when she does daily normal stuff like walking along a pavement or when she is actually not doing acrobatics. Anyway, my theory (backed up by some books i read) is that a child who knows their body/limits/ability well is usually prone to lesser accidents during play, which is why I see no need to over protect a child from common childhood injuries. :p
I work as a dental nurse. U should get a dentist asap. U will need follow up treatment. Some severe problem may not be happen now but in future. When their adult teeth start to grow, their adult teeth maybe come different color with other teeth inside the mouth. The teeth that is hurt, will grow darker in color like yellowish or brown. If that happen, it means the tooth is dead. In future they will need to do root canal treatment plus crown to protect it. If not it will look ugly. Hope the worst will not happen is the adult teeth jam inside the gum. If so, need to do a operation to take it out. When u visit the dentist, they may ask u to take a x-ray. Don't worry abt the X-ray, it will not hurt them.
Berry, yup, am thinking of giving him 1 a day and if he wants something that costs a few he will have to save up over a few days. Did you mean you stop giving Faye pocket money because she got tired of those capsule toy machines? I let Ethan play with those capsule toy machines in SG because I thought $1 = 30p, and the toy is quite good, but in UK he STILL wants to play with those machines, 1 each, and really rubbish toy like a lollipop!! So I avoid those machines at all costs.
kelly, Ethan doesn't like going on those kiddy rides , doesn't usually ask for sweets or books, but asks for toys! sometimes just watching advertisements on tv, he'll ask to buy the toys being advertised! not cheap too, 20-60 those toys. if you say no to Gabe, will he throw tantrum?

also, does anyone face the problem of getting your child to cooperate with you when you need him to do something for his own good?? Ethan suddenly decided a couple of nights ago not to brush his teeth anymore. clamp his mouth shut even though i explained to him the usual about "food in his mouth will cause his teeth to hurt if he doesn't brush them away". i can't exactly hold him down and force open his mouth to brush his teeth. and things like, wanting to eat ice cream first thing in the morning.. it goes against all my inner instincts, and thankfully he doesn't push it most of the time, but he's had ice cream in the morning when i just felt that i couldn't deal with a tantrum.
rochelle, kelly,

my biggest expenditure when i was working was pocket money to my mom and dad :p obviously no longer working no need to give them money anymore though it makes me feel abit guilty.
karen, Yar I stopped giving Faye pocket money for a while cause she lost interst in the capsule machines and dont really ask for stuff anymore after that. Then for a while, she actually accumulated like $10 in her purse cause there was nothing she wanted for a while lol. (there was a strange period when she didnt want anything new at all, clothing or toys. I actually had to convince her v hard if I wanna buy her something new lol!) Actually since 2 months back she started asking for things again, I am contemplating about giving her pocket money. I wanted to give her $2 a day but hubby says too much money for a 3yo, so we decided to give $1 instead. But then I'll need to go and change alot of $1 coins :p
UK capsules- yikes one pound for a lolly?! I wont be giving money for these junk either.
karen, maybe u can stop him from watching tv prog (let him watch dvds/vcds instead?)? Advertisements are one of the main reasons why I am very anal about Faye not watching TV prog, I'll rather buy/borrow (frm library) her vcds/dvds instead. I am v uncomfortable to her little brain being exposed to all the mental manipulation that goes on when they watch commercials. Once read a book that talks about how advertisements target children, and its very scary how the giant toy companies who owns almost every major toy out there (mattel, hasbro ) do more than we can imagine to get into the minds of our children so that they can understand exactly what appeals to them and how their product can sell. Check out this link: http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/parents/marketing/marketers_target_kids.cfm
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
what i meant was the BIG accidents, e.g clawed by the peacock (my mum asked Shanice to go near to touch the peacock, while she stands at a distance), and the recent one that is jumping IN the trolley that's so unstable. a good thing her teeth didn't come off on the spot. i know it's mean of me, but i muz say i kind of give up on this gal alr.. sometimes juz feel like leaving her at my mum's plc (forever) & leave it to my mum to do whatever she wants.
Am back!

Ruffy & Sharon, thanks, had a nice-enough trip but as usual I have things to whine about, haha! :p

ANGELIA, wah, u sure can keep a secret! Okay, next time I confide in u my deepest and darkest secrets hahaha, cos u wun blab! :p
CONGRATS and ur kiddos look LOVELY! :D

TEETH, haiz. Used to temp as a dental assistant. *Just* went to dentist on my trip too. Sigh. My teeth are sooo depressing. Even if I were to be a billionaire, I'd still have ugly teeth. (read: got money also cannot fix one)

