(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Mummies.. Ayden is kicking the ball! He's super smart! When he's had enough of tv and wants to get out of my room, he'll go to the phone, press the intercom button and pick up the receiver - his way to call the aunties to come bring him to his room.
He's watched me do this and copy cat my actions.

QQ: Then you mai tu liao.. Quick quick action..

RR: I must be blind. Dunno why I saw HN's name instead of yours. I even went up to check after I read your post that it's for you and not HN, and I still thot it was for HN. :p Chiam.. Lao hua yan already..

AAA, aiyo... he said summer baby next year will be better cause the sun can help me... like that also can???
he said this year is a stressful year for me(in fact very bad but i escaped by losing my blood then now ok liao. next year is also not very good ). if i can wait, then can have baby the year after. then life will be better. but i old liao lar. bochap.
i better dun listen too much.
he said the oni way to prevent c-sec is to keep myself healthy.

today jay cooked dinner for me. it was so yummy. his standard improved a lot. so impressed.

anyway, we just take it easy la, and dun force ourselves.. lets see if we are fated to get another child.

ayden is so cute. they have grown up liao. so fast!!
your health is back so mai tu liao!
dun be overconcern abt wat your fortune fren say. if u give birth next yr, 3 yrs gap ok!

when ayden knows how to command aunties to pick him back to his room, cute and smart!
pink. ya i also say.. next year than 3 years gap. already hit the max liao.

sekali i got another one next next year????? like AAA?? i think i need a maid. haha! and a money printing machine too.
or i get twins?? need c-section?
also possible right?
so excited!
u think very far leh!
of cos think of the bright side is good! twins good...can chop chop close shop faster and become mei mei faster :p cant wait!

think my tummy suddenly become big...starting to walk like old woman...hiaz
ya, the surgery your friend's talking about could be c-section cos twins, might not be anything bad afterall.
But anyway don't think so much about that lah, just try 1st, hehe.
if want get MP, get those big jumbo packs. Think 40/50+ pieces de.

not neccessary CCC must wear pull ups, tape diapers will do too. But if want to toilet-train the kid then pull ups easier to take off and put on.
RR, pink.
u all so supportive. i was thinking siao siao (nonsense la) and both of u also joined me. haha!!! thank u thank u
RR, can be true hor?? wahaha!!! haha!!
eh, i doubt that i can get twins lar. cannot be.
by the way, my facebook kena hacked. so i changed my pw liao. u all might already got a wall message, but i did not send out la. actuall i din login for quite long already.
you mean there are msgs posted from your account, right? I think it's a virus, seen the same thing happened to a few other friends' accounts as well.

Why you doubt it? Not unlikely since it could be twins the last time mah ...
Re: Maclaren strollers

Can call Baby Hyperstore at Kaki Bukit - 68441123, leave your no. and they'll call you when the hinge covers are here.
They are giving out the hinge covers foc, bring the stroller down to claim and they'll teach u what to do. Hinge would arrive next week according to them.
cause cannot be so heng1 and kena twins all the time.
wah, u so well informed of the stroller thing.
mine is daytriper, is it affected ah?

yalor, i thikn fb many ppl kena bah. cause my bro also sent me nonsense la. i din read.
anyway, i also dunno what i sent to others.
it came out in today's news. Not sure about our daytripper, can call up and check.

That's very hard to say cos if your body is prone to releasing 2 eggs then there's a chance you might hit again. I've seen a Malay couple with 2 pairs of twins. Anything can happen.
i read that women who give birth at older age has higher chance of striking twins.
RR, but carrying 2 bbs very xin ku?
i suspect mr tan may psycho me to try for 3rd..wahhaa.
YT got UTI! Aiyoh... wah, I think I can be doc liao. This morning only I told hb that I suspect UTI when YT got fever last night. Cuz no other symptoms mah, only fever. Then hor, I thought her diaper smells funny, like got coffee. (but my mom told me today yesterday she ate some coffee bun?) So, today go see doc, I told doc maybe UTI, doc said can test the urine, so wait till YT pee in the bottle then test. Really got blood inside! Then doc said sending the urine for further test cuz they not very comfortable about small kids getting UTI, maybe kidneys got problem. Actually I suspect is because YT wipe from back to front once when she insisted on wiping herself after using potty. But in any case, that one GP trip costs us nearly $90. Scary.
wah, sounds bad ... So did she complain about pain when she pees?

can't say it's more xin ku cos I didn't carry them till full term so my tummy could be about the same size as you all when I delivered. It's just the higher risk of GD and HBP & the health conditions of the bbs when born. I would think the care-giving part is more xin ku than pregnancy for twins.

