IVF/ICSI Support Group

Oic, cos American ginseng also got many types. Some r liang some r heaty. The heaty one I was referring to is 'ren sheng' looks like a 'person'. English also call American ginseng.
hi all,
can someone teach me how to cook red dates tea?
Need red dates and longans.
How about black dates? Do i need to get this also?
Some receipes state need black dates.
Im confuse.
Gotten my readings backhoe:
Progesterone level : 271
Ohss bloodhound : 41 (normal)

D vomit n constant nauseousness could b due to d progesterone level. Doc prescribe Sm anti nauseous med n gas reliever but I too lazy to travel all d way to collect.

But hor.. Nurse also mention high level doesn't mean high chance if preg as still tooooooo early Le.. Will continue to stay. Positive.
Hihi ladies, got a qns here. How do u count ur week after u BFP? I went to ivf due date calendar website & it started counting from ER but when I went for scan ytd, I realised Dr Loh counted my week from ET. Quite confused now.
All the websites show I am week 9 today but according to Dr Loh, I am week 8 & 5 days today.
Thanks in advance!
I will add wolfberries,red-dates and longan and brew for about 20mins and drink. Haven't actually used black dates before. Lets see if any ladies here does black dates.
Hey ceraine and miracle buddies!
Today's tingkat made me abit sad cos the chicken drumstick cannot eat, I drooled looking at it. The sotong I also didn't touch. =(

I'm glad that AF won't report so soon and AF symptoms could mean implantation! Happy happy!! My boobs not at all sore leh... What about you 2?

Your progesterone reading so high??? Wah! Mine only 71 lor! =( Is it because of the pregnyl jabs?

I also had 1 grade 4 and 1 grade 3 implanted. We'll hope for the best! =) Welcome to 2WW!!
I love d drumstick.. Can eat lah... Realized d ist dish I chk will usually be d soup.I still hv half portion left..
Not sure if I heard wrongly boh.. Hmm.. Maybe will call KK to chk???
No.. Not due to prengyl jab.
I remembered during my soiui I hv constant nauseous too n Gynae say could be due to hormones too..

Crossing fingers, toes for Bfp.
As for sore boobs.. Eiii.. If I dun sleep well.. As in pressed on my neck n shoulder nerves.. I will hv aching n sore boobs..so ant comment n rely much on it...
I thought cannot eat too much seafood mah... =( Anyway I'm not a big fan of sotong lah, so I only ate the vege in it.

I had very sore and tender boobs during puregon stage and it disappeared after ER. I thought sore boobs also a symptom of pregnancy so I waiting for them to get sore. hahahahaha!
The drumstick is herbal drumstick leh! That's why I didn't touch it.

And don't worry my friend, I also sit in wheelchair. My hubby also insisted. I've been on it 3 times liao. Getting the hang of it. Not so malu liao. WAHAHAHAHAHA.
Yah.. I had very sore n fuller during purgon.. But it subsides few days after ER...
Not necessary lei.. Some ladies Bfp with no symptom too ..keke
The chicken i din touch too. Cos herbal chicken usually hv dang gui. And we cannot take.

The tingkat till 1dec, then thur n fri lunch hw????
Miracle - Tks!

Ceraine - you say they try to arrange for Fridays, but if we insists on Sat, they will allow right? Must make appointment way in advance?
day, thank you. will try this weekend.
How offen u drink it?

For those who take Ensure milk. 1 cup : 6 scoop of milk powder correct? will it be tooo thick?
Can DH drink also?
hahaha I will continue the tingkat until end of Dec. Cos hubby will be on reservist. Sian.

Anyone can drink Ensure. =) 6 scoops is not thick. You can trial and error. I usually like it thicker.
Basic red dates tea is as what day described. Blue and/or black dates can be used too together with red dates. Same method of cooking.
Blue/black dates are supposed to be better but r more ex. I used them when I was doing confinement. It's really up to u whether to add them in or stick with just red dates.
Hubby also ask me continue. Tink will gv them a call tml. Their dec menu looks good too. You can tell them no sotong leh. Btw, will u be testing earli? I tot of do it 1-2 days before 3dec
Star night,
I specifically asked my dr and she told me ER = ovulation date = 2wks pregnant.
But anyway it's all estimated only lah cos bb hardly born on edd. It's only 2 days difference so just follow dr loh's counting lor
Miracle n soul..
I didn't taste d danggui lei..
Nevermind lah.. Eat Liao .. Nothing can be done Le...d remainings.. Will ask hubb to finish
My tingkat started this morning.. Will last nicely till next Friday.
Any coffeeshonearby ure hse??? Can grab ure lunch there. By nxt week can jalan jalan Le..
Star night,
Haha when u hit 20+ / 30+ wks u will start to lose count already then tat 2days won't make any difference :p
StarNight, initially Dr Loh also told me count from ET day. But yesterday on my scan report, the weeks stated is from ER...I also puzzled. Anyway to me is no difference.

grumpus, can I ask u, the sore boobs during early pregnancy will be on-off or everyday?
Soul, thank you. DH see Im drinking he also wonder if he can drink. coz is milk. I think i will stick to 6 scoops. Im starting to drink it.
Im taking Ensure Life. Correct?

grumpus, oh okok. blue/black dates are more ex. no wonder some receipes has it some dont. Now i know why le. thank you.

