Support group - Miscarriages


did u managed to conceive naturally this last time ? For me, I conceive thru the use of fertility drug like clomid (combine with metformin). There is a slight higher chance of conceiving twins actually... so really hope hope hope !!!

hi tears,
i oso support of idea of writing in to kkh. and i wan to say i'm sori to hear abt ur experience wif dat kk doctor and staff. its soooo inconsiderate of such pple.

for me, for my check-up after my d&c, gynae didnt do a scan... like folic, oni pressed and felt my pubic area...
Oh, so great minds think alike!!
To have a twins will really be a blessing in disguise. I got a collegue who had triplets. So cute. 2 gals and a boy! Really envy her now! Last time, i dun feel so.. find tat not easy to take care. But now i really hope to have. Sort of compensate for the lost baby!

Folic, last time i hope to give birth at 26... but din expect myself to marry late. So now, not young liao... hope to conceive before 30, which is by this year!!

Poohy, ur doc also frm KK? Seemed like u had a better experience. Mayb cos i under subsidised rate. Jus rece the hospital bill, b4 govt grant, i need to pay $1000++, after grant will be abt $400++... I stay in those 6-beds room and was thinkin svc bad cos of subsidised rate. But one snr nurse told me, no such thing.

Poohy, i conceived naturally last time. But my mum told me her half bro had give birth to twin and her dun noe which relative also got twin. So, my mum and her half bro at least got 50% gene and when it came to me, i got 25% chances.
Hubby side dun hv!!

Oh, Poohy, u take the medicine to assist in conceiving??

ya I taking provera to induce AF and clomid+metformin to induce ovulation. Else I wont ovulate at all cos I got PCOS (quite severe hormonal imbalance). I was almost losing hope of conceiving through these basic fertility drug cos keep failing ... and the gynae wanted me to do a laparoscopy to check my tubes are ok. I freaked out at the thought of the the scope suggestion and din dare to visit him for abt 1 year lol. Then I try again with the leftover clomid pills he prescribed last year and unexpectedly managed to conceive. So at least now I know my tube probably is ok and hopefully dun need things like IUI, IVF etc. I feel very lucky becos no need to do d/c. I freak out at the thought of any surgery or anything surgical. Never had one before.

hey coincidence.. my colleague's sister conceive triplets too!!! She took fertility drug like me and got triplets.. 2 boys 1 gal. They are abt 2 years old now... sooooo cute !!!
I looking at their pic... makes me so envious. But I heard the mummy had a hard time during the final trimester carrying them.. she bedrest in hospital for 1 month cos they are just getting too heavy and big for her. Give birth with C-section too.

I got married at 25 years old and thought can have a baby by 28... but I start trying at 27 cos I hardly have AF at all so I always suspect something is wrong. Now, I really need to jia you cos minus 9 months of carrying the baby, I need to conceive before end of this year to be a mummy before 30, sigh. Already I am worried I may not have the energy to see them thru those adolescent years with my age advancing.
I also wish for a pair of twins, boy and girl.... to compensate for the loss one. My mil is a twin, so I suppose my hubby will have the genes??

Tears, during my last review, my gynae did not do any scan but he inserted his finger into my vaginal and pressed hard on my tummy. I will be seeing him again on Saturday.

poohy, glad that your heavy bleeding has stopped! Hopefully, it will clear up soon. Can't imagine how you deal with it for a month!

I think I spoke too early.. cos the whole afternoon, the bleeding has become heavy again with huge clots
sigh... dunno wat to make out of this... praying it will stop (really stop) soon.
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, guess the good news for you is that u actually conceive by taking medicine. I also never had any operation nor hospitalized before and thot that my first one will be for delivery of BB. Even when i last time got hepatis A, i also dun wanna admit. Just rest at home.

The bad news is that u still bleeding... I think there is still some left-over tissue in your body. Did your gynae give u any antibiotic and medicine? I am quite worry for you... Can u call ur Dr and asked abt this? If not, u still have to wait till Wed right?

You know, as mention i was admitted to go for 2nd option scan to confirm the heartbeat. But then, my BB cant be found on the next day... So the doc still told me to go for washing to clear the womb as there might be some tissues left. I felt alright aftertat.

But 4 days later, i went back to KK 24hr clinic due to cramp and pain that started 2 days ago. And was advise that there are still blood clot there after scanning. Though the doc din said the washing not done properly, but the fact tat she asked me to admit again for washing
showed that it might not be done properly. She even asked who is the doc who operate me...

Maybe, you shld go for the washing, since u still have blood clot.... Alternatively, there is another pair of medicine that u might be able to take to reduce the flow and pain. I was given that together with antibiotic to prevent infection. Let me chk the medicine name and let u noe tml. In the meantime, do take care, ok!!

