Support group - Miscarriages


so sorry to hear your bad encounter. Are u seeing a dedicated gynae at KKH or u normally do not specify a specific gynae.

I was seeing a specific gynae at KKH and had been with him for past 1.5 year and through the stressful 3 weeks of my miscarriage... and overall the experience was great and comforting. He was very caring and cautious. I think in all hospitals there are bound to be some black sheeps ard.

really hope u r recovering well... I am also taking antibiotic now... finishing it tomorrow. do take good care and rest well

Poohy, thanks! I understand abt the black sheep. But so far, all the doctors tat i c in KK are lack of empathy and they cannot tolerate patients being emotional.... sigh.... the procedure is fast, but the waiting is very very long....

i dont see a specific doc, and the 1st doc i c, i dun like. Felt that he is very inexperience and lack of concern. And who noe, when i went to the 24hrs clinic, he happened to be on duty... Count myself unlucky....

Me already back in office working.. sometimes, i still felt very sad. Hubby din really understd and find that i shld not grieve too much...

maybe its becos I normally see my gynae in the private the waiting time is relatively short. Normally wait less than 30 min or even less. My gynae is a consultant.... maybe the gynae you saw was a junior etc. Mine comforted and reassure us a lot... and even encouraged us not to be disheartened.

I am also back in office working since yesterday. Somehow, cant really concentrate a lot... but no choice tons of work to do... so really must force myself to concentrate lor ....

I guess sometimes guys think differently than us. My hubby also feel I should not keep harping on it... though he is quite understanding of me so far ... I feel the level of grief felt may be different.
Hi Tiny,

If there is still blood clot in the womb, it would be better to have it thoroughly cleaned or it might give rise to future complications. If you don't feel right about KKH, why don't you go to another gynae elsewhere? At least it can save you some tears.

Also, I wanted to tell you this. Usually, when a miscarriage happen, the one to feel it most is the mother. Your husband will not feel as strongly as he does not have that physical bond with the baby yet. Or rather, it may not seem as 'real live' to him. It doesn't mean that he is not concerned for you but asking you not to keep harping on it is one of their way of coping with the loss. My husband reacted in a similar way as well. Now that the loss is more than 6 months, he said that is is cos he does not want me to be too sad. Both of you have gone through a lot and I am sure you can sense a bond that has developed between the two of you as well. I hope you will cherish this bond and strengthen together as a couple.

Take care!

Tears, I was talking to my colleague abt DOM and she also kenan rashes...... I think I might have overdosed a few nights, hence the rashes!! I think I either have to cut down to 1 tbsp or stop totally..... Meanwhile, please take care.

poohy, can understand what you mean.... can't concentrate but we still need to focus.

I suppose guys grieve differently from girls. We tend to be more emotional.... I am glad that my hubby has been very strong and supportive, no doubt he sometimes feels irritable when I cry....
Curly, although we are supposed to take more "heaty" things at this stage to "pu" our body, but pls remember not to eat too much. Maybe because u r still taking herbal, thus too heaty.

For the past 12 days, i did not drink any plain water as i can only allowed to drink Logan red date drink. Only drink plain water recently and also when i take medicine.

Poohy, glad that u dun suffered what i went through in KK. Guess it was really bad luck of me and thus had to suffer so much. My hubby was telling me not to go back KK in the future.... He also find that it is really hopeless...

folic, i agreed. My hubby always tell me he would never really understand how i feel as the pain is not on him. By telling me that he understand is lying as He is not Me. He cannot feel the life in me. But hubby was quite nice to me and he now does the cooking and cleaning...

I had read some of your stories and know how you all have go through. I just think that all of you are very brave.
Tears, actually I didnt take much herbal stuff throughout these 3 weeks. Only had herbal brandy chicken twice and dang gui twice. Plus DOM for this 1 week+. You didnt drink water for 12 days? Tell you, I even had sng buay drink.... hahah... when my mum got to know abt it, she was so mad!! Actually I also had sng buay after my d & c....

I think nobody can understanding our feeling as each of us are individual.....

