Support group - Miscarriages

Hello gals!

Today is the last day of CNY. Hope you gals have enjoyed yourselves

Hi val,
We gals here will miss you if you leave... Do take care, the weather is not very good recently.

Hi coral,
Do take extra care
Look forward and be positive
The past cannot be changed. Our future cannot be predicted, but certainly will be affected by our mindset.

I am seeing my gynae next week
Fingers crossed that things will be fine. I just went to HMV and bought a number of soothing classical music to de-stress
. I will be ok.
Hi bestwishes,
Thank you
Yes, I will continue to jia you!
You gotta jia you also ok?
No doubt, sometimes I will fall into a negative mood when something is wrong. But I gotta tell myself to look forward and how to solve the problem rather than just thinking of the problem. I have thalassemia trait and am now anaemic (haemoglobin reading only 11.4). On the positive side, I dun faint anymore as compared to the first few months of pregnancy...
So my condition is improving, just that I did not do a bloodtest at the first trimester when I fainted...
Hi lyn

we shall jiayou together

Im not TTC now perhaps end of the year when i could be more confidence, healing well physically and emotionally.
Since talking to the gals here, i've already "kan kai" alot and doesn't feel so emotional, sort of returning to pre pregnancy mentally. Im near there already *Yeah*

dun worry too much, im sure ur gynae will monitor ur situation closely, glad that you are staying optimistic, keeping ur stress level down. i wish that im as strong as u too, the spirit of overcoming every obstacles in front of us.

You are my inspiration
hi coral,
glad to hear tat...all the best to u n take xtra care huh....

hey bestwishes,
i bot the clover liao...hope tat it will bring me luck den....

muz stay +ve n b hapi...we'll keep our fingers crossed for u too
coral : really happy for you...

today see my af arrive .. so sian.. been having migraine, tot there will be good news, can be my val day present for hubby.. sigh.. so sad..
hello bestwishes,
i bot the necklace for $35....flower design...saw the apple design...very nice too....watever u see online u can see in the shop lor, they sell other stuff too....the shop is located at level 1

dun b upset..try harder dust to u

hey gals,
my spotting after D&C cleared after 7daes but den after the brownish spotting, when there's discharge, it's yellowish..izit normal...oso todae i realise tat the discharge quite sticky like mucus like tat.....dunno any infection or normal? very concern pls advise....
hi dest

it's still a V day gift for ur hb except the gift is still making in process
Next mth will be successful

hi woofy
i can't wait to rush to the shop...*LOLS*
May good luck follow u always!

my discharge also yellowish but there's no itchness or discomfort?

Do u feel any discomfort, itchness, weird odour etc?

If so, it might be infection
Dear ladies, I'm really so touched by your encouragement. I have not told anyone about my preg except hb. So been keeping any worries I have to myself. On Sat during dinner, MIL pointed the the table beside us and said with envy that the old man so young already grandfather. I know what she's trying to say but I'm not ready to tell them about my preg. Not after I know what she did to me. (I'll not elaborate as I dunno whether she did it intentionally, but my SIL let the cat out of the bag and HB and I were shocked by some thing she did.)
I was feeling very stressed and low spirited due to MIL's nagging on Sat and Sun, but am so glad to find comfort here. I'll jia you!
Dest, don't despair, baby dust to you. Like bestwishes says, making in process. And soon you'll see the BFP.
Lyn, jia you. You have always been strong, and now you will be too. We're here to pray for yu and your bb boy. We all have to be positive.
Val, I'll try to PM you later.
2 more months before i lose the chance to have a doggie baby... must jia you liao..last nite played with my new born niece, pat her to sleep, then at night missed my ansel so much... cry again..then this morning messaged hubby to tell him how much i miss our baby, he said he too, especially when he helped in the delivery.. sigh..i think hubby is also very upset over the loss..i realise i have never really tot of how he felt, maybe becos he always appear strong for me..really wish all these want true..really wish i am going to deliver two days later..
Hello gals

Long time didnt chat with you gals liao. How's everyone?

Coral - Congratulation to you
I'm so happy for you. Yeah! Stay positive and be dont stress yourself.
dest, do stay strong.. i believe u are a strong lady..

still wanna wish u gd luck and hope ur bb dreams will come true soon..
destitonia, let's look forward.
Don't stress yourself about ebing a doggie mum. Relax will make ttc process more enjoyable. And you knwo you can conceive so it's just a matter of time. A piggy bb is fine too so long as bb is healthy and good. Jia you.

