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  1. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    hi everyone! belle, very nice pic of chloe! she's really fair-skinned! i hv been a darkie all my life...mum said my grandma tot the nurse mistakenly passed her a malay bb when she saw me for the 1st time!! It's March n everyone here is bz celebrating their darling's 4th bday i...
  2. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    HI ALL!!! I'm back! How's everyone? So nice to see all of you still chatting here and keeping the thread active. QQ, u asked abt the magnet? Popular or major bookstores will have. Abt A4 size, behind still hv grids to guide u during cutting. Daiso also has! Hope u r coping well with...
  3. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    pink veryberry is my xuejie from hw chong jc. is ur pl very near west coast park? the last time i went there was 1990, when i was in sec 3, after tr's day celebration in sch!! It must hv changed a lot by now... u believe in picking good dates to dong4 gong1 (start reno)? Getting ID firms to...
  4. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    RR think ur bday celebration started from yday at polligwogs+waraku dinner leh! :>
  5. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    veryberry xuejie hi! *wave* both ur boys looks so happy and healthy... r u working? pink wow! taken keys! reno starting soon?? congrats! where is ur new pl? im going for my 1st appt for my MP flat 2 wks later..
  6. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    RR polligwogs next wed? Count me in! Will be bringing ah mei only.. SQ u preggie? Congrats! Btw who is delivering next huh? Pink?
  7. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    QQ In the first pl, the 4 seasons dont apply here in Singapore wat! wat summer/winter...can ignore, no? actually i was not following the thread..if u dun mind me asking...wat happened to ur last preg? "he said the oni way to prevent c-sec is to keep myself healthy" ...this statement a bit...
  8. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    augleo/min did the op in Novena Medical Centre.. private specialist.. so ex hor! $6k is the total sum. Have to pay upfront, medisave will reimburse later. but still our own $ lah..
  9. T

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    min no more snoring he seems to be a happier and more lively child these days.. or rather, mummy would like to believe that way after spending $6000 on the op!
  10. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    starfruit u went for kickboxing under AMORE fitness at Kovan izzit? QQ i cant sleep without clipping back my bra lah...feel so insecure..and my ah mei wont be so smart to self the dark somemore..sam is such a genius! astro wow..congrats on the rapid weight loss! i think...
  11. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    i scared she will fall off the bed! This girl toss and turn a lot when sleeping. And also, i got scared from gorgor's experience. He was sleeping with me in the bed for 2 years and getting him to sleep on a separate mattress was so difficult when i wanted him to sleep on his own. Until now...
  12. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    yvonne how to self service leh? u sleep naked ah? and sam is sleeping just beside u? i put ah mei in the bb cot beside me.. so each time she will sit/stand up, eyes close, hands up, crying for me to carry her up. and if i only carry her but not give the breast to her, she will take open her...
  13. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    AAA ur ayden looks so ah mei still not daring enough to walk on her own..just doing baby steps..but i'm not rushing her lah..she'll walk when she is ready.. She has a dress like anna's top in the pic. Actually i've been looking for one similar dress for myself to wear as a 母女装...
  14. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    QQ i've been sleep deprived all these while.. permeanant eye rings and eye bags liao.. but funny enough, my mil always comments that her precious son is so poor thing, not enough sleep, and never ever ask if i feel tired.. actually i've always wondered what kind of mil will i be in...
  15. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    pink no need to wear top ah? actually wear/dun wear no diff hor? haha..
  16. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    germaine did u do the 抓週 thing wif gwyen? i did it during the sep08 mums gathering for fun. Ah mei took the calculator. Funny enough, when i did it again during her lunar bday, she grabbed the calculator too, a different one, and amongst all other distracting stuff... Bound to be...
  17. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    pink hv been wanting to ask u.. the swimming bottom u gave to ah mei...where to get the matching top huh?
  18. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    astro CONGRATS on the new addition! BF'g is never easy, but i think u r on track..slowly.. i'm always complaining abt BF'g and yet i cant bear the wean ah mei off... it's a special bond that only 2 of us can share.. so here i am, complaining still, but not planning to stop. and she is...
  19. T

    (2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

    enne congrats..u and ur lil one has come a long way! should hold a big celebration! btw i do know of 2 similar cases.. one is alr 7 yrs old, weight and height average, eating well, just like any normal kid. the other is 9 yrs old..slightly overweight! both had similar surgeries in the 1st...
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    More pics: Giving out the dough.. Little bakers waiting patiently... Jvel: Mmmmm..need to use feet? I didnt wash my feet leh!! I'm the big brother here, let me do a demo 1st... Lovelle: Mmmm..mummy, is the white powder the talc powder u put on me after i bom bom...
