Support group - Miscarriages

hey Marble,
your TCM good leh, tell us so many things, mine just say i weak, give me medicine, never explain so detailed. which TCM? i had a cycle with clomid and took TCM herbal soup, temps that month also higher.
Hey d woof,
i use alarm to wake me up for work and measure BBT before i get up. you always oversleep is it?

hey D-woof,

no need to follow exactly lah. Is just a guideline. For me, i test it after i got home from work. but of course the limit fluid one plays a part, coz if drink too much water, the pee is diluted, then LH surge may not be able to pick up. Same goes for 3-4 hrs before testing lor...
hey ladies - is our BBT supposed to go higher when we get our period? AThen dips during luteal period, and goes up again nearing ovulation?
actually i also no know......never monitor BBT b4.....think the gals here will have better ans...they like expert.

u took clomid to regulate mens cos urs not regular after D&C or all along ur mens not so accurate one?
hi volf,

when u are having menses, it should be low low low. Then remain low until u ovulated, then it will shoot up high up and remain high high high.
Hi ladies..

Hmm..u all have been talking a lot about basal temp..using OPKs right? Which Im not really good at..haha. But I did use an OPK once only..n I bought from Guardian, it cost like $60 i think! Didnt use any more ever since..cos Im not so disciplined..can forget.
the wife,

i'm seeing Dr Xia Rong at EYS. but she's moving to china soon so I may need to switch to another one soon.

Hi charis,

read that you are with Dr Fong CW. May I know if he specialises in reproductive medicine, or just normal obstetrics kind of practice? How's he as a gynae? How r his charges like? i am considering seeing him when i get pregnant.
Hi marble..

Yup, I saw him..but jus once..I have a friend who's seeing him. He's highly recommended by other gynaes/docs too.

I dont think he specialise in reproductive med..but i cant confirm. Anyway, he's really experienced..he's been on TV a couple of times cos of his expertise..n he's one of the fav among celebs..he's really experienced in delivery..from the comments I heard.

One minus point about he's not so personal..he doesnt talk much to u..cos he's jus too busy..basically he attends to u..n then off u go. His charges are quite standard around $120-$150..depends on what med u take or if u need any jab or tests.
Charis, those OPK strips used in labs only cost S$3 or lesser!!

In school we got teach the kids about pregnancy and ovulation, so the girls get to test their urine.

The ones the school order is from Ameritek I think. Cost is S$3/strip.

I think got pple buy from those Made in CHina ones, only <S$1/strip!!
me also no good at basal temp. never even once measure unless i gona fever. haha......somemore i have 20 strips with me now...think i just try when my 1st AF come....just to see see how it actually works. i bought the strips online @ less than a dollar n it ships to me in a weeks time.
ryes also have the strips right....u can get fr her ba....i think also cheaper than those sold in phamacy.

hey ladies,
hmmm....beside having irregular cycles, have difficulties getting preggie cos of other reasons?? offence...cos i notice the gynae recommended all quite prof in fertility one....

Mrs Wong,
u can get those strips at less than $1 online n not made in china too....some r even similiar to what clinics r usin for preg test. i notice u post something similiar in other threads too....r u taking those from sch to sell?
Cheezel, cannot take those from school to sell la. We got v strict stock taking
every student that takes one strip during lab time must sign for it

Cos I'm e one who order from the supplier, so can order from him if anyone wants

I saw the price list from my supplier, those that are cheaper than S$1 are Made in China, though the brand is an American brand
They sell to school, they cannot lie about the specs

They are similar, but not the same. I've tried the Made in China ones (samples from supplier) all got false +ve or control not even working. The ones I used to get preggie are the Ameritek ones
oic.....not too sure too....but those i bought online with less than a dollar gives me accurate positive result when i get preggie the other time and confirm with clearblue test kit too.
$3/strip still exp compare to those buy online leh......the made in china one i not too see b4.
Cheezel, the Made in China ones are exactly the same, the strip is thicker but colour and wordings are the same. Just that the packaging never individually label the brand. Only the box got brand. On the individual labels they only print the expiry date.
Hey gals - u can get the OPK fr Ryes at a gd px! I just got fr her today. Nicely packed with
instructions some more ...

Rest of gals - DONT get the OPK test strips from Watsons or Guardian. They are FREAKING Ex at at least $15 for the Watsons brand.

