(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

you are here. I've got some nice pixs of Domi yesterday. Give me your email add, I email you.

veryberry is my xuejie from hw chong jc.
is ur pl very near west coast park?
the last time i went there was 1990, when i was in sec 3, after tr's day celebration in sch!!
It must hv changed a lot by now...
u believe in picking good dates to dong4 gong1 (start reno)? Getting ID firms to help u design or just contractors?
I dont think i'm getting any ID this time round...but i dont really how to talk to these "PCK-like" contractors leh...seems more appropriate for men to deal wif them *headache*
fall asleep last night.

Star, moogen
ok, so i just continue. Cos she said the nutrients wont be enough. So i quite worried. And she really can whole day no drink no eat. Just play can already leh.

Moogen, yes. Scary hor? I have more bad impression with gov dr.

cos you likely to deliver mid Jan, confinement will cross over CNY... hehehe...

no lah, i work from hm this week, cos my MIL go to KL... cannot work from hm everyday lah.

But today i feel like going back office to work... cos my MIL suddenly appear at my hse, i believe hor, she gamble away all $$ liao....

Hmmm, my hse going to hv drama tonight... sigh....
morning, i went to the Fox warehouse sale at wing tai.. didn;t manage to buy much. they have a lot of baby rompers on sale. picked up some tops for rae from the pile of pumpkin patch clothes on sale.

Mejo: u can go check it out, they are selling winter stuff for pumpkin patch, u can find knited vest, knitted dress, jackets, and long sleeves top. price between $16 to $23 for the PP clothes, not too bad.

Kaexin: did u go? its so near ur work place.

hmmm, i feel that #2 is position slightly lower than X leh... cos i always feel pressure down there and kena kick/box at that area... wow, there's a few times, he kick so hard that my tears almost rolled out man...

going to see him next wed, wonder hw is he doing.. hehehe... I hope he's a sweet temper baby, just feel tt seems to hv more stress this pregnancy, hope didn affect the baby very much.

wow, u quite good leh, can manage 2 kids + cooking, so u do marketing on weekends huh?


With only X, i can cook, just very simple food lah, no frying stuff.... i can't imagine w 2 kids... ay, i think i dun which hands shd do what... hahaha

mine is ID-contractor... his mannerism not the ID kind.. But he's okay. actually contractor not necessary worse, i find that they can give u very practical advice which we may not think of... hahaha... cos we only think of nice nice mah, forgot abt the practical part.
mist, sq,
actually hor, u don have to worry too much, when bb comes home, things will slowly fall into place, u will know wad to do and set timing to cook.
traz, mist,
oh ya, i feel hor, there is really difference talking to id and contractor lei. Id, they speak veri politely. Contractor, i need to scream at them so they understand wad i m talking, don noe i talk too soft, or their job scope is too noisy, ears cannot hear properly.

really scream at the contractor? wah, jia lek leh like that... Mine still quite okay lah... jus tt the contractor talks very loud, i think they are deaf liao...

i really hope i can manage both X and the baby... hmmmm... maybe becos i'm going to hv c sec, hv problems w walking intially... abit worry now.
wa. fancy someone 10 years younger giving me advice on how to deal with 2 kids! i really need that man.

i hope i can cope with two and the cooking. feel bad YE always eating outside food. but she really qi4 shi2 wo3. yday am woke up early to fry egg for her yet she doesn't wanna eat. i told hubby i know i'm a lousy cook, but dun tell me even the egg i fry not nice?!!

re: contractors
i hate anything remotely related to planning and reno. so wedding prep included. hubby did all the work during our time. coordination n talking to ID/contractors drive me nuts

how much are the rompers? i rem the first fox sale i went was really good. rompers oni $2/3. subsequently the sales were worth it at all
tt's y i pray hard that i dun gana csection. with no one except the CL to help out, i'll be v suay if i need to lie in bed, still gotta handle #1. eee... ur mil back liao? go office lah. dun need to tahan her the whole day. yucks
YE has a ultra cheap supermart trolley that really irritates me. the wheel keeps falling out. needless to say, i'm not the one who bought it for her
wow! not bad leh. i helped doris (the lactation consultant) with a breast milk study.. i was told to express 2 ml of hind milk/foremilk at specific timings for them for them to conduct a study on the level of growth hormones in the breast milk and how the level affects the growth of the bb.. i helped out of goodwill and mutual benefit lah. coz she helped me (though i paid :p) when she came over liao..
end up. i got paid wor.. --> $100! wah.. hahahaha.. ok.. :p
so six weeks, will do one more time for her.. then get another $100.. pity i missed the very first one. else i get 50 dollars.. ha. actually just missed nia. when she was here, i was at that stage! too bad so sad for her .. hahaha :p

ok. bb waking up soon.. come back later. yak.. ha.

Ellie asked me what all the samples were in the freeze.. she didn't understand how come must do all these (she herself bf-ed her 3 babies).. i told her to help in an experiment.. then now she knows i get paid $100 to do this.. her eyes open big big.. whahahhaha :p

doris asked if i got bfing frens who can help her colelct.. so who's due to deliver soon? keen? :p

pity, can't access my own results.. what a pity :p

wow, like that also got $$ to earn ah.. if my bf is ok this time, i dun mind joining... hahaha.. earn extra income for baby. hahaha... but i deliver in Jan leh...


