Support group - Miscarriages

volf20 & Charis,
Thanks for the info. Is there any advantages and disadvantages for dlivery at same and different hospital??

yeah, i also same same until I realised my colleagues and some friends were all eating.. and they love Eu Ren Seng Brand lor. Why not just try, they were say after mense eat most impt.

hey icy,
i have colleagues taking the eu ren seng brand too. how much it cost? normally i just buy fr the normal medical hall...dunno what brand....hmm...the container is dull green colour one.

ya lo....i super very free now lo...if at work, i have no time to come in n chat chat liao lo....only can do that at night.

10 days after O u tested positive? wow...thats very early...i also have very painful n swollen boobs that time. but it all started with backache...then supper good appetite n then breast very full like tat....

when do u know which days to test for ovulation? which day to start? just keep testing till we seethe lines? then like tat can use up many strips leh?

i bought the kits b4 i know i preggie. who knows when it ship to me, i already tested positive. tot i wont get the chance to use.....who knows m.c, then now can use liao lo......
Hi thewife,

wah 10 days is vey very early leh.I give up liao...

Hey cheezel, u have to see how is ur menses cycle. i tested fr day 13 onwards...ah, so now u can use liao lah....
Hey Ryes,
tested early doesnt mean its healthy. no worries, i think that TCS actress Pan Ling Ling only realise that she was preggie at almost 3rd month, maybe she has irregular mense lor.
hey ryes,
ur AF no sign yet izzit? well gt chance huh.....

i oso juz got it fm ryes the OPK...Mmmm, my first time too...todae CD6 so cant use it now.....nw my cycle not very regular so dunno when to start too...but according to ryes itz abt 10daes onwards...if 1st time u test -ve den u test 2 daes later lor (tat's wat i m planning to do, if not very siong)

do update me...

wat i know abt bai feng yuan is also to so called replenish ur blood after ur menses..coz it shld be taken after ur is also to reduce ur PMS like cramp.....i tink it is similiar to western EPO
They cost around $40+ for 6 small boxes. I cant remember that is the original price or the sale price then. :p
hi thewife and D_woof

haiz, think no more chance. today my temp dip dwn to 36.51 leh, from yday 36.7. AF not here yet, but I keep having this nagging cramp on my right side lor. Duno what happen.

D_woof, you can wait till u observe some watery CM or like alot of discharge, u bloating etc symptoms then u test your OPK to see. I did that when I realised I was like not getting any postive results. And see, my May period didnt even come,so I would have wasted so many. But lucky lucky lor, mged to test and got the + results.

Hi icy,
do you by any chance frequent femalebrides too?
hi ryes, same as you, my bbt has been dropping for the past 3 days - 36.89->36.80->36.69

i am now experiencing the crampy feeling of AF, so sianz...
mission failed again

btw, is the nagging cramp always at your right side or it moves around? be careful if it's a one-sided pain.
Hey Ryes,
which day after AF are you in now? for some people, they experience a dip in their temp at around DPO7-10 which may be a sign of implantation. BTW, FF chart confirms that I'd ovulated on sunday at CD45 and I only suspect it after the temp rise on Mon, so didnt try hard, only BD brief one on sat morning.

Hi Cheezel,
I also just bought Bai Feng Wan 2 weeks ago - the one for EYS is really ex but they said the ingredients are different.
hey beautiful,

It is a one sided pain leh. How? What does it mean? It doesnt move ard leh...

Hi thewife, Me? My 2nd AF not here yet lor, since april's 1st one...

hey BD brief one on sat morning also means got BD mah, so sunday ovulated, so got chance leh.
HI volf..

THe ovulation test kit. I bought mine at guardian. But I recommend that u ask Ryes, cos she's selling them at a good rate. Right ryes?
Hi icy,

