(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Back from treatment room, Cayden cry and scream till no voice. I almost tear with him but I know I must be strong.

He is having the antibiotic drop on his right leg now, so heartpain, lucky he pee juz now if not have to poke tub into his p to collect.

Most prop have to carry him to sleep tonight scare he kana the tub then have reinsert again.

Doc said one of the reason might be due to diaper wear too long, reminds me I forgot to change him diaper the night before, itifht be the cause.

Astro - Congrats. Stay positive. *For yr info...keke...I was scolding my maid too during my confinement period. It just the hormones!*

Hj - Dun say that. It is not your fault.

Mummies - Dylan is starting to ask questions. Why does it rain? Why is there day and night? Many many WHY questions these few days. Hubby and me stunned. And seriously, we are lousy parents leh, dun know how to answer some questions.

Somehow time just flies...Delia is already one. Well, kinda of feel a little heartache that the little gal doesnt want to come home with me at night and also dun want me to carry her. *heart pain*
havent seen u for so long. r you all happier now that there's no gug on sun?

aiyo, never expect your newborn days to be so eventful and stressful. u must take care of urself too

just concentrate on nursing cayden back to health and stay positive
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">astro</font></font>: makeur name big big incase u cannot see. hey i wanna encourage to to continue to latch YH leh. drop everything else, dun borther about teng, housework, ur mum or ellie, just park urself at the soft or bed.. when YH cries, ask ellie or ur mum to carry him to u. or u can carry him to u too. then just feed on demand, too young to CIO and he needs to be back to birth weight by 1 mth. U can email doris with ur questions, she is very helpful, she will reply. or call her. yeah thats her rate, but worth it cos i was desperate and no one could help me.. i cried for an hr in front of her, i think apart from teaching me about BF technique, she was counselling me too.. hahaha

rae dun have thin lips, and i also get crack nipples. cos ur nipples not season enuff and constant abrasion will cause it crack. get a tube of the lanisoh cream (can get it here http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/bfaccessories.html) $6.50 only, very good and air ur nipples as much as u can. after 1 mth, ur nipples will get seasoned and will not crack that easily. one reason could also be that YH is not latching properly. did doris tell u that YH's mouth must open big big before u push ur nipples in, if his mouth shut, dun latch, high chance it will not be a good latch. u can call me, i can help u.

Oh yar, to add on to what Star had said, actually breastmilk is a very good healing agent too. Just rub some on after feed and then go zhen kong. Okie?
hows your confinement food so far?
im thinking of ordering from chilli padi catering.

just now mil came to my room , played with leia for 5 mins. she asked me when im giving birth, i said end jan, will clash with CNY. she said good that i choose confinement food, more worth it during CNY, otherwise ingredients very expensive during CNY..:p
AIYOH STAR! hahahah.. :p ok.. i got ur message both threads! hahaha.

ok. i reply tomorrow .. i am doing an experiment.. yu he is amazingly already on the GF routine.. hahaha.. way to go my young boy. u take after ur bro in this manner.. (pity u dun have his mesmerising eyes.. or rather.. my mesmerising eyes..:p) kekeke.. so for the 945pm feed.. i latched him on both breasts.. if he can sleep till the next feed.. it means i have enough! ok. will test out and let u gals know. then i will be RELIEVED!

replying tomorrow.. nightz..
HJ: i know how it feels.. dun blame urself.. ( i know easy to say.. till now i wonder if i was the cause for yu he's agony. deciding to use the vaccum.. inducing while having a cold.. i keep asking miser if i was the one who caused yu he all his misery.. :S).. cayden will recover fast. update us.. tomorrow i let u know which ward. wah liew. cannot make it lah this KKH.. the other thread.. they also complaining non-stop of this KKH!
star: before i go.. the only good thing that came out of this kkh ordeal for yu he and me.. is he is already back and beyond his birth weight by 7 days! steady bom pi pi hor?!duh.. hence u see why i worry i dun ahve enough. and is pumping after each feed? that's why lor.. (mejo.. this is the reason why i pumping the excess after each feed)..

ok nightx
hey, smaller eyes more mesmerising bah!! hahahah!!
very funny leh.

hj, forgot to change diaper then get diaper rash easily, but not UTI right? oh now i know. dun blame yourself. sometimes it is because of several reasons de, not only one?
now u just need to make him recover fast fast. no worry.

