(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

spam 2 pics taken w my 2 darlings


blur, u never shave ethan's hair? i plan to shave ah willbotak botak. hee...

here worse la. upstairs ppl every weekend also drill things, kik kok kik kok, dunno what they do. luckily weekdays dun have. probably they all went out working liao.

maid issue:
i am still new to this, though already got some background knowledge. today i will start thinking of what to tell my maid, what to expect and what she expects me to do.
hm... real planning starts today!
but i feel tired.

I'm back! How's everyone? So nice to see all of you still chatting here and keeping the thread active.

u asked abt the magnet? Popular or major bookstores will have. Abt A4 size, behind still hv grids to guide u during cutting.
Daiso also has!
Hope u r coping well with your confinement.

Congrats! So u hv a new addition to the family. Smart looking boy!

Ever since my period came back when meimei was abt 18mths, I hv vvvvvvv sore nipples during ovalution period. I'm still breastfeeding (more like comfort suckling for her) and this painful nipples issue has been ongoing for almost half a year, whenever im in my mid-cycle...so painful that even wiping mself dry with the towel hurts..not to mention when meimei is suckling nonstop at night...

Is it normal??
i dun mind since boy, but hv to ask pete .. i asked him before he said no need. he is dropping hair liao.. maybe i will shave consider hehehe.

when is ur maid coming? for my maid she knows wat to do, but still got things she knows she supp to do but never do. stimes she will volunteer to do.. aiya i close one eye.
if not major, can overlook. otherwise, you will keep on looking out for the things shld din do.

thks for helping to pass the pj to belle :p
ya she loves the kids so i just let be, cos thats her priority, chores is secondary..

tks ) ethan is 3 mths old in 3 days time . cant advise u on the sore nipples part, maybe cos latch wrongly dats why its sore?

on closer look, i think i want ethan to shave, cos some parts are 'weak' think its those bb hair . WHERE to shave bb hair le? any recommendation near punggol?
traz, yo u back. thanks for asnwering the magnet thing. yes yes. i will explore daiso and popular. arigato! confinement is ok! got food, got to sleep, what else can i ask for? hehe

blur, shave him with papa. for the charity! then take photos also.
traz, sore nipples.
i GUESS ah.. meimei sucks v strongly but you still have milk? or already quite dry? cause too dry will cause v sore nipples de.
during menses period, the milk flow is also much lower than normal days.

meimei big le, u can jie4 her from bm?
My First Leappad:
Ayden bit the pen off the old one. We have all the books.. :p I feel very sayang if the books are left idling. Anna enjoyed it previously. Now she's progressed onto the Read and Write leappad. What shd I do?

Anyone has one to sell? I don't mind the condition as long as it's still working.
i ever ask her if she likes BOYS. cos the bbs she's taken care of were all girls. The way she replied me told me she preferred girls.. but then i can see now she likes my boy too cos she calls him MY BOY

re your milk supply, u recalled i say that i latch 1 side, n hand express the other side??? Can try that too, ss will graudally increase during e 1st mth.

I read a report the other day. That mothers who adopt children can induce breastmilk ss with the help of medication! The battle is much tougher for these mothers. Some of them eventually succeed.

QQ: Jia you. I latch and pump the other side when auntie just left too.. Can be done..
today's papers says the indo govt will jail those new mothers who don't breastfeed!! scary.... no milk oso die die must squeeze out.
ha ha. joelle, if i m in indo, then i m safe. so funny.

i m pumping now. ahwill suck one side then sleep. so i pump both sides, mist hand express tiring sia. i m so much =lazier than before, i admit.

bad news. maid not accepting my job offer. she is not comfy w my mil in the household. so weird. so she rejecting me.
agent ask me how often mil come here, i reply she sukA SUKA COME. 50% or more possible but dun need to take care of her de.
then still reject.
i suspect last one oso scare of so many ppl at home. but i did mention oni take care of kids, cooking a bit, and housework. i guess need to find transfer maid

I don't think it should hurt like that. You ought to go have a checkup. I remember last time dunno who breastfeed in pain for VERY LONG before realising that she actually have mastitis, even her LC din even realise.

YT often talk, laugh, cry etc. in her sleep. I think she got very vivid dreams like me. Her speech is very clear and lucid somemore, doesn't even sound like sleep-talk, haha.
And kids develop so shockingly fast nowsadays. My 9mth old nephew can stand up without any support and not only that, I just witness him bending and picking things up from the floor while remaining standing! Wow. I think he should be able to walk very soon, he's already trying to.
blur, haha my 2 monsters will wake ethan up, so better not.. and some more they are just back from sch, full of germs, so better keep them away from ethan :p hey u look gd for a mummy with a newborn!!!

kaexin, no prob! >.<

mejo, thx for coming by to collect ON

QQ 塞翁失马,焉知非福, yr guan yin ma maid will appear soon
The previous one her mum really got stroke la. I asked Grace she said the maid was crying when she told her she can't come cause her mum got stroke. Unless she very good actress :p

Anyway like what Edde says maybe your fated maid will appear soon. Have faith!
huingee, we will not plan mil inside cause she changes hermind v fast one. we are open for both indo and philly.
probably start searching for transfer maid. see our luck liao. this time can bring ah will and choose. see which one can handle him better.

edde, yes i also told jay, maybe sky thinks that this maid is still not goot enough for me later will give me abetter one. yeah! haha!

mejo, yalor. this ah will sot sot one. suddenly smile in his dream, then suddenly scream and scream like kena abuse.

alamak, today i mix my bm with FM for tian. she told me SPICY. i never taste my own bm before, as in drink a cup or wat. haha!!! it is so bu3 that i give it to tian. hope she can have betterbowel movement. haha!

