Support group - Miscarriages


happen to read in another thread that u r still bleeding heavily. it sounds serious. i m very surprise that ur gynae didn't seem to explain anything much to u. and fr ur previous postings, he seems not to mention anything much to u except to take blood test after blood test.

r u ok? i m concern that there may be some reason/ complication that causes the heavy bleeding. pls ask ur gynae for details on mon. i hope i m not offending u or the gynae, but do consider seeing another gynae if u get no satisfying ans fr ur gynae.

millie, tiny, snuffles, curly, everyone

thanx for all your concern...

got questions in my mind too.. and hope that next week once the blood test report is out, I will be able to get more answers from the gynae
I guess my case must have a very strange one... cos first I tested faint positive, then my temperature drop and my "AF" came with heavy bleeding and blood clots. Then spotting... my hormone level doubled again and it drops within a week, and that may be the cause that my bleeding is become slightly heavier again. I think this is all v strange... will definitely ask my gynae more when I see him...
Hi poohy,
Do take good care esp with the heavy bleeding. The other girls here tell me that taking Dom, food cooked with ginger and danggui is good. If u can, don't rush back to work too quickly.

Hi Millie,
Long time no hear. How are u? I never used to have any PMS before, but during my 1st AF (after the m/c), there was a lot of cramping before and after.

Hi Tiny,
Heh heh.... my cute colleague is French.
I know what u mean abt the relative attractiveness... I think the one that are more dashing (personal statement, no offence intended) tend to have darker colouring, no? It's because of their climate and the fact that a lot of them have Moorish blood through centuries of breeding.

Hi Folic,
Heard from a shopping buddy that there are labels galore in Tuscany too! Check out They offer 6 hr chauffeured trips around Tuscany's factory outlets which include Gucci, Prada, Armani (GBP 170 per car for 4 pple)
hey millie, just realised that our cycle coincides exactly! Today is also Day 8 for me! Maybe we can try together this mth and both have good news.
I sometimes get cramps during AF (esp Day 2) but this time, like I said, quite strange. Didn't get any. I think it's rather normal though, normally I have some discomfort and always need to go to the toilet to poo!!

Snuffles, yes, yes...agree totally. lol! I think guys with a darker skin tone/good tan are more aesthetically pleasing...guess the miserable weather in UK doesn't help the way why are you living in London? Wanted to ask u before but didn't wanna be too kaypo. Just curious cos my sis & 2 close friends r also living there.
Hi gals!

Poohy, so sorry to hear about your results. Do rest well!

Snuffles, I think the egg white CM is an indication of ovulation but somw women has less and might not be noticeable. Since you are already using the ovulation kit, then just trust that thing and dance dance dance!!
Oh, and thanks for your link, will definitely do some trip research!

millie, I find that my menses after the miscarriage is also longer, ie, takes more days to completely stop spotting. Don't know if there is a link though.

Hi linda, good to see you post! yeah, I definitely will work very very hard next month!

ok.. now back to some trip planning and dreaming about dark handsome italian men!

folic, how envious of u! remember to be real naughty during the trip! hee.....

tiny, i m trying this mth too! haa...well, gd luck to us both!
by the way, ttc everyday better or alternate day better? i m still spotting but what the heck, shall hv fun and ttc at the same time. hopefully, a baby will be made in the process.

poohy, better to check with ur gynae the details. hope all's fine with u. it takes time to recover - both physically and emotionally. take care yah.
Hi Millie, I also don't know...tried alternate day before, didn't work...every day also didn't work! But I think alternate day enough lah. Read somewhere about 36 hours interval is enough...if i remember correctly. It's really tiring every day! I've bought an ovulation kit, can't wait to try it. Hee...very suaku never use before. But according to my calculations I should only start using it on Day 15 or 16! Like very far away leh! I believe your expected Ovulation date is much earlier than mine right?

Don't worry about the spotting, I also started already despite mine...