Tears, you know, you are also as brave!
Curly, thks!
We must try to stay positive...

u still drink sng buay, after ur d&c? Goosh!! Is it cold one?? During this period, try not to drink cold water!! Yap, i din drink plain water for the past 12 days except when i in KK. After tat, i drink the logan red dates drink. Only when take medicine, i drink water. but since yesterday, i drink some plain water liao....

I was even forbid from bathing, though i got secretly bath...
On the first day home, i bath at night and kanna scolding from my mum. Must boil special herbs for bathing to reduce the "wind". Anyway, now i jus bath in hot water since it is abt 2wks liao.

Seriously, i really wishes my AF will come fast fast.... quite worry as mine is vey irregular abt 2mths.... i really wanna TTC asap...

Funny hor... I used to wish that my AF came as late as possible, and thus it really did... But now, i hope it will come fast fast.

i think i am the worst... I only drink cold water... so I havent stop drinking cold water... despite my mum constant nagging... lol I just cant stand drinking milo and other heaty stuff... always give me sore throat...

as for the AF part... same here. My AF is so irregular last time.... sometime even 1 year also dun have.. and I always very happy.. cos save the trouble. Now everyday I pray that my bleeding from the miscarriage will stop.. cos I am still spotting!!!! and I can get go-ahead to induce my AF again .... I hardly ovulate on my own .. so need to induce my AF :p I think I never dream there will be a day where instead of praying my AF dun come, I pray I can make it come asap ...

hope we all can start ttc ASAP.. I cant wait liao... its been a dreadful 4 weeks!
hi tears,

so sad to hear ur story and the bad experience u had. i understand how u feel abt looking forward to AF. did ur gynae advice u to start immediately? esp after u had a d&c? think u better go to another gynae for the next checkup. the doc sounded so unprofessional! esp during ur moments of anguish! do take care ok!

poohy, glad tt u r recovering both physcially and emotionally. AF will usually be delayed after d&c. but if urs is fr inducing, does it work on the same principle?

hi all, i had a gd wkend rotting away. watched the passion of christ. although i m not a christian, i teared watching the movie. it's really well filmed. a bit grusome as the torturing part is so real with blood and flesh flying all over the place.

my sis-in-law just annouced over the wkend tt she's pregnant. *sigh* i m happy for her but i felt a sense of loss. didn't talk to her much abt the pregnancy. hope she doesn't think tt i m jealous of her! oh well, hope tt my ttc is successful and all is well.
Yes Tears, we must stay positive. Our time will come eventually.

No only I drank sng buay, the first thing I ate after d&c was sng buay..... I puked after my d&c and I needed something to remove that awful taste..... My dad even gave me ice cream (2 days later)! hahaha... For the first 2 weeks, I drank just plain water.

I also showered after I was discharged and washed my hair on second day bec buay tahan liao!

Now I also wish my period will come asap so that I can monitor my ovulation period... My gynae told me to wait 3 months before trying. When I see him next Saturday, I will have 2 more months to go, so it's not long wait. But the thought of it seems very far away....
Hello girls,

Tears, sorry to hear your story, and the awful experience u had. ARe you considering changing gynae? I think it's important to feel comfortable with your gynae esp in such a situation!

millie, same here...a close church friend just announced she's pregnant over the weekend, so u know how it is...

I was quite naughty this easter. I chose not to go to church for Good Friday service cos i knew there would be Baby baptism and I just couldn't bear to sit through it again. Last Christmas, I couldn't control myself and was crying throughout the whole thing. My hubby was upset with me and went to church alone. i'm so terrible right?

Anyway, i've also tried using the OPK sticks, and this is my 3rd day (I started on CD15) but still no positive sign. I do hope I will ovulate this cycle.

Curly/Tears, I think it's ok to take a shower. I can't imagine not washing when you're bleeding, I always feel so icky & yucky down there! Just make sure you take a warm shower & not a bath. My gynae told me no swimming & no baths for about a month after d&c cos there's a risk of infection.


