(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

she will be an accountant

err..how about match with a white top?
very cute rite? love the swim pants...gonna buy 1 for Enya too

hi Germaine, happy birthday to Gywen.
I rem our bbs ard same birthdate hor.. urs 06/11 ah.. hehe.. mine 17/11.. kekeke..
aiyo not bad already. my previous office location was right in the middle of flat factory area, only has a kopi tiam next to it.
shop less, save more money :p
Huingee-little L cake will be bigger coz inclusive of 1st mth.. haha...

korkor and didi got different likes.. korkor likes elmo/cookie monster thus his 1st yr bday cake is CM.. but hor didi likes bear.. so his bday be a poohbear theme.. hehehe..

HB suggested sunshine bear but I think that's too gerly la!!!! keke.
Yeah actually i thot of mickey mouse theme but he seems to prefer bear.

Actually poohbear is a gal rite.. but think girls and boys like it equally much!
mummies, i want to cry liao... my mil cannot get along with my maid. Maid tell her she cannot stand her and want to go out. And my mil let her out!!!
My fil went back and seach for her and apparently she is no where to be found. May does not have my house key. so she now wondering somewhere.
I am so mad with my mil, she say she dun want the maid to be in the house as she feel not safe. She even say to be,"u think give birth very easy issit. the kids safety is impt" Blo0dy H3ll. Who she is to make such remark!!! I told her does she knwo that i will incur $5k is she is missing. she say she dun care. She say she want to sack her. I told her i am the employer. I should be the one not her. she say she dun care whose responsibility. *faint*
I really cannot tahan her.
Hb is suspecting that May know that she is leaving soon, so trying to play trick. But that doesn't mean that she can eb out mah. Sighhh...Now fil has gone back and look for the maid, but still no where to be found.
kelley-hey hi.. how's ur 2 angelic 'monkeys'???

kaexin-wow.. thanks for sharing.. can print out for our kids to colour colour..

Germaine-alamak.. can imagine ur frustation.. hope the maid is not up to anything up her sleeves.

wah, i didn know thin lips can also be a stumble block to bf.... hmmm, then next time i shd tell my mil that lucky my X got thick lips, else also difficult to latch him!!! hahaha... cos my MIL always say X lips not nice and takes after me... hehehe.. not making fun of yu he lah, no offence yeah.

I can visualise the stress level for having no.2 .... i guess u really hv to let go some things and focus on yu he latching first... and take good care of yourself also.. Mummy need to be in good physical and mental health to take care of both yu he and teng...
Hey giolyn
oh gosh, sound very bad!
but spore is small, sure can find the maid but it must be frustrating.
after this incident, do u still want to put maid in your MIL's house? u may want to re-consider. your MIL is very difficult and inconsiderate.
Enne: hello.. my monkeys are still monkeys.. can’t be quiet unless recently i found out.. LEGO!! They loved it.. haha.. i m somewhere near but not very near also wor..
Pink i cant leave the maid wtih kids at home also. Sighhh.. I am very vexed liao. really my fate lor to have such a lousy mil. damnz sianz. so sickening. wat a friday. Dun i deserved a good friday esp is Gwyen's birthday today.
kelley-haha.. both enjoy playing together? will fight anot? both mine will fight, sometimes korkor give didi those that he dun wan but didi stubborn want the ones korkor have!!

my #1 quiet when watching power rangers, like to morph into a ranger when any one scold him.. kanna complaints, now 'forbidden' to watch liao.. haha.

my #2, still not yet find anything to 'quiet' him down. kekeke.
infant care?
im putting #2 at home with rina, will install web-cam. i mean thats after i feel comfortable with rina. u may want to consider. otherwise instead of offloading u, all these are giving u extra headache.
the maid sms and say she will wait for me to come back. Guess she want to take a break now. Infant care it not an option as we have bad experience of keep getting sick when clyde was in there.
wahhaha Ayden is mr Ba ba ba ba! look at his thighs :p
Anna looks so grown up with your bag!

the one before also left bcos of your MIL? nanny?
3As-... wahh... Ayden is such a bigboy le.. his thighs catches my attention too.. keke..

Anna looks so happy, like she's gog on a date!
Pink, yes the one left before this one is working 3mths. She also cannot tahan my mil. Cry everyday. thats why we quickly get a replacement and get May who is a transfer. Sighhh....

Nanny? Dun think hb will want. Sighhh...
Enne: Congrats! Little L is 1!! I had a mickey cake for ayden's 1st birthday. You can go for thomas the train, but I was thinking we can save that for when they're older and can appreciate thomas more.

Autum: You're thinking too much, that's why you can't sleep.