Oh okay, so how? You going RP tomorrow? If not, I'll try to join you all for the lunch meetup on next thurs. Can bring kid one or not?
Mejo: Not only that. It's amazingly fast at the rate they've become faster. I mean.. It was only 3 yrs ago we have our #1. Comparing Anna to Ariel, I can see a difference - not only in the gross motor skills, but also in the way Ariel reacts to her surrounding, the way she is already copy-catting the other 2As and so forth.

QQ: So sorry that you're going through this even before you start to have a maid. Same thing happened to me a few times too. :p For my case, I'm actually glad they change their minds before they start working for me, rather than agreeing to come over only to ask for a transfer less than 1 week into working at my place. :p Happened to me a few times too. :p
haha xie xie, rem next time u drop by again must come in, i feel so paiseh everytime u come in is pass me my loot :p this anthea v cute, ask her wanna see bb? she nodded her head!

bu yao qi nei.. good luck on ur maid search! till now i DUN DARE to drink my own bm :p
not going RP le. U come next Thursday la. hahaa. if not i can drop off to u when I go serangoon garden to eat. I just went on last Sunday! Or u can come my place too.. cos we are near.
sam also talk in her slp... Sometime i tot she woke up... So i latch her to prevent her from waking.. Who knows she is still in her dreamland playing with her papa... I realise she always call for papa and bel in her slp... But nv hear mi...
I always worry tt meimei wil latch til she's 50 yrs old
She needs to latch when she wakes up
Do all breastfeedg mothers hv tis problem?

Come on thurs! Can bring kid la
I also bringg my meimei

If u do drop by pls bring my bag
Else nvr mind

How? Take lve already?

QQ u confirm bringg ah will hor?
So how did CO react when she saw u?

Oh mummies who hv done tis,
how to let e cc know I 1 2 use meimei's CDC account to pay jiejie's sch fees? Get form from principal? Or from bank?
SQ, i will bring ah will, i wonder if he can tahan latching when we are out. i will sweat big time then. very jialat la. he latch also buey steady then i also buey steady. give bottles then both of us also steady bompipi. he steady, i also steady. wat to do leh?
i bring him out and try. ok?

AAA, yalor. but i appreciate the maid told me this before she comes then later wanna transfer. i called her and told her our situations. she had bad experience before with old folks, v naggy and she cannot stand that long term. so this one also cannot le.

blur i also dare not drink my own bm. haha. we poured out some, and ask jay to drink so that i will drink after him. both of us just dili delly and eventually just throw. haha! so funny but he also dare not drink la.
so if he drinks liao then he become my son? MATERNAL relationship? cause the link that mejo posted, quite cheem.
SQ, just let the sch know u r using Baby bonus to pay for jie jie's sch fee.. they will give u a form to fill up and do the paper work for u..

blur, sure
my maid said yr house is very nice.. i also wanna go can guan can guan one day :p
edde, i have a feeling tat u moving house. haha.

interested in the blank cards. chop 2 reams from u.collect from your mum's house
QQ can u imagine i hv spent almost 1 wk packing all my 3 rooms! tmr gonna pack my last but most impt room - store room! wanna faint.. these 2 days pack from 10-6pm.. macam coolie.. my maid is happiest, coz she ta bao a lot of things from me :p

ok, will keep all the cards for u :p will bring to my parents' place this wkend. xie xie guang gu!
edde, two reams.. all ah> u have many reams.? haha..
my bil asked me w to buy b4, so i tot i can give him one ream., haha! and i also using mine until now. still using.

wah u packing until so siong?
good la now still got maid helping u.
Will get hb to ask when he sends YE ter
Wa u keep so many thgs so nicely
I can ONI throw when Meimei outgrows cos my thgs 乱七八糟1

Bring bring
I 1 2c ah will
Dun worry so many pple to help out
QQ i only hv 2 reams left + those loose ones remaining, so its all lor heehee :p ya hv to pack while i still hv help, else dunno next time where to find time and energy to do this with 2 kids in tow liao..

SQ, hahhaha i hope so too! hb said i hv all the chance to pack and slim down once maid has left.. i dunno whether to be happy or sad hahhahaa!
mine worse.
if without packing i stillknow where i place those things. remember mil packed all tian's flash cards into a bag before? then i dunno jay put where already, i ask him to find fo rme, until today still not found.
angry. i told him hao hao de i put there, mil hao3 xin1 go pack (actually she wanna show bil my cards). then jay said zhor deng, and he put somewhere safe, and now really safe until cannot b found.
