IVF/ICSI Support Group

I'm w Dr Loh too... E jab/med r prescribed by a different doc... Wonder how he'll react when he knows I've started these cos I never inform him...

Wow, e anti-nausea pill is really so effective! Hope I don't hv to take it... :p

rainbow, u r really v wei da and hardworking. I did not even check on my blood test results...

grumpus, ok. Think I will buy a few first. Thanks.
Rainbow, then I not sure whether u want to tell him or not? Hmm...in my opinion, he is quite petty lei...cos u did not seek his advice and go to another doctor...This is my impression of him la..but if u dun tell him, also cannot..really dilemma.

Its no joke to keep feeling nauseous as it will affect yr appetites...
my blood has been monitored for yrs... Today just had 10 tubes of blood taken... *faint*... My doc specializes in blood conditions, so I guess Dr Loh won't be unhappy... Anyway we feel that Dr Loh doesn't seem concerned about my condition... I'm waiting for appt with another doc who has experience on similar cases... Dunno if I've to switch hospital... I'll do so if there's a need to...

On e day of your 1st scan, were u given any package for future visits n scans? Can consider or hv to decide on that day?
Last night I was really v.v. concussed and i didn't wake up at all..Wow, now you can eat alot ya!.. I try to not to eat too much unless my tummy growls.

Oh dear, no wonder you can't help feeling so worried. You just started on your daily jab and medication ? Whats the detail blood test which you did ? I was given baby aspirin to thin my blood but now I was told to stop after my spotting episode.

Thanks for your inputs...
Heavy blood flow today..
Tomorrow my 3rd BT to see the hcg level.
If level increase slight again then its ectopic
If level drop mean I miscarriage
But doct say most likely miscarriage..
Thanks for all your encouragement given to me during the 2WW..
I will not give up.. I will try again FET in FEB
Pls wish me luck this time!
Can i understand d blood disorder u having n u f taken care by which blood doctor.
I have blood disorder too... But mine is blood thinning..I need drugs to thicken / clots during operation, regardless how minor. Gynaes n dr Zou alike all mention during preg, there is higher risk of miscarry as d blood might not clot as ideallyn there might not be insufficient blood channelled to d bb.
My haematologist is from Nuh n drugs used are alphanate / factor 8. But in preg stuffs/ IVF, I m not under Nuh care.

My friend previously emailed me an article of how z lady gets preggy easily but loses her baby at early or even near to full term. It was on her 11th preg that d Gynae put her on daily jabs to sustain the pregnancy. She has a beautiful girl now.therefore ,it's critical your blood doctor closely monitors ure conditions n glad u r in good hands. ( sorry, this is not to scare u).

Hence, after reading ure msg, m concerned abt my condition too n would like to know more of Ures n ure doc in charge in case I might need his advise.

Agree.. Dr Loh can be very petty...d blood doc i am seeing, dr Loh has arranged from TTSH, supposedly HOD if I m not wrong...
If u r considering to engage dr Loh as Gynae.. Better to come clean with him of ure blood condition etc..

Juz my two cents worth
Sorry to hear that...
Dun lose hope k.. Make sure u hv a thorough u/s to ensure all are cleared with no scarrings etc..
I feel for u as I experience it 3 yes back.
If it's a repeated miscarry, you might wana consider going for detailed investigation on multiple miscarry to better prepare for next preg n corrective measures...
I'm thinking if Dr Zhou can help me to tiao my body to prepare for the next FET...
I'm not sure if TCM can help for those with low hcg hormone level.. is it bcos my body condition?
Yes... Dr Loh is not much concerned of our blood condition too.. When I posted some question to kkivf fir them to chk with dr Loh/blood doc.. Initially I was touched as dr Loh requested a review. However I felt slapped hard on face, as well foolish that I am concerned abt my blood condition... As if I shouldn't!!
He told me I have not died from a 10hr spinal operation due to poor clotting.. Will I die in IVF!! If he bash me up now, will I die. That are such irresponsible remarks!!!

For u n me... Blood doc expertise n assurance is as important, or I would say, overweigh our Gynae.
I understand d worries u having coz if I preggy.. I'll be in same journey as u too...
But u dun worry too much k.. Trust that u r in good hands ...
today did an intensive u/s but still cannot confirm if it ectopic..
But confirm the my uterus/tube /ovaries is normal no scare tissue..
Only retroverted uterus.
ann, sorry to hear about the bad news. Is retroverted uterus same as retroverted womb? I've retroverted womb that's why i have backache all the time as it is sitting on my spine but it's not a big problem for ttc.