PS: Folic, I think your message was meant for Tears, not for me!
Hi Tiny, I have been taking warm shower since my d&c. I know of a girlfriend whom didnt shower for 40 days during her confinement!! I definitely cant do it.... My gynae also didnt think it's necessary.

i was quite 'naughty' during the period just after my d&c. on one hand, i took chicken essence diligently but on the other hand, i took cold drinks and baths. don't know if it's related but i get back aches more often nowadays. so, it's still best to adhere to all the advice. but like what curly said, my gynae also don't believe in the old wives' tales.

just to clarify again... u all continue to take folic acid rite after your miscarriage ? I am still taking folic acid rite now, wondering whether it affects... I wanna check if my hcg level has fallen significantly and took a hpt just now.. which is still quite strong positive... alamak.. I really wonder when this hormone will be gone .. I had wished I can try again really soon....
hi poohy, no problem taking folic acid. i stopped for awhile. but i started taking now that i am ttc. don't worry abt taking it. folic acid is a water soluble vitamin. your body will automatically remove excess folic acid in your system.

understand your eagerness but make sure all is ok 1st before trying. when are you going back to gynae again?
Hi everyone, hope you've had a great holiday over Easter.

Dear Tears, I'm really sorry to hear about your loss and I feel very angry when I read about your treatment in KKH. I know you have a lot of questions and probably some guilt, but I want to assure you that you are doing very well! I also lost my bb at 7 weeks and for a long time I kept wondering if there was some wonder medication that I could have taken to save bb. Similarly, I wondered why the doctors did not administer any treatment when I went to the A&E. In the last 2 months, I've read countless books and spoken to numerous doctors - there is nothing you or anyone can do to help the m/c. It is simply nature's way. So please don't blame urself. We will all have wonderful bbs to come, so in the mean while we have to take care of bodies to give them the best environment to grow in.

Hi poohy, do continue with the folic acid. There is no danger of over dosing, and in the mean time, the body retains a little store of it for future reproductive purposes. I also find that taking the folic acid after my m/c keeps me in the mood and mindset of TTC.

Hi Curly, am glad to hear that you are coping well. My mum gave me a list of instructions after the m/c but I hardly adhere to any cos' of the inconvenience (and there was no one around to nag me). Just do what feels comfortable and give urself plenty of nutritious food plus ample sleep.
Hi poohy, like what millie and snuffles said, there's no harm taking folic acid. I was very kiasu, started more than 9 months before ttc.... I am also continuing to take since I'll be ttc again in 2 months +.

Thanks snuffles! I also very glad that I am coping well. Can't cry all the time right? It won't bring my bb anyway. Just have to look forward to life.... As for those old wive's tales, I'm not too bother..... I just make sure that I eat well (and sleep well).
Dear All, glad that everyone is coping well.
Yap, try to stay positive. Actually, if nothing trigger back the memory, i think i am perfectly ok!!

Tiny, my finaly visit at KK will be on 12/05/04. I think after this, i will not go back to KK. Was thinking of changing gynae. Wondered if there is good one, but not so Ex gynae or not!! I noe that if i pregnant next time, i will be very paranoid and thus anything, i will go c doc...

Millie, i also watched Passion of Christ recently. Felt that how could people be so cruel. Actually i dun really fully understand the show. After Jesus died for human, what happen??

Curly, you still got 2 more months to wait? Me still got abt 2.5 mths... Now, just hoping for AF to come quickly.

Poohy, why mus monitor HCG level??

Snuffles, yap, at that point of times, i was angry, depressed, sad and just hope to go home after the washing. And yet, they kept me waiting. And the next day, the specialist can said that i am rude even though he can see that i am very emotional......
I dun think i was rude, but i din really show him a happy face... sighn...

I was thinkin of writing a complain letter to KK. But do you think i shld?