I also think you should try for a 3rd one. Who knows, maybe you'll get 2 boys? hehe.

Nope. No pain peeing at all. It is actually quite hard to catch UTI in infants and very young children cuz sometimes, the only symptom they have is fever. For YT, the fever isn't even that high. Hovering around 37.9 - 38 degrees only. She only complains of abdominal pain when I asked her if there is pain anyway (she also said her lips pain, cuz she fell and hit her mouth but that is something aside). Anyway, I think her so called abdominal pain is because she got no appetite and din eat much the whole day.
I read that UTI will cause lower abdominal pain too. Maybe that was the cause of her abdominal pain?
u can really be the doc! idun think i can differentiate leia's urine smell! in the meantime, let her eat yoghurt? drink cranberry juice? hopefully its just mild.

dun think so. i just want the 2 gals to have strong bonding, help one another if im not around 1 day.

forgot to tell u, mr lai indeed lost weight and looking more trendy!
I think there are quite a few different viral msgs in FB. The ones I saw are about some $$ making, dieting sites.

Hmm, when the doc press here and there on her tummy, she said no pain wor. Also after she ate some rice, she told me no more pain liao so I deduce her abdominal pain is due to lack of food rather than the UTI. Cuz first time she come and ask for food herself. :p


This is what they call, "久病变良医“. I've been sick in so many ways that I can identify most diseases... I ever kenna UTI before but for myself it is very horrible cuz I'm literally peeing blood. The doc see my urine already very scared, after dispensing medicine to me in the morning, she call me up in the afternoon the same day to check whether I'm feeling better cuz she scared my kidneys burst liao or something and I'm actually bleeding internally. She said if still not well by afternoon, should admit to hospital! Luckily by the time she called, I'm all clear and feeling well liao.

Oh, fresh urine should be rather odourless. Any urine left out there or in the diaper long enough will definitely smell. But if fresh urine smells, something is wrong. YT's diaper last night is so stinko that hb woke me to change her in the middle of the night.
In the first pl, the 4 seasons dont apply here in Singapore wat! wat summer/winter...can ignore, no?
actually i was not following the thread..if u dun mind me asking...wat happened to ur last preg?

"he said the oni way to prevent c-sec is to keep myself healthy" ...this statement a bit boliao right? isnt it obvious?
huajing, mejo, anthea also had UTI last month. did urine test and found out that it wasnt caused by poor hygiene. it was bacteria from dunno wat. she developed stomach flu a few days aft her UTI so her KK surgeon suspected it cld be bacteria from this. so do ask the doc wat the cause of cayden's and YT's UTI cld be.. it might not nec be poor hygiene.

anthea also went for her MCU (kidney scan) last wk. luckily there was no urine reflux. as u guys know she has this kidney case.. so any complication will arise to greater concern.

she is now on antibiotics for 6 mths. given her kidney case, the KK surgeon even suggested that we bring her for periodical urine test for UTI coz UTI does not nec cause pain.

but the funny thing is, anthea's UTI din couple with fever. i suspected she had UTI coz she told me its painful when she peed.

so mummies, do take note
oic ... then ok lah, not a cause of worry for the abdominal pain. Hope she recovers as soon/well as you did.

Bacteria from dunno what? Hmm... so how did the bacteria get to her urinary tract if it is not due to hygiene matters? I know another possibility is them holding their piss in therefore causing UTI.

But hor, that day when YT wipe herself from back to front, I already got bad intuition already. Woman's intuition is really strong man! Haha.

