(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Star/ Ash/ Kaexin
i think i sent out exactly on 1 jan cos i rem its PH n i was on the way out. Kaexin u sent last yr when? har got 2 batches? yep i saw chloe last nite, she hvnt seen it though.. will watch out for rae tonite!

The pic i sent is her eating icecream..but most of it got cropped..wat u see on tv is only her face, not the disney one cos online dun hv her pic, i cut paste n play cheat to get the effect haha.

did they call or email u?
Belle, Kaexin, Star: What did you girls do to get the pics on? Too late for Anna.. I'll try for Ayden!
I think he'll be overjoyed!

RR: I'm not surprised. Maybe he's relying on you to do it cos you're the organiser of their programmes..

Belle: Forgot to reply on your comment..
Yah, we're quite loving now, I hope we can be like this forever. I don't wish to ever become immuned or take this for granted..

CK: Since your hubby reads to her, you can continue doing the things you like with CK. 分工合作.
Belle: Thanks for the link.. To send in 2mths before, this means it's too early for Ayden right? His birthday is in Sep.
Yup, the children will leave us one day to set up their own families.. We've briefly discussed this before, dunno how this topic came up, but if there's a choice to save only either our child or one of us, the choice would be to save one of us first.. What a morbid thought! :p I hope we never have to make that choice, ever! *touch wood*
Belle: No need wor.. I just read under the faqs to send in at least 2 months prior.. SO I think I can send sooner.. Hahah.. I better do so in case I forgot..
I haven't seent he birthday song advert yet for Mar.. Will keep a lookout for the mar (and apr) babies here who are featured..
Haha i am waiting to see any idea wattime it will come on tv?

Belle/kaexin, i sent in 2 pics dunno which one they picked.

Kaexin which pic did u see of rae?
hi everyone!
very nice pic of chloe! she's really fair-skinned! i hv been a darkie all my life...mum said my grandma tot the nurse mistakenly passed her a malay bb when she saw me for the 1st time!!

It's March n everyone here is bz celebrating their darling's 4th bday i suppose...it'll b just a cake-cutting affair with the family for us..i got this feeling that we'll end up in the zoo again...dunno where else to go..heehee

hope to pop in more frequently to catch up with u ladies...hope i can keep up with your pace!
Hi pretty mama traz, how are u??

Mummies, I dunno if I should feel angry or not, this sat noon supposed to celebrate bd for tian, mil, sil they all will come, thence intend to ask bil family to come too, more than ten adults, then I tot cake should be 2kg la, now they said not coming and all plans cancelled,

Tian asked about her party but we said no party, ONI celebrate with family, nainai, gu Gus, etc etc, now seems like nai nai not coming we won't invite others to come also cause not in good terms with them also,
Maybe will activate contingency plan.
See how.

Really cannot trust them de. Anyway I told jay they might not come but jay Sid otherwise when www first have this idea celebrating at home,
Morning ...

tks. No chance to upload yet. Brought them out for dinner and walk after wild wild wet. My sis wanted to buy presents for them. All knocked out by the time we reached home at 10+.

I saw the figurines you were talking about, $16.90 at Nex too. We have similar of those at home. Reyden made my sis got him a Black Ranger on bike instead. :S

don't be angry bah. I'm sure you have contingency plan, Tian can still enjoy herself. :D
QQ, invite us lor. I gate crash ok?

Hello Traz, saw ur Zoo run in fb. Wah u all super manz, esp ur lao da. Think I will walk and jog for that distance. Mei mei is so funnie. You guys use ice cream to tempt her from her sleep. hahaha..
giolyn, i love to have party but jay said no party initially mah. then ended up we will stay at home.
my house is v messy and terrible that's y i feel paiseh to invite ppl over de..
u gate crash any day also can la then u will see my house is just like a rubbish dump or storeroom. haha!

and i never prepare anything besides the cake also. alamak.

i need time to rearrange my mind first.

RR, actually i din have any contingency plan de. cause this time i am v slack and bochap except the cake. i ordered the same flavour last year, v nice.. choc crunchie..
maybe i go see if i can find a place for her.
belle: very cute pics of chloe!
phew! lucky A didnt bug me on the disney birthday album thingie :p
wat is the max age for kids to be featured?

traz: helo! long time no see here. only see u in fb.

QQ: bo bian lor, cant force them to come too.

RR/autum: i'm trying to stop A fr getting all these action figs liao. i think too much for him as of now.
i'm trying to encourage lego but its so exp! esp those licensed sets like the new ninjago
Thanks for sharing the Disney
Wanna do for didi but if jiejie feel me unfair how?