I monitored my hcg level becos its dropping really slowly and I am still bleeding. Had been bleeding for 1 month
Actually more importantly becos I want it to be negative, then I can go ahead to induce my AF, follow by take the clomid and the host of other drug to induce ovulation.... ie. to try again asap
I am very eager to try again but my gynae keep asking me to wait till this whole thing is over first... so I am impatiently waiting everyday for the bleeding to stop and maybe hormone level to be negative .... sian dunno how long more. Next wed I will see my gynae.. so hopefully by then,can drop to negative. HOPE...

for the passion, I watch too. Found it to be the best christian movie so far. To answer your qn, after jesus die, he rose from the dead. The temple was shaken (in the movie) after he died, to signify that since he has atone for the sins of man, they can now freely come near to God. He rose again on Easter Day (3 days later) as he cannot be bound by death and is victorious above it. I think so lah ;) If u wanna know more abt it.. can check with any of your christian friends..
Poohy, thanks for the brief explaination of the Passion.

The HCG level must be negative to show tat we are not pregnant right? This HCG is the one that measure if we are pregnant or not, is it? Abit confused and nobody tell me abt this.

Ur case seemed quite bad... bleeding for a mth? According to gynae, they said abt 2wks followed by on and off spotting. I think that wat i encounter.

But is it normal to had diarrehea almost everyday??? At first, i thot is the side effect of medicine, but i already completed for 2days... Wondered if my AF coming....

By the way, u gals continue to take folic acid? How abt Obimin? I stopped after M/C and was thinkin of continue when i ttc...
Hi tears,

HcG is the measurement that estimates the length of pregnancy. Based on a chart which I had previously, anything less than 5 is considered not preg. If you are concerned about folic acid and obimin affecting the levels, why don't you just stop for a while? Wait till your first AF comes and everything normalise then start again?

Folic, is the HcG level the same as the hormones that we tested on pregnancy kit? So are u trying for BB now?? I cant wait u noe...

Was telling hubby last nite that it is already 15 days since the incident... Felt like very long time ago.... Really envy those people who are pregnant.

last time, i dun really think much abt having baby. Let the nature take it course. But now... i start to realise that i really wanted to have a baby of my own. This feeling was not that strong previously. Maybe, it is bcos after the loss, you learnt to treasure things that i once take for granted.

ya the hcg is the same hormone we measure in pregnancy test.. its only produce by your body during pregnancy (by the placenta).

i fully identify with what u were saying. Cant wait to try again. Its been 4 weeks and still spotting.. so i dun think I can try anytime soon. Really pray next week will be the week
Last time, though I always wanna have a baby of my own, but agree, its not as strong... but after the loss.. the feeling become v strong. That feeling of been bonded to your baby even though his life may have been short.
HI tears,

yah, like what poohy say, it is the same hormone that we measure in the pregnancy test. As pregnancy test tends to pick up lower level of HcG (so that people can test earlier and see the results even on the day they miss their AF), it is quite possible that you would see a strong positive on the pregnancy test if you do the test now. For eg, when you are prg till about 10 weeks, your HcG would be around thousands alreay. But pregnancy test kits will pick up levels of maybe 50 or 100 HcG, so anything more than that would be seen as very strong on the test kit. So don't worry too much. The blood test will tell you more because it measures the quantity of HcG.

Yes, I am trying for a baby now. I hope I will suceed soon. I have been trying for about 2-3 months already but no good news. I can understand the urge to have a baby but at the same time, I also have the fear of loss at times, so it can be quite contradicting. I was told to wait 6 months, cos I lost my baby in 2nd trimester but was eager to start after 2-3months. My hubby was against the idea cos he don;t think I have rested my body enough and he is worried that I will hurt myself by getting preg again. But doc did give me green light to start after 4 months, so now, he is more agreeable to trying again
The wait can be frustrating but we must be patient. Good things will come to good people who waits their turn.. that's how I comfort myself.

Hi Java, where have you been hiding? Or too busy handing over job so that you can begin your leisure life?

I will go Italy in 14 days time. Quite excited about it.

You know, when I read all the posts, it feels like someone else is putting into words what I feel. I so want to be pregnant again!! There I have friends moaning about their lost figures, loss of freedom, big expenditure etc - and here I am secretly praying for positive results. Just found out that an ex-colleague's wife is expecting... I am so envious!