TCM will help to tiao your body, having a healthy diet and exercising will help too

Ladies, beside darkened armpits and navel line, do your navel turn whitish? Mine has like white powder like around the navel hole. My eyesight has turned poor oso.

This week went bk to work after one mth's rest is really torture. Backache sitting straight 8 hrs and can't wait to knock off everyday. Have not recovered fm my cold oso , been coughing everyday since last week. Haiz. Better take good care than fall sick later not easy to recover nw.

Sesame - I'm like u too. When I remove my bra, can see marks around my boobs. Very breathless.

Ann- sorry to hear abt this. Be strong and tiao yr body first.
Ann.. I was in tears when saw your post!! I really feel for you cos i failed ivf last mth.. Chemical pregnancy. I pray & hope tat you be strong *hugs* I also with Dr Zou to tiao my body. Her add: blk 505 amk ave 8 #01-2670 close on wed
Rainbow, I see. If u hv special concerns, then I think kkh is not so "personalised"...cos Dr Loh has too many patients liao. I was not being introduced of any packages on my 1st scan wor.

Anyway, u can go for yr 1st scan with him first and see what he says/how is his reaction to determine whether u want to continue with him or not?

Hugz Ann.....

syrah, how does bra extensions work?
Hugs!..sorry to hear that. Go to Dr Zou and she should be able to help you tiao your body. Be strong and get ready for your FET.
Basically it attaches an extra piece of fabric to the hook section. Hence if u just need more breathing room ard the bust with the cup size not affected this is a cheap alternative.
Mary, I heard from Dr Zou tat kk close 1wk lab washing from 20dec.

Calzz, how low is your bbt after o? My bbt after o for tis mth is 36.67, 36.77, 36.68, 36.77, 36.55, 36.65. I seen her on tue to get meds but same price le $49. Maybe cos I only c her after o for 3 days. I be seeing her on fri again
Mary, I not sure if the whole ivf centre will close a not. Maybe just the operating theater only. But heard if crash, kk may extend lucrin stage.

Calzz, Dr Zou say my bbt messy le.. Never maintain above 36.7 after o.. Today only 6dpo and I already got AF cramps.
Heard that its good to drink gingko,beancurd skin with chinese barley during pregnancy.Is chinese barley the bigger version's barley but isit liang as well?? since barley is generally a liang food!..
Chinese barley is the one we always drink in barley water. The small pearl ones not the big pearl ones.
Yes it is considered liang but is not very liang. From mid pregnancy onwards is ok to take some liang foods cos our body gets very heaty during pregnancy. Once a wk sort of thing is ok once the pregnancy is very stable.
You are strong..! I guess this is worse than a BFN.... You must rest really well & tiao your body back for the next round k? Dr Zou will be able to help you out...
Pandawife, can I check with u. Wl saizen jab cos tummy to b bloated or water retention? If not meaning it's my fat
realize my tummy getting bigger leh
Janice..I put on weight during the three mths of saizen jab..food intake remain the same...just ballooned..dunno if it's saizen or my body going haywire..hehe.. But after preggie first tri lost all the weight gain plus more due to bad ms.
I was shocked to read your post, but I'm really glad to see u taking it well... Hugsss.... Pls take gd care of yourself...

all along my doc has been writing letters n asking me to pass Dr Loh e updated bloodtest results, but he just file them n doesn't think it's nec to really look into my issue. But I'll show him the new med at e nxt visit... If he's unhappy, I've no choice but to tolerate his weird remarks (if any)... Haha... :p

u must be tired after all e interrupted sleeps that u can't feel e hunger... :D gd that u had a nice sleep! Yalor, i've been eating more these days cos I keep getting hungry in e day... Nurse weighed me n I went back to my pre-ET weight (I lost abit during 2ww)...

Regarding e detailed blood test, I can pm u the full details cos it's a long list...

i understand what u mean... I experienced similar situations like u too. I always rem e way he laughed at us when I passed him my doc's letter regarding her concerns regarding me getting pregnant thru ivf n that I need immediate treatment as soon as I'm preg. Dh n I were shocked n we didn't know what to say. I felt foolish for passing him that letter. He said it's subjective n I dun hv to worry. But I guess he doesn't how how high I've exceeded e bloodtest ranges n also dun understand what e results mean cos he doesn't specialize in this. That's y I've taken e step to c my doc 1st b4 my 1st scan.

