(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

err..i dun think i wana go out during CNY :p i will most likely hide in my cave. in fact, i shd still be having confinement. will use this as excuse so that mil wont invite relatives over and cook big time.

i notice the JE551 top u were wearing in the pix! wahhaa i will be wearing that too!

flowerworld mummies
the items have just arrived! im so excited! i called speedpost this morning, they said just arrived and they delivered to my office before 6! whahaha!

thanks thanks! yeh excited..!
Mummies.. Do you know that both the Bukit Timah and Dunearn rds were flooded?? No kidding. The water level reached above knee length, and all the traffic stopped moving cos of the high water level. It was quite a sight and many people started taking pics on the bridge. First time for me to see something like this too! *sua ku*

veryberry: Yi Heng is very cute!
veryberry xuejie
hi! *wave*
both ur boys looks so happy and healthy...
r u working?

wow! taken keys! reno starting soon??
where is ur new pl?
im going for my 1st appt for my MP flat 2 wks later..
im suaku! never seen before!
im looking at your loot! u ordered mostly size 11, looks a bit big..except the shorts...shd be just nice for anna
veryberry is your NJ xuejie?
aiming to ask contractor to start reno this weekend but unlikely. gotto attend a lunch wedding etc..hmm..at west coast park...along the way to our sec school at pandan garden..wahaha!
you lost so much weight from the last time i saw you at polliwogs! and heng2 is so chubby! even gorgor is of good weight.. u feed them v well

teach me how you cook everyday with no help and two kids somemore! i wanna learn! post pics of moon and sun leh

so exciting. so when are you starting reno?

when i was studying at bkt timah, always flood on rainy days. once, my frens fell into a drain and were totally drenched cos everywhere was flooded and the water level was above knee level. we had to take out our shoes and waddled around. landed up the exam for that day was postponed cos half of the class was late!

let me go pay mejo first then come back
i find that this time round, for meimei's position, it's not v good. i can feel a lot of pressure "down there", and machiam always full bladder. yet when i go to the toilet, it's not that much pee

i'm already counting down to delivery altho i know i'll miss bb movements after that
mejo thanks

To Account POSB Savings
x30-xx551-x mejo
Amount S$68.17
Transaction Reference 2557472131

since the exchange rate is not good, looks like got to spree from US rather than japan from now onwards
after i reno till nice nice, shall post some pix :p mr tan is excited, he wants to sneak in tonight to take some measurements.

i tot bb is not stagnant at 1 position? i feel that mei mei is always moving, there are times i feel pressure there too but after a while she'll shift again. she's very sensitive, whenever i place my hand on my tummy, she will kick! when i had leia, she simply bochap me! wahhaa

aiyo flowerworld...they miss out 3 pcs leh - belongs to poor kelley, must type in chinese to scold them!
hi i am here too.. on mc at home today, bronchitis.. cham, was wheezing and wheezing, doc ask me if i need the inhaler.. *sigh*.

AAA: i saw the 6:30pm news on channel 8 about the flood and i immediately tot about u. ur side affected? wha the flood damn bad, this place the entire basement car park was flooded and the car fully submerged! wha a sight!

veryberry: hey how r u? nice to see u here leh.. and yes u lost a lot of weight! yi heng looks sooo cute.

SQ; i must remember to pass u the johnsons this sat. with this wheezing, i need to stop kick box for a week lah.

Pink: how is our loot? good?
your loot looks good..there's 1 size 9 which seems a bit big for racia.
my loot not bad! mine consists of 1 top and 1 pants and 2 tights, size should fit.
star: alamak.. so serious? bronchitis..? rae needs to be kept away from you or not?

veryberry: nice to see ur michelin bb! my 2nd is still scrawny

sq; when i have yu he.. last tri.. i had to walk very slowly. coz he was pressing on my varicose veins in the V area.. imagine the pain? ouch!

ok i go grab quick dinner lest the joker wakes up!
astro: no lah.. i wear mask lor.. hahah.. it started from the flu i had on fri.. hahah.. now on salbutomol and antibiotics..think should get better soon. but i hate the med cos it makes my hands tremble. How is YH and ur bfing? all ok?

Pink: can't wait to get the loot. which reminds me, one of the mummies (her daughter is chloe and her hb got colourful hair one) asked about our pong pong skirt. i told her i will email her the website to get the skirt.
Kaexin, SQ,

Can't check yet, cuz not home yet. Will be home tonight.

Hmm, I'm very shocked at the exchange rate wor, cuz hb change cash recently, I think 7th Nov, is 1.554 is to 100 yen. So how come the credit card exchange rate is 1.59?!?! Means credit card make money by upping exchange rate?


That's great news! Yeah!
oh i recognise that daddy with gold hair..hahaa.
QQ's colleague ordered a yellow pong pong, looks not bad..hmm, we are not gonna collect a whole series of colours rite :p

i pass yours to star oki

but this supplier quite silly leh, the list was written so clearly, how can they miss out 3pcs...and there's a bag with 4 pcs of size 13 which doesnt belong to me..hiaz
PInk: i am keen on the pastel green pong pong but i think rae has enuff pong pong liao. wha yellow.,.interesting colour.. hahaha. BTW, the daddy;s hair turned pastel purple last week.. we were joking that he might change his hair colour every week. BTW that chloe is a feb baby, surprrised hor.. she is older than all of us. i thoght she is a may/june baby cos she still looks very babyish.

