Support group - Miscarriages

Hi volf,

Got ur pm liao...Is anyone interested to get 25 OPK to share with volf? Pls do pm me by today or tomorrow okay....

hey volf, reply to u..check email k

hey marble?

I read the fertilityfriends they said if there is a 2nd stage of temp increase then might be preg. but then there are results where even though temp increase, not preg leh...i dun want to get happy so soon 13 DPO liao...

My emotions have been very very unstable lately. Easily cry. U know yday was our anni,then to cheer hb up, I sent him a pot of flowers to his office as a suprise, then who knows he put in a paper bag and say he dun like me send to office coz got 38 will gossip lor. Make me upset. haiz..

I cannot rem this morning if my temp was 36.86 or 36.68, so i rather record as 36.68 leh, the lower one...
Hi Ryes,
got chance leh!
are you overstress by this TTC? take it easy, u just got married, by right can enjoy er ren shi jie for a while, if strike of course will be bonus.

wah your hubby is so fortunate got so romantic wife like u! If I were him i sure show off the pot.

My last pregnancy I got a triphasic somewhere around dpo15. Ya not 100% guaranteed..but if you have HPT, and cannot "lun" anymore, test tomorrow morning. Good luck!
Hey marble, u got the chart still? Can share with me not? Wanna see how it looks like. TOnight then i try upload mine again...

well marble, i lomantic, but he not lomantic. He kept asking me how much how much and say i waste money. see lah, how sad. dun appreciate.

thewife, aiyo, I told myself i dun want test liao, coz i scare i disappointed lor. Also good, coz before that I kept testing till now I xian, which is good lah. haha, no more eager to know liao.. *smiley*. If I have har, i invite all of u to the first month ah!!!
Ryes, the chart is in my thumbdrive which i left in my office. I'm now at home and can only send it to u tomorrow afternoon. ok?

Well, if you cannot wait, then let me describe it a little here:

- temp shift of 0.3 degree on CD12 showing ovulation
- temp stayed flat but high from dpo1-6
- ovulation dip on dpo 7 of about 0.2-0.3 degree
- breast pain and fullness began on dpo8
- dpo8 - dpo14 temp stay elevated but flat.
- dpo15 onward temp started to climb slowly (step-like temp rise)

basically, it was a classical pregnanct chart with classical symptoms!
hey gers,

all the chart thing makes me giddy.....very chim leh.....

u just married not as what thewife mention, must relax n enjoy the honeymoon period. if stike then bonus point also honey moon period...hehe...though already into 9 mths liao.....

today go womb looks gynae ask me to go shopping, watch movie need to stay at home all day long....haha.....also say can exercise n intercourse though only a week......
when i check with him if after DC then have "raw" wound, then he say no...inside is still as per b4.....

my gynae also say the same thing...have to do DC to make sure there is nothing left in the womb to cause infection. cos initially i also ask him if got natural m/c or any medication to let it bleed....he advise otherwise....

whether u preggie anot....just take it as u things slowly, walk slowly, watch diet etc...pretend u preggie just in case la....since u no wanna test early

After seeing my gynae, me n hubby go shopping.....i bought a pair of jeans...gosh....i went a size up.....dunno if my womb back to normal size liao anot got tummy liao ..haiz
today is the chart topic ah......

ya lo.....agree leh....u all sound very chim.....

today go for my follow up. Everything seems fine......I'm glad. my gynae told me that normally there will be no ovulation in the 1st cycle.....then in that case can ML without any worries la....hahaha.....

Hey gals
Do we really need to plot the chart to see clearly when the temp actually went up? u all buy the kit??
Hi Marble,

thanks for sharing, but then hor, I dun have breast pain and fullness which I am expecting that's why I am not pinning high hopes at all.

Hi Janice,
Aiyah, we already ROM last year, stayed together at my parents place before we got ROM, so in a way hor, the honeymoon period already over lor. sob sob. And anyway, age catching up on hubby, so he wants to be a dad soon.

haha, way to go, pretend I am preggie. No lor, no symptoms at all, so sure bo one. Now waiting for AF to come...