<font color="ff6000">Soyabean</font>, seriously, i am not good at expressing myself and it was hard to write an official letter, further, quite i still feel very emotional. But i will try cos if nobody complain, then, things will not improved. By the way, you must rest well and be a happy MTB hor!!

<font color="119911">Curly</font>, ur MIL is twin? Wow, think chances is higher. At least 50%??? Kekee...
Well, let try to stay positive and wait for our turn. Ur this coming visit is to followup? Which gynae are u seeing?

My gynae did give me antibiotic (Augmentin) and I had already completed it. I took a urine test just now and the positive is becoming light now... so I think the pregnancy hormone is dropping so .. hopefully this is the final bleeding liao
soon I will be able to try again!!! I plan to try asap.. possibly inducing my AF next week or this week if I can. Though ... my gynae has been asking me to wait for at least 4 more weeks... but I really dun wish to wait. So the moment the hormone level is gone I will try again. (cant try when the hormone level higher cos it will interfere with ovulation).

You may wish to consider seeking redress elsewhere, on top of than writing to the CEO of KK Hospital. This is because people in the same professon tend to take sides.
Poor poohy! I really hope that this is your final bleeding. It must be extremely uncomfortable for you.... I understand your eagerness to start trying again but we should make sure that our bodies have recovered first.....

Yap Tears, my mil is a twin. My hubby's cousin (my mil's brother's son) has a pair of adorable twin boys. Not too sure if his wife had twin genes though.

My upcoming appt is a follow up after my last review (few days after d&amp;c). We'll probably be asked if we want to do some precautionary tests (like blood test/sperm count test). I will ask to test for toxoplasmosis antibodies as I have 3 cats!! I am seeing Dr Peter Chew of Gleneagles.
tears, my gynae did do a scan for me after d&amp;c. think it varies with all gynae. i really sympathise with your experience. understand your concern abt not expressing yourself well. i went to the website and got some phone nos and e-mail add. why don't you try this avenue first? call someone and pour out your traumetic experience to someone. if end of day, they still don't give you a satisfactory ans, instead of complaining to the hospital, you can call Newpaper hotline.

KK Hosp:
Quality Service Manager (Toll-Free) 1800 293 3297
Chief Executive Officer 6394 2301
Chief Operating Officer ( Development and Services ) 6394 2326
[email protected] (For feedback on hospital facilities and services.)

poohy, if you are free tom, why not make an appt and go to the gynae? if you are still bleeding, can you induce AF so soon?

folic, i am fine. thks. i am waiting for D-day which is end of the mth. if AF comes, i will be disappointed (again). if pregnant, i will be having my ups and downs. oh well, crossing my fingers now and not think too much.

your trip to italy really sounds like FUN! you and your hubby really knows how to visit those exotic places eh? you know, when you mention the show...i can't help but think of the MAN that diane lane (that's her name rt?)met in tuscany.

i didn't watch the show but the trailer already interests me so much to want to go watch. but end of day, my hubby not interested and i ended up not watching.

so...ha.....don't be distracted by the MEN there or worse, invite one home....hee....

tiny, how are you? you any sign of preggie?

helen, hi hi to you and congrats to your delivery!
don't think i have congratulate you yet.
Hi girls,
This thread is so active today! had to read so far back to find out why all of you are suddenly talking about twins..haha. like u all, i'd always wanted twins or more. but after i'd lost both, even if i have just one, i'd be happy. guess the complications with multiples are always much higher. apparently twin blood is from your mother's side of the family and has little to do with the father's side. my gynae was surprised that i had released 2 eggs from my right ovary (could be seen thru the ultrasound on my 1st visit at 5 wks) cos he says it's rare for those below 35. only after that did my mum tell me that my grandma (her mum) was the only surviving twin among all her siblings - it seems there were 2 pairs before her and they all ended up in m/c...and for her, she and her twin brother were born but the boy died after about a month! This is according to my grandma, and my mum &amp; her siblings never really believed her all these years but after they had learnt about my case, they figured there must be some truth in it! so funny. But I do hope I won't end up with the same fate of my great grandma...with all those losses..mum says it's prob cos last time not so advanced so they didn't know how to look after such high risk cases.
So for those above 35, take heart cos my gynae says multiples are more common!

Poohy, i recall you said you were afraid of d&amp;c if you really have to do it. Just wanna assure you that you won't feel anything while on GA. So if your gynae thinks that's an option you might wanna consider it. I think with that, you can then look towards your AF and start all over again. if not, you'll always be wondering when all this bleeding would stop. Hopefully all will be ok when u check this Wed. Take care.

