(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

i don slp naked. Usually the last feed at nigh i will latch and slp together with her, she ownself unlatch after she finish. But i nv pull back my bra la, just openly like tt lor, she can latch back in the middle of the night. Lol!(always 1 breast will be super engorge the next morning!cos i onli latch one side at night) i feel more convenient la, no need to walk to the kitchen to make fm(for bel last time, wah, terrible,3am must make once, 6am also, totally no need to slp.). :p i m getting more and more lazy now.
traz, u put mei mei slp with u la. Den no need to carry liao. Lol! THIS IS A VERY BAD HABIT. Wahahahahaha! Cos she suckle to slp. I bought paci for her, she think tt is a teether! Haiz, i give up la, lucky no need to latch all the way till she wakes.*touchwood*
i going to slp soon, tiring day. Went to polliwogs today. The gals have fun. Now bel snoring like adult! So loud!
i scared she will fall off the bed! This girl toss and turn a lot when sleeping.
And also, i got scared from gorgor's experience.
He was sleeping with me in the bed for 2 years and getting him to sleep on a separate mattress was so difficult when i wanted him to sleep on his own.
Until now, this 6 yr old still cant alone, though can sleep on a separate mattress, but need someone to accompany him to sleep.
oh. I have bed rail at both side of my bed, i got no choice to slp with them, i am sandwhich in the middle. So, next time i jia lat liao. Anyway, sure one day they will outgrow la. I give in to fate, sleeping with them is also a bonding ma. Hehehe! My niece now 5yo, sleeping on her own by request. So i think let nature takes its course la.
Pink: Congrats to your friend! She'll be really busy now with 3 NBs at the same time.

Traz: Think my kids are early walkers. Anna started walking quite early too. You really can. Waking up 4-6 times to BF???! Peifu!

Yvonne: Why don't you say my camera skills have improved? Wahahha!! But I'm a lazy mummy. Don't have energy to bring them for extra peripheral activities.. :p
ask u something.
rina requested to meet her tongxiang who's contract is ending and returning to their hometown.she wants to meet and pass her things on 6dec fora 3hrs gathering.

she also request to meet them for xmas gathering.
firstly i dun know how they kept in contact.2ndly im thinking if she is asking for too much. pls share ur view withme.thanks
hi mummies, so tired to log in everytime, n i just read abt 2-3 days ago posting :p

mist/ irin/ pink/ mejo
tks for the info on maids. wah most agy fees quite ex hor. my sis just told me she short listed her maid liao. 188 if i dun recall. its a trf maid she got to see the maid n interview her personally. the agy allows 2 replacements. seems not bad but now just hv to see for ourselves if maid is up to my sis std :p

oh wat is the site to go for this course huh? its common sense que isit? :p Need to study or not? haha. maybe can sit for it first n decide later..

Mist i duno le.. thinkin to hv the maid abt 2 mths before i pop? or earlier if i can afford..hmm still thinking n taking my time la.

the other days AAA mentino abt xmas tree. i hvnt take out my $3 xmas tree to see if its 'quality' enuff or not haha. scully i put a few ornaments n it collapsed liao.. so thinking got any back up place i can go shpg for xmas tree!
if her tong xiang is goin back to home town how come still got xmas gathering? u mean got more than one tong xiang? rina got hp?? either write letters or thru hp isit?

wah..hmmm later i ask my sis (she is more exp n rational with dealing with maids) i let u know her feedback later !
she asked my hubby. i guess the xmas gathering is from another tongxiang.
could be fren she got to know while she waits for leia during her playgroup.

She's supposed to have off days right? So those meetings are during her off days or not? If not during off days, then she has to stay home on her off days to make up for it? Depends on whether you trust her or not bah.


According to hubby, website is quite common sense one. Shouldn't fail kind as long as you actually read the words (or maybe even if you don't read all, you still shouldn't fail.)
she has no off day.

ok we discussed. decided to let her go for the first meetup.will fetch her back after 2 hrs.
she said her hubby sms her this tongxiang's contact,thats how they kept in touch.
you may follow what yvonne do, but hor, i cannot do like yvonne last time too. my mil kept saying that she did that and so sinnang to bf at night.
i was pumping cause tian dun wanna drink at night also.
anyway, yvonne is ichiban la, she is already used to it.
u just do whatver u feel comfy cause u have 2 other monkeys to take care.
dun care about mil's comments la, cause we are not their dotters woh. they only heart pain when they see their kids suffer, but not us.
Finally, the drugstore reached CWG US.