Oh well, enjoy ttc this mth! Goodnight!
Hi millie & tiny, I think the mid-cylce spotting should be normal as per my gynae & GP friend. But it's cute to know that we gals after D&C experience this. Perhaps I'll check with them again in 2 weeks time. Me going to Tokyo this week ;) Can't wait for a such break! Happy Easter everyone! Cheers!
Hi ladies,

Thanks for all your advice and encouragement. I've been having mid-cycle spottings for about 10 years liao.. very long hor? and as a result, my cycles are quite long, ranging from 35 to 42 days.

Have seen 2 gynaes and 1 GP about it. Their conclusion was hormonal imbalance... Hope you gals will succeed soon with healthy pregnancies and cute babies!

really thanx for your concern... My blood report today came out and it is 171 (last friday was 172). So only drop a bit only. As I am not that willing to go for d/c (scared of any medical procedures/surgery etc) so .. gynae say wait till wednesday to see whether it drop else go for d/c. I hope I dun need to go for one though I am bleeding heavily again

He said it may be 2 miscarriages... as in twins. Quite sad but guess nothing I can do....

hope the rest of u have a successful time ttc ;)

so sorry abt ur double loss. pls be assured tt d&c is a painless surgery. depending on ur situation, u may need to go for one. see what gynae says. in the meantime, remember to rest and eat well.

tiny, i am starting only tom. don't know in time or not. and partly, work quite stressful these couple of wks. well, share hope for gd news to share by next mth! and think hor, i also go for alternate days lah. unless we super horny?!? hee...

snuffles, i m ok. thks for asking. looking forward to ttc and crossing my fingers!

silk, have a gd time in tokyo. shld be the sakura season now right? wow...have fun and relax!
Hi poohy. i'm so sorry to hear about ur loss. just want to give u a big hug now. so sad. do take care of your health ok.

Hi millie. yes it's sakura season. thank you will have fun!
Hi poohy, wish u the best of luck. Please take care.

Hi folic, practice some restrain hor.
Dun spend too much $$$ but definitely let ur eyes enjoy...

Hi Tiny, u are so right abt the weather! Ha ha, we had a team golf workshop recently and u would have laughed at the pale pasty British legs. Hubby & I both studied here and found jobs after grad. Since economy in S'pore not too good anyway in the last few years, we have just stayed on. But it may be time to rethink the decision: cost of bb here no joke!

Hi silk, Tokyo is just so beautiful this time of year. Envy...
Hi snuffles. I like London. I'm crazy rite? Visited London last year Sept. Yeah Tokyo is scenic in April due to sakura session. 1 more day to go & I'm on my way there! Yippee! Looking f/w to my 3rd cycle too!!! So can TTC. Hee hee....
Hi poohy, BIG HUGS!!! As Millie pointed out, the D&C is painless so don't worry too much about it ok? It might be better to do a D&C to clean the womb properly. Otherwise, it might give rise to more problem later, like cysts, fibroids etc. This was what happened to one of the other girls that I was chatting with on the US miscarriage board. Do take care!!

Hi snuffles, I will try to restrain. Luckily, I am not much of a shopping person but I do like to go outlet shopping, especially when I happened to be in the US. As for the other restraint- my hubby will be the one restraining my eyes :D

Hi Silk, I hope you enjoy yourself in Tokyo! Eat more sushi!!! :D

Hi poohy, so sorry to hear about your loss. My heart goes out to you.... Like what millie and folic said, d&c is painless.

I saw a counsellor last friday and I think it sort of help. I will be seeing her again for another 2 or 3 sessions. If you are interested, let me know. Meanwhile, please take care of yourself.

thanx!! I really appreciate it.

I will be going for another blood test follow by ultrasound scan tomorrow. So if required, will follow by the d/c. Just hope that things will finally be over this week...
Hi Poohy,
How was your ultrasound? Any mysteries solved? You seem to have been bleeding for a long time, and like millie says, it is quite worrying. Esp when your gynae doesn't seem to find anything conclusive despite the tests. Hope it'll be over soon. If you really need a D&C rest assured there is no pain. in fact, it may be a form of closure you might need at this moment.