Ryes - Wah- my temp today (1st day menses) is already 36.67 C. So, if it shoots high high, wouldnt I have a fever then? hahaha. So happy today is my 2AF after m/c. But cycle seems to be longer than my previous 28 days before preggy leh. Is this normal?
Hi mrs wong..

How come u here? Came to visit?

Those lab ones are cheap huh. But i dont think we can them in the market.
Charis, ya come here and do some reading

The lab type can get quite easily actually. Just ask them what's e brand then go find the supplier directly. But need to purchase in large quantities, so must get a few pple to share.
ryes, muz store the pee till itz full den go to the toilet n collect....the mth is coming to an excited for u...
Hi thewife,

xiarong is ok, but i find her a bit lacking in enthusiam towards her last days in singapore. she was also acting hesitant over decision-making..but i'm sure her skills are alright.

i may switch back to my previous TCM dr at bt timah. Dr Du Xuemei. i think her skills are pretty good altho' you may have to bear with her temperaments. she's also very responsible. but cons is that you've got to brew your own medicine..very lehcheh. Also in my case, she wants me to be followed up by Dr Fong CW, her partner gynae, once I fall pregnant.
Hey volf,

thanks for making the effort to pick up leh. Hubby said u damn high flyer leh, and VERY VERY sweet okay. He "likes" u alot. haahhha

*scratch head* How come u having AF then temp is so high? What time u took ur temp? I thought by right AF period ur temp sld be low low low. U got chart dwn? monitor then update okay.

Just to assure those who got the OPKs fr me, I have got confirmation that they are made in the US. And it is accurate for my case as I ovulated and got the 2 dark lines.

Volf, sent u a surprise...

hee hee D_woof, i also excited.
Hey Ryes,
your AF not here yet? today DPO16-18 liao? i think quite high chance leh.
My temp again like deadfish...keep having the same temp 36.6, dun fluctuate much, funny right?
oh ya ryes,
abt 3 more days to go leh.....hehehe....wish u luck hor! take the 1st urine better! dun go wee wee at night....hahaha

mrs wong,
but u r pregnant right? u dun need the strips liao ma so y do u still want to order?

ya lo...those sold at pharmacy very exp...thats y initially i didnt buy until i chance upon those online one.
alamak, my gynae dun deliver liao! Now on the look out for gynae.....

you all heard of dr christopher chong? i read up abt him in the mother&amp;baby magz
Hey ryes...

Wat u mean ah?? Wat happen to yr gynae anyway? Hmm..looking out for another? Have not heard of him. I always hear of Dr. Ann Tan in magazines.

Got a lot of recommendations..
he is stil operating, but he dun deliver liao lor. he do minor operations now i think..i also duno leh, hubby just called to ask...

christopher chong appear in the magz together with ann tan one lor...but then i dun want female leh...

I reading up forum to find nw...are u on msn one?
yes, c. chong at glens one...

ann tan seems good, famous also. but then like u say have to wait like xiao lor...
a qn to ask har, when u all change gynae, they will sure to ask u, have u have abortion before when u register right.

we say no, then must say abt miscarriage?
Yes..they will sure ask u..standard procedure..yr 1st or 2nd child etc, usually either the nurse ask n jots down info, or they give u a form to fill out all yr details.. when i was in RH, i filled out a form. I think they will ask if u had an m/c before..if they dont, i think u should tell.
Hi Ryes - ahahha. Yr hubby is sooo funny! Oei - if I am high flyer, then no nd to work leow lah! And don't get jealous ya? *wink*

I can celebrate now, cos am done with the big mtgs for this wk. Phew. Hubby told me we are going for a gd dinner tonite cos I also piah work at home for the past wk. Said he has never seen me so hardworking before. hahah

Hey - think I took my temp after I bathed in the morn .. so maybe it's so high. Today - 36.36C. Lower &amp; I think more normal.
Hi ladies..

Anyone knows where to get fresh tea leaves n flowers? Those 'ang moh' pepermint, cammomile, etc..I need tea, I need tea! Caffeine is not so good during pregnancy, but some tea seems to be looking for those i can brew on my own..its also to ease my MS.
hey volf,

alamak, canno take ur temp after bathe lah. U are suppose to take when u open eyes, wake up still lying in bed. Your BBT is your at rest temp...So sa-la liao...tomorrow try again. Keep your thermometer beside u, once alarm ring, open eye, still lying dwn, fumble for thermometer then measure...