Millie, how's it going for you this time? We didn't work very hard in the end cos kinda losing hope leh...decided not to try so hard already cos it's stressful and puts unneccesary pressure that it takes away the enjoyment. Now temp risen already and kinda regretting it! oh well, we'll see how. if really can kena then the trick is really not to try too hard!
haha millie, just saw your message. was thinking of u too!

congrats Helen! how's motherhood? your baby's already 6 weeks? that's fast!

folic, envy, ENVY!!! hmm...i guess the only good thing about not being pregnant/having kids is being able to travel as much as we want to! We actually thought like that when we first got married and for 3 years, which is why now we're making up for lost time...
Hi Tiny and folic,
Motherhood is a wonderful experience. Whenever I look at my boy, I can't help but feel very touched that I actually conceived and gave birth to this cute baby! I enjoy motherhood and am doing total breastfeeding. Unfortunately, I will be going back to work next week so feeling a bit sian. I think I will rush home quickly to spend time with my boy..
Keep on trying and don't give up!
yeah i know wat u mean abt hvg to go thru the emotions again as u write the letter. why not get ur hubby to write the letter or call for u?

sometimes, its not dat we wan to get something back out of all these. but i think it is impt for u to be heard and dat they know u hv gone thru such a lousy experience at such a time. we went thru the same thing, as in me, hubby and MIL. when my FIL passed away in hosp late last yr, part of the reasons were becos of neglience of the nurses and doctor on duty. my hubby and mil went to the hosp personally after the funeral and all had been settled and saw someone and voiced out the frustrations. they conducted a investigation after dat and sent us a letter of apology and the actions they took. of cos nothing they said and wat they did wld bring my FIL back. its jus dat it was good to voice everything out.

but nevertheless, despite of wat i hv said, i believe time will give u all the strength u will need to get back up again.
many of us hv gone thru the saddest moment of our lives and hv managed to pull thru, and i believe u r no different.
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, the 2 medicines tat i was prescribe with are:-
1) Antacid Tablet for chewing
2) MefenamicAcid
These are to be taken together when necessary for pain or to reduce menses flow. As there are not antibiotic. My 3 types of antibotic had finished too.

By the way, how are u feeling today? Hopefully ur bleeding had stopped. I agreed with <font color="0077aa">Curly</font> that you shld try to wait, if needed, to let your body recover. You know, we need to try to create a good "enviornment" for the BB to grow.

Oh, you can induce AF one meh??
How you do that? Me waiting anxiously everyday for it to come.

<font color="aa00aa">Helena</font>, thanks for your advise. But i just hope that KK give me a reasonable explaination and most imptly, i hope they can tell me why i lost my bb. Also, i really think there system got problem, if not maybe i real unlucky. Imgaine, my first visit, i was in KK for abt 4hrs and 48mins.....

<font color="0077aa">Millie</font>, thks for the numbers. But i think i'll just write-in. I really cannot trust myself to talk. Remember i was okay when i went KK last week, and then, the moment i talked, my eyes started to wet and tears just rolled down uncontrolled. Really hated myself for that... Still, i will write them down for ref. Thks!
Will try to finish the letter by the end of this week. Everyday busy at work esp after that weeks of medical leave.

<font color="0077aa">Millie</font>, wish u luck and i think we really need some good news here!!

<font color="ff6000">soyabean</font>, sorry to hear abt the bad exp u had too... Yes, i think they need to give you an answer for that though it cant bring back ur FIl, but at least u noe what is happening.

I felt so that way too. Through the last visit, i found that nobody bothered abt my case, and no one can just tell me why my bb was lost nor why i was kept waiting despite the lost file was found an hour or so later. The time lost due to lost of file shld be highlighted to the Operation Room and ensure that they took it down. Seriously, i found that every dept just try to shrink responsibility. They dun work as a whole. As a patient, if something is wrong, correct them. But, they just dun bother.. there is no service recovery...

Dear All, i just need to let you know that it really helped talking to you all as you understand what i am going through. Thanks! Also, find that it is great that if I got any qn, you would all help to answer them! Thanks!!
Really? <font color="119911">Tiny</font>, twin blood is in mother side??
<font color="0000ff">Curly</font>, then my thots is wrong. I was thinking that if either side have history of twin, chances of having one is a little bit higher!

Yes, complication for twins and above is higher... but it is just a little dream that we shared. Now that i think back, it is really not easy to have a baby. We have so many obstacles to cross.

First, to conceive. After that, the unstable 1st trimester. Then, must take care through the second and third, check on this and that. Finally delivery is really another big obstacle. I know i will treasure the future pregnancy more than previously.
Mothers a such a wonderful and great people!!