Tay, long time no see.
i am about to sleep le . so u need to watch bthat 10000 WHYs DVD?

i checked the overseas spree just now. wah those deals are not bad leh. cause they order in bulk, say CB cream etc etc. not bad also.
and so many things to buy from there, and women ah!! mostly women and kids stuff.. so women is very powerful in purchases.
actually need to take cranberry juice, can aid in UTI one.

Astro: hahaha.. call me lah.. so diff to type here.. i also want to know how u r doing. anyway, bfing mummies alwasy worry about bb not getting enuff BF, its physicological.. as long as bb is gaining weight, peeing and pooing regularly, this means u have enuff BM. maybe he growth sprout, anyway, nb naturally wanna suckle, so if u give them a bottle, they will suckle and drink the milk, automatic one and this does not indicate that they r not getting enuff lah. its a natural reflex.
Thanks mummies, seems like I can't sleep tonight, Cayden refuse to lie down on bed, he like knowing I going to put him down once I got near the cot he open his eyes and lookl at me. Aiyo my boy.

Now hungry + tired + most important WORRIED
It's like this one, new born is difficult to take care and not all babies easy to latch. Just hand on and jia you.
Good that your mum and Ellie is there to help you with Teng.
That time during my lst mth i tried to spend more time with Esther when she's at home cos scare she feel neglected.
Hence you need to get miser or other to take care YH when you need to spend time with Teng.
Dun worry, things will slowly be ok.

Very heartpain to see our kids got tubes poke here and there. Dun blame yourself lah, no one wants this. Hope Cayden recover fast. You take care too.
Potty training:
This morning I woke up early. Picked Ayden up from his cot and brought him to sit in his potty. And he really peed in there.. Wahahha!!! Maids told me he's been doing this quite consistently. Sometimes he will even poo while sitting on the potty.

Astro: Actually I don't remember coming across asian babies with thick lips. :p Got meh? So does this mean BF is especially tough for chinese/jap mums and relatively easy for african and indian mums?
Wa, good Ayden and pee nad poo in the potty. I heard that boys are faster in this.

I find Dylan much more independent. Maybe it's his character or maybe i dun spend much time with him.
I think pinkpink's ex maid coming over to help and there is pinkpink's current maid and mum to help around.
I still think confinement nanny is the best cos they know what to cook and know how to take care of new born.

How are you and the 2 kids. Must be very busy.
Philips Carnival Sale on 7-8 Nov. 9-6pm @ 620A Lor 1 Toa Payoh.

Go and see any items you need for you house or not.

Aiyo, try to relax bah. Me nowadays sleep lesser, dun know why dun feel sleepy at night.
HN: Still too early to say. But this is def a good step towards toilet training him.
Last evening in the playroom, he kept indicating to go to the toilet. I thot he was indicating he wanted to pee/poo, so I asked the aunty to open the toilet door, but he walked into the shower area instead, not to the potty.

Autum: Are you too stressed? Thinking if you want to do something else now that you're working part time? Or thinking how you want to spend your time more wisely etc?
Take it easy, don't stress.
huignee: wah.. thanks for info..i thnk her previous maid will no how to handle NB bah.. bt confinement food can teach the maid to cook leh.. than don't nd to buy??

autum: slp too much?
hi all.. long time no be here le.. coz working at new workplace for nearing a mth.. newbie so cannot 'surf' too much..

little L is turning 1 soon.. time flies.. and recently keeps thinking of the dark period.. coz really not easy for him to come this far to 1 year old.. for his bday.. i hope he will have 'health'.. this will be the best bday pressie for him!

astro-glad yuhe is fine now.. think naturally initial stage quite tough.. take care yeah.. patz patz

ec_mom-take care.. I totally understand how u feel.. felt that way many times.. but someone say.. a mother is the strangest creature on earth, no matter how or what, she will still pull thru.. I guess its true.. for me.. just thinking back.. is still painful memories.