Lesson today : Understanding chart
Very simple one lah. once u get the hang of it, u understand ur body temp very well one and it tells u things too. Cheezel, yes, i went to buy the thermometer daily to take my temp lor.

ah, nobody interested to take up 25 OPKs with volf har?
hi cheezel,
oh sorri, so blurr of me...
ya lor...i was a bit upset when i realised tat my cycle is getting longer...used to haf regular cycle but den aft this incident..itz really haywire....every mth when i expect it to come, i pray tat it will visit me on time....some pple say it mite take quite a few mths for it to adjust back to norm.....but i oso know tat some pple 2nd cycle oreadi back to norm depends on ur luck bah...hopefully urs wun be like mine lah....
i juz bot the OPK fm ryes..itz my first time too, so i will try to use it this mth....

no leh..nt 2WW...mine is a few daes before AF n during oreadi CD8 n i still haf mild ache when i haf kopi session wif my friends....dunno why too...

AF no sight yet...well cant wait to hear good news fm u...wan to hear tat u dun nid the kits liao...hehe
Hi d woof,
why dun u try lying flat on your bed -face down - then raise your hands and legs like a plane? it helps to relieve a bit of backache.
hey D_woof,

u receive liao or not har? Dun worry okay, I am worst off than u lah, 2nd AF not even here after 2 months liao hor. Today is myCD 71 liao, 14DPO. I break record liao lah, so long didnt come, so u dun worry okay.

Yours how long liao har?

Hey marble, Are you around? Funny leh, now today temp 36.79 compared yday which is 36.68. I sure hope I didnt see wrongly yday's temp leh. Seriously duno is 36.68 or 36.86...aiyo...
hi ryes, think you got good chance this cycle
my AF visited me yesterday liao
morning ryes,

doesn't matter 36.68 or 86 lah! fact is you got a significant bbt rise! if today 36.79, your chances go up leh! My 3rd phase temp was around 36.9X, from 2nd phase of 36.7X. have u tested?

Hi, anyone got cheap HPT from internet to sell me?
Hi beautiful,

dun give up okay! I very half hearted, so is still hanging in the air.

oei, marble, Զ߾ǰme lor, i selling. interested bo? Is the one that Charis used...I pm u k.

I dont dare to test, coz i scare disappointed. I rather if I am not preggie, let AF come visit me. Dun want test then know is negative, then very cham. Yday night hb ask me test again, i said dun want liao. So is friday, still got 1 more week before is end of June and that would mean I have missed May and June's af.
Hi ryes n janice..

Yup..I had a natural m/c. I didnt do a D & C..but of cos not against my gynae's wishes. 2 of my gynaes said its ok not to hav a D & C. In the west, a lot of women opt to have natural m/c, gynaes give them the option to..cos basically it also safe to do a D& long sa everything clears up. But note that even in a D&C, not everything clears gynaes said actually sometimes there are tiny blood clots left in the uterus, n it only clears up when u hav yr first menses. SO, well there are pros n cons in a D & C, n also natural m/c. I simply chose to do natural..cos mainly I was willing to wait for it to happen. The m/c at home was a terrible experience nevertheless, n i didnt even call my gynae or go hospital during my m/c, i jus endure the whle ordeal at home the whole night..seriously its like labour!It lasted around 8 hours. Well..i can safely safe I have rough idea how labour will feel like..haha. But i also went for follow up few weeks fter the m/c jus before I had my first menses..gynae did blood test n scan..everythings ok he said.

Hi starlite,

Ya..i still have cramps..but my gynae its normal...My fren thinks its gas..which i also get during menses..n it seems as though u having a cramp there. So i guess i shouldnt worry to uch..jus get lots of rest.

Haha..i told u ladies that i was going out ytd with a bunch of kids..well..I had no choice n i knew my MIL would scream! But i jus slowly get ready in the morning..n usually she's busy doing housework or making calls in the basically i sneaked out..cos she was using th phonr..n i jus waved to her bye..nn she jus waved back..haha escaped! But when my hubby came back from course to dump his bag at home, before he went to meet me at one of the kid's place for the birthday party in the evening, my MIL screamed at him! 'WHY U LET YR WIFE GO OUT!! U KNOW SHE SUPPOSE TO REST!!!!' my hubby answer lah. hehe. SHe can be scary sometimes, quite paranoid..always believe that chinese physician..n i hve to eat all kinds of soups..but then again i dont complain much about her lah..quite thankful for her cos she takes care of her children rather well, include me.
Hey Ryes,
as long as your temps have been rising high especially after a dip, chance is quite hi. post your chart here, or test today. You should be able to know the result already.
Hi ryes..

