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  1. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hope4bb, r u preggie now? I hv lupus too. Getting preg isn't easy for lupus patients n trying to hv a full-term baby isn't easy too. I went thru it once n true enuff, baby din reach full term. I really dunno if I dare to go thru it another time. It was a journey of worries, tears n of cos joy. I...
  2. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Joanne, Happened to pop in n am happy to read abt ur BFP! Congrats, gal!! Hv a gd rest n smooth 9mths!
  3. R

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    grumpus, Gan and ru, Thanks for the info on the insurance. It's really a big relief that they won't be asking. I'll get my agent to brief me on the policies then!
  4. R

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Day, Hope everything will go well for u till delivery ya! Did Dr Cheng mention whether there's high chance that the placenta will move up? I'm still w KKH and is expecting a boy. How about u? I'll most likely be having c-sect cos I can't wait to cuddle the baby in my arms.
  5. R

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    *waves* Hi Day!! I have not come into forum for a long time. So far so good. Baby's doing well. How about you? Both of us are counting down just 13 wks. Time really flies!
  6. R

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi mummies, I'll be buying insurance for my baby after delivery. But I've one worry... My agent is my classmate and he tends to update ALL our friends on each other's latest news. I don't wish anyone to know baby is conceived thru ivf. I've a few questions: - Did your agents asked u...
  7. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    yck, I thawed 2 n both managed to survive. I dun rem being told e grades of my transfered embies. I was only given a photo of e growing cells. I guess mine were grade 3 at most after thaw cos I dun hv many gd graded embies during my fresh cycle. After failed fresh cycle, I was left w only 1...
  8. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    yck, u still hv time for e follicles to grow, dun worry too much... U need to stay relaxed... ;) I bfp-ed on that natural fet. I only hv 3 precious frozen embies left... Dunno if I'll b lucky e nxt round... I hope so... Gd luck to u!! Hope everything will go smoothly for u!
  9. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi yck, I did natural fet at KKIVF b4. Is there anything u nid to noe? E process is quite simple. Juz call them on 1st day of AF, then go down on CD10 to do scan n test on ovulation kit to see if u r ovulating. Depending on both results, they'll ask u to go back to repeat scan n e ovulation...
  10. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Piggy, I nvr test on hpt cos I didnt hv e courage to do it. Only bought a few hpt to see the +ve signs after I bfp... Will u b testing on hpt before your bt?
  11. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    76, I didn't hv symptoms during my entire 2ww too. Boobs were occasionally sore towards e end of my 2ww, but I thot it's juz AF coming... I was surprised to hear bfp when I did an early bt... Still rem I was shivering when e nurse called... So scared! :p happybb, nip, Dan n piggy: all e best...
  12. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Suyana, I know there r sisters here whose lvls r slightly lower n they strike twins, so u might u chance too.. Heehee... Congrats again on your BFP n enjoy e next phase! ;) 76, thanks! Hope u'll bfp soon!! All e best ya!
  13. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Suyana, my bhcg lvl was 1936 on 16dpt, but I'm only hvg a singleton... Juz fyi... To all e gals here, may Santa bring u the best BFP gift to u... May all your dreams come true!
  14. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dan, yes, natural FET meant no jabs for me... When AF reported, I informed kkivf... On CD10, I went down for scan n test on ovulation kit. Was asked to test at home the next day n to go back if ovulate, but -ve. On CD12, I went back for another scan n test on ovulation kit. I ovulated n lining...
  15. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Annling n nur, sorry to hear about your bfn. Hv been silently reading cos I don't hv much to contribute. My failed fresh cycle was similar to both of u. When I failed my fresh cycle early this yr, my AF also came early b4 my BT... I can understand your disappointment. Take time to get...
  16. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    ann, I was shocked to read your post, but I'm really glad to see u taking it well... Hugsss.... Pls take gd care of yourself... sesame, all along my doc has been writing letters n asking me to pass Dr Loh e updated bloodtest results, but he just file them n doesn't think it's nec to really...
  17. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    sesame, my blood has been monitored for yrs... Today just had 10 tubes of blood taken... *faint*... My doc specializes in blood conditions, so I guess Dr Loh won't be unhappy... Anyway we feel that Dr Loh doesn't seem concerned about my condition... I'm waiting for appt with another doc who has...
  18. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    sesame, I'm w Dr Loh too... E jab/med r prescribed by a different doc... Wonder how he'll react when he knows I've started these cos I never inform him... Wow, e anti-nausea pill is really so effective! Hope I don't hv to take it... :P
  19. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    day, yup, will monitor... U still wake up at 3+ to ease your hunger pangs? I had bak chor mee at past midnight... Last night two dinners, just now two lunches... I think I'll put on weight soon... I need jabs/meds to thin my blood n ensure blood flows to baby, if not I may lose it anytime...
  20. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    sesame n day, my breathlessness was on n off, but it got a little worse than usual when I woke up at 11+ last night. Felt like going 24hrs clinic, but I just tried my best to breathe in as much air as possible n stayed v calm... Now I walk slower than old grannies cos any fast walking will...