Silk/Curly, what are your counselling sessions like? As in, is it for helping you cope with the loss or to help with the next step (as in ttc)?
Dear Poohy, I was browsing this website when I found some info which may be helpful for you. I remember you asked somewhere why your hcg levels are still high, and this may answer it. The article is actually about why we should wait at least a cycle after m/c to TTC again, but it seems relevant.

"If you have retained tissue, your period will be "late" (although all post-miscarriage periods take more than four weeks and are late) and you can even have a POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST, but you are not pregnant. This is hCG left in your system from the miscarriage, which has not completed. You may begin bleeding and cramping and think you are having another miscarriage, but you are just still going through the first one. We have had women on the site grieving over a 2nd lost baby, naming it and everything, when it turned out she only had missed tissue from the previous loss. Having a D&C does not guarantee that all the tissue was taken. About 1/4 of the women on this site with missed tissue had a D&C. If you did not wait for a real period, you will not know if a pregnancy test really means you are pregnant again, or if your loss has become a long drawn-out ordeal. "

You can read the whole article here:

thanx for the article... I think I had also read it before. The funny thing abt the hcg level is that... after having 1 week of very heavy bleeding and blood clots, we thought its over. Even though I know hcg level will still be presence as it takes times to go away... but the serial blood test taken shows a doubling of hcg instead of gradual dropping. This is when the doc suggested it may be a viable pregnancy. We started having hope again only to find that by end of the week, the hcg level has drop once again. I started having a 2nd round of heavy bleeding.. though its now becoming slightly heavy spotting already.

Yesterday's scan did not find anything abnormal and the blood test shows my hcg level has drop some more though not as fast as normal. So the gynae concluded it as a miscarriage and advised that since I am already miscarrying on my own, it is more advisable to have a natural miscarriage than to go thru d/c. I was given antibiotic and will go back for review in 2 weeks.

I guess its over finally... at times, I still harbour hope that somehow maybe God will do a miracle and the hcg starts doubling again and my baby survives.. but i think this is really going to be over in the next 1-2 weeks as my hcg level slowly drop to zero.

I just hope to try again asap... but my gynae had advised waiting for 6 weeks...
Its a little frustrating for me... cos I hardly ovulate on my own and thus hardly have spontaneous period. So need to take provera to induce a period before starting clomid+metformin. I normally ovulate on cd22... so u can imagine what a long wait it will be... if i wait 6 weeks, my hubby will be in reservist during my fertile period. So I am really thinking of trying to take all those medicine again once the spotting stops...

now i just wonder whether a miscarriage will change our cycle pattern somehow. And whether I will still be able to react to the clomid+hcg and ovulate on cd22 or before ...

its impt to me to start trying again... these past few years... I had put off trying for a child aggressively even though we did try to take medicine (becos of my heavy workload and study) ... now I am approaching 29 end of the year... it becomes an urgency to me. And since the day I realised I am pregnant... my whole life's gravity shifted to my baby... unhappiness at work, in life, all become so small compared to my baby... losing my baby also means a loss of gravity in my life... though it may have such a brief existence... that's why I really wanna try again asap...

thanx a lot of all your encouragement.. I really appreciate it deeply.

throughout the past few weeks, I find my gynae a great help. Though there are things that remains puzzling to me, but I am glad that he had been very cautious and had ordered repeated test to monitor instead of just asking me to go for d/c at the first indication of the drop in hcg. For me, this is a life at stake and it warrants repeated test to be very sure and conclusive. I also prefer to miscarry naturally so I guess at least his stand is in line with mine.
HI Poohy,

I can totally relate to your eagerness to start again. I am 34 this year and time is definitely not on my side as well. However, do let your body rest and not be in too much of a hurry or it might do harm to your body. More importantly, you need to feel that you are ready emotionally.

