IVF/ICSI Support Group

Chris, i pm you! dont want to affect other's mood

Purpledragon > Sorry to hear about the news. Do check with the doc what could have happened that caused this. I tot based on our regular scans nearer to ER and the follicles sizes, doc will be able to determine when our ER should be so that most or all of them will be at least mature and of a useable size. But of cos mature also does not mean that there is an egg in each of our follicle.

Min > I will start lucrin end of this mth.
Hello everyone, went for BT this morn and bfn again.... This is my 6th ivf (fresh). Failed previous 5 ivfs (4 fresh, 1 fet) and 2 iuis in the last 14 months. I think I hold the record here for the greatest no of failures leh, and within the shortest span of time. Feeling so super sian...and sad. Dunno what's wrong too, docs cant find any problem. Altho my fertilisation rate is low, my embryos transferred are always top grade, I've also previously gone for brokes and cultured blastocysts for transfer despite my low fertilization rate and hence high wastage, but every cycle kenna implantation failure. And for this latest cycle, I did ivig after I was found to have a high percentage of natural killer cells. Was quite happy that we finally found a problem which could potentially be behind all the implantation faulures, so we can at least fix it, but also bfn. At wits end liao, I've done every check I can, tried all the different protocols, went for tcm/acupuncture, and changed docs too. This road has been the toughest of my (and my dh's) entire life. Sorry for the rambling post, cos feeling damn sian... 

But to everyone who's had a bfn so far, I know the heartache that comes with it. However, let's continue to be patient and persevere on. I most certainly will. Shall look forward and embark on my friggin 7th ivf. RAWRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Has anyone done medicated FET at nuh? Can let me know roughly the process ah, does it take abt 6 weeks (means will hit another af cycle) and issit just take tablets or will there be injections? 

Thanks, will check with them tmr


This is my 1st ivf.. Not sure what jab i'm starting on tmr, will wait for doc to explain.. Dunno if gotta pay cash for the alcohol swabs and stuff..
Purple, don't despair yet, think u'll only know definitively tmr if all ur eggs are really immatured. Maybe by tmr, u will have good news. Hang in there.
Positive, actually wanna die inside lor. For my fresh cycles, I've retrieved range of 14 to 25 eggs, but usu only one quarter to one third are usable at the end of the day. Damn cham.

We insisted on going for immunology testing after my 5th cycle failure. Previously we did ask our doc abt it but they didn't have the facilities for that so we swopped to nuh after that, for a change and cos we know they hv the facilities to do so. Ivig is a treatment procedure where they infuse blood proteins into your body (by way of a drip) to treat disorders in your immune system, and in my case, to regulate my over-active immune system. My high level of natural killer cells may treat my embryos as a foreign body and therefore attack them even before they have a chance to implant. That's why i was concerned abt hope4bb when she mentioned she had autoimmune prob cos same thing may happen. Depending on the type of autoimmune prob u have, it may also cause miscarriages other than implantation failures. But if u do a google, you can see how controversial this treatment is, many fertility docs may not believe in such treatment or they may not be familiar with it. Sian hor. 
Positive, I was also prescribed with steroid pills at the start of the ivf cycle to suppress my immune system.

I hope ur fertilization rate is better than mine? I feel it's a game of numbers - fertilisation rate remains the same, but if given higher dosage of medication during stimming, there will be more eggs and so this increases the number of usable eggs. So far, that's what happened in most of my cycles.

No payment required for tmr. Swap oso no need. All
Deduct from cpf and cofund.


I dun think will have good news tmr. Doc came to tell me personally nothing to transfer back.


Doc said will try long protocol.