Of course have differences. Fees, service, professionalism, n the facilities can vary a lot. U may want to consider location also. Like for me, I prefer Mt. A, cos its near to home.
Anyway, ladies..I had spotting and cramps..which lasted longer than usual this worried. But then no more already. Anyway, we so hubby sent me home to rest asap. But still dont want to see gynae so soon. I'm only the most 5 weeks preggie..cant see anything..probably no heartbeat more uncertain, more stress! n i dont want gynae to jab my butt..for nothing..I mean at least we see something, then mybe he can jab..but he doesnt see anything then what for jab. I dont like horse hormones inside me, or going to my baby! i crazy or wat?! Anyway, for now Im jus rallying some church friends to pray for us.
i still think better to see gynae once u have spotting. how long it last? hmmm....could it be implantation bleeding? but better to see gynae early even though cannot see heartbeat. not necessary need injection right? sometimes hormone pills will do the trick if its not serious....ahhaa....ya ya horse urine u mean!....but not all horse la...only preggie horse....hehe

which brand u bought? my 1st mens haven that means i wait for the mens to come then i consume the bai feng yuan for this case right? i hope AF come soon....cos i going japan for holiday soon.....

think i have too much tonic liao.....many pimples popping on my face. now can even see some on neck n hands....jialai...better ask my mom not to make any more tonic soup.
Hi Charis,

I sure hope u are feeling much better today. What are you doing infront of the pc har!!!! GO back to bed and rest! Prop your legs up high on the pillow and REST REST REST! My fren was confined to the bed u know, eat ,drink everything. Go toilet, push her on wheelchair or those roller chairs one. Her mum wanted her to pee on bed pan, but she refused. And after all these and jabs, her bb came out healthy. So important, REST.

I have pm to volf liao..Thaaanks....Was telling her any of u wanna share with her not, then can get good price.

Hey! What's this horse urine thing abt??? tell me!

Hey cheezel, when u gg japan! yday i saw the tv, say to join michael to hokkaido leh! Told hb abt it, he say, can, go lor. come back both of us be chicken and duck, sell backside lor. WTH...

yeah, too much tonic got pimple, so must drink longan red dates...
Hi ryes n cheezel..

Hey..ya thanks for encouragement.

My MIL screamed at me also..cos we havent told her about me being pregnant..then tis morning, I came back from my parents' house, n she ask why I look so no choice have to announce to her..Cos we scared she not happy I get preggie so fast after the m/c. Well..she wasnt happy..but she also scold me..'why u go out still huh! U'd better rest at home!!' Then jus now, lunch-time, she said 'maybe u not pregnant, maybe jus hormone imbalance b4 menses'..hmm..duh..Confirm Im preggie lah..Anyway i dont want to upset myself, so i jus keep quiet. Now, I feel like goin to gynae jus to prove to her im pregnant..but then after that I sure kena house arrest! Anyway, she's telling me to stop being on the comp already!
I'm jus praying n resting..

Anyway, if our cycles are longer then wont it be different growth of the baby from those whose cycles are shorter. FOr eg, I'm 31 days ovulation time n someone who's 28 days, differs right..hers maybe earlier, mine I maybe by date 6 weeks preggie..based on counting by LMP (last menstral period), but Im only 10 days late, around 24 days after ovulation only..the baby should be only 4 weeks plus. U get what i mean? How gynaes calculate like that?
ur mil sounds fierce leh....aiya old pple r like tat one mom also ask me to go bedrest after m/c. say cannot walk too much. but u now spotting, so definitely have to rest lo. go lie down n sleep la......prob when ur hubby back from work then go see gynae just to confirm...think u will feel more reassure abt the spotting thing ma.....

yeah...i going hokkaido. but not the one on the tv...think that one is somewhere late jul. i going on te 10th. 7 days. that time book when they have promotions for early birds.....ya lo...think i come back also must tighten belt liao....heheh..hope i wont spend a bomb there...but dunno if can go hotspring anot leh.

longan red dates drink can curb the heatiness?
that time i preggie n by 6 weeks also no heartbeat n i try to console myself by using this calcluation...say prob my baby only 4 weeks so development think gynae also judge the size of the waterbag and also the LMP to determine how many weeks preggie b4 the heartbeat is seen?? then from there based on the development of the baby??

u stay with ur MIL one ah? Yeah, they are very concern one when esp their DIL is preggie one. But funny lor, why would she think u are lying when u are really preggie right./ Dun let it bother u k.

Gynae also hv problem calculating one, so what my gynae did was to "estimate" my LMP in Jan (Jan I didnt come), and then scan to see how big bb is and estimate from bb's size one. SO dun worry okay.

