Support group - Miscarriages

I haven't seen the movie but my parents have warned me it's gruesome (as in the crucifixion scene). I may give it a miss..i hate gruesome stuff!
How's life with you? Are you still seeing your gynae or have you started seeing Dr Kowa? I'm wondering if I should see someone else. I'm happy with my gynae but just quite pai say that I haven't gone back since last year, even tho he asked to see me after I got back from Vietnam...haha...

Hi curly,
Rest well. One word of advice is that its possible that no problem could be found even after running multiple tests. This was told to me by a midwife in Mt E, while I was still deciding whether to go for a post autopsy. Not only would the monetary costs be high, it is also emotionally draining. And most of the time, the cause to it is never known. She told me to let go and simply just try again. Take heart and be strong!

Hi Tiny,
When something bad happens, its natural that we just want to forget all abt the whole incident and get on with life. But grief that is not properly handled and come to terms with will tend to resurface. Seeing your gynae will bring back past memories of the previous pregnancy, but see it as a starting point to another try and another hope and give yourself a chance to heal and let go. See what your gynae has to say. Say a short prayer before you go.

Hi all,
Yesterday I went to watch Untold Scandal with my hubby. For your info it was R(A), we became so horny that we had to had some action that night. hehehehe, too bad I'm into luteal phase, if not it could have increase my chances of conceiving.
Hi Tiny, the spotting continued for 2 weeks!! I hope mine wont be... I'm not a pad person. It really irritates me plus now I've rashes down under! Yah, actually cant wait for my period to start, so that I can monitor when I'll be ovulating.

I agree that we have to recover emotionally. I am trying so hard! Yesterday, my sis called from Taiwan to ask abt my blood test result and all I could do was cry.... She was in a shock too.

2 of my close girlfriends are also pregnant; we were like a week apart of one another. Thought it would be fun when we go out together... One of them went to see her gynae and they could detect the heart beat already.... I was so envious (and jealous at the same time, which I told her).

I think you should go back to your gynae since you are happy with him, nothing to pai say abt.

Hi java, thanks for the advice. I told my hubby abt it and he thinks that if nothing is wrong with us, then it's just plain bad luck this time. However, if something was found, then it can be rectified? Anyway, we have another 4 weeks before our next appt.

I have been reading many articles on miscarriage to understand it better. I hope the counsellor my gynae recommended would call me soon...

By the way, did you girls resume to work upon expiry of your medical/hospitalisation leave, or earlier? I wanted to get back to work tomorrow but my hubby was very angry with me, saying that I should rest for at least another 2 weeks. So I told my boss that I would be off for another week. I know my boss wants me to report to work as soon as I can, even if he didnt say it. My colleague told me to prepare for "payback time" when I go back! That was what happened to her!
hi gals,

passion of christ not open yet and so we went to watch the eye 2. i was so emotional after watching the show. although it's a horror movie (and it's quite scary), it revolves around pregnancy. i don't really understand why they warn pregnant woman not to watch...okay okay, it's gross and scary to think that ghosts are hanging around pregnant women to reincarnate but in the show, that's how baby's life comes about. that is, a ghost must enter the womb for the baby to be born (reincarnation u see but it's predestined who is going to be ur unborn child). so if any pregnant woman is reading this now, better not watch the movie lah.

tears actually welled up in my eyes when i see the scenes where shu qi did ultrasound scans and she could see her baby (at different stages). i was captured by all the scenes showing the pregnant women and how envious i was on them. and when shu qi thought of aborting the child, i was like 'what the heck?'.

when i thought i have recovered emotionally, i actually felt very low after watching the movie. think that crying at times do help us in healing.

curly, my bleeding lasted for only 3 days. the important thing is not the length of bleeding but a clean discharge. ur gynae will ensure it on ur next appointment. do bear with the itch!

i didn't go to work as mine was over cny. but i was out and running about with visiting from day 2 after d&c. think doc gives us long mc more of the emotional recovery than physical. so, if u feel alright, u can go back to work (with ur hubby's blessing). but do remember not to overstrain urself and eat well.

like what java said, testings may not guarantee that you find out the reasons. for my case, gynae suggested testings and we decided to go ahead. he discovered infection but it remains an unknown if the infection causes the m/c. up to hubby and u to decide. but usually, testings are suggested for women with multiple m/c.

