IVF/ICSI Support Group

76, I didn't hv symptoms during my entire 2ww too. Boobs were occasionally sore towards e end of my 2ww, but I thot it's juz AF coming... I was surprised to hear bfp when I did an early bt... Still rem I was shivering when e nurse called... So scared! :p

happybb, nip, Dan n piggy: all e best for your coming BTs! Don't worry abt nt having any symptoms... ;)
Morning girls

Haha I'm not temping anyone ;) but to me 1 day different the nurse should be okay la hahaha..

Stickybfp & rainbow : thanks arg I really wishing very hard on getting bfp ;)

Rainbow did u ude hpt before u go for BT ?? Guess not hoh...
happy bb and nip
will ur menses come if it is not successful? just asking lah...tot u are undre medication support?
Today is my day 7 post FET, 3 more days to BT...hip hip hooray... will continue to lie on bed...got some reading materials yest...so today will just read.
Piggy, I nvr test on hpt cos I didnt hv e courage to do it. Only bought a few hpt to see the +ve signs after I bfp... Will u b testing on hpt before your bt?
i like ur idea of testing after BT for the cheap thrill and fun of it..and also can take photograph too..hehhee, i dun mind spending $$ on hpt when i know for sure i will know the postiitve outcome..hehehehe....
Good morning ladies.

Wow 76, ur clinic test so early, at day 10, so good. Shorten e wait. Ours at day 17.

Those of u with kkh, can I chk? After they take my blood in the morning, how long will e results take to show? Is it only in the afternoon?
Stickybfp, I'm so envious of u. I'm still suffering fr ohss n I'm really feeling miserable. To make things worse, I've developed this dry cough that makes my chest very cold n painful. Am already trying my best to drink n take protein food but still not getting better. Ladies, I'm worried cause I feel that I'm almost getting into depression with all these pain n misery.
Dandelion : u wAnt to go visit the doctor huh ?? Poor girl sayang sayang don't think too much.. Try to relax.. Btw usually 2 hrs ur result will be out ;)

Rainbow : to be honest ;) tgis morning I try 2 different expired 6 month hpt hee hee that my sister brought from china n she pass it to me n both show negative
9dp3dt anywAy is okAy I got trust In my embbies ;) haha crossing my finger hope it is fake negative
Hey all, piggy you naughty girl - test on expired one! if test on 29, that will be 13 or 2 dpt?

Dandelion: rest well hor. What time you going down tomorrow,

76: suspect menses will come b4 cos I only on inserts. Now looking out for af symptoms....
Nip : if 29 Dec test then is 12dp3dt : meaning 12 day past 3 days transfer ;) I haven't go buy new hpt so used those expired one loh cause I think is okay to expired 6 months hahaha but turn out negative so sad

Can I check when can I start eating brazil. As I found it at Giant at Pat oven and start eating . It taste very nice. And wat is the purpose of eating as my friend also tempted to try.
Hi piggy

Thanks so have u try using hot to test. haha not the expiry one la. So which hospital u with.
For me as I having pcos so now have to induce M to come then start the process
My clinic tests on day 11...so now day 7, i got 3 more days, i dun count day 11th coz i shld be my way to either happiness or sadness.
what insert are you on now? Me also only on cyclogest vagina inserts once a night...
did ur gynae say even though with inserts, menses will come if not success? If menses dun come, does it mean it is sucessful?
Nip ur light spotting meaning fresh blood or brown or like me pink mucus ?? This morning I got some pink discharge too
but when is ur last menses date?? How come so fast AF coming?? Maybe could it be implantation spot or maybe u r pregnant n ur progesterone level not high enough to support u better check with ur nurse to see can go for early BT ;)
Hey, it is light pink. I got ard 28 days cycle so af shld be here on friday if accurate. Think I call them tomorrow and see how. Very worried.
<font color="aa00aa">nip - why dun u go down to KKH now and get some support? or test with HPT?

