IVF/ICSI Support Group

Ron.. if were to do IVF in future.. i will trf 3 too
Hi moo,

ha ha ya very kan cheong actually.
Feel not much bloatedness so worried not many follicles. Should I stop taking so much eggs white to feel the bloatedness. I cried easily too these feel days and cannot sleep well. Anyone also like that?
ha ha Moo and Ron, I am same like you gals too. Mid 30 and have male factor issue too.

We all jia you together.

J03, how is your scan?
Haha tell him, twin or triplet save your time and they are very cute, all same size and timing....but you will be like siau cha bo to take care of so many..mine One already made me keesiau...
hi Melodi - i had some issue with the puregon around the last few days too..crying for no good reason and cannot sleep well.
Ron and melodi
Can tell man are now weaken than women, is environment here too stressful or foods making their solder weaken? You see Last time women always facing to be blame if cant give birth...poor thing!!
Hi Moo, ya you are correct. Cloud be men problems too last time but they did not go for checkup only. :p

Oh then at least I feel better now. Not the only "monster" here...ha ha...but very hard right. But at least after each cry will feel better and can cheong again

Anyone cries alot but end up BFP here?
Moo - haha.. i think usually they will only tranfer 2 unless you have had multiple ivf failures or > 40 yo.. coz triplets also high risk. You have one kid now? how old? boy or girl?

ya, i really pity the women in older days. just because the men can ejaculate they think it must be women fault.. never consider their son's soliders cannot make it.
how many u thaw and transfer? hows the grade of the embbies? doc mention it depends alot on the embbies too.
Haha ron
last time Very traditional MIL always said must find lady with big butt 好生样 = ?

I have 2 boys, 5 and 8yo, now hopping for princess....hehe
Hi Gals,

My problem is not my hub soilder leh... in fact his soilder is ready to fight in Libyan (Fit and healthy).

It my problem cos I have endo and it nt doing good for my tube. So my little nurses cannot go with the little soilder to help fight the libyan.
Moo - oh nice ages to add a little princess to the flock
i do hope you get a girl.

Fatefully - ivf probably works better for you coz your issue may just be that the soldier and nurse never meet. but once meet, done deal!
Yes all conceived naturally without planning, i think when we start planning and ready, it is stressful thing as dont know when is the right time and every month of the 2ww is terrible...
Moomoo- hahaha.. We hope to get twins-la. i really won't mind twins too, but one also good enough to start for now.

Fatefully - we just do what we can to get through the process as smoothly as possible, the rest is up to god. but i think you got hope-la since Libyan soldiers are very hardy :D
Hi gals,

To all who are looking out for sore boobs, I woke up with sore boobs this morning but i no BD, not in 2ww too ... conclusion sore boobs dun mean anything ... good luck to thoes in their 2ww! Dun read too much into the symptoms
I thawed 2 n both managed to survive. I dun rem being told e grades of my transfered embies. I was only given a photo of e growing cells. I guess mine were grade 3 at most after thaw cos I dun hv many gd graded embies during my fresh cycle. After failed fresh cycle, I was left w only 1 grade 4, e rest were 2 n 3... Hope ur embies r toughies too!
j03 - how did scan go? did dr africa say everyhing <shun-li>?

Jt - hope ER went well. Rest and update us how it went once you recover.
2ww is torturing! I hv been feeling headaches for d past few days, juz like b4 menses cumin kind of symptom. Very worry! Still hv 5 more days b4 bfp BT. Trying to hv +ve thinking but.....
My scan done, result too many eggs, 20 on each side, largest is 17.5, 16.5, 15.5, lucky the rest still small, i cant handle if too many..

Hi j03 and clb, where are you?
Hi MooMoo,

U already have 2 boys why still go IVF? I thou hv bab before can conceive easy for the next round.

Ur eggs sound many and big, does it means is very good?

All the best to u...
Hi gals
Feeling very uncomfy at womb area.. ;( cramp..
Ok, finally can feel relieve knowing got follicles..;)
Heres my result:-
Right: 10, 8.5, 11, 8, 10.5, 10, 8.5, 8, 9.5, 7, 7.5
Left: 10.5, 10, 10, 10.5, 8.5, 11, 10.5, 9, 10, 6.5

Total around 20 follicles with lining 13mn..