Thank you confused and Gardeline. Actually, I'm still not very certain, I need confirmation from gynae, I need to see the scan to believe it's happening. Yet I'm so afraid to see gynae that's why the delay.
hama and coral: thks for your encouragement..i also just realise that i still have not really gotten over the grief..have been thinking i am fine oredi..only know after last nite that i still am so upset..
dest. we're human with feelings so it's normal to still feel upset about what happened. Just don let the saddness overwhelm you. You hv been brave so you'll be strong enough to face teh future n hv lots of healthy bb soon. I just saw gynae becos of fever. Told him to scan and set my mind at ease. Can only see the sac, too early to see more...Your turn will be soon if you believe and start building your future.
hi dest

i agree with coral, it's just a matter of time that your dreams will come true.
see our graduates here (I've read the post from the start, 2002)
As time goes by, their dreams come true and so happy to see the pics of their bb here.
Hope to hear good news from you next mth

hi coral
u must be very happy to see the sac
another few weeks will be happy for you
Hi Bestwishes,
Thank you very much for the encouragement

Hi dwoof,
Thank you

Why not give your gynae a call or visit your gynae to check if it's infection? If it's sticky like yeast or cheese, it's yeast infection.

Hi destitonia,
Try not to stress over TTC
This type of stress can hinder implantation also. Wish you your dreams will come true soon
. Baby dust to you...

Hi Coral,
Thank you
I am keeping myself busy with my work and business
. I was very touched that my supervisor in UK still cares about me... I want to graduate soon...
So that will keep me busy from "hu si luan xiang"

Meanwhile, you also try to stay positive and think of happy moments ok?
It's not easy to go through the pregnancy not letting anyone else around you know... I did not let my family know till 12 weeks. I could still hide my tummy and wear normal clothes till 16 weeks...
Jia you!

Hi Gardeline,
How are you doing? Still very busy at work?

Hi Hamasaki,
How are you and baby doing? Still playing music for baby?
Hi Lyn, glad to know you have some distractions. My boss is really an expert, today I went in to have a meeting with her, the moment I sat down she says: you're preg. I was shocked and looked at her. She said: you hv that look. I had to admit but told her I've not told the rest of the colleagues. She asked why am I in such a rush and I told her I'm not young anymore and I'm ready and my gynae thinks I'm ready so...Now she's counting which are the months I can't travel. Gosh! That's stressful. But I told her I'll try to keep things as normal as I can.
hi lyn, me and bb is doing well... been feeling so tired the past few days... dunno why also...
I am still playing music for my baby but bb tends to fall asleep if hear those boring songs... hahahaha

how abt you and ur little one...
have u started buying bb stuffs yet?
hi hama, what kinda music r u playing for bb? i'm a lazy mum, never plays any music for my bb, only asks my hb to sing lullaby to bb which bb seems to enjoy a lot.
hello missy.. long time no chat... how are u and baby...

I'm playing Classicial music for bb.. Mozart cds... bb will listen for a while then doze off soon... think these type of songs can make them sleepy... hahahha..
Hi coral,
Wow... Your boss has very sharp eyes... Probably it's good that your boss knows about it too, so that she can plan the tasks for you early
I think you have a good boos
At least she knows when you can and cannot travel.

Hi hama,
I just started shopping and looking at babies' things last weekend and bought 6 milk bottles! haha... bought on impulse! My hubby nearly wanna buy a pair of Clarks shoes for baby... Other than that, haven't buy anything. What about you? When I shop around, I realised I dunno so many things.. Making me a bit "kan cheong". kekeke... I think I will buy the minimum to survive. I hope I resist.. haha.. I told myself to stop buying clothes for myself, but last Sunday ended buying another dress...

I bought 6 cds last weekend too... kekeke... 4 classical music and 2 cds for kids... I do like to listen to classical, so not too bad
. I think my baby seems to be dancing inside when I am enjoying those music... hahaha... I have mozart music too, but from the normal classical range. For me, I think those "mozart for babies" cds are overpriced. Classical music dun cost that much... ;) I would love my baby to play piano next time so now still looking for nice piano music.

k gotta go out for dinner
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hello missy...
Wow.. your hubby is so sweet.. can sing lullaby to baby
You bought everything ready? Time really flies... You gonna see your baby very soon...
hama, that's nice. I heard that in future when bb is born, and when they get disturbed or cry, just play the music that they're always listening to when in your womb, they'll calm down and relax and even fall asleep. So i think it's a wise move to let bb listen to music. Missy, you're clever to let hb sing lullaby to bb. this helps to bond bb and daddy and next time daddy can also help coax bb to sleep.
Lyn, you prob want to curb your urge to shop, cos you may receive lots of gifts when bb is born, it's not too late to buy after that. Just get the basic or thsoe that you need right fromt he start. But I think first time parents tend to want to buy lots for bb...
Hmmm Lyn, my boss is counting which months I can't travel so as to ensure I complete my travelling needs before I can't. I hope I can see her in such positive way as you...
thanx for ur suggestion.....the yellowish discharge is clear waiting for my mense to come.......
hello lyn....
think I have the bb list that u might need to get for ur little darling... in my pc documents..
Do u wanna have it ? I can email to u...

wow, ur darling sure know how to enjoy those classical music.. that's good...
btw, have u started to feel bb kicks and movements yet?
hi coral... yeah, i heard many ppl telling me that too....
added on, these type of music will help to stimulate their brain and kids will grow up smarter..
Bestwishes, thak s for sharing.