CB cream is $14.80 per tub.
So i post the bill soon.

pink i put ash and irin's CB cream in your bag tomorrow.
<table border=1><tr><td>Items</TD><TD>Total SGD</TD><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tweezer</TD><TD>19.10</TD><TD>114.09</TD><TD>QQ </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dermalogica cream</TD><TD>71.84</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CB cream</TD><TD>14.80</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>body wash</TD><TD>8.36</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>body wash</TD><TD>8.36</TD><TD>37.95</TD><TD>Star </TD></TR><TR><TD>CB cream 2</TD><TD>29.59</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>nose drop</TD><TD>8.79</TD><TD>26.23</TD><TD>Pink </TD></TR><TR><TD>desitin</TD><TD>10.51</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>huggies changing pad</TD><TD>6.93</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Desitin 2</TD><TD>21.01</TD><TD>21.01</TD><TD>astro </TD></TR><TR><TD>Desitin 2</TD><TD>21.01</TD><TD>21.01</TD><TD>Kelley </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Huggies changing pad</TD><TD>6.93</TD><TD>34.11</TD><TD>Shannie </TD></TR><TR><TD>goat milk lotion</TD><TD>13.30</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pampers bibster</TD><TD>13.88</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CB cream</TD><TD>14.80</TD><TD>28.30</TD><TD>Mejo </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bibs</TD><TD>7.50</TD><TD></TD><TD>(please offset with the xerox papers) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bibs 2 packs</TD><TD>6.00</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CB cream</TD><TD>14.80</TD><TD>14.80</TD><TD>Ash </TD></TR><TR><TD>CB cream</TD><TD>14.80</TD><TD>14.80</TD><TD>Irin </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Body wash</TD><TD>8.36</TD><TD>29.63</TD><TD>SQ </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bibs</TD><TD>7.50</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milk bag</TD><TD>13.77</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CB cream one tub $14.80, I forgot who ordered CB cream again. Anyone taking this CB cream? </TD></TR><TR><TD>otherwise SQ taking 6 tubs. </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

bunnie, your bill stick to what i sent u previously.

I will pass u $13.60 tomorrow, for the ON stuff + your shoes, etc etc.

ok done?
POSb saving

do I owe anyone money??

QQ: i think the last tub of CB cream belongs to SQ, cos when i lelong, she say she wants.

AAA: Anna looks like she is doing a runway catwalk in that last photo.. hahah such a brilliant smile. why is she carrying your handbag?
wha.. my kick boxing class is very power man..i almost died in class.. butit felt really good after the class... hahah i think i am starting to ache all over already.. hahah. think will feel pain tomorrow. wha and i still swam just now.
hi mummies!

Went to see baby yu he this afternoon. He is so adorable! Astro have slim down!(still tall and big) but no more fat fat. Can see she is quite stress. Anyway i m going to visit her again on mon morning.
yvonne: wah liew..
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

(still tall and big) but no more <font color="ff0000"> fat fat</font><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
ha.. i that fat meh?! hahahaha..today i ok liao. u have not seen me in the last week.. wah. ACTIVE volcano man.. step near at ur own peril!

anyway. i weighed myself just now. can't believe i am 2kg below my pre-preg weight.. but my net gain is not much also 9 - 10 kg nia.. not bad leh. long time since
the weighing machine shows a 70+ figure at me liao! hahahhah

star: yes. i invited yvonne over to do a little experiment...coz i want to see if my pump is the problem or i am the problem to keep pumping out only 55ml (max) if i dun latch :S.. i do two hourly pumps.. i pump after latch. i drink the papaya soup, take the fenugreek, take the molitium (dunno how to spell) prescribed by my gynae to increase milk supply, become human pacifier.. STILL 55ml?! i cannot believe it man..
but yvonne only pumped out 40ml! coz she just fed her girl lah. she said she can come over for a morning pump..so our experiement is inconclusive for the time being.. hahahah
H1N1 currently on given to person age 18 and above, as the Govt wants to do more clinical trials before they start vacinating kids and babies.

having said that, my 9yrs nephew took it the first dose last week in the US. its seem the US are more garang. but millions of ppl around the world has been vacinated kids included.

u so good?? then if that is the case, u can try for #3 :p
bunnie would recommended that you take oats to increase ur supplies !
u went for kickboxing under AMORE fitness at Kovan izzit?

i cant sleep without clipping back my bra lah...feel so insecure..and my ah mei wont be so smart to self service...in the dark somemore..sam is such a genius!

wow..congrats on the rapid weight loss!
i think ur experiment not valid leh..cos yvonne directly latch on, hardly pump (if i'm not wrong) so if u suddenly ask her to pump she might not pump out a lot of milk.

With hippo i fed EBM all the way. Was pumping 1 few times a day..body was conditioned to it and it was very easy for me to yield 240-260ml per pump even hippo was already 1 yr old.