QQ,pinkpink-to me, small eyes ok but if too small eyes like a bit creepy.. more jialat if tat guy got those 'colourful' look. hehee..

pink-I think i lost le.. r u giving birth anytime soon?? meimei Enya
i thot u quit ur job to be SAHM?
congrats! it has been a difficult 1 yr, but u n lil L hv made it!! jia you!
if dun feel sleepy is good! then can have more time. haha.

dunno am i too stressed, or am I too free or am I worrying too much. recently there are deaths in the family so I am also lamenting about life (in general).. time passes so fast and i feel old, yet I know I am very young.. it's just pointless musings i know.. oh well.

ya, sleep too much. cos on days that i don't work, i can sleep until 1pm. then on days that i work, i can wake up before 7am. kind of bad for health actually cos no consistency..
pax-tat time quitted but I still got look for job, heng heng found one.. but I 'rested' 1 mth before starting in Oct.. well.. coz of 'high maintenance', still need to work lo. =P

pax,Autumn-thanks.. actually not yet, the week afetr next then 1 year old liao.. hee. yeah he dun even have 1st mth celebration.. so now his 1st year celebration will be like all-in-one, hopefully things go well!

Autum-wad happen.. dun think 2 much.. death is really part and parcel of life hor.. I also feel old..

can I ask hor.. actually PAP good or pte centres better? coz my boy current playgroup only takes in until N1.. meaning N2.. I need to search for another center or go PAP liao..

Actually was thinking to change sch which takes up to K1,K2 but afraid hard for him to adapt coz he seems ok with this teacher, and distance is a prob too.
congrats..u and ur lil one has come a long way!
should hold a big celebration!
btw i do know of 2 similar cases..
one is alr 7 yrs old, weight and height average, eating well, just like any normal kid.
the other is 9 yrs old..slightly overweight!
both had similar surgeries in the 1st mth, and susequently mths/yrs..both turned out healthy and just like any normal kids..
so i think u shouldnt worry too much..

To me, dist is very impt for ccc. as well as the hrs. PAP is just a few hrs, ccc is full day.
curriculum wise i think abt the same, just that in ccc i think the kids learn more social skills (both good and bad)..
CONGRATS on the new addition!
BF'g is never easy, but i think u r on track..slowly..
i'm always complaining abt BF'g and yet i cant bear the wean ah mei off...
it's a special bond that only 2 of us can share..
so here i am, complaining still, but not planning to stop.
and she is still waking up at least 4-6 times a night to suckle for comfort..
congrats! Leighton is 1 yr already! how fast!
i still have 2.5mths to go! long way!

hey wana join us for xmas party on 20th at teresa ville condo?

ON items are here! 4 packs! wow...im going to unpack soon!
ON are here? That's fast. Ok, then I can go collect together with the Cleocat and CB cream on Mon.
So happy to see little L coming to 1 year old.
Some PAP kindergarten or some church kindergarden accepts kids from 3 years old. While some is from 4 years old, you have to look around in your area.
If church kindy, enrolment might start as early as feb for next year class. Shortlist a few and call to check.
For ccc, they can stay on till K2. It's similar circuulum like Traz said but for ccc they will spend whole day in the ccc while kindergarten only about 3 hours.
Mummies, Cayden's fever subside, hope it won't come back again next 48hr. doc came this morning and said they will test his urine and track what is the cause. He still need to completewhole course of the antibiotic which need at least 2more days.means we will stay till sun or Mon.

Need to fight another battle shortly. Wish me/Cayden luck.
O ya, Cayden back to usual him, laughing, KPOing, also think he quite Bored jus now, he is trying his luck to flip back, from back to tummy and from tummy to back.
i wont be in office early on Monday :p i reach around 11 plus :p so u wont get your CB cream in time :p u wana drop by in the afternoon or tue morning :p

great that Caryden is back to his usual self
good luck!

wow its raining season...feels like xmas already.
traz-thanks!! that is very encouraging as I quite worried what the future lies in hold for him.

pinkpink-thanks for invite, where issit at huh???
2.5mths ah.. cha bu duo nearing CNY lo??? hehehe.

huingee-ohh.h. think I got what u mean le... yeah lo.. hao bu rong yi 1 year old liao..

ecmom-glad to hear that!!

Anyone working at tanjong pagar?? I'm working here!
hey Traz
i bought it from my ex-colleague's online site...i dun think it comes with matching top

teresa ville is near telok blangah.

tanjong pagar...a lot of nice food!
did u do the 抓週 thing wif gwyen?
i did it during the sep08 mums gathering for fun.
Ah mei took the calculator.
Funny enough, when i did it again during her lunar bday, she grabbed the calculator too, a different one, and amongst all other distracting stuff...
Bound to be 一个很会斤斤计较的女人?