It is good that your gynae thinks that you can do without the d&c. I am sure he will make sure that you expel all the tissues in your next visit. Take care!

I come in to this thread every now to read and can feel the warm for the support given to each other.

Poohy... I agree with Folic... despite your eagerness to have a baby... I personally feel that you should heed your gynae's advice and rest well for now. Build up your body before you TTC again... take it as doing a favour for yourself and the next baby that will be coming along.

Take care.
hi poophy
sorry to hear about yr loss. do take care and build up your health again.
like u, i m eagerly wanting to start a family after waiting for 4 yrs (i'm 30 now), when i was pregnant last yr, i was extremely thankful, but it eventually ended in a bad news after 4 mths. i think i was too eager to try again the 2nd time round, n although i succeeded, it turn out to be bad news again.
i guess its really impt to rest our body well and start again when we r both mentally n physically ready.
i understand what u r going thru now, do rest well this few weeks and take some 'heaty' tonic.

Dear Poohy,
AS I read your post I could really emphatise with every thought you shared. I went thru the exact same thing and felt/feel exactly like you! My ovulation day is also normally after CD20 and after m/c I was hoping it would change. it hasn't really, but in the last 2 cycles it has been more consistent. My cycles used to be anything from 35-50 days so I know what u mean abt the super long wait. My last 2 cycles (6 mth after m/c) were about 33 days. so i take that as a good sign. ((big hug)) for u!

Over this Easter esp, I'm afraid I'll be thinking more about it, cos my EDD would've been sometime soon, which is a week before my 30th birthday. So I understand what you mean by 'urgency'. But I have finally come to terms with the fact that I will not have my 1st child before 30. I'm also starting to realise there's no point thinking of what could have been and/or comparing myself with my friends who already have 1 or 2 children cos it doesn't help the situation. All it has done is to make me cynical and bitter, and I hate it!

I just hope and pray this Easter that there'll be 'new life' in all the sense of the word - and that TTC will not be as torturing as I myself have made it in the last few months.

Don't forget to take care of yourself first ok?
Hi poohy, like what folic, odie and cookies said, it is very important to rest both physically and emotionally before trying again. At least your gynae recommended 6 weeks. Mine advised me to try again in 3 months' time.... Like you (and the rest), I am very eager to get pregnant again... Now I can only wait till I pass my 31st birthday....

You know, my hcg level was not even dropping but increasing at a very slow rate and my gynae suggested d&c. I guess even if I carried on, it would still end up miscarrying...

Do take care of yourself.

Hi tiny, my sessions with the counsellor is to help me to overcome my grief. I had been to my counselling session once and during this 1.5 hrs, it was to get to know about our family and myself (about everything). She's good in the sense, while I was telling her some stuff and she was able to sense that I did not look like what I appeared and she would tell me. Like, on appearance, I looked very confident but I was not ....

I will be going again in 2 weeks' time and this session would be "an empty chair therapy" (can't remember the exact name). I have to give my baby a sex and name... Not too sure what it's about but she assure me that it's very helpful. At the last session, I was told that we could do a burial??

After overcoming the grief, there will be session(s) on ttc (fertility awareness). If you are interest, let me know.....
Also wanted to add that i understand the confusion u had..and the hope that some miracle will happen and all this is cos of the waiting time right now, not knowing what will happen tomorrow. i remember after my gynae detected the 2nd smaller sac, confirmed my right ovary had produced 2 eggs and told me my spotting & light bleeding was cos that pregnancy was not viable, i had to push aside the sadness and 'concentrate' on the bigger sac which seemed totally fine at that point. Growing well, i was even putting on weight, etc. however the continuous spotting scared me and those 2-3 weeks were the longest weeks in my life! ended up with a missed abortion for the other one despite clinging on to the hope that all would be fine. it felt like a cruel joke, really. one moment there, the other moment gone. another moment there, alas, gone again. Looking back, there's really little we can do and such is life. Just have to pick ourselves up and move on, hopefully stronger!