My pelvic too narrow, not likely to deliver natural. Last round w X, his head kena stuck and if i push by force will rupture his skull. so after 12 hours induce, i still kena emergency c sec. Gynae say unless baby is small, else not likely to squeeze thr my narrow pelvic.
Wa, got $100 for helping the research.

YH still small baby, will take time to puff up. Even thot dun puff up also ok, as long as healthy good enough.

congrates for getting your keys, can start to plan to do reno liao.

Good to hear that you all doing well. Moon is a good gal.

When you getting your keys?

U deliver YE naturally right? shd still be able to lah... no worries. For X, i paid hospital 2 times, operating theatre and labour ward... wah liao... This time, i dun wanna try liao... gynae say i can forget abt it... hahaha....

forgot to ask u, YE used to eating MSG food is it??? maybe that's y she finds your food too bland?

how abt frying omelette w ham or something? not so plain... U ask YE before y she like the eggs outside? hehehe.. just to do a comparison mah. ;) at least where's the gap betw your food and outside food.

re: my mil
i feel like going back to work, but very mah fun now, cos i need to lug the laptop back. kind of heavy for me leh... anyway, i'm just plain sian lah..
I think it's not your cooking for nice. Maybe you still haven't catch YE taste.
For me now i know my boy dun like bland stuff, prefer soupy wet stuff. Dun like dry stuff.
Must slowly try and error. Observe what she likes to eat outside then try to match it.
she siao siao. sometimes outside food we eat like siao so tasty she also wont eat. v hard to gauge one. tt's why hubby says dun cook. just eat out, at least i wont feel like smacking her if she doesnt eat. haha

the egg i put alot of cheese wor. shd b v tasty mah
mist, my pelvic was narrow too.. gynae and i were monitoring every visit to ensure bb's head dun get too big.. lucky rae was just small enuff to squeeze though for a natural delivery.

astro: wha not bad leh.. how ocme she was not doing this experiment during my time
Clarks Warehouse Sale
From Saturday, 21st Nov 2009 - Sunday, 22nd Nov 2009
At SAFRA Tampines, 1A Tampines St 92, from 10am-7pm for up to 70% off men, ladies and kids shoes.

Goods sold are non-returnable or refundable.

Free shuttle bus services will be provided from Tampines MRT to SAFRA Tampines every 30 minutes from 9.30am to 6.30pm.
SQ: maybe YE wants plain omelette.. maybe too much cheese liao. does she like omelette? rae dun eat eggs one..headache man. cos egg is nutritious.
i agree with u the fox sale not as great compared to when they first started.

din go. actually i went lunch at kovan on tuesday and on the way back, noticed the sales started liao. not very crowded. dont think so going, dont need much for keira.
my nex trial will be plain omelette then
(dunno when)

v diff to catch her taste. even when we eat out, i never know for sure whether she will eat what we buy

i can oni tell you that she will def wanna buy a slice of cake every sat am after her class. but how much she eats is a mystery

can get shoes for esther and dylan then
Ya loh, now i find no need to buy too ex shoes for Esther. Cos she wears her shoe to sch everyday and go playground twice everyday her shoes wear off very fast.

At a time i also dun cook, cos Dylan not eating.
Now start cooking again, not so bad.
Actually i find cooking the more we cook the better we will get.
SQ: still on medication lah.. need to miss my kick box class this sat liao *sigh*. the cough is really irritating esp when i try and sleep at nite.

kaexin: haha, yeah, think all the girls here have a lot of clothes.. at the rate we are buying!

Weather has turned crazy man, it was 26 degrees last night.. so cold. almost like winter in singapore. I am glad its friday. need to rest more this weekend too.
nowadays when i fall sick, v stressed trying not to pass the virus to YE. u coming for class tmr?

ya. if we persevere long enuf. haha...
i let YE wear her crocs to school. so far so good. not slippery n easy to wear and accident free (touch wood)
when does your kickboxing class end?
when your immunity picks up, u can resume and then build up immunity further. i hate losing the momentum, but find that it gets better with time

my gynae too leh... she feels that i shd be able to push thr, that's y i go for induce earlier mah. who knows, i still kena cut up. Anyway, gynae told me #2 is bigger than X liao, dun bother to try natural.

oh, your YE kind of "teow" w food huh, depends on her mood one huh..

did you try the food that YE likes to eat alot? maybe from there, can know her taste? hmmm, i dun know i always trial and error loh. Sometimes X also sort sort one... then i just remove the food if he dun eat lah, dun force. I also dun cook on weekends, spare me the stress, especially now.

better sleep and rest when u hv the time, at least u dun hv your boss ard to monitor u mah... else #2 comes liao, very busy already.
SQ: yeah, i need to go NTUC to stock up on FM for rae.. hahah. pass u ur JJ tomorrow. I feel the JJ not so nice smelling leh. think my avent nicer.. heheh


yah, like starfruit suggest, add tomato in eggs? or try recipe that can adds tomato one, last time i hv a tomato rice recipe leh.. i go see if can find...

X dun like tomato one, he finds it sour... hmmm, YE likes food w abit of sourish sweetness?