Elisha sure tell me she want to feature if se see didi photo on tv then she will pester me till she is feature too
QQ: dun stress lah, get a few close frens to celebrate lah.
no need to prep anything, just get a cake most impt and sing her the bday song, this is most impt.

Belle/Kaexin, seems like they broadcast the bday book at 10:30pm everynight. i caught the one last night, dun see rae or chloe, i think could be batch 3 leh.
I will try and look out again today.

Traz, wha very long never see u leh. hahah how is your mei mei, pls post pic.

Ash: rae also never bug me but i want to feature her in the book.. hahah i think all these are my doing and my idea.. hahah then so funny last night i standby in front of the TV with cam but didn't get to see
Ur mil so jialat
Her grandchild bday also dun come
Then Nex yr u purposely hv party but tell her Nt to come
*add fuel to fire*

U jus share ur Cake w us then
No need party
juz to share some light hearted moments:


~A Cup of Tea ~

One day my mother was out, and my dad was in charge of me. I was maybe 2 1/2 years old.
Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a gift, and it was one of my favourite toys.

Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I brought him a little cup of 'tea', which was just water.

After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my mom came home.
My dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!'

Mom waited, and sure enough, here I came down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy; and she watched him drink it up.

Then she said, (as only a mother would know), "'Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet bowl?"
star: yes, its usually the parents who want to do these things :p
bcos we mentioned to A before abt puttign his pic on tv. so we r afraid tt he will keep asking

QQ: ya, i rem'ber u said the choc crunchie last yr's was really yummy :p *tam jiak face*
Ash: I was thinking along similar lines.. That the boy pees into the cup to pass to the dad! But it would be a feat for him to aim into the cup.. Wahaha!!!!

QQ: Next time don t plan them into your plans..

Leftbraini: I can t find the bob readers. Or are these bob the builder readers?
SQ, they are sick so unable to come down.

AAA, idin plan initially, but i just tot they cancelled the NZ trip because of the earthquake, then they will come here de. so jay supported the idea la. so i just ok ok, nothing much to do except cake. haha!!
see la.. what a mess. anyway, i just get a few ppl to cut cake and sing song for her. i think she will b happie
My parents also go tour on my kids birthday. I can't blame them cos they have 4 grandchild and they travel every 2 months. Also my kids place in them is 2nd place compared to my sis kids. :p
Heehee, sat I see I have time or not. If have can drop by your place to eat cake since we stay near now. Cos Esther ballet class till 7pm, then after that eat dinner etc.

Letting go this Disney Snow White princess dress with glitter as hb prefer X to wear the other one without the glitters due to her coughing histories ....
Good for 3-6years old
Retail : $60
RR : Birthday is always FUN & TIRED at the end of the day ^^

AAA: Is not the BOb the builders series is by Scholistic .. it comes 8small booklets/a box

Re: Peter & Jane
My hb found & got 2nd hand ones($1) during his lunch break in a mall

RE: Popular book fair
When? I am keen
Why you ask about the prelim class? Esther was K2 that time, the teacher who accessed her put her in ICR class direct as they just start a new class that week. Hence she only missed the lst lesson which they said it's the revision. Finally her ICR ends in 13Mar, they have primary 1 english lesson but I think I'm not going to let her continue.
Will temp stop as what we want is to let her know how to read.
They have travel kaki, my uncle. He will plan and ask them want to go or not. Every time they will go in a group of old friends, most is my uncle's friend. My mum just came back for Hainan.
Huingee, SQ, my mum is the most on one, she came back from turkey, she had fever there and emergency get s dr to visit her there.
Her weekends are all planned with factory visits, farms, langkawi, etc etc. Until turkey, china, europe.
She is the VIP of the tour group because whoever has no partne can also look for her to make up the numbers,
HN: Just asking.. Cos there's a K2 girl in Anna's class too, and the teacher wants her to stay in the ICR prelim class for a few weeks before letting her go onto the ICR level.
It's good for your parents to travel.. Now that the children are all grown up, it's their time to enjoy lah. Shouldn't tie them down with the grandkids.. I also plan to travel again with my hubby (just us) when our children are older..
Maybe cos the teacher feels that the girl need to know more sounds so that when she goes to ICR she can keep up.
I glad Esther could go into the ICR class as her friends in the her ICR class all have been with the centre for 1 or 2 years.
hi mummies!

i miss coming here to chat... hahaha!

i m so so so busy after the 2 days of zor boh days in office... meetings after meetings... quotes after quotes... i even mixed up who is who! lol!

i think i need to tell my boss to increase my salary if he comfirm me... right now the jobs assigned to mi is beyond my job scope lor! :s