That time I kenna UTI kind of funny also. Cuz I'm supposed to give a presentation at a school in the morning. But I'm feeling so horrible that I have to ask to leave the presentation early. Actually i did manage to finish most of it already but then i really can't tahan anymore and I can already see droplets of blood in my urine. Can you imagine feeling super urgent every single sec even when there is no pee? By the time I reach the clinic outside the school, I can't even go further to my usual GP, I'm peeing blood. It is really bloody kind lor. The GP thought I'm having my period. I said I'm very definitely not having my period. It looks that bad. I think I'm predisposed to having UTI leh. Cuz i kenna a few times. YT may have unfortunately inherited this pre-disposition from me?
mejo, i also dunno bacteria from where and what.. haha! but for anthea's case its rather complicated. with her kidney issue she will tend to hv UTI easily.. so doc suggests we give her more yakult, yogurt, cranberries and wash her bottoms regularly.. now i kiasu, will wash with water everytime she pees!
Mejo, Pinkpink,
cos that's when they start clean themselves and sometimes we don't know if they are cleaning properly.
how's everybody? i'v been too bz at work. by 10pm, in KO mode liao.. really bad... weather also no good. so everybody take care.
is YE admitted? what is the treatment she is getting?

for Cayden, doc said the bacteria he got usually found in stool but they dun want to conclude is it due to poor hygiene or what.

Sometime I wonder is Cayden the youngest boy to had UTI.
now I worried Elisha will get it coz I notice nowadays she dun open her leg to let us clean her after poo. Really worried.
aiyo poor yt n anthea. Poor mejo n edde too. Uti sounds scary

my sil always gana esp when preg.

Edde, anthea growg v wel despite her kidney rite? When Will she get e al clear from e doc?

meJo, hope these clears up by e time u travel man. Else v siong!
mejo, i also kena UTI before. once. i scared liao.
i was pee-ing blood too!! but then GP told me not too worry. scary leh.
seems like easy to get hor???
i also drink cranberry juice on and off now. scared ma.

edde, so anthea is ok now right? i mean her kidney. or when will the doctor say YEAH, over liao? She looks healthy and happy woh. and so smart, cheeky also. most importantly, me and anthea same taste, she likes my hb la. haha!!

traz, aiyo, so long time liao. nevermindla. not worth to mention the incident here cause it is too complicated. looking forward, it would be better.
its destined. My fren told me earlier this year that i will be having a xue3 guang zhi1 zai1 unless my body is as fit as a buffalo, but i din believe him also. anyway, over liao. otherwise i will be having a 2 month old baby now. *astro, u are right, i still think about this incident sometimes, on and off la*
u know?? when we are losing hope? we tend to believe this kind of thing to make ourselves better?? that's me.... escape from reality to make myself better.
before i enter my lab.
can I ask: medela breastpump
is PIS advanced better or freestyle better?
i am helping my sis to get one set. but i am confused cause i saw the overseas spree having all the models.

i come back read later.
UTI in kids, last time ashlyn also hv but becos i forgot to change her pampers, lack of water is also a cause (told by doctor).. so hv to do the necessary things loh..

rr: wat is tape diaper huh?

i get UTI very often too, no matter how hard i try to keep clean, now can even get ueterus infection.
re: UTI

i tell u mummies hor, i also very scared cos on tues evening, X developed fever leh... and no other symptoms such as flu, cough or anything. Only his testicles and penis area, he kept complaining pain... we can see redness only. I scare got some funny rashes again, kept applying cream. Me also scare UTI, Dr ever say boys also can hv UTI.

Sigh... i know whenever X dun change his diaper for more than certain hours, he will complain one. But he also notti lah, sometimes he refused to change and my MIL allow him to do that loh... sigh!!

yah, wash hands w soap. must tell my MIL and maid... drill the theory to my maid, at least she listens. MIL never listens.... hahaha


got flyer from kinderland? didn receive... but i do see a banner hanging at Mt safra, tt got new cc... the current one is shifing to Bt merah. My neighbour told me cos she's sourcing for CC now... hahaha
rr: hope so.. i trying so hard to teach ashlyn bt kinda difficult cos MIL scared floor dirty, than wear nappy than ashlyn used to being wet, don't say.
ok de lah. Go school they see other kids go toilet, not using diapers, they'll want to do the same thing too.

Which CC did you enrol her in? Near your place?

rr: is it? okok.. i enrol her in elfa kids.. i thnk.. ya.. at serangoon mrt there..
apparently half day is only slightly more than full day.. i hesitating to put her there whole day leh.. can hv suggestion? i thnk like so tough for her..
so xing teng.. attend sch at only two and half..
