IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Singapoh, finally gt d Combi corocco car seats today.. Gt some disc cos I got 2
hiak hiak..

Happybb, if during d scan, they mentioned everything is normal then should b fine.. Do they ask u to go bk for another scan v soon? Or perhaps they cld missed out certain portion n din get to scan properly? Dun tink it's anything serious..
Mummies, Aussino hving 30% off storewide till 2nd may including baby cot bedding sets except for Disney series... Aft disc is abt $60+ per set.. Quite worth it..
Pandawife someone is selling beco carrier in bulk purchase. From photo looks nicer than baby bjorn but not sure abt performance.

Bing I m going to chAnge fm tonite to see if baby drinking. The 3 pm feed my gAl suck 1 mouthful n started screaming n crying bAdly. Eventually I fed her frozen ebm 1 hr later after the crying n pacifying . She finished all the ebm. I have no more frozen n my supply is low can only feed her 2 feeds daily. Wondering is it she doesn't like enfalac. If 6pm still cry when I feed enfalac, will change fm n try.
Rostrum... Thx for the positive reply... I went 2 days (20 & 25 apr) for the scan cos of bb's position... Then on the 2nd day, sonographer said managed to take the measurements & everything looks good... Now ask me to go back on 3 may... If there r measurements tat was missed out, at least let me know ma... Dun let us keep wondering wat's wrong...
The beco bb carrier is comparable to the ergo but has much nicer designs.
Ppl usually buy either ergo or beco.
Yr girl flip liao ah... My two girls still hvt flip yet.. They are a few days to 5 mths old... Worried that my girls are abit slow in their development... Hmmmm...
baby dun worry, each baby has their own development milestone. I remembered Grumpus mentioned her elder girl didn't flip and went straight to sitting up. So babies may skip flipping and go on to other milstone. My gal only managed to do the flip on monday. before that she just kept trying to turn her body but not successful.

Actually i am worried about my girl's neck, her neck muscles still not strong.
Happybb, ya.. Y so troublesome? Perhaps gv them a call before u go dw to chk whether there is a need n d reason.. Since they hv cfm everything is alright then y d need to go dw 3 times!!!

Bing, I think u can get d Yoplait yoghurt fm ntuc finesse or extra or even cold storage. I tink I saw before..

Singapoh, I paid $350 each for d Combi cocorro..
Gan, hi, I'm back. You are really my life saver I manage to bf and as sun shade for my gal

Grumpus, how you manage to bf your gal using thenursing cover, I only manage to use it with my hub help.
Blissful fate don't mention, glad it is of use! U latch ur gal throughout the trip? How is it like to travel with baby? Am tempted to do a road trip too but the tot of the barang barang to pack.. =p

How's ur gal? Recover?
Eh I let bb sit on my lap or lie across and use one hand to support her. Then other hand put on the cover. Adjust the sides to cover myself, open my top n bra n latch bb on.
Hope everything will go well for u till delivery ya! Did Dr Cheng mention whether there's high chance that the placenta will move up?

I'm still w KKH and is expecting a boy. How about u? I'll most likely be having c-sect cos I can't wait to cuddle the baby in my arms.
grumpus, Gan and ru,
Thanks for the info on the insurance. It's really a big relief that they won't be asking. I'll get my agent to brief me on the policies then!
Hi ladies,
I find familiar names here.
I'm from ivf support grp too..:)
currently 23weeks pregnant. Hope to get useful tips from u ladies here..
Welcome suyana, I rmb u as a patient in Nuh.. So which doc n hospital are u in now? Congrats!!! U expecting singleton or multiples? Kw d gender already?
Hi rainbow
Nice to see ur name here again..not sure whether u remember me fr ivf thread.. When is ur edd?? Having boy or gal? Giving birth at kkh??

Hi rostrum
Thk u for always being so helpful on advises..;) my mum knows but not mil.. Dun want to say anything to hide as worry she will blame us for bluffing her if knows the real reason.. So i just keep quiet till she notice herself...;)

Hi happybb
Nice to see ur name here too..;) how r u? Having boy or gal? When is ur edd? R u having twins or single? Giving birth in kkh too? Really miss those days see ur post together with sticky n piggy... Hope they can bfp soon..;)

Hi gals
May i know after bfp, do u still take immouncal? Safe to take? As i still hv some left and dun want waste it.. If not save then asks hubby take.. Hee... Also, i read that we cant take mousse?? Why?Any idea? Thk u gals...
Hi Suyana.....
I remember u.. Congrats single or twins?
myself - single completed 33 weeks...
enjoy each every moment of pregnancy..
I remember pandawife having immouncal after bfp.. if iam not wrong..
but i stopped having it .. i was going for more natural protein rich foods.. oh ya.. now wondering what to do with the remaining packets..one full box - used only one pkt in that :-(((
Joanne, in tt case pls b careful of wat u put inside your mouth like herbs.. No dang gui (angelica) esp..i dun dare to tk herbal soup outside also as not sure wat is inside..some herbs are not suitable during pregnancy..if u are tking Bb aspirin, pls avoid ginseng as it will thin d blood.. Hmm avoid cold drinks n cooling food during 1st tri..meanwhile, maintain a high protein diet.. Tk more meats, fish, veg ESP those rich in FA. And of cos immunocal can still b consumed.. I still tk initially when I had MS. Enjoy Yr food now in case ms kicks in if there is any..
Rostrum, yeah with Nuh. You too rite? You
did ivf with them again?
I'm having single bb and it's a girl.
I'm still with Nuh with Dr Su. Since I had all my cycles there, felt that i should just stick there.
How about yourself?
Fancy, wow, great 33 weeks. So you know the gender?
Where will you be delivering?