I dun dare think much. Scared all my eggs no good quality. Any idea how to improve?
Purple: I see.. I didnt quite understand that you had follicles over 20mm but immature? I don't know how to improve but I take the usual supplements and TCM. I feel TCM help and I see this from bbt charting. You can try that to get body in shape first, may take a few months but I think it's worth it. I was on long protocol for my 1st cycle and have ok number of eggs but only transfer 1 which fail. Gynae say egg issue and we have sperm issues too. I guess it's possible since we are accelerating things up here. I am coming into conclusion that science is very limited. Science is happy that 30-40% gets success rate since without its intervention then the % is nil or lower. It's just fact that someone will have the blunt of the negative %. I am accepting that already; no wrong or right and no need to go into that "area". I will be on short next soon. Meantime, just relax.
Everyone , good evening. I'm sick. With flu.. Now coughing and feeling feverish. I don't want to be sick. Will it affect my growth of my eggs? Why I'm so Suay....
Chris, correct lor, I agree. I'm one of the unfortunate taking the brunt of that negative percentage. Hopefully that will change.

Positive, the effects of the ivig will only last abt 3 to 4 wks. My problem wun be cured. If bfp, must do ivig a few more times throughout the first tri. After first tri, the baby will be strong enough not to be affected. But yes, I do intend to follow up with my doc on the qn of how they will monitor the level of nk cells when I next see her.

Muff, I always think if the super foods and power drugs we consume can only improve egg quality to a certain extent (sometimes not at all), conversely, the flu bug shouldnt be powerful enough to destroy the egg quality. Don't worry, just focus on quickly getting well and don't let it affect u.
Purple, don't lose heart! I read before in this thread, forgot who, that they also had immatured eggs but had different results when the protocol was tweaked. Dhea and saizen (growth hormone) seemed to have helped quite a few ppl too. Ivf is always trial and error. Now ur doc wld hv the benefit of what happened in ur first cycle and will make the appropriate adjustments. Are u with prof Wong?
Positive: yes. I do not know the dosage since doc has not said yet. I do not think it will be low since I was already on high previously.

Beep: I wish you get your wish come true soon; meantime take time for your body to rest and recover.
Beep, which gyne u requested to do Ivig? U have over active immune system and hane normal health? That gd for you. When I was diagnosed with lupus. Every 2-3 months hospitalized. What's the dose of steriod they gave you? Looks like I going to ask them for Ivig. But gyne is more concern abt my low ovarian reserve that I don't even have eggs to transfer
Purple, hugz hugz... I can fully understand the ache and dissppointment u wld hav felt when u heard fr doc.. But pls dun give up hope, okie? Tell urself.. Is alright... U will try it again.. Hate to admit, but sometimes as we go thru trials, we become stronger cos we are already mentally prepared but yet still hoping for miracles.. So dun give up, ok? We are all fighting together and will encourage one another till all of us graduate... Rem tat!
I juz came back from a dinner gathering with colleagues and one the topics was abt how govt isn't doing wat is req to encourage women to hav kids and the pressure that comes along with it blah blah... A colleague's wife then ask me if that is the reason that is stopping me fr having kids. I lie with a straight face telling her there is no urge for me to hav kids.. Sigh... But who can really understand e pain and struggle that we r going thru... Going thru iui and ivfs and still trying on , juz hoping for the day we Bfp... 家家有本难念的经
Ladies after hearing your stories. Ivf is trial n error. Doctor will adjust Ur medication or the protocol based on your previous cycle.

For me I started my 1st cycle in 2010. Bfp but no heartbeat at 6wks. Did 3fets no luck. Go for 2nd cycle result worse bfn with no froozen embryo. I decided to tiao my body with Tcm, supplement n also healing before my 3rd cycle. I finally ready to go for it. I actually change my April schedule to aug. and thank you. With all the helps, I bfp n currently in my 6mths. Ladies u may want to try out healing. My healer doing healing for me n even help me with my previous karma. Or prayer to help my 1st bfp baby to go instead of holding on to me.

Hope healing can help u all as well.
Sara> I needed lap as gastro Dr discovered I have a constricted passageway in my colon, even the smallest pencil thin scope used in children cannot pass through. This is caused by the endo scarring tissues. My hubby was asked into the colonoscopy room to witness the Dr's finding and he cried. That was on Valentine's day 2012.

After that I was referred to a gynae, when all along I thought it's a gastro problem. It took me 3 years to discover it's endo prob!! So no choice, need lap to see what's causing the constriction.

