IVF/ICSI Support Group

alright, i'll go to bugis later.

76, i went to hospital yesterday then went for lunch. going for movie and dinner tonight. Cannot stand staying at hme every day anymore. I'm someone who likes going out.

Hahah, no plans for xmas...sad xmas this year... will continue to lie down in bed... anyway, when i am up sitting, i will do my work le..at least take some time and mind off 2ww...time really flies...after this weekend, 3 more days..i doubt i can sleep on Wed.
<font color="aa00aa">76 - why sad Christmas? Rejoyce even when you are in bed la! I come pei you. lol

Ceraine - Yes to that!</font>
Hi everyone,ET was yesterday and already feeling so bored and looking out for symptoms. None whatsoever besides the slight cramps only when i am lying down..... wonder how i am gonna last for another 11 days.
Advanced Christmas greetings to all sistas.

Thank you Piggy and 76.

I am experiencing kinda of hive itch especially in the night. Is this normal coz its only day 2 or could it be due to the OHSS med - Carbogoline (Dostinex) that i have been taking for past 1 week.

:-( itch bad that i decided to clip my nails real short and applying prickly heat powder all over. Anyone else experiencing the same.
Wishing all TTC sistas advanced Merry Christmas. MAy our dreams come true.

Came back from my dinner and movie ard 9 plus. Feels good to go out.

Hi Sarah, welcome to 2WW club. Are you allergic to cabergoline?
its similar to hives. lil rashes behind my knees, thighs,feet and back. It itches badly. Have no idea why but its really getting to me. Surviving on prickly heat powder and hot bath. hope it goes temporary and goes away.
76, u're really disciplined when it comes to lying down. I'm usually not lying down unless i sleep. But most of the time, I'm at the half lying-half sittinf position. Can u visualise that? Haha. My back slants backwards and legs straighten. THat's my fav pos when watching dramas. Otherwise, I'll be sitting down. You are really good.
my bhcg lvl was 1936 on 16dpt, but I'm only hvg a singleton... Juz fyi...

To all e gals here, may Santa bring u the best BFP gift to u... May all your dreams come true!
Congrats Rainbow
I just wana make sure that shld I get a BFN, i will not blame myself n regret for something that i did not do properly. Even if i get BFN, i can console myself that even after i lie down whole day also no use...and its my best liao....so, i will feel better.. self deception lah, bt at leastsome consolation

MERRY X'MAS...i have been busy catching baby dust in this forum....may all of you be preggy now.
I know there r sisters here whose lvls r slightly lower n they strike twins, so u might u chance too.. Heehee... Congrats again on your BFP n enjoy e next phase! ;)

76, thanks! Hope u'll bfp soon!! All e best ya!
Is everyone celebrating Christmas? It's quiet here today.

76, I was bad today. Went out for breakfast then went to OG to buy immunocal n I walked ard a little but in small steps n slowly. The rest of e time hubby went to run errands n I waited in e car.

I'm getting really bored n restless even when I go out. Like no mood for anything. Maybe it's because I'm still feeling unwell.
Yah lor, here seems a bit quiet today. Me have been at home since FET which is 6 days liao..not even stepped out of house to corridor.. me also getting restless and bored.. i just up for tea break after lying down for 1 hr..i still feel guilty for being greedy adn waking up for tea. As much as possible, i try not to walk..if i out of bed, i try to sit..but then not for too long, then back to bed already..i know i am a bit extreme..but like wat i said in my previous post...just to maximize my chance (hopefully) and minimze guilt.Do what you are comfortable with ba....
76, yup, i know wre u're coming fr. Even then, u r really good.

Happybb, not really nervous but can say I really wish Monday will come soon. Seriously, this ohss is getting e better of me. I dunno why I'm taking so long to recover fr it. Been taking protein food n drinking water(maybe not enough). Went to buy immunocal liao. hope it'll help ease the condition faster. How much water do u drink a day?
Dan: wishing you all the best on Monday test ok?

76, happybb: same here, feel very worried....but I not as gwai as both of you. I already went out on my 2nd day and then off to cruisenon my 4th day.....Does not help that I have a very active 3 yr old son and a very relaxed hubby's. Hmmm
Nip &amp; Happybb me too Im already out of house the whole day playing mahjong haha today I walk the most n stand alot too
I will call the nurse on Monday to ask for early BT instead of 30 Dec move one day earlier to 29 Dec ;)
I start work on 30 Dec so I scare I will cry in the office so better do the test on 29 Dec so that I can cry back home.. At least my hb is beside me.. If positive at least we can share the joy too ;)
Dan... I din keep track of my water intake... But will drink more when I was taking immunocal cos will mix w juice or milk... I've stopped immunocal for a few days already...
Piggy... I'm also thinking whether to bring forward bt to 31 dec anot... Cos dh on reservist for 2 wks starting on 03 jan...

Then was thinking if bfn, next day go back to work w swollen eyes also not right...
hi piggy...
hi happybb...
hi nip...
=) bfp soon... hang in there...
things will be smooth smooth...
and bfp will be sticky sticky de...
happybb, I usually drink abt 1.8 litres a day, including plain water, soup, beverage, etc BUt Doc's requirement is 2.5-3 litres. I just started immunocal today.

stickybfp, how's ur ohss condition?

ya piggy, will bfp de.

thanks nip, I hope so too.
hi dan...
me better liao... now is coping with my menses cramp... plus now start lucrin daily, it will help me further lower my e2 and prevent ohss... so i'm cool... but becos my lining rather thick so menses will shed alot...
i dun fancy af cramps... but cant complain cos i really need it to shed well so my fet embryos can stick tight tight...
so to settle the cramp, i pop painkillers lorz...