So now, first step is wait for AF!!
Hi Millie,

Yah, we usually travel free and easy cos don't like idea or joining tour groups.
Hubby is good for Japan tours but other than that, we rely on one of my friend who always like to plan for such trips. We just tag along and have fun

Hi Tears, glad to see that you are feeling better. I agree with the others that you shoudl complain to KKH but you should not be too persistent in finding the reason why you lost your baby or to feel that the delay at the hospital actually causes the miscarriage. At times, the miscarriage itself is an unexplanable event and trying too hard to find an 'answer' will just hurt too much. It would be better to acknowledge the loss and then find a closure to that. I am saying this cos I don't wish to see you getting upset later when KKH is unable to produce a 'reason' to your loss. So, just stick to the facts and don't get too emotional in the letter ok?

Hi Tiny, I agree. It would be near impossible to travel like what I do now if there's kids. Two of my frens(husband and wife) who are going with me have twins (one boy and one girl- 2years old) and she already having separation anxiety just thinking about going to the trip. So the feeling would be different while on the trip too! and oh.. after 35 got higher chance of twins?? Then I should wait... hahaha

And to Tiny and Millie, hope you have good news for me when I return from Italy ok? :D


my bleeding seems to become spotting today already ... and not that heavy. So I really have high hopes that it will really stop this week.

ya I can induce my AF! My gynae prescribed provera (progesterone like) which I will take to simulate the luteal phase of a normal cycle. Once I stop taking, a few days later, your body will realise the progesterone level suddenly drop liao which is similar to a end of cycle and AF will be induced. Last year, I tried waiting for my AF to come on its own but well .. after waiting for 1 year with no AF at all, I give up liao. Some pp actually takes birth control pills to induce their AF if they are not ttc.

twin blood from the mother side normally will produce fraternal twins (twins that are different in DNA.. normally a result of 2 eggs being fertilized, fraternal twins can be boy+gal or same sex). twin blood from the father side will normally produce identical twins. This means a fertilized egg split and become 2 embryo. This type of twins will always looks identical and have the same sex. They may or may not share the same gestational sex.

twins as a direct result of fertility drug will always produce fraternal twins.
Hi Ladies,

I do pop by here now and then to read up on this thread... but I never expected myself to go through a miscarriage just last Wednesday.

Ironically... while everyone is thinking of having twins... I on the other hand am worried that my next one will be twins. I was expecting twins (identical twins infact)... but at my last gynae visit... we could not detect the heartbeat of both babies and they have stopped growing for almost 1.5 weeks. I did a D&amp;C to remove the babies. But I'm coping well now... life has to go on. In fact I am more determined now to have a few kids... the joy I got from this pregnancy (though short-lived) is something which I don't want to miss out on.

However, somehow I am unable to dispel the fear of having another set of twins... because the risks and problems that multiple pregnancies carries with it is double of what a mum pregnant with singleton faces. I will be contented with just a healthy, happy singleton. Twins bring double the joy but it also means double the sadness when the prenancy can't run smoothly.

Tears... I think that end of the day whether you want to seek redress from KK for the attitude you got from the staff... it is for you to decide... because to recount the incident will be painful for you. But if you are strong enough (which I hope you are and feeling much better now) then I say go ahead. But it is unlikely that they will be able to tell you what happened to the baby because chances are that the baby is abnormal in some way and nature has to take care of it. I console myself that my twins would probably have suffered more if they were born with some abnormalties.

Did a bit of reading up on twins when I found out that I was expecting twins. Yes... only the family history on your side will affect your chances of having twins... but not your hubby's side of the family. As what poohy said... fratenal twins is a result of 2 eggs being realised and fertilised at the same time... and identical twins is the result of one embryo splitting into 2. But studies have not been able to determine when one would have fratenal or identical because splitting of the embryo happens at random. Some on fertility drugs have also been able to produce identical twins... somehow the drugs were able to split the embryo.

sorry to that you had lost your babies. Hope you are recovering well now ...

I do agree with u that the joy from the pregnancy though short-lived.. has brought unprecedented joy into my life. I used to feel that we gals are so ill-fortuned cos we gotta go thru the pain of pregnancy and childbirth which I heard is a painful and scary process. However, the short-lived pregnancy had brought a tremendous change to my mindset and the way I look at life. Like you, I am more determined to have more kids... and I start to feel something I never felt before. I felt we gals are so privileged (yes privileged!) cos we get to have our baby grow in us... that feeling and bond is so strong and wonderful that I start to pity my hubby for not being able to get a taste of it. I think its really a great privilege to be able to conceive, and carry our baby for 9 months and finally give birth to them.
dear odie,
i'm sorry to hear about your loss. like u, i am hoping that i can have just one healthy baby for my next far along were you? do take care and come in here when you're free to chat. u'll feel better.


