IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thx for your advice! I'd try to tahan til day 14. A lot of the cheap pregnancy test strips bought long time ago, a lot to spare to test test. Heh.

The pregnyll jab not very painful when kkivf nurse did for me. No worries! Just eat more egg whites as advised by the gals here, or else super bloated! I didn't eat enough . You up so late ah? I'm bloated, hard to sleep so play games and surf Internet. Heh.

Sashamama, Menopur is my med for the stimulation stage.

Zion, thanks for your advice. Oh dear, how did u take the remaining bottle of powder then? Mix with another bottle of liquid?
Joanne, thanks sharing. Have a smooth pregnancy ahead.
Ya, I called kkivf and asked when i made the mistake first time.

U are so bloated till u can't sleep? U may want to see a doc.
Baby maps,
They put me on 3 weeks of Lucrin b4 baseline check. All in all, abt 24 days b4 moving to stage 2. Which is longer than usual I think but I believe is due to their tight scheduling. How abt u?
Hi Zion,
The kkivf nurse says bloatedness is ok, although I said I'm bloated till I can't take deep breaths. She says I should see doc when I have breathlessness and vomiting. So I tahan lo. Constantly burping and farting and passing motion twice a day, really no space inside. I didn't take enough egg whites.

Btw gals, I read about 100plus being useful for bloatedness too. You mean we can drink cold drink ah? Jus one sip? Or half a can? Anyone knows?

Thx for sharing, I read the history last night when I couldn't sleep and saw the difference between Lucrin and menopur.


I don't know the answer to your question. I always take warm showers, cannot tahan cold cold. Heh.

Dear all,

Tanny shared the link for maybe baby where you can pledge to have a baby and stand a chance to win similac milk. I submitted! Here's the direct link to the pledge page. http://www.maybebaby.sg/parenthood-pledge.php
100plus helps to ease bloatness, but u will hv open the bottle and leave it for while until the gas gone. Drink it without the gas. I dun drink it cold as I dun keep it in the fridge. Hope this helps!
Sashamama, after my ER, Dr Loh told me tht bloatedness will be worse after im pregnant.
Me too also very bloated till i hve difficulty sleeping, burping all day but slightly constipated.
Any idea when to do SIS, during which day of cycle days? Can just go to KKH and ask to do SIS or need to make appt? Thanks...

Call KKH during yr day 1 of AF and they will call you back to confirm the appt. You need to clear your AF for the scan and it need to be by D10.
Sistas, if not 100plus, can also tro PocariSweat, same function as 100Plus but no gas & more alkaline (better for those w gastric). Just another alternative.

Sasahmama - no need drink whole can
just a few sips, & u can see if it helps. If helps, then later can take a few more sips. I prefer not cold coz I find it more gassy when cold (but this one my personal pref)

Those on pregnyl - it has hcg so u get symptoms of pregnancy (some get bloated, sore boobs, mild nausea), usually starts one or 2 days after the jab. It will go away after 3-5 days.

Miracle happens - congrats
Ladies, i bought 2 small bottles of H2O but didn't put in the fridge. Would it spoil if not refrigerated? Shld be okay so long as not opened yet?
Hi eskimobaby,
Yeah, that's what I was planning to do. But was just wondering if it'd spoil if i kept it unrefrigerated.
im 6hrs behind Singapore time that's why
the pregnyl injection will be done by my hb..it's a tad tricky as it needs say 45Deg angle when injecting...well and also the mixing of the ampules..may i know how many egg whites you took? And how much water you drank? Did you drink like at least 2 liters a day?
LuvNhope , I will be going for my baseline check in another 3 weeks time. My hubby likes to drink h2o, so there's always a bottle at home. Ha ha..
Thank you all girls for your well wishes... I hope all of you can bfp soon too... Lets jiayou n never give up k...;)

Oh ya, congrat to miracle happen too..
Hi, I am new here. Just tested BFN on HPT on 14dpt. So discouraged and searched for support and stumbled upon this site.

DH and I were almost sure that we would not try 2nd round ICSI if it's unsuccessful this time. Cos DH doesn't want me to go through so much to conceive while there is nothing he could do. But after reading the threads, I am almost considering another round if this round fails. But I am still crossing my fingers that it'll be BFP on my BHCG test on Nov 30.
I'm still wondering why the Menopur jab hurts so much more than the Lucrin jab. Any idea? Do the Gonal n Puregon jabs hurt much more than Lucrin too? How to overcome this? Sigh...
Hi Yvonne - hope for the best, prepare for the worst for the bhcg BT. Good luck, but it was brave that you tested on the hpt.

Whether u & dh decide to give it another try, it sounds like you have a loving dh. Even tho he didn't have to receive the jabs and ER, doesnt mean he wasn't part of the process. Just by. Being there & making the decision to do this he has provided the vital support as a team. And before ER, his job is to stay healthy to produce the sperm o that day. I think that is more pressure

The ivf journey is long, regardless if you do 1 or 2 or 3 or 6 cycles. But it's the emotional toll that really hurts!