Folic, got ur itinerary sorted out? Am feeling excited for u too. The weather is getting better and because we've turned back the clock, the days are much much longer. Very pleased to learn that u're ttc again. Good luck!

Poohy, 4 weeks seem a long time. If the flow gets heavier, please check it out with a doctor.

Tears, folic acid and obimin should not affect the hcg levels. Not sure abt diarrhoea though. This is my personal view abt ur incident at KKH - I have a lot of friends who are doctors and I can totally understand the workload they endure (I have one dr at home!). They are also harrassed frequently by patients/relatives, so many factors combine to make them snappy (esp when they are tired). What I will not tolerate is system failure ie. losing ur file, making u wait unnecessarily, and of course, the lack of human sensitivity. If u feel strongly about what happened, do write in to comment on how things could have been improved. Provide ur personal details so they can look into the matter but don't name the doctors. They will be able to check who attended u anyway. However, naming the doctors/nurses could result in an official reprimand and earn them a blackmark. So unless u believe that a particular staff was unprofessional or incompetent, it's best to be magnanimous. For example, u said the d&c wasn't done properly?? That could be a legitimate case for complaint.

I will be seeing my gynae this wednesday for review.. so probably will get more ideas on when my bleeding will stop ...
folic, how did you loose your baby in second tri? How many weeks when you lost? I thought MC are mostly in first tri?? Oh dear, now I'm worried, cause I'm also in 2nd tri...
anxiousmummy, u can read up on the previous postings by folic. don't be so direct in your questionings. we are all greiving here.

fyi, there are cases of the loss of a baby for various reasons up till the day of delivery. but most of the time, all is fine and so, don't get too paranoid. relax, enjoy your pregnancy and don't worry too much.

snuffles, it wld never be the same again for us to know of other pple getting pregnant. *sigh* all of us here can't wait to be pregnant but with that, comes the fear. i am really glad to have this forum to come to and share our thoughts.
hi all can i ask something here..when miscarriage i need to go temple and pray or."chao du" the baby ?.thank a lot
millie ang, what do you mean by direct? I am sure folic is here because she wants to share with others, no? Pray tell, how do you rephrase a question like 'how did it happen'? Why don't you show me?

I know everyone here is grieving and very sensitive, but I really can't see what's wrong with the way I asked my question. I also know there are various reasons why a pregnancy is terminated, but what I want to know is specifically about folic, please go and re-read my posting.

Sorry to offend you if you are in a bad mood, but I really don't understand what I said wrong. Don't take it out on others just because you are in a bad mood or because of your problems. Thanks.
anxiousmummy, if u r really interested, you can read the archive of earlier postings by folic. I think folic had already mentioned the details in her past postings...

every individuals' body is different so the circumstances and possibilities of miscarriage are also different. Throughout pregnancy, there is always a risk of miscarriage and stillbirth.. just that the percentage of the risk differs and lessen as the pregnancy progress. If you are really concerned, can discuss with your gynae. I think he will understand your situation and risk (if any) better and thus provide better advice.
anxious mummy, miscarriages can happen any time. as you said, most happen in the first trimester, but that means not all happen in the first tri. perhaps you could read the details in all our earlier postings as to what happened if you are worried cos i doubt any of us really want to repeat the whole story as it does bring back sad memories you know? Like poohy said, it's best to check with ur gynae if there's any cause for u to worry.

think twice, i don't really know what you mean. Each of us has different religions and beliefs so going to the temple is your personal choice. and 'chao du' the baby? what's that? I think it's more important to see a gynae first than a temple medium/priest, etc. (ie, make sure u're ok physically first.)

If I were you, I would lodge a complaint against the doctor and write to Forum. Doctors with terrible bedside manners should be taught a lesson.