PS: Poohy, i haven't heard about that part on fraternal (from mother) vs identical (from father) it really? i've only read that twin blood is from the mother's side (as in, us) and not the father's side (as in our hubbies). and Folic, the above 35 thingy is gynae told me that, and i also read somewhere that twins are three times as high in women over 35! but of course there are more complications with later pregnancies...
Dear Odie,
Very sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you would be able to take comfort in sharing with us. Take care and god bless u!

I understand ur fears abt subsequent pregnancies - I'm sure most of us here have some residual concerns one way or other and it helps tremendously to talk about it. Don't let your worries bog u down.

Hi Poohy, reread the postings and realise that u've been getting clots rather irregularly. Could it be an infection?? Please have it check out asap. Another possible explanation could be hormonal imbalance (sorry, I was kaypoh and asked my GP). Either way, do take care and don't overexert urself. Ask ur gynae for iron tablets!

Hi Tiny, Curly
I read somewhere that the odds of having identical twins is 1 in 80. No scientific proof so far that this is hereditary. However, fraternal twins can be hereditary and will of course be only induced by the mother's genes (ie father's sperm has nothing to do with it!). So i guess taking ovulation-inducing drugs will greatly increase the chances of having twins.

heh heh... I have a secret desire for twins too! Isn't that weird? It was even more strange for me cos' my grandma (who is very very old) kept telling pple that I have triplets/twins from the day I got married.

Hi Millie, am crossing my fingers for u! Was rather disappointed last month too but I guess we'd have to try harder!

Hi Helen, thanks for popping by. Have u posted ur bb's pic here somewhere? How are u enjoying motherhood?

Hi Folic, have a lovely time... and do come back with a "made in Italy"...
Thank you everyone for the kind words. Its been exactly a week... but I think that I am doing well so far.

The first 2 days were hell... all I wanted to do was cry. But now I am trying to get things moving and life has more or less returned to normal. No more crying but I still miss them alot.

Poohy... maybe as human, we tend to take things for granted... it is only when we lose it we begin to appreciate how precious it was. The miscarriage is an unfortunate event but I believe that everyone who has gone through it will appreciate life even more. Just like everyone here... I am looking forward to the next baby but for now will have to take my gynae's advice to rest for 3 months.

Tiny... I was in my 10th week... nearing 11th week. But from the ultrasound scan... the babies have stopped growing when they were in their 8th week. They had left quietly without our knowledge. There were no tell-tale signs like spotting, bleeding or cramps. I don't suffer from bad MS throughout the whole pregnancy. There was nothing to warn me that something had gone wrong.

Snuffles... yup I have been writing down my thoughts and it has helped me in my healing process. The miscarriage has not stopped me wanting to have kids. The fear is there but even if the next one turns out to be twins again I will take whatever that comes along.
<font color="0077aa">Odie</font>, sad to hear about your case. Same like you, i used to pop in this thread here to read ever since i know that i am pregnant to know more. I shared the sorrow that they had gone thru..... It was sad but i really understand how they feel when i lost my BB at 7 wks.

<font color="ff6000">Poohy</font>, how are u feeling today? Today u be seeing ur gynae right? Let him have a scan on you, cos from the scan, the doc can detect if there is still any blood clot inside ur womb.

Yes, the first few days were really bad!!
But life still goes on and it is good to hear that you are doing fine. Do take care and try to "pu" your body.

<font color="119911">Folic</font>, so you are more or less ready for your trip. Yes, do come back with a "Made In Italy" baby!!
Hi Oldie

So sorry to hear about the bad news! I think my case is similar to yours. I miscarried at 8 weeks but the hcg level showed that he was at 5 weeks stage. I also didnt suffer from MS. The only time I had spotting was when I was pressurised by my boss on that day....

After this incident, I am also looking life at a different angle.

Meanwhile, do take care of yourself and eat well (to be ready for the next one).

Actually having twins is just a dream..... I will feel blessed as long as I can have one child.

Poohy, hope your spotting has stopped....

Yah folic, maybe your bb can have an Italian name if made in Italy!!
Hi ladies!

Oldie, welcome to the thread, although you have joined us under sad circumstance, I hope you will find strength in chatting with us.
Hope you will rest well during this period and recover well!

Regarding names if I have a 'made in italy' - I will consider.. mebbe use those brand names for a start??

Tears, Am sorry to hear you were so badly treated at KK. I think you should write in and explain the situation. Not so much that you want to complain but there will be others in your situation and no one really deserves to be treated like that, esp not after a M/c. Hopefully by your writing in, they will improve their service and save someone else the pain. Even if the doctors have to see patients day in day out and are tired, it is part of their job. If they don't have a passion for it, then don't do it.

Folic- I checked out your Tuscany website. All I can say is - Take me with you!!!!!