But ah mei has been latching on directly. the other day i was packing the bb stuff and came across the pump. 感触极深...its something that was so familiar before..so i tried pumping out of fun. And...i couldnt pump out even 30 ml aft more than half an hr!!! its the same pump that i used to pump 240ml in 15 mins! (when hippo was 1 and now that ah mei is also 1)
u lost so much weight so fast! U r my hero man! Tel me ur secret quick! I was telling qq tis am tt u lk gd, no one wld believe u hv a two wk.
post new pic o yu he when u find some time. U mus tel me e verdict o e pump
star, thanks!!
i lost the link to AAA's spree mah. haha!!

yak with RR and SQ earlier, RR will take the last tub, while SQ takes the majority of the next batch. max 6 tubs. but hor, i remember someone taking 1-2 tubs, but i cannot remember who. lets wait.
i think i will take one tub, to muak my face. haha!

traz, u are right.
astro, i remember last time mash also fully latch, when she pumps also miserable amount. but this jaylen also drink until chubby chubby and he is the champion le.
however, i think that you can still pump and try out, the amount will go up day by day.
lastly, i hope your pump has no problem.
I agree with SQ. astro lost so much weight.
hope i can be like that nxt time. haha!!

tian sot liao. she woke up a few times last night, to shh shh, to scream and ask me not to touch her.
but i never touch her woh. she really humbin and had nightmare.
played too much??
we celebrated fren's son's birthday. just small families with cake, pizza. like that she also humbin.
Star, QQ: Noted. Got your orders.

Star: I was going out shopping. Went into the playroom to say goodbye to the kids. Then they started coming all over to me. Saw ayden wearing his underwear and wanted to capture some pics for pink and yvonne.. keekk..

Astro: Good weight loss! You only put on 8kg for the entire pregnancy?!? I've put on 8kg already!! :p
Re the pump, if it's not working, then you won't even get any milk out mah. Maybe increase the power? MS builds up slowly over time. Yuhe is only 10 days old u said? Don't give yourself the unreal expectation to yield like a cow in the beginning. Slowly slowly bhah..
SQ: You didn't get my email re the Harmon spree?

Star: Angel wipes got promo again. Post in bold for everyone.

Angel wipes Got $10 rebate. Purchase $60 with free delivery. Call Steven 81387434 Valid til 15 Nov only.
i got your mail. have been trying to logon to hotmail and DBS to pay since dunno thurs/fri. either one is always down so i can't see the amount to transfer! this am login again to try.

where did you go shopping?!

i like the LV denim bags.

oh! and i've been serving the joann site for crayola. saw some stuff i like at ck tang, but online dun have

wait let me go dbs and hotmail first then come back again. fedup!
SQ, wait ah.
u dun pay for the CB cream first. i wanna take one tub from the 6.
wanna muak my legs.. lots of 5 cents 10 cents
and others lets wait..
u sure u wanna take 5 tubs? i think better lelong some here la. next year can buy again.

AAA. thanks!!
actually i am looking for twistable colour pencils. tian finished some of them liao.

i am going out liao!
haha QQ
i just paid. but this is not inclusive of the 6 tubs. so i'll pay for that when we settle. the cream is really good. hee

aren't you going for dancing soon?

you all finish your crayons and color pencils so fast? YE still has alot to go. maybe i'm too lazy. ooops

are you buying that crayon tower? if so, let me know how much it amounts to. cos it looks so cute! but scared shipping will be expensive
SQ. i am obsssed with many types of colourpencils de.
anyway, she used up most of them when she is at nanny's place.
sometimes nanny and jie jie colour things for her to see also.
or i should say tian instructed them to colour for her.
not a good habit.

ya. i am going out liao. cause this jay is so momo. he is not ready. i am ready liao. sitting here.

ok bye bye!
here you go! thanks!

To Account POSB Savings
150-28053-2 Baby Girl
Amount S$23.29
Transaction Reference 2540105164

now that i've cleared my debts, can have mood to shop again. hee
bye QQ
YE has a lot of non crayola as well, in her nai nai's house. so she doesn't use crayola all the time. thinking of buying some crayola colouring books for her to color, but the joann site i can't find leh
SQ colouring book?
no need to buy bah. is it special? i never seen any crayola colouring book. but pasar malam got many types and cheap cheap right?

i think tian doesn't really fancy any colouring book. she is always 3 minutes heat type. so, somtimes i just print one page for her to pass time, also can.
i bought this craft book, then just let her bring to nannys place. and nanny do the projects with her on and off. sometimes, gorgor and jie jie also kena dragged and do project with her.
she likes. i must say this nanny's family is so much more fun than us. we are boring type la. haha!