Babybaby75 - wow...good to know good things can be bought for $2!! was just telling a friend the other day how $2 can't buy much nowadays</font>
Nip: no worries I'm on 28 days cycle too but mine due in next wed la... Some more Thursday I already have alittle pink mucus n stop n today have it again
bfp bfp bfp okay
hi piggy,
aiyoz.... expire liao cannot use... later fake +ve or -ve le... i got 1 one batch of internet cheapo strips, haha... waiting for my 2ww, test everyday.... heehee...

hi dan,
*pat pat* i noe the feeling and body feels super lousy.... very xin ku... but hang in there... our body will regulate our hormones naturally de... jus take some time...
u didnt take enough protein and electroyles drinks? take immunocal 3 times a day, should solve the problem... during my ohss, i requested a full blood test to see my liver and kidney function le... if one of the function not working well, i will change my diet accordingly...
dun make me worry leh..coz me also having very light cramp....u on what insert now? Can share?How many times per day?
For me, my af cycle is 30 days, so will be same day as BT...makes no diff to me..hhahahahah..
Rainbow... Thx for ur reassurance... Cos now I totally hv no symptoms... Really wonder if my embbies r still in me... Think now is not to think too much...

How many wks r u now? Having multiples or singleton?

76... Dun think af will come cos on progesterone inserts now... Wat support r u on now?
76: I am on a insert, 2 per time, 3times per day. Starts with ustrogen something like that.

Tested on hpt, very faint pink line but hubby and I really did not want to get hopes up so high so will monitor for today.
<font color="aa00aa">nip - since u already tested positive and are spotting, do take care. Head down to clinic if you feel anything is not right</font>
u caught the bb dust already....do take great care...lie down more...my clinic tests on the AM of day 11 coz if positive, then in the PM, will need to go down to clinic to take jab for pregnancy support on the same day 11.So do lie down...coz by now, by right u shld be getting more 'support' de....
Nip... Congrats! Maybe can monitor how's the spotting... If need be, go to kk 24 hr clinic... If ok, go for early bt tmr &amp; get the necessary support...

Now u r tempting me to test earlier... Hehe...
Thanks all for advice and concern. But really think too early to tell so taking it very easy...but mind saying that, heart saying otherwise!

I used those strip ones, that's why don know real or false.

Just wondering if kk will do bt so many days early. 1 week before?
just kay kay a bit..tell kk you tested positive on hpt (dun say faint or whatever, coz if you said 'faint line, scared they dun entertain you)...speak in a stern voice, and say i want to do it and get early support...and add "are u going to be repsonsible if anything hapens?" as a last resort...hwhahahhaha
thanks nips and piggy. Have gone back to clinic the other day but it's still not helping.

oh wow.that's great nips!
wish u sticky bfp

piggy, dun despair, it's still early. Different people have different signs...maybe ur +ve just not showing yet, be patient, it will.

Stickybfp, I've not taken gatorade yet but have started taking immunocal yesterday, Took 1 sachet yesterday, will take 2 today.

Gals, I have something to share. I cannot describe this feeling that I'm having. But I'm so restless to the extent that I can't sit, stand and lie still with my mind focused. I feel that there's something wrong with me cause I cannot control my limbs anymore. I suspect its a psychological problem but I dunno what to do about it. I think it's for u to understand what I'm saying cause it's really weird. *sob sob sob*
u wun laugh if you keep telling urself that you are carrying baby inside you..coz it's life and death...
yah, i m good at that.. ask them who is to be responsible. And it doesnt kill them to have one more person on BT. Whats more we are paying..not as if we are gettign freebies.
<font color="aa00aa">Dandelion - know what you mean - like sit also not, stand also not? Sounds like its anxiousness etc.

Try blogging?</font>

iloveshows, ya, everything also cannot. Bit it's more than just that. I'm losing my mind. it's like a mixture of anxiety, fear, depression, pain, deprivation etc. MIL says I'm going into depression, duh?