tiny, i went back to dr chan for checkup afterall cos he did the d&c for me. i don't really feel paiseh about it although i did wonder if i will go back to him when i discover i m pregnant the next round. the nurses actually wished me luck when i left the clinic! and i feel quite 'pressurised' - in the sense that if i go back and it is a negative one (touch wood), i have let them down! i know i got to be positive but i learn not to take things granted.

think u shld go back to ur gynae. at least, for a checkup. dr chan actually told me to try again for a couple of months. if i still not pregnant, i m to back to see him and he'll help me track my ovulation period. i thought that sounds more stressful. but it may be helpful if we really hope to get pregnant asap.
java, is untold scandal really so 'horny good'? am thinking of dating hubby to watch during ttc period. hahaha...

but how is the story/ show? gd to watch?
Hi Curly,
I am also not a pad person, so I really hated it too...the 2 wks of spotting was very light so after a while i was wearing panty-liners and just changed more often. And when my 1st AF came, it was very heavy and I hated wearing the pads - urgh!! but no choice I read somewhere that you shouldn't wear tampons shortly after D&C cos your cervix may not have fully closed and may get infection. so i had to awful!
I was given 2 day's MC after D&C and went back to work. Felt fine the day itself actually and went out for family dinner. I'm surprised your doc gave you such long hospitalisation leave, but I guess Millie's right - it's prob more for the emotional than physical healing. Sometimes going back to work helps cos it keeps your mind occupied - it's when I'm on leave or have more time to myself (like lying in bed at night) that I begin to think about these things and feel awful about it...

Millie, I think I'll see him after my AF ends. Anyway, with or without him, I'll still be stressed lor!

Haha, looks like there'll be many of us planning to watch Untold Scandal during BD season, thanks to Java!
hi curly...
take these 3 weeks to rest well... jus rembr this is not the end... but probably the beginning to more wonderful things in the future. if u feel like crying, jus cry it out. u will feel better. its better than keeping all the vented feelings inside u.

for me, i so bled for one week plus after d&c.

hi tiny...
it might do u good to visit ur gynae get the all-okay to go ahead to conceive. i'm sure nothing is wrong...
jus treat it like a normal and routine check.

hi millie...
eee.... ur eye2 description reali gave me the creeps... hehe... i know i shldnt watch any horror movies now... but sometimes, i reali like the thrill.... but eye2 is definitely something i wld never watch. i caught the local movie The New House on fri nite though... creepy but very interesting show.
Hi millie,
Personally I like Untold Scandal. Though my hubby would say its full of crap. I like the romance part and of course Bae Yong Jun's butt. Go watch it!
i also very badly wan to watch..just that its very very far away from home...plaza sing got..hmmm maybe try to catch butt to watch! so exciting..
Hi tiny/millie

It looks like my spotting has kind of stopped (I really hope). Yah, I was very surprised too that my gynae had given me 4 weeks hospitalisation leave. I didnt even expect him to extend after the first week. But he thought I should rest well before heading back to work.

Hi Soyabean, saw your email just now... thanks!! I have decided to report to work next week as it's too boring at home! Most of the time, I am just surfing the net on miscarriage related stuff. I cant wait for the next 3 months to pass, so that I can start trying again! We were told to refrain from sex for a month as it might cause infection....
Hi gals!

I just came back from a terribly long wnd hectic "hloiday" over the weekend. Drove up to Ipoh on Friday morning 6am and then back to Singapore on Sat nite. Then drove to JB for qing ming on Sunday morning. I need time to recover!! Really sit in the car until butt pain!!

Hi Java,yippe! you finally resigned and now you can FOCUS!
Your msg to the angels made me burst out laughing
And you are drooling over beh yong jun?
Did you trail him around Singapore? haha

Hi curly, sorry to hear about your loss. Take the time to rest well. Health is more important than fear of angering boss. You can always find another boss but you cannot find back lost health. Take your time to heal and come i to chat more often.

Hi Tiny, I think we had the discussion about going back to the same gynae before. I have decided to change gynae and change hospital. I can't bear the thought of going back to the same labour room and also my hubby felt very strongly about not going back to the same gynae. Not that she is lousy.. just psychological.