Joanne, yes I know you too? Had your scan?
Gan, I manage to bf my gal. Outside I latch on in the hotel I pump out. Need to bring a lot of things like stroller, fm just incase, diapers etc. Very tired as I have a 6 yr old son and bf mu gal. Other then that is funny.
You should try, my gal seem to enjoy.

No she still haven't recover
Rostrum, wow twin boys.
So how is your preperation? Must be excited rite.
My Edd is end aug but not sure if it's going to be earlier.
My next appt is mid this mth. I can't wait for my bb arrival :)
blissful how to you sterilise when travel? u brought the steriliser along?? i was thinking of doing a staycation at RWS but was thinking how to sterilise.

Grumpus/singapoh, have you ever feed your babies gripe water? Does it help with gas? my gal is very gassy lately, last night 1/2 way through feed she cried coz she was trying to fart, have to help her by pushing up her legs. she kept farting lately. thinking if gripe water will make her more comfortable. if we feed, do we mix with milk or feed direct like med? Thanks

Did not actually there is such group.
Anyway, i prefer to keep things to myself first esp the first trimmester..now really ready to share..heheh...so how is your tripple joy?
joanne, immunocal can take .. good for mummy n bb.. i took until my supply finished towards end of 2nd tri if i remember correctly.
gan, i use rid wind, just put 2 drops into the milk. use sice the bbs r 1 month until 4 mths. recently stopped coz pd says the wind problem shld hv gone off already
Panda I just fed my gal ridwind direct. She seems to be very gassy lately. Tummy bloated. Cld be why her milk intake is low. Later going to buy different teats n milk bottle to try n see. If she drinks. Kind of drive me crazy with her milk strike, really worried.
Hi suyana
Yes, hv my first scan last wk at doc Paul.. Going for 2nd scan tomorow at kkh.. Real stress for each scan during first trimester.. Happy and envious most of u here who already finish first trimester.. I Really cant wait...;)

Hi rostrum
Yes, i try to be careful for all herb thing.. Thk u..;)

Hi fancy and panda
Ohhh.. Thks for sharing.. Ok, i will finish it since is gd for baby n mummy..;) any other things we shd eat during first trimester to protect and give our bb more nutrients? Thk u.. Can we eat the myonnise include in most burgers?
Panda, I am having a princess..single.
I am thankful with the single.
Your tripple joy i think they are both boys and girls rite. HOw are you coping.
My aunt gave birth to tripplets too. Now her girls are like 21 yrs now. I could remember the problem that she had.
Coz there was one point of time my mum helped to take care of them. I followed my mum to her place. My aunt was not around. My another aunt who always drop by her place to help her had to run some errands. When one baby cried for milk, the others will also follow ..heeheh...so we had to run to them and feed their milk...
And when one soiled their pampers, the others will also follow suit..;p
Rostrum... Ya... 3 times & I had to take 3 days leave... Every wk 1 day... Just hope things turn out well...

Joanne... Expecting a boy... Due in sep... Was thinking of giving birth in kk since they hv my records & I'm comfortable w dr marianne... But may consider to switch... See how first... I did pop by ivf support thread sometimes... Silent read only... Piggy gg for 2nd fresh w dr sf loh... But not quite sure wat's sticky's plan now... Really hope they will bfp too...
Suyana, yup, most shopping done except for some small small items.. Better get Yr shopping done in tri2 cos as tummy gets bigger, u will find it hard to move ard n energy level also will goes dw... Now my shopping got to break dw to few days.. Can't really do all in a day.. V tired...it's good to rest more once hit tri 3...u r just a few weeks behind me
Joanne, avoid raw food also.. Half done sunny side n eggs also must avoid.. Hmm I did not tk any mayonnaise during 1st tri.. Think gt raw egg inside? Anyone can cfm?
help mommies!
my bb catnaps 15-20mins in the pm...after every meal he would play and started fussing as he was tired. would zzz in our arms while we carry him...but the very min we put him down (whether its rocker or cot) he would wake n cry...
my exasperated hubby suggested yao lan (sarong cradle) so he can zzz better...
any suggestion?
Hi rostrum
Thk u for ur kindness.. Will be careful but why cant we take moouse? Any idea?

Hi happybb
Wah.. So happy for u that another 4mths to go only.. Rest well ya.. Ya, piggy will be with doc Loh and heard she will start on May...

Btw gals with kkh, after first scan at 6wk, when will they arrange another apptment again? One mth or another two wk wait? Thk u..

Joanne, I gt no idea in mousse.. Hopefully other mummies can assist u.. First scan in kkh is 6th week followed by 8th week.. Tt is when our pregnancy is cfm viable.. Sub is 4-5 weeks apart if I m not wrong..