Tantrums. Can't say I suffer much/ any... but she's real sensitive lor. The type that needs alot of hugging and carrying and reading-books-playing-together? If she insists I play some musical toy, can tell that what she wants is really time with me/ focus on her.
Her tantrumeter is quite interesting- the louder she cries, the less upset she is really. This kind I can tell she wayang for effect, let her work it out and then she'd be ok. If she holds back her tears, then I know she's REALLY hurt/ upset/ distraught- that I pay more attention to, must handle with great care. She doesn't really scream except when excited, so I don't have any angry screaming from her yet.
She won't brush her teeth willingly either, but she gets RENEWED ZEAL to do so after watching Maisy's Bedtime Story (the book or the VCD, we have both lah), and Barney (forgot which one, that has teeth-brushing). Quite funny, there was once we read the Maisy book to her, she suddenly jumped up and insisted she WANTED to brush her teeth. So we grabbed the opportunity- she "suffered" through the lower jaw, then refused to have her upper jaw teeth brushed and insisted she HAD brushed her teeth like Maisy. She looked mighty pleased with herself.

Spending on kids. She does like those capsule stuff but I've never allowed her to try any- she'd ask, I'd tell her no money, end of story. Not sure if PILs allowed when they bring her out though. As for kiddy rides, usually I bargain with her and make her agree that it's ONE ride, so that's not much issue either. I know FIL dotes on her alot- there was once he spent a straight $8 or $10 on those stuffed animal ride at Suntec (the huge ones where an adult can sit together with the kid?). He just handed the whole sum of money to the guy, and went on for a loooong ride lor.
She sometimes asks for a certain toy, if I like it, I'd buy. If I don't, then I tell her so... most of the time she's fine, other times a little distraction works.

But there's something I noticed though... I think she somehow equates BUYING AND GIFTING as an act of love/ affection? Cos stuff that we buy together (or she happens to be with me only), she'd announce to the family that SHE bought it. Be it tomatoes or something boring? And when I showed her the stuff we bought for her on vacation, she didn't seem keen on the stuff, didn't take an interest after the first item. Instead she seemed to get anxious and told me she bought something for ME, a PIANO, in the STORERM! I was bewildered, then she dragged me to her room, looked around... and then said, "I give u the DRUMS!". Then she looked mighty pleased that she was giving me *a gift* (her toy drums?). I tried to tell her that I love her, i'd rather she GIVE me a hug/ kiss, but I guess she WANTS to give me something lor.

I'm thinking I'd do more craft with her next week- she can make cards and whatnot to GIVE me, HB and all. Maybe that will appease the giving spirit, hmm? Or maybe I'm reading too much, maybe she likes the excitemt of buying stuff (we do alot of pretend grocery-shopping with her toys)?
angelia, I think the peacock accident might be really an accident, more like a matter of luck? I say this cause Faye has chased quite a number of peacocks before when she was younger (I didnt know better, I know after reading your post :p)
And they just ran away v fast. And I also often see kids posing for pics with peacocks at sentosa before, the peacocks either just stand there or run away real fast. But of cos I can understand how you feel about Shanice being hurt in the care of your mum. Then maybe since you are a sahm, you can bring her home more and care for her yourself? I've always felt that one of the best privileges of being a sahm is not having to worry about the well-being of your child cause you are always the one who is in full control.
POCKET MONEY- does anyone knows whst is the current 'market rate' for pri sch children these days? Whats the average pocket money given?

Next time, would you guys prefer to give a bigger sum that allows the child to pay for needed stationary, toys and savings; Or would you give a smaller sum that is only enough for food in school and then pay for the child's stationary/sch supplies/toys on the side?
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
ya, now will try to care Shanice off my mum's place lesser, unless i am abt to go insane with a bb & a 3yo, hahhaa..

now just get over with it lor. juz sms hubby, he said Shanice's teeth are alright. phew...

<font color="aa00aa">pawprint,</font>
wahaha.. cos i not many secrets mah. maybe if i'm too overloaded wif secrets, i might leak them out? *LOL*
Primary school food about $0.50-$1 a plate. if u want sweets/other stuff will cost at least $.50-$1 for it. So $2 just covers enough for 1 day if u have 2 meals in school. I know on average a P3 student gets about $12 a week some get up to $20. It depends on what they need to spend on etc.
husband n i discussed abt tis b4...we'll give our boys a fixed sum every wk n they hv 2 manage their $$ themselves. say if i give them $10/wk, if gabe chooses 2 spend $5 on monday, he'll hv 2 figure out how 2 keep himself full wif $5 for e rest of e 4days.

tis method shld teach them some money sense n some sense of responsibility?
kelly, yar, does make sense to me too. We also think that we'll probabaly do the same for the same reason.