Heal well, and believe me, coming in here helps in the healing process.

thanx.. ya I find that confiding in all of you helps me a lot.. at least I get it out of my system. Actually my bleeding had somehow subsided to spotting.. so I feel I can actually go back to work.. but decided to stay at home to rest (since my gynae give me hospitalization leave)... my boss is just too unappreciative even if I go back... so I also bochap already.
Hi poohy,

Yah.. rest well. Don't worry too much about the job. Can always find another job but cannot find back health.

Today, I heard some bad news from another girl in the US website. She is about 18 weeks along with twins. Today, she was supposed to find out the sexes of the babies. Instead, she found out that one of the twins has died at around 9 weeks. She was so baffled and lost cos she heard the heartbeat of both babies in the last check up. The doctor says that it is the echo of the other baby's heartbeat. I am not sure how they will deliver the dead baby but I am very very sad by what I heard. She lost another set of twins in Mar last year and was so happy in having twins again. Sigh... why does it have to happen to her again? Anyway, her name is Tabi and I hope you will keep her and her babies in your prayers.

Hi poohy,
Rest well too. My heart is with you.

Just wanted to share this phrase with you, the card with these words were given to me by my close colleague after the "incident".

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; But often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." By Helen Keller.

BTW Helen Keller is a blind lady. You can read more about her life here

Hey cheer up everybody, anyway we can all look forward to a long weekend! Happy Easter everybody!
Hi Java,

that is one of my fav quotes. Marie (the Sound of Music) said something similar just when she was leaving the abby to go the VonTrapp family.

Yah.. sorry, I made the mood about down today. You are right! Cheer up! It is a long weekend!! I have no plans for the long weekend.. just want to 'nua' at home
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

hi folic,
wah u so fast reply my message, never do your work come in here and surf net ah? hehehe I also sama sama lah. Just now almost kenna caught by my boss. Yes. I love Sound of Music. I think she said something like "When God closes a door, He opens another window"

I have another story to share:

The Law of the Seed

Take a look at an apple tree.
There might be five hundred apples on the tree, but each apple has just ten seeds.
That's a lot of seeds!

We might ask, "Why would you need so many seeds to grow just a few more apple trees?"
Nature has something to teach us here.
It's telling us: "Not all seeds grow. In life, most seeds never grow.

So if you really want to make something happen, you had better try more than once."

This might mean:

You'll attend twenty interviews to get one job.
You'll interview forty people to find one good employee.
You'll talk to fifty people to sell one house, one car, one vacuum cleaner, one insurance policy, or a business idea.
And you might meet a hundred acquaintances just to find one special friend.

When we understand the "Law of the Seed", we don't get so disappointed.
We stop feeling like victims.

We learn how to deal with things that happen to us.

Laws of nature are not things to take personally. We just need to understand them - and work with them.
Hi Java,

see, I reply fast fast again. yes you are right.. I holiday mood liao.. don feel like working. Hubby went to play golf today so I feel like I am the only one who needs to work. So feeling very 'unbalance'!

I have been surfing web since 2pm :p. btw, I went to this clinic at Camden Medical Center this morning. I needed someone to look at my aching shoulder very badly so I just searched for places that does tui na. This clinic is quite interesting - many of the doc there have training in both chinese and western medcine. I think they also have fertility treatment and hormone therapy etc. Go take a look at their website

Oh Java, I loved sound of music. I must have watched it about 100 times :D And when I went to Salzburg many years ago for holidays, I made my friends take a guided tour called "the sound of music tour' and we visited some sites where they filmed the movie- eg, the gazebo where liza sang I'm 16 going on 17, the church, the cemetry where they hid from the Nazis, the house where the children came back after their first outing etc etc

oooh! I love Sound of Music too!

My favourite scene is the Lonely Goatherd where the children and Maria perform the puppet show. I simply love that song.