Wah, shiok leh, go 7 days leh. How much how much? we spent 8K for our HM, excluding the package fee ah, total 14K, now so broke liao, cannot go anywhere, must repay debts. haha.

longan red dates is liang one right? I think so leh, hb always boil that for me to drink.

i spend total abt 4.4k for the pkg.....dun think got much things to buy there ba...somemore 90% of the meals r think still ok.
wah lao...ur HM so exp...u go europe ah?.....never mind la....can go short trips ? bintan, bali.....just to relax...who knows u come back then got good news liao....

i also no know if its liang one leh....hmmm.....later i ask my mom.....if so then think i better drink more. i look at the pimpls i feel so "shxt"....
4.4K for the package nia, exclude expenses and shopping?

Yeah, I went to spain and portugal lor, long distance honeymoon, otherwise next time got family cannot go liao.

Put pimple cream bian, need to bu our health back.

My customary was this year Feb 06, ROM last year May 05...
Hi Charis,

I also think its better to go and see gynae, though spotting can be normal for some pregnant women, its still safer and more re-assuring to learn that everything is fine from gynae.

If you think now u are only at 5 weeks, then do not expect to see any heartbeat....of course, seeing it would be a bonus but if not just tell yourself that its stil in the early stage.

i think at 5 wks, u shd be able to see the sac. I went to see my gynae last tue and he said im 5 wks plus pregnant and can see the sac.

what is the date of your 1st day of your last menses? Mine was on 2 May. So this week, my gynae said i 6 wks plus.
ya...4.4k for te pkg only. expenses n shopping not included. think hokkaido quite exp compare to other area of japan. dunno y.....

ya can travel, the time bb time to travel liao....

now at my parents no pimple cream lo.....lazy to go n buy also......

so u newly married la.....

ya ...tat time me 5 weeks also can see sac liao....6mm only. very small .....
Hi beautiful,
which DPO are you in? if the temps fluctuate a little bit should be ok la. Cramps may mean AF coming or waterbag growing.
Hey Ryes,
i mean which DPO are you in? if its about DPO10 maybe its implantation when your temp drop.
Hi Charis
dun scan too early, it may not be good accordingly to chinese physician. blood test better can check your HCG level and progress at this early stage. If lack of hormone, maybe can inject. in the meantime, take a good rest! your MIL very bad leh, should be more encouraging. Mine ask me to try again next year, this year recover first.
yeah, kind of newly married lah.
Mine that time also abt 6mm nia..

Yoz thewife, me already DPO13 leh. Tomorrow is the doom day 14 liao. You think so? Give me hope give me hope.
Hi Ryes

Got yr PM already (sorry din reply cos at work..) Tks! How many sticks did you gals use before you got preggie? Dunno how many to get leh.

What is DPO?

I had my 1st AF in end May. Today supposed to hv my menses (calculated based on 28 day cycle) - but so far nothing leh. Isit normal? I used to have a 28 day cycle... maybe cycle has changed since ? So, do we continue to BD till I kana menses?
Hi volf,

no problem lah. DPO is days past ur ovulation date lor...My 2nd AF didnt report until today since April, so i think maybe have to take some time for u to arrive for 2nd AF?

cheezel, u gg with which agency?
Hi ladies..

Thanks for all the advice n encouragement. Yup, I stay with my in laws..they r Christians too, so they are rather nice n concerned, but not very understanding sometimes..paranoid lah..u know old people..anyway, they are not that old haha..early 50s.

Im getting lots of rest..really lots..for a person who's quite active..I've been lying on the bed staring up the ceiling n updating ppl on my condition since this morning..Anyway, I've youth work tmrw..bringing a bunch of kids to the movie..but dont worry I wont exert myself..i got no choice cos I planned the outing earlier so I have to be there at least..I've got other adults with i no need to stress. Not seeing gynae n me must hold on till maybe fri or sat, then I'll see the gynae.

Hi starlite,

Mine LMP was 12 May. Yours is a how many days cycle? Mine actually on average is 31-32 days..cos my past 3 cycles after the m/c, is not as regular.

Previously, mine at 4 weeks plus could see the sac too..less than 1 cm though. Then 1 week later, can see the pulse (heartbeat) from the tiny tiny baby already..

Ya..i guess calculation is based on several factors..i think everything is an estimate..different women different measurements i guess.