Take care ladies and be strong!!!
Oh, ask a silly qn... after all these bleedin and spottin... how do we noe tat it is our AF that arrived and not the bleeding from M/C??

I read somewhere that you have to completely stop bleeding for at least 2-3 weeks .... after that then your next bleeding will be your AF .. think so lah.

Anyway my urine test today still light positive. So my gynae ask me to do a blood test to see the level. If still high, either will do a d/c this friday or take an injection to assist the dispelling. If low then no need... Have anyone of you taken such an injection ? I was wondering whether it will hurt...

and yes... I am still bleeding light but its there. ... my gynae say it may be that some of the cells still staying there and not dispelled. Gotta pray liao... I really wanna start my next cycle next week actually .. sigh, I am feeling perfectly ok and ready to start ttc except for this hormone and bleeding thing.
As advised by my gynae... he said that the menses will start coming back 6 weeks after the D&amp;C.

Poohy... all along I have always thought that a D&amp;C is always better in order to clear the tissue completely. Maybe its just my misconception.

In my case... my bleeding and spotting stopped within a day after the D&amp;C. I went back to my gynae 2 days ago and confirmed that everything is ok.

Yes... emotionally I'm feeling better now. In fact physically I didn't feel that I suffered. There was no pain or whatsoever after the D&amp;C. But mum and MIL insist that I am still weak and should sleep more etc etc :p
hi all,
Today I feel quite disturbed. My colleague and I work under the same project leader. Today, my colleague told me that she suspects my project leader has some feelings for her. My PL is a married man with 2 kids and my colleague is single. Generally my PL treats everyone very nice, but from what she told me, he treats her especially nice, like buy her breakfast, etc. The ultimate thing was when she came back to Singapore from her holiday, he went to pick her up at the airport. She sms him to tell him that she cannot accept his "niceness", and he replied back saying that he hope she can treat him like a girlfriend. Isn't that quite obvious. I mean I dun wan to see him differently, but I since I also work closely with him, I feel quite awkward for my friend too.
Hi odie,

Like you, I feel very well physically after the miscarriage and was actually quite irritated when my mum insisted that I must do the confinement. I was given confinement food and not allowed to bath etc for 3 weeks. Supposed to be full month but I cut short and went for holiday with my hubby instead. :p I was also told to sleep or rest well but it was difficult for me to go trhough the whole confinement exercise without a baby to fuss etc. It actually made me feel worse. But I guess they are concernd cos physically, we are depleted of nutrients during the preg and do need to rest well, eat well to recover well.
Maybe you can go for a short holiday after 3-4 weeks.. that way, you can take teh opportunity to relax and get over the sadness!

Hi java,

good to see you around. Looks like we post at the same time.

wah.. very sensitive situation. Not sure how to advise but if I am in your shoe, I will probably not raise this issue with your PL. Afterall, you are leaving the company soon right? As for your friend, she is in a difficult position. I think she should put it clearly to the guy that she is not interested in him. It will put her career in jeopardy but at least, she will not sink deeper into a relationship with no hope.

Hi tears

My SIL recently just had a miscarriage and also admitted herself in KKH (A&amp;E) cos it was a Sunday. Her gynae is not attached there and she is treated as a private patient. I was rather angry with the insensitivity of the nurse in charge that day. My SIL had bad bleeding and told her she suspected she had a miscarriage. The next thing I heard her ask in a uncaring way: "How do you know you are pregnant?". I really cannot imagine how can someone be so insensitive?

Her gynae also another one! SIL called her to say that she has spotting and all the gynae told her was to rest at home in bed and see her on MONDAY as that day was a SATURDAY. Then when she called again on SUNDAY to consult her, Gynae told her "It's up to you whether you want to admit to hospital but the hospital I am attached to does not have the special machine for doing the detailed scan". My SIL was rather shocked by her coldness. She appeared to be a very friendly and warm gynae before this happened.

After reading your experience with KKH, I realised that my SIL is not the only one who suffered from their unfeeling &amp; insensitive attitude.
Hi Folic... yes infact I'm flying off for my honeymoon later tonight. I was suppose to have left last Thursday but because of the miscarriage on Wednesday... we had put everything on hold. We figured that we should still go for it (since the gynae has given us the green light as well)... to take it as a break from work and everything.

I'm find it unsettling to hear what some had gone through at KKH. That is not how a professional should behave.
Hi Odie,

hope you have a good break. But do take care not to over tire yourself. Afterall, you have carried twins and your uterus should have expanded somewhat. So do not overtire yourself. The holiday should be good for you! Where are you going?