U havent tested? Hey but its ok to wait..until DPO 17 at least. Jus dont think about it..u know life goes on first..take yr mind off it..have dinner, go shopping! That time, I also quite anxious to test n waiting for an accurate result, I purposedly go out to do my own stuff. SO relax n enjoy watever u have now..U know, by the time u know it, u may realise..hey its time to test..n then u test n get positive result! Hehe.
hey ryes,
r u going to wat till end of june then test??one more week to go leh.....

my gynae told me 1st AF will be rather heavy, to wash out eveything inside......i really "pei fu" you leh....natural mc at home ah.....8 hrs somemore......between that time u how many months liao/? dun tell me u saw bb coming out? or is it early miscarriage.....dun think i have the courage to let it come out naturally leh....somemore u no go see doc when that happen...gosh!!

think older pple they just like to nag lah....but te concern is still there la......

i still have 20 OPK with me leh...think i use it after my 1st AF come....
....dunno how long it will last me..if bo liao then i get from u la.....

when u buy the thermometer, does the chart comes along too? or u gals just take graph paper n plot
? hehe....sounds like science or maths lesson. hehehe.......but then hor, that time duno who show the chart here, quite prof plot??...chim!

my gynae say my 1st AF should come in 3 wks excited!! hahaha...lke first time have mens like tat...

I was about 11 weeks..almost 12 weeks..couldnt really make out the baby..but there was a big lump which seem like the sac/water bag n the feature of a 'peanut shaped', which i guess was our baby, inside it. We buried the whole thing. Hey u know, I've been to the US forum on miscarriages, n some women actually delivered (miscarried) their 2nd trimester baby at home..the opted for natural m/c. That must be worse.
I think the Western women..are more brave..For us, I think we jus used seeing doc at the slightest flu n going hospital for something probably slightly more serious. For the west, they see the pharmacist will do..n the docs there are no so kiasu lah i guess. I heard they dont give medication like, clomid, provera, hormone jabs jus like that..they always review n review, n these kind of treatment is always the last resort..if they do put u on that kind of treatment, they will follow-up like crazy.

A lot of them, believe having a natural m/c at home allows the more time to grieve, to look at their be more comfortable..I mean who likes hospitals u tell me..haha. And some of u hav bad experiences with insensitive docs n nurses in the hospitals..well that wouldnt be a prob at home right. SO for me, I chose that have the m/c at the comfort of my home, with my hubby by my side.
Its ok cheezel..its not that bad actually..jus like menses..a super-heavy one..with lots of blood n tissue..hehe..the cramps were bad but bearable..I told myself, I can go thru it..n i did.
Hi thewife, charis and cheezel,

I stopped testing on 10DPO and bo chap liao. So next week is the last week of June, so I will continue to wait. Now I am not gan cheong, but is hb who is gan cheong, kept asking me to test and test till I get so xian whenever it is a BFn.

My chart :

Volf, did u read my email? I need your contact number leh, if not how to contact u later? Cham ah...
like i mentioned, actually after my m/c I am more determined to quit my job and then join my hb for job rotation even tho there is no spouse benefit. Nothing can beat these 2 yrs with hubby, moreover I was living with in laws. So my plan was to have bb and at least can look after the bb myself. I wont have this option if I am in Singapore. Well, now i have to wait another 2 weeks time for the scanning. it is so irritating but i had no choice.

woah Charis,
Ur mil.. heehee quite scary leh.. hahaha
hey icy,

sorry har, now then I get to know more abt u, so am a little confused, what are you talking abt joining hb in job rotation? u mean overseas?
hey icy,

whatjob rotation? u not in sg ??

hey ryes
where u get the chart?

u put the discharge...lumps in a bottle n buried? but nevertheless...i stil think u quite brave lo.....11weeks....thats almost the end of 1st trimester liao hor.....nevermind la.....ZAI JIE ZAI LI......we will have healthy bb SOON!

heeheee Yah my hb joined an training programming which last for 2 yrs.. will go 4 countries, each 6 mths.. like job rotation. So I see gynae also troublesome.

