IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi, my briefing will be in June 23. So there a long way to go... but I want to learn more and get prepare.

Weaky: I think my doc also Marianna cos the card the nurse write M.H. I do my check up and Lapo also Doc Marianna. So your 4th time doing IVF also her? Is she good?

Can someone tell me the short form?


Hi gals
There r two joanne here so very confuse.. Kindly use shortcut jt & j03 to differeniate the different joanne.. Else not sure who u refer to..;)

Hi bingo
As i so far didnt take doc zou medi so didnt start yet till 2ww.. She wun asks u take unless u request.. Is my own preference that i dun want take now..;) not due to anyone say... Will take only during 2ww...

No news fr ron?
Hi jacy
Glad n happy for u that it finally grow..;)

Hi moo
Thot ur scan suppose be friday? U change to tomorow?

Hi clb
Ya lor.. Me today cramp alot too., like menses cramp..;( Hope is normal and Hope is ok inside... Spot almost stop today so think shd be ok ba.. U going wht time tomorow? Btw, r we doing any bt tomorow?
Hi Joanne
I'm in 2WW with BT scheduled on this coming Sat, 3 days earlier than Vann and Weaky.

Dunno what 9dp3dt means but I did a HPT this morning, 11 days after ET cos I cld not stand the suspense. The result was a BFN. I still have 3 more days to pray for a miracle to happen...
Yes scan suppose on friday, but since i am there tomorrow, so change to tomorrow instead of going down again on friday, what time are you going kk tomorrow? Can we take 4 x immunocal? Today gastric very badly, cant really eat it and feel vomit also, my womb is so painful these 2 days even walking...
Hi gals fr kkivf
I understand that we need to bring puregeon to kk n inject at kk but how abt lucrin? We shd take it at home right?
Thks for your info. Im with tfc. Today d11 scan lining only 7. Follicle size 10. Doc looking at 8 to 10mm lining and 18mm follicle. My menses range 29 to 31 days. m i behind?

So was yours successful?
Hi J03,

Yes I think we should take lucrin at home. But my lucrin is so little now. They did not ask me to buy another bottle last week. Actually when must we stop injectin lucrin? This friday would be day 26 of me injecting lucrin. 7 days for puregon not including friday. Friday I be going for the first scan. (nervous) :p

I am drinking red dates water these few days. Not much appetite with slight bloatedness only. Not much bloatedness was it because I have eaten 8 eggs whites and 1 packet of immunocal per day?

Is that ok?
Hi moomoo
I think is ok to take 4pkt but not sure whether it will help.. U snd terrible.. Must try rest early k.. Why u going care tomorow? Btw, u got take bt on tuesday scan? I dun hv any clear discharge yet but i think it means ur egg maybe growing big n may ovalute soon.. Think u will do ur er early next wk..;)
Hi sistas
How to difference between bloatness and discomfort of gastric? I am confused myself, thats why dare not to take gastric madicine, need your advice. Thanks!
Hi melodi
I still hv enough lucrin as had jab 20days of lucrin till date.. Think u hv to inform nurse on friday n purchase another lucrin.. It has to be inject till one or two day before ur er which is next wk..
Yes, ur red date n egg white dosage is ok.. I also very nervous tomorow..
J03 thanks
hope you can have good results for your scan tomorrow. If I am not so blur, I would be tomorrow too.

Now my stomach also feel very umcomfotable after dinner. I am also confuse is gastric or what now.
Moo- phew no BT tomor. thks for letting us know.that was the nagging qn on my mind...always bruise after BT for some days..take care..u sound terrible..yup, think up immunocal will help de.

j03-dunnoe what time i'll go, prob not too early as took 1/2 day leave. how abt u? ya,couldn't identify, now u mentioned..ya like menses cramping ..my boobs abit sore, urs?

melodi- rem to ask if need to buy lucrin on Fri.
Halo ladies!!! Just pop in here to say howdy! Been very bz at work till no time to pop in
kinda lost track of who n Wat liaoz... Nonetheless, wishing those Er/ET shun shun li li, those 2ww BFP BFP BFP all the way
hi j03, moo, i also going for my bt n scan tomolo. i also confuse cramps n gastric coz been feeling like tat since late afternoon. quite uncomfortable.

hi j03, tomolo u will hav bt to see ur e2 level. base on e e2 level, ur doc will decide whether to increase ur puregon dosage.
Hi karen
Thanks and hope you are ready for your fet soon...

My side no BT during stimulation stage. Let us know your result tomorrow ok.
Hi clb
Oh.. Me take half day leave only on next monday as dun want always find excuse to reach office late... My boobs still ok..

Hi serene
Got bt? But they didnt give me bt document.. Only scan doc.. Hmm... U fr kk too right? Doc loh?? Me forgetful.. Paiseh...
hi j03, mi frm nuh. tot is e standard procedure for every hospital to do bt to see e2 level during stimulation stage? sorry guve wrong info.

moo, j03, clb, hope we hav good results tomolo scan

blue, thanks
how r u recently? busy at work?
hi janice, which test will show e growth hormone level? coz my friend went for 2nd review wif her bloodtest n e doc advise her to do growth hormone jab if she doing ivf next round.
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum. Currrently with Dr.Loh KKIVF.
Have been on 2 weeks Lucrin just went for Ultrasound and E2 BT today.
Need to learn more from all of you. Hope you can all guide me along.
Have anyone had any side effect while on Lucrin? How are the side effect different from Pureon as I may have to start Puregon soon,
Good morning, sistas!

JT - tons of luck for a smooth ER today.

Moo, serene, j03, clb - hope for good results of the scan today.. sure good one-la!