Hi Millie, after hearing you talk about eye 2, I am wondering if I should watch it. I might not be able to take it! I actually wanted to see the body world exhibit but my fren told me that they have a section on fetus in different stages, including one of a preg woman with a 5 month fetus. That woudl have been how my baby looked lik inside me. That stoppped me from going to the exhibition altogether. :p


the nurse just told us that the hcg readings from friday and today shows the hcg level is doubling and looks like a viable pregnancy at 5 weeks (ie. dun look like ectopic). But last friday I did a transvaginal ultrasound scan and nothing found, the uterine lining also very thin. I had bled for 10 days already ... first 5 days was very very heavy and these few days more like spotting but it dun seems to be ending. So now I am more confused than ever. Hope to get more answer when I see my gynae this Friday again.
hi folic...
yeah... i heard from my sis who went for body worlds dat they had pregnant women models...

5 weeks cld still be early to see much... jus remain positive and u'll prob get good news tis fri.
Hi poohy,

Looks like it's good news for you!
Is your gynae giving you any medication? When you said your first 5 days were very heavy, do you mean like heavy menses? So if you didnt test, you wont even know you're preggie? This is indeed confusing.

Hope to hear more good news from you after your gynae visit. Meanwhile, take good care of yourself and your little one.
Hi all,
I just had 2 wisdom teeth taken out (top & bottom left). Top was a just an extraction as it was fully out. Bottom was half hidden by the gum & giving me a headache & lump in my throat the whole week! Had surgery to cut open the gum & the root was so huge my dentist even had to shave off some jawbone to get it out. Had a hard time before it finally was removed in 4 pieces! Now I feel like I've got punched in my left I'm on medical leave for this week and will have to remove the stitches on Sunday. Spent the whole afternoon half asleep & drowsy from the anesthesia & painkillers! It kinda reminded me of the day I had my D&C.

Soyabean, my gynae had already given us the green light to go ahead last Nov. (my D&C was in Sept) But he told me I have PCOS but decided not to put me on any medication or fertility prog since I managed to conceive without any help earlier. For the 1st cycle he actually monitored my follicle growth to make sure that I ovulate normally. Since I did, he said just try naturally and only if nothing happens for a few cycles then he'll put me on some programme. I'm not sure if this is "a few cycles" already?

Folic, the concern I have is not so much if I should change gynae. More if I should just continue to try naturally or go to him for help (as what I said above). Yesterday I bought an OPK test kit from Watsons. Wondering if we should use it or whether it'll just make us more stressed. Just like going to my gynae makes me stressed cos he monitored my follicles so closely...

Hi Poohy, these few days will prob pass super slowly for you. I remember between each gynae visit the days would be torturous! But do try to keep your mind occupied and come in more often for a chat for support & to feel more reassured. Take care.
shuin, all

ya the first 5 days of my bleeding or menses was very very heavy... havent had such heavy flow for long time and its already day 10 today and the flow is still there... lighter but definitely there. I had never had such a long period of bleeding. Meanwhile my gynae has asked me to continue taking the dydrogesterone he gave me last time till friday. Ya I wont even know if I din test early. All these are so confusing...

Tiny u r rite... I was so preoccupied with a thousand "why" after I heard the report today that whole day no mood to work... :p But really gotta concentrate tomorrow onwards.. lots of work to do
Hi Poohy,

Do you think it is possible that you were expecting twins and one of them miscarried? That might explain your heavy flow and then your HCG still doubling now. Did your doc talk about this possibility?

Hi Tiny, I see. I was reading everything in a hurry yesterday. Sometimes, not trying too hard will get positive results
I heard that clomid etc will not be very useful if the woman is already ovulating normally on her own. You might want to check with your doc on this.

Hi Poohy,
Can understand how you feel. Try to think positive... At least you know you're pregnant while others are still trying hard and unsure about their fertility (like me
). It's also a blessing that you've tested early yourself, otherwise you would think it's AF and not take extra good care of yourself. I wish you all the best and keep us posted!

Hi folic,
What you said make some sense hor..
Hi Tiny,

I have the same problem as you. I'm also PCOS but ovulating on my own. This is my 5th month trying, I'm also not sure when I should see a gynae to seek help and medication on conceiving. Really confused and stressed out with this TTC issue.. People around me are getting pregnant while I'm trying hard to lay an egg on time..

thanx for your concerns and encouragement... now can only wait till friday for answers liao. So in the meantime.. just relax lor
I cant seems to find similar cases on the internet after much searching.. so i give up liao also.
Hi Poohy,
Folic may be right about the twins bit. Your gynae would've been able to tell if there were 2 sacs thru a vaginal scan. Apparently it's rather common and called the Vanishing Twin syndrome. actually it happened to me but i didn't wanna bring it up cos the 'surviving twin' ended up in a m/c anyway so i didn't want you to have -ve thoughts...Anyway each case is different so you just have to wait till Fri to see. Meanwhile, don't stress yourself trying to figure out what's happening.