Hi ladies,

There is a talk on Womens Wellness &amp; Pregnancy Complications at this Women Only Event this coming saturday 24th June 2004 Marina Mandarin Hotel 1pm. Logon to for more details.
<font color="0000ff">Strong</font>, thanks, i had already started to type my letter. Looking at the chain of events, as i wrote quite in details with some personal thoughts, i think it will be a lengthy letter.
i will try to complete it and sent it out by this week. hopefully, I got some response from them....

<font color="ff6000">Poohy</font>, so you be going to see ur gynae this Friday? Actually, it is not so nice to drag your case longer. In the event that u need D&amp;C, u will have to rest longer. By the way, did ur gynae scan u last nite? Cos from the scan, the gynae shld be able to detect any blood clot from ur womb and any infection.

I never had any injection, so dun noe how it works. As mentioned, i was given medicine to help to prevent infection and reduce blood flow the other time i went KK few days after the washing. i really hope ur bleeding had stopped by now.

<font color="0077aa">Odie</font>, glad that u did not suffer much physically. But it is true that u shld rest well and have a mini confinement. Since now your gyne give u the green light to fly, have a nice break and holidays!

<font color="aa00aa">Aquarius</font>, is sad to hear another case of M/C.
How is ur SIL taking it? I hoped she is better now. It was really very depressing coming to terms that the Baby is lost, trying to digest that piece of fact, and yet, the doc and the nurses treated us that way...

But why didn't ur SIL go to KK 24hrs clinic? There is a scanner in the clinic where the doc can scan immediately. Well, I hoped she did not undergo what i had went through while waiting for the washing... It was really very suffering....

<font color="aa00aa">Aquarius</font>, the bedrest statement that the gynae given to her on Saturday was not so bad as sometimes, they said spotting can be frm previous menses. But, what i cant accept was that on Sunday, when she called again, how can the gynae said such thing as to it was up to her to decide whether she wanted to admit to hospital. This is very bad and unprofessional. Is the gynae from KK too??

Please tell ur SIL that if she needed just to voice out her sorrow, she can come to this thread. We are here to support each other. I really felt better talking to the girls here. They are all very nice and helpful
Oh yap, <font color="119911">Tiny</font>, thanks for that pcs of infor. The reason I was asking was that i think my AF had arrived.
Well, they looked like AF, but i was too sure...
Suddenly, it seemed so fast, about 3 weeks plus after my M/C.

I read that some of you had very heay AF for the first few days. But mine was quite mild and thus i was thinkin if this is the bleeding from the M/C...

By the way, i just remember one thing. This is another one of the Old wives tale. Few days ago, there is one aunty from my hubby's workplace that told him that during pregnant, do not change bedsheet, not so good.

I dont know what is the reason for that, but we felt that how can one not change bedsheet for that 40 wks of pregnancy?

However, we recalled one thing, maybe coincidently, on that very day that we changed our bedsheet, that night, i had bleeding..... Wondered.... So now, i also dun noe to believe or not. But i think in future pregnancy, i better dun be around and just get hubby to change bedsheet himself.
tears, gd tt ur AF is here.
don't worry abt the mild bleeding. i had mild bleeding too and my gynae assured me tt it's alright. the amt of flow is not impt. impt is tt our reproductive system is funtioning well. are you going to see your gynae after your AF?

i try not to bother abt the old wives' tales. think many women change the bedsheets when they were pregnant rt? including our mums. but then again, no harm getting the hubby to do the work. haa...

odie, take care of yourself but do have lots of relax and fun!

aquarius, think most gynae don't realise their insensitivity as they have seen too many cases. but i must say tt i wld think a female gynae wld hv more empathy. so sad to read abt her case. do ask her to take care. and let her know abt this forum - an avenue to share.

folic, counting down erh? how envious!

java, as folic suggested, i wld leave it alone. it's rather difficult for you to approach him abt it.

poohy, update us after your check-up.
HI poohy,
Did ur doc perform a scan for u? Did he tell u the thickness of the uterine lining? If it is less than 8-9mm, then no D&amp;C is required. The lining may take some time to shed completely but your body will be capable of doing that on its own.

I find it quite disturbing, just from reading the posts here, that a lot of doctors in S'pore recommend D&amp;C almost right away in early M/Cs. Here in the UK, D&amp;C is not recommended at all and the docs would perform one only if absolutely necessary. Patients would be given medication to help dispel the blood &amp; tissue instead. And this is definitely not costs-related.

Hi Tears, don;t pay too much attention to the old wives' tale esp if they put the blame on the mum. 3 weeks plus is not too soon. Mine 1st AF came around 4 weeks later.

Aquarius, ur SIL's gynae sounds really uncaring. And that nurse! I hope ur SIL is recovering well.
tears, snuffles, millie..

my bhcg level has dropped from 132 2 weeks ago to 41 on wednesday. My gynae din do a scan on wednesday. I guess its probably becos 2 weeks ago when the hcg is already on falling trend, he already ordered 3 ultrasound scan... (one of which is performed by the sonographer). All the scans could not detect any blood clots and according to him, my endometrium is quite thin already... (though he din tell me actual thickness). Everything from the ultrasound seems perfectly normal. That's why he did not want to perform d/c immediately.