Hey charis, those teas considered safe? I know taka basement got sell. bishan dun have? I dun dare drink tea...U having MS liao ah? have u seen gynae?
Oh taka basement..ya i remember now.

Yup..i checked with mrs wong..who's a certified nutritionist..hehe..She says its fine..I also checked out pregnancy diet seems some 'ang moh' tea like pepermint n camomile is safe. But not our lipton tea, etc..those with leaves..cos i think they have high caffeine concentration..

When u all preggie, must stay off caffeine..if need to drink, then jus a cup the most. I read it can caffeine can cause m/c if taken in high concentration..some stuff got hidden caffeine like coke, chocolates! Ah my favourite!

Ya, i seem to have MS. Its not severe though no vomitting..basically nausea, headache, giddiness with tummy queasiness, then got hunger pangs..which funny..I jus eat 1 cracker n the pangs stop. The MS is on n off anytime during the day..mine seems to heightened in the afternoon..n when I get into a motion sickness.

No havent seen gynae.. Should be this sat. HOpe can see baby's heartbeat by then. I should be only 6 weeks..the most 7.

in that case, keep somthing in ur bag to munch on when u feel the MS coming. so even on the rd, u will feel better?

i hear green tea is ok....but brew it light....just drink a cup to curb the MS......

u after how many cycles then got preggie??

hope u r able to see bb heartbeat on sat. at least it put a load off.......

thats what happen to me ....i book japan trip in march for jul...then get preggie in may....but at that time i check with my gynae...he say shouldnt be a prob to go for even that time when i know i preggie, we still continue with the planned trip. but who knows kana m/ just take the trip to relax

prob u check with ur gynae??

well, it also depends on where u going ba....short trip should be fine ba
Mystique..No..havent seen yet. Didnt want to see too early. Hmm..U are new here?

I had 3 cycles b4 preggie now.

Did u book a hol pkg or jus air tickets? Anyway, i think u can get a gynae's letter n ask him to certify unfit for travel..then may give u a full refund..or at least some refund.

We were going to Sydney for hol, when I discovered i was preggie in Jan, but decided to go ahead with the hol..then I had the m/c in Feb, so got the gynae to write a letter which we gave to Qantas n we got a full refund.
Also depends on yr gynae..My gynae didnt allow me to travel during my 1st tri..but we still decided to go ahead with the hol..but didnt go in the end cos of the m/c.

Some gynaes are less conservative..they would say short holidays is fine..unless u have spotting..etc..then I think shouldnt travel at all. I think its best to wait after 1st trimester though.
hey charis,

how does MS feels like? LIke want to vomit? really will orrrr like that? Or what?

Hi thewife, for me, i wont take the risk to travel. I very kia si one and plus my hubby wont allow me to travel also esp if during 1st trimester...
Ryes, like u feel unwell, want to vomit..but may not really feel like u want to vomit also..sometimes its a queasy feeling in the tummy, or like u feel super hungry yr tummy is doin somersaults..its an uncomfortable feeling. U'll know is MS..cos never expce it b4 at other times.
ya...heard many ppl advise agst travelling during 1st trimester..that time if i know i preggie, i wont have plan for holiday trip liao...just play safe.....

but then when i told my gynae abt my trip he told me its ok even when at tat time i have slight spotting......

depends on how u see it ba.....the best is wait till 1st trim over...then can safely travel during 2nd trim.....but then i think the 9 months of pregnancy also very impt regardless which trimesters......u never know whats gona happen during the process......dunno y....after the mc, i feel more "scared" n "gan cheong" abt the whole pregnancy.....
hey ladies,

confirm b4 1st AF, the chances of ovulating very small right? scare kana b4 1st AF come.....else dunno if the preganancy will be stable anot

cannot say that ovulating chances very small. everything must play safe. my gynae asked us use protection.

Or practice withdrawal, but also dangerous.
huh!....we didnt use any protection cos thought prob the chances very low cos my gynae say normally wont ovulate till 2nd cycle.

my hubby was just saying if really preggie again so fast now.....then bb can survive anot....haiz
mmm...i duno leh, but my gynae adviced us to use protection lor, so we buy lor.

It is best to let ur womb rest really. Besides, when the gynae see u, he will ask u when is ur last menses date, then u dun have how?

ya, my gynae told me he has cases where his patient get preggie within the 1st month....but didnt elaborate further ....jst mention they have healthy baby tat time.....

think better take precaution as advise ba......

meanwhile i just wait for my AF to come.....