Hi ryes,

I guess u can try at DPO14..if u have lots of test kits at yr dispense..i guess no harm testng as many as u like..hehe. But if negative, dont be discouraged u know..cos may still be early..

Hi cheezel..

My ROM n chinese dinner was Nov last year..then I had a church wedding this Feb..2 weddings..haha.
me sign with chan bros.

hey volf,
u trying for bb now? after ur 1st AF?....seems like the mens cycle will go slightly haywire after DC hor?

nevertheless...think u should still be careful tomor ....u never know whats gona be like with a bunch of kiddies at times.

hey ryes,
forget to ans ur qns on the horse urine thing.....think the active ingredient in the hormone pills r make of horse urine....not too sure for the type used for preggie woman....but i know those used for woman with menopause, r make of preggie horse urine.
...think prob the same ba since Charis mention just now too.
Hi Charis,

Mine cycle is around 29-31 days. But since last dec, it got a bit haywire all of a sudden so Gynae advised i take clomid to regulate my menses.

Mind if i asked what happen in your last pregnancy?
Hi Ryes,
i also dun know le. but you are newly married and Im sure you are young, have loads of time, so no worries lah.
Hey Cheezel, i got married in Jul'04, coming to 2 years.
Hi Charis,
you are also considered newly married!
married for 2 yrs still ok ma....i have frens married 3-4 yrs then settle down to have kids.

so no worries.....though i married last than a yr, still feel like old liao.....haiz.....
HI cheezel,

ah, I went with chan brothers too. They are good. Intially signed up blindly with ananda and now there is rumours they are closing dwn, heng we got back refund early this month after chasing them for 3 mths ah.

Well thewife, newly married, but then, where got consider young. Hubby's age is catching up and if I miss June this mth, which the EDD is March, it would past my hubby's birthday liao...
dun put too much pressure on yourself ok.....even if it past EDD march, as long as bb healthy can liao....

where u intend to go initially? i no hear of the rumour leh......
Hi starlite..

My previous was doing fine from 4-7weeks..then 8 week, baby no heartbeat..n not growing. I also didnt have symptoms of threatened m/c..except I spotted once or twice..which was considered normal to my gynae..I had preggie symptoms like tender breasts, but no MS at all. I waited a week then went to another 2 gynaes for 2nd that's another 3 weeks in all..only on week 11..then i miscarried. I had a natural m/c at home, no D & C.

Do you have cramps? When is it considered serious? Im having cramps on off..but no more spotting.
hey gals,
wow.....this thread is so active liao....comes alive...
recently haf backache..dunno y leh....

gng to Europe? when? my cycle oso went haywire liao after m/c....last time used to haf regular cycle of ard 28-30daes but den now is abt long.....i tink nid time to adjust back to normal...
hi gals,
sorry to interrupt... needed to clear something up. longan red date tea is NOT cooling, it'a heaty drink, dat's why after birth or m/c, need to drink longan red dates instead of plain water... if feeling heaty, can dilute wif more water, or stop drinking for a few days
thanks for the info....i have checked with my mom already.....its not really very heaty la unless u really make those super thick one...but its definitely not "cool" drink....normally dilute one will do also....

u make a mistake....i no go europe...i going hokkaido....its ryes who went europe for holiday....hehe....

CD34-38 quite long already leh compared to ur usual 28-30 days......dunno if my one will be like tat.....
Hi Charis,

what do you mean by natural m/c? My gyane strongly suggested D&C to clear up anything that is left inside the womb to ensure there is no complications etc and also to stop the bleeding. Did u go back for follow up and check up?

Ah, my longgan red dates is not those super thick one also. I ask hb to make it very very dilute, just want a taste of it.
this morning took my bbt hor, funny leh, it raised up to 36.68 from yday 36.51. is my 13 DPO according to the fertilityfriend...
kekekek, u also quite old bird here leh, see ur posting already 3000+. HOw have u been? I was in femalebrides when I was planning my wedding then hop over to here....
Hi Charis,

Yes, i do have cramps on the off too. Think if cramping is accompanied by spotting, its better to see gynae early.

I decided to see gynae early so that he could do whatever he can to ensure the pregancny is ok esp during this critical period. I hope the projestrone jab he gave me help in one way or another. if everything went well, i think the pain is worth it.