Shuin, are you on any medication? The way you described trying hard to lay an egg on time is so funny. I think our problem isn't laying's laying a good egg! are your cycles regular?

Folic, i know you're right. we jus have to relax..but isn't that seemingly simple solution the difficult part??!!

thanx... maybe really is vanishing twin. Now gotta just relax and dun think abt it lor. Just hope my bleeding will end asap.
Hi Tiny,

You hit right on the nail... It's good quality egg that matters, not the timing.. Well, I decided to see another gynae for a 2nd opinion on my case as I'm having mid-cycle spotting (been having this problem since my late teens! 10 long years already..)

He looked at my previous blood test results and did a vaginal scanning and didnt classify me as a PCOS patient (which my 1st gynae did). We did see a dominant follicle but sad to say it didnt really look normal as it wasnt a nice round shape. How does yours look like? How did your gynae diagnose you as PCOS? At the end of today's session, I didnt really have an answer to my mid-cycle spottings, gynae is puzzled too. But he took a vaginal swap to test if I'm having infection
Hi ladies,

Sorry to have side-tracked from the topic. I've been following this thread closely ever since Linda started it. I dunno why but I always have the feeling that I'll encounter a miscarriage. Pessimistic right? So here I am reading through to prepare myself for the day if it ever comes.

But sad to say, I cant even get myself pregnant! And I'm getting frustrated with myself and sinking into depression. This aside, I want to take this opportunity to tell you ladies here that you've been very strong. And after reading your experiences, my heart goes to you gals and I can feel your sadness and loss. Nevertheless, hope you gals can move on and have a healthy pregnancy soon. Jia you!
Hi Tiny,

Forgot to answer your question. I'm not taking any medication yet, will wait for my results and see gynae again on CD2 to check if I have any polyps. I'm thinking if I should take Clomid..
Shuin, I'm not too clear about my condition, but I only recall my gynae saying I have polycystic ovaries, a condition which makes me produce too much male hormones...which is why my periods are delayed. He also says I produce too many eggs - a string of eggs or something like that. He showed me when he did a scan but I had no idea really, jus saw clump of stuff. I'm always so bad at seeing these things, when he shows me my uterus & my ovaries i can't tell the difference at all. I dunno why I didn't ask him to explain more in detail then (think i was more worried about my fertility) but he assured me that it's easily under control, but he'd rather not do any fertility treatment and would like me to try naturally first since I got pregnant before. It's been half a year since my D&C already, and that's why i'm thinking of going back to see him after this AF ends.

Speaking about cycles, Folic, guess what. My last 2 cycles were 32 & 33 days. I haven't had such short cycles before so let's hope it's permanantly shortened! I remember you said Folic acid helped you regulate your cycles, and since then I've been religiously taking my Folic, so maybe it's working! Thanks!
Hi Tiny, I am glad that you are having more regular cycles
I need to go get new supply of folic acid liao cos I finished mine. I stopped eating for about 2-3 weeks alredy. Hopefully, it will not affect my cycles too much. I am not trying this month, cos if I suceed, I woudl have another Dec baby and I don't think I can handle yet another pregnancy going through the same timeline. The freakish thing was that my menses came early last month and when I went to map out my fertility days at, I realised that the dates become very very similar to when I had my last menses and also my fertile period is exactly the same as last year ( I know cos I had been charting at that time). So that made me sort of chickened out.

Plus, I am going to Italy end of next month, and with teh change in cycle dates, the trip will now coincide with my fertile period. So, we will be real horny in the tuscan valley! :p

Hi Shuin,

Like you, I used to read this thread even before I was preggie. While I felt sad for the ladies who have gone throug this at that time, I could not really relate to this and when it happened, nothing could prepare me to handle the situation.

My advice would be to stay positive and not be too pessimistic. That is very important for TTC and also having a healthy and happy 9 months. Good luck and hope you succeed soon!

Hi folic,
Thanks.. good luck to you too!

Hi Tiny,
Maybe you can see him again when you're ready.. Any idea what fertility treatment he'll put you under?
hi gals,

how do you calculate ur cycle? i hv never been calculating. in the past, just roughly estimate the ovulation period and ttc. and my cycle always quite accurate.

but this mth, my menses a bit haywire. usually, i clear by the 4th day but today is the 5th day and i still have quite a flow. so, does it mean that i need to push back my expected ovulation period?

folic, imaging u folicking in italy! hee....

poohy, really hope that u'll have gd news to share with us!

and shuin, dun be so pessimstic! relax and hope u preggie soon!
Hi Millie,

stop imagining!! you are making me blush :D

For cycle calculation,you count from the first day of the Menses to the day before the next first day. The number of days your bleed does not affect the cycle time calculation.