Enjoy your long weekend, girls!
Poohy, don't go back to work then. Since u're covered for medical reasons and ur boss is unappreciative... u wouldn't want to feel more agitated at this time and the worst thing is to have to go back to work and face a boss who doesn't understand, worse still, unreasonable.
Hi everyone!

Hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend! I had a lazy Friday, went to JB for movie on Sat (enter the phoenix- watch there so that can see it in cantonese)and then went back to JB again on Sunday to visit mil.
So it is quite good overall.

Well, it is back to another long week at work. I am counting down to my Italy trip - 18 more days!!

hi gals,

hope u all have a happy long weekend
I am feeling better and bleeding has become spotting now. Back at work...

dun think I will need professional counselling ... cos we are coping ok emotionally so far. I am keen to start ttc again when the spotting stop and all. So now, everyday pray the spotting will stop asap.

btw gals, I am still take folic acid daily... do u all have any ideas whether taking vitamins like folic acid will delay the dropping of the hcg level ?
I went to watch Saturday Night Fever on Saturday night. Great performance! Too bad Singapore audience are too shy to stand up and dance....

poohy, glad that you are coping ok. I am back on my feet after 2 weeks of crying... Life still goes on. I will still continue with my counselling....

I am also taking folic acid, multi-vit and calcium. Not too sure the connection with hcg though....
Hi Poohy and Curly,

Glad to see that both of you are feeling better. Poohy, I continued with my folic acid even after d&c, on gynae's recommendation, so I guess it should not affect HcG etc. In any case, you will get folic acid from food as well, so I don't think it will affect your HcG. If you don't feel comfortable, why don't you stop and ask your gynae in the next visit?

Hi Tears,

did you just have a recent loss? I hope you are coping with your loss. Do come in often to chat with the rest of us.

It is not mandatory to take folic acid after miscarriage but if you intend to TTC again, then it would be good to continue with one tablet per day.

Take care!

Yes, jus lost my bb abt 1.5wks ago.... I was abt 7 wks pregnant. Imagine that at wk 5, can c the BB and the heartbeat. Did inform the doc tat i got on and off spotting, but doc said since the scan reflected BB heartbeat, then it is ok.

In less than 2 wks, i got bleeding and my hubby rushed me to KKH. I waited for an hour at KKH 24hrs clinic and doc admitted me as BB got no heartbeat. But in the meantime, he gave me nothing....No injection nor medicine to hold the BB while waiting for the 2nd option scan in the morning...

The next morning, BB no longer there... cant find it...

so sorry to hear about your loss.

Do u need to do a d/c ?

Hope u r feeling ok... do come in here and vent out your feelings and etc... I too lost my bb abt 2 weeks ago... now still bleeding from miscarriage. But coming here and venting out my grief, emotions and frustrations really helps.
Dont noe is D/c or not, but it is called something like the evaculation of the tissues. Although the BB is no longer in the womb, but doc said it is better to go for washing to clean up all the thing....

It was really a nightmare for me at that time. When we will at the 24hr clinic, the doc scan and said that my bleeding is at this loc and the BB is at another location. But, there wasn't any heartbeat. I was admitted to KKH after another hour of waiting. Was told to go for a second scan in the next morning and not to take any food or drinks.

i went for scan at around 9somthing. I prayed that my BB had heartbeat. Waited for another hour. The doc who scan me told me that there was no BB in my womb. I dun noe where is my BB, but i am sure my BB did not flow down together with my bleeding as i only see blood in toilet. No clot nothing. but where had my BB gone to..... no one noe, and i noe that my BB had left me....
It was so sad... why? Why??

Guess life jus have to move on and thus i waited for the washing. But for another hr i waited at my ward, no doc came to see me. I asked and found out that ADC had lost my file!!

You imagine that i was already very very sad and just wanna go for washing and then go back home to cry myself to bed.... But now, i have to wait! Waited from 11am and till 7pm... then go for the operation.... Every mins in KKH was a torture. I was deprived for food and drinks. Meaning to say that since the previous night dinner from abt 9pm till the next day 7pm, for abt 22hrs, i had no food and no drink.