Some sister succeed with 1 fresh, some 1 fresh + a few FET tries. Some take a few fresh cycles. Each cycle does become harder as the reality of ivf may not work becomes more real. And each BFN hurt.

But one day when you & dh are comfortable to go again - emotionally, mentally, financially, I just wanted to say it does takes a few tries sometimes. The cycle become easier (maybe we just become less kan-cheong), but the BFN become more painful. For me, as long as we still wanted to try for kids, the cycle period is only 1-2months "sacrifice" for an opportunity for us to change our whole life.

The sisters here are an inspiration & they will provde support when no one else seem to understand. There will b a day whn you know enough is enough, but there will also be a day you know u can & want to give it another try. Do take your time to find that peaceful knowing.

Take care, good luck for your BT, & remember you r not alone in this journey!
Well said Ron..;)

Hi miracle
After ur hcg test, nurse will asks u come back in 2wks time for bb hb scan which is wk 6 of ur pregnancy.. If u want to go for earlier scan, u can go to other gynea outside at 5th wk which is one wk after ur hcg bt and by then, u should be able to see yolk sac only as Is too early for bb hb scan at 5th wk.. Tomoro ur bt right? Congrat u in advance...

Hi Yvonne
All the best to ur hcg bt on 30th nov too.. Always remember that no one can help you if you already give up so soon...If is bfn *touchwood* Try tiao urself well n learn all the tips here to go accupuncture etc.. u will succeed next round k...;)
Does anybody know will I mess up the cycle? I'm suppose to jab last dose lucrin at today 8.30am and tonight going for my pregnyl jab. But I mistaken 8.30am as 8.30pm. I quickly jab lucrin just now at 4pm. But I'm still worried whether will it affect my ER on Tues. Can someone help to ans? KKIVF is closed and I don't know who to check.

Really don't wish to abort the cycle just becos of my careless mistake
Stupid me
Congrats! And thanks for your tip. Have not tried the ice yet.

Did any of you have some fleeting pains in the sides (seemingly near ovaries) during your stimulation stage? Hope it's normal and just means that my ovaries are working hard to produce my follicles and eggs!!

Ocean, maybe you can try calling the O&G clinic to ask?
Thanks Miracle and Ron for the encouragements. Will certainly think about it.

O by the way, is it ok to drink coffee or tea or bubble tea during the 2ww? I am just wondering...
Ocean, Lucrin is for suppression of hormones to prevent u from ovulating. U already jab Just now. Is ok one, just a few hrs late. If u see bleeding/spotting then u need to call the 24hrs hotline n the nurse will contact dr loh. I missed a few days that time coz I didn't know I was injecting air!! Was a Sunday n I saw bleeding. Dr loh was notified n ordered hormones BTs for me just before pregnyl trigger shot. I cleared the BT, ie yet to ovulate. If ovulated, gone case, cannot proceed to ER coz by then, eggs r all gone.

For ur case, is ok. Dun worry.
Luvnhope, 1 bottle of Lucrin last 30 days. Last few days the Lucrin was v little, not easy to draw. Early morning, light not enough n those few days (suspect got 3 days), I prepared the medicine myself.. Didn't know the syringe was empty since Lucrin is colorless. All along hub prepared n I jabbed. Then suddenly, dawned onto me I had been jabbing >30 days, how come the bottle still got a few days supply left! Almost immediately I went toilet I saw bleeding. Googled online n found out it was breaking blood n cld mean ovulating!! I quickly injected n called the nurse to inform
Dr loh. Freaked me out as that Sunday night I was due for pregnly trigger jab!

Dr loh said "will only know after the BT results were out on Monday if I cld proceed to ER on tues
& pray for the best" "but to go ahead with trigger shot after BT at 24hrs.". When I arrived that night, the nurses were all informed n knew wat to do!! So, who says KKH dr cannot get? CAN! :p
Oic.. Yah, it's tricky getting Lucrin in the syringe when the bottle's almost empty. Harder to ensure no air bubbles too. I'm learning that these few days!
best is dun drink coffee/tea or bubble tea or any cold drinks during 2ww.... if you can, few months before u start, should stop cold drinks altogether...

talking abt bubble tea, i'm craving for koi machiato! :p~~
Thanks tanny! Waiting for the phonecall.. The nurse told me tht they will call me in the afternoon.
Btw, wat support did they give u after ur bfp results?? How much is it? Not covered by medisave right??
On day 10 of Lucrin and another 10 more days to go before my first scan but very motivated after hearing the positive stories here!

I was wondering why some get Puregon and others get Gonal-F or Menopur in their Stage 2. Is that determined by the IVF centre?

lovetohavekids,I've actually cut off all cold drinks, coffee or tea during this stage. Anything that helps!