Mejo: i think CC/bank usually charge a slightly higher exchange rate as compared to money changer? maybe u might wanna prepare more cash instead. how much cash u planning to bring to japan? oh u go to S@L's blog and see her japan photo, its very nice.
Pink: Yah, I ordered bigger sizes for Anna. She's got enough clothes/dresses for now, want to be able to keep them for a while.

Star: My house is up on the hills. Phew! But the traffic outside was totally stalled because of the high water level. I happened to be at Coronation Plaza then, that's how I know. Even when the water level subsided, there were cars parked along the road. I think these cars engines spoilt liao. Poor owners. Wonder if insurance will cover for such damages.

Pink: I think we're all sua-ku in this respect. I really have never seen so much water on the road. And the water is mud color!
Congrats on collecting your keys!

SQ: I think it hasn't flooded in BT for a very very long time liao. The heavy downpour was really too fast and too furious for the drainage to drain the water away..

Yarloh, I din know the exchange rate by credit card so jialat one leh. I'm so happy to find that all my hotels and hostels accept credit cards but now... I'm not sure I want to use credit cards liao if the exchange rate is so different from the money changers. Hb only changed $2K that weekend.
My daily routine is as follow :
7 - 9am Eat breakfast, milk n shower for the 2 kids
10 -12 pm Prepare ingredients for lunch n dinner, cook lunch n take shower
12 - 1pm Eat lunch n latch sun
3 - 5pm Cook dinner n do some housework. If got time, i will take a short nap.
5 - 7pm Crazy time with both awake. Moon's dinner time n sun's feeding time.
8pm onwards Relax time. Both kids getting ready to sleep.

I cook dinner early but then won't get hot food.. Only able to get hot soup... But no choice...
dreamgal: wha impressive that u can still cook dinner, if i need to take care o fthe kids, i think i will tabao all the way.. hahah. this shows my incapability to multitask.

Mejo: i think the rates will flatuate on a daily basis.. sumtimes, u will get good rates from CC.
hi mummies!

Veryberry, hihi! U look great! Heng heng also chubby lei! Good good!

Dreamgal, wahahhaa, u can do it la.

Today went to see dr ong, and i m veri lucky to bring bel to see her. Both mi and sam recovered, but bel is down with a slight cold due to the cold weather. 2days ago i went to polyclinic to see dr for myself, den at the same time since bel is with mi, also let the polyclinic dr see, so this dr prescribe bel a cough syrup tt i nv seen before. And i even told her bel is on vasican syrup and ventolin puff, i wan her to comfirm with mi if she can take the cough syrup she is going to give mi, she say can can, end up bel cough even worst! Even vomit phlegm! To the extend bel is so scare, she sleep beside the dustbin. I was so sad so see her like this. Today i show dr ong the med, dr ong immediately ask mi to stop giving the med and take prospan(i told her i switch to prospan and i see immediate recovery* don noe y itchy backside give the polyclinic cough med) den dr ong said the med is for OLD PPL to eat one, children CANNOT take! Sure cough nonstop.

pls take care.

Hey, i got a serious prob. Told dr ong tt sam don wan and not interested with solid food, she ask mi to stop latching and give fm. I still don wan to stop leh. Anyway, i told her i may stop after i move house. She said sam is treating mi as her attach and instant food source. I just need to continue to find way to feed her.
yvonne: i dun understand the Dr Ong's logic, how come change to FM will make sam wants to eact more solid? both are milk, should not be any different. be it BM or FM, if she wants milk, regardless of which u give her, she will not want solid still right?
here is the prob, sam nv drink any milk from bott before, so dr ong conclude if give bm or fm from bott, sure reduce the intake of milk hence more hungry and will eat solid. Cos right now i m direct latching on demand, so whenever she wants, i give. Den she is clever enought, she onli wan easy food den solid food tt need to chew on. Lol!

Irin, happy birthday!
so either i express now and give ebm or switch to fm. So she will not stick to mi. She is really scary milk monster! Even my sis who is preg now, she also wan her milk! And she onli allow women tt has the milk smell den can carry her. I told and ask dr ong she can smell whether the women have milk meh, she said yes leh, scary!
yvonne: rae was like this too.. u should continue to give her solid. u started her on fruits, give her some steamed cooked apples, itrs sweet, she may like or use ur BM and mix into cereals.. maybe she will like to. its takes awhile and maybe sam is not adventurous in solid.. thus slower in wanting to eat.

irin: Happy birthday!?
no leh, didn't go out for dinner. We were dead tired by the time we came back in the afternoon and it was still raining at dinnertime.
We went on the SG flyer in the morning, lunch at JP then to the Live Turtle & Tortoise Museum at Chinese Garden. So tired ...
nw tt u mentioned, i rem u saying abt yh's position. so uncomfy rite? i oso hv 2 walk to walk slowly at times, or when getg off the bed

i dun dare go toysrus liao. hee
Happi birthday again!

i brot home the pullout to show K the bicycle and she told me she wants the supermkt trolley instead.

veryberry, everyone's looking so good.

yvonne, dr ong gave me the same advice when i was asking her abt domie's eating habits. just have to try and find some way to feed her if you don't want to wean her off yet. and your polyclinic incident is so scary!