After the 2nd failed cycle, on hindsight, I have jumped in too fast. I will try not to repeat mistake and tiao until I feel body is strong and go back to my normal weight. Will beg myself to take 6 months break from ttc and go with tcm. All of us here are trying so hard that we forget we could be subjecting our bodies to very harsh treatments, but what else can we do??

Before that was worried about tcm, had a friend with endo, who went to a famous tcm chain, her ovarian cysts grew and had to remove one ovary.

What is metformin? What is your current status, cycling?
Candy: bfp = big fat positive bfn= big fat negative bt= blood test

Beep: u may want to consider a Tcm dr that is familiar with ivf protocol.
Positive and beep, thanks. I'm just wondering if I should medicate myself with the fever tabs. Now whole body aching and feverish. I took the super safe fever tabs from my GP. but a little reluctant to medicate
Chris, thankie! Everyday rest until rot liao

Hope4bb, lupus is no joke, it must have been tough for you. Yalor, I seldom fall sick. When I was a kid, wanna be sick take mc and keng also no chance. I PM-ed you.
Purple n ww: u may want to try with Tcm tan siew bouy. N at the same time take supplement to tiao your body. Tcm n supplement take time to see the result abt 3mths. Tan siew bouy has worked with dr Loh ( previous Kkh Ivf head dr). They have help a lot of pt.

Royal jelly n egg white will improve Ur egg quality.
I've seen dr Chen xiu mei at Chinatown to Tiao my body for close to 2 yrs and in the end we decided to go for Ivf, but my egg does not grow so convert to IUI today went to blood test turn out neg, so got to start another cycle again. I'm still considering if I shed quit my job n rest at home for the time being.

I sent you a PM


I've heard that royal jelly and coq10 are good for the eggs. But i'm only taking coq10 cos i heard royal jelly is not suitable for those with cysts issues.. I dunno the effect of coq10 yet cos just starting my cycle..
WW, sigh, ur story also very xiong.....jiayou okie.

Babysmurf, seeing your journey, am happy that things eventually turned out well for u. Yeeps am seeing Dr Zhao for a while already.

Muff, I personally would medicate leh, esp if it's super safe meds. So I can get well faster before it gets worse. But that's just me. If you are worried, maybe just check with ur doc if it's okay to take the meds.
Hope4bb, r u preggie now? I hv lupus too. Getting preg isn't easy for lupus patients n trying to hv a full-term baby isn't easy too. I went thru it once n true enuff, baby din reach full term. I really dunno if I dare to go thru it another time. It was a journey of worries, tears n of cos joy. I would love to hv #2, but I dunno if I will ever b blessed w one... What I can say to u n beep is Jia You, nothing is impossible!!!
one thing to note: u need a gd gynae who is able to monitor u v closely during pregnancy... Get a gd referral from ur doc n try to hv all ur docs under the same hospital. This is impt cos shld complications arise during pregnancy, the docs can discuss n act quickly.
Beep, just did. Beh tahan liao. U r right I think I shd get well fast. Everything in ivf is fingers crossed. I must have positive thinking !
Friday night today, last time before all these ivf stuffs, I'd be out happily having drinks and relag till late. Now, guai guai cannot drink la, cannot late night la, cannot this and cannot that. Aiyooooo.

Min81, I replied you in 2 PMs cos I butter fingers.

Rainbow, will remember your golden words
Which hospital were u at previously?

Muff, since u took the meds liao dun worry anymore, may u get well soon!
Hi sis, i have previously been taking immouncal & ryoal jelly for abt a mth before embarking on my fresh cycle. But it fails..what are some of the supplmenets which are good for FET? i assume immouncal and royal jelly are for fresh cycle when eggs retrieval are required...since i cant do anything more abt the quality of the eggs which have been froizen.
Better tell dr Cheng on the medication u pop.
Previously he didn't allow me even to take tcm coz he doesn't want any medication which will potentially affect the follicles growth.

Meanwhile u better rest, if needed ask him for mc to rest at home. Go zzzz, it helps fight the viruses off !

Update me after u see him tomorrow.