Will be away from office for two days so shall not have the chance to pop in so frequently.

Have a great day ladies!
Lyn, i also realised i'm at a loss when buying bb stuff, seems like a endless list. so far, i'm already '7788'. but still scare i will miss out something. hehe... my hb only knows 4 lullabies, so he will only sing this 4 songs everytime but bb really enjoys a lot, can even recognise his voice now, he will kick when my hb stop after 1 lullaby.

Hama, i'm not a classical type person, that's why i never buy those bb mozart, scare later i will the one end up dozing off instead of bb.

Coral, ya, i told hb he's must have some bonding with bb now, in future can help me coax bb too. u don't worry too much, take things 1 step at a time, think positive. i'm sure things will turn out fine. take care.
hi missy.... that's so sweet of ur hb to sing songs to ur boy.... a great bonding between the both of them...

hahahaha missy.. sometimes i do nearly doze off in my chair when listening to those music.. so maybe my bb follow suit as well...
Hi coral,
Remember to take good care
Health and safety more important
Work is just work, just to pass time and provide some income

A nice friend has offered me to pass me her baby's clothes... I really gotta curb the urge to buy and buy...
Come to think of it, at least your boss does planning ahead
There are some who dun, which can cause lots of frustrations, mis-communication, and tension...

Hi hama,
Yap yap... It will be nice to have a list.. kekeke.. Then I can see from the list what I will need to buy. Please email to me.. Thank you very much in advance.

I started to feel baby kicks already. At night, when I lie down I can see my tummy moving... haha... Now I am trying to coax baby to sleep at 10am. Every nite gotta tell baby it's dark already, time to sleep. Someone taught me that
I am hoping my baby dun need nite feeds from second month
. Now my baby still very active at about midnite...

Hi missy,
Your hubby so sweet can sing lullaby to baby...
My hubby tries to talk to baby.. but I think he dunno what to talk also.. haha... must ask my hubby to go and learn some lullaby already... My gynae asked my hubby to help me to massage my tummy which he will do when he remembers... kekeke...

I bought a CD titled "Lovely Baby Bach". Quite nice with music and baby's voice. Very cute one... hama.. maybe you will not fall asleep with this one...
hi lyn... not a problem.. I have send the list to u.. Pls check mail...

those bb kicks and movements feeling is so great right... U will feel it more as wks passes by..
I simply love those feeling and seeing my tummy move up and down, left to right at times.. so cute and funny...

hehheheheh Lyn, me not intending to get more of those classical music since both me and baby dun Appreciate such songs..

Btw, how's ur V-day celebrations.. did u and hb exchange gifts and had a great day...
Hi for bb ah...I started quite late. Now every morning I listen to 92.4 but yeah loh, quite boring. Then yesterday I bought the Einstein VCD for infant...very boring leh, why is it highly recommended? BB responses more readily to those taiwanese variety shows...hee hee...

Wah Lyn six milk bottles ah...different sizes? Heard newborn use those 4 oz enuf already wor. Got buy those?
hey those MTB,
i heard tat "tai jiao" is very really haf to make an effort to appreciate all those "high class" thingy......even thou boring oso muz try lah....for the sake of the bb
hi d woof... yup what u said is true... so that's why i played those music and read books to bb..

thou the music is boring, but i still play it even when bb is asleep...
Hi ladies...

Is this a miscarriage support group?

I hd a miscarriage very recently. Opted for a natural m/ d & c..Painful expce but nevertheless overcame with GOD's grace.

Anyone else didnt do a DnC?
Hi Charis
Sorry to hear about ur loss...I had a chemical pregnancy a couple of mths need for me to do D&C...

Hi droopy,
I used to listen to FM92.4 daily... kekeke... I am a classical person. I think there's a change in DJ recently, the music they play in the afternoon nowadays is pretty boring to me... So I buy CDs to listen now
I read that if you want your baby to play piano next time, good to start listening to pure piano music. I am looking for a nice one
. If any of you come across, let me know
My hubby and me still deciding between violin or piano.. hahaha...
Bought the milk bottles on impulse... 3 tall and 3 wide neck. I dunno how many oz leh... Must refrain from going shopping liao... Later buy those uneccessary things again... waste $$...

Hi dwoof,
I read that "tai jiao" is important. Infant's teaching is also very important up to 6 years old... My friend sending her son for development class. She registered her son at 4 months already, now still in the queue...