I can't help but agree with millieang that you do seem insensitive though you have no intention to be. The way you question could be construed as rubbing brine into green wound or distastful. Perhaps you could rephrase by using sentences that are not interrogative.
anxiousmummy, i do apologise if i sounded too straight forward and read too much into your wordings. anyway, let's not carry on with the argument ok. i was not in a bad mood but guess i can be rather sensitive abt the loss of baby issues. before i experienced it myself, i am detacted from the entire issues. but now, i understand the feelings of lost & pain and it is very saddening to bring it up and talk abt it.

and as what i and some of the girls mentioned, there is always the risk of lossing the baby anytime throughout the pregnancy period. and as i told you, don't worry yourself too much over it. most of the time, if things happen, it's beyond our control. think positive and you should take care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy.

think twice, sorry i cant help you in your question as i lost mine early in the stage where there's no life yet. maybe you can check with the elders of your religion beliefs? should be buddhism rt?

poohy and tears, i really wish you are both better now.

thanx.. since yesterday my spotting had become quite heavy bleeding with blood clots again (3rd time!!). So now I just hope its the final passage of tissues or etc.. really hope this is going to be over soon.. ya I also think its dragging too long. Lucky this wednesday I got an appt with my gynae, so shd be able to find out more by then

take care too ;)
Hi Poohy,
Would it be advisable to go for a d&c instead? perhaps that would help put an end to your bleeding. poor you, it must be horrible to be bleeding with clots yet again. Wondering if a d&c would be able to 'clean' it once and for all. or does your gynae still think it's not necessary? maybe u can check on Wed.

Silk/Curly, thanks for the info. I don't think i'll be seeing a counsellor, I just wanted to know what kind of help one would be able to give and if it's helpful. i'm sure it is in many ways...for me, coming in here to share my thoughts is helpful enough at the moment. Thanks anyway!

Have a good week ahead girls!
Think twice,
I lost my baby at 8th week last year. I was so sad and went to see a buddhist monk ( I am a buddhist). I told him that I want to do something for the baby that I have lost. He told me to chant mantras and dedicate it to the baby. I did as I was told. It has been about a year and I am a mummy of a 7th week old boy now. I still do that when I visit the temple or when I have my own quiet moments. What I do is that I chant mantras or 'talk' to guan yin to give my best wishes to the baby.

To all ladies who are grieving,
Don't give up and keep trying. I thought I was unable to conceive too when it happened to me. I proved myself wrong when I became pregnant the second time. My gynae told me when I went for review last week that I should have the confidence that I can conceive now. I am sure all of you can do it.Best of luck!
Hi Helen of troy! Good to see you around! How's baby? Hope everything fine!

Hi Think twice, I think I know what you mean. For me, I went to the guan yin temple and pray that my baby will be taken care of. During the qing ming festival, my sister in law helped me take part in the prayer session by including my name and my hubby's name in the chanting for my baby. I hope that you feel at peace after prayinng in whatever religion you are.

Hi Poohy, I am hope you are feeling better now. Do update us .

Hi snuffles, this trip is going to be a relaxing one with no fixed itinerary. That was why we just rent a villa in the Tuscany and will stay put for 5 days. From there, we will do day trips to wherever we feel like it. As it is near Florence (about 20 mins), I figured we will prob be going there quite often. Have I shared where I am staying with you gals b4?
Follow the link and get envious
I am dreaming up a holiday like the movie Under the Tuscan Sun, except, I hope I don't have to repair the villa by myself

Hi Anxiousmummy, I can understand your anxiety but I must admit that it is a bit shocking to get such a question. My waterbag broke prematurely at 23 weeks, which makes me go into early labour and my baby went to heaven in Aug last year. As suggested by the rest, you can read about it in my earlier posting. A word of advice - if you do meet another lady who had a miscarriage, never ask them what happened or how we "lost" the baby. Not everyone would like to talke about it. For me, I will talk about it only if I think my experience can help another in recovering from a similar grief. Take care! I am sure you and your baby will be fine. Stay optimistic and don't get over paranoid. What happened to me only happened to a very small percentage of ladies.

folic, I see. Sorry to be so blunt earlier. Apologies. I was wondering, then does it means you had to vaginally deliver the premature baby since it was in second tri?
Hi anxiousmummy,

yes, usually that is the case but I was too traumatised then and my gynae recommended a d&c.