Yes, i am not in singapore, I am in bangkok since feb, proceeding to Taipei soon in aug/sep. So me no job, full time hsemaker.

I got the chart from one. Measure daily my temp then record down one lor.

oh dear, so ur gynae how? have to run abt one ah? Wah so good, in BKK, then gg to taipei..How is BKK? lots of shopping hor. I miss taipei leh...
hello Ryes..

Damn pai seh. Stupid laptop crashed since morn... so couldnt do a freaking thing.. and was at mtgs the whole day! V v sorry.

Nxt MOn can?
Hi volf,

np one lah. I gan cheong, u also gan cheong, otherwise, u wont have called me...kekeke..Thanks for informing..

U keep me updated then we shall meet again lah..
Hi Ryes,

from your chart, it seems too early to tell whether triphasic coz your dpo8 temp was high at 36.8. Need a few more days..

anyway, meanwhile just manage your expectation lah. I understand how it feels when you get your hopes high but AF comes

i'll email you RE the hpt.

no leh, i didnt pay for anything. how come u left 11 days only? is it the VIP membership one..I didnt sign up for that.

Marble, the 36.8 hor is I wake up then forgot to take temp then went back to take one. hahah. so not very zhun.
wah seh! i didnt even know got such website sua ku....haiz.....

do we take the temp first thing in the morning...haben brush teeth yet huh?

then ur gynae not fix one la? hopping ard? BKK!!!! I went there last nov n this yr feb...hehehe....spend like nobody business.....weow....going taipei soon ah.....i miss the xiao chi over much things to eat.....miss the "hao da ji pa".....the thought of it make me drools....
hello ladies...
wow this thread is so "hot" recently.....

hey ryes,
i rcv oreadi mah.....worst of than me..mayb u haf hidden +ve result leh...todae is my CD9 and when shld i use my OPK...mayb i will use it on CD11. i tink i will be veri excited to use the OPK as it is my first time.....i took my temp todae n itz 36.0.....

ok tks..will try tat method....if i sit too long, my back really aches.....
i hope the backache we ladies having here is not due to the DC we went thru....

i have this nagging backache...right at the helps abit when i did the method thewife taught....but then after taht it comes back again......
hey cheezel,
i dun tink itz due to D&C for me as i did it in Feb n the ache happens onli for this mth before my AF turn up...the most possible reason mite be i had too much cold drink this mth which oso lead to severe cramp on CD1.....
HI d woof and cheezel,
the method i mentioned can only relieve a bit lah. Once sit down for long while, will come back. Im also having mild backache since ovulation and feeling a little tired.
btw ladies, do you feel that your body shape has changed a little after the D&C?
hey cheezel,

yeah, u must take the temp before u sit on the bed, get up etc. So u take without brushing teeth first lor. just open eyes, take thermometer and put in mouth. u are taking your temp at rest.

hey d_woof, ah, u know how to use har. No need peel anything out at all okay. Just dip into ur pee and not over the dark mark line and count one thousand, two thousand etc. If u think u wont ovulate so early, no need test on CD11.

weekend is here, where are u girls gg?
yeah! weekends here.....dunno where to go also though my hubby not working tomor....dunno if wan go malaysia shop is too small.....

i just manage to sqeeuze into my denim crop pants happy but i think more fats ard my tummy than the tyre ard my waist hor.....i think not much change la....oh ya.....hip bigger now leh....
wah, go mysia shop shop, not bad idea wor, cheap also. my colleagues mummies all buy their pdts from mysia one...
hey gals,
hapi weekends....

yup..will try lah.....well, i tink will try one on CD11(maybe)....will use the temp to guage lor...but sometimes the temp nt accurate as sometimes i wake up early n sometimes late....
gng to attend my colleague's ROM later....

wa...m'sia shopping oso can mah..moreover sg has GSS......muz travel to all parts of sg..hehe

well i guess by lying flat will be gd lor.....maybe a massage will help to relieve...

HI Cheezel,
ya too around the tummy area, fed up leh, now cannot wear many of my pants.
Hey ladies,
will u still go exercise after ovulation - just in case? I have some chinese herbal drink also dun dare to take first until AF comes.