Sorry didn't get to update y-day. dh took away phone whole day coz say i will itchy finger go to forum instead of rest.. haha.... we manage to get 19 eggs, last round only 12 - woohoo! but have to wait for fertilisation result later.
Hi ron
Nice to hear fr u...;)
How u feel after er? Any pain or bloat? How long u stay at kkh yesterday.. Rest well n may u hv all fertilized..;)

Good morning gals..;) scan done.. Now waiting for miss africa...

Hi clb
U here already?
Fatefully -
AF - "aunt flow" = menses

Fet - frozen embryo transfer
Ohss - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. You can google a lot of good articles on ohss on the internet by practitioners

it's good if you start to <bu> your body now, ie a few months before ivf if you have chance to do so. Eat right, start your proteins &amp; folic acid and cut down caffiene if you take if, and if you want to do TCM, good time to start seeing tcm now.

Weakydog/vann/piggy - babydust until your beta BT. Keep positive, nothing is over until the BT. I hope all of you get your bfp
Hi clamby - welcome!

Hi J03 - wow! You finished scan v early. What time did you arrive at kk? Did you see the scans or must wait for dr?

I am ok, not much bloating, but now must walk slowly like <lau-poh-poh> coz ovaries feel v heavy! ET shld be Sat but hoping we can make it to blast transfer. just need one baby to go all the way this round happy liao. 2 then bonus
am w private clinic so my ER at MtE - zzz for 2 hours.
Hi morning gals,

What is TCM? What can they help me to "bu" my body?

I dnt drink coffees but I drink teas. Is it consider caffeine too ?

Now I am preparing to make red dates drink to help me "warm" my body. Is it ok? But I am nt drinking everyday.
Good morning ladies

Wow 19 is a good quantity, what is your lining size during ER? Is it consider D4 transfer if ET on saturday? Can we choose either D3 / 4 / 5? Or must decide by dr? When can you know the fertilized result? Have a good rest and all the best for your coming ET.

How is your scan?

TTC Terms 
TTC: Trying To Conceive 
BD: Baby Dance (Make Love) 
LMP: 1st Day of Last Menstrual Period 
CD: Cycle Days 
O: Ovulate 
DPO: Days Past Ovulation 
2WW: 2 Week Wait (After O, For Menses To Come Or Not) 
AF: Aunt Flow (Menses) 

TTC Methodology Terms 
FA: Folic Acid (Taken Daily To Help BB's Growth) 
EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus (Appears When Fertile) 
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Strips (Used To Test If Ovulated) 
HPT: Home Pregnancy Test Kit (Used To Test If Pregnant) 
HCG: Pregnant Hormones (Detected In Urine If Pregnant) 
BBT: Basal Body Temperature 
FF: Fertility Friend Website To Record BBT www.fertilityfriend.com 
BFP: Big Fat Positive (On Pregnancy Test Kit) 
BFN: Big Fat Negative 
BFW: Bai Feng Wan 

Preggie Terms 
BB: Baby 
MTB: Mother To-Be 
SAHM: Stay At Home Mummy 
FTWM: Full Time Working Mummy 
EDD: Estimated Due Date 
MS: Morning Sickness 
BF: Breastfeed 
M/C: Miscarriage 
D&amp;C: Dilation &amp; Curettage (To remove unwanted or unhealthy pregnancy) 

Other Terms 
DH: Darling Hubby 
EPO: Evening Primrose Oil 
KKH: Kandang Kerbau Women's And Children's Hospital 
TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine 
TMC: Thomson Medical Centre
hi ladies - embryologist called liao. We have 8 of 19 fertilised but she said a few probably abit slow. sigh - same problem as last time.

I just want to say for those doing ivf#1, please do not get alarmed by my fertilisation rate. Everyone couple's egg/sperm/age combi is different. Some sistas have very high fertilisation rate, so don't take our fertilisaton rate as normal, ok?

We are happy with the results, as same as first round. I was already worried this round won't get enough embryos. We are aiming the same # of eggs this round, but hoping for a BFP of course
Doc asked to continue the eggwhites... arggggh!!!!!

<jia-you> everyone.
Hi ron
8 is good enough as we only need one to bfp...if all protein supply from immunocal instead of eggs white? These 2 days went out from home super early, no time for eggs white + uncomfortable on gastric, hard to swollen so much of white also.
Hi Moo.

Did ivf#1 in Jan, got my bfn during CNY. We <cheong> &amp; decided to start IVF#2 after 1 menstrual cycle. 1st month after bfn signals all ok (af came on time, ovulation came on time, cycle back to 28 day and i felt ok, so we decided to go ahead).

But after we start everyone start to question why didn't wait few more months for body to recuperate: TCM lady eyes basically dropped out when she found out i only waited one month.. hahaa.. nurses also kinda sceptical, plus eggs didn't grow properly, so i tot this round gone case liao

Am 35 in April and have male factor issue. i tested ok for all the hormonal levels, but i guess age also plays a factor on the egg quality. yes, we only need one !

Are you all set for ER on Monday? any more scans in between?
yck, u still hv time for e follicles to grow, dun worry too much... U need to stay relaxed... ;) I bfp-ed on that natural fet. I only hv 3 precious frozen embies left... Dunno if I'll b lucky e nxt round... I hope so... Gd luck to u!! Hope everything will go smoothly for u!

Do you still have frozen embbies? Is this time a short or long protocol for you? You are very brave. We are almost same age and also male factor, dr said women from 35 and above, egg quality start dropping, thats why i am quite worry also, but there are many peoples gave birth around age 40, their child also smart like those who has young parents, i am now waiting to see dr and scan.