Skate scooter- We bought Faye her first skate scooter from ToysRus over the weekend. Its a v stable 3-wheeler skate scooter, perfect for her height, after discount (it says 40% discount but I really doubt it was on THAT much discount :p) ard $35 or $39. Comes in pink or black/steel. A v good buy! Oh, I also bought Faye a helmet from toysRus to wear with it, it says for 3+, fits her quite alright. so mummies who are also wanting to look for a skate scooter, u might wanna head down to TRU to check it out.
pocket money,
haven't thought abt it yet. her Sat playsch does intro some sort of money concept- doing HW earns playmoney (up to certain amt a wk), which u can use to buy something fr her "store".

for my case, when *I* was in Pri sch, i din get fixed pocket money, no matter how much or how little i spent, it made no diff. Not a gd idea, won't use that. I din spend ANY money on stationery/ stickers, spent ALL on FOOD. But spent ALOT on food... one day my dad took me aside and told me to please buy BREAD instead of chicken wings, that we can afford alot of bread but not chicken wings. That I'm eating him into the poorhouse :p .
Money Talk

Talking about pocket money, my son loves to ask for money for kiddy rides. He wants 2 coins. ha. ha.

Nowadays, he loves to say that my hubby earns money for him, while I earn money for my girl!!??? I suppose he knows that my hubby earns more. He always say that papa goes to work to earn money to buy toys for him!
yuru, when is teacher's day?? Yar, I think beri important to buy presents for teachers, make them happy heh. I ask this question to a friend of mine who is a teacher, she told me that nice snack food like famous amos is nice, and I agree! I gave a tin to one of faye's ex teacher (from her playsch) once and she looked really happy about it hehe.
Berry: thanks for the link. I never really thought about advertising going into the minds of kids! I have to admit I can be persuaded by advertising too, sometimes! Ethan, though, is going through this "buying" phase. It's not just from advertisements, he saw the "Others in this range" part of his Thomas Lego set and said "Buy James!" The James set was the only one he didn't have..
Pocket money-
impromptu decision to pay her for chores, $1/ sweeping or washing bowls (under supervision cos slippery and standing on stool and all). Started this morning!
cos yesterday she was babbling before bedtime abt "not enough money" to pay taxi, etc. I think she *wants* to pay for some things, for us.

Am crashed out- ahboy woke 10 times last night, each time crying for milk, yet making alot of fuss abt his milk. Seems he wakes and doesn't know how to fall back asleep... needs to suckle.

#1 has cough, flu (luckily low-grade fever so far). #2 had fever, food poisoning (luckily no vomitting).

Teacher's day- principal asked me to volunteer services... think just jaga or something. yeah, honey's a good idea- SWEET and soothing on throat (though i hope they weren't shouting at our kids!).
on buying stuff
yingxin once saw a threadmill on TV and asked me to get it for her! she think it's very fun!
puff, wahaha so farnny :p You bring her to those abi excercise shops to play lar, Faye loves to play at those shops. The staff are usually v friendly n nice about it cause those equipment dont spoil easily and they dont have alot of customers in shops anyway.

BUY STUFF- so far the one thing faye *really, really, really* want but I havent and wont buy so soon is a skateboard! Actually I saw a really small one at TRU before, but I dont really dare to buy for her so soon, maybe when she is a wee bit older, like next year. Also, I'll make sure that she wears her helmet, kneew/elbow guard when playing on it.
hahaha, she saw people jogging on the threadmill and maybe she wanted to try? eh, go to the AIBI showroom? what if she refuses to leave? hahaha
puff, hahaha sure dun wanna leave :p then you stand there and persuade her and shake your head and then bring her back more often so that she is more willing to leave next time lor :p
heee.... talking about those osim / aibi shops, also quinns PLAYGROUND! everytime we pass by 1 he sure stop and ask for permission to go in and play. he love the JERKING machine, the 1 suppose to SHAKE fats away wan :p
yuru, sorry I didnt have time to email you last night cause Faye slept v late and I crashed into bed once she sleeps. Can I do so tonight? Really sorry. If you need to order soon then go ahead, I can understand
wat's the diff btw the one u ordering (for children, no orange taste?) and what Athena is currently taking- http://www.iherb.com/ProductDetails.aspx?c=1&pid=4192&at=0 .
I'm thinking of starting Irvin on it too- so 5ml each kid daily, a 16oz bottle should last 1.5mth only.
Which is strange... my current 8oz bottle lasting more than 3mths and still 60% left, dunno whether been giving less than the recommended 5ml daily or accidentally skipping too many days, heh.
Cos they recommend best finished within 3mths of opening.

am trying Hou Ning Powder from Eu Yan Sang, it's made from something in some intestine in some type of goat. Heard from some mums it's effective for persistent phelgm.
Regular price $50/ box, contains 1 vial 3.7g (size smaller than my pinkie finger!), recommended dosage for 1yo or 3yo is 1/2 vial each time, morning & night.
Currently Tamps Mall atrium having promo til Sat or Sun, $48.80/ box.