Folic, thks for the infor on HcG. Actually, till to-date, since pregnancy to MC, i had never done any blood test yet. Doc also never told me anything.

Folic, hope u enjoyed ur trip and came back with a Made in Italy Baby!!
Remember to enjoy but at the same time take care!! Must "work hard"
too! hehee..

Snuffles, while i try to understand the doc's position abt being tired and all these things, cos afterall, they are human too. But, i am there cos i lost my baby. And when i asked them why was i delayed due to their internal problem, ie lost of file, rece'd of fax late at 3pm only, etc, and dont give me excuses... the answer i got is "You dont have to be rude!"

Mayb KK does have good docs... but all that i met are not and lack of empathy. I try not to blame anyone, but i really suffered deeply during my stay.
In fact, i got very emotional when i see that specialist....

anxiousmummy, there is nothing wrong being wanting to know more... We are trying to carrying on with life and all the girls here are supporting each other thru this difficult time. We get on with life but sometimes when we looked back, it still hurts deeply. Thus, it is better to read the previous post.

Helen, yes, i am thinking of writing to KK. Till today, nobody tells me the possible reason of MC. But it hurts
to write all these events again. Still, i think i will wrote to Dr Jennifer Lee. Think she is the CEO...

i was very depressed, angry, hurt, hungry, thirsty and helpless in KK during my stay and yet, i still have to be called "rude" by the doc. I guess even at that state of emotion, when i talked to the doc, i must try be speak to them in a respectful tone.... not sad and emotional. i did see one very nice doc, but too bad, he is not attending to my case..
Poohy, i hope u r better. Was wondering why u r still bleeding so badly... Rightfully it shld stopped and then have on off spotting. Do take care and mus try to drink ess of chicken once a day!!

Helen, was very encouraging to learn that u r now a mommy!!
I am still waitin patiently for my AF to come.

really appreciate your concern... lucky today my bleeding has become moderate spotting again..phew Hopefully it is really going to end this time !!
keep u all updated after I see my gynae on wed.

Tears, I support you to file a letter of complaint/feedback with KKH. I feel that the hospital shd be aware of the service level and attitude of their staff doctors and nurses so that they can improve. If everyone just suffer in silence, then the process will never be improved rite
Prompt feedback will allow others after us to benefit I guess.
Poohy, glad that your condition improved. Actually, there is one nurse in KK also asked me to write in... She said alot of pple complain, but she cant do anything. But it hurts to look back..

Just to chk with u gals. After the D&C, and when u all go back for checkup, did the doc do a scan on the womb to see everything is ok?

My last vist, the doc jus see see look look from his naked eyes. Dun think can tell much... I was supposed to go back to KK for dunno wat trace history next mth, still, they wun be scanning me leh.....

You noe, now i just wish for AF to come, and then, wish that i can have twins!!
One boy, one girl, wld be nice... well, pardon me for dreaming a while.

But in the meantime, all must try to take care so that we provide a good envoirnment(body) for our future BB.
Hi tears,

for my case, The gynae did not do any scans. She only use her hands to feel my pubic area to see if the uterus has shrunk back.

You know, I have the same dream too.. how i wish I can have twins.. that would be the only way I can fulfill my dreams of 2 kids before 35!

Take care!



my exact sentiments!!! I wish I can have twins too !!! Though I know having multiple gestation is higher in terms of risk.. but still I cant help but pray everyday that God will give me a pair of twins .... just to make up for those lost time where I had spent trying and losing the baby. I wish I can 2 boys first .. then next round, a gal
I even think of their names liao lol...

during the diagnosis of my miscarriage, my gynae scan me using vaginal ultrasound for a few time. Not sure whether he will scan again this wed. I am not sure abt the other clinic in KKH, but at the TPS in KKH, the ultrasound machine is actually inside the gynae's consultation rooms. So if they feel a need to scan, they just straight away ask u go and lie down and scan liao... no need to go to the sonographer. I went to the sonographer last consultation only becos he wants a 2nd opinion and also becos the ultrasound machine is more accurate over there (more specialised mah). Or u can request for a scan if you feel its necessary ?