It doesn't help any whereby the 2 bedmate beside me who are in KKH later than me went for the operation. One even already check-out when i was wheeled to the operation....

Why must i suffered the long wait due to KKH lost of my file..... and as such I had to stay in KK for another night again. My poor hubby waited for me from 7am till 7pm. We thought i can be discharged at around 1pm. But instead, i had to stay another night.

I asked the doc who saw me at the 24hr clinic why my operation was delayed, biting back my tears. <font color="0000ff">In my heart, i really wanted to ask him why didn't he gave me any injection to help to hold my BB on the night that i came. But i cant as i really hate him for that and i noe i will break down.</font> To him, it might be just tissues, but to me, that was my BB, it is a life!!

The doc said the delay was due to the loss of file. Told him dun gave me excuses, as to me, it was their internal problem. And the reply i got is You don't have to be rude!!! I couldn't believed he said that...... How can he be so insensitive.... Do he expected me to talk to him smiling at that point of time???

It was really a very very bad experience for me in KKH. Every min added to my stay in KKH was like rubbing salt to my already bad wound....

Sorry for being so long-winded... but i would really have take it better if not for the long long wait in KKh and the insensitive of the docs and nurses......
Dear Tears, my sympathy to you. I do agreed with you that the service needs heaps of improvement. Just cry ok. It works for me. I feel much better when I cry. I still do now though it has been 3 months since my 18 weeks gal died.

Dear Tiny, the counselling is to make me 'talk' instead of hiding everything inside. I have been there twice. On the TTC part, so sorry I have no idea yet. Will be going there this Fri again for my 3rd session. Do you need me to check anything for you?
Hi Tears,

I am so sorry to hear about your bad encounter with KKH. It certainly does not make it any better! Do you mind sharing how advanced in the preg were you when you lost your baby? I hope you will rest well. Cry if you must, and vent here if you need. We have all gone through similar experience and would be happy to help you recover.

Hi Tears, so sorry to hear about your loss and bad experience at KKH. We all know that it's not easy..... But we have to learn to cope.

For myself, the first 2 weeks were the most difficult. All I did was cry and asked why. But I never got any answers. My counsellor said instead of asking why, maybe we should ask how. And it helped me. No doubt I still can't figure the "answer" (or there's no answer), I know that my bb is now safe wherever he is.

Please take care of yourself now and be strong (I know it's easy to say). We are all waiting to ttc again...... As my hubby said, our time will come.

Can I ask if any of you girls here take DOM? I have been taking it for 1 week plus. Last Saturday, I discovered lots of rashes on my legs.... Not too sure if it's too heaty (DOM and tonic soup). But every time I finished my DOM, my rashes will turn red.....

Dear Curly, folic and Silk, thanks for your comforting messages. Sometimes really makes me wonder how come such things can happened... But life jus gones on!

<font color="0000ff">Do you noe that 3 days after my discharge frm KK, I went back again as i felt painful. When the doc checked me, she was so clumspy that she made me so painful till i cried. i can tolerate pain quite well, but she was really bad... and i had to ask her to be gentle.

Then after the scan, she said i got blood clot inside my womb and asked if i wanna admitted again for another washin... i nearly fainted cos this meant that the previous washin was not done cleanly...At the end, i chosen to take medicine. Today, i finally finished all the antibiotic.</font>

Folic, i was abt 7 wks pregnant. When i went checkout at 5wks, my BB still ok with heartbeat. But i had spotting on and off, but the specialist at KK said it is ok.... Till now, i still wonder if i went to another doc, will i still be carrying my BB...........

Curly, i had not take DOM yet cos my mum cooked some herbal for me. Scared too heaty and also one of the antibiotic said avoid acholol. But i take Ess of Chicken every night.

Will be taking DOM tonight since just completed the course...