How? Is the size n quantity ok? Really worry abt my lining...
Ms africa say remain at 200 iu n scan again on sat.. She say probably er on next tues or wed..;)
The scan lady say my follicle all around same size so is good and lining very beautiful as got three lines.. I blur, dun know wht she meant three lines...hmm...any idea?

ME also feel moody this wk n feel like crying when work so stressful n collegues pat on my shoulder..;( really is puregeon sympton as u gals also same...

Hi clb n serene
Hows ur scan?

Hi moo
Woah.. Why suddenly so many egg? Thot u say only 10 earlier? Did u write their dimension down? When will be ur er n next scan? How thick is ur lining today? How u feel today at womb area? U go for daily accu now?
J03 - your follicle growth is v nice and even. The lining refers to the endrometrium (I think!) and they look for the 3 lines to ensure we have not gone to the luteal stage. If yes, you start to see the 3 lines collapse (again, I think). So sounds like you are progressing well. Today is day8 of stims for you right? Remember 2-3 litres of water a day
Hope - if your suppress properly (ie during the lucrin stage), they will grow when you start your stimulation jabs (usually puregon or gonal-f). Are you in suppression stage now?
J03, wow happy for you. Finally your worried is over. Now is my turn tomorrow. I really nervous cos tummy not bloated at all today. Really don't know are there enough follicles growing?

Nevertheless, still happy for you and Moo. Wish both your follicles can continue to grow big big pretty pretty and ready for ER next week
/Blue{Hi Ron, thanks for the warm welcome. I just contacted KKIVF, they mentioned lining ok &amp; BT shows 37. They mentioned below 50 but they ask me to start 1/4. Is this suppose to be the case?
Hi flowers
Me actually inject my 8 injection after today scan so shd be 7 days of stimulation ba... Is it ok at this rate?

Hi ron
Ya, she say beautiful endo.. Thks for ur explanation..;) nice mah? Is 20 enough to hv it fertilized? Just curious, at ur first scan, whts ur follicle size? After ur first scan till er, how many
days in between? As i want roughly know when can do er?? Thk u..

Hi melodi
Dun worry.. Remember i also no feeling two days ago? Only feel the heavy n cramp these few days.. Am actually surprise when she keep saying the follicle dimension while i write.. I thot will not hv many.. I like the short hair gal who do scan, she very nice n gentle n sweet..;) makes me not so stress.. In the mean time, ur scan will be gd tomorow k.. And u must continue ur whites as they gives ur follicle more nutrition..

Hi moo
Am still deligently take my 8 whites and immouncal as i feel natural thing like egg's nutrition shd be better than immouncal..;) if possible, force urself to take some whites a day k..;)
<font color="0000ff">I was hinge they can start immediately, afraid hormone level will not be as good or lining may just thicken?
Sista's any thoughts? I am with Dr Loh, I wonder if this is his decision</font>
Thanks melodi, ron and j03
Total 14 folicles on day 6 of puregon and bigger is 10mm and lining 11mm, today day 8 of puregon, total become 40 folicles and bigger is 17.5mm, lining is 12mm. Reduce my puregon to 200iu then scan again on saturday, high chance of ohss, thats what i am worry, is that any way to prevent?

Your folicles look good, if the dr said your lining is good, i am sure it is really good, dont forget you success with your both so-iui. So very good chance my dear.
Thanks, i did ttc for 4 years and due to age catching, i failed my iui and so-iui, thats why proceed for ivf.

I didnt go accup since monday, are you plan to start intensive accup from this saturday?
Thanks, i did ttc for 4 years and due to age catching, i failed my iui and so-iui, thats why proceed for ivf.

No time to go for it, hopefully i can go for one more session before ER and ET, are you plan to start intensive accup from this saturday?
Hi ron
Why u say myst drink 2 to 3 l of water? So much ?

Hi melodi
Thk u.. Ya, i think i can sleep better tonight as hv been stress for last two days and wake up at 6am..