Same as u, doc is also from NUH, but I did my ivf at kk. In simple terms, my blood is opp of yours... Mine clot easily n is called sticky blood. I need blood thinners to ensure blood flows thru e small vessels... But there r more detailed terms of my condition, I can't rem full terms offhand. Will pm u. My current doc has referred me to another doc cos that doc has more experiences in similar cases n hv good connections w obstetricians. She's Dr Sheila Vasu. She's a rheumatologist. I'll update u after my 1st appt w her n update u. U can decide whether u want to see her too! But I heard she's on leave in dec, so I might only see her in Jan. U dun worry too much at e moment. But as soon as u get preg, pls inform NUH doc immediately to see if u need any extra or change in med. Currently I'm taking aspirin, hydroxychloroquine sulp n Clexane twice daily jabs.

Talking abt jabs, I did 2nd jab n it was still as painful as e 1st time... Inside hurts so much after med is in that I always want to black out... Hv to lie down immediately n close eyes... How I wish they hv it in oral form... I hope u dun hv to take this...
Can feel ure pain on d jabs... Do not jab on empty stomach dear.. It might help abit.
My haematilogist at NUH Is Dr Tan Lip Kun..and has open dates for my blood disorder. I m not on any medication on a daily basis. Yah.. Seek her advise before I proceeded with IVF. Had contemplated to do at Nuh under Prof Wong but eventually took kk.
Hmmm.. Dr Loh was more concerned abt my blood condition.on d first visit back in march where I showed him a letter fr my blood doc, as well previous operation blood details n medication etc, he referred me to anesthesian n blood doc.but I was do pissed off by the anesthesian I almost didn't wana proceed at kkivf. To how much truth there is from nurse Sarah that dr Loh was enquiring how was my checkup etc.. I not sure.. But it was TTSH blood doc that regained my faith...
I m glad during ER.. The anesthesian(a more senior one)has been assuring and reminded Dr Loh I am THE ONE that needs special care.

I feel you must and have to inform Dr Loh of ure condition such he could work with d blood docs in controlling n ensuring a smooth preg.. As well during delivery, you'll need more care n might need medications etc on standby or prior injected etc.
For me I had Alphanate infused under controlled conditions/sec an Hr before ER..
If I Bfp, i might consider to go back Nuh for delivery as likely I'll need blood transfusion, higher doses of med during delivery. If KK cost Gona be sane as private Gynae, I'll choose d latter else will be Nuh Le..

Sorry to bore u Gers with such a long message...
Hws your nauseous and appetite? Slept well?
Check with u, are you still taking durian? Once implantation done, can stop taking le right?
Today you are 1dp2dt. Your implantation likely to begin on 4dp2dt and will take abt 5 days so tat period rest horizontally more. Talk to embbies and try to nap as much as you can and time will pass very fast. Maybe for me bah, cos i usually sleep for 3 hr after lunch.... Veri pig of me.
Ckk, dun think u r weak la…early pregnancy easy to fall sick. Pop some vit C and drink more warm water will help. I hv some mild cough around week 5 also…then it subsides after I keep drinking warm water.

Thanks syrah and grumpus for the idea. Then I think extensions shd work well and can save some money…heee…Thanks thanks!
miracle, no....towards the end of 2ww, I basically do not hv any symptoms except spotting and some v mild cramping lo...that is the trigger for my early BT. In fact, I do not have any feeling when implantation takes place?
grumpus, ok guess I am really too anxious to get the weeks to pass quickly..hehe

sesame, I lose my appetite ard wk 7 onwards & it's my wk 9 now & I am still having no appetite at all but the worst thing is I get hungry easily. So still gotta force myself to eat, so everyday my mind will be thinking what I crave that day & it's a headache everyday to think of wat to eat...Sigh
I dun think the anti nausea pills prescribed by Dr Loh works very well. Still felt quite nauseous during the day after eating the pills.

Ann, sorry to hear about ur results, hope u will be strong & take care!

Good morning... Gd to see u here.. Means u r well n not having pains.. Keke
Actually I gave up durian.. Oli took it twice.that 3/4 seed remember...n twoo days later another 1 seed. Not tasty lei..plus I scare too heaty..I think can stop eating Le.. Ure implantation should finish process yesdae.. Mine still in process till today.
Yesdae didn't sleep well too.. Woke up with sharp pain at nipple, must be my sleeping post again.had s hardtime getyi g back to sleep again.. Gave hubb pouted lips when he ask if I slept well.
U manage to bbt?
Nauseous better Le n improved appetite. Was so hungry Yesdae 6+ n sooo looking forward to dinner at 7pm, who know neighbor texted he in meeting n dinner available 8+. immediately activated relative buy n had dinner 7.30..