Best of luck !
I started on my supplements popping, tcm meds n accu regime for 10 months before starting my fresh cycle through to my FET where I Bfp.

For FET, I took ensure milk, immunocal, chic Essences n 1 egg each/day. 1 wk before my FET, I tstarted on brazil nuts. If too heaty, moderate ur nuts n essences intake. When we zzz at night, make sure we are kept warm.

After Et, I total bed rest till my bt. On dpt 3-6 where implantation took place, added durian to my list. I did bt on dpt 10 n Bfp with low beta. Had spotting n bleeding episodes During trim 1 & 2. To think of the arduous experience i had, it's all the bed resting n my obgyn who gave me all the comfort needed to see me through full term.

Good luck For ur FET !!
Had my blood test and scan already.. Now waiting to learn how to do jabs.. Relieved when i heard doc say no cysts.. AMH is 23.. Hubby's SA dropped from the one taken a yr ago but prof said not an issue cos good enough for ivf..


Sorry, i totally forgot to ask abt the jab support! Will ask on the coming wed, when i come back for next scan..
Daylesford, r u saying that for e 10mths, u drank immouncal, ensure milk, chicken essence and egg everyday? Woa... But where do u find e time to take much everyday? Okie... I will try then.., but y wld u continue taking immouncal? Thot tat is for proteins n for eggs growth?

Actually I am planning to try again in abt 4-5 mths.. Hope is not too short a time.. N dun plan to take leave... Cos I had disappeared for 3 wks during e fresh cycle... Best juz 3-4 days after ET

Christine told us to go have breakfast first.. Cos she said my amenorrhea bt only out at 10 plus.. She said better to start jabs after knowing the level.. Told me to come back at abt 11.. Today chr quite crowded hor..
Beep: that's good! Do u currently work?

Min81: u sound good to go! Is this your first ivf? are u starting jab today w bluenosebear?

Yup my first ivf.. Cycle buddies with bluenosebear, start on same day
When are you starting yours?


Thanks! My AMH doesn't seem to have changed much from when i last took it in dec 2011 which was 23.9.. I was initially worried cos i had gone thru lap in sept to remove an ovarian cyst on each side, not sure if will affect ovarian reserve.. I don't know the dosage yet.. Will find out when doing the jabs later..

Btw, we won't know how many follicles we have yet right?
I will start when AF kicks in, likely last week of feb. My AMH didnt change much too from dec 2011 BT. From the scan, u can know your AFC (number of follicles) that will be recruited to grow in this cycle.

Went for my paperwk a mth ago.. The nurse said if i took it then, i'll still need to redo today.. So we just waited till today.. Got it done at 7 plus.. Lucky we park at valet carpark today cos we don't know how long we'll take..

Hehe.. See you on wed!
Yr Amh is old. Sure have many gd quality eggs.

Rainbow, me not Peggie. Just telling beep difficult for me to succeed in ivf as I have lupus

That's very soon!
Prof said AFC 5 on right and 6 on left.. I asked does it mean 11 follicles.. He said it's not, it just provides a guide as to how many follicles i could possibly get eventually.. He said he's very happy with the number so i didn't ask more.. But i tot 11 didn't sound like a lot..
Min81: a month ago is old BT huh? I also took 1 month ago but didnt hear that I need to retake? Next is to go down on day 2 already and start stimming jabs. Yes quite fast approaching. yes the scan provide a guide. Anything 10-15 is good. My AMH is the same range group as yours so let's hope it will be better this cycle
JY! Try your best to stay stress-less, I think I was v stressed up previously.. ;)

Daylesford, finished scan. About 20+ follicles. Right side smaller than left ones. Extraction is scheduled either Thurs or fri!! Now I need to use 2 jabs. Gonal-f 300iu and cefrotide 0.25mg

He says the Meds are ok as long as I take the safe Meds. I'm taking biogesic for fever. He says I can continue with my tcm Meds too as long as I tell my tcm doc which phase of the ivf I'm in. He knows my tcm doc one. In fact, it was my tcm doc who intro me to Dr Cheng. Very grateful to both of them.