Oh ya, before IVF drink red dates drink how it help us? Improve blood circulation?
tea, thanks
i know already cos it went into my bulk mail so i cannot find. now i saw it already

qingwei, i used to make red dates but now i lazy. i put 1 black date in cos my colleage told me red date is heaty so put in 1 black date to help poo...
sore boobs will be on and off lah. if everyday i think i will die, no need to sleep liao :p
as pregnancy progress will feel boobs sore even less often. only sometimes when kenna press or wat then u feel a bit pain that's all.
janice, oh okok. will put it in too i scare too heaty. before i bfp i already got problem poo liao. so better put black dates. thank you
When boobs sore.. Doesn't feel like ors hor.. Haha... But I like d fullness.. Crazy me!

Same.. Hubb won't allow me go out too.. Hiaz raining season again.. it will Oli worsen n cause my backache relapse.. All d more hubb will homearrest me. Even if he allows.. I will show him d 'dying of pain' expression n I'll keep asking Wat time can we go homeZzzzz...
Qingwei, put in 1 will do not too much hor. If scared heaty dun boil d ref dates with seed. I find too troublesome n lazy so I bought those from fuhua seedless type. I chk le, d seeds are taken out by machine not by soaking in water so it's ok ba
ceraine, my boobs quite sore at times, and its fuller. I think I need to chg my bras soon. Even when the bra touch the boobs, will be sore too
have to change bras already? that's fast! cos boobs will continue to expand leh.
anyway, when buying new bras do buy non wired ones cos wired ones will inhibit development of milk ducts.
I started with the wolfberries, red dates & longan drink only after the transfer. Dr Zou mentioned that its the chinese version of Folic Acid and it helps keep the womb warm. Many of the ladies here started drinking before their stimulation stage. As for Ensure, I started 3 months prior my stimulation phase.

Can we start to eat bird's nest during trimester 1 ? Heard folks saying that its better to start only after Trim 1..?..
grumpus, cos all my current bras are just nice lei...when I wear them, its quite tight tt it will cause marks on my boobs...sobz...is it ok to change now or endure for another few mths?
Qingwei, not complicated lah. Pple say buy off d shelf de not so gd cos they soak in water to make it soft then take out d seeds, take out d seed ourselves better. So when I buy I ask lor, they said they dun soak water, they use machine to take out d seed wor... But I still but lah wahahaha... In off cos cannot boil, I crushed it into small pcs then put in thermo flask with longan n soak...

Haha... I think I better do it again hehe cannot b lazy hor :p
sesame n day,
my breathlessness was on n off, but it got a little worse than usual when I woke up at 11+ last night. Felt like going 24hrs clinic, but I just tried my best to breathe in as much air as possible n stayed v calm... Now I walk slower than old grannies cos any fast walking will activate it again...

I don't think I have MS... Got e kind of blur blur giddy feeling, no vomitting yet... :p day, u start to vomit alot liao?

Pink M,
now whenever u go back for bt, u nvr ask them whether u can scan? Hee hee! :p my appt date is still week 6.

I just started on my daily jab n extra med... One day jab twice... Just now when dh tried 1st jab in front of nurse, i suddenly felt intense pain e moment med went in... It was like biting e whole area inside me... I almost blackout 10 sec later... This is real suffering for me... Dunno how to dong for so many mths...
Hey, you better monitor your breathlessness and chiong down to 24hrs if necessary. I am also walking v.slow these days. I got no sign of MS yet.Seems abnormal ya and I am just eating what ever I craved for. What daily jab/meds do u need now ?
Rainbow, I feel nauseous and lose appetite starting week 6+, then when I saw Dr Loh on Tue, he prescribe me pills to help with the nauseous. I hv took it for 2 nights and seems like it helps with my appetites. Not everyone will hv MS though. Y u need to be on jabs? Are u with Kkh?
If yr breatlessness is getting unbearable, u better seek medical help.
yup, will monitor... U still wake up at 3+ to ease your hunger pangs? I had bak chor mee at past midnight... Last night two dinners, just now two lunches... I think I'll put on weight soon...

I need jabs/meds to thin my blood n ensure blood flows to baby, if not I may lose it anytime throughout pregnancy... Nurse said mothers r wei da, so I've to endure for baby's sake... :p

I did research these few days... Based on my detailed blood test results, It seems that my baby will hv high risk of fetal heart block at birth... Just asked my doc, she said it's true... This is so worrying... I'm trying to do whatever I can to protect it now since my journey just started.

usually ppl say 2nd tri onwards then start taking all these 'bu' stuff cos 1st tri bb feeds off their yolk sac and yr reserves.
but i see no harm if u do want to take say once a wk.
for this pregnancy i started on bird's nest during stimulation so i continued all the way through 2ww and 1st tri and even now.

if yr bras are uncomfortable then do change them. comfort is more impt. but u may hv to change one more time in 3rd tri though.