Hahaha...Folic we'll definintely be thinking of you in Italy at the end of next mth.

It's the way you put it, lah! But seriously, are you going for work again or with your hubby? If you're going with him then not bad timing!!

Millie, this cycle mine's the opposite of yours leh! I'm on Day 4 of my cycle and there's hardly any more flow already. In fact, it was only heavy on the 1st day. Usually, I have at least 2 days of heavy bleeding.
Hi folic,
Wow u are going to Italy. Me planning to go to Norway/Sweden in May. Are you taking advantage of the cheap airfares by British Airways? Or the company send u? I envy u, always get to travel often, that time u said u went Japan right? Yes, holidays are a great time to bb dance.
Shuin, the girls are right. You have to look on the brighter side & not be too pessimistic. I often think all sorts of negative thoughts but it doesn't do any good! In fact it really drains me and I'm learning to put these thoughts aside cos it's so easy to let yourself sink into depression if you don't control it, but at the end of the day, it doesn't help the situation one bit.

I have no idea what fertility treatment my gynae would recommend and at this pt of time I don't really want to know either. Just continue trying first lor...until he feels there's no point trying anymore.

thanx for the well wishes. I must say trying to relax is easier said than done. I am still spotting (day 12) and last few days it was brown now become red again... I am getting really worried
Still got 1 more day before I can see my gynae... I am seriously wondering whether I shd just go GP to get a mc tomorrow. Somehow during the nite when I sleep, I dun really bleed, its only during the day. The dydrogesterone I am taking dun seems to have any effect to stop the bleeding/spotting.
Hi gals,

the Italy trip is my own holiday! I really need a break too! I will be spending about 8 days in Italy. We will be renting a villa in tuscan valley for the first 5-6 days and will drive around to different towns/cities fod day trips. Did you watch under the tuscan sun? Very similar
The remaining days will be spent in Rome, cos my hubby never go Italy before. We are going there with 3 other friends.

Hi Java, no this time is pure holiday. I travel a lot on my work but those are not really fun. I booked the special fare on SQ - $1150 per person cos we have 4 ppl. What is the promo with BA? Sweden/Norway would be nice too
Maybe we meet in the air??

Hi Poohy,

if you are worried about the spotting, why don't you just go to your gynae earlier? At least that would put your mind at ease. I think you should go, cos you are having red spotting. and you should have bed rest and have minimal movement during this period, just in case. Take care!!

woo hoo! Have fun, my dear. a friend of mine made her baby in Europe during their honeymoon & somehow her daughter - extremely pretty - came out looking like she's got some ang mo blood! She says it must have been all that ogling at handsome European men
Hope it works for you too!

On a serious note, it's time you take a nice break, with your hubby. No work, no stress, most condusive for u-know-what.
Hi shuin. I have mid-cycle spotting for the months of Feb & Mar after my mid-trimester D&C on Jan this year. I have checked with the gynae & my friend who is a GP in her mid-50s & both of them said it's normal & will not affect the chances of getting pregnant again. Don't worry too much ok. Perhaps you would like to check with your gynae & update me? Thanks in advance.
Hi Silk,

Thanks for the assurance.. My spottings are always before ovulation, what about yours? I'll be seeing my gynae again on the 2nd day of my next cycle. So far the conclusion is such that it's due to hormonal imbalance.
Hi Silk,

Thanks for the assurance.. My spottings are always before ovulation, what about yours? I'll be seeing my gynae again on the 2nd day of my next cycle. So far the conclusion is such that it's due to hormonal imbalance.
hi shuin. my spotting comes after my menses ie my 1st 3 days is normal flow...then it stopped for 1-2 days & then spotting occurs. From the colour & texture u know that it's not discharge but brown in colour. Never have this before my D&C. Visited my gynae during my mid-cycle spotting. He did an ultrascan & also check via down there & he said it's normal. Nothing alarming. After that I checked with my doctor friend & she again assured me that some gals will get it & will not affect the chances of pregnancy.
Hi Silk,

Thanks for the info. Sometimes mine happened couple of days after AF totally cleared, sometimes a week after. My AF lasts for about a week, and the mid cycle spottings sometimes can stretch up to 10 days! The spottings are brownish discharge, and sometimes red blood stainings...