Enne: You have to try the lor mee at Amoy Street market. It was my dad's favourite. He always bring us there when we were younger. And now I go there once in a while.
I always ask for more hei (prawn) cho. Add lots of vinegar.

Germaine: Hope it turns out ok with the maid. Mopst elderly have lots to complain abt maids unfortunately..
Enne: very normal.. will fight will love.. haha.. things sure fight.. now mei mei know hw to defend herself.. scream.. will scare her sister away.. hehe.. my #2 very physical don’t like books.. anything that can take in n out.. will do herself in a corner.. with no disturbance..

Giolyn: than actuali ur maid nt bad.. still can sms u..
Pink: Yah, he's still bah bah.. Think he'll lose it once he starts to grow taller. Anna is a big girl now.. She's the jiejie of 2 leh.. Kekeke..

Enne: Hee.. You haven't seen my hubby before. He's very big build, so our kids take after him..
haha kelley.. hopefully as they fight.. the love for each other will 'grow' too!

Germaine-Actually like that seems like is ur MIL prob, not maid prob ler.. how old is ur MIL? she seems real diff to get along, not considering the consequences? maybe get ur HB to tok to her???

have a happy weekend mommies!
Oh yah.. by the way.. The recent harmon spree.. Pax says the oral B stages toothpaste is cheaper than if we spree from vitacost... So we can continue to spree from harmon. If they use the same box, we can take up to 52 tubes of toothpaste!

Thanks for doing the flowerworld spree. I din know where to look for stock. Only after you said, then I realised is from the drop down bar. Haha. Lots of coordination work.
SIL went to LC today and diagnosed to have blocked ducts. That's why bb suck and suck but no milk came out so went to sleep instead. Seem like she is better today after LC massaged her breasts and help to clear some of the blocked ducts. But LC warned that it will easily block again cuz she's been engorged for days.

Actually come to think of it, I'm very lucky. I don't remember having much problems with breastfeeding. Only problem is YT's puking and her rejection of my breasts around 3 months old. But I don't have let-down pain, no blocked ducts (I think got 1 once but cleared by itself), no bleeding (though got crack), so yar, all in all, I'm very lucky!
pink. thanks!!!

joelle stuff u can route to me. i pass to astro.

huajing, good to hear that. 2 more days!!!!!!!
jia you.

traz, wah! u dun need to sleep ah? 4-6 times in the night. i will faint leh.

enne, nice to see u here.
so fast. he is turning 1.

wah, these few days i am busy leh. sigh!! overwork la. but then i hope it is temporarily.my coligs are very free woh.

yeah it is weekend liao, now i feel like sleeping le.

giolyn. your story made me awake. alamak. how can ur mil chase her out? luckily she still sms u. otherwise how to find her? can call her la.
i've been sleep deprived all these while..
permeanant eye rings and eye bags liao..
but funny enough, my mil always comments that her precious son is so poor thing, not enough sleep, and never ever ask if i feel tired..

actually i've always wondered what kind of mil will i be in future..mmm...
ur ayden looks so steady..my ah mei still not daring enough to walk on her own..just doing baby steps..but i'm not rushing her lah..she'll walk when she is ready..

She has a dress like anna's top in the pic.
Actually i've been looking for one similar dress for myself to wear as a 母女装.
anyone came across anything similar for adults?
she's supposed to give birth this month.
not sure which week tho...

this is the first time trying to organise..filling up the excel is more tedious but next round we will know wat to do ...
hey your pants no more grey 9....u saw my latest email..
oh ... so should be around 37th - 39th then. Wah, she's good leh, can carry triplets till so long. Those triplets I know all came out before 32nd week.
hi mummies!

ok, will go tml.

waahahaha, we always have common topic on this weaning. I also cant bear to stop.

omg! U know wad? Anna look like model! Do u wan to try enrolling her? Her smile is veri sweet! Ayden is damn sexy la! Hahahha

qq, can slp. Cos bb will self service to latch themselve. Sam is like tt now, i m like a dead cow sleeping on the bed, she ownself search for my breast. Kekekeke.

hope cayden can go home soon. U take care.

how to self service leh? u sleep naked ah?
and sam is sleeping just beside u?
i put ah mei in the bb cot beside me..
so each time she will sit/stand up, eyes close, hands up, crying for me to carry her up.
and if i only carry her but not give the breast to her, she will take open her eyes and wail.
then aft she falls back to sleep i will slowly unlatch her and put her back to the cot bed. Sometimes successful, sometimes fail. if she cries again when being put down, i'll latch her back on and repeat the whole process again. sometimes i also fall asleep with her...
so i'm like going out of my bed to get her, and latch her on, unlatch her, put her back to cot bed. 5-6 times a night!