On wed, he suggested, it may be due to 1-2 tiny trophoblastic cells still clinging on to the uterus lining... its so tiny that cannot even be detected on the ultrasound scan !

I havent spoken to him yesterday cos by the time result is out, he is in operating theatre. Later when he call, I will check with him if its ok for me to induce the endometrium shedding by taking provera ... the thing is i feel perfectly ok.. no cramps at all... just the spotting continues. I am beginning to wonder whether its becos of my hormonal imbalance.

I am getting so anxious to start ttc. Else will only be able to try in late june. So worried that if subsequent ttc fails or i m/c again, biological clock just keep ticking...

snuffles, why is it that D/c is not recommended in uk ? I thought d/c will have a faster recovery time...
<font color="0000ff">Millie</font>, i hope that it is my AF, but then compared to my previous one, it is sort of later. Anyway, i'll monitor for these few days. Really scared that it is another of the bleeding from M/C.

<font color="119911">Java</font>, for your collegue case, maybe u just asked her to tell him nicely that she already got a boyfriend liao. This situation is quite sticky and maybe you shld let her handle unless things got worst.

<font color="0077aa">Snuffles</font>, how's things in UK? I guess in Singapore, the gynae jus wanna to ensue proper "cleaning" of the womb.

<font color="aa00aa">Poohy</font>, i am also cldn't wait to ttc. Hoping to conceive and yet at the same time, scare that if i ttc to early, then chances of M/C again might be higher...

My hubby was telling me dun think too much. Sometimes when u hope for it too much, disappointment will be great.
hi gals,

my gynae just called !!! he say things are back to normal and I can start my new cycle now liao I am soooo overjoyed. I think this is the first piece of good news that I hear since my miscarriage. So tonite I am going to fly home and take my provera !!! Really pray that I will ovulate early and can succeed... I already gotten ALL my vitamins ready. I am going to take extra vit b6 tablet to help this time. Cos I read somehwere that taking vit b6 will help if u have luteal phase defect. I dunno whether I got luteal phase defect but I think better be safe than sorry again.

Very good mood now.
Hi ladies

Thanks for all the well-wishes for my SIL. She is recovering and feeling much better. I really dunno how to console her but can only tell her that nobody wants this to happen and really beyond her control. Will let her know of this website and thread.
She is resting now and will start trying after she is stronger. She hopes to get pregnant around June time.

Hi Tears

Ya my SIL only went to the 24 hrs KKH A&amp; E on Sunday as she and BIL were in Hong Kong for holidays. She discovered the spotting when they were still in Hong Kong. BIL wanted to fly back immediately but gynae told them can wait till Monday. The gynae keep telling SIL to rest in bed and even when my hubby called on Sunday to check with gynae if she could admit SIL when she touch down on Sunday afternoon. All she said was, "I have already told your brother to let her rest in bed and come see me on Monday morning. If she wants to admit to hospital, it's going to be very expensive cos of blah...blah...blar reasons". Imagine that's what she told my hubby. And no her gynae not from KKH.

Also the lady doctor who draw SIL's blood at KKH was so 'untrained' and made a big, ugly swollen bruise on her arm after drawing the blood. She can have the cheek to tell my SIL,"Oh I lost the vein, got to take the blood from another hand".

I really wonder why KKH's service standard is so horrible. I also feel that it's better not to travel when still in first trimester as everything is still unstable.

<font color="ff6000">Poohy</font>, glad to hear something good for you!
Wow, u sounds like taking lots of nutrients to "pu" ur body hor!!

Me too drinking Ess of Chicken which i started after M/C and DOM (after completion of medicine) at night liao!!
Oh, i had purchased Nestle Hi-Calcium Milk enriched with folid acid and iron on Monday. So Trying to drink it every night b4 i sleep. i even get my hubby to drink a cup too.

<font color="0000ff">aquarius</font>, maybe ur SIL vein can "run"? Tat time my hubby was doing a blood test, the nurses commented that his vein can run. Tried 2-3 times cannot, and then used the other hand. But maybe the nurse was quite alright and so we din feel much... another reason, i guess is that time, i am pregnant. So more happy....

I do find that the nurses and doc in KK had to be more professional and treated patient, esp M/C case with more empathy. Seriously, what we need is just basic respect being treated politely. But guess after seeing many patients, some jus became lack of feeling.... Sigh..

Do ask ur SIL to eat more "Pu" things and have a mini confinement for 2 wks.