My gynae will be doing a culture from my vagina fluid and see if there's any infection. If not, then I guess it's hormonal imbalance
HI poohy,
I wish you all the best and may your test results yield good news.

Hi shuin,
A thorough checkup at the gynae should do you good. However, keep positive and trying. Have u done any ultrasound before? It may help to shed some light on the mid cycle spotting.

Hi Java
How i envy u.... A scandinavian trip in May... it has always been my dream to go after Scotland.... Wonder if I will ever have the opportunity..... Maybe u will come back with a MIS (Made In Scandinavian) baby?

Hi Folic,
Italian men are drop dead gorgeous... and not to mention tt the trip will do you both good....
I will be waiting for your news.

well bad news. went for the scan this morning and the gynae still cant find anything. We did a b-HCG blood test and found the hcg level has drop from 800 on monday to 140 today. So he say shd be a misccariage. Gotta take a blood test on Monday again to make sure its dropped.

I am really confused. I knew I had a miscarriage earlier on last week when I bleed very heavily. However end of the week, the hcg level doubled and till yesterday all the urine test shows strong positive... but I continue to bled. So dunno is it one miscarriage or two or wat. sigh
folic, so envy you... going to Italy!! I was there last Sept. You'll love it. Wish you all the best in your baby making session(s)!!

poohy, pls be strong!! dont think about it too much. Stress is no good for you right now... Take care ok??

Someone told me today that 1 miscarriage is equivalent to 3 deliveries!! Hence, strongly advised me to "bu".... But I already got no "bu" for the last 1 week.... My gynae actually reminded me to "bu" when we were in the operation theater.
Hi everyone, have been really busy the last week and came back to find so many postings! Once again I have an awkward question: must we always see the stretchy white mucus when we ovulate? Have psyched myself up to TTC again so I've started using ovulation test kits. Last week, the kit suggested positive result (i.e. ovulation imminent) but there was no mucus!!!

Dear Poohy, I'm really sorry to hear about what happened. Take your time to recover from this incident. Someday, u will conquer any fears and feel good about TTC again.

Hey Tiny, if what ur friend said is true, then my bbs will look like angmohs? Ha ha - must make sure I stare more at the men on the street next time, esp this colleague who is drop dead gorgeous.

Hi Shuin, I'm sure good things will come to all of us here eventually. Do share with us ur feelings and frustrations - this site has helped me in my darkest days.

Folic - don't forget to check out the factory outlets while in Rome!!! Lots of branded stuff at less than 50% of the price! U can ask ur hotel concierge about organised chauffeured trips.
Dear Poohy,
Sorry to hear about the outcome of your checkup. Hope you are recovering from the news. Are you still bleeding? Do take care.

Silk/Shuin, just reading your posts about mid cycle spotting and I think i'm experiencing it (for the 1st time) now! This cycle only Day 1 was heavy, then it tapered off and by Day 4 there was hardly any flow (which is unusual). Then yesterday on Day 6 & today I started spotting again. Slight pink/brownish. is this what you experience? How strange. GUess it's my body's way of telling me to go see my gynae. WIll try to do it sometime this wk or next.

Snuffles, haha...i dunno...but to me (hope i don't offend anyone!) British men not as good looking as the italians or spanish leh!! (not that i'm saying ur babies won't be good-looking, just saying not as nice to ogle so dunno whether got effect or not - heehe...u try & let us know!)


so sorry to read abt the negative news. it is a mystery why ur hcg went up and down. maybe ur gynae cld shed some light? in the meantime, rest well and be strong ok!

and silk, shuin and tiny, i m hving brown discharge too. as mentioned earlier, i had been having heavy flow which stopped about day 5. but since then till now (day 8), i have brown discharge on and off (some days more than others). is it serious? i didn't intend to see gynae but fr silk's posting, it shld be ok right? but i also wonder why like that. didn't happen to me during the 1st m/c.

a question - any of u got slight cramp on and off after AF? i hv it on and off and i don't know if it's anything serious to take note of.

snuffles, cant help u in ur question. i never bother with ovulation kit cos i find it very troublesome. i also never keep notice of the white mucus discharge. i just ttc more often during the expected ovulation period. heee......and wow, if ur baby look too ang moh, pple may start questioning if ur hubby is the father...ha...just kidding! no offence ok?
